PostCapitalism | Paul Mason | Talks at Google

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I have so many problems with his book ngl

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheNateMonster 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2016 🗫︎ replies

Pretty good talk.

The question raised around basic income and housing is interesting, it didn't occur to me that meeting the demand for housing would solve this problem. State housing with a capped price seems like a great idea.

Even something like 2-300sqft appartments in blocks with basic furniture and high speed internet access would be a good way of making sure that desperation doesn't inflate the rental market. I'd love to hear if someone has objections/ideas on this.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2016 🗫︎ replies
[APPLAUSE] PAUL MASON: Well, let me first of all say thank you for inviting me. And I do feel honored to be particularly in this part of Google's operations. I use your products probably once a minute. When me and Peter were working together, our success metrics were things like something called BARB, which is a sort of theoretical thing that tells you how many people have watched you on TV. My success metrics, I know how many people watch my YouTube videos. And that's only in the space of 10 years. So, yeah. Thank you. And I'll just consult my iPhone for the next bit of what I'm about to say. So in my book, there's a big critique of what we call neoliberalism, free market economics, the current model of capitalism. I'm going to cut to the chase and skip that over, because I think what I wanted to say to you is have a conversation with you about the more core idea of the book, which is the other bit of it, which is the idea that we may be entering a transition beyond what we know as capitalism. And that this transition is primarily driven by technology. And I want to kind of sort of explain what I mean by that and get your feedback on it, and maybe have a discussion with Peter and with yourselves about it. So there's been lots of people before me posing the question, can capitalism survive? Will it one day run out? Will it-- are there limits to it? Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, David Ricardo, the great economists of the 19th century all were obsessed with the problem that capitalism-- Malthus as well, the population specialist, obsessed with the idea that capitalism might one day reach its limits. But the reason we haven't for 150 years tended to worry about that is because whenever it has reached limits, whenever specific societal business models have reached a limit or an impasse, what has generally happened is that capitalism has adapted. And therefore, when I first-- when I went to university, the theory of complex systems didn't exist, OK? In the late 1970s, it was in its infancy. But now I think we have a really niche label to be able to talk about capitalism as a 250-year-old industrial system and it is a complex, adaptive system. Which hopefully as engineers, some of you have knowledge of that concept, that systems can be complex and adapt. Now in other words, I'm not saying, hey, capitalism's doomed simply because it has contradictions. I'm saying that capitalism might be about to transition to something else because it has lost its ability to adapt. And why might it have lost its ability to adapt? The answer is to do with the specific nature of information technology. Now before we go into that, let's just examine the ways in which capitalism has adapted. OK, I'm told you're mainly engineers, so that may mean some of you have not a massive groaning in social and economic history. But the sort of 101 version is this. About every 50 years, the societal business model hits a buffer, hits a problem. And what we tend to observe is a fairly rapid mutation of a system. New social institutions, new mixture of industry, finance, services, consumption. The classic one is in the 1840s where the railways arrived to take over from an initial spurt of development that was fueled by the rise of the factory system alongside canals. You get railways. And then in the 1890s, you get what we call the second Industrial Revolution, this fusion of electrical engineering, of material science, of big infrastructure. Iron is replaced by steel. The telegraph is replaced by telephones, et cetera, et cetera. And then in World War II, we get this other adaptation, this huge synthesis of new-- a new synthesis between technology, consumption, et cetera. One of the things we observe when we look at social historians, at these moments of mutation and big change in capitalism, is that there's nearly always, when something goes wrong, the knee-jerk reaction is nearly always for the elite to try and solve it through pressure on wages, pressure on consumption. Basically just cuts everybody's wages and carry on as normal. And usually, up to now what's happened is that that hasn't worked because workers resisted. The 1880s and '90s are a brilliant example of this from social history. But this time, it didn't happen because the specific solution that was adopted when the old Keynesian economics of the 1970s and '80s fell apart was what we call neoliberalism. That is, a free market system in which wages were more or less strategically suppressed. So any Americans here may know that the median hourly male wage in America was the same in 2008 as it was in 1973. So lower was much worse, higher was much better. And this is a problem, because it means-- and this is the kind of clue number one why we might be facing strategic, big 200-year long kind of epochal change-- is that if you get a situation where capitalism is in trouble and it adapts through suppressing wages, then what it eventually does is it finds another solution to consumption, and that is credit. So since about the 1990s, we have a situation where wages are suppressed for the mass of people, and yet credit is very, very much more available than it ever was. What happens there is it's almost like a law of physics, some of your physicians in the room. That laws of physics, but it's economic, that if you've got static incomes and ever-expanding credit, that at some point, the kind of wine collections and the art collections and the luxury apartments at Vauxhall Bridge cannot go on rising in value, and they just snap back. We call that a boom-bust cycle. And we've lived through three in 15 years. So this is a signal that something might be wrong with the economics that is not being actually solved by the technology. It's not being solved by the creation of new, high value, high wage, high sort of well being synthesis of the kind you got in the 10 to 15 years before World War I. OK. Now here's my explanation, drawn on the work of others, of why that might be happening. Because information technology is different in the three following ways. First of all, it is corroding the price mechanism. An economist call Paul Romer in 1990 wrote a