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there are new developments tonight new details and a shocking story about sex and status and possibly statutory rape nurse reportedly gave as many as 150 pregnancy tests Gloucester Massachusetts says there's no we have not been able to confirm the existence of the past why would girls so young want to have a baby in the first place and should the school system the media or Society shoulder any of the responsibility for what happened [Music] Carissa is this funny to you so you're just gonna pee on the tip here right or you can use the plastic cup that's in the bathroom and you can just stick the tip inside okay bring it back to me she just went to the bathroom foreign oh hey [Music] there's something you both need to know hey Troy hey let's just hang out just you and me no I want to but I don't want you getting in trouble again [ __ ] [Music] all right hey Daddy hey bud how you doing how's it going I'm good hey Jessie hey what's going on how's that Wicked I'm yours doing just pitched you know hit it yesterday I heard yeah have you seen any fish lately if I had to be reading about it in the newspaper hey bud your mom's uh cutting a path in there so keep it low all right you're late three minutes not even well it'll be four if you don't get started and you go Jesse a big favorite Apple thank you so we have two big stories in the news today one a woman running for president just picked up a big state in the primary yes and the other is a 16 year old girl pregnant shopping for a crib now I know what life I'd want but who is your role model that's the question of the day at I'm Sydney Bloom talking about the issues that you should be talking about post a comment and I'll be back at you tomorrow come take a look at this what's up well this is my old high school in Gloucester pregnancies at the high school have spiked more than three times the normal number this year instead of the expected three or four pregnancies this year there were 10 10. it's not that big of a school do you see your school made headlines today I always made sure my girls were at home every night eight o'clock you and Michael have a curfew for Sarah I'm sure they make me be home by 9 30 and I'm 15. Carol radaza's daughter had a midnight curfew now she's asking the council for baby clothes oh now that's none of our concern our job is to help not to Judd look who's getting in line to be the next Mother Teresa their friends are weird you know hey that's getting full you want to bring to the back where are you going Gloucester I'm gonna do my blog from there for a week or so really you're going back there teen birth rates are up for the first time in 15 years all over the country I'm going to Gloucester to see if I can figure out what's going on you want to come no [Music] you're pregnant thank you [Music] foreign [Music] I feel this big rush so are you gonna tell Troy I don't know we only hooked up that one time still you should tell him why this is her baby and besides you never told what's his name how could I tell him I mean who's gone to Nebraska or whatever by the time I found out oh my God I have a tiny baby inside of me I know I hope we all have girls oh my God that would be so cool having a little girl to hang out with and be my best friend we'd get little matching outfits and I'd paint her fingernails I'll see you guys later this is perfect you're gonna have a little baby inside I'm so excited I can't believe this mom mom hey Mom what you cooking today John don't let her smoke leave me alone just one drag [Music] quiet Chris I just found out she's pregnant why are you hanging out with the girls girls skanky no they're nine don't be knocking my girls a big snob just wait till I'm playing for the Red Sox man my nose is going to be so high up in the air no it's not I won't let it oh but you're just gonna be worse [Music] fixing married ball players they're always stuck up Mary another sophomore had a positive pregnancy test today and this woman is saying it's not a school problem Lorraine Dugan president of the family values Council Sarah's mom right runs the restaurant on 4th Street she runs a restaurant she's not in my clinic every day she doesn't know the first thing about what we're dealing with here true but it's an opinion piece she's entitled to her excuse me Mr Bachman can I please have him if this is about your request to the school it is and I would really like your support before I go into the meeting next week I'm sorry but you know I don't believe in providing contraceptives here at school it's not our job but now that the numbers have gone up so dramatically I agree I think we should at least consider changing there are girls trying to get pregnant at this school which means birth control wouldn't make a bit of difference this is an issue for families and the school committee so let's not waste time in a debate oh did nearly 500 higher than normal because of all the people coming in to say they saw you in the paper I doubt that all my friends are jealous of me that I have such a big shot Mom oh really just yesterday they all felt sorry for you because your father and I are such ogres I never said ogres I just said that Sarah honey going up is not a race Russian will not get you there any faster I know but you guys treat me like I'm nine and I just wish that sometimes maybe who's home want to get your father a plate hey Daddy Dana casserole coming up okay what do they say I said wait in line behind eight other guys waiting for work how you do at the restaurant come on I'll probably won't get the mortgage paid you wanna make me a list fine yeah make a list I'm done eating if that's all right with you yeah hold on hold on a second could or his parents gonna be there this time it's fine it's fine go ahead I like Jesse it's been way too much time over there if you ask me well I think we should count our blessing she could be running after some kid with no sense or into drugs Jessie's a good kid goes to church good morals still 17 year old boy they're not much for keeping their pants on if you know what I mean well not Sarah she's got respect for herself I trust me you're serious right about us getting married I couldn't imagine being married to anyone else I wish I was 16 now then we could get married what you know I was thinking more like after we graduate no like after you've