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uh so so [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] good morning good morning good morning fresh oil family good sweet jesus morning to all of you praise god [Music] hallelujah you guys able to hear me praise god good morning good morning good morning to all of you i want to say good morning to some friends of mine good morning to the fresh oil family revivalist nelson is in the his house [Music] love you my brother guys if you can subscribe to his channel if you haven't had the opportunity to do so he's at 10 000 subscribers happy for you my brother love you my friend amen edwin good morning michelle jennifer good to see you karuppy jess good morning debbie princess warrior patricia young sandy um chris do you sell the t-shirts that you wear we do it's on our website jennifer patricia k thomas new beginning lulu elaine carla let's see here they had they have to have raised jeff's oxygen 80 percent and they can't take the sedatives off he has an infection and they can't find it we need a miracle father in jesus name we pray father for a miracle lord i'm just asking you holy spirit we've been praying for jeff we ask you right now in jesus precious name that you would touch jeff in jesus precious name in jesus name jesus name hallelujah oops what happened here all right let's give me one second guys i lost a window didn't work anyway uh just worship him right where you are sorry guys there's a window here there we are thank you jesus hallelujah let's just take a moment and just worship the lord right where you are right where you are let's see here [Music] he's getting a lot of attention [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] take your situations in the feet of jesus [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes you are [Music] yes you are yes you [Music] are yes you [Music] [Music] we give you glory we give you all of our attention we give you all of our affections inside god [Music] more [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] we're gonna do a special prayer in just a few minutes for ukraine and russia but first let's just magnify god let's connect our spirits to his spirit before we pray before we say anything let's just give god all of our attention this morning [Music] and in a few minutes we're going to pray for ukraine [Music] specifically ukraine [Music] give you honor [Music] you're the healing of the nations [Music] chosen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus we love you [Music] [Music] [Music] don't worry about the satanist just keep your eyes on jesus i already banned it forget those people just lift up jesus right where you are the fact that satan has come to try to distract is a good reason why this channel is blessed [Music] oh the serpents under our feet just worship the lord don't even give him any attention [Music] gonna say prayers for ukraine in just a little bit yes we're gonna focus on covering the nation of ukraine but i want us just to lift up and worship the lord first i want you to magnify him magnify the lord magnifying [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] we love you yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] just say his name jesus [Music] uh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] head [Music] oh [Music] your head [Music] okay oh [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] jesus one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're gonna say some prayers for ukraine right now and i want us to meditate on revelation chapter 22. and it says revelation 22 specifically verse 2 [Music] and he showed me a pure river of water of life clear as the crystal proceeding from the throne of god and of the lamb and in the middle of its street and on either side of the river was the tree of life which bore twelve fruits each tree yielding its fruit every month the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations i would say to you that the tree is the lamb of god the bible says cursed be every man that hangs on a tree jesus christ in galatians 3 13 became accursed for us he hung on a tree so that the blessing may come upon us and him is the healing of the nations he's the redeemer of the world he's the redeemer of all mankind in him is the healing of every tribe every telling every language it is in jesus name father i ask you now in jesus name that you would look upon these nations of the world you who created the heavens and the earth and the sea and all that is within it you who created the universe and the endless stars and their endless arrays you father who created every being every person i'm asking you lord for ukraine holy spirit i pray that you would descend like a dove like a lion like a lamb over ukraine [Music] in the name of jesus father i pray for the churches that are in ukraine cover every leader every shepherd every pastor every minister of the gospel every flock every congregation every person that claims the name of jesus lord i'm asking you lord god for your holy protection over your people that you would not your allow your people to be consumed in the fires of human beings that you would protect the nation of ukraine that your spirit would fall and release peace in jesus name i pray for every church every denomination every single person that claims the name of jesus that utters the name of jesus and ukraine holy spirit breathe breathe on them holy spirit shake them to run into the dwelling place of the most high i pray for psalm 91 over them cover them cover them lord god in jesus name cover the nation of ukraine in the name of jesus christ of nazareth cover your people move over your people lord the shepherd of your pasture you are the shepherd of that of that place cover ukraine cover every child in jesus name [Music] in jesus name you are the healing of the nations release healing in the nation of ukraine in the name of jesus father i pray that you would send your angels that you would send protection divine protection over every saint of god that you would they would sense the nearness of the lord that they would not feel discouraged or hopeless i pray for hope to begin to rise over the nation of ukraine holy spirit cover the children cover those that are sickly father we move to the hospitals even now lord every hospital in ukraine those that are sick those who are afflicted those who are injured those who are unwell holy spirit i pray that you would visit and fall upon every person in their bed of weakness i pray for special protection over them in jesus name protect every sick person every hospital every hospital bed every patient people that are infirmed and that are not able to move on their own i pray for special protection in jesus name your word says we're two or more gathered there you are in the midst your word declares that if we can agree if touch anything in prayer you hear us your word also declares if any man pray anything in accordance to his will he hears us and this is the will of god that we would pray for our the nations of the world you are the healing of the nations lord touch the children of ukraine the little ones the ones that can't fend for themselves the infants the toddlers the little children cover the children in jesus name in the name of jesus of nazareth we ask you for mercy release mercy over the nation of ukraine release mercy in jesus name be merciful holy spirit shine over the hearts of people lord i pray for unusual grace to hear you in the nation of ukraine unusual grace to be led of your spirit i pray for the increase of signs and wonders to be done in ukraine i pray for light to be seen even in this present darkness in jesus name we as the church release kingdom authority over the nation of ukraine cover ukraine in jesus name father i pray for the convicting power of jesus christ to come into every heart in ukraine that you would