Power of Breakup | Onkar Kishan Khullar | TEDxRamanujanCollege

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good morning everyone today it's not about me it's about all of you how many people over here are single can you please raise your hands okay we have a couple of single people over here how many are committed can you please raise your hands okay we still have a couple of people how many people over here have fallen in love okay all of you great how many of you have ever had a heartbreak cabesa Cadell to tie yes so a caution before I start that I will make sure that there will be one breakup in this room I cannot guarantee if there is one new relationship also but one breakup for sure Bollywood has made us see love stories as the end destination we have always been brought up that the ideal story when a actor meters actress when the hero meets a zero in is the ideal state is the destination to be but nobody talks about what if the story ends what if the entire story ends what if there is a heartbreak what after that what after the happily ever after nobody talks about that thousands of years ago man was God man had limitless powers as God would have suddenly man started misusing these powers abusing these powers and the Supreme God realized that he needs to take these away so he asked his adviser where should I hide it so the first adviser said put it deep in the ground but then God said man would find that and dig it out the second advisor said put a deep in the ocean and God said that man will find that out as well the third adviser said put it at the top of the mountain and God said that man would climb that mountain one day so God so the Supreme God decided that this power the source of this part needs to be hidden in the heart of the man where it cannot be found yes the heart the key to this power are only two yes two one is love the other one is break up two keys this is how you're going to access it first let's talk about a favorite topic love I would like to have a small experiment over here can all of you for the next 20 seconds shake the hands of your right or your left partner and look him right in the eyes and smile that's it just do that for 20 seconds look him in the eye smile and shake his hands I'm really sorry for the ones who don't have a partner beside them yeah this is what love feels like and this is what I call chemical lucha in small quantities this is what love does you can even feel good or take the same medication if I may call from chocolates the same effect you will get it from chocolates the same effect you will get it from jamming or exercising whenever you exercise suddenly after sweating you feel like you can conquer the world suddenly that dopamine rush that is the small chemical Loach I am talking about but let's talk about the bigger chemical lo cha which happens during love this chemical lucha is highly contagious like every other virus out there this emotional energy can be transferred from one person to another might be dreamy right this can't be possible all of you must be thinking research has shown that man traps his energy or his emotion in his creation the greatest artists of our time the poets have transferred it to their poems artists have transferred it to the paintings entrepreneurs have transferred it to their startups whether it's a painting a poem a company a book a movement even food people do transfer their emotional energies still don't believe me right the Greeks call this Meraki the power of doing things with love why is them why is your mom's food the tastiest just one answer because it's made from the heart that's it that's the emotional energy which is there that is why it is tasty but there is a flaw in love during love you only do impossible things for your partner that's it not for anyone else not even for yourself you do it for the person you love how many times you must have said chance are eight or longer or I will get the moon for you human beings have this ability to transform themselves into something they cannot do when they are in love but only for that one person but now what about a heartbreak all of you must be thinking when I talk about a heartbreak it's not related to just your partner it's related to appearance to anyone you love even your friends whenever you are hurt that's what a heartbreak is it can happen through three things either the person you love says no they cheat on you or they die this one these three things maximum cases this heartbreak can happen so I was I I went down the memory lane to find my own answers in 2005 at the age of 14 my first heartbreak I created a sketch fine great next after two years once again another heartbreak created a sculpture then I dropped out from two different colleges two not one left my family business as well my parents thought I have gone mad they took me to psychologist a psychiatrist you name it I was there I was with all the Swami the Baba's whichever you can think of I have been dragged there in 2014 I created a painting out of thumb pins 16,000 thumb pins it took me three weeks and the fingers stopped working the painting of shiva and shakhty the perfect dough I didn't feel any pain it was another energy which created it today I have left three colleges started and closed a lot of companies written a lot of books made a lot of paintings created lot of music and still trying to break some world records out there and I am still 25 but I have just realized that whatever have been doing from past years there is a pattern to all of it and the one common element is a hard whenever I have been heartbroken I've managed to do this plain and simple that's it that's what I saw after connecting my dots I thought I was mad and I was different but what is this so I just went out to find out whether it was just me or is it out there I realized that the biggest artists in history the biggest masterpieces are made after and heartbreak don't believe me right Mumtaz Mahal died in 1631 his husband Shah Jahan commissioned what today we call as the Taj Mahal for her he spent 20 years and a billion dollars just for a memory plain and simple that's the power of a heartbreak but that was what for 500 years ago artists from across the world whether it's Amy Winehouse whether it's Alexander whether Shakespeare whether this Adele all of them have been showing their scars and telling the world that this is the energy which drives them they are saying yes to scars they are showing it off they are not shy of it the world was not changed by gurus Baba's or Swami's but those who hide emotional energy who did not like what was going on that is the truth if you don't believe me I would like to share an experiment with you all of you if you go back home or wherever you are just go and try up a heartbreak for and then see it I have experienced it that's what I'm sharing today how does a breakup actually feel you must all be thinking for those who haven't had it during a breakup with each rock bottom you're in the most depressed stage of your life you're broke you're in pieces you're at a edge you're on the edge of a cliff you have no shame nothing left to lose that's what the status you're in and then there is a pattern in it the first thing which you notice is that you're on the edge of a cliff you might fall or you might fly but you're not scared of anything there is no fear at all there is nothing to lose secondly you have this extreme emotional energy whether it's insecurity jealousy heartbreak depression everything there's so much energy inside you which needs to come out so much inside you third you have the mental space even though you might be the busiest person on the planet still your mind becomes empty you still want to do things you're still thinking about yourself you get suddenly so much time to introspect and that's the time where you get to know what your heart really wants what you really want to do as soon as you get that emotional energy as soon as you get that emotional mental space so the formula is simple no fear lots of energy and a free mind whichever success book you open today that's the formula which exists nothing else you can either fail or you can use this energy to fuel your success your success to making that painting you always wanted writing that poem which you always dreamt of or starting that company or that book or even that movement you can use it as that fuel without falling down before I end I would just like to give you one disclaimer please do not drop out from your college do not leave your jobs just find out what you really love to do that's it what your heart is really telling you and where you can CH analyze this energy to thank you and have a nice day [Applause]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 3,965,186
Rating: 4.9018159 out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, India, Life, Art, Change, Love, Relationships, Social Change
Id: 1GHS6Wmk5tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2017
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