been in college a while but you'll graduate way before me and who knows if we'll even go to college why would you say that all you've got to do is apply to whatever school I go to and we'll be Sarah gonna work out trust me [Music] crap this would be my dad so we're here in Gloucester Ground Zero of a teen pregnancy epidemic and I gotta say it pretty much looks the exact same as when I lived here looks nice right it's friendly don't let it fool you when I lived here this town was tighter than a can of sardines it's very isolated though only one Bridge connected to the rest of the world it's very conservative very Catholic for someone who only lived here for two years like me it can be lonely I didn't have a lot of friends although I did have one boyfriend I haven't spoken to him since I left hello father thank you so much what a lovely lovely service and we uh we'll talk to you about the rummage sale maybe the bulletin lovely sermon hello Roger where's Abby this morning yeah I'm sure to see your sister Sarah and Jesse really suit each other don't you think you should leave your hair back more sexy yeah for now luckily puppy love wears off and Winchester to focused on getting into college ladies Jesse give a man a little degree and he becomes a snob stop is Shameless speaking of Shameless the school nurse got the birth control issue on the school committee agenda to never get through not on my watch I hope you're right I have to go I guess I'm gonna drink the rain you're still here yeah you probably don't remember me I can't say I remember your name but but your face is familiar Sydney Bloom I used to come in here every Friday night with Brady Larry oh yeah yeah sit over there make moony eyes at each other yep what happened you went away suddenly we moved to Florida for my dad's job we moved a lot what brings you back I have a Blog a video blog it's on teen issues and I've been focusing on teen pregnancy recently and I hear that there's been a lot of that around here lately and I was hoping that I could get some interviews with some of the kids you know just try and gain perspective I don't think it's really appropriate subject matter for a Blog It's A Private Matter between a girl and her family we should respect that you think we're right back to get your order look I know opinions are pretty intrinsic about this that's your clever way of telling me I'm hard-headed nurse history class is a [ __ ] huh totally screwed my GPA I was so stressed about college apps and getting financial aid now I can just take a year off and play with the baby what about Paul I thought you guys were going to NYU together oh he's going to Salem State now he didn't go to New York anyway why would he because that's what guys do they leave not Paul he said there's no way he's not gonna see his kid grow up same with John [Music] should we have a big wedding or a small wedding California on the beach or something [Music] here no I cannot wait to get out of this town still with their families we could have the reception in the restaurant I know my mom's gonna give me [Music] I love you we're gonna be so happy [Music] [Music] can you even believe them no I'm like foreign [Music] swear to God no one tells Jesse I made this happen he can't no we all swear swear Sarah stop worrying it's done you're gonna have a baby oh my God I'm gonna have a baby [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign why are you mad I don't know maybe because I already made this mistake maybe because you decided to bring another mouth to feed into this house when I can barely feed you you better plan on getting a job to support that baby and I am not going to be your built-in babysitter understand what is your deal you always turn to Mush around babies you know I thought you'd be kind of Pumped about getting to be a grandma and everything who wants to be a grandmother at 31 Carissa who hi my name is Sydney Bloom maybe you're the person I spoke to yesterday about an interview with the school nurse oh yes I told her about you but she's not in a school committee meeting what about um principal walking he's on his way out hello I'm Cindy Bloom I'm with today is not a good day try me on Friday Friday um okay what what time on Friday have you been what are you doing here I'm here for work uh I have a video blog and I know I've seen it oh well then you know it's on teen issues and I heard about the pregnancy Spike here at the school so I came down I was hoping to get some interviews with the principal the school nurse you if you'd like to talk about it you're doing a story on teen pregnancy you pretty impactful on a kid's life don't you think look do us both a favor find some other place to do your story [Music] [Music] oh sorry oh my bad sorry I'm so tired I can't even see I had to work till 11 last night and Adam here woke me up at two wouldn't let me go back to sleep a little booger so this is a daycare for students thank God otherwise I wouldn't be about to graduate can you hold him a sec sure [Music] it's like you should grow extra arms when you have a kid so my mom is freaking out about the baby I thought she'd be psyched she will be you don't know that hi okay I'm Cindy Bloom from I was actually wondering if I could ask you girls some questions the family values council is adamantly opposed to putting contraceptives in the school birth control is a private family matter it does not belong in a public school that clearly untrue we have daycare centers in our schools yes yes so that the girls who have babies can stay in school right but basically we're dealing with teen pregnancy in our Public Schools after the fact why can't we just prevent it before but we are we are preventing it before the fact with abstinence programs but if you provide birth control you're all but encouraging these kids to have sex they're gonna have sex anyway listen I am sorry I have given almost 150 pregnancy tests this year we have to provide birth control options at our schools because our kids are having sex yes yes some are and some drink alcohol and some do drugs but does that mean we should hand out beer on Friday nights or hand out pot you can't possibly teach the importance of waiting for sex if you're handing out condoms at the same time you undermine the whole abstinence message right so while you and I are arguing about the message our girls are getting pregnant at an