Pregnancy hormones, self care day, Utah Mom BTS

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I need to tell you what happened last night I'm literally screaming oh my gosh you guys I'm so happy for you hello y'all welcome once again to my mess of a room I truly am a type B person and my house is messy 90% of the time it is what it is I'm just not going to clean just for the shot I am 30 weeks pregnant I literally can't believe it whenever I get to 30 weeks pregnant I feel like I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and it's honestly wild cuz like I could go into labor a month and a half from now but not going to lie I have been feeling very just not myself lately it's just hard when your body is changing it doesn't matter how healthy you eat how much you work out like your body gets bigger and bigger my cellulite gets worse also my appetite has been like out of control lately like the weight is just waiting so I actually have some fun things that I'm going to do for myself today that always help me feel better when I'm feeling not myself or in cure but first I need to tell you what happened last night because it was A Series of Unfortunate Events and I literally still can't believe it happened so last night I was falling asleep on the couch while we were watching Seinfeld and you know when you fall asleep on the couch before bed you just wake up and you're like I want to get to bed as soon as possible like I'm so tired so we come upstairs I'm brushing my teeth as fast as I can but Chris has this bottom drawer open because that's where he keeps his toothbrush I'm just going to reenact what happened finished brushing my teeth and I just walk right into this drawer slam my shin right here literally so hard I scream obscene words I bend down to hit this drawing cuz I'm so mad but I literally Miss and I just hit it and half of my nail goes flying cuz I missed it so I'm literally screaming cuz now I've lost half of my nails this is how Chris described me I was just Mohammad Ali literally hitting this drawer in just healing and so now my shin is throbbing in so much pain my finger is throbbing cuz I'm missing half of my nail Chris is standing here just like watching this all go down and I literally just come into our little toilet room lock the door and just start balling I was just already feeling super uncomfortable it's super hard for me to just like move around just the clumsiness of all of those events I just lost it I can laugh about it now because it was so insane I can't even believe it's real life anyway I'm kid-free for a few hours I got to go work out I just showered a couple things I do for myself to help me feel more confident are tinting my eyebrows and then giving myself like a self tan so anyway that's what I'm going to do right now I always feel a million times better when I do these things I'm going to start with tinting my eyebrows this is so easy to do it yourself you do not need fancy eyebrow tint to do it yourself all you need is men's beard dye this stuff is magical I will say disclaimer you can't use this on your eyelash I think you'll literally go blind I'll link everything I'm using today down below everything's just from Amazon so it comes with the color base and then the color developer I just do a DOT of both equal amounts and then I just grab an eyebrow pencil and mix that up and by the way I just always keep wet Q-tips on hand and then a wet paper towel that you'll use at the end to wipe it off and then I just grab some of the product and literally just paint it onto my eyebrows you want to put it on kind of fast it's okay if it's sloppy just make sure to grab the wet Q-tip really fast so that you can just clean it up because it only takes a couple minutes to develop and it will stain your skin and then depending how blonde you are I would start small set timer for 2 and 1/2 minutes if you feel like it's starting to get too dark like take it off immediately just because better safe than sorry oh no it's really important to pay attention cuz if you went outside of the lines the dye will stay there okay it's been about 3 minutes so I'm going to take this off okay I like this brown More Than This brow but literally that took me not even 5 minutes the dye will last on your skin for just like a day or two so they will lighten up but the tint will stay on your eyebrow hairs for like 2 weeks can't tell you how life-changing this is though if you have like lighter or blonde eyebrows because I won't have to touch my eyebrows and do any makeup for like a week also they're showing up darker on camera in real life they're literally perfect it looks like I just have makeup on my eyebrows and once I self tan like it'll look way better too Prett I can't give it up why do you have a baby yogurt I got some fruit today huh yeah you're so weird how was preschool why are you wearing this I love you so much I wish I could have ice cream she is so cute I love her so much okay so now I'm going to tint my lashes I haven't done this in like years so I'm a little more nervous about this one but one thing I do remember is the kit comes with a bunch of capsules it says to empty out a full capsule but you do not need that much honestly I just do half a capsule you don't need a whole one that way it makes your kit go way longer be careful with this because this stuff will stain my timer's going off I left it on for 3 minutes wow it worked those two kits just saved me so much money by not having to go in and get it done I think a brow tint is like 20 bucks alone A Lash tint is probably another 20 30 bucks and these kits will let you tint your brows and lashes so many times like this will literally probably last me the next 2 years before I self tan I'm just eating my lunch I couldn't