Pot in Pot Cooking 101 || Instant Pot

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hey guys Miele here today I'm coming in for an instant hot video and in this video I wanted to do kind of a pot in pot cooking 101 I know there are a lot of instant pot movies out there after Amazon Prime day so I just wanted to do an overview of what potted pot cooking is and give you some ideas of things you can cook in your instant pot using the pot inside method so first off you might be wondering what pot and pot cooking is if you've never heard of it before it's kind of a funny name but basically bottom pot cooking is instead of cooking the food directly in the stainless steel inner pot that comes in the instant pot you cook the food in another container within that stainless steel inner pot so the other container or Bowl that you can use can either be glass something like a Pyrex or ceramic something like this or my new current favorite stainless steel these are some food storage containers that I was sent to try out there's three sizes in here and they come with the lids that attach on so you can use them with or without the lids in the instant pot which is fantastic it's another smaller size all three of these sizes fit inside the instant pot there's two left little tiny one that's so cute so then why would you want to use a pot in pot cooking rather than just cooking an instant pot itself and there are a few reasons the first is basically you need at least a cup of liquid in the instant pot for it to steam and to build up enough pressure to pressurize the pot if you don't have enough liquid in there it just won't work the bottom will scorch as the instant pot has an auto off mechanism so you it just doesn't work so for certain dishes like casseroles meat loaves quiches things like that you don't want to add a bunch of water to those to have enough liquid to get the pot to pressure it just would ruin the dish so using the pot and pop method what you do is you put water in the bottom of the instant pot then you put in your trivet that came with you instant pot and you set your dish or Bowl on top of that so it keeps the water underneath and keeps the bowl out of the water and the water underneath will give off enough steam to build up the pressure without having to add the liquid directly into the bowl that you are cooking it so also there are a few different types of foods like oatmeal and tomato sauce things like that that are very thick and they have a hard time building up enough pressure so like I said before the bottom can scorch you doing oatmeal I had that happen a few times when I was trying to cook oatmeal just in the pot sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn't and I just found that cooking it using the pot and putt method was a lot more reliable and getting me a good outcome and I didn't have to make a super watery oatmeal by adding lots of water to it I can put the water in the bottom of the pot and it will build up enough pressure and I'm good to go a few other reasons that you might be interested in using the plottin cooking method is for reheating food a lot of people are trying to get away from using microwaves these days and the instant pot works great for reheating food with a pot and pop method oftentimes if you store your food in glass or in stainless steel in the fridge you can just pop it right into the instant pot in the same bowl that you were storing it in heated up on the steam pot and pot method for a couple of minutes and you got your food reheated and it's a really great reheating method because it doesn't dry the food out because it's cooking with subscreen so it really keeps things tasting fresh even though they are leftovers also the potted plant method is great for cooking multiple things at a time you can cook like a meat dish at the bottom and then if you have a trivet with a little bit longer legs you can put a pot of rice over the top of that and as long as the cook time for both things is similar you can cook them both at the same time and you can have your whole meal done just in one instant pot also a great thing with these stainless steel containers with the lids is that you can actually stack a couple of them on top of each other inside the instant pot so you can cook two things at a time unlike as long as the cook time is similar you can just get it all done in one pot another way that I like to use the potted plant method is reheating individual freezer meal oftentimes I will make like a giant pot of soup and will eat it for a little while in the last few servings we're kind of bored of it I will throw in two containers and put them in the freezer and so I'll be able to pull one of these out pop it out of the plastic container I'll put it into my pot and pot pot and you do want to use it for this method for anything frozen you want to use something stainless steel or aluminum you don't want to use a glass because the frozen food plus the hot the heat of the instant pot doesn't mix very well and you could break your dish so definitely pick up something stainless steel for that I just popped it out of the plastic container put it in as my pot in pot and then throw it in the instant pot on steam and I can have a nice bowl of soup ready in just a few minutes now if you've been around the instant pot Facebook community for any length of time you've probably noticed that a lot of people love baking and baking especially cheesecakes in their instant tops this is super popular and there's so many amazing recipes for instant pot cheesecakes and the pot and pop method is amazing for baking cheesecakes because if you bake cheesecakes in the oven before I'm sure you've heard of putting in a water bath like putting in a dish of water so it can steam and it keeps the Cheesecake from cracking and with the pot and pot cooking in the instant pot you have the water bath built right in so it is perfect for any kind of baking especially cheesecakes anything you want to keep really moist while it's baking that you don't want dried out you can do cake flan brownies although a side note if you google search instant pot brownies you might be surprised with the results it might not be quite what you're looking for so when you're looking for pans or bowls to use with the pot and pot method basically you can use anything that is oven safe you can use stainless steel glass ceramic even silicon will work and then anything else that is marked as oven-safe one little milk girl on the stainless-steel seems to conduct heat the best so I prefer