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we edit the video by any chance sick all right uh costa if you can find me the description then i'm going to uh paste all the information in it what just crochet the description to the live video what's up y'all give me uh give me one second i'm working on some technical stuff here i don't know where that is yeah me neither it was up there one second ago it should be it should be there huh uh out of that yeah click uh click description right there there you go oh that's not it i'm going to that i don't know what i got left-handed uh we're working on some technical stuff y'all just just give me a second uh can can everybody hear me uh on the stream costa uh let me get a seven in chat if you can hear me why is your chat there all right uh save okay cool yeah they can hear the discord cool oh [ __ ] that's a lot of sevens uh huh all right all right go ahead costa what's going on uh nothing uh happy to have everybody here that's joined the uh discord oh but just real quick costa's basically just the discord guy he's everybody that goes to the discord that wants to learn more about art and life in general and working out running track all that kind of stuff coast is in there bringing the community together making sure there's it's a clean safe environment for everybody to learn and you go to the discord to learn a lot more go ahead costa yeah uh yeah but uh anyways uh for those that have submitted your portfolios we've reviewed it we've hand selected some um and they will be making their way into the stream uh one by one each person will have the opportunity to speak with ethan for uh roughly about five minutes if it goes on too long i'm gonna cut it off if we're planning for about two hours so if we run into uh additional time then i i will probably start looking at random portfolio links in the discord and pulling random people in uh ethan we will be reviewing you uh if you're ready for the industry uh we'll be talking to you about the approach of maybe how you're getting into it or if there's things you can work on in your portfolio uh ethan will also be highlighting some things that maybe you should be focusing on uh to to better stand out or what the industry is looking for in terms of technical ability and uh and some key things they look for in portfolios ethan will also be sharing his uh personal experiences and whatnot uh we also uh have uh a friend of mine and ethan's in here ricardo uh to give a a different take so we have two paths you can follow here that we'd like to discuss uh primarily this is ethan's stream so it'll be about ethan but ricardo has been able to carve out his own path outside of the industry and make a living and develop a following himself as an independent creator or freelancer yeah ricardo where are you from say hi hey what's up guys i'm from portugal so that's going to be a bit like all of your whenever i give portfolio advice and like advice on how to to present yourself it's probably going to be a little bit different from my experience to your experience right just because of like all the different types of jobs that you've had yeah i've never worked in the industry per se so i have a completely different perspective here i'm i've always been freelancing that's how i got in i got here okay so that's two different uh different sides is like freelancing versus working in the industry job day-to-day type of stuff um so your your um your instagram is waveloop right yes okay i'm just going to pull that up really quickly just so everybody's familiar with your work let's see here how's the audio levels now guys shoot that's for ricardo uh hold on hold on can you let go of the yeah don't don't touch her testing fast okay i'm getting loud okay there we go so yeah we're going to be talking today tomorrow and the next day and we're just going to be keeping it chill you know we're not going to be it's just going to be a conversation between me and the students and uh this isn't so much for my youtube channel it's more for for the community and trying to talk to people about portfolios you know that type of stuff so we're just going to be keeping it we're going to be keeping it chill uh so i think are we ready to go right now this is ricardo stuff uh yeah i i i i think uh for the first couple of minutes ethan if you could talk about your experience and and maybe uh highlight uh because it's a common question that comes up even though i know you've covered it in a lot of your youtube videos but maybe for those that are new that came here from lightbox studio are unaware of how you broke into the industry and uh a little bit of your story behind what uh what got you into the position you are in today and also as a professional in the industry maybe some things that you can share that you notice uh amongst your coworkers that studios look for and maybe you know how work is conducted and animation so that people have a good idea of what to expect if they get into the industry or maybe some of the things that they should be working on before they work in a team yeah so uh animation and um uh actually i want to hear a little bit of ricardo's uh version first how did you get into the industry get me warmed up there's i just kind of people started asking me for work uh it was it was never one step it was really stretched out for i don't know it took me like three years for me to actually live just for my uh by my art and um was it instagram they noticed you through instagram first or what well i i started uh yeah what's the name coaster new grounds yeah i think newgrounds was where i i got my first gigs uh and yeah and then it's pretty much 90 is from instagram art station 2 got me a couple but now i just i get contact like i contacted uh directly so by my email ricardo when did you notice uh what was the uh the first real kickoff when you noticed uh that you went from you know like a a low 10 000 uh instagram following and started really taking off what what was the uh what would you say is that that catalytic point that started the chain reaction i think it was it was that it was actually reaching 10 000 on instagram it really grew ex exponentially yeah it got a boom uh it took me years to get to that to 10 000 and then i got to 50 000 in two two months or so and it stopped start growing then it it flattened out a little bit again but yeah that was that was the that was like two years ago or three two two or three years ago nice so what do you get um what do you get hired for mostly like whenever somebody looks at your work what are they it's mostly mostly character design or or illustration for uh covers uh for um advertisement okay in small like in the small niche independent creators that's pretty much yeah got you if if you guys don't know we are today is a light box if you go over to lightbox expo this is kind of like what the whole thing is right now we're doing portfolio reviews for lightbox they have it's just basically if you didn't watch my video yesterday it's this huge expo where all the other artists in the industry get together and um and it it's actually not that wide known widely known at the moment but if you go in you can go into the artist alley right here this is pretty pretty darn sick then you can uh go and check out all the other artists uh there's me and then there's there's even companies here that are doing portfolio reviews let's see if you can see on the stream yeah bintobox titmouse is doing it cartoon network is here cgma some of these people are doing portfolio reviews but so if you're interested in looking at professional work professional portfolios you go on to this and this is just a huge list of the top people in the industry uh i know uh quite a few of these people actually personally and uh they're really really good artists yeah we go check it out you can even go in here check out the 3d space it's pretty flippin cool i gotta say that i'm they're pretty impressed is there any way you can maybe pull up one of the uh professional portfolios and maybe highlight some of the things that the pros do so that people kind of have a barometer yeah what how a professional portfolio looks so i've got this really crude disgusting looking photoshop file here of just people that i wanted to highlight and tb i'm going to try to see if i can find somebody that's not as well known patrick is flipping insane angela is crazy good let me see if i can do all right i want to look at these these portfolios are uh some of the the best that i've ever seen and let me see if i can find it elia all right give me a second i'm going to run through this a l what was it aaliyah there we go i bet i can full screen this so this person's work is just some of the best that i've seen cinematic the storytelling the focal length of like the paintings and stuff like that so again this whole thing all of this portfolio review stuff kind of revolves around like what do you want to do what do you that's really what it needs to be focused on and i got a feeling that a lot of you are going to say uh i don't know what i want to do you know i just want to do art i want to work in the industry and right now me hitting it right off the bat is i'm probably it's best for you to know that you typically you want a very specific goal you want to shoot for something specifically and there are ways to kind of climb up that ladder to eventually get to that point this person right here is vis-dev and it's just like this is the goal this is the point that i wanted to be at when i first started is just to do these amazing paintings but there but in the industry there's a way that you need to well you don't need to but typically there's a way that you work up to this position and you start lower and you get into the industry with a smaller portfolio nothing like this grand because nobody starts out this good typically and then you kind of work your way up to this point um did you have to do that in any way ricardo or did you just jump in and you were just pretty much amazing from the beginning no no no no i had a long i've i would say i'm still in that road i still i still i'm not i i'm in that tier of people who search for my work are people who cannot afford the big ones so uh it's a it's it's great because i can make a living out of it but yeah i need to step up my game and make a jump still do you know people that are in the industry or freelancing uh not really i know a couple uh i know uh yeah i know a couple but personally you know okay um yeah i really want to go in and show you these portfolios but let's see okay so when i was first starting out um this was a god maybe like six years ago seven years ago um david merritt joel corsia i think is how you say this person's name and helen chen and ryan lang's portfolios these are all like old school i got well they're not that old but they're old to me old school portfolios that at this time these portfolios were really beginning to ramp up and just like professional looking uh work and this is what i used to base my stuff off as um it started off as so what they what schools and some studios have you do is they they say like take an old uh fairy tale like um uh snow white or