Portico Quartet - Ruins
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Channel: Real World Records
Views: 1,475,814
Rating: 4.9506202 out of 5
Keywords: Portico Quartet, Portico Quartet Ruins, Real World Records, jazz, electronica, dubstep, artists:portico-quartet, releases:portico-quartet, ruins
Id: jQH0GPL33uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2011
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I really like this, and it brings up something I've been wondering.
Does anyone know of any more modern jazz bands like this? I'm talking younger musicians, new music. Not necessarily as experimental jazz as this, but just newer stuff.
I love jazz, but have a hard time finding new stuff for whatever reason.
First time I've seen the hang used with other instrumentation, thanks!
Dunno if I'd call this jazz, but I like it. Thanks for posting this.
The hang is not a drum, technically. Sorry, I'm that guy
LOVED this, first thing i've upvoted in this subreddit so far...big fan
Any more songs?
You all might also want to check out Nick Mulvey formally of Portico Quartet.
I <3 Portico Quartet
At about 0:29 it sounds very similar to another song that I've heard recently and can't even being to possibly search for it without lyrics as my typical crutch, can anyone help identify what the song is it sounds like?
It very likely may be from a commercial or trailer?