Pre tribulation rapture explained: with Jimmy Evans

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radio we've got an exciting episode talking about the pre-tribulation rapture with Pastor Jimmy Evans it's going to be an exciting episode before we get into it I want to let you know about our ministry who we are and what we do here on the show we're a theology broadcast we interview pastors and teachers from all over the world from various churches and denominations our goal is not to agree or disagree with all these people but just really challenge our presuppositions as we come to the scriptures so we will have people we disagree with on the show we'll have people we agree with on the show but we want to make sure that we know God's Word and understand the God who has given us his word so we hope that you enjoy this episode go ahead and hit the like button and the subscribe button if you would be interested in getting content like this to my left and your right I've got pastor Michael Roundtree with us in studio back from vacation excited from vacation ready to roll with a little remnant radioman yeah tell someone stuff that you missed out on and the people need to go back and watch okay well some things that that you missed out on one Carmen dr. Carmen AIIMS not Eames iams like lions like lions she was on the show talking about the biblical Psalms of lament and so Josh I understand for you personally it was very impactful episodes so touching so so that was a great episode I also talked about some of the Creed's the chalcedonian Caledonian Creed Josh and I joke about that a little bit the Nicene Creed and just just talking about the history of those in the in the scripture behind them and the story so all of that sepsis ODEs that happened recently this week coming up actually Oh last night last night we had a great episode yeah with Bob Robert - Pastor Bob Roberts from Northwood Church was on the show and he was talking about multi-faith conversations josh and i were talking about this earlier before the show stories like wait wait what does this mean like well like let's all get together and sing Kumbaya with all the world religions no it's not that but it is a very interesting and Bob's not a universalist at all but very fascinating what he is doing that was last night tomorrow we have William Lane Craig on the show so the world-famous apologist and but he's been working on a book on the atonement about to be released and and so we're gonna talk about atonement theory tomorrow and then John Thomas from streams ministry will also beyond tomorrow at five o'clock that's right so a lot of stuff coming down so make sure you subscribe like comment and share so we are so honored to have pastor Jimmy Evans on the show when we told you guys we had pastor Evans on the show oh so many of you express how excited you were about this and here's what I what excites me we because you know Josh and I were talking about this we we have all perspectives on the show or our goal is to help everybody outside of their of their theological echo-chamber and so we've had a post-trib rapture view with dr. craig keener and what i thought was funny and what i thought was funny was that before the show before his show started he had four dislikes before he even said a word but before pastor Jimmy Evans has started we already have 33 likes for pastor Jimmy so Jimmy I guess this settles the dispute we don't even need to debate anymore it must be pre-trib rapture huh yeah so before we dive into the subject Jimmy could you just tell us a little bit about yourself about your ministry I know you have a book that was just released the tipping point let me tell us a little bit about that right well it's good to be with you guys very very honored to be with you I've been in the ministry for 38 years my wife and I have been married for 47 years were three years away from big 50 and we have two children five grandchildren and I'm senior pastor of Gateway Church we also have a ministry that my son Brent Michael that you're friends with he runs he's the president of marriage today we have a marriage ministry that we have TV show resources conferences all that kind of thing but I love I love marriage I talked about marriage I love church and I love helping leaders and I love the topic of the endtime so those are my three sweet spots and where I love ministering it awesome well then let's get started and maybe just for starters tell us what the rapture is and maybe kind of rapture verses Second Coming if you could just speak into that and introduce our viewers to this concept well rapture some people say that wraps it's not a biblical word but it is in first Thessalonians 4 the the Apostle Paul is explaining to the Thessalonians what happens to people when they die with believers died and he said there I don't want you to be ignorant brethren about those who have fallen asleep he's talking with those who died that you grieve is those who have no hope and he talks about the fact that when Jesus returns those who are dead in Christ will rise first and then we who are alive and remain in other words there will be a generation of people who never die and I believe we are in that generation that many of us will never see death that those who are alive and remain will be caught up to meet the Lord in the clouds in the air the rapture is a private event that happens between Jesus and his church before the tribulation before wrath is the earth in the air okay the Second Coming is an extremely public event that is reported revelation 19 that takes place on the Mount of Olives in in Jerusalem and at the end of the tribulation and every eye will see him now cata is the Greek word harpazo and it means to cease haslett means you've run into room grab somebody worn out these means to to statue eight but in the Latin is the word rapture oh and that's where we get our word rapture and so some people say well rapture is not a biblical word well this if you're carrying the Latin Bible and so it's a biblical word it's just of a different language and so rapture is an extremely biblical concept at 1st Thessalonians 4 is the most graphic description of the rapture but also Luke 17 revelation 4 there are other places where the rapture is is to strive there so very biblical term and it is in my opinion the next major event that will happen okay and so you mentioned because my next question was going to be if you were to if you were to just walk somebody through here is why from the scripture I believe in the rapture what scriptures would you go to you just mentioned 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 you alluded to Luke 17 revelation 4 and if there are any others if you were to just make your sort of scripture by scripture case for belief in a pre-tribulation rapture what scriptures would you go to 1st Thessalonians 4 number one number two is Luke 17 and I'll read this to you so jesus said now Jesus is talking about his return in Luke 17 the whole chapter is about his return or most of the chapters about is return and he's talking about the days of Noah in the days of lot and the signs of the time somebody returns and Jesus said this I tell you in that night there will be two people in one bed the one taken the other will be left two women will be grinding together the one will be taken and the other left two men will be in the field one taken in the other left and they answered and said to him where or so he said to them wherever the body is there the Eagles will be gathered together they said so jesus said he was talking about his coming okay like the days have no in lot and hopefully he talked about that morning just been but and