flippin red riding hood and then you kind of put your own spin to it add a different culture to it add you know put it in a city do this yada yada and this one's red riding hood and i think it's mongolian david merritt i looked at this portfolio so much but this is pretty much what i was basing everything off of and my portfolio kind of resembled this and it's what got me hired so if you can check it out it's pretty pro i mean times have changed like nobody's doing this type of work necessarily anymore so you kind of have to read the environment of like what you're trying to uh get into but this is just an example of one of the portfolios that i looked at a lot costa did we ever get a link and discord to this youtube stream uh i'll i can put it up right now okay uh i'll do it that everyone announcement is there any way you can raise your mic volume hmm let me see uh because i have you maxed on the uh on stream labs i think your mic itself is being they're saying my hands really big when it's close to the camera take this wide-angle leg yeah take a photo and use it for reference no don't take that photo it looks bad anyway um uh i guess put a seven in the chat if my volume's too low it's going to be a little bit of a delay okay kind of fine for me no but you're listening to him in discord uh oh man i wish i could what is this italian i wish i could uh skip through this portfolio uh just give me a second though let's see if i can find out how to work this maybe this one ah man i really hope i can get into this um portfolio because it's such a good one uh we gotta find a way to just raise your volume just a little bit just a tiny bit just yeah now there's people that are saying is uh it's fine and then there's some people that are saying it's too low so um just a tiny bit of a boost on your mic if at all possible all right let me check the uh team viewer right yeah if you go down there and hit recording it should have my mic uh so are you you still have control of the mouse right okay uh let me go here i'm gonna read the chat for a second go for it are you using your headset microphone yeah for discord i want to do animation as art as a dream job but i'm going to have to use adobe creator animator since i animate with flash hmm let me know in the chat what you all of you people want to do you know is it concept art do you want to do animation video game stuff charac you know just character design and animation what are your goals do you have direction that's what i'm looking for yeah vis dev character design and feature film oh man character design character design oh everybody's oh okay it's blowing up now character design concept art uh god there's a lot of character design storyboard design yeah dang there's a lot of character design traditional graphic novels uh let me know when you have my uh did you find the recording thing but it's it's not i mean i got it let me see if i can do it that's your headphone that's not the recording that's just uh recording find it here and see if you can make it louder you see yeah it's not that one that's the uh that's the one i'm talking about microphone figure right click its properties or go into its properties actually over there to your left levels maybe oh well we got a little bit to squeeze out there still figuring out technical stuff but oh yeah now you're blown oh very cool i'm trying i don't want to be too loud yeah well now we can adjust it here a little bit okay so so many people so many people were doing a character design and so if you want to do character design in video games or animation well i don't know so much about video games but an animation a way to work up to that point because there's so many people as you can see in the chat there's just so many people that want to do character design a way to work up to that point is through storyboard revisions and that's kind of like a different subject but storyboard revisions you basically just have to clean up other storyboard artists drawings and stuff like that so but to create a portfolio based on that then just have good characters you know just draw the characters well and uh have good fundamental skills um you would be in this first bracket right here uh you would be in the second bracket you would have you would have your fundamental skills good to go and that's when uh you can move up essentially you don't necessarily need style to to start in the industry but it will help you get noticed so we'll get into that in a little bit but i ran um all right so do we want to throw somebody in here so we can start talking about portfolios and start looking at stuff uh yeah uh those that are in the waiting room right now uh that are listening uh go ahead and send coast to double a message uh not in the stream vc those that have been selected uh so uh coffee bean edu falls uh joel benart solkora and zipah are they are they watching the stream you think they'll be able to i'm gonna i'm gonna pull in uh okay i'm gonna just talk about these portfolios for a second so for those that are in the waiting room uh send me a send uh send me a message uh that you're ready to go so i can choose i don't wanna pull somebody in here that is ready man i wish i could find this guy's portfolio his old like it was a very structured portfolio and this is the cover of it but i can't you know what we're going to we're going to do perio because they've been having uh they've been having uh massive issues with uh so we're just gonna go ahead and move them to here so that we can get them out of the way okay um perry you and now ethan here you go i'm gonna be sending you their portfolio it's an art station do it for those that are uh for those that are let's take a look please please don't send me a message if you're not in the waiting room we'll get we'll we'll be pulling random people in here a little bit later nice okay i bet you were going to get a lot of these character character design stuff oh yeah is pair you in the chat it sure is hi hey what's up oh my god hi what what are you what are you doing um um uh seeing my work what do you want to be do you want to be a character designer i want to be a visual development artist and also working in concept art if possible okay so what's your dream job just tell me a little bit about yourself while i'm kind of like scrolling through your work here okay um sorry my internet has died so many times right now um sorry um well i'm not peruvian artist i my dreams are moving to california working in the animation and game industry uh this is how i applied to art school basically and and yep i want to uh work in either concept and or visual development i'm still figuring that out but i really like both and i'm um i'm very interested in all the aspects of pre-production of a project which is my goal okay so yeah uh yeah so i'm going to try to give everybody the time that they deserve it's kind of tough for me to only talk for like five minutes to somebody so i i don't want to seem like i'm rude here but i've uh i just want to kind of get to the meat of you know my advice for you so first i do want to say like you're already on your way pretty much just like your portfolio you're you're on your way to to to to uh character design like you're doing pretty good so far um let's see here i think they're going to have a delay right coastal unseen the stream to this uh yeah just a tiny bit of a delay if you want to share your screen uh and and the discord if we could go ahead and share your screen uh so that those that are in the stream are getting it uh not delayed right because i'm going to be showing the stuff and i just don't want it to be delayed here because it's not going to understand what i'm talking about let's see here i'm going to go to this i'm going to go to share my screen and then i'm going to click that thing and then you'll probably have to mute me right no because i'm no no how are you can you can you see the stream you can see a little yes they can awesome okay so you know something comes to mind here let me see if i can find another guy's um okay prepare you make sure make sure you're joining the the uh discord live stream so if you look inside the discord itself you'll see that ethan has just launched a a live stream for you if you can't see it let me know uh sorry what do i do uh so do you see in the uh in discord do you see that ethan has uh created a live stream yes go ahead and watch that live stream in the discord okay um sadly i cannot seem to enter because i'm using my phone and just just just for now watch watch from the actual stream itself and uh it'll be a little bit delayed i'll just try to keep it as a broad so you can hear it well i can't find i can't find his uh portfolio but there's a guy i believe his name is chase stanley and he did some character design for nickelodeon and all these other animation studios and he's really good at doing uh character kind of like character turns and head turns and stuff like that but what i would say is that it's really cool that you've got like different hair styles and stuff i see on these characters but if you're trying to go for a character design these type of things that maybe if you have like a small section of them see it's kind of tough for me to talk about this out of context if she can't see it but if you have maybe i can oh you can yeah okay cool well there's character designs with the hair you know having some of those that's really cool but what you want to do and what studios are looking for is to see if you can draw in a three-dimensional space which you're kind of working at right here but we want to see more of that we want to see um uh so let me let me just try to kind of demonstrate what i used to do and what i thought so what i used to do and what a lot of students do is this right here they will make which i really don't see that you're doing it necessarily right here but they'll have like this little face really cute face and they'll have a surprise face and then right here they'll have the exact same shot the exact same straight on face but they're going to have a different a different expression yada yada so it's going to be the same thing and they'll think that this is an expression sheet which it's not neces it's not really like you you can as students we need to show these companies that we can do things in multiple angles and in 3d space so right here you're kind of doing that i can see that you're like trying to go for a profile view here and this one's like a little bit of a three-quarter uh so i'm going to try to kind of give these a little bit more structure so tomorrow i'm going to be going over i'm going to have a little pamphlet or whatever ready to kind of talk about this in depth a little bit more but and i've made videos on this but basically my advice to you right now is to kind of try to go into some professional character design uh portfolios that you can find you know on the internet some really good ones and just create a template of all these of all of your favorite character designers and just try to uh break down their three quarters their profile views their characters you know looking up looking down yada yada and try to try to really get into that uh