Posh Pawn S1 E7

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prestige is a pawnbrokers with a difference whether it's a helicopter or diamonds I get a real buzz out of handling big-ticket items this is an amazing bit of kit based in one of the UK's wealthiest counties with a roster of super-rich clients of hardware use and their mark they deal in the most lucrative luxury goods the value is about 150 grand this week oh my god the team battled to dodge the fakes these are really the boss hits the mat flat-out I'm telling you it's a hundred miles an hour and emotions run high I feel like crying I say welcome to the world posh porn every week over a thousand people contact this upmarket pawnbrokers ladies all looking to exchange luxury goods for fast cash but many items aren't quite what they first seen this doesn't quite feel right it is incredible how good some of these folks are and you really really have to be careful James and his team's challenge is to sort out the real from the counterfeit I've done if it's genuine or not wear base like police dogs sniffing out real Knighton's from the dodgy goods there are a lot of fake wires about making deals on fakes could shut up the shop for good genuine poorly on yes we can't afford to take one dodgy item in it could ruin us as a business this is telling me these are diamonds for many of the asset rich cash poor sorry set the pawnshop can be a first port of call when they have a new passion project to fund what exactly are light you know this morning James has received an inquiry from an aspiring photographer okay thanks Millie thanks for the call got a girl who as if load fees moving and just wants to get rid of Samar so they're quite good pieces did she tell what artists yeah she did okay well I can't actually pronounce its are not I know attention I struggle with a lot of her muscle I'm not really into art it doesn't really appeal to me that much but it's a big part of the business and that's why I give it to Laurent a better inquiry of a lovely young lady Soph all of you naturally she's got some art she doesn't on their loans she just wants to sell the pieces fantastic can you deal with it yeah cos okay nice one thank you the paintings belong to 42 year-old Milly a girl about town with very expensive tastes my week is probably about 80% shopping the rest work but yam whizzing about here there and everywhere love them I love the luxury lifestyle when I carry on what I've been doing and spend spend spend thank you sissy bye thank you Millie's just bought a new flat in London to knit to night with shops or Bond Street boutiques whenever the mood takes her among her collection of Couture over 300 pairs of designer shoes I only just moved in literally a day ago I'm finding shoes that obviously I didn't know I had can't get enough shoes and need them the last time I went to this shop I bought 15 pairs of shoes all in one go these are like 920 but I've never worn none I probably spend 7 800 pound a week on designer clothes and shoes absolutely stunning pink I just like to look good it doesn't every gal like to look good you know the money that I have is from my a modern agency a few years ago and actually was given some money in mine and passed away you know I've just been spending all all that money inheritance Millie doesn't want the spending to stop and think she may have hit on the perfect plan to keep the good times rolling I just love photography always been my passion but now you know I just want to do it to my business so now I'm good and I'm very good well that's nice one I think photographs make people happy especially pebbles anyone who's got like a an old boat might want that she sold a few of her snaps now mili wants to turn her pastime into a money spinner I would love my photography to just be my main business but I can't afford a camera I know it sounds silly but I don't want to give up my beautiful items my luxury lifestyle professional kick costs thousands so Millie plans to sell two modern paintings to raise the funds I've got this one by Andrew pot soup this one I might get about ten thousand pounds for it I mean every time I look at it you could see different things in it so it's just one of my favorites these are sought-after paintings and I was very lucky to get it at the time this is like Shane makuu Brie it's absolutely stunning it's one of my biggest pieces by him it's got glitter in it he's got pink in it it's just absolutely beautiful obviously it's original it's a one-off about 3000 pounds it's just one of those pieces that you'll never see again to insure Millie's paintings are legitimate the pawn shop needs to have them collected and examined by an expert hopefully I would at least get 10,000 pounds for both of them oh yeah yeah if they did come back and offered me five grand and I just laugh at them just wouldn't even bother be careful with it make sure you don't drop it it's sad to see them go cuz I've had him so long it's got to what you're tearing you even if Millie's masterpieces are the real deal will they be worth the cash injection she's after loaning against luxury goods is how this pawn shop made its name but a regular array of oddities also pass through its doors this is a horse's hoof oh you are joking I made sandwiches out of the rest Oh James as well as the weird and the wonderful the business also receives inquiries about items way too cumbersome to bring to the shop I'm never look at this do we do loans against motorhome we can loan against anything if it's of value this morning Joe has been contacted about what could be the biggest item the team have ever dealt with come on little palace tonight