epidemic rate excuse me it is hardly an epidemic really because 18 girls are pregnant you don't think that's an epidemic the number reported to me was 10. yes that's right it was 10 two months ago it's 18 now well then it is even more important to provide higher standards for our kids and stick with those higher standards no matter what but if you give birth control you might as well say to these kids we give up on you go and do what you're gonna do not give up on our kids like that 18 pregnancies now if they all decide to have those babies we're going to be talking about 18 young mothers that are going to be struggling to finish High School let alone College why isn't this a bigger deal why isn't it in the newspaper every single day but no no it's just another day in Gloucester where being a young teenage mother is practically a rite of passage no I'm not accepting it you have no choice I'm resigning in protest why not stay and fight because no one will back me up and you haven't been much help either I'm trying to keep the lines of communication open here because I know how important this is please Beth try to be a little more flexible ready when you have to get [Music] together until now just take my damn letter [Music] so you're gonna tell Jesse tonight yeah I'm gonna make it all romantic and everything he's been gone till late every day because of stupid baseball but tonight is gonna be perfect and then I could be on Cindy's Vlog with you guys it's gonna be so cool hey Carissa what's this crap I heard about me being the one who knocked you up who told you that I heard you said you were trying to get pregnant and that you caught baby fever from Rose or something like that who told you that I never said that okay look whatever so am I the father or what do you care I don't fine then go get away from me fine freak I swear to God Sarah I didn't tell anyone anything then how did he find out hey what's up no thank you I just can't wait to see you later me neither I gotta go see it [Music] thank you foreign [Music] did you just throw up yeah that was weird I'm gonna get in there are you okay you have a fever I'm not sick it was just the smell of those onions what am I doing did you just say [Music] Sarah look at me what are you pregnant [Music] don't be mad please don't be mad oh no please you don't have to do this please [Music] [Music] foreign I need to talk to your son what's this about quiet you you think you're a man come on out here talk to me like a man no you're not going anywhere not until I know what the hell this is about tell you what this is about your son took advantage of my daughter she's pregnant I'm so sorry I just don't understand it I always told her you valued yourself you don't give it away she's not that kind of girl I'm the kind of girl that gets into trouble I want to ring the kid's neck believe me oh yeah well a lot of good that would have done look it's happened it's happened she has to face the humiliation we have to face the humiliation right but it was you who kept saying it's okay sweetie sure go on over there's okay to go over there I trust Sarah that's what you said why not of course I trust Sarah why wouldn't I listen I trust her too but I told you something like this could happen I told you a kid like that has one thing on his mind all right one thing supposed to be your area you're supposed to be the queen of abstinence you can't even convince your own daughter I'm not trying to touch it so you're her father where were you what was I supposed to say was I supposed to keep her locked upstairs in her room yeah why this happened enough [Music] Jesse wait why don't you pick up when I call I don't know why you're acting like this like what how am I supposed to act I don't know maybe a little bit happy we're gonna have a baby Sarah how can I be happy when I feel so guilty and stupid I should have pulled out every time or figured out how to get condoms without anyone knowing what does that matter now does it matter it matters if I ruined your life and my life no you didn't ruin anything everything's perfect and yes I did it Sarah I did okay so me Rose and Sarah we all went to kindergarten together and IRS since fourth grade and I've known them since middle school and all of our kids are going to be in the same grade and be best friends too we get to dress them up in cute little matching outfits and bring them here to the park and play together I'm gonna cook them dinner every night and we're never gonna yell at them you girls sound like getting pregnant's a good thing did you want to get pregnant I didn't want to be pregnant no one our age really wants to get pregnant it just sort of happens well not a few take steps to prevent it did you ever talk to your parents about birth control did you think that you'd get in trouble yeah my mom wouldn't have cared if I told her that I was doing it I mean it's just none of her business my sex life you know my mom's not just kind of wasted all the time my grandma gave me the whole don't get Knocked Up speech but still you don't think it's gonna happen to you and then it happens to you and well you sort of just got a deal [Music] so Sarah I met some of your friends and they're all pregnant but not you are you sexually active if you are are you using protection what would you do if you found out that you were pregnant [Music] are you pregnant I bet your mom's upset [Music] think about my baby and then I was gonna have Jessie's eyes and Jesse's laugh I already love her so much but nobody else says and I don't know why Sarah I'm sure that if you decide to keep it that your baby will be very much loved what do you mean if of course I'm gonna have her that's all I want to think about [Music] today I put faces to the disturbing fact that one in six girls in the United States will actually have a child before she's the age of 20. I don't want to take away a new Mother's Joy but these girls are living in a fantasy land they think that being pregnant and having a child is like a Huggies commercial they have no idea of the hardships that they and their babies are really going to face like finishing High School getting into college getting a job buying groceries and I don't understand why they aren't thinking about these things and why hasn't anyone else made them think about these things given them a reality check I'll bring home some beef stew for supper