mindset and create that professional uh feel to it because i can see that you're trying to do it here it just needs a little bit more structure and the way that you can find that structure is by breaking down other professionals work and i'm sorry that i don't have these portfolios up right now i really wish i did and i think tomorrow i am i'm going to have a bunch of like beginner oh my cam turned off but i'll turn it back on you need like i'm gonna have like beginner portfolios for you guys to look at and then intermediate and then professional so uh that's pretty much my advice to you um is there any question are there any questions or anything you want to say um no no that was that was awesome really thanks i was so worried about my internet value yeah that was amazing um thank you yeah you're very well on your way so like just keep on going it's it's looking pretty darn gucci right now thank you yeah absolutely all right sling her out of here did you have to what do you think about that wave luke did you get to see any of the uh the um portfolio oh yeah i'm i'm pretty much learning myself i've never i've never uh did work considering joining uh what a company is uh looking for so that was helpful for me too yeah um so here's another example of just really quick if you're going into character design the colors these colors are cool okay but some for the most part and a lot of people don't know this on some shows you're going to have something that's called a color stylist so they if you want to do your own colors that's all gucci you can do it and it's fun but if you really want to laser focus getting a character designing job you really it's honestly it all comes down to just good draftsmanship and good drawing skills so the main thing that companies are going to notice right here isn't really the colors again do the colors have a good time create it how you want to but right here the main thing that this company is seeing is uh just how what here's a here's the thing is that the companies will see what you can't do more than what you can do so you need to present what you can do more than what you can't do and so the faster that you can get into that company the more connections you can make the people above you can help you progress once you're already in am i saying to lie to these companies what do you think about that wavelet no yeah i think you should play your your strengths always yeah yeah i agree and again how you do this you do this by uh checking out these um doing figure drawing okay breaking down photographs on the internet in very very simple forms you see how these are just two simple forms right here which this isn't necessarily the right direction but and breaking down photographs and breaking down professionals work and i'm in the process of making a video about this very scenario so i just been you guys know i've been busy with all the youtube drama and all this internet drama stuff right now so uh i'm putting videos out all right i'm working i'm working all the time okay do we have another one coming in yeah uh this is cute she's doing pretty good and i wish they didn't have such a messed up name and designed their name but just call him gucci yeah so so uh veconia oh by the way my face thing is off if you want to add that at some point costa yeah yeah yeah hey what's your name yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you said bella bella or ella can you hear me do you have good internet oh yeah okay cool uh can is there any way that i can uh do you prefer um being called uh she or he she or neither okay um can you can you sling me her uh portfolio it's a it's already in there okay i'm gonna grab it real fast just give me a second yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah everybody give costa a round of applause in the chat for being such a uh oh you gonna control this uh yeah you got it now um being such a boss well i am the most bosses of the boss round of applause this would literally not be possible if you weren't helping me out give the hand clap in the chat come on okay can you tell me a little bit about yourself hold on you gotta fix it you gotta um you go ahead bizonia um well what is it oh yeah okay well i really love the paint dart stuff i have a like i want to express a vision that i have ever since i was little so i want to create a story of my universe that i'm trying to express so i'm having kind of a tough time doing like cinematic shots for like a comic i want to do and i'm kind of struggling with that right now so that's your main goal would you say is to to create your own world create your own comic yeah and other things i have plans is like creating my 3d figurines and my own characters okay uh do you work you said it says freelance illustrator do you work as a in in like in uh just straight up freelance that's all you've ever done about four years it was just doing that nice you're also your 3d modeler huh yeah i don't have much on my portfolio for 3d though this is really good i don't have much to show i love this painting work so can you tell me like how reasonable it is to just be a freelance illustrator as opposed to going for companies like dreamworks disney or you know major gaming studios is it reasonable to be a freelance illustrator i think about that a lot and like if i had the choice of doing a studio job i would probably take it but there's that thing inside me where i just want to do my own thing yeah and it's like yeah it's really yeah if you're at that point been on my mind for a while yeah that's awesome though if you're at that point then you can just kind of do what you want um so i mean you're already in the industry so i mean you're already a freelance artist like you can obviously paint very well i have nothing to say technically about your painting skills you can paint uh better than me um so maybe i can just ask like how what do you what would you want to do in an industry do you have like a goal of going into a specific company or or what company specific is i really don't know about certain companies or a certain job like i would like to do characters okay but yeah i would also want to do like the concepts of those characters yeah actually designing them there's some really good work i like it so what do you have to say costa vizonia is uh uh one of the artists that i i personally handpicked i'm a huge fan of what they do uh just uh i i do remember giving you a minor critique before um this wouldn't be necessarily like on the portfolio side of things i think you showcase your work and you showcase it well um so it there's a clear understanding of what you're capable of and what to expect from you as an artist when you look at your art station um and and i think people should take note of that that uh vizonia is when when they showcase their work uh you're getting a clear understanding of who you're getting and and those who enjoy their work uh have an expectation um when they may look for them as a hiring out i see a lot of artists um going and just showcasing uh just random illustrations and there's no way to really distinguish even their work from each other and i've been guilty of that uh but if you're going to go down an illustrative route i would definitely uh look at the way that vizonia presents their work here you know what you're getting and that's important um because it's kind of like a personality trait you you clearly can understand just by looking at their portfolio well what their what their style is what what they're capable of but one thing um is uh that i i spoke to you about is um though you have a a fairly strong rendering ability and also some uh really uh high high level uh drawing abilities i i do believe you uh move far too quickly into the um finished stage uh of your work and i think you should maybe take a little bit more time to work out the core uh structure of your drawings before moving too quickly into the rendering aspect of things compositionally and and value-wise you're very very strong um but your your weakness is primarily uh your your gesture and um some of the the planning i i can kind of see that you brute force your way through uh paintings um and by brute force i mean like uh you're feeling it out and adjusting by eye and i i i think what's most important for you as a professional is um understanding uh your time constraints and um when you move when when you're doing a lot of the correction um uh mid painting and whatnot and you're not really focusing on the fundamental aspect of things you're adding additional time to your finished product that isn't necessary because um kind of that 80 20 principle you know 20 of the actual drawing and the fundamental stage sets up for 80 of the product and if you i really like these sketches by the way i see your sketches in here personally i would like to see more of those i'm just kind of like a sketch kind of person though so like it really depends like if you're trying to go for a studio that's going to hire you just for like straight up rendered finished pieces you know as opposed to ideas and concepts so maybe maybe you do want to put more of these sketches because these are pretty darn sick i would say just just off the top of my head that if you want to go into an industry that um that where you can produce this type of work that that you're already known for this type of stuff maybe you could look at other people who have similar work as you that that that have that that um that have worked on multiple projects or different projects and see if you want to work on those projects maybe you could contact them like just an example i'm thinking of robot pencil um he uh he he works not quite it's a bit different from yours just a little bit but it's dark as well so if you see projects that he's worked on like and this goes for other people with portfolios that if you have a portfolio that's similar to somebody else in the industry and you're pro like she's pro right now there's no question about it so if you want to kind of go into those different territories maybe you could talk to him i mean he could see your work i know he would respect your work he would respect you and your professionalism so maybe if you wanted to work some of the jobs similar to what he has that's the way that i would think about going about it but i don't even know like that's just what off the top of my head i do see this stuff and i really love his style yeah do you uh you would want to create that type of stuff you think professionally i mean like in a job i like how he so like the more illustrative aspect of it yeah yeah the way that he um he can simplify some things too and i'm really interested in what kind of uh what kind of jobs that he's worked because i just don't know it seems kind of niche but maybe this is just his personal work you know oh wow he's gotten much more stylized than he used to be this is super dope oh yeah i'd like to see your 3d stuff too whenever you start creating more of it uh wavelength i'm almost more about you're about to do more 3d stuff because i have a yeah i have a figure that i'm almost done with yeah and yeah it's that point where i'm like i do a bunch of this like digital painting