know how big is it it's 40 foot as a monster he wants a short-term loan against his Damon ultra sport RV motorhome do you think that's a canopy you ain't gonna leave the hole then if you like that before if we go so it's quite a was quite a nice swing to come in if it all goes wrong for me at least I'll have somewhere to live you know what I mean I pride myself on loaning against almost anything of value and I wasn't gonna get beaten by 40-foot RV the mobile holiday home is 45 year old Roy's pride and joy this is otherwise known as my baby remote-controlled satellite dish so you've got double bed there a double bed there convictive oven washer/dryer lovely shower room actually that's better than my shower at home flat-screen TVs Parker Dell boy bed you know might make a partly milk and a fresh loaf of bread other than that everything is on board I don't think there's another one of these in the country I think this is the only one but Roy's holiday home was only acquired after a horrific accident on a building site 16 years ago yeah it's 1998 mmm and the wrong part of one of the buildings have been taken out or some bits of the building came down on me and I could hear the machine coming towards me but I couldn't tell which direction it was coming from until what felt the links of the tracks I remember screaming as loud as I possibly could but then I think they must have looked down and realized they can't see the ends of my legs and there's 36 ton of machinery on top of them we went through nearly 11 years of operations after years of intense rehabilitation incredibly catastrophe struck a second time two days after finally wearing two shoes walked unaided into a supermarket and their floor gave way underneath me two weeks later they just said to me that you've got coming you've got going well tomorrow morning quarter past 10:00 your legs coming off below the knee after the amputation long-term partner Jill remained at Roy's side at first he didn't want me to see him in hospital he didn't want me to see his leg and he just cried and then he thought I was gonna leave him because I didn't think he was a man and I mean I said to him you know at the end of the day losing leg you know it hasn't changed him as a person she's go of it but instead of allowing the accidents to break his spirit Roy has been working on an ambitious plan to help his fellow amputees well right yeah lovely day after all that grief of hospitals and things I hacked the families and they really need a break and they need to know that the person they're looking after can actually smile again you know and just find themselves Roy's dream opening a specialist holiday part that allows the less able-bodied and their families to enjoy time away together I want to get 20,000 pounds you know in finance from this just so I can get started he's willing to pawn his pride and joy his RV in order to make that dream a reality if we get the right off I'm going to use a finance and encourage other less abled people and their families to recover relax but will the sacrifice get Roy the five-figure funding he needs from the pawn shop back at Weybridge another expensive item has got motor enthusiast James excited this is an amazing bit of kick Joe have you seen this I've got a Koenigsegg Hydra lifts speedboat arias pain worse nice you imagine yourself in that little bowl of tacos sombrero speeding around the pool no could easily get in that low problem how much does it worth Cutler hundred grand no really somebody's a great kid it's more dance painting port Banu so I'll tell you what I'd love to get out there and a little look at that those fast and it's red that's sort of thing I'm interested in the fact that the boat was based out in maya bay was a win-win situation for us I've been meaning to get out there for quite some time and investigate that market can we look at flights this week alright yeah I saw that you know then what about me discuss there Joe you got a whole default I'm very fluent in Spanish you're not fluent in Spanish el amante Lian toka last Anita say lmmortal ah Mon Tingley anta a LoCascio - Pato pono cilenti Meena yes bless her she's been a cutlet signs on these bingo weekend things as a two-hander she thinks she's fluid she's amazing really his pawn shop might be popular in well-heeled sorry but is James ready to take on Mar Bayers super wealthy expats although the pawnshop deals mainly with high-end goods clients can come from all walks of life I haven't got clue of your interests but we're moving abroad and we want to get rid of things and the reasons for pawning their valuables can vary wildly it could be something like a boob job new teeth or just something simple like put dinner on the table but some clients stories sound too good to be true this morning James has received an email claiming to be from the daughter of deposed Libyan dictator Colonel Gaddafi I am Aisha Gaddafi daughter of the former Libyan leader what yes did you get that from serious just come for a zani much Allah some bloody windup no this could be true that's not true I'm in an Algerian refugee camp at this point I can't communicate with you by phone but only by email oh she's got a laptop yeah you know what no phone when these emails come through in your heart of hearts you know they're not real but there's always a little niggler there the total fund is a hundred million and you shall have 30 percent of it well that's nice of Ernie does this spam thing no it's not James does get carried away with some of the emails and the inquiries that we get in think it's because if they weren't a hoax they'd be so interesting and they'd be such a good deal for him