thanks will um do you want me to come to work after school I don't know bye you're nice to other girls who get pregnant the council gives them all kinds of stuff why can't you be nice to me because you knew better because I talk to you I talked you over and over about sex about how important it is the way to get married all you ever said that one thing quitting's hard I love Jesse and he loves me I wanted to do it so I guess I'm just a [ __ ] because I'm going to hell it's Sarah don't you dare talk to your mother that way hold on someone says that Porter from Time Magazine I want your comment on the pregnancy Spike well Time Magazine does not belong in our business no comment no Mr Bachman isn't here today he's doing crisis management right now our school nurse resigned yeah I heard what about the uh assistant principal then Brady maybe he can stand in doesn't hurt to ask Brady there's a Miss Bloom here to see you Caitlin no candy we're about to have lunch [Music] I'm Sorry Miss Bloom but Brady says that he doesn't wish to speak to you and that I should ask you to leave the premises I don't think you should go why are you blowing me off like you don't even know me I just got an email from the superintendent asking all School Employees to stop speaking in the Press maybe it's time for you to tie off your story I just started I'm trying to figure these girls out for who for yourself I kind of think you're just using them how am I using them you're filming them you're putting them on the Internet yeah I'm giving them a chance to talk about what's going on with them is anyone else talking to them or is it all just behind closed doors talking about them you don't understand the implication I can't it's my daughter's birthday and we're taking her to lunch sister today [Music] so are you pitching today yeah and throw some heat wish I could go watch you know sit in the stand's all stuck up because let's go I'm ready to look it on [Applause] [Music] so then when will I find out if I got a spot oh honey I don't know the school doesn't run the daycare but you'll find out over the summer you should have turned in your application sooner shut up Iris oh sorry Mr Bachmann laughs the top messages from the superintendent said to tell you to be sure to check your email this morning first thing oh and there's someone waiting for you been waiting an hour principal Bachmann Kathleen Kingsbury Time Magazine I was wondering if you had a few minutes to help me with a story suppose I could spare some time for time last day of summer John's cousin's getting us some beer we're gonna party big even you Carissa I'll just have a sip for like half a drink Carissa if I see you drink in your hand I will remove it this is our last chance to just run around and have fun I saw your blog you know you think that we have no idea what to expect but I have a little brother I know exactly what it's going to be like yeah everyone's acting like we're too young to have a kid but in the old days girls I enjoy has had kids so it can't be that bad yeah I mean Mary the mother of Jesus was only 14 right although I doubt that in the old days young girls were trudging through the woods with a 30 pack of beer plus they were all married and they didn't need two incomes just to survive well me and John are going to get married probably this summer and well Sarah she married Jesse today I mean if he was talking to her shut up we talk well does that mean Carissa should marry Troy yeah right Becca needs condoms does anyone have condoms just two chicken to go in and buy them figures well how about you Sydney why don't you go get her some condoms okay if you come in with me really really can we have some more please just gonna think I'm about to sleep with a little football team is that true that she buys all these condoms would you think that she's a [ __ ] I don't know probably okay you're right it's embarrassing to buy condoms totally so um why'd you make me commit because when I was your age I was too embarrassed and I know that at some point you have to decide if you want to be uncomfortable for a couple of minutes or extremely uncomfortable for nine months the pick so I just want to go on record that I kind of do think that maybe you're a little too young to be having sex yeah well everyone age is doing it not everyone in fact not even most everyone pretty sure half of them are lying about it okay I'm just saying you know I mean good for you for thinking for yourself well there's no way I'm gonna end up like them bye Hey Jessie it's for coming [Music] I missed you did you miss me like crazy [Music] don't say it if it isn't true [Music] don't be real with you I've been miserable my chest has been hurting everything has been hurting this is our baby Jesse here's Daddy [Music] don't you want him my dad said he'd pay to take care of it I'd never do that we can work at the fish house and we could get married we could be happy here like my parents and years Sarah I don't want to stay here I want to go to college play baseball I never wanted to do what about me I thought you left me I knew that's not what I'm saying I'm saying I I want you to come with me and go to college and we don't want to go anywhere this is home okay I don't want to leave and you won't either the ones you see the baby I love you Jesse more than anything [Music] okay next up is rummage sale okay uh now last year we raised six thousand dollars and this year we'd like to raise thirteen thousand dollars so we can get an extra slot at the daycare center in the high school I'm Excuse me can we just rewind for a second did you say it cost thirteen thousand dollars for one slot at the daycare that's the cost yes now father Mann has offered to let us put a call for items in the church bulletin so maybe somebody can I'm sorry I just want to understand you'd rather raise thirteen thousand dollars for one slot at the daycare when you could just pass out a condom that costs about a buck we're not going to pass out contraceptives to children at school now we're talking about fundraising yes yes I know what about the cost to the children children of teenage moms are more likely to be abused to wind up in foster care maybe even prison Ms Bloom if you don't have anything Sarah is very lucky to have you to help her and her baby but not all young girls have that kind of this is [Music] maybe it's a good thing