but when i introduce 3d like how my audience reacts to that stuff and i'm like oh i don't know if they'll be interested in that oh are they not interested in it actually i don't know just do what you love that's what i would say you know like do what you love and people are going to follow because you're already doing some amazing stuff but uh wave loop do you have anything to say because you have work that's kind of in this vein right kind of some yeah well but uh what can i say i don't know in terms of uh uh i i would uh press what you just said now for sure just do what you love when people who love your work will follow for sure yeah don't worry about your audience or just limiting yourself that's true well uh we're gonna move on but i hope that helped in any way oh it helped a lot thank you thank you so much by the way guys um every one of the uh every one of the artists will be showcasing here uh i know that a lot of you guys would like to maybe follow them or see more of their work they i will be making an announcement and make sure the announcements on ethan's announcements is live and i will have the links to all the artists portfolios that we are reviewing today so that you guys can go follow them support them um and whatnot and uh the zonia again i i hand picked because uh i i beyond just giving a general portfolio review i i think that they deserve uh some notoriety maybe a little kickoff point from what we're capable of giving here on the stream so uh the next person so cora are you ready to go if you're listening to the stream send coast to double uh send quotes to double a message all right joe uh since the stream was kind of late i'm going to be staying for a little bit you know um we're just we're just here to kind of chill and give any advice to anybody that's uh listening i'm not here to entertain you i'm not here to make you laugh today i don't frankly care about you any of you but this is what i'm paid to do so do we have somebody yeah i'm trying to okay cora uh yeah so cora uh this is somebody i picked out uh the most recent person i showcased in the server showcase uh probably the the strongest artist uh in my personal opinion god they're [ __ ] god dude let me see it well cora i'm sending you the link right now g at cg chrysler level of execution welcome solcora welcome welcome i want to know if if you can hear me yeah just fine i can yeah okay and want to apologize for my english because i don't speak english but i'm trying yeah you should be very sorry oh my goodness your work is really good i like it uh thanks you there's some animation here yeah yeah check out chats check out their animations dude pop yeah top tier and i mean primarily that's the reason why i wanted to pull him in here because ethan maybe you can learn a thing or two well let's not go that far i'm kidding i'm kidding all right i don't learn so let's take a look here all right we've got some wind blowing that's pretty darn cool oh yeah thank you sick oh it it's old is that so old oh yeah i know that feeling oh what did you work on uh any any projects no no no no you haven't worked wait what are you doing uh i am i don't know i'm trying to get it though into the industry but i i don't live in in the usa i'm um all of them and well i'm trying to learn and oh my god making stuff good yes uh you study spencer wan is that a is that correct uh oh spencer one i i really love his his work in castlevania he's stopped here he's like mind blowing i don't know it's so um yeah he's he's good uh yeah he just started his own studio so um man i could definitely see i mean i'm sure he has his own crew and i'm not sure if he's hiring you know but i could definitely see you being hired by someone like him if not him then at least powerhouse you know somebody you're you're already like way up there pretty darn good uh oh well i'll try to thank you if he doesn't see this stream which he probably doesn't um i'll send him your work and see if he knows anybody that needs any help because you're definitely pretty darn good oh oh my gosh yeah so good thank you so much well i was i brought you in here today to see if you could if you had any an advice for me for my work uh yeah well i'm trying to to with a portfolio for for storyboarding and anime um in the part of animatic you know animatics yeah it's the part of i feel more more comfortable more okay to work for you know because i'm not good for make animation full animation you know but he always liked the storyboard part and the animated part i don't know you know yeah you would you would rather storyboard or just straight up animation um well storyboard i always make it in my mind so it's never do uh you know a step part by part i always go directly to the animatic yeah i see sorry sorry for the pronunciation i understand i think our terms for animatics is a little bit different because storyboards from my part of the industry they are called animatics it's like animatic is a little bit more of a filled out version of a storyboard or it's like an edited cut together version but you i mean this stuff is essentially just straight up animated that you have right here it's uh pretty pretty darn good uh can you tell me that's so i'm just trying to get this straight have you worked for a company or for a job have you had a gig yet no the words i have are commissions you know for random people of internet but uh never had the possibility of work in any project already i'm definitely gonna be referencing your work for my own stuff uh you're well beyond you're well well beyond me um uh do you do you have any advice for my work for my stuff like what what i could be doing better in my please please you you can say that i i really love your work also you work working in in any an amazing uh i am a series than i grew i grew with you know about their portrait oh my god culture yeah uh that that all stuff um influences my work so please you know you can say that i am a potato here all right that's the perfect answer just pretend like you're lesser than me yeah that's the right answer uh i could definitely see your work like i could see you doing some freelance for studio mirror or for rev or something because your animation is already the studio mirror is it's good for me it's like yeah they i think they're really looking at their stuff i think they're looking for some help so i'm i'm definitely going to try to get your name out there uh because you're you're pretty darn good uh i just was so surprised that i think there must be like hidden gems on the internet that just nobody's finding or what because how long have you been drawing like when did you start professionally trying to get into it up to this point how long did it take you to get to this well uh i well i started in deviantart some like five years ago and then i moved to instagram and then i continued working there and you blew out stuff and now i started using twitter but nothing else i have air station but for have more organization uh my stuff you know for not published random there i'm already following you okay i'm already following you on instagram so i already know your work i just i'm just so so so surprised that you haven't gotten go ahead by the way uh pro code's here uh oh in the chat yeah he's in the chat hey proco if you wanna if you wanna pop in jump into the discord what oh okay if i mean like i'm i'm down i'm just i'm just not ready to like i'm not in the mindset to like roast or be roasted so i'm going to be kind of slow on that so if he comes in here he's just going to demolish me probably and i'm just going to be sitting here but he's very welcome too if he wants to um man your stuff is so good i'm just so surprised that you haven't um see that you haven't been picked up by a major studio so i'm gonna just save this one [Music] uh maybe it's it's because i never asked for for for advice or send anything because i always think uh i am not close to to present my portfolio and also i'm not living in a country then i can work for them you know yeah because i am now in the in usa canada or anything of start so if i have the possibility to work with them i need to work for my home yes or yes and i think that well maybe without this situation of this year can be a possibility but you know what when you live in a country really [Music] really out of all the this media is a bit difficult yeah i totally get that there's a lot of people that have to go through just years and years of this process of trying to get into the united states and try to get jobs like certain companies in different countries and stuff so i definitely get that but uh you said about five years right it took you about five years from deviantart to this point uh yeah um i mean you really you deserve to be working for some of the most some of the major companies right now i'm gonna definitely try to look into like trying to get your name out there and talk to some people talk to some uh just just to have them look at your work you know um it is tough being from outside the united states but i mean i'm gonna try my darndest you're i have a lot to learn from you you're really good oh but oh i can i can check of all of the nerves they come ah but there are really things like your words are are are really really big to hear like i i can i can even talk but thank you thank you thank you so much um well i guess we're gonna move on i mean i have nothing to say about your i would say this if you want to get into storyboards like i don't think you have to do any more work right now but if you want to do storyboards um then just have more board work with with shots like this one has you have like shots set up and stuff like that but you don't i mean honestly you don't need anymore because you already have it all i'm just saying like if that's what you want to do is boards then then they're going to be looking for shots and these different type of camera angles and stuff like that but maybe that's not even what you want to do you know maybe you just want to go straight into layout or animation so uh honestly you're i feel like you're at a point where you can just kind of do pick your studio but yeah uh thank you so much for coming in no thanks you for for for this opportunity really uh um it means a lot for me really i'm very i'm very happy i'm happy that you're happy um yeah okay well i'll talk to you later i'll uh slide into your dms and talk to you there thank you thank you we'll pull you into a private room at some point soulcore yeah thank you all right i'll talk to you later okay bye bye all right costa we gotta talk every time you can't be pulling people in here that show me up you know this is ridiculous yo listen listen listen i told you before before i picked that person because they look at that like bro they're so good and they have no name yo they needed yeah you know what's funny is that i was completely ripping this person off for the longest time like i was just taking her expressions and her poses and i was using them you know for studies and breaking them down and just watching the animation and kind of basing some of my uh movement especially this one i already had it saved it's just like i love this comp and the the