to do that he doesn't really want to let it go oh yeah hold on of it all we need to do is send her ten million hey there you are just to help her move the rest of the funds across and we get pho million back just get my checkbook out seriously but why don't we have a little wit RIA a wit now for what Gaddafi's to work while Jane's moles over the latest scam resident handbag expert Patrick has had a more realistic but still potentially problematic inquiry out the percentage of bags that come through the door every week about 40% of them tend to be fakes I know the stylist was difficult to tell what level that is well that's caviar or car skin and also I need to know the size is it you know is it small medium or jumbo but you know I don't know what the hard way is whether that's tarnished I do actually need to see them for designer handbags belong to fifty year old Sarah a hair extension specialist from Surrey people often think I'm very glamorous I look after myself and I am quite conscious of how I look I couldn't be somebody that slouched around in a tracksuit morning noon and day one of my favorite items is my beautiful Hermes scarf it was bought for me if I somebody really really special this is where I have my perfume and makeup I do like my Chanel lip gloss Chanel number five it's classic for much of her life Sarah was part of the Surrey Jet Set when I was married I had a beautiful life we lived in a beautiful home we had lots of luxury holidays we had a comfortable comfortable lifestyle which was lovely but now the mother of two has had to adapt and tighten her belt when I divorce from my husband I walked away with nothing took my children and that was it and we moved into a rented house suddenly it was quite frightening I had to do everything on my own was very very little it was a struggle to get food on the table sometimes Sarah's main income now comes from her wealthy former neighbors this is a very upmarket area what they call us at a Hollywood of sorry they make up much of the clientele for her hair extensions business it's a lot of sir ladies here very glamorous very beautiful the house is probably around 10 million it's really really important to source the right hair and use the right quality and I've got the most amazing Russian hair now that I'm really really happy with Sarah hopes her new venture will prove lucrative gorgeous but to expand she needs quick cash and he's looking for a minimum of three and a half thousand pounds her past living the Surrey high life means Sarah has a number of designer handbags which she wants to sell I'll be really sad to get rid of them but I've got to move my business on now the pawn shop handles hundreds of designer handbags on a weekly basis it's just on another call can I get him to ring you back and Sarah's on her way in so hunters over for closer inspection oh my I'm I send you an email guarding some bags oh yeah yeah it's somebody on the phone yeah you spoke to James I mean yeah hardly use and they're macular no this one has been in very good condition why don't use them lifestyle anymore sadly oh they'll come back that's nice oh that's very nice condition no syllable they give you that one per second that's vintage one isn't it yeah it's a nice shape but it's a bit more understated now I've looked after it really well I've got one more I've got a black one again nice and over always nice with the boxes as well again you know it's had no real wear to wear so no free that's after ok well come back to you with a figure I'll do some work on them now and I'll come back to you with a figure see what you give you for it yes okay sue says we can I just buy although the handbags look the part they'll need to be closely examined before any deal can be struck sometimes time we do get people coming in with bags yeah some guys will buy you know they've got a girlfriend a hot girlfriend they were impressing their buyer on a nice bag but of course it could be a copy they don't want to pay you know three and a half thousand for a bag they'll go and buy a copy one for maybe a few hundred pounds some of the women do get you to buy that's haven't that's easy to fake a large motorhomes but boss James still needs to inspect Roy's RV apparently it's 40-foot long so it's a massive bit kid I love the pictures of it it may be worth quite a few queens the last time I went in a caravan was when I was about six years old so I think we went down to Bognor Regis for five days that it was quite an experience the first CEO days they the business in it it's got or neens bits that come out it looks like it's in lovely Nick so yeah I'm excited to go and have a look good son Roy how are you yeah then I safari meet you yeah can be Gus yeah was just having the lowest beautiful isn't it geez we tried enjoyed not quite seen anything like it just getting Sun have a little look no here we are making this is this is where it all goes on here I've been in a proper rock my partner's yeah yeah she's lovely when Roy was show me around inside I thought was absolutely curves like a palace on wheels I wouldn't mind to get it started out yeah well listen to listen to a pair right here we go so although Roy's RV appears to be in good condition the real test is whether it's Road worthy what deny your feeling but I'm nervous as hell Jesus crisis at least if this is a block of flats on wheels yeah just gonna test them got the generous and general when I first pulled off in the RV I was very very nervous I applied the brakes I instantly heard a load of crockery and cutlery smashing in the background this is a monster now I'm just taking a bit more seriously now we're laughing this is where