amp up the fire even more that you would increase the passion for you jesus and the nation of ukraine even more in jesus name [Music] father release aid release protection release deliverance over ukraine shake the ground with your glorious presence [Music] father i pray for a third great awakening in ukraine and even in russia father i pray that you would look down with mercy i pray that you would release kingdom order in ukraine all the nations of the earth are in your hands your word says that the heart of the kings are in your hands i pray that you would begin to turn the tides in jesus name i pray for peace to be established in ukraine in jesus name lord and we declare that you are the healing of the nations the angel of the lord encamps around those who fear you i just keep seeing that i just keep seeing angelic protection father send them out word says are not all angels ministering spirits sent to those who are the heirs of salvation lord send them out send out angelic protection send out protection send out covering send out covering in jesus name father every building lord god i pray that people would automatically just know to leave and to flee certain regions because they just they don't even know why they just sense it [Music] i pray for holy guidance special guidance over people in the name of jesus [Music] every wicked scheme of the devil be exposed in jesus name over ukraine in the name of jesus let your will be done let your kingdom come on ukraine in jesus name have mercy pour out mercy in jesus name i'm just gonna i'm just gonna say what i see okay i'm just gonna pray out what i sense in my spirit because it's not letting me go father i pray i just see like these big beings [Music] angelic send them out send them send them out lord to the heirs of salvation cover children protect the children cover the buildings that are about to that could be about to be demolished i pray for holy protection [Music] in jesus name i pray for leadership in ukraine holy spirit i pray for holy guidance in jesus name you lord god are the lord of hosts you are surrounded by innumerable armies of hosts heavenly hosts lord of hosts release heavenly hosts in ukraine in jesus name jesus step foot into ukraine jesus move over the waters of ukraine release peace in the storm come with your mantle of healing and protection and grace [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] godly strategies lord spiritual blueprints for your people holy spirit release godly strategies spiritual blueprints for your people over ukraine lord i pray for those who do not know you in ukraine i pray that they would begin to know you lord i pray that you would have mercy on the lost that you would protect the lost father god that they would be found in you in jesus name i pray for the church to rise up and to shelter the lost lord god those people who do not know you in ukraine in jesus name cover [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] lord we we cover right now in jesus name every city and jesus mighty name [Music] i pray for kiev cover kiev in jesus name i pray for the city of shaska cover the city of shaska in the name of jesus for sumi the city of sumi in jesus name i pray for libidin and oak kritika and kharkiv in the city of severn dernisk krani lush straganov [Music] i pray for the city of rubisne i pray for all of the surrounding cities in the borders of russia in jesus name for novart siversky for romey for paul talva i pray for slavins i pray for every city donisk father in jesus name [Music] release your glory in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] lord i pray for church the city of fredocia yalta semmerfold savastopol in jesus name father pray for odessa ismail the city of malcolm i'm butchering all these names father but you know these names father i pray for chernobyl in jesus name for kiev every single city father [Music] in jesus mighty name [Music] for [Music] even the surrounding nations as well i pray for belarus and poland and romania and slovakia moldova [Music] for belarus and lord i pray for even russia in jesus name holy spirit touch the russians in jesus name spirit of the living god touch russia in jesus name touch the russians in jesus precious name [Music] touch the church of russia touch believers in russia [Music] to cover their brothers in the ukraine in jesus name [Music] i pray for aid to come right now in jesus mighty name [Music] jesus precious name jesus jesus you're the healing of the nations jesus you are the healing of the nations we pray psalm 27 over them in jesus name father i pray for the kingdom of god to manifest over ukraine in the name of jesus father remove the principalities and powers in jesus precious name that are trying to reach and wreak havoc over this nation in the name of jesus father i pray for holy victory to rise in jesus name i pray that your kingdom would advance in jesus name in the name of jesus your word says that you are the healing of the nations release the healing of the nations lord god i pray even for vladimir putin holy spirit touch his heart oh lord touch his heart in [Music] jesus vladimir's heart in jesus name holy spirit i pray that you would put the reins on his heart that you would begin to break his heart [Music] lord this nation has seen a lot of things already in its history [Music] jesus release your peace release your glory release your fire in jesus name jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] let the glory of the lord fall in ukraine let the glory of the lord fall in ukraine let the glory of the lord break the strongholds of ukraine [Music] let the glory of the lord cause armies to be confounded let the glory of the lord fall over this nation [Music] cut the heads of the cobras in jesus name cut the heads of the venomous serpents in jesus name trample over the scorpions father you're the lord strong and mighty you're the lord mighty in battle you are the king of glory [Music] may your precious feet [Music] trample over every plant of the devil father in jesus name trample over every attack of the enemy in jesus name lord i pray for a supernatural work to occur even over russia i speak specifically over russia i pray for a supernatural work of glory and a supernatural work of power over the churches of russia that you would turn the tides in russia in jesus name lord i ask you lord god that you would begin to mend and melt hearts in russia that you would begin to do a supernatural sovereign work over russia because you love russia too just like you love ukraine and i pray for both of these nations i pray for the precious blood of christ to fall and to cleanse these nations lord [Music] i pray for all fear to be dissolved in jesus name may the bride of christ rise in both nations russia and ukraine in jesus name [Music] lord i pray for flaming swords of fire [Music] flaming swords of fire oh rama so uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i see around the borders all around the borders a sword of fire flaming swords of fire flaming swords of fire oh jesus angelic swords of fire [Music] i see them pointed towards ukraine in jesus name jesus cover ukraine with the fire of god with the sword of the gospel o god of mercy [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god [Music] oh god oh god release power holy spirit power oh god i see the fire of the gospel burning my door [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god you're gonna use this for your glory you're gonna use this for your glory god you're gonna use this for your glory god you're gonna be glorified oh oh god oh god you're gonna use this for your glory [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh god you're gonna use this for your glory oh god you're gonna use this for your glory oh god the gospel the gospel you're gonna use this for the glory of the gospel we can't have natural eyes to see