the bodies and stuff like this uh yeah it's a great work especially this one it's nice structure in this very interesting yeah i'm i'm i i you know if i if i find if i find hidden gems like that i'm gonna find a way to shove them in so what's up with the proco what's going on there uh i don't know he was in the chat if he's not in here no okay he's i'm sure he's in here i'm sure he's busy what do you say in the chat he said why don't you review my demo oh does proco have a demo yeah uh but no i i don't know i don't know what we have in chat as well too is it verified do you know who meppady is i must but also if you find proco's demo can you sling it up in the the chat over there i'd like to uh to to check it out at some point yeah hey hey hey uh uh yeah yeah um i'm going to uh i'm going to pull one of the others who are patiently waiting um and have been waiting in the waiting room here for a second um yeah uh oh somebody just sent a two bucks in am i not seeing like super chat you've been getting a ton of super chat as well however i can't post in your discord i'm new oh proco where where is your name proco send me a message oh there he is i got him i got him listen if you guys have been giving me money in super chat thank you so much i can't even see it i wish i could see it but i'm gonna try to find a way to see it by the end of this thing and then just kind of talk to you guys more uh thank you like i i wish okay is proco here yeah he's in the he's in the discord hey proco uh you've been assigned uh the role you you should be able to jump into the stream now uh if you want to hi to all the brazilians somebody in the chat said say hi i tell the brazilians hello brazilians hold on dude you speak what's up nothing it's it's funny i i pro is a funny guy hmm bro i got a story with proco i don't i don't know if he remembers it we'll we'll see is he is he trying to get in right now are we trying to slap proco in here musa kassan tom position baby sensei simon chase what is that dan who is musa hold on how on earth did they get mod status oh i think i found it it's stan lee with the d ah all right is this his portfolio this was a uh character artist uh that i met at cda and he had come in for character design or something like that and this guy was already like nailing it out of the park his stuff was just super good so this is um i mean he does 3d as well so he's kind of cheating on that aspect but he's he's so good um and this is this portfolio is kind of old so but it's still really solid to look at you know kind of cartoony stuff here but great structure very cory loftus-esque solid um just let me know if somebody's in here so oh this is kind of the stuff that i was talking about not to do uh chase can do it because he can he's already like at that level and he's already been hired essentially you know but you want if you want to do expressions and show a company that you know how to draw in a 3d space then don't just make it just one face doing all these different expressions you want to be able to do you know show off your skills um and if you don't have those skills and you got to work on them then you know here's some prop design character clean character stuff super slick look at that oh i think this is straight up for kung fu panda jesus this guy's already he was already pro before he got in the class anyway that was uh what's up i'm gonna go ahead and uh whenever proco gets his stuff together i'm gonna go ahead and pull uh another person in here um by the way guys uh this is this there we're going to be doing this for three days um we're starting the kind of first day off as a means to um uh we're starting the first day off as a means to kind of introduce people into what portfolios look like what the work looks like um all that other stuff but you know as we have more time and more days we will definitely be opening up a little bit more as well yeah tomorrow i'm going to have more of like a filled out uh like and i kind of want to do a video about this too of just the different levels of portfolios i think there's about four levels um and we'll be talking about that more tomorrow and you can if you hop in tomorrow then you can see more of an explanation on this go ahead costa yeah oh uh yeah for those of you who don't know who i am uh i'm i'm i'm ethan's boy dude yeah this is costa he's the discord guy he's my guy discord guy he's a discord guy how are you gonna give me just a discord thing you know how much stuff i do oh well i mean he's got his own flipping he's got his own company multiple companies he's got his uh he's doing oh i haven't even talked about the merch yet but he's really helping me out with the merch shipping merch printing merch oh yeah i got merch by the way go buy the merch go ahead costa yeah but me and ethan have uh me and even i've known each other for quite a while personally and a lot of uh a lot of uh people as well um yeah but regardless yeah somebody was like that that guy's just the mom like how dare you oh no he's not just a mod how dare you how dare you just call me a mot uh but anyways uh regardless um we're gonna go ahead and pull in one other right now um and for those that have been sticking around also please go follow waveloop if you haven't already waveloops is another good friend of me defense but also an incredibly talented artist yeah he's been given some good advice he's a slick player in the artist game pretty darn cool uh i thought i had his work up here please notice me proco you have you have you have the big dog roll you can literally slide into the stream at any point cosa can you just slide him in here i can't he's not locked into he's not in any voice channel i can't just pull him in all right well meanwhile until he's ready to come in here guys and gals this is my merch i'm not sure if you noticed but if you go to my flipping instagram uh it should have been in this description but i've got uh i've got flippin merch and a link into my instagram you go there hashtag free freaking etsy get yourself one of these suckers put it on see through my eyes for once in your flippin life and uh and there's only like 46 of them i i don't even know if there's they might be sold out but you need to go check that out and also i have prince for the first time uh uh that methody is all also in here i don't know who methody is who's meppady i don't know but they're verified on youtube hashtag important hashtag important thank god oh that video i'll go ahead and uh and just uh yeah there you are i'll just assume that you're you're one of the best artists to ever live and uh how do you spell your instagram methody big dog you is it big dogu no i said we'll big dog you cause uh you get big dog roll and uh if you get a big dog roll and the discord you kind of have free reign to the whole [ __ ] to the whole flipping thing look at this sucker all right these these are some prints right here you go check these suckers out i believe i'm printing these right here um go check out bobby's he has other portfolio reviews for people of color and to help that community and to really help people being noticed recognized in the industry and just kind of help you know people out in general so bobby is bobby and rise up animation some flipping amazing stuff right here um also has some like extremely jacked arms i've heard he's like super swoll i saw a picture of him arm wrestling zack retz one time i think it was bobby anyway i just wanted you guys to know that because that was pretty cool uh he's a strong guy anyway what were you saying yeah uh by the way we have coffee bean here i'm gonna go ahead and send you their portfolio coffee bean coffee bean or blue ginkgo i do remember seeing this person's work i highlighted them but they were actually picked by staff for you to review so here you go here's the link uh for uh jillian haye close to double oh pro can we hear coco's up in here oh wait is he here no he's not here yet but pogo's been in the in the youtube chat but i don't know why like he says the thing is blocking my uploads now uh proco says where do i slide into the stream proco we're gonna get on we're gonna get to the bottom of this right now proco all you have to do is join any voice channel just join any voice channel anywhere on the server and i will pull you into the stream that's simple proco i'm so sorry okay so this is is it gillian hello oh can you guys we can hear you we can okay hey um it's jillian jillian yeah thank you guys so much by the way for picking me i really appreciate it we're gonna try to get through as many people as we can uh can you say something can you say something for the audio thing uh can you hear me yeah yeah those are some good words okay okay gil gillian right julian gillen jillian yeah okay uh you prefer she uh yes okay your work is looking pretty flippin cool so far you've got your own like taste you got these your own color palette um uh this character designs i like this grassy this is looking sick oh a nice little potion backpack this is y'all this is a portfolio right here i like this is this proco proco hello he's muted uh but yeah yeah we'll get this in a second okay um this is pretty darn cool i like the like originality here so this is what's going to differentiate this person's um portfolio than of a lot of other people's is like um innovativeness within these designs look this is like a flipping i'm assuming like a bamboo uh water dingle that you just drink out of is that right or like some kind of liquid holder yes and you got flipping succubuses coming out the side of the backpack with the mushrooms and like the potions and stuff so this is going to like stand out if you're applying to a studio then then they're going to like it i mean of course it depends on which specific studio but if you specifically go in saying like okay i'm gonna apply to this gaming studio that does a lot of zelda stuff or whatever this is in that vein and they're gonna be like we want this person because this is all very creative and innovative you know to to that style so what do you have to say for yourself i mean i i'm actually kind of surprised because i feel like my sort of style is kind of how do i put it like not really something that i've got a lot of like compliments on i usually have people telling me that i need to like do more rendered more painterly um so i'm actually really surprised by that because i get really nervous about my style because i don't do painting very much oh you what do you rather um i i like to do liner and i like to do sort of like cell cell shading and flat color um but i think it might just be that the school environment that i'm in oh you're at school right now oh yeah i'm at art school okay but yeah they really like to push um like highly rendered highly detailed and that's why i kind of get nervous um sometimes when i'm applying to performance because i feel like maybe my style is too different or it's not like it's too it's not what they're looking for if that makes sense yeah um i mean it is almost niche this situation that's going on right here but it's cool you got like this your own comic thing too so you have storytelling you have like shot design so you could easily apply for