everybody knows not having to hide a thing suddenly makes it easier to deal with easier than what there's nothing going to be easy about this our health insurance is a joke I'm not bringing in any money are we supposed to be in hospital bills are we gonna buy diapers well Jesse's family does just fine maybe just he'll marry her you know that's not gonna happen no no I don't know that I look one way or the other he's the father and and they need to contribute I am not we are not asking them for money you might as well put our hand out for welfare we'll make it work Mike we'll find a way [Music] [Music] pretty hi thanks for coming to see me I thought you might change your mind I didn't actually a few times but you sounded upset on the phone so I just need to talk to somebody that I know in this town you know who knows me who knows that I'm a good person maybe I shouldn't have called someone that hates me I don't know I don't hate you Sydney I hate the choice you made well I cannot do it now that's it that's wow pop into town 12 years later and that's all you have to say after I begged you to marry me after I begged you to have that baby with me great what do you want me to say I thought I made the wrong decision no sorry it would be nice maybe there could have been our decision it's my baby too in my 16 year old body I if they're all these it's the same well I we're deliriously happy one in the other I don't hate you Sid but I do want you to go back to New York I can't [Music] maybe not so many of them have to go through what I did you didn't have to go through with what you did and you're not helping these girls okay you're exploiting them and said you have to stop what excuse me hey Brady you know what it's your school too okay HP in pregnancy is in one year what is a town missing I okay yeah walk out great great have you seen the Time Magazine story more than four times the number of pregnancies nearly half the expecting students none older than 16 confess to making a pact to get pregnant and raise their babies together Pat I'll I'll have to talk to you later bye those officials believe that some of the girls formed a pact an agreement between one another to intentionally have kids that is just the beginning their new developments new details and a shocking story about sex and status as young as 15 not one of them is married young white women we understand that some of them were together talking about becoming pregnant and that being a positive thing for them I haven't spoken to any of the girls myself that would explain the spike though if there was such a path we have new developments on a story that has thrust a small Massachusetts town into a very negative light what do you think you are the girls in the pack did you make a package of friends to get pregnant excuse me we just get a video of her stomach how far along are you are you guys gonna have the babies all at once no how do they know Time Magazine is saying that girls in your school made a pact to become pregnant is that true were you guys in the pack hacked what do you mean packed I I don't even know what that word means it's an agreement did you make a promise to get pregnant at the same time you guys have to swear you're all gonna get pregnant too so we can all have our babies together I swear we all swear this is really gonna happen this is so cool well is it true you can't tell anyone you can't tell following a meeting with the school officials she is demanding answers about the principal's comments that these girls made a so-called pregnancy attack a pact to get pregnant the only person that we've heard it from is the high school principal so we're trying to understand that was based in rumor or based in fact so how many of there were you in your little pact I mean how many of you tried to get pregnant just me Carissa and Iris and Rose but she was already pregnant that's it no other girls not Lindsay or Madison we talked to them about helping each other after our babies were born you have to swear you won't tell anyone why Sarah Rose that's it come on let's get out of here how do you sleep at night with all the damage you leave in your wake damage I cause damage One Stop she was helping us Vans have been rolling by all morning twisting things around trying to make you guys getting pregnant into something ugly what's this about a pack of pack garbage look I'm not happy with the situation but it is what it is maybe it's just God's will if you guys have a steep enough Hill to climb without me kicking you all the way up all right I'm making some milkshakes and get those babies a shot of calcium so this is what it feels like to be Jamie Lynn Spears this is so bad if my mom and dad find out if Jesse finds out what everyone wants to know is was there or was there not a Pregnancy Pact in Gloucester I can't believe it I can so what are you gonna say in your blog I don't think I'm gonna post tonight why not you've got the inside scoop look if I I say something it won't stop you know the cameras won't get out of these girls face get off your button post find out what's really going on the city is a big deal feel a sense of purpose being pregnant and what are they supposed to do about it now anyway hey you know my dad says I should stay away from you why because a lot of people are saying it's true the packing sure he's just trying okay look I need to hear it from you tell me right now just tell me did you get pregnant on purpose no it was an accident I mean what do you expect me to think I've all these people telling me that there's this person please it's just you and me it's [Music] me I'm sorry [Music] the patent is so secretive we couldn't even find out the girls names this man told us the girls tried to convince his stepdaughter to get pregnant too that there was a tremendous amount of peer pressure negative peer pressure for as many girls as possible to to join in this pack and luckily my uh stepdaughter was smart enough or scared enough uh to say no what a freaking liar this is all your fault you swore you wouldn't tell anyone and you obviously did fault it was all your ideas yeah it kind of was Rose no it wasn't you guys were jealous of me I'm not in the pack but some of the girls made it seem like they really wanted to be pregnant I don't understand it crying into our girls lives as if it's any of their business no right suddenly the mayor and