this we have to see it by the spirit [Music] oh [Music] tremendous intercession over ukraine i see like suitcases all over ukraine suitcases all over ukraine and i hear as i was praying in tongues i kept seeing and kept hearing i'm gonna send help i'm gonna send help i'm gonna send it i'm gonna send help but it's gonna be for the gospel's cause we can't see this with the eyes of the flesh [Music] we have to see it with the eyes of the spirit oh remember [Music] oh oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus i kept seeing that i kept hearing the phrase i'm gonna send it i'm gonna send it i'm gonna send it as i was praying in tongues i'm gonna send it i'm gonna send it i'm gonna send it i saw suitcases all over the cities of ukraine [Music] you're going to use this for your glory you're going to be glorified it's going to give god glory god will cause his glory to be seen over ukraine in jesus name even in the middle of desolation even in the middle god still sees it and god's gonna use it for his glory god's gonna use it for his glory god's gonna use it for his glory oh god [Music] intercessions being poured out over ukraine [Music] oh [Music] dismantle every attack of the devil dismantle every attack of wickedness dismantle every attack of satan in jesus name dismantle it holy spirit dismantle o king of glory the scaffolding of the enemy dismantle it dismantle it dismantle it dismantle it dismantle the walls of the enemy dismantle it oh oh god this mantle the walls that have been built up spiritually [Music] you are dismantling even now you are tearing down even now you are dismantling even there is a natural war there's a mirror of a spiritual war that is happening walls will be poured down walls will be torn down in people's hearts walls will break god will be glorified in the end [Music] estonia [Music] i'm just gonna see what i say i'm gonna say what i see that walls would crumble lord that those spiritual walls will come down [Music] spiritual walls come down spiritual walls come down in jesus name lord you cause you makes you make wars to cease to the ends of the earth psalms 46 9 says we thank you jesus and your that you cause wars to cease in jesus name i keep seeing the gospel [Music] i keep seeing the gospel going out [Music] it's not going to affect the gospel the gospel will be beamed out stronger than ever before over ukraine [Music] god i keep seeing the gospel all over ukraine [Music] god what does that mean just see the gospel everywhere suitcases like in every city [Music] purify your bride [Music] purify your pride lord in ukraine use it for your glory i know you are [Music] release provisions in jesus name oh lord [Music] oh god [Music] jesus [Music] jesus oh gosh for our revival in ukraine pour out your fire ukraine god oh god [Music] the to those that are maybe underground congregating silently praying or strengthen your people oh [Music] strengthen the holy spirit like you did in the book of acts oh i see people huddled in places and shaking praying for boldness and shaking happening that the spirit of god would strengthen them with the power of god and the fire in the glories of god [Music] oh god oh god jesus fall on ukraine oh god refine your pride purifier cause your glory to be seen in the horizon to shine in the midst of great turmoil and darkness i thank you for isaiah behold darkness shall cover the earth but arise and shine for thy light has come and the glory of the lord will be seen on the o ukraine the churches of ukraine gross darkness invades your land but arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord will be your rear guard oh ukraine you shall not fear the terror by day a thousand may fall at your side at ten thousand in your left but it will not come near you the whole church of ukraine oh god all rise and shine over ukraine [Music] [Music] oh oh god [Music] oh god [Music] lord almighty oh god i can't let go [Music] i can't let go it's like a yolk [Music] i can't let go until we've prayed it through we gotta pray this through [Music] the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing but i sense a yoke the yoke of intercession with christ even now just as an ox yokes up with another ox so even now we're being yoked to the to the great intercessor the holy spirit of god that he's interceding and he's travailing for the nations of the earth he pants like a woman in travail he pants like a woman giving birth jesus [Music] praise we pray out your will over ukraine pray out your will spare your people god over ukraine [Music] is [Music] where are their watchmen on the wall where are their watchmen on the wall [Music] where are the watchmen on the wall [Music] the watchmen are falling asleep lord raise up their watchmen on the walls raise up watchmen even on this stream release a birthing of intercession over this stream over the people that are watching that will travail and pan and groan not out of the flesh but out of the spirit your will to be caused to come to pass wake up the watchmen [Music] [Music] m release the healing of the nations release the healing of the nations jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus lord i pray for russia oh god i pray for russia too oh god i pray for russia oh god [Music] i pray for fire to fall in russia too oh god some of you are looking at russia like the enemy he they're not the enemy we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers [Music] the russians are not our enemies the principalities and powers are [Music] god wants to save russia too i pray for fire i pray for fire over russia too [Music] lord i pray that you would touch the leadership of russia [Music] touch them for the sovereignty of your name i lift up those in power in russia and i pray that you would speak to them in dreams what does that mean [Music] jesus [Music] sever the heads of pigs in jesus name in jesus name [Music] remove the pigs in jesus name i don't know why i keep seeing that pigs i don't know what that even means cause them to flee in jesus name seven different ways [Music] lord i pray that you would touch vladimir putin's heart i pray for holy conviction i pray that you would begin to speak to him even in dreams and even in his heart in jesus name [Music] break the heart and heart in jesus name break the heart and heart [Music] in jesus name [Music] [Music] every unclean thing but it's a stop in jesus name [Music] we ask you [Music] we ask you lord [Music] that the fire of the holy spirit will fall over gold russia as well lord send the fire over both nations for the gospel sake in jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] every plan of the enemy [Music] dissolved in jesus name every plan of the enemy [Music] he makes the wars to cease to the end of the earth he breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two he burns the chariot in the fire be still and know that i am god i will be exalted in the nations i will be exalted in the earth psalms 46 9-10 read it again i will read it again he makes the worst to cease to the ends of the earth he breaks the bows and cuts the spear in two he burns the chariot in the fire be still and know that i am god i will be exalted in the nations i will be exalted in the earth receive the exaltation of your lordship and of your kingly rule o jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus yeah the same love of god has for us is the same love he has for russia and also for putin may he have an encounter with you a damascus road experience in jesus name oh lord lord i pray for holy repentance in jesus name holy repentance in jesus name have your way holy spirit have your way o god [Music] holy holy repentance remove the pigs i just saw that it was like heads of pigs being severed remove the heads of pigs this is something spiritual i believe it represents spiritual things holy spirit [Music] [Music] sever every wicked attack of the