paper that has gone down in history for its title, because a British politician Ed [INAUDIBLE] once tried to quote it in Parliament. It's called "Endogenous Technological Change." But the 101 warm version of it is that if you can-- if the reproduction cost of something is dictated by the actions Command-C, Command-V, then economics tells you that its price should fall to zero, or close to zero. Because you're using zero energy, or almost no energy, almost no labor, and almost no materials. We'll come to how much material, energy, and labor you're using in a minute. But if you can copy something for free, then economics, mainstream, non-market, Marxist economics tells you that its price is going to be close to zero under conditions of competition. This is what Romer says. Also about information goods is they are what economists call non-rival. So if you smoke one inch of a cigarette, I can't smoke that one inch. I can smoke the next inch, especially if it's one of those cigarettes that you share. But I can't smoke the same inch as you. It's a rival good. Not true of an MP3 track. Not true of the database that builds a Boeing 787. You can copy it and use it at the exact same time for free. Now Romer said in this situation, the only thing that keeps the price mechanism-- i.e., things cost more than zero-- is if you artificially create scarcity. Because information is now abundant. It's unlike all other goods. Obviously, there are limits to it. The limits are storage and bandwidth. But information is essentially abundant, as far as most people are concerned. And so what you do to maintain any kind of price is you create artificial restrictions on it, using either a widget. You remember DVDs. You couldn't copy a DVD because there was a widget inside the protected software that takes 13-year-olds about 10 seconds to break, but nevertheless, it's there. Or you get a good lawyer, and you arrest every person in the car park at the supermarket going around with fake DVDs, and you sue the pants off everybody who tries to copy. You'd shut down BitTorrent, and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Now you can do that. But essentially, the good itself is replicable for free. The next thing information does-- and you will be very, very aware of this. Some of the audiences I speak to are just, oh, wow. Is it? But information dealings work from wages. Information blurs the distinction between work and non-work, or what we used to call life. And it de-links work hours from wages. So my dad's generation, they turn up at a factory. If you're not there on the production line cranking the screw here, I can't tweak the nut here. So you and me have to turn up at the same time, and the work is sequential. It goes past. Best to give us both a little card, clock into a machine that goes clunk, and pay is when we arrive, and stop paying us when we leave. That's work-- that's capitalist work. Your work is different. I mean, when I tell people about the white board and the yellow Post-it notes who are not in the world you're in, they don't-- they go, wow, really? Do people work like that? But you will know the modular basis of most information work. You pick up the bit of the project, you work with it for a bit, you put the Post-it note back and you record your work. Somebody else can take it, pick it up. Modular work allows very, very easily distributed and networked forms of organization. But it really challenges, what are we being paid for? So my common experience like some of you is you get on a plane to Brussels, you try and keep your elbows away from the person next to you, you try and do a bit of work. If it was a factory, it would be closed down on health and safety grounds, the kind of morning flight to Brussels. But we are actually all working. Nobody asked us, what time did you start work? Nobody really cares if I flip to the latest episode of "Game of Thrones" when I get sick of my spreadsheet. Because we work at a target, not to time. And that in itself is quite interesting, because it means at the higher level, we're all target-based rather than time-based. And at the lower level, we're tending to create jobs in a lot of societies that almost don't need to exist. We could be automating a lot of work a lot faster, but the societal limits to it, our fear of creating-- the Oxford Martin Institute says 47% of all jobs are automatable within 30 years-- our fear of doing it means we don't do it, and we instead create lots of person-to-person jobs at very, very low value that probably don't need to exist. The first time I walked into a McDonald's where you could touch screen and undo your order on a touch screen and then swipe your card, I mentally cheered. Because it's no fun being one of those people behind the counter. It's no fun standing in the queues going, am I being served or not being served? Is she serving me or not? The whole thing is automatable. Who knew? When I first got a car, we used to put it in something called a car wash. It was a machine. You know, you put your coin in and the thing came over you and washed your car. Who knew that eight guys with rags could undercut that machine? They undercut it because labor is so cheap. In other words, we're not forced to innovate. So that's the second thing. Work and wages. And the third thing that flows on from the modularity is that organizations and hierarchies and ownerships are beginning to fragment as well. So you know that many people in your space, also in the open source space, will literally be working in no managed-- no managed hierarchies. They'll be working in very flat hierarchies. They'll be working sometimes non-managed. And in some organizations, the product is produced in a non-managed way. Wikipedia is a great example, because nobody tells some professor sitting in Seattle or wherever to do a page about Napoleon. They just do it. The organization facilitates the voluntary creation of a product. But you can see, those of you who use open source tools will know that, in fact, that way of working, it's not like somebody sitting in the middle of a committee. There is a committee on TCP/IP isn't there? There's a committee that looks after it. But that committee doesn't tell people how to improve it. It just improves itself through interaction of people who use it and make improvements to it. Ruby on Rails, et cetera. So these three things, the price mechanism dissolving, the link between work and wages dissolving, and then organizations and hierarchies-- organizations and hierarchies being decentralized, falling apart, and the ownership of things not being clear. So who owns Wikipedia? Well, you know, technically probably Jimmy Wales probably owns it. But it is an open source product with which every other corporation on Earth, if you trace their IP addresses, transacts every day, probably every minute. This is very new in the history of capitalism. So the price fall thing is the most important thing. Why? Because it doesn't just