I'm coming to me on Roy happy days James May feel assured at the wheel but boy clear doesn't share his confidence I feel more of a man than I did half hour ago I've driven a lot of things in my time nothing as big as it is the biggest this is the biggest by long chill just give it one of them just level know we're in days cheers Roy thanks for that nice thank you in a couple of days I make giving you plenty to think about q thank you see you later mate safe journey back well it's an amazing beer kit I mean I'm not a mechanic so I'm a bit concerned about the mechanical side of it because it's such a big lump and there's a lot potentially that could go wrong with a thing like this but generally it's in good Nick he wants to do an amazing thing of his business idea and I think it's worthwhile calls just can't wait to get back to the office do a bit more work on the sons and see if we can get back to him with a figure that helps him out the RV deal is heading in the right direction but another is about to come crashing to a halt James has received bad news from Marbella that's the boat guy he's no interested he's facilitated it so he's all done and dusted the owner of the Bo's been in touch and he's found another source of of a loan so he's basically borrowed money from someone else what we're still going on and done see what's going on out there you never know you might get presented with another boat what anything could happen the world's our oyster when his flight already booked and convinced there's money to be made in Marbella just days later James and colleague Kristen head to southern Spain here we go Chris there's the male buyer side oh yeah there it is we're officially in Marbella and I decided to take Kristen way of me she'd never been to Spain before I thought it would be a great opportunity especially as we might come across some high-end jewelry kill you when somebody and try and sniff out some cash I can smell it a while away okay James and Kristen head to the port the focal point for Mar Bayers wealthy residents like I can almost smell the money I mean look at the boats out here they're millions and millions of pounds were for yacht sir yeah I'm sure some of these boats are worth 23 million every other car is a baby Ferrari or Lamborghini there's money hey there's welfare and the assets are here Mar Bayers wealth may be dazzling but without any clients none of it will be heading James's way with James away on business in Marbella it's left to his assistant Joe to keep the peace you insulted me but it's just like taking a talk about my hair about your for my home or bad luck it is like me saying about nipples or now now you turn you're talking about my hair no no tuck it in Oh be nice to each other a little bit cheeky to me than they are James I think but I won't take no crap so it doesn't really matter Rossi huh nominator that's gonna come in marbella boss James isn't leaving anything to chance after his first deal there fell through my buyer is like Weybridge by the seaside it's got similar wealthy clients with a wealth of opportunity in terms of assets to lend against I didn't want it to be a wasted trip I've determined to make the most of it desperate to drum up other business opportunities James makes an urgent appeal for new customers on local radio first of all we only chatting to james Constantino looking at some of the amazing things that people are pawning nowadays we alone against almost anything of value but we focus ourselves at the high end of the market he's a real entrepreneur and he's one of these driven people that does not like to fail is it the golden age football brokers I don't know well I think it is actually the point of coming here today really was just to get a message out there that we're here for a few days and were able to appraise some items you know hopefully there'll be people while they'll have heard the message but has he done enough to entice the locals to bring him their valuables in Weybridge patrick is facing a challenge of a different kind dealing with a hearing-impaired couple they've brought in some handbags which they're hoping to loan against did you have the dustbag dustbag-- huh just is I don't know these are not like you for the tag on this hmm this one not right there's no good this one I was by the front of some people that come in then just try and convince you that it's definitely real and you know it isn't this one is the only one was right I would only lend this one is 50 pound that's it 20 40 50 out of the lot Patrick spots one bad good enough to offer alone against they were looking for five 600 pounds 50 pounds was about the best I could do glad safety so Shambo there we go see you soon bye in marbella James's radio appeal has already reaped rewards with a potential client contacting the office Joe how you doing hola how are you yes how's it going oh I'm telling you is 100 miles an hour I'm actually looking at some boats oh you are looking at some boats working me balls off Oh in that funny so the little speedboat pulled out and now you're checking out yacht okay that's right we had calls here and there's a lady called Lily parently she wants you to have a look at while you're over there hello again I've emailed you low detail so okay would I be good get on and I'll try on the yarmulke all right Oh Joe Cheers see ya bye God he actually sounds stressed for the first time ever the jewelry belongs to 59 year old Lily originally from Singapore and now living the highlife in Marbella with her husband Leif oh what a beautiful day today huh maybe go to the beach I want and have a nice beach lunch that'd be nice Lily's palatial home is in