Post vaccine myocarditis update

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welcome to today's talk Tuesday the 25th of May fairly brief update today I just wanted to do an update on the possible complication of the Pfizer and moderna vaccines which is myocarditis now it's very rare but there's a few things I think we can take into account to minimize the risk the first one is that um we might need to make sure this is given a as an intramuscular injection not as an intravascular injection that's my view I'm going to talk about that um I'm just wondering if young men particularly young men under about the age of 30 should be offered an adenovirus Vector vaccine such as AstraZeneca or Janssen instead of the Pfizer or moderna the Pfizer or modern of course are the messenger RNA vaccines not something I'm recommending I just like the authorities to think about this and I also think there's a real issue here that people should be advised not to exercise for a few days after they receive their vaccination which as far as I know is not being done because if someone does have inflammation of the heart Muslim they exercise it's more likely that they could have a dangerous what we call a dysrhythmia or some people call it an arrhythmia where the heart goes into an abnormal rhythm so let's look let's look at this uh condition now so um we're dealing with uh myocarditis now this is an acute inflammatory condition most commonly it's actually caused by viral infections such as a Coxsackievirus but it can be toxicity such as cocaine or alcohol or carbon monoxide or lithium can cause this as well but it can also be autoimmune and it can sometimes occur in a condition called systemic lupus erythromatosis or lupus and also sometimes in a condition called rheumatoid arthritis so it can be immunological this is this is known now in the medical textbooks it normally says that myocarditis will occur typically several weeks after a viral infection but after the vaccine it seems to be several days so there does seem to be a difference there so um now this was first flagged as a possible risk in Israel 5 million vaccines 62 cases and we did notice at the time that this like level of um abnormal unusual complication was was actually slightly greater than people were getting from the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine in terms of the uh thrombosis thrombocytopenia blood clot so um I think this kind of balances out the vaccines really and and it's a it's it indicates that we might possibly change to advise people to take a particular vaccine depending on their gender as well as their age which is being done now so would it be a good idea for younger men to be offered the Oxford AstraZeneca or the Janssen vaccine and it would it be a better idea as is happening now for young women to be offered the Pfizer or moderna that's kind of where we're going with this because in in Israel it was mostly young men now the Centers for Disease Control report we did look at this the other day and um it was a bit well when I say week on numbers I don't get any numbers at all uh predominantly in adolescence and young men more often than males than females more often following the second dose in the first dose typically within four days after vaccination uh which we looked at a few days ago but very light on numbers they didn't say there's relatively few reports of myocarditis and mostly after the second dose now there has been one or two cases where people have uh reportedly had this after the first dose but they previously had the infection that seems to be the the difference now um this is this is uh Benjamin Hayes Centers for Disease Control and prevention uh reported cases appear to be mild and often go away without requiring treatment which of course is excellent is excellent but I don't know about you but I I used to do a bit of a sort of half marathon and Marathon woman and um quite a few of the events I was in someone actually died during the Run now we don't know what was wrong with all of those some of them might have had a congenital defect in the heart that's quite possible others might have had predisposition to a particular dysrhythmia or an abnormal Rhythm of the heart but others may have had myocarditis at the time of the Run that's possible so they could have had a viral infection a couple of weeks before they they had myocarditis at the time of the run it was all right before the run but the increased exercise sent them off into a abnormal Rhythm and a potential Rhythm called ventricular fibrillation so yes it's mild according to Benjamin Hayes yes it's usually self-limiting but my question is is it dangerous to exercise in the first few days after the vaccine and that doesn't seem to have been addressed my natural reserve would advise people against training Sports things like that in the first few days after the vaccine so my question to the authorities is would you think about that and see if that's worth advising um rare given the number of vaccines and doses administered yes we agree with that this is not an anti-vaccine message by any means uh several dozen cases in the United States now this is the first time we've had a number now I don't think this comes from Benjamin hay so let me try and get this right here I think that's a separate issue the several dozen cases actually comes from a report in the uh in the Washington Post and it seems to be someone who was speaking um off the Record now that means it might not be accurate of course but we think it may well be so several dozen cases does that mean 12 24 36 48 60 70 284 what does that mean we don't know um adolescence and young adults seem to be mostly affected so this is younger people particularly younger men um being potentially affected by this myocarditis