like a storyboard revisionist or something like that i feel like yeah so so this is here this is a good here's a good time to talk about this if you want to be a character designer if you want to start out i mean if you want to be a character designer it's up here you can start it by being a storyboard revisionist down here to work your way up to that but let's say you don't know how to be a revisionist necessarily look at comics because comics have shots set up they have character designs within them and it shows you know how to do storytelling so this is a really good example this is some flipping storytelling right here you can post this and be like i want a revisionist job i know how to sell a story i know to do some shots and clean up stuff so i'm not sure if that's what you want to do though is it what do you want what's your goal um my goal is actually to be a storyboard artist although i didn't really sort of um figure that goal out until literally this summer so that's kind of why i feel like my portfolio was a bit all over the place because beforehand i had been trying to apply for like concept art positions and background layouts yeah that's the way it goes like sometimes you're just scattered i was definitely scattered because i was like vis-dev vis-dev means everything storytelling background design character design storyboarding essentially in some cases it's like painting rendering but the thing is is that you can do all that and it's fun but if you want to get there get into the industry faster and get seen by people sometimes you need to focus on you know the fundamentals which is like just straight up line drawing sometimes but you already have like a really good start um where's my mouse uh yeah you're you're really good do you have like a favorite piece that you want me to look at or oh look at that oh i mean i guess probably the invisible city stuff has some of my my my i would maybe consider more some of my favorite pieces it's what i use whenever i like market myself invisible city let me oh icse let me look nice bird i always like a good bird okay cool let's check i mean honestly like you're at stage four which we'll be talking about tomorrow but you're at stage four where you're already good enough to kind of enter the industry i feel like you just need to start making contacts and start contacting people that that you want to see your work like like-minded studios like-minded people you know you're not going to jump into dark concept design for last of us you know you're going to be applying to other people i mean there's a lot of projects going on at netflix that are similar to this that are in this vein dreamworks for sure is huge on this and you just got to start like contacting people meeting people on the internet creating those relationships and it's the hardest part honestly that's the hardest part is putting that foot in that door and i did it through in-person interaction at cda at concept design academy where you literally meet other students and teachers and you talk to them and i'm sure we're going to be talking to proco here in a second if the if the fellow is still around i would love to talk to him and see how you can talk to uh just like how do you do that is he here can can he talk can you guys hear me oh my god it's proco hi uh so proco in the pandemic how do students go about actually like talking and you know getting i don't say personal but getting like personal with students and teachers and being in a community and reaching out how do they do that right now they don't oh god all right i'm sorry i don't know i mean what do you mean by getting personal uh just about as personal as it gets is like you know that's a that's a good point yeah that's a good point maybe maybe the thing is to join communities like this join communities like discord to meet people and do what we're doing right now right yeah exactly everything's pretty much just online right now i wouldn't uh try to go out you wouldn't try to like go up to peop to a professional artist in their home and like jump through their window they're not going to want you there we'll see i'll see if i can find out where you live and we'll we'll see but uh um so how did you are you technically in an industry proco how did can you explain to me uh what are you wait wait real quick ethan uh real quick okay before we go on uh do we have anything else for coffee bean here before we start oh yeah um coffee bean uh i'm not i'm not sure like what to tell you you're at stage four you're like uh there's always stuff to work on you know but i feel like you're doing classes right you're still in school yes i'm graduating next year okay yeah just stick that out learn as much as you can and keep sometimes it just takes time to develop your own taste but as of right now if you're saying that you want to do boards laser focus that you know focus on storytelling anytime a teacher gives you an assignment see if you can round that back to doing storytelling or doing boards or doing shot design uh you know focus on what it is that you want because everything else is there it's going to grow naturally colors and whatnot awesome thank you so much i really appreciate this oh yeah absolutely i'll be seeing you around soon i suppose hopefully all right cool i'll talk to you later bye bye that was nice that was nice wasn't it okay coffee bean i mean pro co are we here i'm here people are saying my volume is low i don't know oh let me blast you real fast all right you guys just go ahead mr poker you remember when you came to my house what who are you yeah yeah it was a while ago we we've only met twice and the second time you were in my house oh my goodness okay you can you explain please he did what they said not to do yeah yeah you came to my house and you and you and you stormed in uh and that's actually 100 true because i lived with ross tran and uh oh yeah okay and you you uh you came to i was living with ross and you came to our house i was the uh ripped up dude downstairs oh yeah of course i remember you and this is your picture in this in the uh in the discord without your shirt on huh yeah wait did you say i don't know did you say proco was ripped no no yeah no pro proco you'll never you'll never know this but when croco takes his shirt off um he's actually a statue of david whoa everybody right now that's watching please draw some proco being ripped i want to see that stuff in the discord as soon as possible like i can't picture it in my head that's why i want to see it in illustration i mean be kind but just make it ripped anyway proceed proceed on him being ripped yeah so what do you remember you of course oh person without me being ripped yeah you're pretty ripped are you still as ripped as you were before no i lost a little bit of i lost i lost a little bit of muscle i'll get back there but but i mean you did barge into my house and uh you did you did just completely you know you started tearing up the walls and cursing out people yeah what not like it was it was it was a good time uh now you didn't do anything you were you actually you're actually a fantastic listen coco is actually a fantastic person in real life what do you mean actually actually like like do people assume i'm a dick or what like no there's a lot there's a lot there's a lot of people who are like uh like on youtube do you really like that he's actually a good dude in real life he was very kind uh he was he was very open and easy to talk to i got a lot of respect for you because the cameras were rolling man we i can't can't be real with the cameras no camera you came in there was always cameras there were cameras ross ross was holding cameras so yeah what were you what are you doing for uh lightbox proco i just did a demo that i want you to review man oh i've been working on all that advice you gave me in your um your video about uh yeah how did it come out yeah i've been improving a lot i'm glad to hear that it it was much needed you know yeah okay oh where is it let's see if i can find it i don't know can i drop it into this audio chat or is this uh you can if you want to drop the link uh you can either direct message it to me or you can um you can drop it into uh the green room text chat on the top so if you scroll up to the top we have a really big discord here so yeah i was very confused yeah and anytime i drop anything in now it just like makes a sound and then it doesn't appear uh yeah just direct message it to coast to double or myself and i roller i'll get it to ethan message i am new to can i just email you bro like you knew the technology no it's a discord i'm not on discord yeah you can you can you can here i'll email it to uh i'll send well uh you know everybody's gonna email you you know no i'm just yeah yeah yeah yeah so proco um do you prefer waffles or pancakes let's get this straight right now oh man that's a hard one yeah and it's gonna last forever because it's on the internet so um i probably like pancakes better but by a very very little amount how little like like like it doesn't even matter well it kind of sounds like it does from where i'm sitting all right i'm gonna i'm gonna cool off for a second now uh why pancakes just the pancakes i've had are better than the waffles i've had okay this is valid so far this is a stupid conversation is this what your streams are always like uh blame the chat this is i give the people what they want okay so uh proco i'll just send you i guess you're not finding it so i'll just send you a message on instagram yeah i i you put here but you didn't send me the email i've tried dropping it into discord dude it doesn't let me put images oh it doesn't oh no it just says something went wrong oh that's oh try try to do it again there okay now i got your email and i'll email you i don't know what your hair looks like so i'm just gonna give you some kind of buzz cut but uh somebody told me to draw him with pancakes that's a very good idea thank you for whoever said that if you would like you need to make croco look like the statue of david uh holding a plate of pancakes and uh and uh i'm gonna make them raining everybody take their shirt off uh i can't like i gotta say the community's gonna do like a 180 on you because of this pancake debunkle right now like this is not a you're not looking very good so far i might have to make another video uh well my son prefers waffles and where did he get that from though that's the question ah we were in a grocery store and he saw some waffles with mickey mouse on them and then he just like i want that and then for the wrong reasons what can you son is three dude okay he's got some time i guess um i just can't believe it because but i mean that's almost a valid point though because you haven't had the right waffle you know that that can kind of make sense dan do you mind do you mind if i censor this a bit sensor oh the d yeah yeah it's uh yeah hey hey uh hey um my name's ethan ethan yeah oh dude i'm taking over it's it's they're forgetting your name already oh no it's it's it's uh it's yanny dude the youngsters it's yawning so full glory so he drew a bed a lot of glory man he's he drew a bad thing oh no no this is a fantastic piece you