enemy lord [Music] we pray psalm 46 9-10 we pray that out somebody copy and paste where it says um where it says arise and shine for your light has come gross darkness the earth and the glory of the lord shall be seen in you copy and paste that scripture one of you guys so we could pray that out i want to pray out psalm 46 9-10 father you make the worst to cease to the ends of the earth you make the wars to cease father you break the bow holy spirit you cut it you cut the spear into lord you burn the chariot in the father and the in the fire father god you cause the wars to cease you make the wars to cease to the ends of the earth lord you break forth the bow and you cut the spear in two you burn the chariot in the fire lord we are still we will know that you are god you will be exalted among the nations you will be exalted in the earth nothing takes you by surprise nothing takes you by surprise [Music] nothing takes you by surprise [Music] nothing takes you by surprise yes arise and shine for your life has come and the glory of the lord rises upon you see darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples but the lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you oh lord we pray that over ukraine and the churches of russia and their churches [Music] over ukraine as well lord caused there the church of ukraine to arise and shine and see the light may the glory of the lord rise upon them even though darkness covers the earth the glory of the lord will cover [Music] destroy the bonds of the wicked father god remove every wicked scheme of the devil remove every scheme of the devil and cause the church to wake up all over the world raise up intercessors raise up let your light [Music] let your light expose the darkness wake up those who sleep [Music] lord i pray for blessing over ukraine in jesus name [Music] in jesus precious name [Music] we worship you we give you glory may your glory appear over ukraine [Music] may your glory descend over every city of ukraine we pray for psalms i mean revelations 22 2 revelations 22 2. revelations 22 2 [Music] and you become the healing of the nations [Music] nehemiah 415 when our enemies heard it that it was known to us that the god had frustrated their plan we all returned to the wall each to his work in jesus name [Music] we thank you lord [Music] we thank you lord we thank you lord [Music] have mercy over ukraine [Music] you are the healing of the nations you are the healing of the nations you are the healing of the nations [Music] jesus you are the healing of the nations [Music] you are the healing of the nations [Music] you'll reign over all the earth over all the earth [Music] i want everybody that is watching on the stream to look on ukraine and i want each of you [Music] all 205 of you 206 now who are watching [Music] and i want you to pick a city over in in ukraine [Music] i'm gonna pray over kiev [Music] [Music] i want you to pick a city each of you [Music] see if i can get a better view here pick a city [Music] or point to the city yeah christine says i'll pray for potalva jessica's going to pray for odessa bethany's going to pray for rami the boys is going to pray for yeah there you go guys come on put those cities there i'm going to pray for a kiev i want you to speak protection over each city yeah i pray over kiev yes father you see these cities i pray lord god that you there you go come on guys there you go put all of the cities that the lord highlights to you on this map and i want you to begin to pray and cover every city that the lord puts on your on your heart just one city let everyone take their turns there's about 210 watching and we are all covering each city so father we pray for the city the lord highlighted kiev to me so lord i pray for each city we pray for each city and i want you to begin to pray specifically for each family in the city saved and unsaved okay saved and unsaved father we pray for each family member each family saved and unsaved and we pray for a hedge of protection [Music] over each city that you have highlighted to us together collectively we're putting 10 000 of flight together collectively we're covering each city so lord what i want you guys to do is this is what i'm going to do i'm going to pray specifically things and i want you to cover that over that city [Music] so lord i pray for each family member in that specific city the mothers the fathers the brothers the sisters the aunts the uncles the cousins the children the infants the babes the homes grandmothers grandfathers niece's nephew's great uncles great aunts holy spirit cover each family member saved and unsaved those who are unsaved i pray that they would hear the precious gospel i pray that you would begin to touch believers in those cities and that they would be a shelter a haven for the lost and that your gospel would be preached even then even now lord i pray for water some maybe maybe people that are running out of water maybe maybe people are needing water i pray for water physical water and spiritual water lord i pray that you would surround the city with protection with angelic protection with divine protection in jesus name in jesus name lord i pray for psalm 91 over every home in the name of jesus [Music] that no weapon formed against them would prosper lord that you would that you would preserve the godly protect the godly lord that you would protect those who are hurting that you would protect the weak lord i pray for the little ones the fatherless the homeless over every city that is represented on this chat and we thank you lord for your protection we release your your kingdom authority we release your peace over each city we release lord god words [Music] to come into people's hearts grant revelation and wisdom [Music] to be poured over each city over each city that is represented in the name of jesus over each city that is presented on this chat and on this map i pray for yalta kirch feducia sevastopol [Music] lord we pray forever we pray for the borders [Music] between russia and the ukraine we pray for the borders of the cities near poland and slovakia and hungary and romania [Music] cover in jesus name yes cover each city we pray i want you to begin to declare the glory of god over the cities for all the fatherless all the orphans all the widows the forgotten the abandoned those left behind i pray for healing [Music] we plead the blood of jesus christ over every city we pray for protection i want you to just just to begin to declare your kingdom come everybody say that your kingdom come and then put the city you're praying for your kingdom come over kiev go ahead and put that down put your kingdom come over the city that that god puts in your heart your kingdom come your kingdom come mercy come over each city mercy mercy like the waters cover the sea [Music] like the waters cover the sea so does your glory yeah come on your kingdom come over rami your kingdom come over odessa your kingdom come over myriad over melapo your come on your kingdom come your kingdom come in jesus name over chernobyl to kiev your kingdom come your kingdom come let your kingdom come declare protection declare the fire of god prophesy the breath of life to these cities we're doing kingdom work right now we're doing kingdom work right now [Music] we're doing kingdom work right now over all the cities your kingdom come cause the wars to cease over each city oh lord we thank you we thank you holy spirit we thank you isn't this wonderful we're praying over every city every city every square inch cover this city [Music] lord raise up mighty men mighty women of god speak to your servants in every city mercy your kingdom come over potalva peace safety over the cities your kingdom come over sue me we declare it in jesus name protection the breath of god the spirit of god plead the blood of christ begin to preach i mean begin to plead the blood of jesus over