school officials questioning reports of a Pregnancy Pact at Gloucester High School we have not been able to confirm the existence of a pact any planned Blood Oath bomb to become pregnant there is absolutely no evidence [Music] I wasn't comfortable with having the principal here because I haven't been able to get verification he was foggy in his memory of how he heard about him when we pressed him for specifics about who told him when was he told his memory failed in the interest of protecting and respecting the privacy of Gloucester families All City and school health department employees are required to report suspected abuse or neglect of minor children legally speaking of guilty statutory rape funny Sarah's only 15. yeah and I'm only one year older than hers that's just stupid how many times did I tell you not to be stupid and get wrapped up in some little girl you should have focused on the future not some girl twitching her tailing just shut up don't you tell me to shut up in my house do I really have to let the doctor look down there um yeah comfortable at first but you'll get used to it Sarah just I thought Jesse would want to come he's Young it's a wild come to terms with a mistake I wish everyone quit saying that wasn't a mistake what are you saying babies aren't mistakes they're gifts from God right this baby will be a precious gift [Music] that's our baby [Music] there's his little head and its little arms and his little heart beating okay cute nature like that [Music] in for it get lost guys like come on sir we would just like that but we just want a moment of the time it'll only take one moment of your time can you just confirm whether or not your daughter is one of the pregnant girls told you that wait there she is roll some video on this come on give me the camera come here get away from the camera back all right come here leave me alone now get in the van and go go come on call the cops Sarah got this are you getting this stay away from the camera call the cops Sarah please for eign [Music] [Music] Firestorm will stop at nothing as it obsesses over whether there was or was not a pack there is no Pact it's just a word somebody threw out to get somebody's attention who the hell cares about pregnancies not every Gloucester girl is going to go to Harvard just leave us alone and let us return to our lives but they're focusing on the wrong issue teen birth rates are up everywhere not just here the real question that we need to be asking is why are so many young girls choosing to get pregnant and have babies was it really bad spending the night in jail I don't know why they made you stay Jess you didn't have to spend the night Jesse's father is a lawyer who could care less about what happened to us he told Jesse he couldn't see me until I get a paternity test and prove he's the father and then Michael don't start another fight you're already facing assault charges I gotta get ready for work so my father isn't it hey oh hey Parker uh I'll be right out I prefer a private conversation okay um some of the council members asked me to speak to you you know we're under a microscope right now we can't afford any more controversy everyone knows Michael was arrested show up at our house invade our privacy and haul Michael Wayne handcuffs I'm sure that he was good and provoked thing is people know that he's married to the president of the council and then there's Sarah that down they were hoping you'd see that was best for the council yes and I know that your plate is full enough with your family issues got it and uh I'll let you know Friday night meeting all right [Music] make it impossible for sex education to be tough thanks coming Rose Iris Carissa none of them will return my calls no camera right no okay no cats me and you just sounds like you had a rough few days it's like this nightmare and I can't wake up although I guess it could be worse thanks for not telling anyone no problem so um what's that question you wanted to ask me well the obvious one why did your girls do what you did I mean why did you want to get pregnant it's not like this big mystery and we never wants to have a baby not when they're 15. I don't see what difference it makes if I have them now or 10 years from now well it makes a big difference if you want to finish High School go to college start a career none of that stuff matters to me all I need to make me happy is Mary Justine have a kid really Sarah you're such a bright girl is is that really your only dream for yourself I'm sorry if that's not good enough for you I just don't understand I mean if you're gonna make a pact with your friends yeah but why not make a pact to go to college go to Europe start a rock band play trees God I don't even know why I came if you're gonna get all judgmental and everything all I need to make me happy is to get married and have kids that's all I want hello girls had her baby hey Rose it hurts it hurts tell the nurse to give you another shot of morphine she had to have like 37 Stitches she must have tore really badly Tori toward what down there stupid how's the baby it's a girl right John is the baby okay I guess he put her on an incubator thing thank you hey Rose it hurts so much hey Jessie um I really need to see you I just I need to talk to you if you meet me at the restaurant [Music] I just really need to see you okay call me ready hey I hear Bachman's giving a press conference later this afternoon any hints on what it's about all I know is he's been in his office all morning working on a statement so the elusive principle finally speaks I've been thinking about what you're doing here you talk a lot personally I think you talk probably too much but I'm also beginning to see that talking about all of this is probably a good thing and that I could be speaking up a little bit more I'm responsible for these kids right now we offer them what one sex ed class I think there's room for us to do some other things like like add something to the curriculum that teaches them about other futures for themselves Beyond Parenthood yeah you know give them something to talk about like the right time to have a kid or prevention yeah that would be good too Rose had her baby today how is she she had a rough time of it did sorry to hear that I guess it's lucky you never had to go through that huh all right let's get this show on the road yeah lucky me I'm giving this