Power BI | New Feature | Visual Calculations | New Release | Power BI Tutorial 2024 | #powerbi

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hey guys welcome back to my channel so in today's video we are going to discuss a new feature which is released by powerbi in February 2024 and the feature is called visual calculations and here I have added one more statement that is Dax got easier so obviously you might have got some idea that it is a related something uh with respect to tax right so what this particular visual calculation is we can write visual level calculations whichever we are building in powerb and by using those calculations uh like we don't have to write long DXs which we used to write before to get those particular answers for our visual calculations or whichever as per our client requirements right so this is a very important feature by using this feature powerb claims that it will increase the performance of your report okay you will have to or you you will be writing a easier tax easily understandable values will be there and all the functions which we are using so uh let's move ahead and see what that particular feature is actually so I will take a new sheet over here and I have already connected to a sales data so this particular data I will add in the description box from where you can download it is a Excel file and you can directly connect to that Excel file and it will be in your powerp right so we are going to use makeup this particular data and we'll see how to build this particular visual right or we can see visual calculations so first what I will do I will take a new particular table so if you can apply this particular calculations in any of the chart right but it will be very much easy for us to understand with the help of table so I will be using a table for here so I will take a new table over here and you can see we will try to build a visual over here so what we will do we will make use of order dat I will take first quarters and then I will take months and we will see with respect to sales okay so this is a table which I have created in front of right so by making use of this particular table we are going to see how visual calculations work right so now to make available this particular visual option uh what you have to do is first thing to see this particular visual level calculation options and different um whatever calculations and options you are going to use you have to update your powerb first once you update that what you can do is to see this particular uh we can say option in your power Bay you can see here when you go in home ribbon you have an option here called new calculation okay so we are going to make use of this particular calculation if you if it is not visible for you in your powerbi after you are doing an update to see this feature in your powerbi when you update so what you have to do is you have to go in files option over here and at bottom you can see option and setting just click here then go to options right so new window will be opened in front of you and here you have an option called preview features okay so when you drag down at the last you can see there is an option called visual calculation so you just have to check this okay and you have to just click on okay and sometimes it will ask you to restart a power bed that is nothing but close and reopen it then just you have to do that and then this particular calculations will be visible for you okay so you have to build something this visual over here then this will be uh you know will be activated for you to do some calculations over here all right so now what we will do we will see how we can add different uh Fields over here with respect to this particular chart and see how this visual calculation works right so before moving ahead into the video let's discuss how you can learn powerbi complete tool and many more other tools which falls under data science courses all right so let me introduce you to Odin school's live and Hands-On data science boot camp which is a six-month boot camp that will help you not just learn the skills but also get a well-paying job in current industry so here's what the Odin school's data science boot camp will offer you so this data science boot camp is a six-month boot camp with additional six Monon focused on getting you hired and placed in reputed Industry the market is uncertain but there are few industries that are still growing so despite the problems in the world there is one such industry that is the data science Industry which is still growing and it is estimated that by 2026 the data science Industry is expected to generate 11.5 million ion jobs across the globe and this estimation was delivered by data scientist themselves so who can apply for this particular data science boot camp so the one who have just graduated who is a freser he can also apply for this particular data science boot camp or a fellow who is trying to switch his career from a non IT industry to IT industry he can also join this particular data science boot camp so in this particular 6mon boot camp you will not only learn power be tool but also the core module tools like s SQL SQL Advanced python statistics Eda machine learning Ai and also some bonus modules like powerbi Advanced versions powerbi service storytelling creating different projects dashboards Azure and many more cloud services as well Odin school will also help you on Project based learnings where they will help you in building realtime projects like covid-19 prediction credit card approval health insurance in banking domain as well as well as customer churn rate predictions prising predictions and many more data science project the highly skilled and professional mentors they will not just help you in building your technical capabilities in Odin school but they will also help you in building your communication that is soft skills they will help you and give some aptitude trainings as well they will take your mock interviews they will help you in building resumes that is professional resumes and many more so there are so many success stories of different students who have done career transition in this particular day data science Industry after doing data science boot camp of audence school you can see when you click on success stories there are so many peoples who have been done this course and now they are placed in reputed Industries and this is a complete