Possibly the unhealthiest restaurant in the world - Horizon: Eat, Fast and Live Longer - BBC Two

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I'm about to embark on another diet but before I do so I thought be quite fun to try something completely different something pure Americana anybody who is squeamish or vegetarian probably better look away now this is one of the few places on earth which is breathtakingly honest about what its food will do to you it is quite possibly the unhealthiest restaurant in the whole world though it's worth noting their spokesman died at the age of 29 weighing 575 pounds this is a place where if you weigh over 350 pounds you eat completely free how you doing you can kill me if you can make the weight I'm not it's not gonna work oh here let me 182 I think it would take two of us okay well let's see it two of us so-called doctor john is the owner now for a gentleman such as yourself has been deprived I would skip past the less invasive procedures and move right to a quadruple bypass burger okay what do you think how many Keller isn't it will the Guinness Book of World Records came in and they measured it about nine thousand nine hundred calories yes nope I didn't quite hit the Ted back then a healthy diet is a diet that makes a patient happy now longevity is a different issue taste worth dying for that's what we're focused on we're not concerned with side implications little trivial things such as whether or not you'll live long we have a large sign right on the door that says caution this establishments bad for your health everybody knows that what we're here to do is to exercise our freedoms as American citizens we should have the freedom to kill ourselves if we want to and I should be allowed to provide that deadly diet to anybody who wants to take it have you ever had anyone actually have a heart attack a bit we've had to coronary issues in the past two and a half months in which ambulances that comes taking the people out and wish them off to the hospital that's not really a moment of pride as most people would think but actually we do view that we're doing them a service because they now know that they are genetically predisposed ition to coronary issues a nurse Stephanie we have a code blue emergency here I need to talk to you privately about a few issues with the patient you see he has been on an extremely restricted caloric intake as low as 50 calories a day for almost a week now we've got to see exactly how much burger we could fit right into his stomach and you're just a nurse to pull it off I like this I could do that doctor this is definitely not how you should ever break a fast and it goes against every piece of advice that volta lungo gave me thank you tipping I'm feeling hungry silver welcome to I shall let me see how I get a tear it out and the unlikely event you've ever wondered what 10,000 calories look like in a single meal then this is it now this is what Joe Cordell the calorie-restricted would eat in probably five or six days it's hard to hate a place so gleefully shameless you don't need the health warnings to know how bad it is this is the opposite of calorie restriction hey tomorrow right here healthy and it will age your body faster than anything else I think that just a few minutes of eating this has actually reduced my life expectancy oh yeah I feel a bit ill option right I went in I was 182 pounds I am now 184 pounds my next diet starts tomorrow
Channel: BBC
Views: 880,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ''Michael, Mosley'', ''Heart, Attack, Grill'', Horizon, ''Eat, Fast, and, Live, Longer'', bbc, documentary
Id: JRJMxZgtlfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2012
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