he said in that day there will be two men standing in the field one taken that's the rapture the other left then he said in that night there will be two people laying in bed one taken one left well here's an important thing to understand when Jesus returns and the rapture happens half the world will be in daytime and half the world be in nighttime if Jesus came is 6 p.m. Israel much of the world would be in the daytime but have to world be in that time so he's talking about the same instant of time and there's ray says 1 taken one left that means it's a selective rapture Jesus knows who belongs to him and who doesn't belong to him and so he will come about what Jesus is telling the story this is the Apostle Paul this is Jesus tone answer and so in Revelation chapter 4 it remember revelation 2 three is the letter to seven churches and so Jesus is talking to the seven churches which were actual churches that are now in modern-day Turkey but they're believed to be the seven ages of the church and now we're in the age of layout Laodicean Church the lukewarm Church but in Revelation 4:1 after the letter to the seven churches it says I heard a voice like a trumpet and it said come up here and the next thing you see is the scene of the church in heaven okay in Revelation 4 and 5 and so many theologians and I don't call myself a theologians call myself a Bible student many theologians believe that's the rapture because the rapp rapture in every case is associated with the trumpet in most cases where you see the rapture you're seeing a trumpet being talked about and so I heard a voice like a trumpet saying come up here okay after the seven churches are described so those are three of the texts that I would use to describe or to explain why I believe that the rapture is not an esoteric not a subjective mystical type of a doctrine it is a very very clear explicit doctrine in the New Testament so I've for clarification in Luke chapter 17 the text that used here I we had other theologians coming on the program some of them were a post-trib others have them I think we're even a post what do you call it post millennial I get I get confused with some of those like I'm not as quick on the Theia the eschatology as Michael is so they would look to this attacks in Luke and it says hey there are two different groups that are brought up there's this one group for sodom and gomorrah there's another group talking about Noah talked about this taken well that those who were taken in the Noah text they would say are those who were wiped away that God took them out in a sense not to take them to heaven but eradicated them from the earth and just like Sodom and Gomorrah a lot was removed and those who were taken was Sodom Sodom was taken out have you ever heard this kind of argumentation and what are your thoughts towards it yeah and let me say before I was sound like a smart aleck there are things I'm dogmatic about the virgin birth right you know the Trinity things like that I'm not dogmatic about the end times so they're good people we'll have so many different opinions and you know I spent many years being post-trib and so I just kind of started out in a default setting until I could no longer support it so but what I would say is when a person has a bent or I was their prejudice toward a certain doctrinal position they'll find any way to defend it but the text is explicit let me let me read you the text of 1:17 now the Pharisees had come up to Jesus and said when is the kingdom coming okay and Jesus said the kingdom of God does not come with signs to be observed the kingdom of God is in your midst so in other words he was just kind of putting him off then he turned to his disciples and he said this as the lightning that flashes out of one part under heaven shines to the other part under heaven so also the son of the also the Son of Man will be in his day but first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation by the way the Lightning flashing out of one end of heaven to the other is the rapture now as pastors they all know this when we bury Christians we buried their head to the west you don't bury a Christian nor the South you bury a Christian east west and as a pastor when you're at the graveside you stand at the west end of that casket you say why do we do that because we believe that the return of Jesus the rapture will start in the east and be like a lightning flash in a twinkling of an eye from the east to the west and they come out and not that Jesus needs our help I mean we if we you know buried them up and down Jesus can handle it but they're gonna come out of the grave facing Jesus that's why we buried their head to the west okay so then Jesus goes on and as it was in the days of Noah so it will also be in the days of the Son of Man they ate listen this now they ate they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until the day so this is very important the day not a day not a season but the day here that Noah entered the Ark and the flood came and destroyed them all okay likewise as it was in the days of lot they ate they drank they bought they sold they planted they built but on the day that lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all even so it will be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed okay let's stop right there okay he's talking about a day in history that Noah got on the boat okay so here's what I would say to my brothers and sisters who believe in the mid-trib or a poster of rapture did Noah get on the boat during the flood did know would get on the boat after the flood because Jesus is talking about the day the definite article d-dad not a day not a season there's okay so not a raindrop hit Noah's head or his family in safety they lived in a very perverse violent culture just like we did they were a righteous remnant living for God being persecuted by unrighteous people just like we are but God before the flood put Noah in his family on the boat and boat and of the ark and God shut the door they didn't shut the door God shut the door and people say they went through the flood they were lifted above the flood and remember when they asked Jesus were they taken he said where the Eagles gather up in the air that's what Paul said we meet we meet Jesus in the clouds in the air the rapture is a private event that happens in the air above the earth between us age the church in Jesus okay and so it's all very consistent let me say this about so Noah or a lot the angels came in to rescue lot and his family from Sodom and Gomorrah and they were being the lower Lots family was being very obstinate you know sons-in-law but he was joking is why I didn't want to leave and the angel said this a lot we can't judge this place until you're gone and you've arrived safely at your destination wait wait wait wait so people say well we're gonna go through the tribulation whoa whoa whoa whoa not a hailstone hit lot or his daughters when they left and they were commanded to leave the day that lot went out the who was rescued Lawton his daughters who was rescued knowing his family they went to but so some people would say and this is why I'm so passionate about this and that is some people say well we're gonna you know the the raptures at the end of the tribulation by the way there is a rapture at the end of the tribulation in Matthew 24 Jesus said immediately following the tribulation of those days the Son of Man will appear in his glory and he will send his holy angels and gather his elect from the four winds of the earth there will be millions and millions of people saved during the tribulation okay and martyred and that's in Revelation 20 it shows though those who were