career success stories of these particular students after they have done this data science boot camp so Odin school have 500 plus hiring Partners so after you are doing this particular course and you are ready for the interview they will help you to get Connection in this particular Network and there are big giants like Google te Mahindra PepsiCo and many more companies which you can see in front of your screen the course fee of this particular data science boot camp is 75,000 plus GST you will get an early bird offer up to 10,000 rupees if you're applying now and you can reserve this particular seat by paying 5,000 rupees plus GST they also have Emi options as well and the upcoming batch of this particular data science boot camp is 30th March 2024 so if you are ready to launch your career or even take it to the next level head to Odin School website link is available in the description and pinned in the comment section so apply for the data science boot Cam and get ready to upskill yourself with the most industry relevant skills okay guys so let's move ahead to our video so now I will just click on this new calculations and you can see as soon as I click a new window will be opened here you can see at the bottom that is calculations right and there are here options available and here you can see a small button is available that is FX or something is written over here so when you click on this as soon as I click you can see there are few inbuild options available for us which are nothing but visual level calculations so we will write those calculations and I will tell you how to see these calculations how to make use of these calculations so first you can see there are some running uh sum is there so running sum is nothing but cumulative sum right then we have moving average moving average is nothing but we call it a as rolling average or we can say it is rolling level of calculations then percent of uh we can say grand total those are nothing but level of detail calculations and versus and versus first versus previous these calculations are available which are nothing but comparison calculations right we will compare two values with each other right so these are the calculation right now available but what powerbi is saying that they will add some new new uh calculations uh in future uh in the new release which will be upcoming in the next month or whatever they will be coming so for now these are the features which we have so let's say we want to find out running sum okay so let's say when I click on this automatically uh running sum calculation will be there and you can see it is automatically taking us uh what we can see it is by default taking uh what we can say the Dex function for us and it is asking us that we should mention a field over here so you have to take running sum of which particular measure so remember one thing here whatever field or whatever for whatever value we are going to find out the running sum that should be present in the calculation or we can see in the visualization so right now in visualization sum of sales is present I always remember only for some of sales only we can find out running some because these are visual level calculations which are done at visualization level okay those are not done at data level this is a data source level at data level you right click here and you do measures those are done at data level these are visual level so those particular whatever fields we are going to use in this visual level calculation they must be present in the visualization right so we are going to make use of sum of sales directly this is nothing but the name of the field directly it will be used over here as soon as you do you have to just click on this particular commit that is checkbox as soon as you do you can see a new particular row has been or column has been inserted over here called Running sum right running is nothing but it is a cumulative sum of each and every uh we can say value in the sale so right now first will be the same what will be this calculation it will be addition of this two third one will be addition of this three right then this value will be addition of this this this and this and then it will be displayed over here getting or not so this is called as cumulative s right so in this way how we can say the visual calculation works and you can see how it is how easier it is to find out running sum but if you want to calculate with our conventional way you had to write uh we can say long calculations for this particular running subm it is not easy to directly do that right so this is what Dax has been got easier for us for few of them uh we can say calculations and few of the functionalities and in future more will be added right so this is the running sum so let's say you don't want to see this sum of sales right now okay or you can say let's say you have to go back to the reports when I just bre back when you click on back to report you will be at your original View and you can see the new field is added over here and at this particular in visualization you can see a field is been added that is running some where you can see a new uh we can say U icon has been added in front of that that is FX which indicates that it is a visual level calculations so if you want to edit this calculation what you can do is you can just click over here and here you have an option called edit calculations you just have to click here on edit calculation and you can edit those calculation or if you want to add you can add also getting or not so let's say if you want to remove this particular sum of sales you don't want to see this column over here even though it is there or even though it is been used in this particular visualization don't remove it directly from here if you don't want to see it over here you just if you remove it from here you can see you will get an error because the sum of sales is not right now present in the report getting not so I will just go back so it should be present over here but if you don't want to see it in the table you just have to click over here that is hide from visual so it will be not present over here but it has been used in this particular table just not visible in the table getting or not so I will just uncheck this again and I will just keep it as show it right so this is the first function we have so before moving ahead into our power project I would like to introduce you to my