Mini DIY Shredder Helps Recycle Plastic Bottles and Aluminum Cans

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few months ago we created shreddy our homemade plastic Shredder and our viewers loved it despite our enhanced ready 2.0 you viewers still had recommendations so we took all your suggestions from the comments and developed a superior shreddy 3.0 it's super powerful so get ready to build shreddy we'd also like to thank keeps for sponsoring this video more on them later shreddy 3.0 was completely redesigned so let's grab our parts and start building the main mechanical components of the machine are these circular spacers these hardened steel blades which are an upgrade to the mild steel blades that we used in our previous video are two custom side plates that we machine to very tight tolerance and these two inch bearings which will come pre-installed in the kit that is now available on our website we also have these much tougher and thicker steel drive shafts and the Machine Keys used to transfer Torque from the shafts to the blades we also use these steel couplers to attach our Motors to the shaft and we plan on making a bicycle-powered version of shreddy with this sprocket as well you know cycle and recycle the first step to assemble these parts was to insert the bearings into the holes in these steel plates now these are a very precise fit so we had to go and properly press them in now before we get to the next step here's a quick visual to show how we designed our parts to ensure the blades and circular spacers won't rotate on the shaft this is a standard design for transferring very high torques where a coupler like this just keeps slipping as you can see both the spacer and the shaft have a Groove in them called a keyway which gives us space to insert this thin key stock that transfers all the torque from the shaft to the blades alrighty let's start building the first step is to insert the drive shafts into the two bearings it's a perfect fit now we slide our machine keys in and all that's left to do is install all the blades and spacers in an alternating fashion we we know these are all going to fit perfectly because we face all of these blades to the exact thickness for the sake of this video we also ground these 32 blades which was totally unnecessary but I can't think of why it would hurt to have added Precision so moving on we installed the spacers in an alternating fashion onto each shaft after mounting these components we capped shreddy off with the second bearing plate and we were left with this beautiful array of Cutters it looks very promising now you can mount the blades on however you'd like but note that we staggered them such that all the parts get pushed to the middle unlike shreddy 2.0 which would push all parts from right to left our last step with the shreddy kit is to install these outside walls which hold all of the parts together this here's the complete kit that you can get on our website you can power it with a motor a bike or any other safe method to spin the blades we decided to start with motor so naturally our next step is installing the two couplers onto the shaft we use the lathe to turn down our shots to the proper diameter and the coupler slid on there perfectly unfortunately again they can't go onto the shaft tight enough so we also machine keyways on here to help transfer our Torque from the motor to the shaft speaking of motor at this point you can attach any power mechanism you want we cut out a custom yet simple design that bolts onto the frame very easily just push the 3 8 by 16 bolts in from the inside of shreddy and thread on these McMaster standoffs once we got all six on there we simply had to screw our motor plate on very similar to our shreddy 2.0 design with the stepper motor and the 80 to 1 ratio planetary gearbox we used a 250 to 1 planetary gearbox to really increase the torque we just pushed the gearbox into the coupler tighten it down install the second gearbox which is another very major upgrade from the V2 and then bolted them both into the motor plate with these M5 screws these gearboxes from lichuan output so much torque that I can even quickly do a test Shred with just the power of my thumbs this is looking super promising for Motors we're using these lichuan Servo motors which are immediately compatible with the gearboxes just slide them in four M5 screws in each motor set them in place and we're ready to program this super awesome looking machine now we've already demonstrated how to program this in our last shreddy 2.0 video so feel free to watch that for a quick Arduino refresher it starts at 5 minutes and 45 seconds a simple turn of the potentiometer and the motors begin to spin at whatever speed you set them to great let's start recycling by the way note how this set of blades is spinning slower than this one we programmed the motors in this way because we found that it helps with the shearing process now this worked super well but there are two things that are wrong first of all there are no safety covers so let me quickly run to the 3D printer now that it's done this feature will prevent hair hands or any other loose hanging objects from getting caught and It Bolts right in our next safety feature is this switch that must be activated or the machine will not be enabled in other words the lid must be installed or the machine won't turn on we also added feet to the threads below to allow room for the shredded pieces accumulating at the bottom first test of the fully completed shreddy are these water bottles shreddy chewed them up like butter and underneath we could see a pile of beautifully shredded bottles here's a visual from a different angle showing how shreddy shreds these bottles this side-by-side view shows the live shredded bits falling at the bottom alright now it's time to stop the machine and collect our shreds we've got a pretty decent amount of plastic here and we're going to take a pile of it to use with injectile injector is a great DIY machine that lets us recycle our plastic shreds into 3D printed molds this machine is small enough to sit on any desktop and is super easy to use we've already used recycled ABS plastic to make some fishing lures functional building blocks that actually click together and other random parts around the shop with it injector complements ready perfectly so feel free to watch the injector videos on our Channel alright so we're going to throw a couple different things into the shredder for the sake of the demonstration I'm going to remove the safety cover but don't forget to always work with safety let's go safety cover is off let's start by throwing in some 3D prints don't forget to subscribe and safety first next up we have these building blocks that we made using our injecto 2.0 in our previous video listen to that satisfying crunch that's what we like to hear [Music] lastly we're super curious to see if shreddy 3.0 can shred aluminum cans so let's give that a try by the way before we do this if anyone's interested in buying their own shreddy 3 mechanical kit you can get those on our website right now check out whoa this is so awesome and satisfying I honestly didn't think that Shorty would be capable of shredding these cans into bits so let's clean up this mess and talk about some safety when working with machines it's important to wear eye protection and always tie long hair back don't learn why the hard way don't be like Barbie now if you guys like the shirt I'm wearing check out our YouTube store also consider becoming a channel member we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Action BOX
Views: 52,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY Shredder, Recycle Plastic, Recycle 3D Printed Parts, CNC Motor, Injekto, Shredii, Crushing Bottles, Homeshop, Shredding machine, industrial shredder, metal shredder, shred, shreddy, shredi
Id: xUfTs50SHg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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