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hello welcome back to my channel thank you so much for joining me today i am really excited for this video because i am here to answer one of the most common questions that i get i get this question all of the time which one is better for me powersheets or moxie life i love both of these products i love both of these companies i love both of these systems for different reasons i think that both products are absolutely beautiful and for 2021 my powersheet slip through is already up my moxie life flip through will be up very very soon but you can see the 2020 flip through of the moxie life which is very similar in terms of the actual system most of the moxie life changes for 2021 are aesthetic you can also see the new 2021 moxie life planners over on their youtube channel like i said my video will be up later this week but today i'm going to help you figure out which system works better for you i get questions all the time like i am this kind of person which one should i use or i'm a newbie which one should i use and i'm here to tell you that it's not a one size fits all for either one like i don't think that all brand new goal setters should pick one of the systems and i don't think that all students should pick one of the systems i think that it really depends on a lot of things that are specific to you so today i am going to give you five questions to ask yourself to help you figure out which system works better for you so quick background if you don't know the power sheets are an intentional goal planner the focus of the powersheets is not to be your go-to day-to-day planner it is to specifically help you figure out what's important to you what matters in your life and then it helps you set and break down goals related to those specific things it is meant to be a goal setting planner first and foremost the moxie life system is a combination of a beautiful weekly planner with a goal setting system and the goal setting systems themselves are very different and we will get to that on one of the questions but i just wanted to give you that little bit of background in case you've never heard of either of them before or you haven't been able to watch any of the 2021 flip throughs yet so the first question to ask yourself is what kind of planner do i use regularly if you use a weekly planner regularly and that is your go-to planner and your weekly planner is a vertical or a horizontal layout and you could see yourself using the moxie life vertical or the boxy life horizontal as your go-to weekly layout that's probably a point to moxie life for you if there is another planner that you love that is your go-to planner whether that's a different weekly layout an hourly layout a digital layout whatever it is if there's another type of planner that you use regularly then the powersheets might be better for you because the powersheets only has a monthly calendar it doesn't have any sort of additional planner pages now for 2021 moxie life is releasing a set of companion notebooks where they are putting just their goal setting system into a set of beautifully crafted notebooks that if the goal setting system of the moxie life really intrigues you you could do that moxie life goal setting system with another planner that you absolutely love my struggle with that system is i need a coil i am a coil girl through and through i like i went to staples and cut up a bunch of planners because i needed a coil that badly so i could personally never see myself using those moxie life companion notebooks because i need a coil and that's just my planner system so i think that if you do have a planner that you love that's not a vertical or horizontal weekly but you don't desperately need a coil like i do you could also do the moxie life companion notebooks but that's the first question that i would ask myself the second question which is what a lot of people talk about when they are trying to decide between the two systems is how deep do you want to go during the prep work how deep do you want to dig down into yourself how much reflection do you want to do how many tough questions do you want to answer how much of that really really deep introspective work do you want to do to set your goals for the year because if the answer is i want to do all the deep work and i need that those like tough questions to really help me figure out what matters and what's important to me then powersheets is the way to go and that's how i feel i need that deep work i need those questions to really help me figure out the why behind my goals and what's important to me if you're like i'm not ready for that leg and i don't want to go deep i have i have a member of my community who was like i'm not ready for that i can't imagine going that deep yet then powersheets are probably not for you the moxie life prep work is probably much more your speed it has very set not easy questions but just they're not they're not as open-ended and like as as in depth they're separated by categories it's a lot more giving a ranking on a one to ten scale rather than answering where do i want to be in eighty years number three which is related to this but different is do you need help figuring out what your goals should be and there's a lot of ways that this could go to either system so i'm just going to share my thoughts with you because even if the answer is yes it could lead you either way so hear me out moxie life has eight goal categories that are already set eight areas of life is what sierra calls them that you are encouraged to set goals within those eight categories and that could either be really great or it could be really frustrating if you feel like you struggle to come up with goals and that structure of having those categories already set will help you the moxie life system could be perfect for you the powersheets on the other hand has eight empty categories eight blank spaces for you to figure out what goals you want to do and so it has a lot more open-endedness and you have