Portuguese Paras & Bangladeshi SF in the Central African Republic | January 2019

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um in December of 2012 the Central African Republic descended into Civil War as anti-government forces seized control over towns and cities in the north of the country within a month the rebels and the Central African governments has signed a peace treaty to bring an end to the conflict But ultimately the terms of this agreement were not upheld and by March of 2013 the rebels have marched on into the capital of bangkai and overthrowing president Francois bazis and his government with this the war entered a new brutal phase as Law and Order in the country the centegrated and numerous Rebel factions emerged all vying for control over the Central African Republic in the midst of the chaos villagers were looted and burnt to the Ground Schools hospitals and religious centers were targeted and thousands of innocent civilians were subjected to Untold violence in assessing the situation Adama diong the special advisor and the prevention of genocide for the United Nations stated that we Face a situation a widespread and massive violations of human rights and abuses such as has never been witnessed before in the country in my assessment the widespread unchecked nature of attacks against civilians on the basis of religion or ethnicity constitute crimes against humanity if not halted there is a risk of genocide in this country based off this assessment the United Nations authorized on the 10th of April 2014 the deployments of a ten thousand man strong peacekeeping mission to the Central African Republic with the primary task of protecting civilians providing humanitarian assistance and enforcing Law and Order throughout the country however the issue end force was too small and like the military capabilities to have a significant impact on the war and in the Years following its establishment it was constantly fighting an uphill battle to try and achieve its objectives for instance in the period 2014-2017 the UN Force sustained some 61 fatalities whilst the only major success he enjoyed was overseeing the election of a new Central African government in March of 2016 which brought a degree of stability to the capital of bengai and the country's Southwest in that same period though four new Rebel groups were formed and over 80 percent of the Central African Republic remained Lawless and under the control or influence of the rebels one such area was the city of bamboo story which in 2014 became the headquarters for Rebel group known as the union for peace and the Central African Republic or UPC for short in March of 2017 U.N and government forces succeeded in driving the UPC out of bambari although the rebel group was quick to reorganize itself and establish a new headquarters in the nearby town of bakalobo from here the UPC resumed its control over the country's Southern areas and throughout 2017 and 2018 the group made frequent low-level incursions back in spambari with the intention of mounting a large-scale assault at some point in the future with the ultimate aim of retaking the city from un and government troops after much buildup and planning this assault went in on the morning of the 10th of January 2019 when UPC Rebels armed of AK-47s RPGs are mounted in pickup trucks stormed into the center of bambari and targeted police governments and U.N facilities detailing the nature of the fighting a United Nations report states that the UPC adopted a guerrilla strategy with a settlement swearing civilian clothes and hardening random houses in order to create collateral damage UPC leaders as well as Community leaders under their influence manipulated some incidents to fuel anti-un sentiments within the population the numerous UPC attacks compelled United Nations peacekeepers to use intensive suppressive fire and consume large volumes of ammunition in the process holding bambari at the time of the attack was a mixed Garrison of Central African police officers troops of the Central African Army and peacekeepers for Mauritania and Nepal after a morning of heavy fighting this Garrison was ordered at midday to disengage from their positions and retire to the vicinity of the UN base in the north of the city here the U.N Force Commodities gave careful consideration on how best to respond to the rebel assault and eventually at around 1800 on the 10th of January the green light was given for a Detachment of Portuguese paratroopers from the second parachute infantry battalion to move up into Central bambari with orders to hold the area and protect the local civilian population deploying from the UN base the Portuguese troops were immediately drawn into an intense five-hour long battle at the conclusion of which they'd re-secured the city center and driven the enemy back into the Eastern districts of Aji and bornu throughout the days fighting the UPC lost up to 35 Rebels either killed or wounded whilst the UN and Central African forces suffered a total of three casualties in a press release the Portuguese Armed Forces confirmed that their paratroopers suffered no losses during the evening counter-attack with their initial assault into bambari having stalled the UPC Rebels went over to the defensive to try and hold their gains so that Aji and Borno districts both of which were fortified with barricades and fighting positions at the same time the UN and Central African forces began preparing for a counter-offensive to regain complete control over the city and it was on the 11th of January 2019 that the first phase of this offensive was initiated when two French air forced assault Mirage 2000 fighter jets took off from energad and flew low over the rebel positions in a show of force the next day on the 12th of January the second phase began when the Portuguese paratroopers moved out in their Humvee and Pandora armored vehicles in addition