website so this website I have created with request of many subscribers who emailed me message me where they want to connect with me where they want different powerbi T data analyst SQL other materials projects so I have created this website you can explore this I will add the link in the description box you can just click it and you can visit the website where I have uh different you know where you can connect with me one to one apart from that I have some digital products where I have powerbi material uh realtime projects are available in this you know and different options are available like different topics are available you can just click and you know uh you can explore this you have to just click and you can explore this everything all right similarly there are SQL material is there complete data analyst material is also available and you can see I am top rated in 2023 right so uh you can see more than 2 750 bookings I have just done in last 3 months and top rated in data analyst here you can see the badges are available I was top rated in complete last year that is 2023 and you can see different projects are also available here is the powerb complete project on financial domain where I have designed three dashboard and you will get this powerb plus SQL with complete video just for 459 rupees okay there are reviews also you can see my testimonials also you can learn or read about me as well so if you are interested you can visit the website you can explore if you are interested you can go ahead and buy and so let's continue with our video then we will see what is a window average so one more calculations we have to add for that what I will do I will just click on Commit okay and let's see you want to add one more calculation so just click on this FX and I will add moving average as soon as I do you can see a moving average field has been done you can you can give the any name over here right you can give moving let's say I'm giving moving average likewise right the name can be anything and you can see the Dax automatically have been taken and we have to add a field over here so field of what sum of sales right so of this particular field we want to find out the uh we can say moving average so I don't know if you know how moving average works or what is moving average it is mostly used in share markets where number of values are compared to each other and then average has been taken and it is taken for one particular window size I will explain you here so window size is nothing but which values or how many values you want to compare with respect to each other and then take average of those so when I take window size as two I will take window size at two and I will just hit commit button you can see a moving average new new field has been added over here so what I will do I will just move it at the top okay that is nothing but I will move moving average near to the sum of sales so I will uh it will be easy for you to explain here getting so now here you can see the first value is as it is repeated because before okay whatever two we have used now window I can say the window size two we have used it is taking the previous values from current value because we don't have uh from before January we don't have any value for this the moving average will be taken as it is for here you can see so how this has been calculated we have seen that we have taken the window as two so it will take this particular value and this particular value this will be the window for this particular value this is addition of this two divided by two will be the window average of this for similarly for this value it is 135 it will be addition of this and this like these two values and divided by two nothing but average of these two values will be displayed over here similarly here average of these two values here the average of these two values in this way moving average Works which is most widely used in share markets right so this is I mean it is not most uh not only used in share market it is used in different domains like sales and banking domain also but widely used in um you know uh for stock markets okay so this is the another feature called window average right similarly we will see percentage of toal so you can see we can add one more field over here called percentage and if you want to go back to report you can just go back to report and this will be your final output and from here also if you don't want to see let's say running sum so what you can do is again go to new calculation and here you can hide running sum you can see it has been gone over from here if you want to again see you have to just click over here getting so in this way it can be worked so now let's say I will add one more so I will click on new calculation and from here I will use first as percentage of grand total right so we'll use percentage of grand total and is automatically giving us the calculation getting or not so let's say if you want to uh see what is meaning of this calculation so what we can do is I will just select this and I will just press control and space press control and space by selecting it and you can see this has been uh you know popped up over here you just click on this and here it will give an information of what this particular Dax function actually give us it is nothing but retrives a context with removed field uh details uh we can say detail level along an axis right so it it it gives us an expression and with respect to that expression how we have to find out the level of data whether we have to go horizontally or we have to go vertically that is we have to go column wise or we have to go rowwise we will see that so here field will be what sum of sales again you have just double click here again the field will be Save Sum of sales and access is nothing but you want to find out percentage of total in in this manner like you want to be displayed it likewise or you want to display it in horizontal we can see there is only one single row available column available for us that is some of sales so we will do it in we can say rowwise each row we have to find out the sum of sales with this particular grand total so I will just select this and I will click on row and you can see direction is also mentioned over here vertically downwards row and I will just click on Commit as soon as you have do you can see a new particular field has been created that is nothing but percentage of gr