to really figure out what your goals are going to be on your own now i will say that the prep work helps you with that like if you do the prep work properly it really will help you figure out what those eight goals could be without giving you preset categories so they can both work even if the answer is yes but it really comes down to do you want these eight categories to kind of help you shape your goals or do you want these eight open-ended spaces for you to figure it out yourself i did ask the creator of moxie life sierra what her thoughts are on changing the categories in the moxie life system so if you were like well i only want to use six of those categories and then i want to change the other two to something else that's specific for me and she said two things she first said you know what the most important thing is that they use the system and so if changing the categories makes you use the system then change the categories because that is better than not using it i've said this before right the best tool is the one that you'll use so if changing the categories helps you use it go for it however at the end of the day it's important to focus on all these categories it is important to think about where you stand in all of these areas of life because the more well-balanced you are the more you're going to be able to succeed in any of those given areas and even if sometimes it's just maintenance in one of those areas of life while you're really focusing on progress in a different area that's okay too but you're not letting that other one fall because you're still focusing on it every single week and every single month so at the end of the day she recommends that you you stick with all eight categories but if you have to change them you can change them that said the powersheets does have a section where you give yourself a a grade or a score on one to ten on these different areas of life that are very similar to the power sheets they just don't have you necessarily categorize your goals based on that they just have you rate them and check in with them but then you can still set your goals on eight different categories so that's kind of the difference between the two in terms of their being categories or they're not being categories so if you really feel like you want that structure of those eight categories and you can fit your goals into those moxie life system is fantastic for that if you feel like your goals are going to be kind of unique and different and not really those eight areas of life then the power sheets might be better for you number four is do you want to refresh your goals on a weekly basis or on a monthly basis because the different systems have you check in and change your actions on a different cadence so the powersheets you don't update anything except on a monthly basis so you still likely check in with them every week but you're not changing any of your goals or any of your action steps until you get to a monthly basis and then there's also the quarterly check-in where you can completely refresh your goals but you're not even changing your actions except on a monthly basis the moxie life has you check in every single week and update your action items based on the week now you still set monthly and annual goals but you have the opportunity to change the actions that you're doing for your goals every single week so your daily habits and your weekly habits you can change those on a weekly basis and i do think there's pros and cons to both of those there's some times when i wish i was in a system that would let me change things weekly but then i also know that i would give up on some of my daily and monthly goals if i if i had the opportunity to change them every week so i kind of like that my powersheets lock me into a monthly system and i can't change them but the flexibility can also be really nice too because if something isn't working for you you just need to let go when i did ask sierra her overall thoughts on the two systems because i know she gets this question a lot too she told me that the way she kind of views them is power sheets are reflection and then action moxie life is action and then reflection and there is power in both of those formats you just have to figure out which one works better for you one common question i got that kind of falls into this category is how much time does each of them take to set up on a weekly a monthly and an annual basis and the overarching sentiment is that the powersheets are going to be way more work up front and way less maintenance the moxie life is gonna be way less work up front and more maintenance again reflection then action versus action and then reflection so the power sheets it's gonna take you a lot of time to get through the prep the prep work takes a lot of time i probably cumulatively will spend 20 hours working on the powersheets prep work to get prepared for the new year and that's a lot that's a lot of time but it's valuable to me and i i like going through that work the moxie life prep work takes maybe two hours i i asked a couple of people who consistently use the moxie life goal setting system last year and i got anywhere from like one to three or four hours they spent on that initial annual prep work on a monthly basis they're probably about the same so the powersheets prep work can take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes on a monthly basis they do release a podcast that helps you work through that and like anything it gets easier with time it probably takes me about 30 minutes to do my powersheets prep work each month when i was first starting out it probably took me a little bit longer the moxie life takes about the same maybe slightly less again the people that i talked to who used it consistently said anywhere from 20 to an hour each month working on the monthly section and then on a weekly basis the powersheets have nothing right you're not you're not changing anything you're not reflecting on anything on a weekly basis the moxie life system is probably 