one of my Bayers most desirable districts we have got 360 degrees view the mere fact that we can get up to sunshine it brings peace and calming to life and most of all we surrounded by two beautiful dogs that love us two bids we love our home we're very contented with what we have it is our palace my husband was a very successful businessman he's got his own consulting company for selling properties and a life coach master practitioner and also hypnotherapist Lily is planning to mark her upcoming 60th birthday by splashing out on a designer watch I've got my eyes set on the patek philippe watch and I think I will go for the new model and out goes with the old and in comes for the new in order to fund her expensive birthday present to herself Lily is planning to sell off some jewellery inherited from her mother that is so beautiful isn't it I remember when my mum had this my god she had a beautiful silver sorry when she wore this not to history but it's very yes a lot of history in there I love diamonds I've never heard of anyone where not liking diamonds in my beer you see diamonds of all shapes and sizes of all different colors women do parade their wealth it's their way of showing that they have reached a stage where they've accomplished great things in their life I'm going to show him this - yes I think this is beautiful oh you happy with that muy bien I'm looking for roughly around forty to fifty thousand because I know of it's worth he's gonna give us a private view of private you yes then we can go off to lunch after that since such a beautiful day but make time today today's my day today's my day yes in Dorset Roy who's looking to pawn his 40-foot motor home is enjoying what could be his last family holiday in the RV this your little treehouse I'm gonna miss all this sort of stuff enough really AM will still be able to come here and drive here and but it's not going to be the same as it pigeon attender when we've got you know we got the Ritz on wheels Roy lost part of his leg after two accidents 13 years ago and wants to raise 20 thousand pounds to start a holiday park for fellow amputees she's only wanted to go she's gonna be really upset when it goes but it's not gonna be gone for long right tell miss it we've all miss it yeah and what we will probably cry they will probably it I will there you know no York I know we'll just thinking about it now along Wed up that's the thing you know we've got to make sure it comes back in sorry lights has been put in charge of valuing Millie's artworks although well-versed in traditional art modern paintings remain outside his comfort zone that strikes art it's not everybody's taste I wouldn't want it hanging up on my walls at home not my cup of tea he's heading to see specialist dealer Ben to discover how much Millie's paintings are worth hi Ben are you I see my we recognize ashame lucubra it's a beautiful piece and the praat suit we don't often see these these works by shame people that buy chains but tend to keep them often merely might be surprised about the value of this piece okay there's some little props OOP his work is hard to find it's only the last four or five years it's come to the UK he does occasional large piece which is half this size yeah the value of his smaller pieces can be really quite high a large piece is obviously very difficult grounded are you okay well thanks your time Ben pleasure I'll speak to you soon loads I mean that seemed to go quite well I mean Ben was very enthusiastic I mean I got a couple of concerns and what the prot seek it's just so big oh I just hope that the value the Ben comes up with meets Millie's expectations that's so important but we just have to wait and see in Spain James is nervously awaiting the arrival of Lily his first mob Bayer customer Lily was obviously well-heeled and typical of what I thought of my bear client should look like what can you tell us about us these were all my mother's she wore quite a few of these things because she wore a lot of saris at that time okay that's an old piece that's my grandmother's who handed down to my mum - last night - me yeah that's lovely but Ruby's family Jaipur actually but there's a yellow creature that my mom bought me but I don't know whether this is a bit dated but again to an older person would say very feminine ward so all this stuff you you're looking to Cuba just on a valuation for it to sell it if I get a good price here we'll take that time or the next couple of hours going through it and we'll get I hope you don't send me a poor scarf in Bahamas English you're not here we should do postcards thank you for your time my initial reaction was there's a few pieces in there that may be a little disappointing but there are one or two items are actually quite special in there so we need a little bit more time with those pieces gem specialist Kristen casts an expert eye over Lily's jewels her findings will determine whether James's trip has been a waste of time or not these here are just gonna be the goal weight value maybe a little bit more with the stones yeah although the stones are real when it comes to items like these vintage doesn't necessarily mean valuable many people think that antique jewelry goes up in value but that's not always the case certain items from the 60s and 70s and 80s diminishes in value with time just when Lilly's whole looks like being a disappointment James and Kristen spy something a very nice Ruby in the middle and the Diamonds a really good quality set on the outside okay the stones are very clean and they're bright as well there's some exciting pieces and there's some not so excited pieces so in terms of value retail quite