impact on-- it doesn't just impact on information goods, on virtual things. I kind of rebel against the word cyber, immaterial, and virtual. Because as the Oxford professor of philosophy, Luciano Floridi tells us, information is physical. Those of use who have studied cybernetics know about Norbert Wiener, the founder of cybernetics in 1948 writes, "information is neither mass nor energy." It is something new, and materialism has to adjust for that. I disagree with that, and Floridi does as well. I say information has its own dynamic separate to mass and energy. Of course, funnily enough, the laws of that dynamic are weirdly mappable onto the laws of thermodynamics. But leave that aside. But it needs mass and energy for representation. And therefore, it exists in the physical world. And that's what explains any physical good that is heavily dependent on an information content is also very susceptible to this exponential price fall that is inherent in the idea of information costs nothing to reproduce. So you will know that if I add PowerPoint, the price of bandwidth, processing power, and storage is all over a 15-year period exponentially off a cliff like that. Deloitte, the consultancy, believes-- I don't know whether this is true-- believes that that exponentially will just carry on. They call them exponential technologies. And it means that we've never lived through. My dad's generation, my granddad's generation, industrial workers in factories never lived through a period when a technology fell off a cliff in price terms. And how do we know that it's important? Because it's also affecting things like DNA sequencing. The exponential curve of DNA sequencing price fall is faster than Moore's law. It's actually, bang, off a cliff. If you thought your kids would make a big living, a high value living sequencing DNA, no, they won't. What do we call it? Synthesizing DNA, yes, because that's a lot harder. But eventually, information will-- technology will develop to a point where we can do that exponentially faster and cheaper as well. So what happens, what's capitalism doing? How is it changing to defend itself against these problems? Well, you're sitting in one of the defense mechanisms. The evolution of the large technology company, which exists one way or another-- I'll put it simply like this-- to create a barrier around some information products whereby that price does not fall to zero. Now your one is quite an interesting one. We can talk about the interesting way it has adapted. I'm a fan of it. But let me give you a good example. 99p a track on iTunes. What determines that price? Supply? No. The supply is infinite. Demand? No. The demand might be infinite, actually. We don't care what the demand is. Quality? No. The same track by some bog standard group is the same as a classic-- rock classic, 99p. It's determined by the fact that Apple has a 95% share at the time I start writing this book of online digital music, that which is paid for. They can dictate the price. That's the defense mechanism. Of course, then you create technologies that you have to use. It's easier to use certain technologies that help you maintain that price. Now economics says that the moment that is-- the moment that monopoly is subjected to effective competition, price should fall. And there's a website called Information is Beautiful who have logged the impact of competition. Because right now, to make the minimum wage in the USA, a solo artist signed to a record label will have to get 1,500 plays on iTunes of a single track to make the minimum wage. On Spotify, it's 1.1 million. So the price-- the impact of competition has collapsed-- tell me what power of 10 that is-- it's collapsed the price. Right. Now to cut to the chase, there's that. There's the tech monopolies. There is the fact that we've actually begun to, as well, as human beings, I would argue, live and create value and create our own social image much more outside work than my dad's generation did. You all know that workers for 200 years thought of themselves as kind of communities and factories. Now through network technology, we create several personalities, and we live in networks. We live far more in networks. We are leaky in the terms of our personalities, ourselves in a way that previous generations didn't do. And at the edges, we are beginning to see new forms of economic production. So all the open source stuff is a new form of economic life. It doesn't map onto the state, the market, the public library. It's different. And I argue that we might therefore be in the beginning of a long transition whereby the state which we know, which provides maybe 30% to 40% of GDP through providing essential services, the private sector, which has provided the rest, and then this new non-market, difficult to price, free stuff and voluntary incorporation sector is growing up alongside it. What's the problem? What's the problem for me, if you use Ruby on Rails or PHP or whatever, it's not a problem for you. Problem for me as an economist is, how do I value it? There's a brilliant tool called CATIA, which is used to virtually manufacture aircraft. If you look at the small print in Dessau-- Dessau systems owns this software. It's about 25,000 a head, a desk. It's a really top-end software. And then the small print of their annual report it says, what's the main risk to this company? It says, the main risk to this company is that somebody works out how to copy and paste the program CATIA 3.0. Because if they can do that, then the value of this company falls from there to there. So economics just doesn't know how to value or understand this third post-capitalist sector. And the challenge for us is to work out what to do about it, and whether or not it's a good thing. I did a debate about this book a couple of weeks ago with one of Jeremy Corbyn's advisers. And a developer from the open source world stood up-- it was in St. Paul's Cathedral-- and said, well, what should-- what should happen to me then? Should I be paid wages for developing an open source product? And I said, no, because that's postcapitalism. The point is, I write my Wikipedia page. I'm going to make a documentary and put it out for free, crowdfunded on Indiegogo because I believe in this. I go to an organic farm because I believe in it. And I want part of my life to be non-capitalist. And this Corbyn adviser said, no, no. You should be paid wages. And in other words, they wanted to drag him back into the wage sector because they just couldn't understand what this new sector could become. I would like to expand that new sector for this reason. I once interviewed Larry Page and Sergey Brin before the IPO. And I said to them, what is your remaining ambition? And like they said, I'd like to design a machine that knows everything. At which point there was this kind of massive jaw drop among kind of all people who were sitting around, because they all wanted to talk about computer stuff. I want to design