PowerApps Flow Intro Upload an image to SharePoint using Flow

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and today show you in a power-ups flow tutorial we're gonna combine power apps flow and SharePoint and make a solution alright we're gonna take and take a picture from a mobile phone we're gonna push that up to SharePoint and then we're gonna get the link to that picture back and push it back to our power app and open it up right and the idea here is we want to do this introductory topic get you guys going as excited about flow as I've become lately so hopefully you can build cool new more awesome solutions with power apps but before we do any of that first here's our intro hi my name is Shane young with power epsilon one those guys and today's show we're finally gonna broach the topic of flow right I've done 30 or 40 power apps videos and they want to do this flow introductory you know how to get us our power apps connected to flow for a while but I'm a little hesitant so with the help of John Levesque write the Microsoft product guy I think we're kind of figured all this out and work up a nice cool app that I think you guys will enjoy so we're gonna do is we're gonna put on our Microsoft flow hat that's right I look pretty cool in this hat it's way too small for my big head that's enough for that and then we're going to walk through this whole process I thought what we do here is we'll start out with the app that I've already built so we'll do this demo and then after we do that then we will start from scratch as we always do and build you the awesome app alright so let's switch over here to the demo okay so here we're gonna load the app ups will click on flow camera - alright and we'll get rid of the swiping screen so here you can see I'm one used to take a picture functionality and the little camera button over here on the Left I can click on that and change the and toggle through the different cameras on my iPhone that are available so we get back to chewy we'll take a picture of chewy and then now you see the preview the picture we can enter a filename so I'm gonna do SOG instead of dog okay can't spell I can choose the type of animal Makua cat because I mean I'm gonna say save the SharePoint and so now the little dots are the flow running right uploading that file to SharePoint and setting all the metadata and returning back to us a link to open the file and SharePoint which then launches our browser and opens a file directly in SharePoint so this is the I've built for you alright so what a fun little demo so now let's overhear my desktop let's open up was crate an app and see what we can build together nice after a second we'll choose phone layout after a few more seconds it's done so we'll say skip ok so then this is a screen we're going to build on and so in order to do this we're going to start at the top right so we need a rectangle so grab this way down here at the bottom I hate the rectangle so far down the bottom but it is so we deal with it well make up a box and now I don't like the ugly blue so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make a new screen because that's how I would do it in a normal app right we're gonna name this settings and so then on the settings I'm going to stick a label and we're going to name the text power apps nine-one-one purple like so and then what we're gonna do is we're going to set the color of that text to be color value right that's the function that converts text or a color code which I happen to have into an actual color ice that makes the purple yay and then we're gonna change this label to be a fill right and so the reason I do that so be close to the top but so then now if we go over here to our rectangle alright so back on our original screen we're gonna change the fill for this guy to be not that hideous color but now what we're gonna have to do is type in a fill dot color and so then now we get purple right and so normally I would make my labels a little more fitting right this might be the background label the foreground label the text font colors but it gives you the idea of reusing that so everywhere in the app that we need to know the color we're just going to use this over and over again cool alright so then let's insert another label here and so for this we're going to say you know what we need some 36-point we need bold can I always like to make it bold we need to make it white let's say then we're going to name this upload a pic to SharePoint and it's a little bit bigger that's okay well grab it like so and so hope still tad too big no problem 36 can become 32 yeah and then we will Center it all right so now we have the most important part down the header so now what we want to do is we will insert a camera control so we're going to say insert media and camera and so fortunately I have two cameras on this computer just for events like this so we're recording with that camera right and then this is the camera that power apps is using in that weird that's kind of weird so get to see me twice on the screens probably confusing I apologize all right but now that we have the camera what we're going to do is we're going to make a button for taking our picture okay now we'll add a button so hit a button or drag it down underneath here and for the button then we're going to change his fill to be our same little guy again I don't need pretty because I make ugly stuff usually and so now to make a button that takes a picture right so I'll say take a pic what you need to do is you need to go adjust the camera control so we are into the camera control and there is an on stream or sorry there is a stream rate right here so it's set to 0 set that's 100 so now the cameras streaming full speed whoo-hoo and then so you want to take pic we're gonna say alright when you click that button where's the on select right there we're gonna say when you click that button what we want to do is we want to update context and we're going to create a variable called the taken pic and we're going to set its value to be camera 1 dot stream right so this has been my preferred method maybe you have better ways of getting photos out of