Powerful Storm Bringing Tornadoes, Damaging Winds & Flooding!

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hey happy Friday everybody Mark again here weatherman plus I'm going to give a latest update not only with the tropics and this extreme heat that is on the move this weekend also what's going on with our severe weather we still have that storm coming through and it's getting stronger chances for tornadoes for today also for tomorrow so I'm going go through everything that you need matter of fact if you look at latest on the tropics you can see that big robust wave that came off the coast of Africa it is disappeared almost gone now because it's running into all this dust just like I told you everything's going to get some depressed because of all this dust but we might have a tricky situation going as his high pressure expands further towards the South pushing everything further towards the South and the West while we getting this dust moving through we might have a tricky situation with this last wave before we go on the break so I will keep you updated you can see the latest updates this morning we have invest 92l it's showing right here that it's a tropical depression it's not a tropical depression it's tropical depression strength it just don't have a closed low yet that's why they doing that but this isn't bringing much impacts at all very light winds very light rainfall still and trending that it will go out after it goes by the Carolinas and go out into the northern Atlantic and maybe do something out there plus you can see over here where this next invest is going to be showing up still there's not going to be any tropical storm forming here maybe a tropical depression you see how much further to the South this has gotten pushed and you see all the dry air that this is going to be fighting all the way over so I'm going to go through the L is information so you know what to expect you never been here before make sure you subscribe I am all year along with my weather forecasting that way you get accurate and independent information that you can count on thank you so much for your time everybody hope you have a very great day today now let's get into your information and remember the time stamps are in the description below so for yesterday we did get some wind damage we did get a lot of hail reports we also had a tornado report over here for Colorado and we had a couple over here for Nebraska but we also got the wind damage reports coming through from Michigan some for Ohio and what happen across from Massachusetts and North for the New England and you have more storms coming your way as well so I'm going to show you the latest information now for today you see it has ramped up we have a big slight risk and we have a slight risk over here for the four corners and we do have chances for tornadoes in this area as this group of storm starts raising up and we get to trough bringing these storms through this evening as well so far here's your cities and states at risk for the Chan for tornadoes for today and you also have chances for the wins in the same Reon including some winds over here for the Northeast for today so here's your cities and states at risk for the damage and wind threat for today and you also have the hail threat in the same locations and especially over here from Montana chances for 2 Ines are larger so here's are cities and states at risk for the hail threat for today National Weather Service has scattered strong severe storms are expected from parts of the Northern High Plains into the Upper Mississippi Valley on Friday scattered strong severe thunderstorms are also possible in the four corners vicinity a few strong storms may also be noted into parts of the lower Great Lakes to Southern New England plus as his shortwave trough comes in for later on when you get around South Dakota and Minnesota this is where your best chance for a few tornadoes that can be expected so you can see you have storms firing up now but it really will get a little more active as you go into later this afternoon you get a group of thunderstorms moving all the way from Minnesota going towards Wisconsin you also get them up here for the Upper Midwest for Wyoming Montana and the Dakota but you get them for the four corners and all this is going to be pushing around that high pressure still as this all rotates all even along then once you get around 7:00 you see you start to get a little bit of some boing features coming out with these lines of storms as it Bru through but watch for this area this is where your best chance to get close towards that upper level low maybe a surface low foring but this is where you get the best rotation the best foric coming in as you go through later this evening bringing a strong chance for tornado then as you go through the evening looky brings his chances for the damage and winds and it really consolidates towards Minnesota some of the Dakotas a little bit for Montana a little bit for Northern Michigan but it goes through Iowa Early in the Morning all through Wisconsin early in the morning and then for tomorrow it's going to rare back up again so as it go through Wisconsin Iowa some of the UPA Michigan for tomorrow before noon here it goes raring right back up again you start getting storms coming through the Northeast for New England again you get them for Wisconsin Michigan and this this is where that tail starts extending out that tail we was talking about look how it extends out for tomorrow and brings a lot of these storms with it as well and this could be pushing over a little bit further matter of fact Colorado State University shows that tomorrow's tornado threat could stretch also as you getting more storms going right across New England again but at the same time you started getting them storms Brewing up over here for New Mexico and Arizona bringing not a lot but much beneficial rainfall as especially for the four corners and the whole time invest 92l is going to just bring some scattered thunderstorms