did yeah you did very well thank you you can see about a third of his uh yeah i know i just gotta i gotta i thought a third of a d is is okay for youtube but my live stream today got age restricted uh-oh and it's not even the photograph that i used was was censored i i so were you trying to like destroy this stream right now poco like yours yeah you're trying to get me demonetized no i didn't think about it honestly but it's like a good thing you guys are professionals and you realize that so yeah you should you should censor don't give ethan more credit than these do that's that's me that's all i have everybody thinks it's so funny so funny today how many abs are you giving me oh just as many as you deserve uh and also welcome to methody uh also uh another notable artist that a lot of people like uh oh hi i didn't i'm so i'm so sorry i didn't realize i accidentally joined the stream who's that oh is that memphis yeah this is nick hi uh i feel like i'm an imposter i shouldn't be here everybody feels that way except for me but yeah that makes sense uh hey here here um i i'm giving you a censored version of this okay i'm gonna review this proco thing and then you and i can have a have a bit of a spat sweet okay and then we're gonna we have three more people uh that i want um to uh ensure and get their time with ethan today as well so just a heads up okay uh yeah again everybody we're going to be streaming tomorrow um it's it's uh we're just figuring it out you know we're getting our little toes underneath us i mean i did not expect poco to be here this is honestly it's really really great uh so we're just going to keep saying that people are going to think that's my actual name oh is it is it not any okay we'll we'll get to that later so man okay well i'm not forgetting i mean they're not forgetting so let me see oh it's you said you uploaded it right yeah it's in you it's in your dms and yeah dude it's stan proco that's papa romeo oscar kilo oscar oh my pink oh god how dare you show our our very esteemed guests such disrespect wait a minute so did you did you draw this poco poco wait did you actually think my name was was poco i thought you were joking in your video is that real no no okay now i actually feel insulted no no no he's not he's messing with me yeah i'm just messing i'm just messing okay now what about that leaf that leaf needs to be way bigger oh yeah like a square so did you draw did you draw this of you of me the the image about the yoni drawing yeah you drew this one why which yes that that's my the only one holy and this is you is that right yeah that's the self-portrait holy moly when you're ripped i yeah i gotta like step up my game i've gotta like cut back on the the food and the working out because i've to get to that level again you know i'm a little bit a little bit past it but i can work my way back there that's so cool dude the uh when did you draw that i just did it in today's live stream took me 45 minutes no way are you serious you actually drew this today no i did oh okay yeah no i drew it uh last weekend no are you i still can't tell if you're messing with me and uh no we drew it last weekend i don't know why you can't believe i drew it okay i don't know i just didn't think you were like an artist but this is like really good okay okay so that's funny like i was just wondering how you look naked and now i can see it that's so cool um well i might as well just go ahead and trace over these legs to kind of add those legs there but i'm i don't know why i'm so impressed but i'm just like really uh really impressed you see how big costa made that red box no way you you need to make the leaf just as big okay you're it's not accurate man all right let's do this i can't believe i i can't believe like a part of me is like all right i'm gonna go search this picture afterwards just to see if he's telling the truth but then another part of me is like there you go heck yeah let's do it yeah um go to go to my youtube channel you'll see that's the last thing i heard well yeah that's the last thing that happened is this live stream and and then i'll see like the full image there and then get demonetized that's what you're going for no it's actually zoomed in on the torso okay i'll just tell everybody to go check it out um if you want to learn some figure drawing you know uh so hey i actually have an interesting question how do you feel about presenting your body nude um in front of people for everyone to see because i have actually done this same thing i didn't draw myself but i've i was nude in front of people how do you how does it make you feel i i can't tell if you're being serious now no i'm i'm serious i have whenever i first came to los angeles i i was a a um a model like i made money doing some of that so there was a i did it like three times so there's uh some nude pictures of me out there somewhere but i had long i had longer hair you have to find them everybody please start doing your research and find someone who is in that class yeah it was a price they were they were private sessions uh but uh i had longer hair then too so but yeah good time uh yeah yeah actually um so how does it make you feel to be well that's not me dude that's yoni but but yeah no that's not you no that mean that looks exactly like you yeah i can't believe you lied to me you made me out myself i never said that what the heck what the hell i mean i guess i i did but it was just because you said it was me and i thought you were joking so then i oh my god i would never lie to you what is going on here i can't believe that you quick ethan real quick okay go ahead yeah yeah uh uh uh i i do want to make sure uh that we we get through the the next three that are that are patiently waiting as much as i okay i'm enjoying this conversation yeah me too i can i can leave you guys i feel like i wanna i wanna talk i wanna talk later you can stay but uh we can talk later too yeah but let's we'll have we'll have a we'll have uh we have a room in here um it's called the green room and that if you guys would like to talk uh a little bit more later on a little bit more serious note we we can most definitely do that and uh all those that have been listening today uh again uh just for those that are that are new that this stream is being recorded but all the artists that have been reviewed um those that uh are not of uh stands notoriety or anything you guys will have the opportunity to check out their social medias um please keep your announcements at least on for just today so that you can get the links for the artists uh that have been participating in getting their portfolios reviewed i do want to make sure that they get some of uh somewhat of a shout out and some followings because each one of them has been doing fantastic work so i still can't believe he freaking lied i'm sorry i still can't believe it like wait what did i lie about to lie about this being you for one but also to lie about the size of your of girth like that's that's like a double whammy i'm sorry well let's move on let's move on all right uh bethany do you mind you mind hanging out here just for a little bit while well unbelievable through one more of the portfolios sure sure yeah of course okay sandra you're i mean your your your royalty here so you you can do it you please um oh let me make sure you guys are ready you got a oh wait are we talking to me uh no we're gonna move one of the uh i do want to kind of move through though because they've been patiently waiting for all right i don't want them uh to it's not fair to them even though these have all been wonderful surprises they've been great sports yeah sitting back in those things there's at one point i had a creep show art come on to the chat uh she's also another youtuber that's more of like a drama essential and that really took me by surprise like she showed up and everybody was like oh creep show art is here and i just couldn't believe it uh that was really cool she donated like 20 bucks or something which blew my mind but uh yeah maybe at some point we could talk to creep show art in the future just spitting that out there we're going to move wrath into here right quick okay wrath yeah but uh joel ben art joel ben art i went ahead and sent you the link ethan uh for their website and uh i always think it's nice when people make websites as opposed to using uh pre-established galleries i think that sure that oh yeah does that's really sick look at that whoa uh uh proco you just chime in whenever you want to look what is that i can't see what you're looking at oh you can't and i think if you click you're only you're only sharing i believe your photoshop yeah oh okay all right let me just do that really fast how many people are left costa two more people after this one okay you're pretty much and we and uh you congratulations you've broken your own record uh with the 2400 consistent viewers yeah that's cool right now that's so cool i'm glad that everybody's joining uh it just warms my little heart see if i can change the stream unlike pro coaches all right i can see it in uh the u that on in the youtube stream now screens that's cool screen too this uh this person is a character designer hey what's up you your work is uh pretty darn gucci so far what are have you been in the industry for long or what's going on um i've been freelancing for about two years now just full-time art but um yeah that's about it for right now i want to do concept art and character design have you ever worked for a major studio before no i think the biggest client i've gotten is uh fantasy flight which is uh board game stuff nice so do you think you want to like eventually go to that get to that point are you pretty chill with just doing illustration i mean uh freelance sorry i'm all for i'm all for a studio honestly i've been freelancing like i said pro for like three years but i've done a lot of part-time art before and um it's a it's a very lonely job right so yeah i think in a studio if you have like a a team around you you also get a lot better a lot faster and you get to learn from a lot of different approaches so it's true yeah and your work is really good though i'm digging it do you have anything to say about it proco um i think it looks pretty awesome agreed uh i think a team a company would definitely benefit having you around you're thinking more like gaming is that you're more in line what you're doing yeah man on bioware bethesda you know yeah fallout stuff would be great i think that's the the most updated stuff i have on the portfolio is for like a fallout pitch uh yeah i mean you like a lot of people that we've had so far pretty much tier four of like you're already doing it you just kind of you know got to put yourself out there and get into a community where people will see you more if you wanted to go into that into those industries but like you i mean that's what you're doing and you're already kind of you're already kind of on your way dude this i love these see a lot of these character a lot of these concept design portfolios or concept e-ish portfolios the problem is some of them are just so can be very stale you know and if you're trying to get into concept design