a machine that knows everything. Well, there's an economist called Ken Arrow who was once the guru of economics in the 1960s. He was one of the first people to think about intellectual property. We used to think intellectual property was like a public library. We used to think information was like a public library. It was a public good like a water system. You turn on and off, [INAUDIBLE] it's just there. In the '60s we realized it wasn't that, and we needed to economically classify it and understand it. And Ken Arrow came up with one of the neatest descriptions of what information property, information-- owned information does. He says this. In a free market and with private ownership, if entrepreneurs produced patents and intellectual property, then the aim is for it to be scarce. Therefore, in a free market with private property, an intellectual information economy will lead to the under-- the systematic underutilization of information. Now I would like to see a society where there is the systematic full utilization of information. And therefore, what I argue is that you probably can't have private property in a free market in information. And it's the property bit that I would like to attack. The market bit is good. It sorts out the information. It's the property bit. In other words, some of it should be free. It wants to be free. It should be free. And so what I would say to Larry Page now-- I wish I'd thought of it then-- but what I would say to him if I ever met him again is you can't have that machine that knows everything, that even this thing that you guys work on, which is a machine that is trying to know a heck of a lot, it can't know everything for this reason. You can ask it any question you want, but I can't ask it all the questions I want, and therefore you don't know what my questions are. I can only ask it the dumb questions that I ask via the interface, whereas if it was open source, we could all ask it every question. And then your machine would know everything far quicker than it's going to at the current rate. I don't know what that means for the commercial model, but it means that if we all open sourced more stuff, then the leading edge of that which is not ownable, not-- rather, that is ownable, that has ultra value, that is innovative would be far more identifiable. And we'd all have a far more equitable relationship with that which should be shared, which I think is far more than is currently being shared. That's it. Great. Thank you very much. [APPLAUSE] MALE SPEAKER: Just a few things to pick up on there. Eric Schmidt, he famously said, Google is a [INAUDIBLE] decapitalistic company. So what does postcapitalism selflishly mean for Google, and what do you think it should mean for Google? PAUL MASON: OK, look. I think there was a phase in Google's history, and we recovered it. I watched it go from a good idea to one of the most important corporations in the world where you had to say, look. We have to decide that which is capitalist and that which is not capitalist. You could rationalize the 80:20 principle, and completely capitalistically, you probably do know. But there are non-capitalist ways of even rationalizing that. However, for future-proofing a giant tech monopoly, I think what you have to understand is that this process of the price mechanism dissolving is probably happening. It's like Wile E. Coyote. It's happening beneath your feet, even if you're running along horizontally. The price of stuff, of information stuff, is going to fall more rapidly than I think people understand. So future-- easy to say, future-proof iTunes by becoming Spotify, because you're just not going carry on being able to charge 99p, bom, bom, bom, bom. Future-proof HBO by becoming Netflix. It's kind of, move to a quasi-sharing thing, even if you're still charging. But I don't think even that's going to last. Clay Christensen, who's the guy who invented the idea of disruptive technology, always points out that BlackBerry just could not last. Despite having a cast iron infotech and defensible IP monopoly, it just disappeared. So you've always got to be asking yourself, not, how do we stop ourselves-- how do we keep BlackBerry being the only smartphone? You can't. It's not going to be. So you just have to ask yourself, what does the corporation do as one monopoly after another kind of falls away from us? And I think you are. That's, I mean, that's what's behind-- clearly, to me, behind-- MALE SPEAKER: Popular rather than monopoly. But-- PAUL MASON: I know you don't like monopoly. MALE SPEAKER: So get ready for questions in the room. There's just one question I want to ask you before that, which is about Karl Marx. And there's a fascinating passage where you pick up on a sort of lost document that Karl Marx wrote in 1850 where he kind of predicted this. And there's a quote, which I've picked out, which is, "capital collapses because it cannot exist alongside shared knowledge." PAUL MASON: Yeah. So it's an amazing document, "The Fragment--" it's called "The Fragment on Machines." And it wasn't discovered by me. It was actually really popularized by a guy called Antonio Negri who is now well known for his work on the "Multitude" and kind of far left of Italian-- he was even more far left then. But Negri and the Italian autonomous Marxists discovered this text. And what they recognized is there's a completely other collapsed story in there than there is in the normal Marxism of "Das Kapital," which is all about the clash between private ownership and equitable distribution, effectively. So in "The Fragment" he basically says, look. What we're getting is a kind of technology where all its effectiveness and productivity derives from what he called social knowledge. That is, he'd observe telegraphers. Telegraphers don't just work with a kind of a switch. The machine is all the telegraphers. In other words, it's an early network. You could probably look at early railway networks and identify some early features of network rather than simply hierarchy in them. But Marx is saying, what this is going to lead to is when all the innovative power of society is concentrated at the level of ideas, then the private property side of things is going to fall apart. And in an amazing leap-- he calls it the general intellect. When there is a general intellect, you can't have private property. But in an amazing leap, he then does this thought experiment. He says, right. What would the ideal machine be for capitalism? And he says, it would be a machine that costs nothing to make and lasts forever. Because he says then, then everything it does is beneficial. And everything it does draws down to social knowledge. And it costs nothing to do. I mean, in other words, I think software is a machine that costs nothing to reproduce and would last forever if you wanted it to. It only becomes obsolete-- it could last-- I'm sure that there's a version of Windows 3 sitting on a crappy old laptop in my loft somewhere. If I