to an mi-17 helicopter and executed a two-day raid against the UPC headquarters abokalobo despite being ambushed by rebels on route to their objective the Portuguese troops carried out their mission flawlessly and by the 14th of January this headquarters had effectively ceased to exist and the UPC had suffered heavy losses in both men and material once again the Portuguese didn't sustain a single casualty throughout the raid the footage on screen now was published by the Portuguese armed forces and shows the raid unfolding foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right oh my God [Music] [Music] thank you [Laughter] pretty much foreign preparations are ramped up for the third and final phase of the cats are offensive which was the complete removal of Rebel fighters from Eastern bambari for this a company of bangladeshi's Special Forces troops who moved to the city on the 14th of January with the sole task of leading this phase in support will be the Portuguese paratroopers a contingent to Nepalese peacekeepers and a Pakistani mi-17 helicopter which was to provide OverWatch throughout the operation further assistance will be provided by troops the Central African Army who had to be employed on rear area security duties such as guarding roads and other key points in Western bambari after a six day period of planning this long-awaited Final Phase which was codenamed Operation back part two got underway on the 17th of January 2019. on that date at exactly zero eight hundred the Bangladeshi Special Forces troops mounted up onto four armored personnel carriers and two pickup trucks and deployed forward Into the Heart of the UPC positions in the edgy and Borneo districts here the Bangladeshi troops dismounted from their vehicles and in the face of intense enemy machine gun and RPG file they started moving from house to house methodically clearing each one of Rebel Fighters and putting to safety innocent civilians who were caught up in the crossfire as mentioned earlier in the UN report it was UPC strategy to embed their Rebels into the local population which made it an extremely difficult task for the Bangladeshi troops to distinguish who was and who wasn't an enemy fighter on top of these difficulties a minor setback was encountered early into the operation when the overhead mi-17 helicopter was set in its engine by Small Arms fire and forced to return to the nearby U.N base where it safely touched down without further incident at around 0-8 30. although the loss of the mi-17 was a huge blow to the broader un Mission it fortunately did not have a major impact on the conduct of operation back part 2 for the Bangladeshi Special Forces quickly launched a couple of handheld drones into the sky to replace the helicopter and resume aerial surveillance over Eastern bambari thanks to these drones the reduction of Rebel positions continue to pace and by the early afternoon of the 17th of January large parts of the IG and born new districts have included and were back and you enhance by that time it was also becoming clear that the main Center of enemy resistance was a mosque in Borneo District which the rebels had converted into a strong point with multiple fields of fire that dominated every approach given the risk of sustaining heavy casualties in a ground assault the Bangladeshi commanders decided to carry out her mortal bombardment against the mosque in the hopes of breaking Rebel morale after six rounds from a 60 millimeter mortar had been fired the UPC Garrison gave up the fight with some of the rebels surrendering to the Bangladeshi troops whilst the majority fled into the Woodland to the South with the capture of this strong point the UN forces have regained complete control over their Aji and bornu districts it was at around 1600 on the 17th of January 2019. that bambari was declared clear of the UPC remarkably over the course of operation back part 2 the Bangladeshi Special Forces company sustained no casualties meaning that throughout the entire week-long battle for bambari the U.N and Central African troops suffered a total of three men killed and wounded besides four Rebels who surrendered during the fighting total UPC losses in bambari are undetermined although they are suspected to have been high on top of this the rebel group lost a large amount of material during their failed offensive including ammunition dumps machine gun mounted pickup trucks documents small arms and heavy caliber weapons uniforms and communication equipment a press release issued by the Portuguese Armed Forces concludes that operation back part 2 fulfilled the UN missions military objectives to repel the rebels belonging to the UPC although new clashes are not ruled out in case there is a new attempt to return to the city of bambari the ongoing operation back part 2 will continue in the coming days in order to simultaneously ensure the safety of the civilian population reinforce State Authority in bambari and prevent the rebels from mixing with the population and illegally occupy their homes [Music] foreign [Music] thank you for watching this video If you enjoyed it please be sure to leave a like 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Channel: Liveth For Evermore
Views: 265,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: British, Military, History, Education, Army, Air Force, Navy, Soldier, Sailor, Airmen, Liveth For Evermore, LFE, Special Forces, Portugal, Central African Republic, Portuguese Paras, Portuguese Paratroopers, Bangladesh, Bangladeshi Special Forces, Battle for Bambari, Portuguese Paras & Bangladeshi SF in the Central African Republic | January 2019, Portuguese paratroopers in the central african republic, United Nations, UN, MINUSCA, Peacekeepers, Portuguese Special Forces, Portugal Special Forces
Id: g8bnhJ7YL9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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