10 to 20 minutes on a weekly basis setting up your weekly actions and doing the weekly reflections overall probably about the same amount of time it's whether you want or can spend that time every single week in the moxie life system or pretty much all in december in the powersheet system number five the last question is aesthetically which one do you like better because at the end of the day the tool that you like is the tool that you'll use and the best one for you is the one that you'll use and so if one of them really gives you a better feel aesthetically go with that one and just try it out for a year and then if it doesn't work you can always switch next year but i think that if one of them really vibes with you more aesthetically then go with that one so the power sheet is a lot more bright and flowers and almost feminine to it this year they did kind of streamline the decor on the inside a little bit to make it a little bit more geometric if you will but it's still a lot of like bright vibrant colors the moxie life does have color in it and this year they made the color like a lot more vibrant but it's still more of a i don't know calming colors almost they're just not as bright and in your face they're they're just a lot more not even muted this year because they do have more vibrancy to them but it's just a totally different color scheme than the power sheets you you can probably tell just by looking at that from a construction standpoint they both have a wiro binding which i know a lot of people hate and they both have a hard cover from a size standpoint the power sheets are a little bit taller but they are much thinner the moxie life is a shorter planner but it is much thicker because you've got two pages for every single week so what do they both have there's a couple things that they both have in common which is why i think personally choosing either system is a great option to set your goals for the new year they both have an incredible community that i like being a part of both communities and you can join either or both communities without actually having the products in your hand you can join both facebook groups so the powersheets has a facebook group and there's a lot of great questions and ideas in that group they also are starting something new this year called goal school which is also going to be kind of a platform that has some additional videos and printables and things like that that you do you can only join if you buy the powersheets moxie life also has an incredible facebook community where they do challenges and different things that encourage you to continue to focus on your goals and again you can join either facebook group without actually owning the product they also both have a proven system of goal setting that works they have proof behind the pudding that it is going to work if you follow the system now the systems are different the setup is different and i do think that different ones work for different people with different like minds and and goal setting processes but at the end of the day the systems work so whichever one you pick if you follow the system you're gonna achieve your goals they also both come with a beautiful page of stickers in the back and have the option to purchase additional stickers i just thought that was important to throw in there a few other questions that i got i asked on instagram if you had any questions about the two systems and figuring out which one works better for you so the first one i got is do either of them offer any digital or printable the answer is no now moxie life does on their website have the initial assessment tool and samples of the layouts on their website that you can print out but it's not the whole system that you can like order and print or digitally use and the powersheets doesn't have that another question i get is which one is better for newbies and like i said at the beginning i think that either system can be really great for newbies i think that the deep dive of the powersheets can be really great if you've never truly set goals before really answering some of these deep questions i think can really help you figure out what's important to you at the same time it's a lot and i think that the simplicity of the moxie life system and the jumping right into focusing on action can be also really helpful for someone who's new at goal setting because that momentum will help you keep going so it's so hard to answer that question to figure out which one works better for you i also got how much is each system they're pretty close in price the powersheets full-year set is 60 the moxie life is 68 but again you get an entire planner attached to the moxie life so it's a little bit more but they're very close in price i also got asked which system i will be using and if you couldn't tell from this video i cannot quit the powersheets they just work so well for me and my mindset and just the way that things work in my brain it they are perfect for my goal setting progress i i like the reflection at the beginning because i am such an action taker that if i start with action i probably will never go back into the reflection so i like doing the reflection at the beginning and i also like being committed to a daily habit for an entire month before i can change my mind and give up on it so from those reasons really the power sheets are the best system for me however i also plan to use the moxie life and i got this question a lot too can i use both well you can you uh like you can you can use both i think if you try to use both in a forward-looking way it's going to be really tough and you're going you might struggle a little bit it would just be with overwhelm there's just a lot going on and there's going to be a lot of repetitiveness and you're going to be just it's going to be a lot and so if you think that you could stick through and continue that go for it i tried that this year in 2020. i tried to use both in that format and i did not stick with it now i think there's a couple reasons why i