a lot of money actually but the secondary market is fairly flat so will the jewelry be worth enough for James to give his first client in Marbella good news back in the UK single mom Sarah is at home with her daughter Bianca she's anxious to hear if her designer handbags can bring in the cash she needs for her hair extensions business every girly loves a bit of Chanel we all do so I'll miss them usually I'm really sad cuz I you know I've taken great care of them I'm upset they're going and when I make lots of money I'll buy you one get there in the end I'm really excited I hope I get what I'm looking for so we'll see we'll see what happens it should be positive yeah fingers cross Sarah's hoping to get between three and five thousand pounds for the bags but the valuation is proving problematic the Patrick the real problem is this one here I'm not sure what this fazer these I deal with all day long I have these in every week these I don't know with so many fakes on the market Patrick needs a second opinion from expert Claudia really the valuation could all here mumbay it's a difference between saying yeah I can do that sort of figure or no I can't hi Patrick are you good see you know see looks brand-new yeah the client Borden are just those really stitching perfect the San panda screws are perfect let me see the number that is 2009 this is definitely a genuine bug so you don't have to worry good this one doesn't have a sticker yeah yeah bother I'm happy with this I mean this feels absolutely right everything looks right I mean you can see that if the finishing here it's so well done good these are the little details that you pay for The Beggar's real okay that's good well that's relief all right that's the one that's the sort of um the Dark Horse's I say a 3 6 7 2 3 1 this is a 2003 yeah it's on vintage it's just a Chanel bag with the bags confirmed as genuine it's now down to whether they have as much value as Sarah hopes so do you think that makes them in production no I don't think it's in production but I also don't think it's worth much to be worse this one of the news I was expecting but it wasn't what I wanted here really what he was worth a bit more but that's great I'm sorry I have to tell you the way it is idling good to see I do smell things not at all affecting anyway that's good news the unfortunate one is a small black one which is a shame really because it's not worth the money I thought it might be worth so hopefully we'll get to the deal and hopefully she'll take the offer in more bayar James is keen to close his first deal and has arranged a meeting with lily and husband leaf morning Jean good good to have you been very good come and grab a see it you've got some really nice pieces in that but some of it to be honest with you is bordering on what we call sort of just the weight of the gold okay so but there are four or five items in there a ruby and diamond ring and the sapphire necklace as a figure we think it's around up to 20 grands worth for jewelry there's a secondary value okay and Marquis flat we are in a recession so it's not all bad news that's great hope that's not too disappointed no no not at all well thanks for coming you know thank you thank you very much thank you thank you my pleasure my meeting with James went very well we're very pleased with his honest opinion and his appraisal was spot-on I you know because I know what we paid what my mom paid for he did explain the figure at 20,000 it was an old honest opinion so on the whole we're both very happy I'm always happy yeah it's been very pleasant and and I think we will keep in touch with James showing what other pieces that we have despite not getting the full figure she was looking for Lilly is happy with an offer which can help fund her new designer watch it was really nice from our point of view to get this one in the bag and have a insight into the sort clients that are here in Spain and the sort of interesting people that you come across and Lilly is a fascinating person I hope she's a glimpse of things to come it's the beginning of another week at the pawn shop and boss James has arrived back from Spain oh no what an idiot it's any sort more quite some presents here slightly oh my god you want fun day got you 101 of them we got a live one it's company policy my god surely you know how to pay the uncle key and whatever they cool smoke Lawrence so sugars you I'll turn it off a busy young and a laugh that's what I think about you being busy for some of the shops customers an anxious wait is drawing to a close in sorry single mom Sarah is waiting to find out if selling her designer handbags can provide a financial boost for her hair extensions company I really hope that I get around three and a half thousand then I can really take the business to another level I wish that phone would ring striving me crazy oh my god hello alright there's Patrick hi yes I'm fine excited and nervous at the same roof additional on the black and the beige one the condition was really fantastic yeah no Yorkist it's not worth as much as I thought it was which is really disappointing mm if we've just done these the only way I would that I would have been around for all three huh because they could be the beige and the black one was so good Oh to the three and a half feet fantastic that yeah yeah briea I'll do it for that that's fun all right thank you very much Patrick playing bye bye bye super bye ah fantastic Bianca fortunately because of this a private club we've got has offered a lot more money so I can get to our figures and I'm the happy customer which is always good they gave three and a half or you know I feel so happy I