beheaded because they wouldn't worship the Antichrist or take his mark okay okay those people are raptured and they become a part of the church in the Bride of Christ in the in Revelation 20 says and they rule and reign with Jesus for a thousand years there there is a rapture at the beginning of the church those of us now who have believed in Jesus but for those of them who get saved those that get saved during the tribulation there's another rapture at the end of tribulation some people get confused about that and they read Matthew 24 and they get confused going back to Luke 17 or those kinds of texts let me said it so people say well jesus said they'll be buying and selling like the days of Noah buying selling marry and giving in marriage planting building okay the days are normal well look whatever so in some people that what we're gonna go through the tribulation you don't God's gonna protect this law like I said okay well let's think about that in Revelation chapter 6 their four horsemen one of the horsemen the pale horsemen kills a fourth of mankind that's 2 billion people if the rapture happened today or if the tribulation started today there are almost 8 billion people on the earth 2 billion people that way in Revelation chapter 9 3 judgments kill another third of mankind then a star called wormwood hits the earth and decimates the earth then in Revelation 16 all sea life diamonds and in Matthew 24 Jesus said unless those days have been cut short no place where survived okay wait stop stop right now hey wait it will be like the days of Noah buying and selling planting marrying and giving in marriage it will be like the days of lot buying and selling Marian given in marriage planting and building wait wait wait wait so over half of humanity is dead a meteor has hit the earth the earth has been scorched by fire most of the green life of the the you know the the trees and vegetation of the earth has burned up and you have all of this just unbelievable all sea life is dead and you say hey we're getting married would you come at the end of the tribulation you're going to 12 funerals a day you can't go to it the world is a smoldering room how in the world can you reconcile Luke 17 from the book of Revelation I hear these people saying well we're not afraid of the Antichrist and you know we're going to the tribulation you're just not paying attention you're not reading the same book I am and by the way there are other people out there say well God is going to miraculously rescue us from the Antichrist no he's not revelation 13 says the Antichrist was given authority over the Saints to overcome them Revelation chapter 20 shows all of the people who are beheaded because they wouldn't worship the Antichrist or take the the his mark there will be mass martyrdoms during the tribulation if you're not afraid of that if you say well I'm not afraid of the Antichrist you're simply not paying attention you're not reading the same book I am and so good news is we are rescued and some people say well Jim you're an escapist you bet I am jesus said this in Luke 21 speaking of the tribulation pray that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man why on earth would Jesus tell us to pray that we could escape those things if we couldn't escape those things and Jesus also said in Luke 21 it will come the tribulation as a snare on all of those who dwell on the face of the whole earth he can't give it a more inclusive statement than that okay a snare with an animal trap when Noah got on the boat and the door closed the world was ensnared in judgment and there was nothing they could do about it when the lot and his daughters walked away from Sodom and Gomorrah Sodom and Gomorrah were ensnared in judgment and they were there was nothing they could do about it when the rapture happens and we're caught up to be with Jesus the entire Earth is trapped in seven years of hell on earth so when you asked me about my passion in this and that is you know I don't understand and I really don't by the way I was I was post-trip for years so I have a lot of grace for people who don't necessarily agree with this but I'm saying what I'm saying based on Scripture because to me you can't reconcile the days of Noah and a lot in buying and selling given in marriage with a horrific condition of the world at the end of the tribulation okay that's that's really good thanks Jimmy I want to talk about the the tribulation Saints for a moment and there's a question that's come in the first question on Facebook from Jack koltes this is what he says he says how is the rapture of the church to spare them from the wrath to come so he's definitely quoting from first Thessalonians where where he talks about sparing us from the wrath to come so he says how how is the how does the rapture of the church spare them from the wrath to come during the tribulation but then leave those who were converted during the tribulation to suffer through it in other words I think the person saying this doesn't really seem like much protection from wrath because yes the church gets protected but then all the tribulation Saints who get saved their suffering through this seven-year hell on earth so what would your response to be be to that to me before before I have you answer that question let's do a quick word from our sponsor word from our sponsor before you answer yeah hey guys the song you're listening to right now is from stone bridge worship now stone bridge is sponsoring this episode of ribbon it radio and last week they sent us a drop box link to this full album and I'm telling you this album is awesome it's edifying the quality is spot-on and if you haven't checked out stone bridge worship just go over to your Spotify channel and type in worthy is Jesus that's the song you're listening to right now the song is amazing and if you don't have Spotify man go check out their YouTube video link I put it in the description of this video at the bottom you can watch the full music video that you're watching right now and another big thank you to stone bridge worship and sponsoring this episode of Hermit radio so Jimmy the same question what would you say to the text that our friend Jack asked he's like hey what do we do with those who are saved during the tribulation are they being saved from the wrath to come or does that not work well great question the the judgment or the penalty for not accepting Christ now is the tribulation but for those people there you know you guys are watching the news and you're seeing that in your face rebellion right now anarchy you know that this going on right now people are going you're not going to tell me what to do this is my body I'll have an abortion if I want to I'll have sex with anybody I want to and Psalm 2 is one of the endtime scriptures why do the nation's rage and the people advised of anything against the Lord is annoying it's saying we're gonna tear your feathers in two and we're not gonna do anything that you say this world is in rebellion to God and there are people that right now they're hearing the gospel they just won't respond and there are other people that are responding they're spared from the wrath that is to come there is no there is no reprieve for people who can save during the tribulation it will be hell on earth it will be the worst 7-year period in human history and most people will not survive it and many believers won't survive it there's no comfort the comfort seat the Apostle Paul versus onehans one says Jesus who delivers us from the wrath that is to come first thessalonians chapter 5 after he just described the rapture he said God has not destined us for wrath comfort each other with those words