the inflammation of the middle the muscle layer of the heart so most of the cases were males usually after the second dose of the Pfizer bioentec or the moderna so this is the messenger ribonucleic acid vaccines where this complication is being suggested as a as a possible complication it's still not completely admitted to it yet but it does it is looking like it from the way that they are writing in fact the way they're writing here um what's the exact wording you read it for yourself but um they're relatively few reports that they're kind of debating it but consistent but the reason I'm mentioning is it's consistent with the Israeli data and consistent with some European data so it looks like there is something here and it would just be so easy to advise people not to exercise after the injection for a few days um president of the American Heart Association Michael L kind um most of the time myocarditis is a transient condition that people recover from without any long-term problems most of the time but as we say very important not to exercise or take certain drugs like steroids in that particular time period now we do know that myocarditis inflammation of the heart muscle and pericarditis so the pericardium is the uh the tough fibrous layer and serous layer um so there's a serious layer inside that lubricates the heart and there's a tough fibrous layer around the outside so Peri perimeter goes around the outside of the heart uh the pericardial Sac is sometimes referred to now so inflammation of the pericardium and inflammation of the myocardium are known complications of several viral infections quite a few viral infections and uh here is the American College of Cardiology that reports uh covid-19 as a possible cause of myocarditis and pericarditis so this can occur anyway so it's not too surprising that it could potentially occur after the vaccine it's not it's not a ludicrous thing um statement of the American Heart Association American Heart Association stroke American stroke Association so the American Heart Association of stroke Association here's their statement here now that is this one um this is their press release and um it's pretty uh unambiguous really um we have the authority of the people saying it there we strongly urge all adults and children uh 12 years and older in the United States to receive a covered vaccine as soon as they can receive it as recently approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration and the CDC the evidence continues to indicate that the covid-19 vaccines are nearly 100 effective at improv preventing death and hospitalization due to covid-19 infection so um read that there so there's no question that this is still um here it says we we remain confident that the benefits of vaccination far exceed the very small rare risks the risks of vaccination are also far smaller than the risks of covid-19 infection itself including its potentially fatal consequence uh consequences and the potential long-term health effects that are still revealing themselves including myocarditis so anyway read that for yourself so there's no question that um all of the official bodies at least in the states here and of course in my country as well are coming out in favor of vaccination um but some things to know about just to make this a bit safer so I've asked those questions I think those questions Merit an answer um so this is a direct quote from the uh now this is from this is from here which is the the release of the um the American Heart Association here no this is the this is the uh statement from the yeah the American Heart Association and the American stroke Association seems to be combined um so this is their release here now these are the clinical features that they talk about so let's just look at those in a little more detail so we know what to look out for because if we know what to look out for if any of these occur people can seek medical attention straight away and not exercise until they get to medical attention in fact I think it's probably best to invite people not to exercise for the first few days anyway after vaccine but that's the question for the authorities that I think I would like them to answer we also encourage everyone to keep in touch with our Primary Care Professionals and seek care immediately if they have any of these symptoms in the weeks after receiving covid-19 vaccination now they're saying weeks here so what does that mean does it mean two weeks does it mean three weeks does it mean four weeks does it mean five weeks see it's whatever it's a bit frustrating it's a bit non-specific isn't it anyway that's direct quote that's what they've said that's all we've got although we know most cases seem to occur in the first four days they're saying in the weeks after the other source here said typically within four days after the vaccine that is not a direct quote from their side I put that in from other data has been suggested right now the first one they've got here is chest pain including sharp sudden stabbing pains in the chest so that's probably the most important one the chest pain is probably the most important one including sharp the sharp stab stabbing pains tend to be the pericarditis but any chest pain of course is is well any chest pain anytime there it's a medical opinion but now especially now they put down some other features here but I would actually and this is this is me talking not not the um not the uh American Heart Association and I would have thought the second thing to look out for is uh an inappropriate fast heart rate a tachycardia so like if you go up the stairs normally and you uh don't even notice it but then you go upstairs one day and you can feel your heart pumping and your heart beating then that's not normal is it your heart's