Power BI DAX Copilot ผู้ช่วยอัจฉริยะ คำนวณง่าย‼️ มากกกกก | 9Expert
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Channel: 9EXPERT
Views: 3,954
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Keywords: power bi, 9expert, 9expert training, dax copilot, power bi copilot, data analysis, ai in analytics, natural language processing, data computation, advanced analytics, business intelligence, data visualization, machine learning, microsoft power platform, business data analysis, ai-powered tools, data analytics trends, สอน power bi, สอน dax power bi, data analysis expression, power bi data, power bi ai, microsoft copilot, copilot ai, power bi mvp, สำหรับคุณ, วิดีโอแนะนำ
Id: cf3GOCKU4jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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