each city the blood of jesus we plead the blood of jesus we plead the blood of jesus even over the cities that are not even mentioned right now over the small cities over the hillside over the valleys near the rivers [Music] little towns yes oh hallelujah oh hallelujah oh hallelujah [Music] yes cover the seniors and deserted parts of the land i saw that too [Music] in jesus name [Music] now i want you to release refreshing as the church release refreshing to the churches of these cities refreshing refreshing to your people lord [Music] so [Music] jesus come on [Music] come on refresh each city i want you to just speak times of refreshing to come from the presence of the lord to each city holy spirit cause the light to shine in the darkness now i want you just to begin to thank the lord i want you to begin to thank the lord for your city thank you jesus there's victory there's a note of victory we're praying the will of god guys we're praying the will of god this is the will of god that we pray for those in authority those in the nations thank you just begin to thank the father that he hears us thank you for joy unspeakable and full of glory over ukraine joy unspeakable and full of glory over ukraine thank you lord release joy even in the midst of calamity release joy fall afresh in jesus name thank you lord we release victory we speak life we speak liberty [Music] in jesus name we give you praise we give you praise we give you praise we give you praise over ukraine we give you praise thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lord we thank you that you hear us when we pray we thank you lord that you hear us when we pray we thank you lord that you hear us we worship you we worship you thank you lord [Music] we thank you jesus hallelujah we give you glory we give you glory lord may your kingdom come over children i just keep seeing little ones and fathers and mothers holding their children thank you lord for protecting the little ones the weak the voiceless [Music] jesus we love you we thank you lord we thank you jesus [Music] oh we thank you we thank you jesus [Music] we thank you lord we thank you you hear us when we pray the kingdom come over every city we thank you for the light to shine in the midst of darkness we thank you for joy unspeakable and full of glory lord we pray against the spirit of fear we bind the spirit of fear in jesus name we release peace over every person's heart over every city in the ukraine yes strengthen the missionaries that are there yes crystal says i release refreshing over the city of sunni in jesus name have your way holy spirit hallelujah [Music] we pray for healing from those who've been traumatized strengthen their hearts yes [Music] yes guys listen listen if you can like the stream okay so that the engagements of the algorithm will go up and that way youtube will share this and and people will be able to watch the upload so that they can pray as well yes yes share share share hallelujah yeah i agree with elizabeth she says the oil of joy instead of mourning the carmen of praise instead of the spirit of despair strengthen the minds in jesus name yeah yeah margaret says russia is ready to send a delegation for talks with ukraine lord may your spirit fill those talks and wisdom yes in jesus name yes lord yes lord yes lord release peace over leadership [Music] holy spirit release peace in jesus name [Music] peace agree for peace now guys i want you to touch and agree over leadership within russia and ukraine release peace come on come on guys let's agree for peace now father we pray for those in authority those in leadership release peace release peace peaceful delegations peaceful talks peace that there would be no bloodshed no more violence peace healing and peace and the leadership listen the word says in second timothy i believe it's second timothy or first timothy two that god desires that we would pray for all those in leadership so that we would so that we would have so that we would lead a quiet and peaceable life yes release peace peace peace be still now this is what what i'm gonna do i'm going to speak over leadership and i want you to agree with me father i thank you for releasing peace over leadership i pray for peaceful talks peaceful delegations peaceful agreements peaceful things lord i pray that you would release peace over every s person in leadership like a horse to the bit of a mouth of a horse like the reins of a horse begin to lead and guide conversations of leadership i pray for angels and angelic hosts to surround those conversations [Music] in jesus name and release peace agree with me if any two agree concerning anything it shall be done oh in jesus name like a like a bit to a horse's mouth like like reigns to a horse's saddle [Music] guide guide guide every conversation that no evil speech would come out of any leadership's mouth that nothing would escalate lord in jesus name [Music] in jesus precious name [Music] clarity of peace lord i pray specifically for vladimir putin specifically him put the reins on his heart put the bit in his in his soul and lead and guide [Music] lead and guide lead and guide lead and guide lead and guide lead and guide holy spirit in jesus name do not allow any wicked thing do not think do not allow holy spirit things to escalate angelic reinforcement surround the room we bind any wicked scheme of the devil and we pray for those in authority the bible says very clearly praise pray for those in authority so that we may live a quiet and peaceable life though we don't live in ukraine our brothers do our sisters do though we've never met the spirit has connected them to us holy spirit peacemaking blessed are the peacemakers lord i thank you for peace making in jesus name peacemakers release peace if you can't like the stream so that many people can see this and that youtube will throw it on the engagement the more people we have on the more we can pray together we already bound the strong man we already bound the principalities and powers in the beginning of the stream now we release the kingdom of god lord god give you an eyes to see ears to hear in his heart to understand your will only you can demolish the works of the enemy in his life give life to him yes lord guys lord i pray for the salvation of putin's soul save him i pray that you would make his heart tender and break his heart for what breaks your heart that that he wouldn't even know what's even going on he that he would not even know why he's being led a certain way i pray that he would have an encounter with you lord you have died for the kings of the earth you have died jesus jesus you have shed your blood for the kings of the earth they too must be saved they too must be saved breathe just like you gave visions in the night just like you've given dreams of leaders in the old testaments and knew i pray you would do the same in jesus name touch the leadership of russia in the name of jesus christ of nazareth in the name of jesus we plead the blood of christ in jesus name [Music] we thank you for godly leadership lord have your way be glorified even raise up godly leadership even within russia [Music] even within russia even from within its walls raise up godly leadership holy people raise them up release the peacemakers in jesus name [Music] yes yeah joshua osei says yes lord save those who thought they were condemned forever so that leaders watching would marvel at your handiwork come on come on jesus raise up david's in in in positions of power yeah amen [Music] rise up peacemakers rise up watchmen on the wall rise up man jesus this is becoming an epicenter of international prayer this stream is turning into international prayer oh hallelujah jesus [Music] jesus have your way holy spirit [Music] have your way spirit of the living god yes may ukraine's president have an encounter with you jesus turn the hearts of salvation to you [Music] yes have