Poutine | Botched By Babish (ft. Matty Matheson)

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I feel like I'm watching the behind the scenes of what actually goes on behind BwB and it's actually Andrew slowly losing his mind and Kendall and Jess having to clean up after him 😂

👍︎︎ 266 👤︎︎ u/Fpsaddict10 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

This video feels like a fever dream

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/schmayward 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

I hope he revisits cheesesteaks

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/skai762 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is literally just "Controlled Chaos with Babish". Would love more of this casual style now and again, really digging it.

👍︎︎ 132 👤︎︎ u/JimJamHargision 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Woo. Repping cheese curds from Ellsworth Wisconsin.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/wasdie639 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Okay now look here, you can't just flex that your pepper grinder grinds more pepper per grind than most pepper grinders and then not give us the model/link /u/OliverBabish. Please, help me replace my inferior pepper grinder.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/eveninglion 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Did Babish switch meds with Weissman or something?

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/BenjaminGeiger 📅︎︎ May 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Solid premiere episode

Although I would like less Just a Dash, and more Bon Appetit. A bit less of the crazy, more of the personal interactions

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/optiplex9000 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ahh, I prefer the more well-produced stuff. This isn't terrible, but what I feel Babish brings to the Youtube cooking scene is just well-shot, well-made cooking.

👍︎︎ 92 👤︎︎ u/pxan 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Hello everyone and welcome to Botched By Babish otherwise known as (beep) up By Babish and Babish Done Goofed. For this the inaugural episode, I'm revisiting maybe my most controversial episode of all time. That's right, Poutine. It's time to tear off little chunks of mozzarella and roll them into balls because we couldn't find cheese curds. Canadians, please forgive me, I didn't have to tell you the truth, these look exactly the same. My guest today requires no introduction. He is perhaps the most famous Canadian of all time. He has written two New York times bestseller cookbooks, A Cookbook, nope, that's Home Style Cookery and A Cookbook. (men laughing) He has an incredible YouTube channel with three shows, Just A Dash, Home Style Cookery and Powerful Truth Angels. He is here to set me straight. Matty Matheson is joining us today. Matty, how you doing, man? - I'm good, Andrew, and you know, thanks for having me on. I'm glad you got through that intro. That was a rough intro. I'm happy you have the voice. - I'm coasting on that, that's all I got. - You know, I wish you just could cook better and I don't know, I know that you're a nice guy, genuinely. I know that you mean well but the one thing that you (beep) need and you didn't do is the curds. It's like you're making, you're making spaghetti and you're using just Wonder Bread that's julienned, you know? - Listen, pasta is just bread in another shape. Okay, I think that's legit. - Holy (beep) but I hope, on this, You're gonna have (beep) curds. - This is what we got for curds. These are from Wisconsin, okay, let's see here. - [Matty] The thing too, they should be squeaky in sound, and squeaky in chew, yeah. - So here's a curd. - Beautiful. Put the whole thing in your mouth, eat the whole thing, okay? - Okay, fine. (Andrew squeaking) - Are you getting it? - It's squeaking up my chompers for sure. - Okay, now swallow it, I wanna see you swallow it. There's no way you're so fit, I guarantee you. - I'm gonna swallow it, Matty. - Okay, let me see, I want to see you swallow the pills. Okay, now... - I took my medicine. - The thing too is I can get roasted for this. I am not from (beep) Quebec, so I'm like all these Quebeckers are gonna be like (beep) Matty too! (Andrew laughing) - Well, dude, thank you so much for, for joining me and for giving me the roasting that I so thoroughly deserved. - And also, sorry, plating your Poutine on a (beep) platter thing like you did is just an asshole move, okay? You put it in a bowl, you wanna put it in a bowl and you wanna layer it. You want fries, curds, fries, and then a big pile of curds, 'Cause the thing too, the alchemy of the Poutine, you know, the squeakiness of the cheese and the hot gravy is so beautiful and the French fries are so crunchy, And by the end of it, it's just, this mattered, this like futuristic matter of sludge and you just have to eat that and enjoy it. And Andrew, you're welcome, this is gonna be your biggest hit