asking college boys questions girls are too afraid to ask! *EXPLICIT*

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one two three go so for today's video we're going to be answering some questions that I put my Instagram they will not stop laughing so I put a pool on my Instagram and asked you guys to ask me questions that you guys are too afraid to ask guys you guys wanna introduce yourselves I'm Nick I'm Jordan I'm Sam I'm Justin question yeah are we live while we're filming I feel like I'm in the matrix is it offensive to ask guys how tall they are no no under five eight five seven and honestly I probably cry myself to sleep every night with the amount of tender messages that I get left on a bed with that do they see my why do guys leave girls I read their be a mad dry like sometimes I don't ever do it to be mean or rude why do guys take so long to respond I like one of the notifications pile up I wait to open them till I want to respond for a while should you ask her to dinner or should you tell her to do you guys care if girls have acne no I don't know cuz I'd be getting a zit every now and then yeah same like is it more about appearance or personality personality personality do looks matter so yes tiny but it's more about personality yes if I was with a ten and she had a terrible personality I would not want to stay with her but if I was with a six who had a great personality I'd rather be with her actually good answers I'm surprised rest of them the guys find other guys attractive even if you're straight what about like guys that you see like a high school or college like would you be like always attractive Island I don't think I've ever really thought that I think my friends look good sometimes can I do a quick story time tonight we're partying a little bit we have a picture of Justin it's been slightly modified to look like a girl we show it to Sam short girls or tall girls short thank you it depends how much taller I've never been in that situation though how often do guys think about sex five to six times a minute never really kept track of how many times like are we talking like per hour yeah like if you're single you might be thinking about it a lot more maybe if I saw something on Instagram and I see somebody that's like hot it just runs through my mind and it's not even my fault that would never happen that wouldn't happen to me either I'd have that me all the time sorry you guys learn how to have sex by watching porn you can't learn to ride a bike by watching like a bike race you know practice makes perfect our guys actually gross out by periods I'm not no yeah it's a natural dancer our guy's grossed out it's a girl farts like is that no I think that's the funniest thing in the world together you can't be together that's exactly do you guys care more if a girl has a bigger butt or bigger boobs I've been talking to dudes before but for really both ways is asking you what you prefer as one hundred percent all the way what's more important a girl's face or her body that's a trick question I'm gonna go for a prettier face if they wanted to change their body I could work out with them you can't change your face but you could change your body that's why you guys prefer girls with no makeup or with makeup no no man really yeah messy bun want to wear makeup wear makeup you guys really care about a girl's weight I got this one like five times you don't no not at all if I like them enough it wouldn't matter you guys are like too nice for these answers blondes or brunettes brunettes blondes as well either way would you look at a blonde wig or a brunette wig you guys talk about girls when they're together like if you guys forever sleep over sometimes dude it's literally all the time girl you would like pile the tea to like your guy friends I'd spill it yeah because you need some homies still yeah my wingman would you date a girl who's a virgin and waiting till marriage yeah I've already had sex you guys find a cute when girls are intelligent or is it attractive and girls act stupid no I think it's very attractive when they're smarter than me dunno like what a stupid yeah like that so oh my god ever date somebody who's dumber than me yeah you guys start girls social medias click on their visto on their bio I would do it like once just to see what they look like yeah should girls make the first mover guys I would love if a girl made a first move because it's never happened it's expected that guy should so you do guys get offended if their friends hang out their ex no personal picture this say you have a best friend and you know like you guys like ponies and you date this girl for like maybe 1 or 2 years or something and then your best friend slides in and starts hanging out with her that would be I would give me mad actually I forgive me might be the only that'd be the only scenario but the only that happened at one of us in here would you ever turn down a girl if they wanted to have sex on the first date they were too pushy yeah yes I think probably you guys cry yes I'm sweating okay next question do guys leave girls and open for attention or because they're genuinely not interested if you want attention why would you not put in there but then it's to keep them you know they keep them like you know that's playing game what is going on guys it is your boy Maddie [ __ ] smokes what happens when a guy gets a boner in front of class that would be an issue it's never happened in a presentation cuz like when you're in like a high like intense situation what happened hold up guys I gotta address my boner right now why does it stop because like 30 minutes and it will turn welcome back hey guys if you like their girl what would you do to impress her insult his confidence a turn-on or eternal confidence is a good thing yes she's got to be body posi bro what's the most attractive quality and a girl that ass we were talking about [Music] what's the most attractive quality in a girl Justin's mom was the question a girl could have oh my gosh her smile yeah yeah if they're really funny I find that if she laughs and my jokes she will what a guys notice first about a girl her smile I'm gonna go with how she's like talking in the group you can tell a lot about of somebody's personality by the way they're like talking in a group you know yeah like kills and they're just like like me and they're just think it's gross when a girl parties a lot know is the unattractive when girls talk negative about themselves yeah unattractive it's just like annoying it's annoying like it girls like I look fat yes like you don't like out then you can tell them you like it all right is it hard to pee with a boner yes dude unless you're aiming for the ceiling way to every guy get like a boner in the morning not every morning I haven't missed a morning in like a hundred eighty seven days listen if you're like that what's better that [ __ ] I do sex how sloppy wait until marriage you guys find it more attractive when a girl works out I do well I don't work out personally so you guys liked it better when a girl skinny or when their [Music] what'd you guys find annoying about girls want to talk about their exes if they need to like talk about it you know to get over it like what a [ __ ] is going on for like like seven months I could get annoying [Laughter] what just hair lengths matter I like longer hair I prefer longer as well how do you guys feel about body hair oh if a girl wants to grow her leg hair out that's finally where thank you no problem with body crop tops on guys yes or no does a girl's body count matter too nope no no no what if it was like 25 would you be like intimidated or care nah it'd be like throwing a hot dog down a subway rather have a girl that's hot / sexier girl that's cute pretty cool I'm not most cute / pretty is better than hataway's yourself what's the best outfit a girl can wear nothing I smile when girls they can put their hair up sometimes it comes around the back Oh what's read Karlin type yeah dude I'm a few wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt we have the same style athletic clothes or like jeans look at that jeans I think it depends I'm talking about how can girls tell if a guy likes them I say I like you I'll be flirting my ass off and then when I actually come up to somebody I like I'll be like mmm how are they gonna know that I won't flirt with you why don't guys post about their girl on their social media I don't have a girl we're going to Taco Bell now is all the questions that you guys asked me so that was the end of this video thank you to them for being in this video with me make sure to follow me on Instagram and subscribe to my channel if you want to smash that like button smash [Music] mom get out of here don't be mean do you prefer blondes or brunettes do you want to wait till you go look at this and not yourself okay look at myself dude if you had the pie oh my god
Channel: Cora Shircel
Views: 7,977,120
Rating: 4.9410787 out of 5
Keywords: asking boys questions girls are too afraid to ask, girls, q and a, q & a, question and answer, guys, boys, college, college boys, college guys, men, explicit
Id: gue53F33wkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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