the camera control but that's been my preferred method so that's what we're gonna do all right and so we'll say take a pic pull us up a little bit and then to make sure that we know what we've gotten when we grab an image control here we'll make it much smaller and so then we're gonna set you know what image you're going to be set to take him pic all right so we hit play we say take a pic boom it saves a picture into that variable and we're just playing it now in reality if I was you know building this and I was trying to make it a little easier for the users and said easy you guys understand how to rebuild I probably replace the camera control with the image so that way they just be able to top each other and you would just see the picture you've taken you know there'd be a lot of different things you might do but that's what I would do in this this picture front so the other thing I did that was kind of a neat little trick I learned so let's grab an icon here and let's grab a camera there it is so we're gonna put him right here as you can guess we're going to fix his color - feel free to leave comments since they don't ever fix all the colors again can you find it annoying but so the camera what we're gonna do is when you quit that where we want to unselect so most machines right my my PC here but you know if we think about like my surface or my iPhone more specifically in the example we before they have a multiple cameras right now on the camera control itself if you look there is a camera property and so by default it is zero right was the default camera but on the iPhone earlier in the example I showed you I toggled through the different cameras and so I did that with this button and so what I did here was I decided to do a switch that's why I said right switch and what I want to I want to switch on cam I'm sorry let's say it switch on cam and if his value is zero and we want to update context and then we will say alright do that and set cam to be one all right this is how I toggle through the cameras earlier and so then if camera is one we help by type of one then we'll just copy this I don't have to type all that over and over again all right but so switch is a lot of fun here so if camera is one then we'll want to set camera two and then finally if camera is - oh cameras - we go type in the - tamo like so then we're going to update it back to zero so that's how I looped through those earlier when you press the button now what you might want to do is you want to make this easier to read right remember so we can right here subscribe let's make this box bigger a giant real quick so say shift inner and so you can do zero is so and then like that one is that and two is like that and then there's your thing right if you want to get real cute you tap these in but so then that makes it a lot easier right so if cam is zero update context to be that if it's one make it that if it's to make it that that's what the switch statement does right so that's how we triggered that button earlier I know you want to get to the flow we're almost there I'm just gotta make sure we make your app cool in the process right okay so that gets all of our camera stuff working right if we hit play hope I did not change it because then if you don't hear the camera now so instead of camera being this we're gonna make cam be that alright so right now cam is not set so that's why it's really confused and so what you also want to do is go to your screen and we're gonna say right screen unvisible will you please just automatically make camera be zero so that way we always start with the zero camera and on visible doesn't work very well on this preview editor i could there's not a none visible event what's gonna happen here but that's how you would normally i kind of set your a pop that's what I did in the the working app that we sell dim it earlier so if we say play but now if we toggle we should be able to get a switch but it's not going to because it doesn't know what cams value currently is Oh how annoying so then we'll grab this and we are going to create ourselves a little reset button a reload button that we would use only for testing and so if you click on that button we're going to update our cam I'm gonna fix its color to be purple though right that's the whole theme of this whole thing is a fill color cuz we're going to always make it look nice I'm tired of people complain about ugly stuff I'd built so if we do that that will reset the camera and then now our toggle will work boom boom so that's how I toggle through this okay so now we can take a picture yay we're good alright time to talk about flow so let's insert a button nope there's not a certain button let's take this button and copy it so don't do the purple up anymore I'll grab that bring it down here and then we're going to make this button say what we'll say save to SharePoint all right make it a little bit bigger and we'll grab it again and recenter it Oh reset our come on there it is all right so save to SharePoint I'm gonna cry it down a little bit because we need to we're gonna get a couple things right when you get a filename from people so still label we'll grab it pull it down here we'll say file name like so and we'll make the smaller boom and then we'll insert a text input Oh big ugly text input kind of pull it up here make it a little smaller that's big alright so in text input we will get rid of default text right cuz I hate default text you could definitely put in hint text or any that if you want in right but we will not do any of that and then we'll add we'll take this label or copy it paste it down here and so then this will be a type of animal I don't explain what that is in just a moment alright and then we will do one more thing one certain other control a drop-down and so this is where we're going to choose our type of animal right in the previous video we were able to choose dog cat or fish and so we'll just make that on the fly so let's say like this comma like this can't and then finally fish boom alright and so that with the brackets do they make that make a table and then the values in the table or dog count and fish and