having to work too hard it's an inappropriate tachycardia or if you feel your heart kind of beating in your chesty regularly that can be a sign that you have a dysrhythmia so I I personally would have put that next to inappropriate uh fast heart rate or feeling heart palpitations but um well you could argue about the order anyway that's the one they put first so but but back to what we know not my opinions back to the American Heart Association uh difficulty breathing of course um that's clearly a problem with the circulation abnormal heartbeat so they do put that in there that's fine okay so they have said that so presumably that includes irregular and a tachycardia which is a fast heart rate severe headache not quite sure how that's related to the heart could be to do with circulation to the brain that could produce circulation to the brain that could do with circulation to the brain weakness or sensory change again potentially circulation to the brain likewise likewise unexplained abdominal pain well okay not quite sure the link there but a new leg pain or swelling that would be uh at the onset of what we call heart failure where the blood is not getting back to the heart so it it pulls in the lower parts of the body and that can cause swelling so quite an important list there of course I'm going to paste paste them all so let's let's annoy what I said and go with the Heart Association ones chess plane including sharp sudden pain stabbing pains difficulty breathing abnormal heartbeat including abnormal fast heart rate and all those other things there that were mentioned or of course if you feel anything is wrong you know to talk to your doctor for goodness sake so three implications there um now it seems to me that if this vaccine is injected into the muscle then it's going to go into the the muscle cells and can cause some inflammation in the muscle cells and that I think that's the main thing that causes the pain in the arm if it's even into a muscle but if very occasionally it's given into a vessel in mistake that blood vessel is a mistake that it can circulate around the body and could potentially go into any cells of the body so my question is could that be happening could this be rare cases of inadvertent vascular Administration overlapping with other risk factors like being a young man like like being young and being male um could it potentially be overlapping and the the uh the RNA particles get into other cells um these are the cells produce the antigens and that causes an inflammatory reaction in those cells I don't think that's ludicrous and this has not been answered yet now this is this is this is from my GP here my uh my GP is pretty not GP MP my Member of Parliament my political activism here um so uh Dear John thank you for contacting me about your concerns regarding Administration techniques of the Oxford estrogenica vaccine related to blood clots but I would include in that the uh the other vaccines as well because you remember this idea where vaccinators are taught not to aspirate before they inject that's my question I want that question to be answered so my mp my Member of Parliament has written to the right honorable Matt Hancock Secretary of State for Health social Care at the Department of Health and Social Care on your behalf asking him to look into this issue I will be in further contact with you when I receive a response in other words with a digitally squat and I know quite a few of you have written the same thing as well so are some of these complications caused by inadvertent vascular and Vascular Administration well the thought so in Denmark where the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine but we haven't had a we haven't had a Nancy yet so that that's the first point I would like that answered an official answer if the answer is look John Campbell suggested that inadvertent uh intravascular Administration might be a problem this is ludicrous completely ignite and forget it's so be it but but this should be answered the question is a good one and I know a lot of you agree with me should young men be Oxford be offered the Oxford AstraZeneca or the Anson vaccine instead of the Pfizer vaccine is another question I would like that to be answered and uh why on Earth are we not advising people not to exercise for a few days after the vaccine like go for a major workout or go and play a sport or something like that why is that not part of the guideline so I would like those three questions answered I don't expect they will be but there you go but in the meantime any of these any of these conditions any of these symptoms after vaccine um don't shrug them off don't say I'll just go for a jog in it or clear seek medical advice please because that could turn something which was a transient inconvenience and would have gone away and you would have lived a happy life after that to something which could be potentially potentially uh unfortunate okay so um as soon as I get an answer from my Member of Parliament I will let you no but it's been some time now and I still haven't heard anything so okay I think that's was for today interesting questions uh let's hope we get some answers in the meantime of course everyone's supporting the vaccination program don't all these I mean remember that these people know what they're talking about we remain confident that the benefits of vaccination fire exceed the very small rare risk so direct quote from these guys and these are the National experts in the United States of course our experts in the UK are saying the same thing
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 374,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: uw2xmtd8dkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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