Postgame Show | Ball in Play League | Game 4

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[Music] welcome to the post game show of game four Hook Line Tinkers versus love yes well kill s commercial game okay yeah and it's it's very surprising obviously the controversy in the game which will be well versed oh yes but yes very interesting to see labia's go down O2 in this tournament because this is the team we were talking about in their last post game there was a lot of frustration in that post-game press conference a lot of that anger directed towards Trev so maybe when Trev is back on the other side of the floor that anchor will flourish but very interesting to see the competitive Nikki Cass as the leader of that team and for them to go down there too I definitely don't think that lobbyist is a bad team I think that they have the talent and the ability to win I think that there's just been some emotional moments in both of these times we've watched them play and those have kind of not worked out in their favor but we have Chris Rose and Darren Sammy on standby and they are going to discuss this more guys well Darren Sammy another one run exciting game uh in my opinion this game was really one in the first inning Love is in the top of the first did not score enough and then things really changed on that controversy social call where Drew Davis said that Rusty was throwing a curveball they would have recorded it out and it just felt like levius never really recovered defensively yeah that knocked this thing out of them and you know it was Drew who really they hit about five consecutive boundaries after that incident and really knocked this thing out of uh lavias but look it's it's been a fun day it's been a fun day the the guys have turned up the intensity there's no question the intensity was there the action was there the strategy was there and yeah some teams have shown that yeah they're the team to beat well look if you look at the big picture here we played four games so far in the regular season we had one blowout win by pinstripe strong but other than that we had what two one-run games and like a three-run game or something like we're talking about walk-off wins things very tight and that just means come playoff time I don't care whether you're 2-0 or you're 0 and 2. there's not going to be any upsets in my opinion well what matters in the next round is how you play not what you've done before because everybody's still in with a chance and you know Cricket like I said last year is a game of Shifting fortunes and glorious uncertainties oh I like that a lot are you a writer no I'm not that's it maybe you should be let's sign him to a book deal everybody our first John Boy media book deal with the legendary Darren Sammy good job by Hook Line sinkers taking on love yous and for more let's send it down to Kelsey with our star of the game down here with BBD fresh off of a walk-off win for Hook Line sinkers just take me through that at bat you knew that you had to get four and you got it uh well the way particularly before the keeper they were playing to pull the whole way so just trying to think inside out the whole way and you'll catch some boundaries and it worked out this time what do you think allowed you guys to win this match we went out and made some big plays and we needed to we pitched confidently uh we threw very few wide balls we made very few mistakes uh I'm really happy to be here if not you on your team who do you think had the best game Drew was incredible uh playing that like up the middle defense and giving us some won some length up there jolly and I obviously lack in that department that's just biology and uh and uh he uh he he hit he ran he played defense and he threw a bunch of straight pitches that were strikes when we needed them you hit you you ran you played defense and you pitched well he's talking about others but BBD is our player of the game BBD congratulations on them win thank you so much Kelsey four highlights starting in the bottom of the first hook line Sinker up striking and they got some boundaries and truthfully it's not going great for lovey as defensively oh right through the legs the sandwich love you just could not catch a break defensively and we see that in the score 57-28 going into the second but Rusty makes up for his defensive mistakes with back to back sixes 81-57 the chase is on 25 to get BBD said that's nothing he's swinging the bat better than most and ends up pulling out a victory Kim said a much it was a no contest Hook Line singer pulls out the victory 82-81 let's hear from lovias in The Press Room on what went wrong defensively you know I think there's it's there's always gonna be a little fun controversy in the warehouse you know that's the fun part about the warehouse about all of us being serious and trying to win but at the same time like Rusty will get into the controversy But ultimately they hit the out of us like you give give them credit where we're Hook Line hit the out of us so yeah Rusty what do you got what I got like four months from my side a little disappointed shouldn't get carried away in the moment like that but is he alluded to that just shows that you care you need to win it and at the end of the day there's nothing wrong with it I'll stick to my advice relax enjoy the game of sport that you're playing that's always good advice what it does leave us with now is there's still a clear window and a pathway to the final we prefer to make our mistakes here when it doesn't really matter and get it right when it does and that's what we intend to do