but right now here you can see it is in now we can say decimal points you should actually get it in the form of percentage so at this moment we don't have an option uh or they have not provided us an option where we can format this particular measure and we can give it an percentage symbol right so I hope they will be working on that but if you want to uh change this we can change some calculations over here so what we can do is I will just click here and I will just click on edit calculation we can use a format function over here I will use a format function which will help us to give the you know uh we can say the percentage symbol so format function this is the first argument comma second argument I'll be using in double ined comma hashtag comma 0 0 percentage close the uh double in command close the bracket and just hit enter and you can see uh we we have received an uh percentage in this particular values in percentage format getting or not so in this way the total of this will be what 100 percentage right so in this way we can right now obviously modify this into a 100 in the percentage format but if you want to directly do with without calculations the feature has been not released yet for that right so this is percentage of Grant total let's say we want to do a we want to use different functions called V versus previous okay so let's say versus previous means what field okay current field or we can say it is difference between current value minus previous value right so let's say sum of sales minus sum of SES okay this is nothing but what it will be this minus original uh we can say field uh we can say difference so I will just click okay first and you can see here and I will take it near to sum of sales okay so you can see sum of Sals and versus so this minus initial value we don't have any so it will take zero but here you can see 59 1,751 minus 96 so it is not this minus this will be always negative similarly for here it will be this minus this here it will be this minus this that is - 72 so this is how versus we can say calculations are done right so if you want to see more okay so what I will do uh here here you can see I will just take this versus I will edit this calculation and let's see I will copy this and and we will add one more calculation over here that is let's see how previous works okay and I will paste it over here and just click on okay so here you can see previous so for us you can see previous so previous value for here will be 96 that is this so it is taking field that is this minus this value this minus this value is this Val right again this minus this will be this value so I'm just trying to explain you how this particular actual function is working getting or so similarly there are many functions available that is versus next okay versus next means what let's say I will explain you sum of this minus sum of this next means what the next value so it will be this minus this right so let's see how it will get and when I do so here you can see versus next I will take it near to some of sales to see so now here this will be this minus this that is 36 that is next value here we are not doing previous it will be next value similarly here it will be this minus this we are getting this value this minus this we are getting this value getting or not likewise similarly if you see for versus first okay so versus first is nothing but sum of sales here also we use sum of sales and I'll just click on okay so versus first means what each time the difference will be taken from this minus minus this here also it will be this minus this if you want to see uh how it works I will just explain you next will be what I will be using the next function over here next of sum of Sals and I'll just hit okay over here you can see next for this will be this value right so in this way how it is working getting or not so uh or not next what was we talking about first okay so we'll just edit this edit calculation and we'll use first we were using the first one and I just hit enter okay so first for every time the first will be 96 so always the we can say I will just hide all this so it will be very hard for us to understand so I'll just hide all of this okay so what how it works is here next is nothing but or okay so how it here works is this is what this minus this zero this minus this is this this minus this is this so these are the values which you are getting I hope you are understanding whatever I'm telling similarly the same way this can be work so you can explore the versus last value so all the we can say difference will be taken from this particular that is the last value which is available in the table and this is the first a value which is available in the table so right now these are are the calculations which we have that is visual level calculations which we can directly create on the go in the visual itself right so this is a very important feature which will help us to reduce lot of our work if we are require if we required to work on this kind of calculations for any of the client and I would like to or I I request you to please explore this kind of options because in interview these kind of questions might be asked what was the last release which was done by powerbi what are those release what will uh what are the functions used what are it drawbacks drawback is nothing but we don't have right now to convert it into a percentage format that is nothing but we don't have a option to format that particular numbers which we are creating over here all right so these are uh the we can see visual level calculation which was released in 2024 I hope you have understood you can explore more with different charts and different figures over here and I will see you in the next video till then bye-bye
Channel: Data Tutorials
Views: 3,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi tutorial, power bi, power bi tutorial for beginners, power bi dashboard, power bi training, power bi desktop, power bi for beginners, power bi desktop tutorial, introduction to power bi, what is power bi, microsoft power bi, power bi full course, microsoft power bi tutorial, power bi course, power bi tutorial 2024, power bi tutorial for beginners 2024, new release, power bi new release, feb 2024 release, power bi new functions, power bi new feature
Id: lkMKx08gjpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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