fired it up-- I've got a Mac that I can fire up and it's still got-- from 1984. It still works. So it's kind of-- it's the idea-- and the problem is because he wrote it at 4:00 AM in 1858, and then he never published it. And therefore, everybody forget about it. But it's a fascinating sort of insight into some of the problems we are facing. MALE SPEAKER: Right. Your questions. And please wait for the microphone to come to you. AUDIENCE: Hi. I got the impression that you think that interpersonal bandwidth has increased because of distributed networks and distributed communication. But isn't it much more true that it's massively decreased? Because now we are communicating through distributed networks based on text and video very asynchronously rather than face to face as we're doing now with our massive bandwidth of all of the [INAUDIBLE] ability to read each other. And so effective social media is not to increase important information distribution. It's to decrease the ability of the workers to organize. PAUL MASON: Well, I think there's loads of concepts there, and my brain's struggling to unpack some of them. But let me-- I think it was the novelist Thomas Pynchon who in 1967 in the novel "Gravity's Rainbow" actually said bandwidth increases in inverse proportion to density. About people. In other words-- let me tell you what that means to me. As a result of the information revolution, I feel a denser person and a more-- I mean, denser and a richer person, and a more connected person. And I feel that I'm able to bring-- to upload knowledge, use it, and download knowledge in a way that I couldn't before the information age. Literally, my brain is a product of this transition. And things that I would have had to spend years analogally learning to remember, I now don't have to. So I think that makes me a more richer person. But I do buy the idea that we now have weak ties. We have what the sociologist Richard Sennett has called weak ties. But the weak-- in a network, the weak ties can provide collective strength. AUDIENCE: OK. I would say that personally, I am a much less dense person in that sense because each day I get on a train for an hour and I stand in a metal tube with 100 strangers, none of whom I talk to, and everyone is on their phone, getting a much lower bandwidth connection to the people around them. May I ask another question. PAUL MASON: Fine by me. AUDIENCE: Do you think there is no analogy at all between open source software and pre-enclosure [INAUDIBLE]. PAUL MASON: Yep. I do think there is. So I don't use the word commons, because I think-- because the commons is an overused thing in the world that I'm talking about, in the sense that I want to try and-- the commons were part of feudalism. This is what people don't understand. That a common was a forest. And the point-- the free stuff you got from it was firewood. Which if you think about being a peasant, that's quite important. Otherwise you don't eat, right? It then said, you can't chop the king's trees down, which everywhere else except the commons, that was true. You starve. So the commons is a key part of feudalism. Then Shakespeare, where do people go when they want to dream and be free? They always go to a forest. In other words, it has that mythic and almost functional role in feudalism. The commons in capitalism can't exist. It's inimical to them. In postcapitalism, you have to promote that which is common. But what I'm wary of is the obsession with specific forms of peer-to-peer, quite low level stuff. I think that we'll have different ranges of stuff, things we produce, some of which will be common like common, some of which will be kind of a negotiated sharing. Creative Commons license isn't really a common in that sense. I've published Creative Commons stuff, and I'm rigorously sticking those little extra bits on it so that my rivals can't copy it. And I mean, Creative Commons is a negotiated common rather than a flat freedom. But we could talk a lot more about this. Do you want-- AUDIENCE: I have a question over here. PAUL MASON: Yeah. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. Right. So you may feel this is a fad, but you come across as quite Marxist, really. And the best thing about Marx is always the analysis in the peak of capitalism. But he also talks about power structures and the dynamics and the society trying to better [INAUDIBLE]. So my question to you is, do you think that the pressures on price you describe, which were analogous to some things which were happening in the 19th century with mass production, are going to result in the world evolving nationally to postcapitalism? In other words, do you basically think that market mechanism works, and Spotify will conquer Apple, and then whatever comes next will conquer Spotify? Or do you think there's an issue about how we get there? And if there is an issue about how we get there, how do you resolve that? PAUL MASON: I'd certainly think there is an issue about how we get there. I certainly think that-- that there are-- that there are both political and economic mechanisms. Because your own company-- and it's not alone in the tech sphere-- will spend a lot of money going to Brussels and to Washington, DC to lobby for less regulation on a specific sector, OK? Now I would like to regulate some of the tech monopolies not so much out of existence, but to be non-monopolies. So you know, I would be quite happy to have a big six insurge or a big six in friendship provision of social media, or big six messaging apps. I mean, there's only-- there's two or three. I think that regulation doing its job in the kind of Theodore Rooseveltian sense, pre-1914, should be promoting a lot more competition. And don't buy the idea that we need a big one in each sector to achieve scale and to achieve efficiency. So I would do that. And I would also then look at the-- the problem we have is that's a second order problem. The first order problem we have is we've got an elite in the world that's addicted to low wage, low value creation. You don't work in a low wage, low value world. But I'll tell you that basically, a lot of-- there's a huge incentive to create low value businesses and not innovate. You can innovate in the world of coffee shop logo design. Yeah? That's the maximum innovation. Or how to get the nicest high vis jackets for your semi-slave construction workers. That's where innovation is taking place. And I want innovation to take place that wipes those jobs out and replaces them with a more equitable distribution of work and money, not through the wages system. But, yeah. There's a massive obstacle to it. And what I've tried to do in the book is to provide the economic framework for having the argument, and leave it to everybody from social democrats in Norway or Sweden right through to anarchists who are kind of blockading COP 21 right now to have the debate about what you do about it. Because I think that the it that you want to do something about, the