PowerAutomate - Trigger Flow on Column Value Condition

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hi everyone welcome back to the channel in today's video we are going to take a look how we can trigger any ms flow based on some column value so you must be thinking we can have this one power automate trigger condition there we can just put the column name and have it equal to some value so that it can just only trigger based on that value so that's true you are right but there are two pieces to it so one is like we can add the condition trigger to our power automate but what if like if that condition is already met and if something other column gets changed then it will trigger your flow once again and whatever changes you keep on doing to your item it will keep sending because that condition have already met for example i'm i'm on a issue tracker list and let's say my power automate runs on a condition where the status gets resolved so i can just put up one flow where let's say if i'm just putting one test issue and i'm directly like marking that as a result and saving this so if i would be putting the power automatic trigger conditions so this result condition is must result into true and your flow should be into the next actions so that's right but what happens when we say if i'm just changing or updating something in other column field but i just wanted to send the email or notification when the status is resolved for the first time not like if i'm updating any other information so how to tackle that piece so this is a main piece of our video how we are going to tackle the other changes so if i just save it so it will be saved but it will again trigger our flow and do the operations which we want to do again and which is not what we want actually because we just want to send the notifications or do some actions based on just once the status is resolved not all the time so how to do that i'll just run to my power automate and i'll just create one instant cloud flow and in trigger i'll choose when item is created or modified and i'll just connect to my this tab list and the issued record list and now as we said like we can just put up one power automate trigger condition using this settings and you can just scroll down and in the trigger condition we can add our condition so that's a step one where i'll be adding the conditions i'll just and you can see like the condition is either it equals trigger body and this is a status column as this was a choice column so we have to extract the value out of this column and we can just copy this and paste it over here in trigger condition so the stab one is done so whenever our list item status column value is resolved and only this will send the notifications so in the next step i'll just add up the notification to the creator of this issue for example i can use just simply sign email i can just pick that from dynamic assigned to email and says that issue is i can just pick the status value and the same thing i can do over here dear assigned to not assigned to i would like to send that to a created by email who created who created this issue all right so it's a test email body so i'll just save it and now i'll just go to my tracker list and create a new item just showcase you that our trigger condition is working fine so issue one and there's a new issue i'll just save it and i'll wait for our flow to run mean time i'll just rename it all right so i've just created that item now our flow should not be triggering up because we have already set up the trigger condition so it just there should not be any instances yes we don't have any instances and we wait up the two minutes we still don't have that means like our trigger condition is fine and now i am going to update these status let's say as a result and now i'll save this issue one and i'll be expecting my one instance of this flow is running as the trigger condition has already met so yes we have one instance running because that power trigger condition already met and it send out the email and as i said like let's say after resolution i would just want to attach something to this item or let's say would like to update the description so if i just update the description and just save it again so because the status is resolved our power automate trigger condition will all will again mat so this second instance would automatically get triggered in this power automate and that instance we don't want to happen so to stop that we'll be using again a couple set of actions that would just send out the email when the issue is resolved just once not any other column is updated so that's the key of video over here so i'm just expecting the second instance running because we just updated this issue description but status was already resolved so that's why we got this second instance running which is incorrect which is wrong we should want to avoid this so how to do that we can just add it our flow back and now i can add one action and that action would be when changes not vengeance that changes for an item or a file so this action would give me the changes which is being done from this current version to the past version so i just first of all connect this to my hq record list id i'll just set the current item id and since i'll just say like since the starting of our trigger token so trigger window token start token so that means like the last time the flow ran and since until we'll just keep that as blind because we want the recent version of the item so by this section we got our this changes whatever has done on this item and in the next step i will add up one condition and in that condition choose a value so we'll be choosing a value has changed so you will see there are lot many properties which will say has column change id has column change title and what all columns are there so it it's having one boolean that is hash column changed so for this hash column change status will pick if this value is true that means if only this status columns change then only this condition will be true so has column change from our last previous version in this current version if that is yes then only we will be sending the emails to the request to the creator otherwise it will just skip to the next step and it's just done so to have this logic in place earlier we what we used to do like we used to keep a flag that whether uh that flag is being set as uh marked as check for example sending emails then we must be checking those so get rid of all those stuff just have this get changes of one item in place and check these previous version values like whether these are changed or not in just one single step and do your operation so i'm just going to save it and we'll just run a test proof that whether this cat changes runs fine or not so i'm just going to update something over here with that status as a result for example uh let's say issue source so i forgot to add something over here so let's say i'll just add my site name and i'm just closing this so now i have created one column and i'll be expecting my flow to run but condition to evaluate it as false so let's wait okay so our instance ran and we get to know like we got this condition over here so you can see because i have just updated the issue source not the status value so that's why it resulted into false and did not execute did not send the emails and if i must be changing the value from in progress new to resolve so this flow must be triggered and the condition must have resulted into true and the email sign would be done so two steps just to handle the column level condition trigger first is trigger put a trigger condition for that column status or the for any column value and then put a changes action and have that condition has changed column value so this would work in many scenarios not in just like checking the last column status it could work in many other scenarios so probably you can keep this action useful action in mind that this this will give you like the column changes are done or not so you can see in the output we have slot many these bool values has column change for individuals so i think like you can have a detailed look on this and try by yourself so that's it for today if you think like it was a useful tip then please do drop like as do subscribe and also comment thank you thanks for today
Channel: M365 Tech Help
Views: 27,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power automate run flow on Column value condition, MS flow trigger on Column value change, Column value trigger in a power automate, Get last version column change values, Get changes of SharePoint Item, Trigger flow on column change condition, Trigger flow just once when column change for first time, Trigger flow Has Changed column boolean true
Id: HLxZ_lGhEg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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