by the way revelation 6 calls the tribulation the wrath of the Lamb isn't that a crazy statement if you saw a lamb running at you would you be afraid I mean very wrathful so there's there's two events happening during the tribulation the marriage supper of the Lamb and the raffle and there is a seven-year marriage supper of the Lamb happening in heaven between Jesus and the people who received him before the rapture for the people who got saved during the rapture it's going to be hell on earth well I mean let me take one this even better than that make sure this people they think about this so when Jesus returns to the Second Coming the Second Coming is a physical return of Jesus okay at the end of the tribulation and his church revelation 19 describes it revelation 19 describes the marriage supper of the Lamb and then we return with Jesus to the Mount of Olives to rule and reign for a thousand or think about something okay there will be mortals who survive the tribulation okay during the Millennium that's the thousand-year rule of Christ there's the rapture there's the tribulation the seven-year tribulation there's the Second Coming at the end of the tribulation and then Jesus rules arranged the earth for a thousand years and says during those thousand years he rules the nations with a rod of iron Jesus came the first time is the Lamb of God gentle and meek he comes the second time as the King of Kings the Lord of lords full of fierceness and wrath and he will rule the nations with a rod of iron you say well why good why is he so mad here those nations they're the people who survived the tribulation and during the worst of the judgments of the tribulation they still wouldn't repent they had cursed God and they still would repent listen it says during the tribulation people will seek death but they won't be able to find it this is a special group of people it says they seek death and they wouldn't be able to they couldn't find either whoa whoa what why would God not allow certain people to to kill themselves that's what they're trying to commit suicide they can't well that's too easy here's what God is saying to that group of people who are so in-your-face rebellious toward him no no no I'm not letting you kill yourself you're gonna survive this and you're gonna live for 1,000 years under my direct rule see that age of grace is an age that ends at the second coming there is no record of the Bible of anyone getting saved after the second coming today we have the grace to get saved if a person hears the gospel they can get saved during the tribulation they can still get saved but it's a very very severe grace they're getting saved during a time that is the worst time in human history at the second coming no one can say now we're perfect well we're raptured in those that are saved during the tribulation are raptured at the end we're perfect we have redeemed bodies glorious immortal incorruptible bodies were with Jesus net we're now the wife of Christ we're not the Bride of Christ were the wife of Christ ruling and reigning with him for a thousand years we don't need grace that after Jesus comes we don't need grace we're protected will never sin again but the people on the earth will have no grace in ruling them with a rod of iron doesn't mean sweet Jesus is gonna say well I would like for you to do this but you know you have free will there is no pretty well during that age it is in imposed law and the people who are rebellious toward God they're worse than nightmare and their worst judgment is to live under the imposed law of Jesus Christ and not able to live the way they want to live and they'll live that way for a thousand years and when you look today at the rebellion that's going on in the world they said there will be total justice when Jesus comes there'll be total justice all wrongs will be righted all sins will be a tongue paid for but some of these people today that you see you see them on the news you see them on TV you see them out there doing what they're doing those people you should pity them because they will live under the longest and worst judgment of anyone except for those people who ultimately go to hell so I've got a question for you from from Charles Lewis he's on on YouTube a scholar from scholars watches the show all the time also happens to be my dad and he wants to know about this a huntress I'm just messing around but but he is my dad he wants to know about the the temple does the temple need to be rebuilt so we talk about the imminent return of Christ the pre-tribulation rapture he can come back at any moment but does the temple actually need to be built before Jesus comes back yeah it has to be rebuilt save those onions for the Apostle Paul is talking about the Antichrist he said he sits as God in the temple of God declaring that He is God so that's just then in revelation 11 said John was given a reed to measure the temple but not the outer court okay and so there's going to be a rebuilt temple there can't be an abomination of desolation without a rebuilt temple now but it's not saying the entire temple complex it's mainly talking about the the complex that houses the Holy of Holies not that we would have the Ark of the Covenant there but they could still be doing temple worship let me give you an interesting common here revelation 11 talks about the temple being rebuilt okay in Jesus by the way talks about the Matthew 24 he talks about the abomination of desolation Daniel 9 talks about the abomination of desolation and then second Thessalonians 2 talks graphically about what that means Revelation 13 says the Antichrist speaks pompous things against God and against his sanctuary and so the in the middle of the tribulation the Antichrist goes in and he proclaims himself God but let me give you an interesting scenario here because justice since this is the theological broadcast so revelation 11 talks about the the temple being rebuilt measuring the temple the outer court has been given to the Gentiles okay then it talks about two witnesses which I believe are Enoch and Elijah because they're the two men in the Old Testament who never died that could be Moses from Elijah but but Moses died would be a bummer to die twice because they're gonna get killed by the Antichrist but I believe it's I believe it's anything Elijah okay so so think about this these men are so hated it says the Antichrist stops the sacrifices okay and then proclaims himself Cup think about this has been so Daniel line says the Antichrist will confirm a covenant with the mini for a week but in the middle of the Covenant will be become the he'll commit the abomination the abomination that causes desolation okay so there's this thought and I've had this thought you know that the Antichrist will make or confirm a covenant with Israel for seven years and that covenant will allow them to rebuild the temple okay well I want to rethink that for just a minute okay that may happen man the two witnesses are untouchable according to revelation 11 they call down fire upon anyone who backs them and they will not allow rain to fall on any person on the earth that comes against them and if you want to kill them you must be killed in a light manner there on the Temple Mount in Israel for three and a half years listen who cares if the Antichrist allows the Jews to rebuild the temple these guys will protect the temple builders and keep them for being touched for three and half years well isn't it so when they're killed the world hates them so much that they send gifts to one another and celebrate all over the world okay and by the way it says in revelation 11 they're all the world watches this at the same time that was