Pre Yom Kippur Evening of Reflection

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[Music] [Music] welcome to pre yom kippur evening of reflection settle in and join us as we take a soul journey inspired by traditional high holiday tunes and a powerful and intimate talk about the significance of yom kippur most of all we are joined by jewish people across the globe as we all prepare ourselves for the awesome day of yom kippur we will begin with a short talk of the rabbi of righteous memory that he delivered [Music] [Music] welcome to's pre yom kippur evening of reflection settle in and join us as we take a soul journey inspired by traditional high holiday tunes and a powerful and intimate talk about the significance of yom kippur most of all we are joined by jewish people across the globe as we all prepare ourselves for the awesome day of yom kippur we will begin with a short talk of the rabbi of righteous memory that he delivered at khabad labavich world headquarters in brooklyn new york this talk was delivered by the rebbe in yiddish and is presented here in partnership with jewish educational media along with english subtitles when someone is alive it's fairly easy to determine what will make them happy and if you're not sure you can just ask them yourself but how about for someone who has already passed on is it possible to make them happy a peek into the ongoing relationship between the living and their deceased loved ones delivered on the yard side of the rebbe's father [Music] m please take a moment to remember those we lost to covet 19 may everyone who lost a loved one find comfort amongst the mourners of zion [Music] do [Music] so [Music] shulem limmer is one of the foremost cantors in the jewish world today he inspires thousands with his sweet melodic and heartfelt music and prayer shulam serves as the cantor for the kingsway jewish center in brooklyn new york [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] given [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] my [Music] i long to kiss her wrinkle proud i long to hold her and once more as in days gone by and ask her to forgive me for things i did that made her cry how few her pleasures she never cared for fashion style her jewels and her treasures she found them in a baby smile oh i know that i owe what i am today to that wonderful lady so old and great to my wonderful yiddish [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we are [Music] you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i am [Music] am hi i am [Music] i [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] rabbi moshe new is the rabbi and spiritual leader of the montreal torah center rabbi new has inspired people in communities the globe over with his extensive offering of lectures and classes on video he is also a course instructor for rabbi new will now share words of reflection and inspiration for the holy day of yom kippur yom kippur is the day of the soul let's explore the soul a little bit together our sages tell us that the soul has four manifested levels let's begin from the outside and progress inwards the most external level of our soul of course is our behavior our actions our words and even our thoughts because in our thoughts we are communicating to ourselves internally these are called garments because they're extraneous to the soul itself one can do an act say a word or even think things they're not expressive of who i really am somebody else's ideas i'm thinking somebody else's words or an action that imitates another so that's the first manifested level that's what we encounter when we meet somebody the first thing is their behavior their words probing deeper the emotions i point to the heart because the heart is the seat of the emotions as we learn in hasidis the heart has seven emotions the first two primary emotions are attraction or love and awe or fear or rejection probing deeper and actually the physical body reflects this hierarchy the hands and feet are the hands extend below the heart the feet are the bottom of the body we are now training our eyes higher up the physical body which mirrors the makeup of the soul as all physical things mirror spiritual realities that precede it deeper than emotion sitting on top of the heart is the head the seat of the intellect now these three levels of the soul are our consciousness this is the stuff of human experience we behave what we do we speak we feel we understand the terms for these three levels from the bottom up or the outside outside-in animation behavior ruach spirit or emotion nishama intellect understanding the mind but then there's a higher faculty of the soul rarely capitalized upon and that is a willpower willpower like the crown and hence in kabulistic terminology it's called the ketter the crown that sits atop the head willpower is a transcendent force deep within the soul that can manipulate and control all of the lower levels of soul manifestation i want if i really want extraordinary things can happen people born with limited intelligence for example by the sheer didn't of will and again this is rarely seen sadly and one can literally expand the parameters of the mind conversely one can close the mind if one doesn't want to understand a subject for whatever personal agenda one won't likewise will can manipulate even the emotions there might be someone that naturally we would mesh there is a chemistry between us emotionally i don't want to like them i won't conversely if i want to like them then they will manipulate my emotions and feelings that i actually will experience some kind of attraction and love certainly on a behavioral level a will can do extraordinary things we all know that when life is threatened mothers lifting a car from a baby trapped below extraordinary strength surges through the body just because of the will to save her child of course friends these conscious faculties of the soul exists both for our godly soul for godly purposes or for selfish purposes let's talk of the godly soul so what does it mean if and when the godly souls expressing itself on these three levels it means i do i behave jewishly i feel jewish i love judaism i understand i learn i appreciate its beauty and its depth i do for you i love you i understand you and the fourth level i desire you i want you the godly soul in its relationship with god hence friends throughout the year here's the template for the daily services a regular weekday there are three services morning chakras afternoon my dear evening the reason on a very deep soulful level why there are three services is because during the weekday which is the bulk