tomorrow nothing else to say thank good we'll see you at the finals thank you you want to take it drew oh um yeah it was uh it was impressive we yeah we were good um Jazz had a great game on the mound uh I thought he bowled really well Drew we uh took some really level swings when we were together in first inning but obviously the story of the game player of the game BBD played insanely well carried us at the end uh had some really nice swings in that last inning that uh kind of took the the uh the edge off because I I told him when we went out there I don't want to hit the ceiling I want you guys to get it done you got it done and love you is good opponent great opponent we had to we had to be perfect we had to be perfect Drew are you scared of Rusty because he seemed very very yeah very very scared um I didn't want to I didn't want to do it I told uh rap Nate that I I really didn't want to do it and he was like well was it a curve and I said yes and I didn't really want to be a part of it after that all right that happens five pitches later it was right after he just got the warrant yeah you know so you know we had people in the crowd that were kind of doing the same motion as us it wasn't just drew you know kind of pushing an agenda or whatever but yeah it's a tough thing to ask because it's awkward but I just I I just made sure that when I was pitching I I just like made sure it was strikes I didn't want to I didn't want to start throwing stuff and then I'd be like well you complained that it was curvy now you're throwing curvy Jay if you want to take this one oh I mean this is the first time I'm playing this format I had a great time and uh I'm glad I'm a part of this team I mean you all are amazing and then uh I feel like uh Team teamwork is very important any sport and I think when uh Drew got here for some success and we were still backing him no matter what like as I said win or lose we uh played together right we went together we lose together I think that's our strength and you'll see more of that tomorrow as well Jay when you committed to this tournament what did you think you were signing up for and what have you on doubt that you saw you signed I had no idea to be honest uh but I'm glad that I came here and then I'm having a great time and I'm making new friends and hopefully we can uh continue this relationship and whenever you all need me I'll be here oh yeah [Applause] you've heard from both of the teams it was very interesting to see Jazz Quran and Rusty both of the major league cricketers on either team really figure it out as they went throughout this game but another great matchup here from our warehouse in Jersey City we're getting ready for game five here it should be a pretty good matchup Hook Line sinkers the Wild Card Jazz Quran yep really good on the mound has a nice bat was sacrificing what we would call in baseball a sacrifice bunt to get Jolly back up to the plate he plays with a high cricket ball and play league IQ Jazz Karan has been somebody who's really stood out to me this tournament really interesting game between a pair of 1-0 teams you got forgotten rotten you got Hook Line sinkers a lot is on the line the winner not only remains undefeated but will be the one seed and also gets a buy so a lot at stake here both these teams took care of love is I certainly think that hook line was the more impressive of the two teams though right yes they they waited a long time to play but uh they look like they got it off the information needed to go out and execute at this warehouse and they look the defense was really good and then they had some solid heaters and that's what you need in this tournament we like to call those guys Strikers strike in the Cricket World I just want to make sure you know I wanted to see batters oh yeah over here Darren Sammy good work on that and you know it it's always interesting we've had some of the guys make the transition now from Blitzball we're going to see two of the Stars here today Trevor Pluff of Forgotten rotten Drew Davis the young kid out of Michigan for Hook Line sinkers Drew really impressed us not only as a striker but we found out how important it is to be Stellar on defense as well he made a couple of really good points yes he did he did and uh I enjoyed watching it we were up here just complimenting how well he pitched how well the field in and everything yeah it's just solid and uh they get a chance to to fight for the first spot so in in our Sports whether it's baseball or Blitzball or whatever we would call that like a five tool player meaning that he can hid he can hit for power he can run he can play defensive so in our sport we see that's an all wrong though an all-arounder yeah were you on all around I wasn't all wrong [Applause] somebody was all around her you know what stood out to me is the fact that forgotten rotten had a different player on their team than they do today they actually are introducing a new teammate Matt which just so happens to be luke O'Brien's roommate so that is an interesting storyline and a Twist I wonder if that's going to come to play so do we know is this going to be their teammate going forward or will we continue to see a different teammate in every week that would be interesting tactic of just like a revolving door of people I don't think that's the healthiest way to go about life but I definitely think that this player is here today so we're going to see him see if he fits in the Forgotten rotten culture and kind of work through it but I actually had a chance to talk to him and Justin Panic before this matchup yes thank