impossible before the technology that we have right now but today the world could watch at the same time you say well why in the world would everyone hate them so much well they preach the gospel everybody hates them for that you know they have the ability to call them fire from heaven and stop rain also their rights that wait but there are sacrifices happening on the temple men the Jews have reinstituted because the first thing that the Antichrist us is taught the sacrifices remember this is he's the people's man he's the man of the people okay in the Jews when they get to the Temple Mount this year a group of Jews asked Benjamin Netanyahu for permission to go on the Temple Mount in to sacrifice a lamb for all the nations of Israel for Passover they will start animal sacrifices can you imagine what PETA will do when they go up there and start animal sacrifices and I mean they mean business they will go fur zerk and they will try to stop them and the two witnesses will prevent anyone from stopping them not only as they're building the temple but as they're doing the animal sacrifices when the Antichrist kills the two witnesses his first order of business is to stop animal sacrifice then he goes in and proclaims himself God so I believe there has to be a rebuilt temple by the way this year Jews are going up on the Temple Mount praying openly daily for the first time in 2,000 years we wrote an article on that Michael in that for 2,000 years and not being stopped by the Israeli police and so this is a big big deal there's a lot of activity they believe they have a red heifer that qualifies as being the 10th red heifer they have to have a red heifer to sanctify the the sanctuary and the priests to do this there have been 9 red heifer since Moses and the Jews believe that there will be 10 and then the Messiah will come if this red heifer that was born in 2018 continues to qualify it will be the 10th red heifer and will allow them to sanctify the Temple Mount and the this thing qualify as being one without blemish as it has to be it has been a blemish but I think there's a two-year period that it has to be examined right ok so a lot of what you're talking about has the undergirding of dispensational theology which sort of the the main thing for dispensationalism is the distinction between Israel and the church and and there are certainly some people who say well hey you know Galatians 6:16 the church is the Israel of God we are the or they point to other passages and say the like like Galatians 3 and we're sons of Abraham through faith and cry Jesus and there's neither Jew nor Greek etc and so how would how would you say the rapture and dispensational theology work together yeah a great question well the the Jews cannot be saved without Jesus and so I don't believe in Judaism I don't believe that there are two covenants at work at the same time in the salvation sense now when God made his covenant with Abraham it was never lasting covenant by the way it was a genetic covenant it was the Covenant of the land and so I bless those who bless your curse those who curse you it's obvious that that's still in effect because no no nation has ever remained great when they came against the Jews Jews cannot be saved without Jesus but they're special by covenant okay and according to Zechariah there's going to be a very severe or mercy upon the Jews during the tribulation period of time but let me give you an example Isaiah 11 prophesized that God will once again for the second time regather Israel from all the world that happened in 1948 you can't you just can't miss Esther if you're up they weren't just regathered once from Babylon they will regather twice from all the nations of the world Joel 3 God says in those days and at that time when I regather Judah and Jerusalem from around the world I'm going to enter into judgment with the nations in the valley Jehoshaphat on behalf on behalf of my people my heritage Israel whom they've scattered around the world and they have divided up my land so God is saying there in Joel 3 in the same exact period of time when I bring back the scattered of Judah Jerusalem I'm going to enter into judgment in Armageddon with all the nations of the world ok Zachariah 12 Zechariah 14 revelation 19 all the nations of the world on behalf of my people who they've scattered around the world jesus said Jerusalem will be trodden underfoot by Gentiles he said the Jews will be defeated that they'll be scattered around the world and then the the Jerusalem be trodden underfoot by Gentiles until the Gentiles is fulfilled which was in 1967 so what I see at work is not a choice do you believe that the church is God's chosen or Israel's God's chosen what I see is a harmony of an Old Testament covenant with a genetic group of people called Israel that they rejected they rebelled against God some of them were saved some of them are being saved and some of them will be saved during the tribulation okay and so the Jews are not saved because they're Jews they're only saved because of choosing Jesus as the Messiah however God chose the Jews to make himself known and he's still making himself known through the Jews an example I talked about in my book tipping point they're the super sign okay when Israel became a nation Isaiah 66 says when when when Israel travails she gave birth can a nation be born in one day Israel was born in one day on May 14th 1948 and so there is no doubt that God is using the nation of Israel today as a as a sign as the super sign of his coming there's no doubt about the fact that he's using Israel today to reveal the spirit of the nations of the world the United States we moved our embassy to Jerusalem the United Nations despises Israel they've censured Israel more than any other nation in the world combined and you're seeing the spirit of the nations the the Gog and Magog war of Ezekiel 38 and 39 which is Russia Iran it's it's Libya it's Turkey it's all those nations coming against Israel God is still using Israel but Jewish people cannot be saved without Jesus as the Messiah but they are still special to God by covenant and he will honor that covenant until the end that's great so what I'd like to do is we're coming up on that 40-minute mark of our interview we've only got 20 minutes left I'd like to maybe do some maybe rapid-fire questions I've got I think we actually sent you some of these questions that came in on Facebook and if we don't get like maybe five minutes we're gonna run through some of these questions here pretty quickly this question is from Brennan it's question number two Brennan has a question he says what is the evidence that there's a support that the restrainer is the holy spirit where would you see that in Scripture he goes on to say something to the effect of you know I would have a hard time coming to that understanding with just the text how would you understand the restrainer as it relates to eschatology well the church was born on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell okay and in the the he there in 2nd Thessalonians 2 is capitalized it's God so he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way so let's let's take this out of theology what what group of people on the earth today is restraining abortion what group of people on the on the planet they are restraining abortion was that the question or restraining abortion Christians yeah who else is restraining ok we have a ministry called marriage today who else in the world is restraining divorce okay who else in the world is restraining transsexuality or immorality in general preach preaching against his standing against it and so the there is God has a face God the Father has