transition, is not well understood. So I've stepped back from that debate to try and actually have the debate across parties, you know, and across kind of social milieu. MALE SPEAKER: Next question. AUDIENCE: Hi. One of the things that I wanted to throw out was that the crisis that's happening is a crisis of profitability. It's not so much of [INAUDIBLE]. And the way we solved the last crisis, which is the one that predicated this, and it follows that the one way that we'll solve this [INAUDIBLE]. And the one that we create at the moment is that there's one of no interest. There's absolutely no savings. And a lack of-- and the public sector is being absolutely removed, which will create more space for private sector [INAUDIBLE]. We create by destroying, and that's the way it's happened since the end of the second world war. And I think that that's where the focus is. I'm not sure [INAUDIBLE] technologies where the cutting edge of where the next crisis will be or what [INAUDIBLE] will be. If there was a place where we could go in order to work, it would be bombed. So wherever there is the prospect of a bubble inside capitalism that is non-capitalist, it will be closed. It will be popped. Because you said, it's [INAUDIBLE]. It existing is a contradiction we cannot contest and cannot [INAUDIBLE]. PAUL MASON: Well, I think-- I see what you mean. And I think that's quite pessimistic. Or let's talk about one of the things you talked, the stagnation. The stagnation problem is a real problem. You're in starting your careers, your early stage career, most of the people in this room. You're where zero interest rates are normal. This is bizarre. You know, that's not capitalism. Capital is money that makes more money. You can't have a capitalism where-- to hold money in the bank costs you money. That's an abnormal capitalism. The reason we have it is because we haven't sorted out the debt overhang of the post-2000 situation. That's a kind of short order problem. I know what the answer to that is. Write off some debts. Make some people-- make some people who have savings poorer, unfortunately, and inflate your way out of it. That's what you do. We can't do it. And the Greeks tried to just do one bit of it. And bang, like you say, they were quite clearly heavily pressured. But I think-- I've got this great favorite passage from Hilary Mantel's "Wolf Hall" where you remember, those you who've seen it, where Mark Rylance, the kind of Thomas Cromwell figure, he gets this hapless aristocrat called Harry Percy. And he's basically [INAUDIBLE]. And he says, look. You think-- you think-- this is in 1515, whatever-- you think the world is based on jousting and castles and chivalry and feasts. I know the world is based on banking. And I can switch-- I know this because I can switch your world off tomorrow. I don't like you. I can take you out. You can't take me out. Postcapitalism is about saying, look-- to capitalists-- you think the world is based on banking. You think the world is based on private property and large monopolies, tech IP. We can switch it off. But I don't want to do it in a kind of aggressive way. I want to persuade people that we should switch part of it off. And yes, exactly to create a bubble. And some of these bubbles are not-- they're not smashable. A lot of the anarchist networks in Athens have this slogan. You can't default on a squat. You can't default on unoccupied space. I don't necessarily think occupied spaces are the same as Wikipedia or Ruby on Rails, whatever, open source projects. They're different parts of what the world used to make, this synthetic, new part of the economy. And we haven't done it yet. So I don't know. The transition is a challenge. AUDIENCE: How do you reconcile that with [INAUDIBLE]? Because they can close down the [INAUDIBLE]. PAUL MASON: Yeah, they can-- as a monopoly on violence everywhere. But I've seen it in my professional career. Large masses of people use technology to overcome that. Even now, the people who are the most expert in the Egyptian revolution will tell you that it's not over. That even now when you think it's over, over, over, it's not. The networks are alive. The ideas-- this is what the great thing about infotech is, that in the information world-- you'll know this from your work-- no active imagination is wasted because you can always record it and use it later. In the world of analog, then kind of it's about spontaneity and the moment's gone. And so I think a lot of people react to state crackdowns-- like Syria. You could imagine, we should be creating now a virtual Syrian university. In fact, you guys could do it with your corporate weight, your Facebook, et cetera. Virtual Syrian university that when it's over, just basically move from the digital space to the analog space, lands like a spaceship, and it can start working immediately. We couldn't do things like that 20 years ago. AUDIENCE: I was wondering what your thoughts are on GMI, or basic income. PAUL MASON: Yeah. Well, I'm in favor of it. Universal basic income, or the state as the employer of last resort is the quick and dirty or slow and dirty, but still nevertheless short term answer to this problem of, how do we rapidly automate? I see it as a one-off subsidy for rapidly automating the world. But of course, who pays? It's the taxpayer. I've done a back-of-the-envelope calculation, that to pay everybody the same as the state pension here as of right, no means testing whatsoever, you get it whether you're at work or not, six grand would double the welfare bill. But some of the right wing proponents of the basic income have kind of grasped some of the economies of scale that you could do via that. That is, actually for example, you're going to means test people. But lots of diseases are to do with poverty. Lots of disease. And you could basically say, OK. Well, what do we save from that for the taxpayer by managing diseases of poverty and mental illness, type 2 diabetes, et cetera. Stress, hypertension in oppressed communities is very high. So if you could just take some of the stress away from them by making them not have to worry about where their money comes from, you could probably save some of what it costs society that way. But look. You know, it's not-- everybody knows about the basic income proposal, and there's a right wing and left wing version of it. What is amazing is no serious politicians are prepared to [INAUDIBLE]. AUDIENCE: I have a question on [INAUDIBLE]. So you talked a lot about the copying being free, which it is. But the first copy's always really expensive. And you haven't really said, how do you motivate excellent creation. PAUL MASON: Exactly. And I think the-- so my answer to that is that those of us who create intellectual products only have to be really-- have to really get it into our heads why we're doing it. So I've written this book. It goes out as an analog copy like this. And I'm absolutely certain there's a PDF of it somewhere on BitTorrent. But