that's what feeds that drop-down so that's how you can always kind of make one of those on the fly I'll make that smaller so they look my sir okay I think those are the things that we needed so let's finally after you know ten minutes of content here let's make your flow and so now if you've ever looked before you can create a flow for my hair actions in flow but I'm told not to do that because one of the downsides is that names all the flow is the same you can't rename them you lose some of the controls so what's better is to jump over here to flow so we go to flow you might have to sign in so signing up in the right if you have it I'm gonna click on my flows and so you can see the flow is where I've been working this for the last couple days but we're going to say create a new one and we're gonna say create from template and then we're going to search the templates I'm gonna search for power apps and we're actually gonna add SharePoint the next two I don't want to have to scroll through and so there's one for upload a file go to SharePoint from power apps now it should probably say upload an image because we can't really upload files you know one of the things that you can probably ask me right I look forward to in the comments I'm gonna tell you is alright in the video but yeah there is no way right now and there's no easy straightforward way to take a file off of your mobile device or even your computer and have power apps use flow to put that in a SharePoint right the only things that power apps can send via flow to SharePoint right now is an image out of the camera control so while you're probably thinking more I can go over here and insert a different type of control right you can insert like the out of picture control and then upload a document that way well it turns out the out of picture control stores images or word Docs or anything else in a weird format and it only does it locally and there's no way to pass that local file up to flow right now so hopefully something they'll fix wise days but as of right now what I'm about to show you is the only way I've been able to figure out to get anything out of power apps as far as like a file into flow same thing I tried to use the pin input right wherever he is he's over here on the text controls and I couldn't even get the pin input to go either I can only get things out of the camera control so that's the first caveat to kind of know okay so switch back over here so upload a image to SharePoint from power up so I'll fix that for Microsoft and so if we click on this it's a manual action to SharePoint good and it's gonna say it's gonna connect to SharePoint so this is important because you have to then make sure that well obviously you have permissions but the users of your power apps they are going to connect to SharePoint so I shared this app with my dog chewy and he logged in he had to have access to the SharePoint document library where I was writing this to and the first time he opened up the power app he had to say yes I want chair point to be accessed on my behalf so keep that in mind you know the flow is gonna warn you about things you have to be able to connect to and the users this is not gonna be in my context it's me the users when I publish my flow or my publish my flow and then power app my users will need to access okay so let's click continue okay so after a few seconds so with power apps there's no additional information needed yay and so then we'll jump into SharePoint all right what's SharePoint site that I want to use I may hit the drop down sometimes it shows me the site it want I want sometimes it doesn't today it is not so I'm gonna say enter a custom value and then we're going to do HTTP Shane's cals SharePoint com slash sites slash PA for power-ups boom alright and then folder paths and so if you see things here you know you got the URL above correct because these are the different document of stores on my sites so we're gonna do shared documents and so that's all you have to set right there's some other not all you have to set but there are some other settings like over here under settings pretty much none of this not a thing nothing we're gonna do here this track property should even be here so don't overthink it ignore all these settings but what you are gonna need to do is do edit and so filename you can see the q1 power apps icon here so we're gonna get the pop the file name from power out so we're gonna have to pass that over okay and then the final contents we're also gonna have to get that from power apps now what's really obnoxious for lack of a better way of putting it is that this will not work because power apps encodes the file one way sharepoint the rest of the universe needs it another way now the good news is though is that the power apps team gave us a function to convert across that so let's delete this guy let's go over here we're going to say we need an expression and then I'm gonna paste in my expression so you don't have to watch me type it and actually just open up notepad real quick and so I'll paste it right here so you can see it alright so what this is going to do is this is gonna use the data URI to binary function right and I'll put this in the comments or in the description below so you can just cut and paste so we use the data URI to binary function and that's going to convert the the URL that powerups passes in this create file file content variable it comes from power apps it's going to convert that into the binary format that sharepoint and the rest of the universe needs so pretty straightforward you can just cut and paste this and as long as you don't change any of the variable names which you shouldn't or cuz you'd have to go and manually do a bunch of stuff this is what you should get so use this we're gonna put that in this expression form we're say okay it goes over here is a function we are good we are cooking with gas so that is our first Hirai this if you will right so what we want to do now is we're going to say alright that would get us the file but now we want to also update the metadata right in my SharePoint list let's open that up real quick there's a documents