statement today to put to rest the notion that I am foggy in my memory or that my memory has failed since June 11th till this day the mayor has not called me or had any conversation whatsoever with me concerning the Time Magazine interview I believe that everything I told the time reporter about intentional pregnancies among a group of girls at the high school was and is accurate although I honestly don't remember using the word pack the last two weeks my family and I have been harassed and haranged by reporters and the Press for that reason I will not give out the names of any of my sources concerning the pregnancy issue at the high school the affected children need to be left alone with their parents and families to deal with the consequences of their actions was there a pact or not I will have nothing more to say on this matter but your interview with Time magazine started all of this what they're a packer wasn't there oh that just won't stop will they 've been bothering me there's more attention these kids the more everyone wants to blame Bachman I think you can't be serious Sarah the media is only focusing on if and when who said what and how they're not paying attention to the real issue you can change that Sarah you can make people think no no I'm tired of this and I don't want to hear about it anymore I hate this hey Mrs hey is Sarah here actually I thought she was out back with you no Sarah it's not right that the principal is taking the Fall For This look no one will know it's you okay we'll disguise your voice we'll put you in Shadow and then you can come out and safely say that yes there was a pact and then maybe we can move he lied to me oh my God Sarah Sarah [Music] [Music] [Music] what go I have to get to work do you know that boy that's him Troy no don't I don't want him to know he has legal obligations to you and that baby you're such a hypocrite you never told my father about me right I had you on my own it doesn't seem like I've been having fun having a kid all by myself why do you want to be like me I've worked my butt off so you can have something better but you don't want it fine go get out don't stay out late just forget about it I mean let's just party everyone's having fun we got beer kegs let's have a good time you guys just go let's go party I I seriously don't meet up with you guys I'm good I'll get you a beer [Music] what do you think you're going find Jesse I can't take this anymore you guys are just leaving me sitting up there sorry we're just a little numb down here Sarah actually we we just can't understand it why what were you thinking why would you do something so devious you weren't just sleeping around you were plotting and lying and that is not the kind of girl we raise what are you gonna do are you gonna grab me is that all you're worried about your punishment Sarah you hurt a lot of people us Jesse you this whole town is in turmoil I wasn't trying to hurt anyone you did and we can't understand it this is not who you are don't let me be myself you expect this perfect angel and I'm not supposed to want to be close to my boyfriend I'm not supposed to want anything I want so I have to hide it okay I have to hide it at least my baby won't care if I have sex or not or if I go to college or not or whatever I do I love Jesse so if I'm not grounded I'm gonna go find him [Music] [Music] don't stop let's go get drinks have you seen Jessie I need to find him bad this is about what we did packed what packed there is no pants that's not even funny what look at her she blames me The Pact was not my idea I don't even know why I went along with it I hate this people were right you know we were so dumb no we weren't none of this bad stuff would be happening if nobody found out if you think that then you're still dumb have you seen Rose she cries non-stop her grandmother has to make her hold her baby well then she's the dumb one I'm gonna hold my baby all the time I gotta find Jesse will you guys help me find him please please okay fine whatever there's no way Beverly would have won that game not if Moretti was bitching no not a chance looks like Moretti's got a stalker I hope that she has more friends that want to get Knocked Up [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] and say what the truth he lied to me no and I'm sorry I said I'm sorry a hundred times stop saying it it doesn't change anything it doesn't change that you made a chump out of meat doesn't change it I can never trust you again we did it because he was pleased for the baby no I don't want a baby okay now with anyone but especially not with a liar like you really thought we'd be together forever I really did but you ruined it it is all ruined because of you [Music] just leave me alone okay leave me alone [Music] [Music] I got a lot of nerve showing your face around here I just came to apologize to Sarah all right for betraying her confidence get out of here and leave us alone or I'm calling the police is this just jealousy because she trusted me and not you I dare you there you you you come around here with the rest of them with your cameras harassing us causing all this pain okay blame the media it's our fault for daring to notice that you might have a problem here I don't have to talk to you your 15 year old daughter made a promise to become pregnant why did she do that Lorraine why does she have no other dreams for herself why is being a mom in high school her number one aspiration my daughter is none of your damn business did you ever talk to her about sex and love in a real way once I've talked to her well then why is she walking around with her head in the clouds completely oblivious as to why what she's doing is not a good idea Sarah is my child I raised her I guided her right but all my hopes and dreams into her you are not a mother you don't have any right to come here and judge me [Music] it's not a judgment Lorraine question [Music] so today somebody said to me that I had no right to talk about teenage pregnancy because I was not a mother as if I would have no ability of understanding what's going on here with all these young girls that are pregnant when I was 16 I lived here and I got pregnant not on purpose I was in love not willing to wait and [Music] wasn't concerned with birth control naturally I did become pregnant I knew that I was not old enough I knew that I was not ready to have a child