across Florida as it comes across and eventually bring some rainfall towards the coast of South Carolina and Georgia not a lot when you look at your lower level winds at 850 miars you can see they really strengthen up as you go through this evening so starting around 5:00 right when you're starting to get these thunderstorms Brew up over here from Nebraska South Dakota going through Iowa maybe even stretching into Minnesota a little bit you get some winds some strong winds along that could help bring not only convection but bring some rotation with height and bring you the best chance for tornado to come out of those winds but for tomorrow it's going to start stretching all the way towards Michigan bringing chances for some tornadoes to spin up with some of cells that pop up from Michigan maybe even all the way from northern Wisconsin and traveling to the east that's your best bet to get chances for tornadoes with that very strong winds a loft showing so far all day today you going to start getting that 40 and 50 m per hour wind might even be some pockets of 60 in a higher elevation especially for the four corners then as you go through the evening and for tomorrow it's not showing a whole bunch of winds so far this is shown into the high 40s on that group of storms it might update to something a little bit stronger as it goes across Michigan just showing some chances for some 40 m per hour wind gust now for tomorrow you see it has grown some and we do have our chances for tornadoes all the way from northern Missouri going into Michigan and this could carry towards the inter Coastal Northeast so far here's your cities and St at risk for the chance for tornadoes for tomorrow for Saturday also your chances for wins is going to be in those same locations and your Hail threat is going to be a little less than your wind threat so here's your cities and states at risk for the wind threat the damage of winds coming across four tomorrow for Saturday and here's your cities and states at risk for the hail threat for Saturday National Weather Service has severe storms will be possible across the Upper Mississippi Valley and Upper Midwest on Saturday damage and wind isolated hail and a tornado or two are all possible also if you take a look right here with National Weather Service you can see that 2% chance for tornadoes for tomorrow and you look up here at Colorado State University showing it could go all the way towards the Northeast also chances for tornadoes so just keep that in mind we could see an upgrade and then as you go through Sunday as that trough moves away you still got another 5% chance for severe weather so far here's your cities and states at risk for that so so far bringing somewhere around 1 to 2 in of rainfall coming towards southern Texas and this is about the rainfall you're going to see coming from that next tropical wave also it's not going to be a whole bunch but when you look for the Upper Midwest and North Central look at this you still have two three and 4 in rainfall rates coming down from Northern Iowa Eastern South Dakota some of the eastern Nebraska southern Minnesota getting hit the hardest in Northern Iowa westconsin going into Michigan going all the way from 1 in in Michigan all the way to two plus for North Michigan going into the up also and for the Northeast bringing 1 in of rainfall but from Connecticut and Rhode Island northward bringing anywhere from 2 in of rainfall coming out of this system and potentially bringing a tornado threat I'll keep you updated and so far all the way until Monday maybe you'll get a widespread 1 inch plus of rainfall additional that will come across Florida and some of Georgia out of that invest 92l no big deal but for today you are at marginal for flash flooding in the four corners and you do have the slight risk that bring heavier rainfall rates plus you have the marginal going towards up Midwest towards north central and you also got the slight risk and the moderate level risk for today for the flash flooding so it's a little bit worse for Eastern South Dakota some of Northeastern Nebraska Northern Iowa Western Wisconsin and Southern Minnesota you're in the moderate risk for a lot of flooding going on for today so just watch out the pondering on the roads the dead end streets just be careful of those and you have a marginal for the Northeast now this will change for tomorrow you will grow that marginal but you will get that slight risk for that flash flooding to continue plus you have the chances for tornadoes be warned of that you have the marginal for the Northeast and you have a low marginal for the southeast that's about it but still bringing this strong Heat Wave matter of fact if you're in Indiana some of Southern Michigan some of Ohio and Northern Kentucky you're going to be in the extreme level for today and for tomorrow is going to grow so you need to watch some temperatures remember click on this page link is in the description below it lets you know what your for CED temperatures are remember these temperatures are in the shade this is not your heat in a Seas this is going to move towards the Mid-Atlantic and towards the southeast as you go from Sunday into Monday then it's going to transition to the South Central all the way for Tuesday and Wednesday it's going to calm down Thursday it's going to start calming down but then after that from the 28th through July 4th we have excessive heat and a slight risk in all of this section for the Eastern side and the western side of the lower 48 all the way to the 4th of July also they're expecting all the way from the 28th to the 4th of July over here from New Mexico and Arizona they're expecting some flooding to persist as you start getting this monsoon season also for the north central flooding coming with this also but in all this yellow toorn sections they're expecting drought to persist so just be aware this is a growing threat it wasn't this big yesterday now our latest tropical update you can see what invest 92l is just literally down