Power Each AI Agent With A Different LOCAL LLM (AutoGen + Ollama Tutorial)

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I'm going to show you how to use autogen powered by olama which means you can use any open- Source model and run it completely locally not only that we're going to hook up each individual agent to a different model and you don't need a superpowered computer to do this you can pretty much do it on any modern machine so let's go so autogen has had a ton of updates since I last made a video and I did make a bunch of videos about it so if you're just getting introduced to autogen check the description below I'll link all of my tutorials including the beginner one all the way through advanced and yes the expert video is still coming and so to do this we're going to need three things obviously we're going to need autogen we're going to be using olama to power the models locally and then we're going to be using light llm to wrap the model so that we have an API Endo to hit and we're going to spin up multiple models at the same time that are powering individual agents and this is really the dream of Open Source agent usage when you can have each agent powered by a fine-tuned vertical ized model that is really good at just a couple things so for example if you wanted to have a coding agent we can use code llama if you wanted to have a generalized agent you can use mistol you can use a model fine-tuned on creative writing if that's the agent you want to build pretty much the options are endless but enough talk let me show you how to do this so if you don't already have oama installed go ahead and install it it could not be easier you just click this download button install it and then that's it and then you're going to see this little ol llama icon in your taskbar up at the top and that's it that's really all you need to do oama doesn't have an interface it runs completely from your command line all right so in this example I'm going to install two models we're going to be using mistol as the main kind of orchestration model and then we're going to be using Cod llama as the coding model so all you need to do to download the model is type this command olama run mistol and of course you can replace mistol with any model that you want so I'm going to hit enter and it should start downloading it yep there it goes very easy now while it's downloading I want to mention one thing this video is purely showing you how to get this up and running I'm not going to spend much time optimizing autogen to use these models and really be successful with it maybe I'll save that for another video let me know in the comments below if you want to see that but for today I'm just going to show you that we can get it up and running using multiple models at the same time okay looks like it's done downloading now it's probably getting the metadata okay there we go it's up and running now if you remember from my previous olama video I was absolutely Blown Away by the fact that you can have multiple models up and running at the same time and if you prompt each of them at the same time they'll queue up and then run sequentially and swap in and out of memory so quickly literally within like 1 to two seconds it was extremely impressive and of course that gave me the idea that well agents should be able to use multiple models now and so now that it's up and running let's make sure it works tell me a joke now remember this is the mistel model look how fast that is for those of you wondering I'm on a MacBook Pro M2 Max 32 GB of RAM so it's a pretty beefy laptop but it's still just a laptop I'm not using my RTX 490 so there we go sure here's a joke for you why don't scientists trust atams because they make up everything okay so now we know what working so let's quit out of here next I'm going to do the same thing but I'm going to say o llama run code llama now it's going to download another model now while we're waiting for that I've switched back to the olama homepage and if you click up in this top right corner where it says models we can actually get a list of the models that are available through olama so here we have the find model which I've heard is incredible and I've been meaning to test that wizard coder mistl open Orca nous Hermes Zephyr I mean these are all just the best models out there here's deep seat coder which I just tested and was phenomenal here's Orca 2 from just a few days ago which again that's another model that I've been meaning to test STAR coder dolphin 2.2 mistol which is definitely the best open source model that I've tested so far and it's by Eric Hartford here's Samantha mistol if you want to do creative writing here's the Y model which didn't really perform all that well if you watched my last testing video sequel coder if you want to do some SQL writing and so yeah it has a bunch of different models that you can use all right switching back it looks like it downloaded successfully let's give it a test write a python script to Output numbers 1 to 100 there it is done so fast and that is correct so we know that we have both models downloaded to our machine now I'm going to exit out of there by hitting control D and now let's get our environment set up using cond so that we can actually write some code and get this all working together so cond create DN autogen python equals 3.11 hit enter now I already have an envir ment that's named the same thing so it's going to ask me if I want to remove it and yes I do but you won't get that message we're going to accept to proceed all right now that it's done installing we're going to grab this Command right here cond to activate autogen and then hit enter and we can tell that it's activated because it says autogen right there next we're going to check which python we're using and the reason for this is just to Triple verify that when we install things using pip it's using