Power Apps - Model Driven App in 5 minutes 💣

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[Music] hi i'm jeremiah hersey and today we're going to be talking about how to create a model driven application within five minutes so what we're going to be doing is we're going to use the pre-built or standard tables with inside of dataverse to create this model driven application so here's the scenario we have a phone distribution center so they're going to be logging calls as they're calling people as they're calling accounts they're going to be logging the conversations of this phone call so we want to make sure that we can track all the phone calls that go out exactly what's going on with inside each phone call and so like i said we're going to create this model driven app in less than five minutes so let's jump in and get started we're going to go to make.powerapps.com so here we are at make.powerapps.com and like i said we're going to create a model driven app using the pre-built dataverse tables so we're going to go to model driven app from blank so from the home tab from make.powerapps.com we're going to click model driven app from blank so it's going to ask us to select a name for this i'm going to call this my phone call tracking app and click done notice that we could put a image in here if we want to to have a particular image associated with our model driven app so the awesome part about model driven applications is that they're designated or they're used for data entry that's the point of a model driven application is for data entry to make it quick and efficient so the only thing that we have to do inside of our model driven application is to configure the sitemap so we have to tell it exactly what tables to look at to pull this information so i'm going to click the pencil icon and this is going to bring me into my sitemap designer now when you come into the sitemap designer you'll notice that there's three pre-populated sections for you this first section the new area this can be considered like your back office so the general area is the back office with the group that could be thought as the departments with inside of your back office so in this case our department is going to be the phone the phone log department and then additionally this sub area at the bottom are the categories that make up the department okay so this is going to be the account table this is going to be our phone call table so these are these the tables or the sections that make up the department all right so let's rename this a little bit so i'm gonna click on the pencil icon and i'm gonna hit the backspace i'm gonna call this my back office and then for my new group i'm gonna call this my phone logs so once again i'm just clicking in it the pencil and then hitting backspace and typing it in now the main part that we have to be concerned with is the sub area so i'm going to select the sub area and then notice on the right hand side it's going to ask me to select a type so the type is going to be an entity so remember that an entity is a table the same thing so in this case we're going to choose our two tables so the first one is going to be my account table so notice over here it now says accounts now i want a second sub area so i'm going to go to add at the top sub area make sure that you have one of the sub area that you have either the sub area or the group selected or it will not allow you to add a sub area because it's with inside of a group alright so with the new sub area i'm going to once again select an entity an entity as a table and this table is going to be my phone call table once again this is pre-built from dataverse that we're going to take advantage of now let's say that you don't like this name phone calls if you want to change it you can use the title section on the right hand side so notice down here i have a title section and so i can call this like phone call log that'll be fine so phone call log notice that over here it says phone call log so the title will allow you to change the default name of your table perfect so the only thing we have left to do now is we're going to save and then we are going to publish this sitemap so we click save and publish and we can save and close so we have now built a model driven application we could hit play right now and it will work just fine but i want to talk about a couple different areas inside of this model driven area that where we're going to decide exactly what forms views and stuff like that to show our end users because it's important that we want to make sure that anything that they're not going to really need that they don't have access to because it's just going to confuse them okay so what we're going to do is down here at the bottom now that we have added our tables notice that i now have an account table and additionally a phone call table all of these are set to all meaning that they're going to be able to see all the charts all the views all the forms everything associated with this table so if we want to specify exactly what forms or what views we want them to see we're going to select the name so i'm going to select my phone call forms and notice on the right hand side they have access to all these forms information phone call interactive reference panel so all of these but if i want to make sure that they only have access to particular ones i can deselect all and i'm going to select my phone call and my phone call quick create form those two forms i want them to have access to so notice now it tells me that they only have access to those two forms additionally if i want to change what views they have associated so if i go into the views on the account table you'll see a long list of views that are available once again this is all pre-created using dataverse we didn't have to make any of this so the only thing i'm really worried about is my active account so i'm only going to show them active and inactive accounts just those two views all right and now we can click save and publish at the top once again this is in the upper right hand corner save and publish and now let's play our application and see what it looks like all right so we have our application and based on the views you select this will determine what's going to be available in this drop down remember that for the account table here's my account table here's my phone call log table i only chose active and inactive views so when i click this drop down the only two views i have available are active and inactive but look at my phone call log there are more views based on the table itself my completed phone calls so you determine exactly what views and what forms you want your end user to see so notice i could create an account right up here at the top so i can click on new and create an account so let's just do a test account say just do testing and hit save and close all right um let me do a little bit different name let's do uh top squad games that's and we'll click save and close notice is down here at the bottom we have top squad games and uh because i had a duplicate testing record that's why it did not it asked me if i wanted to duplicate or override that record because of his name the same way so i just chose a different name top squad games to show that it's working additionally in the phone call so one thing to note so in the account table we have this button that says new but when you go to the phone call log there is not a plus new button at the top so this is what i want to talk about you're actually going to click this button that says phone call so that is going to launch your new phone call form and notice we can do the subject we can put all the information regarding are so let's say new phone call and a call to top squad games there's where we choose our account and we can put the phone number in here and 904.9030762 and we could choose uh what direction the phone was it incoming or outgoing call we could put a description in here made contact about products whatever we want and then we can put the duration as well notice it goes in 15 minute increments all right so we say it was 45 minutes and we can save and close and you can see that top squad games was now added to our phone call list so i want to thank you for joining me as you can see dataverse is super super awesome it has a lot of pre-built tables and columns inside of it that we can take advantage of you now have created a model driven app in under five minutes if you subtract all the talking that i did but i want to thank you for joining me and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Pragmatic Works
Views: 8,748
Rating: 4.9619045 out of 5
Keywords: power apps, powerapps, business apps, microsoft, model driven, dataverse, app, Dataverse, pragmatic works
Id: xBQoCd2sBpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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