your way [Music] prayers for ukraine that's right confuse all the plans of the enemy [Music] thank you jesus rebuild the ancient cities rebuild the ancient wells of revival break the fetters of those who are bound in jesus name cover ukraine with the glory of the lord cover ukraine with the glory of the lord in jesus name thank you father thank you jesus hebrews 5 7 in the days of his flesh jesus offered up prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears to him who was able to save him from death and he was heard because of his reverence praise god come on bethany says watch and see that he is alive the king of glory is alive they who doubt will see that the king of glory is alive nicolette says confuse the real enemies in jesus name come on jessica says that the spirit of god will cause us to be one that's right come on yeah glory to god almighty says lord raise up esthers deborahs and abigails davids and daniel so that they may have strategic plans from you and bring the people close to you jesus yes yes elizabeth says let what the enemy meant for bad turn into blessings that's right release oneness yes god is so good let's continue to release the healing of the nations jesus christ the king of glory is the healing of the nations cause confusion to come from the enemy see and i want to encourage you guys that our enemy our enemy is not a person or people the enemy is is the principalities and powers we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities powers might and dominions yeah cover each missionary in jesus name [Music] you see yes pray the children see the hand of the lord and it is used to be a testimony of his goodness absolutely daytona says jess says father change the hearts of those who don't know you i pray for the peoples of ukraine amen i'm telling you jesus loves ukraine jesus loves the people of ukraine [Music] jesus breaks for them [Music] yes cover those who are from other nations americans even in russia and in the ukraine cover them [Music] in jesus name if there if there is anyone watching from ukraine let me know in the comments section [Music] yes let there be a holy wave in ukraine yes as the waters cover the sea let the glory of the lord cover the nation of ukraine [Music] we pray for saved and unsaved pray for the jewish people even in the u and ukraine raise them up pray for salvation to sweep through in jesus precious name yes restore what was broken heal the broken in russia and in your ukraine restore and heal release the compassions of christ let there be a holy wave [Music] within russia and ukraine yeah jessica says when the when the people of god are united chains break divisions and the yoke of slavery is broken in the name of jesus the news a friend of mine just uh the news unit a friend of mine just sent me your link i've never been to your channel i do holy bible studies god bless you welcome to the channel lord i pray for that you would turn beauty into ashes i mean ashes into beauty i'm sorry i'm reading it backwards [Music] yes if my people would humble themselves and pray and repent of their wicked ways i will heal i will hear from heaven and heal their land [Music] hallelujah lord i pray for holy repentance in jesus name welcome the news unit blessings to you that's right lily of the valley says one can put a thousand and two thousand to flight that's right solo angel says first timothy two two oh man look at this guys first timothy 2 2 pray for kings and all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty and then revelations 22 2 also says the same thing that that there is a tree out of the lamb and of the father there is a river of life and out of it is the healing of the nations the tree jesus christ is the tree of life the healing of the nations hallelujah we thank you lord hallelujah praise god praise god isn't jesus wonderful jesus is wonderful give god praise i pray for repentance yes yeah the news unit how come it seems that all nations never get healed are our prayers being heard at all absolutely yeah um you're saying you're beginning to lose faith don't lose faith i know i know that if we here's the thing if we keep our eyes on the things of this world and we choose to have a natural carnal perspective we will lose faith jesus actually said these words when the son of man returns to earth will he find faith on the earth and what he what he prophesied was that there would be a lot of people who would lose faith why because of the things that they would see but when we pray and i want to encourage you the news unit i want to encourage you that when we pray the spirit of god will begin to give us his perspective on things and our the prayers of the righteous avail much and god will begin to answer prayer in the timing and of the petitions of his timings he knows the timing of all things so what he is asking us what he's asking of us is that we pray out his kingdom so i pray for the news unit that he or she would not lose faith would not lose faith i pray for strength to pray out your will [Music] in jesus name lord i pray for all of europe sweep through in jesus name in jesus name rise okay yeah so david is your name yeah we claim the promises of 2nd chronicles 7 14. absolutely we can we can uh claim that absolutely [Music] just pray for david [Music] yeah chelsea says the news headlines are saying that putin is open to talks of ending the fighting come on in jesus name cause that to happen not only release an openness but release a grace over him that he says peace and love for all the nations cover your sons with your precious blood jesus all the glory belongs to you yeah protect the reporters in jesus name i agree with sheridan yeah yeah martha says we don't see all of what the lord is doing in this side of heaven we will see fully in heaven that's right [Music] yeah pray for a night of watchful angels that there would be an end to the madness amen yeah release deliverance over the cities let the people of russia turn to you and put their faith and trust in you not in man may there be a good report that's right kelly cordova says no doubt that's right now i'd like to teach you something right here have you noticed that the moment we stopped praying for what we wanted and we started putting our attention to this nation and the things that were on god's heart there was a sense of fulfillment that you sensed that there was a sense of forgetting even your own issues why is that because when you put his kingdom first when you put his kingdom first all things will be added on to you jesus hears our prayers [Music] and it's time for the church to stop being selfish [Music] we need to pray for the to the lord of the harvest yeah the uk and the us are involved in this heavily pray for grace and repentance from their leaders in jesus name and jesus name in jesus name grace repentance favor in jesus name yeah now guys listen when we put the things that are on his heart first when we put the things that are in his heart first when we pray out his will first he begins to fill us uh oh the screen went black what's happening here um let me turn something off here guys one second oh cam two let me just turn off something guys one minute all right [Music] all right one of those cameras went went down [Music] you see what happens is when we put the lord's will first yeah it was the battery that died when we put the lord's will first uh the news unit are you a pastor yes i am i help pastor i'm a co-pastor over at a victory church over in fort smith arkansas yes i am from the united states yeah yeah bethany says yes that's right praying for his will at first is actually an act of faith knowing he sees your needs and will meet them because you are more concerned with him above yourself amen amen praise god yes i'm from arkansas [Music] yeah i'm telling you listen i want to show you something there's this uh yeah christine says pastor i want to