the right python environment so I do which python hit enter and there we go and now I'm just going to copy this and then I'm going to paste that in and then type-m pip install pi autogen and then hit enter and that's going to install autogen obviously and now it's done the next thing we're going to install is light llm which just provides a wrapper around olama that exposes an API that we can use with autogen and it's integrated really nicely don't really need to do anything it just knows it's there so here we go same thing we're going to Output the python location DM pip install Light llm and then hit enter now once that's done we should be able to just type light llm M -- model oama SL mistol and you can follow this pattern to load up any model that you want that you have downloaded so here we go let's try it looks like it worked there we go so we have uicorn running at Local Host Port 8000 so that's perfect now we're going to open up a new tab and we're going to get a second model loaded and running and then we need to activate the environment again because if you notice right here it says base so the environment is not activated Honda activate autogen now that that's activated we can type light lm-- model o llama SL Cod llama hit enter there we go and it automatically puts it on another Port as you can tell here so now we have two servers running using olama we have two models that are ready to be served through the light llm API which really just mimics the open AI API and now we're ready to write some code so I have a new file ready to go it's a python file this is Visual Studio code if you look in the bottom right you can see which python version and which conduit environment we're using and it says autogen right there so that's perfect so the first thing we need to do import autogen now there's a red underline here and it says autogen is not access pylance import autogen cannot be resolved usually that means the module and the version of python the version of cond they're not matching in some way so I'm not sure why it says that but it still should work and if it doesn't we'll fix it when we get there next we're going to create our config list and here's where we're going to do something different than what we normally do usually you're either plugging in your gp4 API key or you're listing a local URL that you want to hit for the API but in this instance we're going to list our local model URL but we're also going to have other ones so let's make sure to name it properly so that we can distinguish between which one's mistol and which one's code llama so let's type config list mistal equals and then Open brackets and this is a Json object so this is the right formatting for Json so autogen did change something recently and this is now base URL I can't remember what it used to be I think it was like API URL or something like that but now it's base URL and that's the URL of the API endpoint that we're going to be hitting then we type colon and let's open up some quotes switching back to our terminal let's grab the mistal model first so here it is down here here's the URL and we're just going to copy that switch back and we're going to paste it in right here and then we're going to type API key but since we don't have one we can just say null and now we have the config list for mistol but now let's create one for code llama as well so I copied that part of the code I'm just going to delete this and we're going to call it code llama and let's switch back to the terminal and here's the port we're going to be using for this one so I'll copy that switch back paste it in there so now we have one for mistol and one for code llama now we can pass each of these config lists to the agent so they know which model to use for its task next we're going to create the llm config parameter so we're going to create two of them and I just copy pasted one that I already had so llm config mistol then we type config list and then we're going to insert our config list mistal and then same thing for code llama right here so llm config code llama then the config list gets passed in config list code llama now let's create our first assistant so assistant equals autogen do assistant agent open up parenthesis and then the first thing we're going to need is a name equals assistant we're going to be boring and then the second thing we're going to need is an llm config and then we equal and what we're going to be using for the assistant the general assistant is the llm config mistal we're going to be using the mistal model so we paste it in right there now let's go ahead and create a second one so save I'm going to copy it paste it in and we're going to call this one coder and it's the same thing we're going to do autogen do assistant agent we're going to call it coder here and the llm config we're going to be using Code llama so now we have two agents one assistant agent that uses the mistl model and then a coding agent that uses the code llama model next we have to create our user proxy and I just grabbed this from another file I have I'll put all of this in a gist so you don't have to retype it manually you can find the gist in the description below so now we're creating our user proxy agent so we have autogen do user proxy agent we're going to name it user proxy for human input mode we're going to do terminate Max consecutive Auto rep we'll just leave that at 10 is termination message we'll leave it as is now this is really where you're going to need to play around and try to optimize for your open source models because sometimes they say terminate correctly sometimes there's a trailing white space and so you're going to have to play around with it and figure out what works best for you for code execution config we're going to keep it in the work directory web and then for the llm config here's what's important we're going to pass in the mistal