show ever. Come to my YouTube and like and subscribe it or unfollow me, it's all good either way. Thank you Thanos of the internet, Andrew Rea, everybody. (Matty clapping) - Thank you for joining me, man. Go check out Matty's cookbooks. They are available now. Go check out his YouTube channel. I'm gonna try to do you proud, man. (dramatic orchestral music) Yukon Golds for French fries... I've never, can't say I've ever tried that because they're not a very starchy potato. In fact, they're the least starchy potato I can think of. And I don't know if for good fries that makes, what? But I trust Matty, I trust him implicitly. I'd trust him with my life. - I don't know anything about food. - [Jess] Andrew? - Yeah, what? - [Jess] What's your favorite kind of fry? - [Andrew] I don't think that's an appropriate question to ask outside of the bedroom, Jessica. - [Jess] Oh, sorry. - I like a McDonald's fry, I like, you know, something that I can bunch together, That's big for me, bunch ability. And I can eat a whole bunch of them. I have peeled and cut into finger-sized fries, these potatoes, these Yukon Golds. This seems like a pretty good size to me. Yukon Golds are not known as a very long potato. So these aren't gonna be the longest fries in the world but they seem like they have a good girth. You know, it's not about the length of the French fry, it's about the width of your (chicken clucking) Heavily... Heavily... Heavily salt the water. This both deeply seasons the potatoes... - [Sawyer] Yeah, keep the camera on talent, Brad. (man chuckling) - [Andrew] I feel like this trash bowl was directed at me. I feel personally attacked by this trash bowl. - [Kendall] Why would you think that? - [Andrew] I see that, and I think, well, I'm trash. It's also that you put a period at the end of it. So it's a statement, you know? I'm trash. (Andrew laughing) (orchestral music) - [Andrew] So... The potatoes are finished boiling. They went for probably about 10 minutes and now they are very, very soft, just like so close to falling apart, and we don't want them falling apart. We want them to show no resistance when stabbed. So yeah, they're actually falling apart a little bit but that's okay. Just gotta be very gentle. Oh boy, those are actually falling apart pretty prolifically. Let's just get them out of here. There we go. (Andrew chuckling) What? Anyway, that's Poutine until next time. - [Jess] What? - [Andrew] Do I look like I have titties? - [Sawyer] Dude that's bad. - [Andrew] Stop it! (orchestral music) - Take five. Now we need to make the gravy. So I'm going to start by adding... (Andrew grunting) - Five tablespoons of butter. We have three tablespoons of butter that we're going to melt ,get foamy and then saute some onion. Now, not only is the onion gonna add a lot of flavor to the gravy. It's also an easy way to make it sort of, sort of like a cheddar's roux. So roux is a little bit of a tricky wicket. What, sometimes you, if you don't add the liquid just right you can get a whole lot of lumps but if you use a vegetable like a, an onion or any kind of vegetables that your site's hanging in there, it can add as a, it can act as, as a dispersant, dispersal... It can disperse. It can help disperse things for it. (beep) I don't know. (Andrew laughing) - This is not a good idea. Cheers, this is coffee, from this morning. (Andrew grunting) - Ugh, matty. (orchestral music) - [Andrew] Here goes the chicken stock. There we go, look at that, lump less. This is, when you have the onions in there, They just ask, act as a dispersal unit and I'm going to add a nice squirt of ketchup, about two tablespoons worth of ketchup. I'm also going to add a, what was it, like two tablespoons of soy sauce. Yeah, okay, There we go. Then I'm also gonna add two cups of beef broth and this is what's going to really give it a beefy flavor. And then we're going to finish it with a little bit of heavy cream, which is going to help make it super creamy. This, this seriously grind a lot more pepper per grind than most pepper grinders. - [Kendall] That's enough - [Andrew] He said a hundred grinds. - [Kendall] It's too much. - [Andrew] You're too much Kendall's, am I right ? Jessica, I will eat your soul... (Andrew laughing) - Yeah this is what the sauce is gonna be, Just not caring anymore. All right, bringing this up to... Okay. All right. - [Sawyer] You don't care about Poutine. - Of course I care about Poutine. I care a lot about Poutine. You hear that, Canada? ("O Canada" playing) ♪ O Canada... Our home and something... (orchestral music) - [Andrew] Let's get that ripping hot oil over here, Shall we? - [Kendall] It's not that hot yet... - [Andrew] Oh okay. - [Kendall] It's only like 309 - [Andrew] Did you just say 309? - [Kendall] Yeah. - [Andrew] So way hotter than boiling water? - [Kendall] Yeah. - [Andrew] Okay, let's be real super careful then. - Hello? Hello? I got it. - Okay, okay. Our fries are completely cooled, and they're a little bit more structurally sound. If I just picked these up