i want you to visit california you can i can um if you go to our new website we have our new website it's brand new we just redid everything um yes i'm originally from connecticut david is reminding everybody because he's from connecticut um there's there's this page that says um invite pastor chris you can and just put it there amen um but anyway when we put his when we put his will first when we put his will first when we put the things that are important to his heart he hears us he hears us um i'm reminded of what jesus said i'm reminded amen jake i'm reminded of what jesus said jesus said when you pray pray to the it says the harvest is as plentiful but the laborers are few ask the lord of the harvest to send forth laborers and the bible says that the next verse opens up to chapter 10 of matthew and then it says the lord caused them to be sent out two by two and to preach the gospel everywhere see what causes us to be sent out by jesus christ is that we first pray its will out some of you are praying god use me it's the ekbalo it's the casting out to the nations and if we pray out his will if we pray for the nations of the earth if we pray to the lord of the harvest he himself will cause our hearts to burn for his people he will cause our hearts to ache for his people he will cause our hearts to be softened to his people and then he sends us out because now we have his heart yeah it's the akbala it's um it's the greek term for sending people out in the new testament it's like to be lanced out some of you some of you want god to send you first you need to pray to the lord of the harvest look at what it says here see if i can find it [Music] look at what it says here [Music] yeah four years ago while in travail i yelled out ekbalo i had to look up what it meant that's awesome i wanna i want you to see this again we've been meditating on he showed me a pure river the water of life as clear as crystal proceeding from the throne of god and of the lamb and in the middle of its street and on either side of the river was the tree of life which bore 12 fruits each tree yielding its fruit every month the tree the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations and there shall be no more curse but the throne of god and of the lamb shall be in it and his servants shall serve him but i want us to go to this super quick okay and then that is revelation 22 2. revelation 22. i think that's revelation 22. yeah yep the river of life and then i also um want you to see something here this is what happens when we pray his will okay um look at what matthew chapter 10 says watch this look at this i want you to see this okay look at this then jesus this is matthew chapter 9 verse 35 on and it says then jesus went about all the cities and the villages teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom healing every sickness and every disease among the people but when he saw the multitudes he was moved with compassion for them because they were weary and scattered like sheep having no shepherd then he said to the disciples the harvest is truly plentiful but the laborers are few therefore pray the lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest so what do you think they did what do you think the disciples did at that moment they began to pray to the lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest and then look at what happens because of it and when he called his 12 disciples to him he gave them power over unclean spirits to cast them out to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of diseases right and then he sends them out and he commands them and then he tells them what to do from that point on but he did not send them until he did not send them until they had prayed to the lord of the harvest you see what i mean so why is that we need to have god's heart in order to be sent we need to have god's heart if you guys can like the stream and also if you haven't subscribed i've encouraged you to please subscribe and also join our mailing list at and click sign up so that um when we do a new blog and we talk about short teachings you'll be able to see that on your emails but listen what i want to say is this what i want to say is this we need to have god's heart when it comes to the harvest field and the only way to have compassion for them is to pray and as we begin to pray he begins to give us his heart and as he begins to give us his heart he begins to qualify us to be sent there he qualifies the called but the but first the called have to respond to prayer does that make sense let me tell on myself i used to i used to preach the gospel a lot in connecticut in the city of meriden where i'm from and i used to go to the salvation army the first time i went to the salvation army i remember i had a suit and a tie and i began to preach at people the gospel in the middle of that the holy spirit says you're a pharisee he spoke to my heart he said chris you're acting like a pharisee i don't want you coming back here and preaching here again until i tell you when so i stopped the preaching and i left and i went back home yeah this is good i'm about to agree with marina in just a second i just felt a win there's no wind here there's that was interesting anyway um so um i remember the lord said to me you're acting like a pharisee because you're preaching at them and i thought i was better than them in my own heart i didn't realize that until he pointed it out to me and he said i don't want you coming back to the salvation army until i tell you and so what the lord had me do for like three months was to get on my knees and pray for the homeless of salvation army and as i started to pray for them i began to weep for them and i began to break for them and i began to agonize and feel the compassions of the lord and one day during prayer the spirit says get up it's time to go to the salvation army i want you to go in flip flops and blue jeans and a white t-shirt i don't want you to wear any shirt or tie and i want you to bring your friend who plays guitar and i want him to play and strum worship to me and then i will send you and when i went there god began to give me compassion for the lost okay and i remember that um as as i began to get up and my friend um began to strum his guitar the atmosphere went from heaviness to ickiness to the presence and glory of god to the power of god so much so that when i got up to speak and preach it was like someone else was talking through me and even the homeless people from outside started shoving themselves into here because the anointing of the spirit was present see why am i saying that i'm saying that because because god had me pray out his will and in turn breaking my heart and in turn making a con making me a conduit to speak and it's the same with all of us as we begin to take our eyes off of self out of ourselves out of our own situations and we begin to pray out the kingdom and the works of the kingdom and the people that he loves so much he begins to break our hearts for the things that breaks break his heart and then he begins to send us out why because the compassions flow through us preachers are dimes a dozen god is wanting kingdom builders not those who build a ministry but those who build the kingdom not for those who build a church but those who build the bride marina said something i want to agree with her uh where did she say that let me just look it up yeah we pray for the aliens of countries of with russia for syria venezuela to come to jesus yeshua to stop corruption from countries and from stealing and robbing from their people amen god wants us [Music] to pray out his will guys can we cover jeff orr who's in the hospital he's got some infection he needs a miracle he's one of our congregants here at the church he's a dear man he's a sweet man and he's a he's in a ventilator and he's got an infection and we're just praying for the will