Prairie Dog Lays First Egg (Big Ounce was Pregnant!?)

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finders keepers the infamous worm farm you kids want to see some bats i'm lurking and i'm stalking when you least expect it happy tomorrow everybody as you can see little chunkis here my little big boy my little just kidding his name's on his big ounce both of these adorable little kids love me a lot now uh not well not really but she doesn't bite me hard and i can i can scratch her see obviously she's not like loving this but i think she does appreciate cheek scratches see at first she gets real scared when i try and scratch her like this but then he gets real jealous this little guy will get jealous and then she'll want to come by and she wants her own little scratches this little duckling here has survived one day which is wonderful little duck's definitely got some issues she shakes a little bit i think she's got an issue with her foot but that's okay i think we can keep her alive now the wood chips are a little bit further down these guys aren't able to just jump right out here's a little nugget uh and then he's still able to jump up and down he gets he loses a little bit of weight doing that and i give her her little nugget here you go little queen there we go and now here's one for later for you and one for later for you i haven't put karen's eggs in the incubator yet because i still need to make sure that it's consistently at 50 percent humidity currently it is at 30 which is honestly fine for chicken eggs a lot of people do 30 the whole way the humane society in waco is at full capacity and i tried using instagram to re-home this door below cat i gave her a bowl of water and a big turkey leg and honestly i think she's been pretty happy but i need to bring her home but look at this guys no more trash at all everything's relatively clean and neat eventually i'm going to end up planting a bunch of bamboo along the side here to give us a lot of privacy and the bamboo is going to go on the border of the entire property it's going to take a long time but i can get all the bamboo for free the porch is still relatively clean things are a little bit of a mess i don't know how i'm going to have to power wash this before i stain it i think but anyways i'm bringing this cat to austin taking care of a stray or feral cat is difficult but it's not impossible and this cat's a lot friendlier than a lot of the ones i've seen so i'm gonna go ahead and try my best i found somebody that wants to take care of this little girl she might even be pregnant either that or she has worms but we're going to go ahead and give her to a friend who wants to take on the task of caring for this adorable little cat either way i can't have him here because if the baby licks her poop he could die instantly hey it's me editing ben and as you can see here the grass is growing in really really well it was really windy so i had to do a voice over and look at kevin attacking the fence today my plumber's gonna come by he's gonna finish up this trench and then we're gonna have a spigot right there and a spigot right there the chickens are all doing really well i've lowered their water and food intake to where i only really need to take care of them probably once every three four days i'm gonna go ahead and get some hay for the bottom after i get back from austin that'll make things look a lot nicer and check this out guys the grass is growing back decently well even with a bunch of pigs this is all messed right now that i'm going to clean up so don't worry about it but i've decided i'm going to put the spigot right out here a little bit further from the barn because eventually we are going to demo this entire barn i'm thinking right there makes the most sense gonna give a little bit of food to my son mr pog i'll put a little food in here just in case something happens to wander into this open cage whoa was that popping and this is a pretty historic moment you guys because this is the last time i'm ever taking the battle bus to austin after this trip back and forth from austin to waco this is going to be a farm bus this is going to stay in town here in waco it might go on some trips to pick up animals but at the end of the day we are keeping it here i am never driving back through austin traffic with this bus ever again well guys here it is the infamous worm farm i think the majority of them escape but nevertheless we're gonna take a look something about this just don't seem right all kinds of little things still in here moving around inching and grubbing seems like the majority of these old worms are just carcasses taxes please just go back inside children come on please please please yes finally oakley oakley we got a spigot for water right here for all these animals and this little pond here and these guys and i got water right here for all these boys as well i got a little spigot right there now whenever i want to have water back here all i have to do is just poop and it's done and i even have an emergency shutoff switch back at the house just in case one of these lines ends up bursting this has been a heck of a night though you guys everything has been incredibly busy but i am slowly getting everything done here things are finally coming together i love you i appreciate you here's poppy and i think one of her little bait look at the little babies oh literally there's another egg you guys look at this there's just another one right here on the ground it's so cold tonight i have to put this in my pocket to keep it warm oh kevin i have your egg sorry but you know the rules kevin finders keepers well well well well well good morning everybody it's actually the afternoon and i have a very big surprise for you guys which isn't really much of a surprise and shouldn't be but look at this guys look how adorable these dogs are look at this grass that's growing in really really well all that rye grass actually took really really well look at this you guys everything just looks amazing so one of the students at sam's school that actually had the sibling of steiner reached out to us and said that she didn't want hers to get slaughtered either that was mainly because the person that was going to pay 250 dollars for backed out last minute because even they didn't want to slaughter her so her and her brother are both rejects but look at how precious this little perfect girl is i actually used a cage this time i didn't film the process because it was a little too boring but just look at how neat and organized all this stuff is and as you can see this little cage thing here worked really really well and because i got this little whip from sam i'm gonna be able to guide her straight into the pen obviously poggers and queen are very excited to have a new sister and she's just gonna have to slowly walk down these steps oh come on come on time to come home come on girl you can do it she getting tired all that sniffing around at least you're not working well there she goes she let them know there they are meeting family for the first time oh look at this little guy running over you can tell that they recognize each other from the time they were basically kevin's just trying to kill me yeah mabel and steiner clearly recognize each other