and so I have a column called type of animal so we want to update this type of animal column at the same time so in our flow right we had to create the file and now that we've created a file now we need to add another step right we're gonna do this a little further than the the simple out-of-the-box example so we're saying next step add an action I'm going to click on SharePoint to only see the SharePoint actions and if you scroll all the way down here at the bottom there is a update file properties so then now it says alright what is your site address and once again it does not remember my site address so we're going to type that in again HTTP yes Shayne's cows airplane all right just like so what is our SharePoint library name it is documents boom and then unique identifier so this was tricky to me I didn't get this on the first try but what you can actually do is there should be a add dynamic content and so by clicking in here you know enough how do I kinda have to cook it a couple times it finally showed up and so then there is the item ID of the file it just created perfect and then we could set the title of the file but we're always more concerned with is setting the type of animal now here we want some dynamic content again and so if we scroll down what we're gonna do is we're gonna take manager we want ask empower apps so we say ask empower apps then what happens is it created us a new thing called update file properties underscore type of animal whoo now what we're gonna have to do is we're going to pass that over and then that'll be what's updated here fun fun all right so what do we got so far power apps triggers it we create a file we update the file properties but last thing we want to do is we want to send some information back to power apps so we're going to stay one more new step and we're going to add an action and so then now we're gonna say search all these in search for power apps and we're going to say respond to power apps we're gonna add an output we're gonna add a text output I'm gonna say we call it file link and the value so this is another ones places we're gonna have to do a little a little more work that we probably wanted but that's okay we're smart we're learning and so we're gonna build an expression that has the link because there isn't a link that is just available to the file unfortunately so we're gonna do is really use the function called contact and can cat write just like we use over in power out trees concatenate can cat is their version of it but the syntax is a little different so in the first section we're going to type in we want HTTP I should have save this at some point on type of send a lot Shayne's cows SharePoint dot-com slash sites slash PA okay so that's the first string and then we do a comma and we're gonna be really annoyed this thing is in the way but in the comma then we're going to insert dynamic contents where it could from dynamic content here and then there is going to be a path and so this is the path to the file that is relative to the actual site collection or was that was in so I say path and then let's just grab all this we're gonna say ctrl a copy and let's put this all notepad again so we can all see it together so you can see that here's what it does so can cat this string and so notice the string has got single quotes right in power apps we always do double quotes so single quotes comma and then this variable the path right so it's pulling that and we just did that through the dynamic content so I'll make both of these available down below so you can grab those yeah so we'll do know that we'll say okay so then now we have a concoction whoo that was that was a lot of work right that made the brain and brain work because that was a bunch of new stuff but what have we done now so from power amps we're going to create a file we're gonna update the file properties and then we're gonna pass a link back to our friend power apps really cool okay so we want to say before we hit save it flow let's go up here and let's change this and let's call this video flow right so I wasn't very intuitive to me this is where you save or change the file name so it's way up here in the corner but so now we'll name it video flow we'll say save flow and we'll say saved boom all right so go back over here and so now we have a flow we don't have any run history all right we're doing good so it's quick around so let's go here and say all right save to SharePoint I want an action I want to flow and so then there is our flow we just created right video flow there's the other ones I did earlier so we're in quick on video flow it's going to add it right remember I clicked on the button because we will make sure adding it to the button first time I did this accidentally added it to the screen and was really confused alright so we added it there and so initially what you're thinking about it so what do you want to call the file name for the file name we're gonna take whatever you typed in this this box here is a text input 1 dot txt all right close this this is so much stuff on the screen okay I'm gonna do a comma here what is the contents well that is the take and pick that we did earlier okay and then finally what value do we want to send to that that column type of animal and so that's gonna be from our drop-down so just going to type in drop-down one dot selected dot value just like so now looking at this I don't want people to also have to type in jpg so I'm gonna actually go up here right so this is the section everything in front of comma is the section for the the filename so we're just going to use our concatenate function write the ampersand we're gonna say boom jpg okay so then that way you know if I type in word it'll be word dot jpg you'll be the name of the picture when it gets uploaded to ship one okay and then this with the picture that's uploaded and in this section here will be set that type of animal column to dog cat or fish based on what choice you can the drop down okay so that's how you push to flow all right so let's do that real quick before we pull back from flow so our flow won't do everything we want yeah that's okay we're