didn't stick with it i mean one of them being that it's 20 20 and like anything i tried to stick with this year didn't work i mean it did stick with my power sheets the entire year but i think that just the nature of 2020 made it hard for me to stick with both i also have this thing on my desk where i have both of them sitting there and i have the moxie life turned to my weekly layout because i did use the moxie life as a weekly planner it's the best vertical layout out there and so i used it as a weekly planner i just didn't use the goal sections because that's just not what i looked at and it would require me to take it out of my thing and flip to the goal pages and actually fill those out and i just didn't do that on a regular basis and so that was another reason i think that using both systems didn't work for me i will tell you this year i have a plan to use both of them and i'm really excited about this i think that it's going to work well for a couple of reasons and i i i'm hoping that i can commit to it so this idea stemmed from a couple things so the first one is i didn't feel like i needed a weekly planner layout anymore i know that's crazy to say out loud because i've been a weekly planner for six or seven years but my daily planner is so helpful that i it's just it's fantastic and it felt very repetitive to take basically what was on my google cal so i'd sit down at my computer i would mess with my google cal to plan my week that's how i planned it and then i would transfer it to my weekly planner and i do think there were benefits to that but i wasn't going back to look at it i wasn't going back to reference it it just it was a sticker book basically like if i'm being honest and so i was questioning i don't need a weekly planner for forward planning and i actually got quite a few recommendations from you that said well what if you do it as back planning or memory planning what if you instead of setting it all up in advance with what you're going to do what if you went back and filled it in with what you actually did and like reflected on that like i said i'm not very good at reflecting and i know that there's value in it and when i saw the new 2021 moxie life i was like man i really want to use this it's beautiful the vertical is fantastic she took out the shading like i just i really want to use this planner but i don't need it for like future planning and so i started to watch some videos and like look into memory planning and i was like you know what that could be really nice and that could be i could print pictures and like it would be almost like scrapbooking but still planning and still using all of the stickers that i already own so i was kind of already leaning to use my weekly layout in that way and then i was talking to sierra and we were talking about the whole like could you use both systems because i really i do love the moxie life planner and i would love to use both systems and she was like well i have an idea for you what if instead of again doing forward actions for all eight of those areas of life what if instead you reflected back and wrote down what you actually did in those eight areas of life after the fact and use it as a way to look back on those eight categories and see if you have any blind spots is there anything that you're not focusing in on and just do it that way instead of actions going forward and i was like that's a great idea because even though the powersheets does have a place to check in with those eight categories it's only on a quarterly basis and i think the value in the moxie life of checking in with it on a weekly and a monthly basis and acknowledging what i'm either doing or not doing in those eight categories and for me this isn't even necessarily like goal things like this this is and will be like just normal everyday actions that i'm doing in these eight categories that's just helping me live a better life and be a better person right so i am so excited to give this system a go and i will definitely bring you along and share my journey with you and let you know how things are going if you have anybody that you recommend especially ones that have youtube videos i love watching youtube videos who focus on memory planning i watch a lot of taylor's from tattooed teacher plans and then i follow a lot of people on instagram i'm trying to encourage just playing with shane to do youtube videos too because i want to see her process in a youtube video form but if you have anybody else that you recommend let me know down in the comments because i'm excited to use my planner for that purpose that was kind of an addition on this video on how i'm going to use both products but at the end of the day i think they're both beautiful products they're both great systems and you can't go wrong with either one hopefully this helps you figure out which one works better for you to help you accomplish amazing things in 2021 if you have any other questions please let me know down in the comments i would be happy to answer them if you liked this video if it was helpful please give it a thumbs up if you're new here please click that subscribe button i upload new videos every monday wednesday and friday thank you so much for watching happy planning both well what is that noise i didn't need to rhyme but it did reflection section scale on one to ten a grade on one to one we're gonna run out of time
Channel: PlanwithLaken
Views: 6,797
Rating: 4.9212255 out of 5
Keywords: planwithlaken, goal setting, goal planner, power sheets, cultivate what matters, cultivate what matters powersheets, powersheets planner, powersheets lara casey, makse life, makse life planner, makse life goal system, makselife planner, goal setting planner, setting goals motivation, goal planner 2021, how to set goals and achieve them, goal planning, powersheets prep pages, powersheets set up, goal planners, powersheets walk through, how to use a planner
Id: cNWsa_QJf5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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