feel really really excited I really want this business to work our dreams coming true now another client hoping the pawnshop can boost her career prospects is Millie the shopaholic wants to sell two paintings to help her photography career um hi I'm Millie I'm after Lawrence oh you found him but will Lawrence be able to offer Herbert 10,000 pounds she needs to turn her hobby into a fully-fledged business oh my painting ladies but well it's like a seat was when you feel like ah I see here Thanks thank you she paid seven thousand for the matador yes and you paid what for three thousand three two mm the things are paintings it's like any sort of finance they can go up or down yeah I'm gonna be honest with you when I first saw your paintings I didn't think they're worth 10,000 what both of them to you or just no I just didn't see 10,000 at all what I do see was near 20 or 25,000 really that's the figure I had in my head really yeah the final figure I've come up with we're looking at 6,000 from Aqib room really yeah oh my god Wow if well 234 this which is a see yes so if I gave you 39 you'd be even happier oh my god definitely so you look at a 45 thousand total oh my god you're kidding how'd you feel about that I think we need some champagne okay oh my god I might just buy Lamborghini incense no no God second I won the next it was if you come I got us lamb heart is going so far but if my heart wow I'm shocked I'm happy and sharks we're gonna do now could we go down the very didn't have a glass of champagne no good on your wish I could join you but James is such a slave driver I mean I really really didn't expect that in a million years so yeah I'm just I'm still in shock I would definitely invest it in sweet boat for my business see and I'll probably take a little holiday buy some more shoes and definitely some more art 100 percent on by small art Milly's left the shop a wealthy woman but will James also be able to give ROI that good news he craves he wants to pawn his beloved RV to raise 20,000 pounds to start a holiday camp for fellow amputees it's very difficult because if it was a watch I could phone up 10 or 20 people 30 people and have like you know 30 different bids for a watching the space of half an hour but an RV motorhome 40-foot long here in the UK left-hand drive it's like Who am I going to call and it has been very difficult and I am still struggling with it but I'm prepared to make him an offer I'm just sitting away because yeah yeah kind of nervous we don't have touchwood hello Roy hello prestige how you doing who kind of down to you at the moment DePaul's in your cult mate I've got a figure for you I cocky funny I've been trying to find someone a dealer that would say to me change at the end of that low I've yet to find someone definitively that would do that so that's why I'm erring on the side of caution then obviously nervous but um well I'll take the offer I'll look after a mate he put me don't worry about that alright make that big cheer so much thanks mate cheers bye why are you saying yeah I'm gonna take the finance he's got on it I feel like quite in isolation the offer is lower than Roy had hoped for but it will be enough to start planning the holiday camp although losing the RV will be a real sacrifice it be arrived we get back no no just some someone else is gonna have a familiar they that was really really difficult you know feel for him because he wants to do this amazing thing with this money so from that point of view I really really would like to have got more money for him oh my god here we go all right well we've got busy busy we couldn't be looks like we got a business to start yeah killing after a busy few months for the pawn shop James has jumped at an opportunity to expand his business further the shops halfway down Hatton Garden love the old building you're gonna love it a potential new premises has come up this time in central London I'm really pleased for the business expanding I'm absolutely gutted that he's insisted that I'm the one that has to go to London with him would you feel loved the building love the road no it looks good James I must admit this could be really really special this is a brilliant place to be without a doubt 100% I can feel that we clean this up like make this look absolutely amazing well no it's good it is good back at base the new venture is the perfect excuse for a celebration I'm feeling a little bit apprehensive a little bit nervous perhaps it's been an amazing year but I'm looking forward to the unknown well don't make short work I found that far email we're looking forward to getting going in hand garden with the new store and we're looking forward to seeing some of the high-end clients we know are gonna come through the door there no it's gonna be fantastic we got to talk about my package it's always a nervous time when you've got a new store you're investing hundreds of thousands of pounds going into an area that you don't know here's to the future oh so that would be our new head office will it find bargains in France upcycle and sell on for a profit back home and new competition the French collection continues weekday afternoons at 140 and dealing in forums the new series continues on Sunday at 7:00 and which would you pay for a rare Rolling Stones EP signed by Andy Warhol next nights twisted afternoon tea with Heston
Channel: Jason Voorhees
Views: 82,030
Rating: 4.1186442 out of 5
Keywords: Posh Pawn, Reality Television (TV Genre)
Id: _GzLh_zOruY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 58sec (2818 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 27 2014
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