to 50% and 50% look how small M of an area it's going across the warmer Waters section but what I'm seeing this morning is that these Waters over here are not as warm as it showed a few days ago they're starting to cool off a little bit so I'm going to show you that so we don't have a lot of chances to spin up still maybe a tropical depression not really coun on any impacts and that next system that's come right here showing still 50% in next 48 hours 60% in 7 days this isn't doing much neither still showing a lot of weakness maybe a tropical depression you can see how much further to the South as has gotten pushed going into Mexico that next tropical wave is the one we need to watch I'm showing that the dust is still getting inside of it it's still getting a growing high pressure suppressing this down to the southern side but it's still trying to spin up something at the last minute now I'm seeing a lot of dust still getting in there but some of the Cyclone locations is hinting that maybe it might get loose from us for a little bit so we do need to watch this before we go into our break latest update with National Hurricane Center in72 2 hours showing a possible tropical Cyclone you can see that small area is really going into and then we have literally one two three four other tropical waves just steadily coming off and you can see how they're just getting swallowed up to the southern side going to expanding high pressure and pushing these further to the southern side this is going to be our next situation going in the same location potentially getting more dust than that and these just look like they're just getting swallowed up in some dust I'll show you and you can see latest on the temperatures so as we had that invest all that tropical disturbance in the Gulf look how much cooler these waters are now it took a lot of the heat out of it also across the southeast where 92l is going look how much cooler these Waters have turned also we have a lot of below average temperatures kicking in also over here for the golf from what the invest took out so not only the dry air a lot of these temperatures are cooling off for that next tropical wave I'm not even showing a chance for a tropical storm still I'm not showing any of that I'm not showing any big impacts now Mexico if you're listening just an inch or two of water from what happened to y'all could put y'all in some pretty bad scenarios so pay attention to the waves I did see that y'all did lose three or four people over there just from that little tropical storm tropical depression that you just had so God bless all you over there I hope you will be okay for that hope your families will get some peace from God I wish the best for you but these next couple of waves will be weak it will bring some more rainfall but you don't have no big threats out there like no tropical storm or anything worse coming your way you will have to watch out for more flooding again and you can see the latest update on your chance for just a tropical depression next three and four days just weakening way down as that comes across all the way to five six days staying weak then we get that next system moving to the West as we go eight nine and 10 days away possibly even a front induced low pushing off the coast of the Carolinas when we get this cold front coming remember I'm going update you on that but look how much weaker that system is Plus what's coming in MDR trying to form up this is where it's getting a little tricky the dust is following it but is it trying to outrun the dust while this over here is not forming at all it's getting even weaker pushing further to the west and south and just falling with this Dust trying to form something up before we go on this break and showing some new information this break is going to be a little bit of a weird break but it could be prolonged all the way until August so I'm going to show you the latest information so you can see for this morning that we have invest 92l still got some dry air getting in there but as we get this next wave we still got a lot of dry air getting into that next wave not only the cooler temperatures in the waters now you got all that dry air get in there and it's not doing anything going to try and form up once again by Sunday right before it goes towards landfall still not doing anything we still got all this dust pushing through but then we got this tricky wave is going to pop up still in the late 20s still showing a huge pluma dust come with this still got a expanding high pressure pushing everything further towards the southern side but look at all this precipitation is trying to muster together as it goes towards a Yucatan as you go towards N9 and 10 days now but look how quickly all that moisture starts dissipating it's getting swallowed up by the dust so it's hitting the cooler temperatures that's already been taken away from the first invest and now it's losing a lot of its precipitation just totally choking off that system and you can see this body Euro invest 92l just bringing some precipitation still with that while you get that next system formed up still very weak but it is bringing tropical moisture with it into northern Mexico again into southern Texas a little bit as you go Saturday through the weekend all the way until Sunday and Monday and that's going to start dissipating so you need to watch out for that Mexico then the next wave coming through trying to do something but staying suppressed look at this by all this dust getting inside of it just can't do too much while we potentially get that front that comes later on I'll keep you updated on that but showing no pressure system coming with invest 92l showing just an upper level low literally then at next wave even weaker just like I've been telling y'all definitely no tropical storm coming out of that you got to watch people don't know what they talking about and if they do but showing nothing out of that just dust passing through for quite some time then maybe that cold front starting to