this is a nice little sibling reunion kevin's here trying to kill me but these guys are going to be very happy here also i got an ac unit i don't even know how he got in there look at this one's for all my baby girls i see your comments ladies and they make me smile i'm lurking and i'm stalking when you least expect it good morning everybody it's a beautiful beautiful day as you can see the rooster are crawling i set up this little mini split system here and look at that beautiful sunrise on the urban rescue ranch that's the kind of thing you got to pay money to see you guys but take a look at this you guys i somewhat organized everything last night as you can see we got our little baby boy duggad running around here and crowing he sounds amazing call ducks seem to be doing really well and looks like there's a tiny little bit of ice on here yeah a teeny little bit of ice in this pool all these adorable little babies seem to be doing well and look at that it's mabel running wow look how happy this little girl is but yeah all the pigs seem to be really happy and while i don't think we're gonna keep all these pigs here for forever it is nice to be able to have the pigs running around and it's good to see that they're getting along with the other animals actually that was steiner running that was steiner running look at these little adorable little baby boys and of course kevin's coming over to attack me here you go kevin here have a little bite of that have a little bite of that sir but i have a very exciting video for you all today as you can see i put the hay down there looks really nice and today we are going to livestock auction because i want to teach you guys about how this stuff works down here in texas now i have never been to livestock auction they sell exotic livestock in texas they sell them for their meats for their fur and to hunt although we got the baby directly from a farmer that sold kangaroos for meat and hunt so all kinds of adorable little animals at this auction that we're going to go to so today we're gonna see it for the first time and i've never actually been to one of these so i'm really excited to show you guys my hope is that by the end of this video i'll be able to show you guys how this oh look at that duck just landing over there that's beautiful my goal is to be able to teach you guys and show you guys by the end of this video how things kind of work in texas so far exotic livestock and how they auction them off how people sell them and also look at this little duck in here i'm almost positive that no more of these eggs are going to hatch so i'm going to go ahead and put her after this in that little coop with the other duck first i'm gonna give these guys a little bit of food before i leave and then i'm gonna check on poppy real quick okay she's deep deep in there that's good i went ahead and buried poppy and some more hay cause it's gonna get real cold all right everybody's got their food just in case we see a young copy borrower or something here's hoping yeah waco has a topgolf ever heard of it but yeah guys i don't really plan to buy anything obviously at this auction because that's not really what we do with the urban rescue ranch old uncle ben does like to have his little side projects i do like to have my own little pets i will say this if i see a baby copy borrow that's a real affordable cage i'm gonna go ahead and preface this by saying that this has been a really long-standing tradition in texas for a very very long time and in the southern states in general on livestock auctions and at these events private individuals will bring their animals on large livestock trailers and get them in these pens so that they can be shown by other people on this catwalk here's some little baby carrots now these guys are given plenty of food and water and as you can see here's a bunch of adorable little baby cairns just sitting in there and these pens back here there's adult fallow bucks seek a deer all that stuff and even elk here's a little llama and what happens oftentimes is a lot of people will have tens of thousands of acres in west texas because it's pretty cheap out there and they'll let these guys out there with ponds and plenty of food and water and then they'll just let them live and be wild if they need to sell any or re-home them they'll bring them in these trailers and here's some giant riot shields if the animals are dangerous but these rio were more than likely left to reproduce on a large area of land and then eventually wrangled and brought here to the auction to sell and there's plenty of little adorable baby goats and bottle babies that people try to re-home as well and those end up being pets as you can see it's a bit old school but it's still very interesting very cool and it does a great job of educating people about the animals while also preserving a texas tradition that's been going on for hundreds of years hey this looks like a nice cave hey i'm at the green belt look at these adorable little bats i found don't mind if i do covid23 anyone come here little adorable little babies you could spend all your money at the auction or you could just come to this cave in the barton green belt and find an adorable little bat to befriend all right i suppose that's enough of that all right it's a little plata escaped and she's been running around pooping behind the couch and chewing on the baseboards all day oh she was just in there took the dang thing good morning everybody i am driving to an elementary school to read to some children but look at this adorable little puppy look at this adorable little stray hello little man come on hop up come on yeah buddy come on hop up hop up yep yep go ahead and hop on up this is actually happening right now is this my dog now he's emaciated look at him luckily the dude walking by came over started yelling he's like hey what are you doing on the street so then the dog came over to him but if you don't have your dog neutered microchipped and with a collar and a thing on it just inspect somebody to take it if it runs on the road right everybody this is east waco it used to be very very dangerous and now they're gentrifying it a couple nice little restaurants down here and then one little uh one a couple barbecue places oops sorry i guess i'm going around yet there's also a ton of stray cats and dogs i have personally caught and re-homed at least three stray cats from here and one dollar and i don't need hundreds of thousands of dollars from the city to be able to do that yeah the city just randomly decided at one point that they were going to make east waco the nice part of town which is kind of cool because it used to be the worst part of town like apparently that's going to be a coffee shop apparently they're going to turn this warehouse into a coffee shop but the smartest thing we all could have done was buy a bunch of these random warehouses for like 20 grand a piece back in the day because now these are all worth much more than that based
Channel: The Urban Rescue Ranch
Views: 1,088,934
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Id: hbJa0UtpXzc
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Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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