gonna say boom so we got a picture stored right that's why it's handy to have this image here and so we'll call this v1 and we will set the type of animal to be fish we'll say save to SharePoint we will cross our fingers I got this right okay the little ant stopped will dot stop marching across the screen so let's go over here let's do a refresh scroll to the bottom v1 fish a few seconds ago yes we have written to SharePoint good job yay high five okay so then now when I you have to ask yourself is so that worked we wrote to it but we didn't get anything back from power apps yep glad you point that out I almost forgot so if we go over here so we need to get back from so what we're gonna do we're gonna take advantage of set writer we can do update contacts when we use set it's right and so set is for creating a power apps variable room create a variable called file link we did file link from flow we get a long name yeah that's a good variable name you can't confuse that and so we're gonna set file link from flow here's our flow when you get to the end of your flow though what you're gonna do is you're gonna say dot oh look at that dot file link because that's what we set over here remember when we edited our flow we said update file properties we said oh that when we go to respond we said file link is concatenated an upper case here flow and power-ups talking all the lower case don't overthink it but so that's gonna pass that back so if I've gotten that right so dot finally we're just close our parentheses what it's gonna do is when we click the button now it's going to run the flow and it's going to return so it's going to run the flow actually process and push your file up there and then it's going to return the file link property and it's going to place that in the file link from flow fancy-fancy alright so that should all work that looks good and then what we'll do here is insert another label on the screen real quick and so we'll make this label be filing from flow so in theory when we hit save to SharePoint after a moment we should get that so let's go over here let's say play let's just take a new picture so we'll say piece all right we got new picture will call this file name b2 we will set this to cat and we will say save the SharePoint you'll also notice I was too lazy to make this purple like I should have very sad but look at that now it's returning the link to our actual file whew so let's do something with that so instead of a label because that's boring we'll say copy this button copy paste drag it down here and we will say open file alright and so then when you select this guy we do not want to rerun our flow what we want to do is we will take advantage of the launch function and we're going to launch file link from flow easy enough so we'll say play we'll take a picture number three there it is b3 I will say save to SharePoint I'll watch the little ants march two two two two two two two and then now we'll click Open File b3 woohoo that's kind of cool huh I thought it was I don't know there are several things in this app that made me get really excited that I had done so maybe you're not that excited okay so that gets all that we will not I will not make you watch me go through setting all the properties to make this guy not blue anymore I'll save you that one but so the other thing that I want to talk about real quick is for your testing purposes one of the things that I do just to make sure this all works is you know and this is not something I would leave in the app this is something I do want I'm learning so we know that that updates that but so what else we're gonna do we're also going to tell you say you don't want set and then what values we have we have taken pick so set taking pick to be blank like so and then set file link from flow to also be blank okay so I do all of that so then that way when I'm building the app I can reset it make sure everything is always back to zero because the other thing the last thing I want to show you in SharePoint before we go over to flow and talk about some more stuff is we're gonna grab all this stuff so let's grab this guy this guy this guy this guy this guy and let's group them together so we'll say home group boom price name or group but we're not going to because we're lazy well not you with me and so I'm gonna say you know what visible is if so taking pic if taking pic hope is blank so is blank taking pic so that means they haven't taking a picture yet then we don't want to show them the buttons for up boy in a SharePoint right so then we'll say this is false but if it's if it's not blank then they have done this will make it true so then that's how we'll get rid of that and then we'll do the same thing for this guy will say you know what your visible is if is blank file link from flow and make you false and then we'll make it true like that so then now if we do the reset right oh it did not reset the whole thing so let's go back over here and figure out what I did wrong click on this guy update set taken picture is blank did I make him a context I did that's why I'm trying to update the global variable when I made him a context variable update context like this and this I am world famous for making these silly mistakes in my apps so let's try that so you were a set I'm pretty sure so let's say play will say reset okay alright so then this this tells us everything's gone so all the variables are empty but so then now if we take a picture for number four we get this section right well change this name to be four and we'll change this to be dog will say saved SharePoint the ants march across the screen and then after a second we get the open file and there is 400 my goodness number when a plan comes together now a couple of things I get asked about on that you could make the file name automatic all right so I show this to all my co-workers and they're like hey why is the file name automatic because I want to show you guys kind of the way that I built it the first time I don't know but you could definitely do that so don't overthink it you know you could have gotten these properties from SharePoint itself or for another list