'Fast Diet' Creator Discusses Controversial Methods on 'GMA': Dr. Michael Mosley Interview

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popular British diet that is now taking the US by storm now let's talk about this new diet crate and this is something that came over from England watch what you eat two days a week and eat what you want the rest it's called the fast diet and within a week of us publication in January and following its exclusive GMA appearance take a look at this would you eat this two days a week it's now a New York Times bestseller amazon.com reviews have customers exclaiming I feel like I finally found an eating plan I'll be following for life and already lost almost four pounds after two weeks of doing the fast diet fans of fast dieting report getting radically healthier by fasting not every day just two days a week the other five days require no willpower you can eat whatever you want please could I have the almond croissant and I Stephanie scales each week with the pounds of dropping a UK resident Erin McLaughlin says she lost 36 pounds over seven months but some nutrition experts say it's impossible to know if the diet is safe without more human testing it's not safe for somebody under 20 you know or somebody who's growing or for kids you know and it may not be safe for all adults --is as well but Tara says her dress size isn't the only thing that's changed my appetite is reduced so even what I do try and over eat I sometimes find it quite challenging a lot of people talking about this diet here he is the man behind it dr. Michael Mosley is joining us now live first television interview here in the States thank you for being here absolute pleasure I just want to remind everybody so your diet says that you can eat normally five days a week and lose weight if women limit themselves on the other two days to 500 calories and men limit themselves to 600 calories a day and you say that that has actually plenty of calories you have some examples absolutely and they're full of nutrients so this is a breakfast here you've got some oatmeal and lots of delicious blueberries that would be about 250 calories and you can also have an orange but not orange juice because you're only has lots of fiber in it and that's important and then you can see a big plate of food there lots of vegetables and also some delicious chickens so and this is all you get for the whole day that is what gets the whole day so how do you recommend timing it out I basically go for breakfast at about 7:30 with my family and then I have an evening meal 7:30 with my wife and kids and then I drink all lots of fluid this is for a woman for a man you can go further so for example I would have instead of that I'd have a couple of scrambled eggs there and I find the protein keeps me full so I'm actually fine first few weeks are a bit tough but after that it gets better and you mentioned again our calories not created equal so what food should we be looking for on fast days and perhaps avoiding essentially what you see here is a mixture of vegetables and protein the protein will keep you full vegetables you can get an awful lot of volume you look at that that is probably only about 250 calories well and that is quite substantial a very substantial meal absolutely you can look at that one delicious really tasty lots of colors lots of flavors and that's important nice piece of beef eludes I just want to ask you is what about this out okay this stuff it the bad stuff okay this is what they call high glycemic this is full of calories but it's full of carbohydrates or sugars what's surprising for example is potato you think potato is healthy but actually a baked potato will shove your blood Sugar's up as fast as a tablespoon of sugar and very quickly you actually came upon this diet a bit accidentally what were you looking to do well what happened about a year ago I discovered when I went to see my doctor that my blood Sugar's were way too high she said you essentially you're diabetic and my cholesterol was way too high I decided rather than getting on drugs I would go and look for a solution and I went and visited a whole bunch of American research stations and they suggested intermittent fasting and then this emerged out of that I want to talk about the fashion really quickly Josh because medical professionals some are saying that this can actually be potentially dangerous and slow down your metabolism so please do tell us a lot of questions what are the drawbacks ok that is not true basically our metabolic rate will actually speed up briefly that only if you fast for days or weeks on end are you likely to have that problem that this has been studied extensively lots of human trials lots of studies done in the US and the UK which shows that it is perfectly safe there are people who probably shouldn't do it and they would include pregnant women women who are breastfeeding people who have issues around weight and I wouldn't recommend it to teenagers broadly speaking I do want to ask a lot of questions from our audience Jean from Texas how important is drinking lots of water very very important because you frequently think you're hungry but actually you're just dehydrated so water black tea black coffee loads of herbal teas a lot of people don't like to drink water they want to drink soda something bubbly is there anything that can be bubbly bubbly water with a bit of lemon juice in it is delicious I'll show you Jean CAC Lindsey Oklahoma has this question would it do more good to fast three days a week or is that not recommended I tried it first of all because there are studies which suggest that you actually will lose more weight but I found it too extreme so I went for two days because that was more moderate and more sustainable and actually these days I'm on a maintenance dose which is one day a week remarkable questions answered it's the fast diet it's in stores now and you can get the recipes for the meals you just saw here at Good Morning America calm on yeah thank you doctor thank you real pleasure
Channel: ABC News
Views: 335,816
Rating: 4.7686377 out of 5
Keywords: fast diet, recipes for low calorie meals, fast diet creator, controversial weight loss, weight loss advice, no will diet, health
Id: sw4RtHMmBtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2013
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