Practical Uses for a Cheek Filter Gas Mask

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hello so today I'm going to do a video on practical uses for a cheek filter mask because as you probably know I'm not a massive fan of these masks the issue being with cheek filter masks is that that kind of a redundant design philosophy obviously to give you a quick explanation before cheek filter masks there were some masks that had permanently attached filters or at least hard to remove in exchange filters some masks that had quick screw in screw out filters the idea of the cheek filter mask was the idea that you'd have a master it was more compact where these filters would sit inside the mask you can have two filters so the music could breathe more easily for the most part and that you know it'd be a more futuristic design choice for a mask however the problem with cheek filter mask was the filters inside tended to not last very long you could not change them without taking the mask off so you couldn't you know hold your breath swap out the filter canister for another and in the end they ended up becoming quite bulky and heavy as you can probably see from the side profile of this mask what they actually were so it was like you know one step forward one setback and in the end everybody went back to just making better designed removable filter masks now you could argue that masks like evil m50 and Scott GS are a kind of a reimagining of the cheek filter mask because they kind of have a lot of the same design elements but I wouldn't say they're exactly the same but the inside cheek filter masks are a bit redundant now what I want to do in this video is try and think up practical uses for the surplus ones because obviously I would as I've said before I would never recommend these for prepping or anything like that the reason being the cheek filter masks because as I said you can't change the filters when they're inside the mask and more importantly because all these masks are obsolete designs you can't buy new filters for these yes you can buy still sealed filters for many of them just due to the very big production runs but they're not new filters so you're buying a filter that's already 20-plus years out of date you know having to hope it will last when you put it in and then you can't change it effects you run this out when the masks on your face and you need it so that's why I never recommend them for prepping or very serious use however there are uses for these and what I'm gonna go through in this video hopefully these things that you might be able to use the mouse cool also as a side note let me know the softbox light works I've got a few yards away today it's really far back but it seems like it's still lighting me but hopefully not washing me out so um let me know that work so the first thing I can think of for using this is like a duster mask now it's a bit over the top for a dust mask but basically what you need to know is some of these masks come with separate particle filters and charcoal filters the charcoal filters for NBC use will still work as particle filters because they have to avoid you inhale the charcoal inside the filter so and the NBC bet the N in it stands for nuclear six stopping you inhaling the radiated dust so basically the idea is that you're going to use these only as particle filter masks because the idea is obviously that because particle filters don't expire in the same way as charcoal filters dip a particle filter never expires until I get so clogged up you can't really breathe with the mouse not anymore so you've got plenty of warning that that's going to happen so the first use for this which I think can be quite practical is just using it for like sanding or grinding or anything like that the masks gonna give you eye protection because you've got obscene plastically bits on it you can breathe fairly easily with them because you've got the two filters and obviously it's going to protect you from particles another useful one of these masks would be if you actually ever had to use it in a riot situation when I was CS gas or anything like that flowing around despite the same CS gas is actually a particle masked like this do block you know CS gas tear gas there's lots of videos in riot so you can see people surplus cheap filter masks I'm doing just fine so yeah I think that the particle filters needs it up the absolutely fine for tear gas I said I'd still prefer a modern mask for that but you know it would work for that so you've always got music protecting from actual fallout as we're saying like the irradiated dust and things like that yeah that would still work because again it's a particle filter so what you need to do is think of these masks more as particle filter master on and cheap filter masks or you know full NBC marks until I'd say because of article 14 who says they might still be appropriate now of course I would argue that a modern lightweight comfortable 3m mask but maybe goggles separately will be better than using one these just parts and purposes but whatever you can get these very cheaply if you're playing airsoft if you've got one way you've got the reinforced down surface like this has got announcer over the actual lens then yeah sure you could use it for airsoft if you want to you might want to just be extra careful look into which masks would offer better protection lovers but if you just wanted to call face masks or something like that yeah it would do that movie props if you wanted NDC soldiers in like your student film or whatever kind of film you can buy these cheaply and you could use them for that so you know you could use one of these masks in a film no problem that if it's very cold weather you could ready to keep your face warm believe it or not gas masks are good and extreme cold there's even pictures of soldiers on the eastern front of mobile to wearing gas masks when they don't need to just to keep their faces one so do not you can even know if you've got a jacket like this put the hood over it and then you've got um you know you'll comfy a little hood over your mask as well so yeah you could do that and there's probably some other uses of this all I feel doing sports training you can use these because it restricts your Bruff a bit if you're running around you know jogging well that sort of stuff it gives you a bit more training you know working with less oxygen or less air getting into your lungs so they're always practical for that if you have got the NBC filters even I wouldn't recommend it for an NBC scenario you could do it when you're working with things I have an unpleasant smell so if you're cleaning someone Alex smells particularly dirty it will stop them smelling you know like bad smells things like that so they're practical for that purpose if you have the NBC filters particle filters won't block many smells because if it smells vapor particle filter won't block it but let's say you're cleaning up animal poo or something like that yeah yeah why not wear one of these it will stop moonin up stable this is a dust mask idea if you're working in dusty environments you know and you've got allergies like hay fever or whatever and yes this will protect your eyes it will protect your nose and mouth you can work in a dusty environment doing whatever you want to do and I'll protect you from that and maybe even if you're working with asbestos or something like that as much as I always recommend a more modern p3p 100 masks for that this is better than nothing so if you did decide you were going to cut open a gp5 filter and take the innards out wear something like this if your this is your any other mask you had you know that's or nothing so anyway maybe that's given you some ideas of what you could do of a particle filter cheap filter mask you know so actually get some use out of them I said I would not recommend these for serious NBC CBRN survival type uses but you know there's still I think they look cool cheap your mask don't get me wrong they've got lots of practical purposes in that regard of you know they look cool and stuff like that so yeah if you're if you've got one of these masks so you see when these masks cheap and there's certain DIY type tasks you might want to mask for then you go ahead for some of those wrong so fine you know and you could use it as a movie prop it protects you from somebody spraying pepper spray or tear gas in your face you know anything like that so they do have practical roles it's just compared to a modern master that gives to see DRM protection that's easy to swap out see DRM filters it offers you far far less protection but these aren't totally useless you can find uses for them so hopefully this videos been helpful if you've got a cheap filter mask or you're thinking of getting one you can actually go oh yeah I could use the mask to do that there's probably more things that I'm not covered you can do them as well but there you go you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 9,433
Rating: 4.8739495 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, Practical Uses for a Cheek Filter Gas Mask
Id: 5ZvoP4VOoho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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