cooking in stainless steel the glass and the ceramic when I have done dishes in those they seem to take a lot longer so you just kind of have to play with the cook time and see what works for your recipe so like I mentioned before my current favorite pot in pot containers are these stainless steel food storage containers and I just wanted to make a couple of notes if you do use these for instant pot cooking's they have a ring in here of silicon to keep the lids airtight and that's very similar to in the inside of the instant pot there's a silicon ring and that expands when it's heated and that's what allows the instant pot to build up the pressure and be airtight and if you use the lids of these containers in your instant pot you will get a very similar effect where these silicone rings will expand and you get it actually pressurized on the container so when you pull it out of the instant pot you'll have to put something in there to break the suction if you just try to pull it off with your hand is stuck but all you have to do is get like a butter knife and just break the suction real easily and it pops right out the other thing is like I said the silicone expands when it's heated and then it'll shrink back down when it cools off so when it first comes out of the instant pot and it's hot this ring will be difficult to pop back in to the the begging right here the same effect I saw when I watched them in the dishwasher after the heat of the dishwasher the ring was just a little bit loose and it was hard to pop back in but as soon as I let it cool off it just popped back in really easily so there you go those are the basics of pot and pot cooking in the instant pot there are so many ways that you can use the cooking technique if you follow the instant pot Facebook group it's a gigantic group and they're I mean you could just search pot in pot and you'll get endless ideas of recipes and ways to use this method I have a couple videos on pot and white cooking on doing rolled oats and steel-cut oats which I will link in the cards that will also link down below to a bunch of tried-and-true potted recipes that lots of people are loving so you can check that out for some ideas and right now I'm going to go ahead and do a batch of pot and pot white rice just to give you a little demo of what it's like I could talk about it all day but until you see it done it really doesn't solidify it into your brain I know it's a little bit of a weird technique and can be intimidating when you've never done it before so seeing it done is often very helpful so I am going to point my camera downward and show you some pot and pot right here's everything I need to cook my rice the first thing I'm going to do is add one cup of water to the bottom of the insuk pot you always want to make sure you have your stainless-steel inner plugins you never cook without that even using a potted plant method now put one cup of water down on the bottom then I'm going to add in my trivet that came with the instant pot and then I'm going to assemble my rice water and salt I'm using the medium stainless steel food storage container and I'm just going to put one cup of rinsed rice in the bottom of my pot and then a pinch of salt and 1 cup of water so it's a 1 to 1 ratio water to rice now I'm going to go ahead and put on the lid you do not have to cook the rice with the lid but I'm actually going to stack some things and cook multiple things at a time so I'm going to go ahead and put on my lid and set this right down on my trivet and now just for fun I'm going to add some frozen peas then I'm going to steam at the same time of cooking my rice and I'm not going to be using the lid on the peas because I want the steam to get in there and just for fun I'm also going to add a couple of eggs to make steamed or boiled eggs at the same time so I'm going to go ahead and lock my lid make sure that it is on sealing and I am going to cook this on steam for 6 minutes and when I use the pot and pot method I always use the steam function the instant cooking time and I let the pressure release naturally for five minutes and I don't want to let it go any longer than that just because I have the eggs in there if the eggs weren't in there I could let it sit for 10 or 15 minutes and it would be totally fine but I'm going to go ahead and release the rest of the pressure all right let's see what we have the first thing I'm going to do is get these eggs and drop them into this ice water to stop them cooking I do have a video on how to do boiled eggs going into a pot that I will link up above if you want to just do eggs now I'm going to pull out my keys they are definitely done but not overdone I didn't even add any water or anything to this I knew the steam would be plenty and they are perfectly done now I'm going to pull my rice pot out of here open the container and you can see the lid is sectioned on here and I can just lift it up like that and it won't come off but I'm just going to stick my knife rip here and release the suction real fast there it goes and like I said this little ring it kind of pops out but as soon as it cools off it'll be easy to pop right back in and here is my beautifully cooked right so it's a little bit weird of a meal but I wanted to have rice boiled eggs and green peas I have it all ready to go and it took 6 minutes of cooking time with like the time it takes to come up the pressure which is very quick with only one cup of water at the bottom and then the five minutes of letting it pressure release so that is it for my instant pot pot and pot 101 cooking video I hope that was helpful for you guys if you have any questions about potted pot cooking let me know down below if there's something I wasn't clear about also please link down below any of your favorite pot and pot recipes I would love to hear about them and I know everyone that reads the comments from here on out with love to get new ideas there are so many options so please let us know down below what you love cooking using pot and pot cooking in your instant pot and that is it for this video I hope you guys are all doing great and I will be back again very soon bye guys [Music]
Channel: Indigo Nili
Views: 360,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: instant pot, instapot, instantpot, electric pressure cooker, pressure, cooker, rice, pot in pot, pot, pip, steaming, veggies, baking, cheesecake, cooking, stainless steel
Id: _eEiU5BUbqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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