why do I want to do that? Because ultimately, I want to make a statement to the world-- and most authors will tell you that hours versus income is minimum wage across lots of branches of writing. But I know that as an intellectual product, as an ebook, it is either copyable or very easily-- so what do I do? What do I do? Where does somebody like me make higher value work? They make it in corporate speaking engagements. They make it in advice, in consultancy. That's what's normal. Let me put it this way. Certain key artists don't really care about-- [LAUGHTER] --about whether their work is pirated. Because Glastonbury sells out in three hours. And in other words, you move to the analog. So as creators of intellectual property, we have to really ask ourselves, where is the reward going to be? Now Hollywood has an answer to this called lawyers. They would like the copyright on James Bond's "Diamonds are Forever" to be still in existence when the world is atomized and become dust. It matters to them. Their contracts say all time and forever in the universe is the copyright. So what you can do is you can record quicker and spikier the creation. I don't think The Beatles wrote their music so it could be still in copyright in 2050. I think they wrote it to meet attractive members of the opposite sex and smoke dope. [LAUGHTER] AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] this makes sense. But if you think about the classic examples which are always brought up in the intellectual property field which are lifesaving drugs, and software is the other one, creating a new drug costs billions. And a lot of that work it hard work and not particularly exciting and not fulfilling. The reason you're doing it is clear. You want to save lives in a perfect setting. But it's still expensive, and you still have to reward that somehow. PAUL MASON: You do. And I would simply create a copyright mentality that is shorter-- shorter and steeper. And I think that's doable. If you look at the different copyrights and patent laws for IP, it goes from-- because you know the example of the generic drugs. So the HIV drugs. The Indian government basically busted the world's pharma companies and said, no. You're not going to do, no matter how talented your guys were, no matter how long they spent in a lab and how boring it was, this has to be deployed now. So we're going to produce it generically. And the pharma industry has had to react to that, probably not in a very-- in some sense, not in a very virtuous way. Because what they've had to do is pursue that form of intellectual property, which is niche. So often, you get pharmaceutical giants now looking for a pipeline of products that is so niche that you're sometimes wondering whether or not it's simply designed to avoid the generic drug thing. AUDIENCE: No, I think the way they avoid it is they go, [INAUDIBLE] HIV drugs, they're going, we're not going to research HIV drugs. We're going to research anti-depressants because we can sell those in the US where it's still protected. MALE SPEAKER: Right. It's a niche. AUDIENCE: Yeah. And so you end up losing a net benefit. PAUL MASON: So society has to take that on board. And more important to you-- to your world, I think you have to take it on board at a level a of pure information property. And I think this is what we're grappling with. I'd be quite happy to see copyright-- quite happy-- Penguin wouldn't, but I'd be quite happy to see copyright shortened for intellectual, pure intellectual products like that. Because in the real world, it is-- I'm sorry. I don't know how good I am. But basically, if I don't see that in some kind of Oxfam shop in the next year or so, I'll be very surprised. That's the analog version of the long but narrow tail of information products. So, yeah. Shorter but spikier rewards, and recognizing that there are tactical things that you can do, which is move to the world of analog space. And sometimes it's nice. Actually, the bandwidth at a concert is high, whereas the bandwidth with a white wire is not as high. MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, I mean, you talked about-- actually, people laughed when you said what we need to know is life. But then we see books about chopping wood and living in cabins, and responding to your concern about not talking to people on the tube. I mean, these things are sort of bound up together, aren't they? PAUL MASON: Well, you know, and also about-- there's a story that isn't mine of a kind of famous iconic case today of a guy who made axes in Sweden. And basically, he had a mass production ax company, and it wasn't going anywhere. So he went away and rethought for a year and said, right. Well, we've got an ax museum, so we'll look at 700 axes. Because you need axes in the Nordic country to chop your wood. It's not just a kind of status item. And so they designed what they thought was a perfect ax. And so they produced it as a kind of craft product. And that lasted two years until a Chinese version of it turned up in their equivalent of being cute. And so they went, well, what can we do? So they simply, as well as all the kind of extra bit of nice packaging and paper and you get your individual ax, they just said, it's got a lifetime guarantee. When it runs out, when it actually breaks, just bring it back. You can have one for free. And in other words, that was a rethinking of a very physical product in a kind of open source way, or as certainly a quasi-open source way. And I think it's just a good example to me about-- so you were talking about lifestyle, life and work. It's about thinking about-- thinking beyond the short-term remuneration issue of work. I mean, the 80-20 thing, you know, is a good example of doing it. But I bet there are other corporations that do it in an even more interesting way that we haven't heard about yet. Yeah? AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. Going back to your universal income question. How do you handle that against a type [INAUDIBLE] primarily sort of housing here where it's a competitive bidding war. There's a limited amount of housing. So if you just increase everyone's income by a factor of 10, or what happens is by next year, house prices have gone up by five or 10-- PAUL MASON: I wouldn't increase anybody's income by a factor of 10. At least by a factor of 0.1 is more like. But yeah. You know, weirdly, even-- it is weird, especially for maybe people from beyond the British Isles, born outside the British Isles, or young. You know, when my grandma-- she lived in a slum for the first 30 years of her life. And just before World War II, something quite remarkable happened. The state gave her a house. They gave it to her. She didn't buy it. That rent was minimal. And she could have it for life. Basically social housing could be cheap or free. And actually, we know how many people there are. We know what the population projections are. We know what the demand side is going to be. You could