model because again we just want a general model for the user proxy agent we don't want it to be a coding model then here's the system message reply terminate if the task has been solved at full satisfaction otherwise reply continue next let's write out our task so we're going to type task equals quote quote quote and we'll type tell me a joke just to see if it works next we're going to set up our group chat and the reason we're using group chat is because we have more than just one agent and one user proxy if we just had one agent plus one user proxy we wouldn't need group chat but we have an assistant we have the coder and we have the user proxy so here we're going to type group chat equals autogen dog group chat then we're going to pass in the agents so agents equals the user proxy agent the coder agent and the assistant agent we're going to pass a blank messages cuz we don't have any yet and max round 12 you can mess around with these settings as much as you you like next we need a manager and the manager is going to coordinate the different agents within this group chat so here we go we have autogen group chat manager we pass in the group chat that we just created right there so group chat equals group chat then we're going to pass in an llm config and once again because this is kind of an orchestration agent we're just going to use the general mistal model so llm config mistal last we need to actually execute the task so user proxy do initiate chat we pass in the manager and we pass in the message of task which is right here tell me a joke let's save it still says autogen is not available but let's see if it works hopefully it does so let's hit play in the top right corner and let's see so you can see right here the first thing it did was cond to activate autogen so that might be why it showed that the autogen library wasn't available yet because we hadn't yet run activate autogen and while that's loading up to see that it's actually working we should see some output on these two tabs we have this right here with no output yet and this one right here with no output as well this one is code llama and this other tab is mistol okay tell me a joke and it looks like it's working here it is I switch back and there's the prompt to mistel okay so the assistant wrote print why did the Scarecrow win an award because he was outstanding in his field great but then of course it continues on task solve the given equation so now it's just making stuff up so again this is where you're going to have to play around and really figure out how to get those termination messages working properly and that the model knows how to terminate and you can customize all of these things the system message The Prompt Etc there the coder said terminate and yeah it's just going off on a complete tangent now so I'm going to stop it but we can see right here we have output from the mistal model and we also have output from the code llama model so it worked perfectly well maybe perfectly as a stretch but in terms of getting individual models to power individual agents that worked perfectly now let me try one more thing just to get it to work a little bit well so instead of doing a group chat I'm just going to Simply do a user proxy and an assistant and I'm going to have them both powered with separate models so I'm going to delete the assistant and then we're going to remove all this stuff right here and then I'm going to say user proxy do initiate chat instead of GPT assistant let's do coder and the message is going to be task and then for the task we're going to say write a python script to Output numbers 1 to 100 so let's save I'm going to clear the screen there and let's play okay here we go so I am still using two different models one mistol and one code llama and the coder is using Code llama and the user proxy is using mistol and there we go it did it perfectly and to give feedback to coder enter or type exit to stop the conversation so here we go let's try something different now write a script to Output numbers one to X where X is a random number generated by the user proxy agent this should force them to work together okay that did not work like I thought it would it just used coder and I'm just going to type enter maybe the user proxy agent is just going to execute that code okay so what we're going to do is we're going to change this human input mode to never and let's do this again I'm going to clear the screen let's push play ah and of course it still has our caching so let's get rid of that cache so in my AI projects folder I see this little hidden. cach folder let's go ahead and move it to the trash and of course there's a number of ways to do that but that's the way I'm going to do it for now okay so let's try this write a python script to Output numbers 1 to 100 and then the user proxy agent should run the script go ahead and push play there we go absolutely perfect look at that so we have the coder who output the script then we have the user proxy agent who ran the script and one to 100 and we can see all the output happening from the different models so this worked perfectly so what else do you want to see about autogen before I make my expert video let me know in the comments below and also I'm collecting all the best real world use cases for autogen so if you have one especially if you have the code drop it in the description below or jump in my Discord and ping me and let me know that you have it if you liked this video please consider giving a like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Matthew Berman
Views: 63,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ollama, autogen, pyautogen, litellm, agents, ai agents, ai, open-source ai, open-source, artificial intelligence, local llm, local agents
Id: y7wMTwJN7rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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