bring something coming in this is why it's going to be a little tricky so while we getting this cold front this is when that other wave is trying to form up and potentially do something take this with a grain of salt this is literally eight n days away but is trying to meet up and literally they're budding heads right here just smashing each other from doing anything so far you can see here for your chance for your ensembles that pretty much don't have anything for the invest 92l that next wave forming through showing it just be a tropical depression somewhere in between 1,000 and 1,0 millibars very weak system pushing through but after that when we get that cold front coming through potentially bringing that front IND dece low we could get some interaction with that last tropical wave before our break trying to form up and mold multiple locations trying to outrun the dust if they can outrun the dust there is a possibility you can see here in your Cyclone locations you don't have anything for that invest and that next wave showing even weaker you don't even have the the greens really maybe one or two everything is gray very weak very small system where everything's still getting suppressed down to the southern side just going to bring some more rainfall with that but after that we could get a tricky wave that we need to pay attention to could be weak it could be something else the majority is saying it's going to remain weak but you could be something tricky that come out of that so we do need to watch that next transition hopefully it gets run out by the dust you can see everything is just weak there is a couple ensembles say maybe a tropical depression maybe a tropical storm but I still days down the road and in my experience when it's days down the road is going to keep pushing in that direction when we find it so right now if it shows to be popping up up somewhere around here it'd be like this model running it' be popping up somewhere further to the west and just getting pushed further to the West losing his precipitation from all that dry a from that dust and not doing this formation over towards the northern side at the same time you can see that it's trying to pop up some more waves in MDR right there two potential tropical waves trying to form up and look how quickly the dust starts smacking into to those also we're going to go on break but it's going to be a tricky break look at the latest information showing that we're going to go into unfavorable environment as we go into the 20s that's what I'm saying that tropical wave really don't have a chance for any kind of formation to happen but look at this this is literally our region so here's Central America here's a Caribbean and here's the Gulf of Mexico right in this little slim area now if you take a look we do have a wave that's coming through sometime around the 15th of Ju July and maybe another one around the 25th of July we've been showing that for a minute now but look how much weaker those are showing now each one of those are a lot weaker that shows me that if anything forms up it'll be fighting this dust this dust could persist for a while look how it's hanging out all the way potentially until August this is the latest update that euro is seeing a lot of dust coming off while we get these weight waves but they keep getting suppressed and weak we just got to watch them they're going to be a lot of tricky waves coming through however still showing on global Tropics as we go from July 3rd through July 9th there is nothing forming up we don't even have above average rainfall rates popping up have a great day everybody I hope this helps you understand what is coming around the corner we got some tricky ways but believe me I am on it be careful these severe storms passing through later on they're looking pretty intense especially for a lot of is that hasn't had storms in quite some time I appreciate everybody's time thank you so much for everyone that does share the video to other people I do appreciate you helping others that is the greatest thing we can do anytime in life it just help others in general now before you go on with your lovely weekend Psalm 41 1-4 blessed is he that considerthe poor the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble the Lord will preserve him and keep him alive and he shall be blessed upon the Earth and thou wil not deliver him unto the will of his enemies the Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing thou Wilt make all his bed in his sickness I said Lord be merciful unto me heal my soul for I have sinned against thee amen have a great day everybody I appreciate your time I'm going to try and upload tomorrow because of severe weather looks like it could be some strong storms passing through and I think we could have some dangers passing through so I'm probably going to upload a quick video just to let you know what the dangers are the latest updates uh time wise I don't know what time is going to be yet I'm trying to work it around doctor's visits if you didn't see my community tab I got some things going on and I'm about to find out what's going on so appreciate everybody remember all glory does go to God our Father in Heaven Yahweh and I always hope it keeps you safe every single day of your life and forever hey amen hallelujah amen have a great day everybody
Channel: Weatherman Plus
Views: 30,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weatherman plus, forecast, weatherman plus today, the weather channel, tropical weather update, weather, weather channel, weather forecast, weather update, weatherman, update, weatherman plus channel, mr weatherman, severe weather, weather forecast today, latest tropical update, tropical, storm, tropical storm, hurricane, invest, gulf of mexico, weatherman plus update, weather report, extreme weather, latest news, invest 92l, weather forecasting, north texas, damaging winds
Id: 2P8umj72Q1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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