but my boyfriend was excited and he believed that he was ready and I got very scared I told him that I had had an abortion got me but the truth is I didn't have an abortion or just too late and I couldn't then I lied again and told them that the father of the child was unknown so that he couldn't contest it I knew nothing I would do would be the right decision the truth is when you get pregnant that young there are no good options adoption abortion keeping it they're not going to turn out exactly like you think oh they're going to be painful and your life will be completely changed forever [Music] [Laughter] Sarah Sarah wake up go get Mrs Dugan we need help Sarah this isn't funny come on wake up [Music] Sarah Sarah call 9-1-1 thank you it's a good thing you brought her in when you did her respiratory rate was dangerously low she could have slipped into a cold how much did she drink her blood alcohol level was over 0.20 but you'll be fine the baby is a baby okay I can still detect a heartbeat and it's possible the baby suffer Noble effects but there's no way to be sure excessive alcohol can often cause birth defects at this stage of pregnancy please help her understand that she needs to start taking better care of herself for the sake of the baby I can't my stomach hurts sorry you gotta try and baby needs protein and vitamins are you these are nice to me you should be yelling at me no I should I yelled out I don't understand some of the choices you made but I can't keep pretending that those choices have nothing to do with me sometimes I wanted to talk about me and Jesse but I thought there was no way you'd understand you and Dad waited forever we didn't wait not always what there were a few times we we gave in pregnant you wouldn't take me seriously by waiting if you knew the truth I'm sorry terrible mistake my mistakes were way worse I thought if I got pregnant Jesse would never leave and I tricked him and now he hates me so stupid I love you so much thank you [Music] I thought I'd say goodbye to you here it is where I told you about the pregnancy I remember I remember how shocked I was but you thought it was a good thing I'm gonna try and find him you know just to know he's doing okay I didn't leave him on someone's doorstep the adoption agency found a good do you want me to let you know if I find him you know I made the right decision I know it's not what you wanted but you're not really who I thought you were after all you might have been that person getting pregnant it really changed me I wanted to go back to being myself afterwards but I just was a new myself I'm sorry that I lied to you though you're a kid we go for it I'm taking a nap can't you keep her quiet for two seconds I'm trying she won't eat it's not her fault you don't know what you're doing it's not helping with all the stores we got the baby probably doesn't like the taste of blood welcome to Motherhood why don't you try the breast pump did you see Sydney Blog the other day she was talking about how she gave her baby up for adoption do you ever think about that [Music] what I have here is a letter of resignation I wrote a few days ago but I am not going to read it because I have decided not to resign you're going to make us vote you out well I'm hoping that you will vote to keep me our mission is to help young women who have had babies stay in school and now that my own daughter is pregnant I know better what those girls need fine then let's vote wait wait there's another reason that I'd like to stay on on is your uh as your president we need to find a better way to get our abstinence before marriage message across I am convinced now more than ever that that is the healthiest choice for our kids but we need to be more honest with ourselves a 15 year old girl is too young to be a mother now birth control may not be a choice that I would accept in my home but I can't stand in the way of schools offering contraception for the families that want them so I know my mom's not president anymore actually she is still president I stood up and told everyone that I used to think if we just hand out enough condoms you know poof no more teen pregnancy but that you and your mom taught me that there's a lot more to it than that you know it's not that simple so then Margaret said that if your mom could change the mind of a knee-jerk liberal like me then they ought to keep her on as president and everyone agreed but I wanted to stop by and apologize for making you feel like it was your responsibility to fix the whole mess it's not your mess to fix no but it is if I'm gonna have a baby I need to grow up and take responsibility for my own actions while that sounds very grown up to me I'm gonna be a good mom thanks for being my friend so you'll keep watching of course take care Sarah I'll see you soon bye Sydney [Music] so I heard on the news today that principal Bachmann resigned yesterday he said that he had been scapegoated and slandered by the town mayor and isolated and abandoned by the school committee I think he's right he was punished for telling the truth although I should say the alleged truth none of the 18 Gloucester girls ever publicly admitted to being part of a pact I hear that there's a long waiting list at the high school daycare center and I suspect that at least one girl will be turned away and will drop out because she can't get the daycare that she needs but then I suspect that most girls who get pregnant and decide to keep their babies we'll soon learn that nothing is going to turn out exactly like they expected and that they've launched themselves onto a journey that is more difficult than they possibly could have imagined what we need to do now is have a real conversation about how to help young women make more informed choices for themselves how to help them prevent a pregnancy if they feel that they're too young to handle it how to help them succeed as mothers if their choice is to have the child then maybe we can tell them what every new parent wishes to hear congratulations on the new baby [Music] we wish you both nothing but joy [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
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Id: xKdZwnyeOJ8
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Length: 86min 8sec (5168 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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