Potato Wedges - Crispy On The Outside Delicious by Rockin Robin

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hi everyone I'm rock and Robin today I am making potato wedges or potato fries depending on what you call them anyway this is a simple easy recipe it makes a great side dish if you're barbecuing up some steak or chicken and you need a nice delicious side dish now we're going to be roasting these in the oven and when they come out they come out nice and crispy and golden brown on the outside and tender and moist on the inside so I'll show you how to do it right after [Music] this [Music] let's get started with our potato wedges by going over our ingredients we're going to need some olive oil here I'm using some gold potatoes I got those at Trader Joe's and they are organic I'm using organic potatoes because I don't know if you know this but or uh potatoes are on the dirty dozen list which is put out by the ewg which is the environmental working group group and they have a list of 12 or 13 fruits and vegetables that have the highest levels of pesticides so that's why I'm doing using that we'll also need some Parmesan cheese which I have here a little bit of salt I'm going to melt just a little bit of butter we'll be using some fresh Rosemary garlic powder and a little bit of pepper so we're going to start off here by chopping up our Rosemary fresh Rosemary is unbeatable this I grew in my I grow in my yard and it's so tender it's just wonderful so what you want to do is take a stem like this and just peel off the little petals with your hand all right and then we are going to chop this up really really fine so here is how finely diced up we want this nice little pieces I don't want big petals on my potatoes so real fine just like that so now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and make our mixture of olive oil and butter and uh get that prepared first before we do our potatoes so we'll take uh some olive oil and we're probably going to put a tablespoon maybe two depend it all depends on how many potatoes you have to uh cook so and then I have about a tablespoon of butter I don't want a lot of butter here just enough to give it some nice flavor so we'll put that in there I've got the parmesan cheese toss that in now now on the garlic powder I love garlic I don't know about you but so I'm going to use about a half of a a teaspoon and just sprinkle that in maybe a little less looks like quite a bit in there and a little bit of salt potatoes have to have salt if they don't have enough salt they're really just going to be missing out in some flavor all right and then some pepper you know I'd like to see what you guys if you have a recipe of your own where you're making these potatoes you know leave me a com comment let me know what you guys do what kind of spices do you put in there maybe you do some cayenne pepper chili powder uh paprika you know you name it so I'd like to hear about it okay so then we're just going to take our whisk make sure everything's Blended in I'm going to hold off and adding the Rosemary here for just a minute so now I'm going to go ahead and chop up or cut up our potato wedges all right so here's our potatoes now you want to make sure that you obviously wash you know rinse them off and make sure that they're complet dry you don't want them to be wet because then when you're trying to roast them in the oven they're going to steam and they're not going to get nice and crispy on the outside like we want them okay so mine are nice and dry go ahead and cut them in half and then we're going to cut them in half again and we'll cut them in half again so be careful so we're going to wedges about like that size and try to make them as uniform in size as you can that way they'll cook up evenly in the oven and uh and we'll move on to coating them here now that I've got all the potatoes cut up into wedges I'm going to place them in the bowl with the um olive oil mixture and all my spices and if you find that you don't have enough you can always just pour in a little bit more olive oil and also make sure that you have your oven preheated to 425° and I also have a pan here uh a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil just to make um clean up a little easier everybody can enjoy that I'm sure so I'll Place everything in here and let me grab a spoon here and we're going to give this a toss and we just want to make sure that all the potatoes are very well covered now I'm going to go ahead and sprinkle the Rosemary around put a little layer on then I'm going to toss [Music] it and add some more get it all around okay so now what we're going to do is take our foil line pan here and I'm going to place the potatoes on there I'm just going to use my hands make sure they're clean and we're going to lay these in a single layer that's really important to do so that the potatoes will roast and not Steam and if you have more potatoes than we fit on here in single layer layer then you're going to want to just do another batch now notice I'm laying the potatoes on the side that doesn't have the skin okay because we're going to flip these over halfway through our cooking so I'm going to cook these they're only going to take about 30 minutes to cook in a 425° oven so after about 18 minutes I'm going to check them and I'm going to look and see did that one side get nice and toasty Brown and if it did then I'm going to flip them over and then cook them in additional whatever it is 15 18 minutes now even though we've salted our mixture originally we want to put a little more salt on there because like I said the potatoes really need that salt so I'm going to put a I'm going to sprinkle a little bit over all the potatoes to make sure that we didn't miss any all right so in the oven they go all right I took the potatoes out here they are they look really really good okay and you can see how nice and crispy those look and they I turned them over at about 22 minutes that's when they started to really Brown out kind of nice and then they cooked a total of about 35 36 minutes all right so you can put these on the serving plate maybe garnish it up with some sprigs of Rosemary and it looks great I tell you you guys got to try this I mean they just they are really really delicious and I want to try one here if I can get one that's not too hot but you can see here how nice and brown and crispy that is it's really hot M oh man those are really good a little bit hot though I can taste the garlic I love the garlic flavor the Rosemary that butter kind of sweetens it up a little bit really good guys try this make some steak put these in tonight I mean you can make this tonight it's only takes about a half hour thanks for spending time with me today guys I really appreciate it and don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already I'm coming out with new videos all the time and share this on your favorite social media if you uh if you think it's a good recipe so thanks again and we'll see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: Rockin Robin Cooks
Views: 173,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Potato Wedges (Food), potatoes, roast, roasted, wedges, fries, garlic, side dish, rosemary, Cooking, kitchen, video recipe, cooking show, Recipe, parmesan cheese, lunch, dinner, entertaining, food, gold, russet, Roasting (Culinary Technique), French Fries (Dish), oven, baked, Rockin Robin, cookingmexicanrecipe
Id: 0cR7cPzlD3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 01 2014
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