you Booth aka me and Kelsey so I am here with forgotten rotten and as you can see we have a new face Panic introduce your new teammate Matt former uh former baseball player yes I used to play baseball uh through high school so gonna enjoy and can't wait to uh play with rotten so so forgotten rotten has and actually won some banners up there so you're playing for a really well-known franchise how does that pressure feel coming into a game that you've literally never played in your entire life feel great um can't really I feel like the expectations are pretty high so I'm gonna show up show up for my team and hopefully uh we can win another Banner so I love that no Panic you were here yesterday you played what's the strategy going into today's match and how are you guys going to pull out a victory yeah really I think one of the lines that I said like heading into yesterday was kind of just like keep moving the line and going out there throwing six good pitches in the first over kind of setting that tone it's what we did yesterday and honestly like the strategy is the same today keep that line moving uh if they get some fours if they get some sixes great but keep that pressure on them you know we're going to keep the line moving we're going to get some outs we're gonna Force some ones and then we're gonna get up to the plate where we have like two professional hitters um you know that's gonna carry us to Victory well best of luck out there Kels throwing it to you thank you so much Paxton down here now of course Hook Line senkas we got BBD we got Jolly Olive reeling them in already okay yesterday's game you guys came out Victorious but there was a controversial call that the blood got boiling tensions got high we see the culprit of the controversial call right here ended up coming through really big but Jolly how do you think that affected the game for you guys yesterday would you still have won without the call going in your favor because you got to redo I fully believe we still would have won because of how hot we came out in the second inning hitting like we were on a crazy Pace like if we got three full-overs there I think the number we put up would have been very crooked but also I commend Drew because that's a tough thing to do it's a tough thing to ask for in the middle of the game when you kind of have an ambiguous rule it's like kind of up to the player to speak up and enforce it and it was something we all kind of saw and Drew you know took it upon himself and then went on to have a really good inning so we have no regrets but I think we would have been fine without it it's a commissioner-like answer right there from Jolly Olive and BBD do you love Justin Penick I love Justin Panic with all my heart with all your heart yes how nice has it been to see him come through the way that he did for forgotten rotten yesterday but now now you have to play against him so can it be too nice I mean it was incredible to see what he put together in their game yesterday uh first time appearing in a franchise Series right so I'm incredibly proud of him I've seen that guy put in the work at this warehouse and uh you know is it unfortunate that we have to face him today for a number one seed sure but neither of us have to go home in this game and uh you know even uh when You Face your brothers in in front yard basketball or something like I still want to beat him go Giants yeah Jolly what is your strategy today to get a win versus Trevor plouffe Justin Penick forgotten rotten showcase all our weapons you know I think we kind of we tucked away BBD until the second inning yesterday I think we used them the full game today because he looked great uh we had a full game to watch them play which I think really worked to our advantage we know their strengths and their weaknesses it also revolves around Jay and how he pitches because it was clear he was our best bowler yesterday and if all those things clicked there's no reason why we shouldn't win already you heard it from Jolly Olive he said there's no reason they shouldn't win you guys good luck in your matchup fighting for the one seed here in our ball and play tournament we can't wait to watch Play Good Luck alrighty now it's time for our predictions again it's Hook Line Sinker versus forgotten rotten packs who are you taking in this game five matchup Hook Line Tinker hands down hands down Drew Davis absolutely killed it in first match granted there was that controversy up against Olivia's but I liked what I saw from them as a team I think they're very complete team I think defensively and offensively they just kind of compliment each other really well I think my gut is telling me hook line Sinker it's hard to see Trev going down in this tournament he has so much Warehouse success bb1 BB2 Champion but it's really difficult for forgotten rotten to have to deal with a different teammate they haven't been able to mold and gel as a team Hook Line Sinker with Drew Davis you have Jolly Olive who we know has the strategy I already told you guys about jazz Quran it's going to be a really good matchup but I do think that I will also take Hook Line Sinker so both of us taking Hook Line Sinker in game five of this tournament you guys we can't wait to see you at 6 p.m for the game five premiere on johnboy media Warehouse we'll see you then thanks for tuning in [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Warehouse Games
Views: 747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2zx5Eb-e9vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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