a face okay Jesus has a face were the face of the Holy Spirit we're we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and so you would say that the restraint yes it in a sense is the Holy Spirit it's not the Holy Spirit is left the planet but the Holy Spirit is working through his church that the church and is the restraint where the light of the earth were the salt of the earth absolutely when the when the Antichrist when the he do now restrains will do so until he has taken away then the lawless one will be revealed okay as soon as the Holy Spirit in the restraining force of the church is taken out the Anti Christ has free reign now there's going to be people to get saved and eventually they become another restraining force but he's gonna behead them he's gonna kill a lot of them but right now if if we're not the restrainer who is and you say well the Holy Spirit's restraining the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit works through God's people he works through the church and so you guys are pastors I've been a pastor for a long time part of what we do for a living is to help restrain the force of evil that's in the world today Jesus said in Matthew 18 whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven the word bind there means disallowed whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven Jesus gave us the authority to bind and loose in other words to restraint so again I'm not dogmatic I mean I'm very fearful it's been a very opinionated but if there is another restrainer in the world I sure don't know who the heck that is in the I guess the the post tribulation position is like if the restrainer is the Holy Spirit they would say then that then how do people get saved during the tribulation and your argumentation is like Holy Spirit hasn't left the planet he has taken the church and the Spirit is still at work convicting sin and righteousness you would say yeah and you have to understand today the Holy Spirit is in the church and we have in the midst of all of our problems we have still have protections upon Christianity you know there there have been read laws just recently passed the Little Sisters of the Poor who they tried to force to provide abortions look the Catholic nuns they tried to force them to the Obama administration tried to force them to provide abortions and they fought it they recently won in the Supreme Court okay that will be happening during the tribulation there is no restraint upon the Antichrist during the tribulation that's why revelation 13 says he is given authority over the Saints to overcome them the restraint right now we have the protection of God upon us as a church in that time the the Saints won't have protection so they're receiving they're receiving that that common grace if you will that that is the church that the world is receiving kind of common grace that's right is the church that's super cool you've got you've got a question right yeah I do so Jimmy a lot of people who are post tribulation 'el would say the verses that i read about the second coming seem to put excuse me seemed to put the the final judgment as simultaneous to this and so whereas when you were talking about hey jesus is gonna return and you know unsaved people who live through the the tribulation it sound like you were saying they were going to populate the millennium throughout that period of time so and i may have understood you wrong but i wanted to to just read a section that i know i've heard a lot of post tribulation rapture folks quote it's from the same book of the bible second thessalonians chapter 2 all right sorry second Thessalonians chapter one verses six through probably bout nine or ten and anyway but i hear this verse quoted and they say hey when jesus comes it's the end i mean jesus is he's rewarding the righteous eternally punishing the wicked and it's millennium if they're premillennialists and it's it's game over right there but here's the the scripture it says since indeed god considers it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you and to grant relief to you who are afflicted as well as to us and so here's when the lord returns when the lord jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire inflicting vengeance on those who do not know god and on those who do not obey the gospel of our lord jesus christ they will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction away from the presence of the lord and from the glory of his might when he comes on that day to be glorified in his Saints and to be marveled at among all who believed because our testimony to you was believed so as someone who believes in the pre-tribulation rapture how do you how do you understand that version how it fits in well you all of all of scripture has to be synthesised you can't take scripture of text and interpret the rest of the Bible by let me give you example Revelation chapter 19 is a graphic description of the second coming Jesus returns with his church he destroys those who have come against Jerusalem and against Israel and then he sets up his great white throne but there are mortals still on the earth that are graphically described in Revelation 20 Satan is bound for a thousand years that during that thousand year he rules God he rules the nations with a rod of iron at the end of the thousand years Satan is loosed and he goes out to lead gog and magog the nations of the world and they attack the camp of the saints the holy city jesus destroys them sets up the great white throne so on and so forth so it serves i'm saying there are scriptures that are condensed where that all of the Bible is condensed into a few verses in first let's learn our second Thessalonians chapter one is one of those verses where she's giving us synopsis you can't take a synopsis text and interpret graphic scriptures that describe the detail of it okay and so God Gosselaar does only got go slow of the world he gave His only begotten Son who ever believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life you can take that verse right there but you can't replace the Gospels with it the Gospels tell the entire story in the entire timeline of how Jesus died and when Jesus died in the entire duration so I reject a small text of Scripture in place of a very explicit text in the book of Revelation that describes it in detail so you're gonna understand the cryptic by the clear I think that's a it's a good hermeneutical practice I've got two questions that I'm gonna ask because I think that they actually kind of tie into one another so for Stacey that's in the back like which question question I'm gonna click three and six the first one Matthew it's question three if if the resurrection of the righteous and the rapture are the same era at the same time when does the resurrection happen in first Corinthians 15:52 says the resurrection happens at the blast of the last trumpet when is the last trumpet that's his question and then question six we have from my bunny John Davidson he asks that how does the Feast of Leviticus 23 how does that tie into the pre-tribulation rapture I think that that you might have a trumpet question kind of tied into your seeing the trumpet connection the trumpet connection is that is that how you see the the text of the final trumpet is a feast trumpet and not the last trumpet in Revelation absolutely not so so the great question Griffin so the seventh east of Israel or prophetic RIT absolutely undeniably no doubt about it okay Jesus was crucified on Passover the Lamb of God was crucified on the day that all of Israel were killing their lambs okay from medicine he was buried on unleavened bread okay unleavened bread was a seven-day