eat Chick-fil-A for literally 4 months when I was so sick in my first trimester but I can eat it again and it has been like my biggest craving so good also can I just say Chick-fil-A sauce packets what have they done because literally used to be able to peel this in one go how annoying is this are that's the worst one I've ever had oh my gosh you guys I just watched a sad Tik Tok and it was just immediate tears lately my for you page just just has so many videos on like grief and I have to literally say like I'm not interested because they just make me cry so much anyway I'm going to self tan now I'm going to do it off camera but if you are interested I have a video from a couple years ago from self-tanning beware it's cringy but any mousse will work the St Trope self-tan Express is my absolute favorite because I only have to keep it on for 3 hours and then I can shower it off and then I just make sure I have a mint I'm going to do that right now okay I just self tanned oh my gosh you guys I keep thinking about that Tik Tok I was watching watch Ing and I have to try and not cry basically it was a mom and her three kids and I guess her husband had passed away so they have a picture of the dad and then she and her three kids are holding a cake and I'm going to cry talking about it this is just pregnancy hormones and also a really sad video but basically they have a birthday cake and they're singing happy birthday to the dad who passed away and it got me it's still getting me just thinking about it it's super sad because the oldest boy he's probably 7 years years old he is like trying not to cry in it anyway I have to stop talking about this right now hey you want me to push you very very high wo just showered off my spray I just showered off my spray town this always happens to me also I just put SPF on my face so I feel like my face looks a little paler than the rest of my body but I'm home now so we're going to go on a little Family Walk bodes Chris and I always love doing stroller walks because the kids are entertained and we can just like chat for like 30 minutes but recently they have started hating the stroller and they just want to like go on their bikes and scooters but they're playing with bubbles today so we're going on a stroller walk so we just got back from our walk our friends and neighbors were outside so we got caught talking to them Chris is still talking to our next door neighbor hey you just letting the kids go wild I'm so sad I missed this but while we were on our walk we heard a couple people behind us like Jane Jane and so I turned around expecting one person and there was an entire soccer team just running for us anyway they were so cute we got a picture with them this kitchen is such a mess do any other moms just feel like no matter how much you clean your kitchen like a couple hours later it just looks like this again guys who wants soda me I've been craving Swig all day just a giant diet Dr Pepper with coconut cream and then I always order a strawberry Breeze sparkling for the kids technically just water and frozen fruit and then I think there's just like a couple sugar-free syrups in there my belly was just going crazy but the second I try to film it stops okay guys got the goods pretty sure it was like $1 cookies today too hey guys so it's actually the next day we are actually about to film a Utah Mom video right now we're doing a Utah mom garden party I'm one of just kind of like the supporting characters and I just set up our props so I have plate full full of desserts Sherie board I do not know how to make Sherie board but I think our videographer is coming right now Chris is next door setting up like this patio furniture we actually have this patio furniture set up and our patio is not big enough so our neighbor is nice enough to let us use their patio what do you think looks great thanks for setting it up you're welcome love you love you okay I love it did her water just break right here bres I wanted to make my CrossFit class today but I just feel so good let me say it more with like a botoxed face I am getting you in with my Botox girl the second your baby is out [Laughter] what they're not homemade should I say I'm so happy for you I'm so happy for you so happy for [Laughter] you so I didn't film any more of yesterday but basically we filmed a Utah mom Garden Party video my pregnancy brain can never remember like the last 18 hours I am so curious to know what the baby is measur measuring at because last time I went in I was measuring like 2 and 1/2 weeks ahead so I'm really curious how big the baby's measuring I'm still planning on going unmedicated for this birth also a lot of people are like okay literally what is the point why would you do that there are first of all there's tons of benefits when it comes to Healing people say that you heal way better down there if you don't have an epidural cuz you're not just like pushing so hard not knowing where you're pushing but another thing is I just want to do it to do it I've heard that it's like one of the most euphoric empowering experiences and I just think it would be so cool to try my idea is I'm going to prepare mentally I'm going to take all the classes I'm going to go into it trying to do unmedicated and then if the pain is unbearable and it's just too much then I'll get the epidural so I'm trying to have like kind of like a loose plan with it but I am very excited I love giving birth I've had two really good birth experiences so I'm praying for another one but anyway thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Jane Williamson
Views: 140,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s9KJhrn4cn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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