Praise Allah & Durood (Salutations) before making dua, should we do this in Salah as well Assimalhak

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satya says before making dua insula should we praise allah and send salutations upon the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam first of all it is important to know that the prophet alayhi salat wa sallam told us that all dua are blocked between the heavens and the earth until a person offers salutation upon me so the Prophet is highlighting the importance of offering salutation upon the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam before making dua this made some people believe that every time we make dua we have to offer salutation upon the prophet alayhi salatu salam however if you observe the show the Sunnah of the Prophet Allah system and the way he used to make dua you would find that there are two types of draw a dua that is prescribed that the Prophet told us to say it and it does not contain praising Allah or offering salutation upon the Prophet Eraser asana and there is dua that is general that the prophet told us make du'a here or there and he did not specify a particular dog the first type of duaa such as singing it will still fall the master of seeking forgiveness the best you are for seeking forgiveness and it begins by Elohim and terribie what Anaheim took so there is no praising of Allah and there is no offering salutation of the Prophet is awesome maybe one would say Allah Aman terribie is a form of praising Allah Azza WA JAL it's possible but there is definitely no salutation upon the Prophet Isis on the door we say when we wake up for Tahajjud prayer in the middle of the night allahumma la contempt anti-muslim arathi or early on fitna where I can Hammond and then or somehow I do Lord Lyon fear in our little hand and tell her how look all of this is praising Allah offering salat ation upon the Prophet is not mentioned here are in salat wa salam so we understand that the prescribed WA is to be recited without praising Allah and offering salutation upon the prophet alayhi salatu was-salam as for general dua such as between a van and a palma the that is over i said that car and the Obama is in ten minutes I raise my hands I'd like to ask Allah for anything I praise Allah and I offer salutation upon the Prophet Ali Saleh to Sarah there is no problem in that none whatsoever now in the last third of the night the same thing when it rains the same thing etc when I'm breaking my fast there's no problem in that now the issue is what about if a person is in prayer and we know that there are two places in prayer that are highly recommended for us to make dua n the first is Institute whether this is a formed prayer or a nephal prayer whether this is the first second sujood or the last stitute you are encouraged to make dua because the Prophet said that is awesome the closest one of you is to Allah is when he's in the prostration position so choose whatever dua you want because you'll be answered and the second place is after that a shehad and the salaat upon the prophet alayhi salatu salam in the last raka so I'm sitting down for the last shot the last sitting I offer the salutation upon the Prophet as Salam before I complete my prayer and conclude it with Salam it is recommended that I make duaa and this is something also the Prophet as some had directed us to say here it was never reported that you praise Allah and your facilitation upon the prophet alayhi salatu salam and therefore you go directly to your door and you say subhanAllah be Lila in sujood so handle me Radha over Hamdi for example and then you go or Allah pay off my debts or line increase my provision or Allah guide my children or Allah make my daughter successful in her exams or Allah cure my sick people etc there is no problem in doing that the problem would arise if you think that I have to know you don't have to sew offering salutation upon the prophetess and while in this route is it permissible it's a door there's no problem if you say Allah Allah Muhammad Ali Mohammed well understood but it is not part of the cinder so it is not something that is recommended for you to do analyze though al knows best
Channel: assimalhakeem
Views: 61,048
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Id: s8rJjk80Zig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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