feast levin represents in seven is the number of perfection Jesus perfectly atoned for our sins okay Jesus was resurrected during the feast of firstfruits he's in first Corinthians 15 he's the first roots among many brethren and the day of Pentecost happened during the feast of Pentecost where the priest would take two loaves of bread leavened bread waved them before God representing Jews and Gentiles have come into the fullness of God okay and so the first four feasts had were fulfilled on the exact day okay so we know this is a prophetic trip well then there was a duration of the summertime the planting time okay and they went into the fall of the year until the seventh month of the Jewish year September October and then they had three more fees now they have to happen in order okay the first feast was the Feast of Trumpets okay and so the rapture is associated with the trumpet now so you guys are smart the the day of trumpets is two days long the Feast of Trumpets is two days long so jesus said no man knows the day or the hour not even the son of men knows okay if I told you that Jesus was returning during the Feast of Trumpets you still wouldn't know that there they are in fact when Jesus said to the Jews no one knows the day or the hour he was effectively saying he was coming during trumpets trumpets is also known by the Jews is the wedding day of the king okay yes and by the way it says he comes at the last Trump during the Feast of Trumpets they blew a trumpet a ram's horn 9 times 11 times well nine different times they would blow the trumpet 11 times 99 times the longest was called the last Trump and they would blow it a lot loudest and longest that was the last Trump when you're talking to a Western mind we think about Louis Armstrong or we think about somebody that plays the trumpet you know that story reminds me of my kids are the kazoo it that sounds horribly annoying under it blasts of a trumpet oh well that's come on the third please yeah so and this is one that this is when the the wedding day of the king was is the Feast of Trumpets and it was it was a celebration it was a good feast it began the days of all okay ten days later was the feast of atonement that's the second coming it was the holiest day of the Jewish year this is when they would kill the RAM or they'd kill the goat two goats the scapegoat in the sacrifice coat and they would pluck portes blood out on in the Holy of Holies on the on the the mercy seat this is when Jesus returns in all sin stops the he that he purifies the world through his coming and by the way the the day of atonement was a very serious day it was a day of afflicting your soul five days later of seven-day feast the the Feast of Tabernacles began that's eternity with God by the way it was the seventh feast for seven days during the seventh month it was perfection eternity with God so I don't believe that there is any doubt that Jesus will return during the Feast of Trumpets what one says if you would have known about the feast before Jesus came you would have known he was gonna die on Passover you would have known he's gonna be buried on oh by the way it said God says you're supposed to have these feasts holy convocations to the Lord the word convocation means dress rehearsal every time Israel had a feast they were having a dress rehearsal of a future prophetic event that would be that would be fulfilled through Jesus through the Holy Spirit and then through the second coming and so I I am absolutely convinced and no one can convince me otherwise and I may be wrong but you know I may be wrong but never doubt I absolutely believe that the next three feasts that happen in the fall of the year are the fulfillment of the rapture the second coming and of eternity with God okay so as we as we talk about just timing you've talked about Israel as a super sign and I know that you believe that means I think you believe that means Jesus is returning in this generation based on what Jesus said in Matthew 24 about this generation so Israel being what you call a super sign you've talked about the feasts and the timing of them I'm a little bit curious of are you saying that you feel like the rapture is coming into this feast season that's coming up in the fall or are you just saying in some feast season in the future and then I know you all you've also you talked about this in your book the tipping point and if you guys are interested well Jimmy's saying you need to buy his book the tipping point that just came out but you talked about the days of creation in the way each of the days of creation match up with redemption history leading up to 6,000 years followed by a thousand-year reign for the seventh out seventh day of creation so the reason I say all this is it it sounds like there's a lot of timing converging here could you speak into that for a moment oh I definitely believe that Jesus will come at some point during the fall of the year I believe that the rapture will be during the Feast of Trumpets in my mind okay not this fall you meant though okay okay I heard you say this fall and I was like oh you got guts man I'm being there no no no okay I'm glad I asked the question of clarification go ahead yeah I don't set dates I never set dates but okay I'm thankful for setting me straight on that because okay the jesus said the generation that sees these things will see all things fulfilled okay so remember Israel is the super Sun the end times in Joel 3 in those days and at that same time when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem I will enter into judgment with the nations in the valley of Jehoshaphat on behalf of my heritage Israel whom they have scattered among the world and they've divided up my land so God in Joel three is saying when I bring back the captives of Judah Jerusalem it starts the clock starts and in that same time the word time there means season in the same season of time when you see me bring back the captives remember Isaiah 11 again for the second time the Lord will regather his people from all over the world okay and so these Isaiah 66 in one day all these things have come true this where God is telling us what he's thinking okay so here jesus said the same generation that sees these things take place we'll see how things fulfilled well so what how long is the generation that's the million-dollar question okay well law of hermeneutics is the Bible interprets the Bible no prophecy of the scripture is of private interpretation and so in other words guys so if I say to you yeah Jesus said a generation the same generation that sees this will see all things fulfilled but God showed me the generation is 137 years okay well that's the best private interpretation Psalm 90 says the days of immense lie for 70 years or if by reason of strength they're 80 years well in the 20th century the average lifespan is about 68 years long but now it's 78 years long so if you say a generation is 70 or 80 years that's that's practically what's happening that people are living 70 to 80 years long if you live longer than that you're living a long time so go ahead you mentioned private interpretation and this kind of leads into another question and if this gets you off train of thought and you're like hey I want to own a finish my thought please do that but but question five for Stacy you know he says can you show evidence the dispensational or pre-trib belief was circulated before Darby a lot of accusations for the pre-trib music this is a new thing based on private revelation and that would just it just caught my thought because because you had said that this might be a great time to kind of maybe address that do you see the pre-tribulation view