of god i pray for healing father remove the infection from his body from his lungs lord i pray for life i pray for life give carla strength in this time we cover jeff let's all agree let's all agree for jeff we stand in agreement for jeff lord i pray that you would raise him out of this bed of sickness and torment and disease father i pray in jesus name that you would have mercy and compassion have mercy we declare healing over jeff we're lifting up carla as well he shall live and not die and declare the works of the lord we're coming to agreement we come into agreement in jesus name father we pray for jeff orr release healing breath of god enter his lungs we come into agreement holy spirit comfort his soul his spirit right now we speak to his soul we speak to his spirit that he would be invigorated right now in jesus name cover jeff the doctors may say one thing but you're you may say something else you speak better things we pray that you would raise him up out of this issue cause supernatural recovery caused the tide to shift cause the bacteria and the virus to be just to be dissipated cause strength to enter into his body have mercy in jesus name we agree for jeff's miracle in healing in jesus name give carla peace that surpasses all understanding and a quiet wish and the qui and a quiet whisper of defeat only life she will hear in jesus name father we we we want your kingdom to come over his body let your will be done breathe spirit of the living god breathe spirit of the living god in jesus name we thank you holy spirit [Music] spirit of infirmity go in jesus name we pray for supernatural protection we pray for supernatural recovery and healing over jeff we receive it together oh great physician we cry out i pray for faith to rise up faith faith command every organ and blood vessel to rise up in agreement to what you say in jesus name we thank you lord we thank you lord that's right every cell will align in jesus name [Music] jesus [Music] that's right who is his own self or our sins and his own body on the tree that we might be dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed [Music] jesus jesus the blood of jesus flow we speak authority or your authority we release your healing we take up our authority as the church [Music] we take up our authority your word says that believers shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover we release healing we take our authority we bind doubt we bind unbelief in jesus name we bind fear right now it has to go we release peace in this situation we release peace even with jeff even now where he is on that bed we release peace and compassions of christ to flow and release healing we release the healing power of god healing in jesus name from the crown of his head to the souls of his feet we come against this bacteria we come against infection we come against disease and i pray that you would put your hand to touch his body lord touch his body in jesus name release healing in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name in the name of jesus in that name in the name that is above every name sickness must bow to the name of jesus in that name demons shudder and flee in that name the storm is calmed in that name that is above every name situations change in that name in the name of jesus be healed from the top of your head holy spirit to the crown of his feet healing in jesus name in jesus name we pray for healing the name above every name the name above all names in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name that is above every name in the name of jesus raise up jeff or from this infirmity in the name of jesus cause him to be raised up from this sickness in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we sing praises over jeff right now because we know who you are father we praise you in this valley and we know you he shall taste and see your goodness father i pray that your healing power the healing power of the blood of jesus in the name of jesus that warmth and energy begin to flow over jeff's room fill that room with the atmosphere of heaven miracles in his room today in jesus name speak life we believe for this miracle we thank you in advance in jesus name in the name of jesus we thank you lord we worship you we give you glory we give you praise jesus we give you praise [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] because [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] have your way jesus have your way have your way guys give me one second i have to use the restroom super duper quick give me one minute okay i gotta run to the restroom super fast one moment one moment [Music] all right [Music] jesus we worship you lord we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory we give you honor we give you praise we give you praise [Music] oh [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] if you can i have to wrap up the stream now [Music] if you can do me a favor number one like the stream okay so i'm gonna tell you guys right here boom like the stream [Music] number one [Music] number one like the stream can we all do that [Music] number two [Music] share this stream okay share this stream with a friend [Music] number three [Music] comment when the stream ends okay comment when the stream ends okay when the stream ends it turns into an upload please comment that will help a lot with the engagement number three i mean wait if you haven't subscribed subscribe help help us get 10 000 subscribers [Music] so subscribe if you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe hit the bell button okay and then what i want you to do the lastly okay i want you to visit the new website okay and enlist in our email on our our email list okay [Music] okay check check check amen subscribe to our mailing list we're gonna be putting blogs up there um i'm gonna sometimes when the stream is over i will um yeah freddy did our website yeah so if you can please do me a favor go to the put in the uh put in your information to the mailing list and once a week we'll be sending out a newsletter and it'll be kind of like our blogs and different things like that so if you can please do that okay [Music] yeah freddy did our website he's he's he's the man so i have to end the stream so if you can please like share subscribe hit the bell if you want to give if you want to partner with us you can text glory to 801 801 or you could visit our we also have our cool shirts here all of that goes to the proceeds of the ministry 100 amen also the reason why i want you guys to get on the mailing list the email list is because i'm going to be creating a free ebook for all of you and it'll be all about uh seven keys to an uncommon spiritual life amen and um i pray specifically super quick somebody said please before you leave um pray over where are you somebody said before you leave the stream [Music] anyway um whoever that was for deliverance for john in jesus name we pray for deliverance [Music] okay we pray for deliverance in jesus name in jesus name [Music] okay so again [Music] www.fathersglory [Music] okay [Music] [Music] all right all right guys gotta go and we will see you tonight remember tonight we have a stream we're going to be talking about cessationism why the gifts of the spirit have not ceased biblical proof that the gifts of the spirit are for today and how you can know for sure and how to dismantle the lies of of the teaching that the gifts are no longer for today me and freddie are going to be talking about that tonight at 7 00 pm join us tonight for our true talk podcast amen god bless you gotta go and we will see you tonight god bless
Channel: Chris Garcia
Views: 6,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4QipKbbdKUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 28sec (10528 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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