Precious Plastic - Build the shredder (part 3.1)

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Welcome to a new precious plastic instruction video! Alright so today we're going to build a plastic shredder. And basically this machine chops your plastic waste into small plastic flakes. And these flakes will be used in the machines to create new plastic products, the size of this machine is based on a plastic bottle so we want to make sure it can shred a plastic bottle and everything smaller than a plastic bottle you can throw it in. If it's bigger you need to pre-cut it. Or you need to build a bigger shredder. In this video we will guide you step by step how to make the shredder you can download all the technical information and the blueprints. And if you have a question or something is unclear feel free to post the topic in our forums. Alright let's get started. This is the machine we're going to build and basically it consists out of four different parts. We have a shredding part, the power supply, the framework and the hopper and I going to start off making the shredders. And this is by far the most complex part of this machine but if you follow our blueprints and this video you should be ok Here we have the core elements of the shredder machine and you can download the package with all the drawings from our website and you can just send them to a laser cutter plasma cutter or water cutter and they will cut out all the parts like the blades the spacers the side plates And now we're going to assemble it all together make sure that all the rough edges are completely smooth because we're going to tighten everything pretty back together. So here we have the axel for shredder and we're going to put on the blades So here we have blade one as you can see with the demarcation and we're going to add a spacer then we're going to add plate number two as you can see right here with two little dots And then we're going to add another spacer and then comes plate three. In this way we have a nice cutting flow for the shredder but feel free to play around and use different configurations. So everything is connected. Make sure everything works, and then we're going to tighten it up and weld these metal plates together and then it should be rock solid This here we have the mash that goes on the shredder. The size of this mash determines the output you want so if you have different mash you will have bigger or smaller flakes. We're going to weld the mesh onto these two holders and then we can put this one under the shredder We painted the bars on the shredder and we tightened everything. Make sure to take your time to do this because you want to make it go completely smooth so that you can hear this... Exactly nothing. So we just finished the shredder part and now we're going to focus on the power supply and it's pretty straightforward but there are some key things to watch out for. So here we have our beautiful engine it doesn't really matter how it looks or how big it is or the size we only need to make sure it's slow and powerful the exact specifications you can download. Right now we need to attach the motor to the shredder so it will turn around and maybe we'll give it a paint job So now we're going to wire everything up and we found a great place to get your second-hand cables. We're currently at the junkyard and this is a great place to find cables to connect all the electronics and they have plenty of them And usually we're going to connect all electronics in a metal box. If you want to know how we do this go watch our other videos. However today we find this little guide and inspired by the guys I met in Africa we want to connect all the electronics inside this one All the electronics are inside this Jerrica and we installed a switch here so we can make the motor go in both directions Now we're going to hook it up to the framework and shred some plastic. We finished up the shredder and the power supply and now we're going to focus on the framework and since there's a lot of force and strength going on in here we need to make sure the framework is rock-solid. Let's build the framework So since our motor is slightly bigger than our cutting. We had to fill this gap and so use our blueprints as a reference since you probably have a different engine just make sure that it's perfectly aligned from the power to the cutting Let me show you! We're almost ready and we finished up the shredder, the power supply and the framework but last but not least we need to make the hopper. And this is where the plastic waste goes into the machine. The hopper is made from sheet metal and there are different ways how to get sheet metal. Today we're going to use this one from an old truck. We're going to cut it out weld it together and then we have Dauber! And finally the hopper, and that way it is. Pretty! Next we're going to show you how this thing works. Here we have the shredder machine And you can turn it on by using this little switch And you can make it turn both ways so if plastic got stuck or something like that you can turn it the other way round And the plastic waste goes into the hopper and then it will be shredded So let’s shred some plastic The output of the shredder is still pretty big. That’s why you can also add a mesh underneath and the size of the mesh determines the output Connect this one under here with a few screws. And then we will show you the difference. As you can see there’s a big difference between shredded plastic without a mesh and with the mesh Do know that the smaller you want the plastic to be the more energy and the longer it takes You can play around with this like, sorting out different colours or going really small or get bigger flakes You got to adapt to whatever you need to make really Thank You for watching the video! I hope that everything was clear. If it wasn't feel free to post topic in our forums and one thing to note is that the machines are built in a modular way which means you can always upgrade or repair them but also customize them to your needs So if you happen to made a hack or customization we would absolutely love to see it because in this way we can all work together to create better machines in the next video we're going to make molds and show you how to create things with these machines and for now thanks for watching good luck with building and hope to see you in the next precious plastic video.
Channel: One Army
Views: 1,689,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dave, hakkens, precious plastic, precious, plastic, phonebloks, recycle, re use, waste, landfill, machines, tools, spread, knowledge, diy, extrusion, injection, rotation, compression, shredder, dave hakkens, africa, developing, countries, make, workshop, little factory, craftsman
Id: VFIPXgrk7u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2016
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