right we've got several videos and drop down so alright so that's all the SharePoint or the power happy stuff you know then you would obviously want to make sure that you hit file and save video flow now let's talk about a couple of nuances things that you guys need to know going into this alright let's go back over here in the most annoying one it's not annoying is that a nice thing to say I know but the most annoying one is you're over here say that for a reason you like me I really want to change this to file link - dang you wanted to rename that to filing - you save your flow you're like awesome possum I got this so you go over back over here power app right right save this boom boom boom change this to be filing to power apps is going to be really upset it does not know what is happening so you're like alright well no problem right we'll go over and we'll reset this with our actions and flows and say there is no refresh the flow and it's best I know and this was talking to my buddy John earlier right there is no way to make power apps and flow like figure out that that part of the flow has changed so what you have to do now is actually remove this flow from power apps right so you would actually click remove from app kind of get out wait 30 seconds and then come back over and then add the flow again put this whole big old line back in and then you're filing to at work okay it is not perfect don't shoot the messenger but it's all you can do right so let's try it so what I would do is I would grab this kind of this is what I really want so then we say all right remove from app close out of this wait a second I'll hit pause in the video why wait I don't want we waited I tried to get a dream my drink is empty very sad so then now we'll go back to our button and we'll say alright flows for you we'll add the video flow back so then now it's like alright well no you got to put all this stuff back in and so now that the stuff is back in it's like oh I code we get it I know what you meant and so filing two works right tell us things that makes you angry now and when it's talking to Johnny they go just hit refresh the browser they'll speed us up remember if you hit refresh in the browser power apps you lose everything you didn't save before right so be careful that refresh button in power outs I never never hit this refresh button it causes bad things ok sounds one thing I want you guys know another thing that I need you guys to know is so for back over here in flow this run history was really helpful for me when I was trying to figure out what was going on because if the flow actions failed perhaps gives you pretty much useless information back so but you can come over here click on run history and so then I could click in and I could see what happened and I could see the actual error messages it made a lot more sense that let me figure out why things weren't working ok another common troubleshooting tip that I want you guys to know so if you're in your flow if you're finding that the files in SharePoint don't work right they're blank files SharePoint's manager they're weird most likely the mistake you made because I did it several times even after I knew it was a mistake was not putting this function in here this function to convert the URL or the the file format very important to your success so once again it's down the comments you can steal it from me which is not really stealing I stole something else but um you know that is probably the most common issue that I had when I was working through these right the last thing I want to point out is up here learn so if we say learn and then like documentation we do not want to do that a lot can we do it open we can do that we can do it that way so flow does their documentation will different than power apps for better or worse and so you can see they kind of drive it based on where you're at in the lifecycle so definitely take advantage of it flow also has great forums just like the power offs forms so feel free to look there and I think that kind of wraps up what we wanted to do right hopefully this helped you guys kind of get over the hump be less afraid of flow I know that I was afraid of it for a long time and it was a lot of work I spent two days to make this simple video so I can appreciate it through kind of like a little scare but go try it out go play with it now that I've given you the steps hopefully it works I'm also going to challenge on Lebec and say hey John I crossed paths right I went flow so now I need John to go power ups we got we got dude come back over here make a cool power absent flow a story from your point of view too cuz it's always fun right let's see if he can keep up with my game cool alright well I think that's it for the day it is like 80 degrees outside so once again I'm going golfing forever reason completely unplanned I actually a golf club sitting here in my office that's how close I am to go I'm golfing for the day but if always if you need anything you know where to reach me alright thanks and have a great day hey it's me again if you got a second click the subscribe button that always keeps me making more videos or if you want to work together need some help getting your power apps going hit me up with power apps nine-one-one always happy to work together or finally if you're always looking for more videos that's probably what it is check out the power ops playlist over here and you know enjoy that alright thanks and have a great day
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Views: 134,580
Rating: 4.9453053 out of 5
Keywords: Shane Young, Bold Zebras, shane young powerapps, powerapps flow, powerapps flow tutorial, powerapps flow sharepoint, powerapps flow training, microsoft flow, power apps, powerapps tutorial, powerapps tutorial sharepoint, powerapps upload photo to sharepoint, powerapps upload image to sharepoint, powerapps upload file to sharepoint, powerapps save image to sharepoint, powerapps save picture to sharepoint, powerapps save data to sharepoint, powerapps and flow
Id: ovLIwnj6QjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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