easily meet the demand with supply and tank the market if you wanted. I don't see that as a big problem. I see the problem you describe as what if everybody's income is kind of reliable? Does it suppress competition? Because it would. You could actually-- if somebody paid me X grand a year not to work, I'd probably work less. And the reason I want us to think about doing that is because don't think there's going to be enough work to go around of a satisfying nature. And what's going to happen-- there's a lot of angst around gender balance and ethnicity balance in work forces. And I'm glad to see you guys have clearly put a lot of thought into how to do that. But 20 or 30 years down the line, you're going to have male be female, black be white, et cetera, et cetera, competition over a very, very scarce number of high value jobs. And I think we need to kind of address that really to avoid it all being the Oxbridge graduates who get everything. We just have to kind of think around the problem societally. AUDIENCE: OK. So assuming before universal income could be a thing, you would have to vastly increase the supply of houses. Otherwise, someone's getting 6k a year but then basically the rent is paying the level of [INAUDIBLE]. Your rent can be-- you can just live on, say, 500 pounds for your groceries. So I'm going to set rent at 5,500. And increase the universal to 10 [INAUDIBLE] of the rent's going to go up to 9,500, which is everything you've got other than you need to survive. PAUL MASON: I mean, I would just-- I mean, what I'm talking about here is not a series of short-term measures. I'm trying to design a kind of holistic framework for how to act. And alongside it, to take the exact specific example you use, you just do what New York did in the '50s. Rent control. I mean, that would-- yeah, no. It would tank the buy-to-let market. But these are short-term issues. They don't solve the long-term issues I'm talking about. Do we have time for-- MALE SPEAKER: Time for last questions? Yeah, one more. One more. [INAUDIBLE] Two more. Two more. PAUL MASON: You know what, do it together. AUDIENCE: So how do you think that the current structure of the state and the taxation system that the state uses to fund itself need to change? Especially now when we have people who are very highly trained who [INAUDIBLE] training who make something at one time cost that then distributes it everywhere for nothing. Do you need to tax them on the redistribution of something? Or is that an impossible thing, because the company is making no money on it? MALE SPEAKER: In the two minutes remaining. PAUL MASON: [INAUDIBLE]. OK. I say in the book that a basic income is only a transitional measure. Because if you-- my ultimate aim is to make as much stuff as possible abundant. And so basically, to dissolve-- it's like taking the complexities of the economy, drawing them on blotting paper, and then dipping it in water. Basically, the complexities disappear when stuff is free. You know, it's like if I take your ball pen off your desk, you don't come running down to reception saying, give it back. In a sense, once stuff is abundant, you tend to stop thinking about it. So that is the solution to that. But in the process, if you've got a state, a market, and a non-market sector, then of course-- think of it like this. The taxes from the market sector pays for the state. But what comes from the non-market sector? You know, the OECD is very clear. This non-market sector is big physically, but we just can't value it economically, nor can we tax it. So you know, the capitalist solution is to turn Wikipedia into a corporation, make 27,000 people micro employees, and get it to pay tax. That will be the solution. My solution will be to say to understand that actually, what a product like Wikipedia-- or we could use other examples-- is actually creating a non-market value through both the market sector and the state. It is like-- it's the bit that you've already dipped in the water. We can't measure it economically, so what we have to do is to these other two bits, to really focus on them, the state and the market and say, hold on a minute. They're going to be under a long-term, strategic, century-long pressure from this new sector, because it's going to-- it looks like it's sucking value. I mean, the example I give as well is the internet of things. There's a lot of hype around internet of things. It's been described as a $9 trillion opportunity. Yeah, it is, to take $9 trillion of value out of the economy. Because all it will do is make things cheaper. I can't-- yes, Cisco and whoever makes switches will make a lot of money. Whoever installs all the smart meters in people's homes make a lot of money. You guys have got this app thing. I mean, you've got this house thing. House energy thing. I can't remember what it's called. MALE SPEAKER: Nest. PAUL MASON: Nest, yeah. I don't use it because my house is analog. But, yeah, you'll make money out of that. But ultimately, what ILT will do is it will basically-- it will basically make things cheaper, because it's going to utilization of energy capacity, utilization of transport capacity very, very efficient. So you have to ask the question, how do we manage the transition to where this is a bigger sector and a more virtuous relationship between what the open source and free sector provides to the other two sectors for free is utilized in an efficient way, rather than being seen as what I described it as, sucking value from it? Which is how economists would try and-- they'd say, look. People now will say, you know, Wikipedia's a $3 billion hole in the ad market. That's how people look at it. Well, no. To me, it's a great future opportunity and virtuous thing. And I want to make it better and more protected while controlling the-- controlling the deflation of the other two sectors. And for the left wingers here, the traditional left, it's actually [INAUDIBLE] as well, but deflation of the state sector as well as the deflation of the market sector. But on that note-- and the caveat that everything I say as a kind of, look, as a kind of think challenger. That's what I'm doing here. I'm not handing down a kind of peer reviewed, engineering certified thing. I'm offering a series of challenging ideas. And I'm absolutely certain that your generation of economic engineering software, business process specialists will come up with the solutions. I don't have the solutions. MALE SPEAKER: Paul, thank you very much. PAUL MASON: My pleasure. [APPLAUSE]
Channel: Talks at Google
Views: 100,131
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Keywords: talks at google, ted talks, inspirational talks, educational talks, PostCapitalism, Paul Mason, paul mason progress, paul mason cholesterol, paul mason fiber, low carb down under
Id: cQyr9l22fLE
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Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2016
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