before they would break in half. Now they've got a little bit more rigidity which is really okay. (man laughing) - Shut up Brad. Okay, we're at 340, I like that. I don't think, there's gotta be a better way to do this. Okay, here we go, in we go with the fries. Here we go, one, two, one, two, three, one, two, three, four, five, six. Here we go. Drop them in one, two, three, four, five, six. And thank you very, very much. Very, very much! - Uh, you're welcome... - I need to be very careful not to (beep) hurt myself right now. I really don't feel like being hurt. Alright now, We're just going to let these boys fry up until they're nice and crispy and golden brown. We'll do them in little batch, so I don't get scared. - Sorry, Sorry, you have to see this Kendall. I know that this is not a side of your employer that you wanna see. - [Kendall] I don't see this normally ? - Uh, touche (orchestral music) - These, that's looking pretty done to me, I'm going to take that out. I like the way that those look right there. You always wanna drain your fries on paper towels. Basically, there's a whole bunch of excess oil on stuff that you deep fry and it makes it get reabsorbed back into the food, if you put it on a rack. Paper towels soak up that oil so it ends up crispier, actually, those look really freaking nice. Okay? Those, oh man, those look great. I might make Yukon gold fries from now, from this day forth. Thank you, Matty. Thank you, daddy Matty. (Andrew laughing) - [Brad] Oh God... - What, Brad? The gravy is taking its sweet time getting thick which has me a little concerned, but it's gonna be okay. Two tablespoons of flour versus four cups of liquid. I don't know man ... (orchestral music) The other thing we gotta do is season the fries whilst they are hot I'm gonna hit 'em with some kosher salt. Okay, and now I'm gonna try one. Mmh, yeah I'm sold. These fries are Matty. - Let me try some of this gravy again. Yeah, it's very thin. It's too much liquid - [Kendall] Off the record... I think it needs more flour. I said off the record please. (orchestral music) - Oh look, look Brad, it's an infinity - [Brad] Oh, oh, oh, oh ,oh... (orchestral music) - We have come to the time for assembling. I'm gonna do first, I have my gravy here. It's looking beautifully thick. And I'm going to enrich it with a bit of heavy cream and just keep this guy moving slowly add it. It's kind of tempering it as, as it goes because this could curdle, right? If it's overheated, no I guess it couldn't, nevermind, I'm just gonna add this. Now I'm going to test the seasoning. Okay, let's drain the said gravy get all the onion pieces out of it. That's a beautiful noise that that gravy is making. It's a nice pluppy gravy. You, you, you want a pluppy gravy at the end of the day you want a pluppy gravy, want a pluppy gravy... Matty... you want a pluppy gravy... Right, he said layer it, so I'm just going to do like one sort of minor layer of fries, and we got real cheese curds. These are made in Wisconsin. These are Wisconsin cheese curds, They're plenty squeaky and squeaky and squeaky. And that's really all there is to it. I'm gonna really lay down a layer of these too. He said so many cheese curds, So I'm not even (beep) ground right now, I'm just gonna go for it, try me. Let's load up some more fries on top, we're doing this, we're going to do it, Am I right folks? - [Jess] You're right. - Thanks folks. - [Jess] You're welcome. Oh, man, those are good. All right. How does that look? Is that out of control? Oh, one last step now. (orchestral music) If that's not proper Poutine, Frankly, I don't know what is. And frankly, I didn't really know what was, so... what? Poutine did I do it right? Sure, it looks like I did. So let's go for a, oop... I knew that was gonna happen. Mmh, that's really good, I mean. Guys, this has been a lot of fun. I learned a lot. I think that this is a clearly superior version of what we made on basics. I hope that I've redeemed myself in the eyes of the Quebecois And I hope that Matty is proud of me. I know he is regardless, He's like a father that way where I can do no wrong. Thank you guys so much for coming out, and checking out our new series of Botched By Babish. Hopefully this has been unbotched, what's the tagline for this series? That's a botching, it's a Babi-botching. (playful piano music)
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 1,801,475
Rating: 4.8690696 out of 5
Keywords: pear qwerty horse, binging with babish, cooking with babish, botched by babish, cooking mistakes, cooking videos, babish poutine, babish poutine recipe, matty matheson, poutine, poutine recipe, best poutine recipe, matty matheson poutine, easy poutine recipe, cheese fries, homemade poutine, canadian poutine, how to make poutine, poutine gravy recipe, bwb, babish culinary universe, bcu, fries, poutine fries, gravy, canadian recipes, making poutine, botched
Id: jEL5i38GFd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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