of our lives we operate mind heart and behavior then there are special days like rash first day of the month yamtiv and of course shabbat on these days friends there's an additional service in fact it's called the musaf which means the additional service that reflects the additional service offered in the temple what it means is that on these days days of desire it's i want you i desire you we unlock a deeper level of ourselves we live richer and deeper on these special days in fact during the week we are almost distracted from this deep connection by the business of living which involves intellect emotion and certainly behavior on shabbos we withdraw to some degree inwards and express that dimension of our soul in our relationships with each other and with god so again to summarize the four levels of the soul in the relationship with the god and the parallel of course against spouse and family and community i do for you i'm loyal i'm committed my behavior is reflective of our relationship level one deeper still i love you i am in awe of you deeper still i understand you a deep intimate meeting of minds deeper still i desire you i want you any and all obstacles will be overcome in my desire to be in a loving relationship with you you keep my dear friends as the one day of the year where there are five services the culminating service in the ila and this our sages say as expounded upon and explained in the teachings of hasidis corresponds to the fifth level of the soul what's deeper than i desire i want what's deeper than the force of will that can overcome it seems the impossible and does what could be deeper than i want it's i am the fifth level is i am and what this means for the soul is the level of the soul where i'm a part of you we are essentially one so on this day friends this level of the soul called yakida means unique unparalleled absolute it's the core essence of our soul that god reveals and stirs within each one of us irrespective of where we are consciously or what we're doing or what we feel or what we understand or what we want or don't want on this day for every single one the soul essence the erhida where god says you and i are one is revealed and stirred and it's from their friends that the atonement comes the cleansing the transformation the rebirth because at that soul essence level we are forever pure and innocent godly and divine young keeper is the ultimate day of being the level of to shovel repentance on yom kippur goes far beyond the classic repentance which draws on will i want to be connected to you so the willpower will force change emotionally behaviorally intellectually classic repentance is an expression of a daunting will i don't want to be severed i want to be connected and that's extraordinary and very powerful but jim keeper is far beyond i want to be connected it's the acknowledgement that i always was always am always will be and friends if we can open our hearts and certainly be well to the essence of this day i am i am a jew i am a part of you we are one myself and god my spouse and family the jewish people are one we culminate this moment then the illa that fifth prayer with one voice shema israel listen israel hashem god our lord god is one that we all say together as one voice one soul one essence it is our choice to tap into this to be open to open our hearts our minds our behavior to receive to allow this gushing for this volcanic eruption at the core of our being where the essence of the soul is stirred on this day like no other and every year friends deeper and deeper every year yum kippur is deeper as god stirs our soul essence that is a part of him on a level god has not touched it before god revealing his own essence to us in a way he has not revealed it before if we can embrace this friends then it isn't about changing it isn't even about willpower and charting a new cause and becoming something i wasn't before on the contrary it becomes seamless and easy because it's me it's me my core is divine my core is a part of him and so the mitzvah the commandment is not something foreign that i undertake it's the expression of who i am there's nothing simpler or truer or easier than to be me of course the question is who am i and yom kippur answers that in the deepest most exquisite way who am i i'm a part of you my soul and you are one and therefore friends of course jim kipper is a day of yisker although there's yiska on other holidays as well but the year scared of him kipper is different because the skill of him keeper is soul to soul but we touch on this deeply essential level where we never parted that's the level of oneness that we touch on this exquisite day of days yom kippur hence the day of inner expression liberation freedom and when that soul essence is revealed all of the levels of my will and mind and heart and behavior that may have become distracted or even corrupted diseased are healed naturally from within from within reborn innocent again whole again pure again no greater gift possible let's embrace it savor it express it and be blessed with a year of wholesomeness of purity of connectiveness through the ups and downs the visitors of life that are inevitable but deeply anchored in the forever yom kippur moment never losing sight of who i truly am the true me and the true you i wish you an inspiring and meaningful fast conjunctive may all be all of us sealed in the book of life at its very core level and may that manifest on all the levels of our body and soul and the world suffusing it with a new life and the ultimate life the ultimate truth and experience with the coming of mashiach without delay amen [Music] you [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] know oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] me um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the lord [Music] uh i is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] um [Music] death [Music] man [Music] i am [Music] i am [Music] yay i am [Music] my [Music] m [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] say [Music] is [Music] thank you for joining us for this pre-owned kippur evening of reflection we pray that you stay well and healthy and we all pray to god almighty to bring an end to all suffering with the coming of mashiach speedily in our days we wish you a very happy healthy and sweet new year [Music] learn more about yom kippur at yom kippur [Music] you
Views: 1,084
Rating: 4.8933334 out of 5
Id: rJ79xhP4eWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 23sec (2783 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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