before Darby or as something that's you know and just for our viewers John Nelson Darby 1830s is often credited as the one who sort of brought dispensationalism or the Prix idea of the preacher of rapture sort of to the surface and and people kind of argue back and forth what was a really hammer was it somebody earlier but but maybe you could speak into it Jimmy yeah I don't even consider him in the discussion because Luke 17 you know the the scriptures that I've talked about that describe the the rapture 1st Thessalonians 4 if they're so graphic but here's what I do believe in I believe in progressive restoration I believe that the church fell in the 3rd century 4th century went into darkness and I believe that 15 16th century 17th century God began to progressively restore the priesthood of the believer understanding about Basics in the Word of God you see in the 20th century there's no new truth but there's new revelation and so let me let me say this in Daniel chapter 12 the angel told Daniel Daniel seal up the words of this book very heavily prophetic book seal up this book until the times of the end and here's what the angel said many people will go to and fro in knowledge one crease in other words this book will not be understood until the incomes and when the end comes then it will be revealed and now we see an explosion in understanding of Daniel the you know Daniel 9 the 490 prophetic years the Antichrist the you know covenant with Israel also I believe that the truth of the end times were hidden until the end times came and I think the more we've come into the times we're living in today which I believe are the end times I believe that revelation has exploded you look back at Darby and people like that they were in the Dark Ages and they may have some revelation I absolutely don't base one single iota of what I believe on Darby or anybody else around that period of time or since then I base it on the words of Jesus amen so we're coming to the end of that our program what it's common for us on the show is to close out with closing thoughts and ask Michael and I'll go and ask Jimmy what are your thoughts as people are walking away that one nugget that you really want people to walk away remembering or thinking about or contemplating as they're going about the life but before I ask this question should remind all of you give it give them some time to think but I ask all of you if you're watching right now go ahead and hit the subscribe button we do conversations like this a lot we've had Craig keener we've had Doug Wilson we've even had some other from the House of Prayer remind me of that Lou Engel Matt Chandler I was thinking about the the guy came on talk about eschatology from the House of Prayer your Oh Brad's true that's true it is a specific subject we cover lots of eschatology on the program we invite them to come on and discuss kind of explain their position what we're trying to do is describe yeah theological echo chambers ever had tea right come on and talk about right you have new heavens and the new earth so check out the channel this is it's a really great out because what's what has happened historically for the church like we get around our church in our community and the only thing that we hear is what we're part of but we really try to to help people outside of their echo chamber and so and Jimmy you're helping us do that we have a lot of viewers that are pre-trib rapture but a lot a lot that aren't so I would just say I'm so thankful to have you on the show today Jimmy you articulated so we covered a lot of ground yeah that's so closing on closing thought really I I love that Jimmy was not passionate but not dogmatic that's right and I think that the that's how we have to be with this the same time stuff there's been a lot of false predictions over the years and I think and so I think we have to be we have to be careful about that I think that the main thing is that a blessing pronounced over those who the second Timothy four who long for his appearing and that's like I think a true a true test of our spiritual maturity and faith do we really have a longing for his appearing or do we really just want to be right about the endtime sentence so and so that's what I would say keep the main thing the main thing Jimmy what about you what's your how would you kind of summarize everything in in a closing thought well I'm really so much appreciate you guys heart or theology and it is very critically important I just say when it comes to the end times we have to be very gracious with one another I've been studying this for 47 years I've changed my opinion for the first 20 years I changed my opinion often and I got to the point that I didn't because I felt well studied I felt like I've researched it and that I could support my position but even then I could be wrong you know Jesus Jesus may come on Thursday during December and you know when eopns going on you know but serve the right to change your position mid-flight but it's comforting to me to have the the Bible 27 to 30 percent of the Bible's prophesy most of its endtime prophecy and God gave us that prophecy to comfort us and so that we would be informed and during koban 19 during all the craziness that's going on right now I think is so comforting to be able to contextualize what's happening in light of Bible prophecy a man I love this comment here from Darren P eschatology is not the door to salvation Jesus is so so these are in house discussions amongst Christian brothers we like to dialogue about this stuff and have fun and really try to figure this out so that we can know our Bible to know the God who's given us this Bible and if you guys are interested in doing that subscribe to the channel like the style it's really quick though because I have a second closing thought can I have a second other do I have another other one if you don't mind I just want to know the first listen it's a continuation because at the same time that that I want us to not be dogmatic about it you know revelation 1:3 does pronounce a blessing upon those who hear the book of Revelation and I I hear people joke all the time and you know yes I hear people joke all the time like it's so convoluted I can't understand I don't even care and I was that way for a long time but most of it is pretty understandable we might have some disagreements and let's not be dogmatic and you know castigate our brothers and sisters in Christ at the same time let's study it let's try to figure this out and let's try to understand the times in this season so I think we have to it's not an excuse for lazy exegesis it's not an excuse to say hey let's let's put our brain on on on the shelf and let's just check our brain at the door and and read all the stuff that's really easy yeah there definitely has some challenging sections of eschatology but but are worth the challenge absolutely so with that said like comment subscribe tomorrow guys so much a link rank you so much pastor Jimmy tune in tomorrow William Lane Craig is at 3 p.m. that's right tomorrow so god bless you guys have a great day blessings
Channel: The Remnant Radio
Views: 90,895
Rating: 4.8010635 out of 5
Keywords: end times, Pre tribulation rapture explained, pre trib rapture, explaining the pre tribulation rapture, explaining pre trib rapture, defending pretrib rapture, Pre tribulation rapture explained: with Jimmy Evans, Jimmy Evans Rapture, Rapture theology with Jimmy Evans, jimmy evans, pastor Jimmy evans, jimmy evans end times
Id: HdElIN4f4ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 16sec (3916 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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