look at sparth sparth is a really good example of doing concept-y work-ish but keeping it fresh still adding color and it can still be desaturated but it still makes things pop and you don't just go full on just desaturated dark and kind of boring-ish stuff um of course that's just my own flavor though so but like right here this is i love this these pops of like purple with these this green and like this green and orange is like super poppin pretty pretty much pop-pop it's like sick i love it uh but that's of course my flavor if you want to go for a specific studio you kind of take what they do and take what you do and then kind of put your own little spin to it that would be my advice is like try to kind of do what they do but with your own little spin ish i don't know what do you think about that uh i'm sorry what's your name julio julio what do you think about that advice yeah i think i think it's spot on i sort of started going into really saturated coloring uh while i was blowing up on instagram so i try to go into more colorful approaches to things and uh and hopefully like i said bethesda which is like a fallout very dreary kind of colorful uh palette they have um sees the pop that i added to my concepts and sort of like yeah uh that would be my main advice pretty much so everybody is to like laser focus see the studio that you want studio studios and then just kind of do what they do but both your own little spin to it that's of course that's not if you want to blow up on instagram or do all this other stuff to build an audience that's different i'm talking about building a portfolio to get hired in a niche in a company in a field yada yada what do you have to say about that proco do you agree yeah i agree i you know i like how his characters um like all his designs are different he's not using any kind of template or pattern that you know sometimes i'll look at people's character designs and a lot of them are very similar and they could tell their they they figured out something that works and then they just keep doing it but his have a lot of variety yeah this too yeah this is like that's iconic and i don't think i've ever seen anything like that that's really cool thank you guys yeah yeah um you're pretty good you're pretty much a freak it's pretty weird uh a lot of work i love this one too yeah it's great i love the pops man you do a pop-pop nice pop-up color blue that's cool i don't have anything to say again i'm sorry that i can't help you except just to tell you that you're doing great that's good news man that's better than no news right i guess so well we're gonna move on then uh thanks for stopping by you have anything else you want to say um no thank you guys so much for the time and i appreciate it appreciate the feedback i appreciate their words man thank you sick flip him out of here and we're gonna move on yeah we'll get the we'll get the other two out of the way we'll talk to bethany a little bit maybe a little bit more maybe a little bit more and we'll get the other two out of the way and i think uh for those that are viewing right now um i think it's important to note that this is kind of a yeah we're kind of giving you a good idea of uh what your competition is and uh what people are looking like that may not already be uh super established in the industry um i think tomorrow we're going to be focusing a little bit more on those that are maybe uh stage one stage two artists exactly and uh we'll we'll we'll start looking at maybe the most common things that artists make mistakes on so when they're when they're starting yeah so this is friday this is today um we're going to be looking at other people in state at tier four but vibe check this is mainly me saying like um you're at a tier level these are these are portfolio levels i'm just gonna write that really quick port levels you understand these are portfolio tiers um you know what i'll just draw a little tear just so you know uh just to make it just to make it clear that's clear right so vibe check is like you're good to go you're already your portfolio is really gucci now you just need to check your vibe make sure you're good to work with you're nice to people you can take criticism well and vibe check with other people vibe and meet people like poco what's up hold on keep talking yeah just vibe yourself and um make sure that you're presentable and that you're trying to get out of your bubble and talk to other communities because already all flippin ready i'm meeting people who are well past or on stage four tier four and they're not even like in major studios yet i mean a lot of it is to do because they're out of the country or out of the united states because there's not just united states you know that's there's multiple studios everywhere but some of the major ones are in the united states and nobody seems to know about them because they're not putting themselves out there they're not getting into communities sometimes and trying to um put their foot in that type of door but sometimes that's not what people want like this dude that we just talked to maybe he wants us to do freelance and chill but he said he likes to you know get in the studio and talk with people and yada yada so there's different types stage four vibe check check your vibe uh that guy he was cool i liked him vibe check pass good to go who are we talking to we're going to talk to edu walls hello can you hear me hey what's up yes hey first of all sorry for my english but hey here i am no it's good whenever you want i am ready yeah where are you from i am from barcelona barcelona great city all right everybody in the chat that's a barcelona gang you just send out a barcelona gang and we'll check that out in a second but uh we have his work right you sent his work yeah sick let me check it out uh how do you say your name that's awesome oh yeah very stylized i like this i'm getting some feedback from your mic so i'm going to try to keep my voice down a little bit i'm going to try to keep my voice a little bit lower wow that's pretty sick i like these big ears right here that's like iconic that seems seems to be your thing um so are you in a studio you're looking to be in a studio what's up i am a freelancer about part-time about a year ago i have started and i am working mainly for board games oh okay uh explain to me as a freelance artist is this freelance artist you doing this right here what you're doing versus working in a studio is this viable like what you're doing um do you think if you're talking to a student would you tell them you have to get in the studio or you can actually make a living doing what you're doing right now i think it's a part of time it's hard to start because you have to get an a lot of clients to get they will keep moving so at the start if you can have other words to start getting money but eventually i think that you can go freelance with her pros and her cons you have to work a lot of hours all the days are working yeah is it hard to find work for you for me it had been hard because i i went to um like the board game con in in germany that is like the most important in the world and i was knocking doors and showing my work and i this year i got started getting more and more work yeah can you explain to me like how you got your first job and how you presented yourself just to students to be like who have work and they don't know how to get out there okay so in i was explaining in this board game con that is celebrated in germany i sent first of all email to introduce myself and then i was going to to for stance asking for who is the who is the chief here and showing my work and with no shy and some of them like it and call me then later so at the end you have to search it in areas that you feel comfortable and you think you know it yeah okay uh where was your work pretty much at this position point right now whenever you applied or whenever you talk to people did it look this good yes of course this work because it was uh one year ago mainly all the work that i have been doing this last year i cannot show it because it's not [ __ ] yet yeah so all of this is one year and the other thing i work with in my comic book so i can show i can show it but i in my instagram i have some some panels okay but that's it i know mainly of the time i or working in the comics or working in the board game project so i don't have many time to develop my my portfolio nowadays so when i can start put all the recent work i do in the board games i can update a little bit my my portfolio okay i want to say something just really quick about this portfolio it's flipping good but i'm gonna make a a point here i'm gonna make sure to i'm gonna turn you down just for a second just to turn the mic down so um this portfolio it kind of goes to show that if you're a student and you want to do your own thing you can get hired for it you can you can you can do this type of work you don't have to start at a bottom tier like i was saying before and do all of these like you don't have to be a board revisionist and then work your way up to character designer to visual development you don't have to do that what this person did is he did his own thing and then he went to companies and was like you know i it's more of like a niche thing does it mean you're going to be hired at disney doing this that's kind of um i wouldn't say unlikely but that's a it's a bit more difficult but in his position he went out to smaller studios you know or studios in his area so that for him that's an option you don't have to start at a bottom tier you can go in and do your own thing like this it's just that he he's pretty darn solid all right looking at this this bus is solid he's flipping drink is solid the burger's solid for his niche for the thing that he's going into he's good he's good to go like he doesn't have to start off as a like at a certain position anyway i just want you to know that the way i'm doing it and the way that a lot of other professionals have done it it's not the only way you the more you get out talk to people like this other uh freelance artists you can see that there's so many different ways to do it so don't don't listen to me don't always listen to me is my point all right i'm going to unmute you i want to see what you have to say about that what do you have to say about that yes a lot of ways are are valid no it's uh you have to feel comfortable you have uh to have no fear because you always have the no so try it they don't gonna put you in the blacklist no you can always go after and get better no and they will appreciate and try to to enjoy it learn and enjoy it learn and enjoy it because if not you will get tired of it and sick of it yeah uh your your work is really good i'm sorry that i really don't have anything to say about it it's just like very niche and this company that hired you they hired you for that reason they see your work and i'm sure they want you to do this specific type of stuff uh am i right yeah i always like to think every project have a singularity and i try to in my style give it a her old look for example these like more dark edges are more sketchy watercolor and and the more sci-fi food trucks are more clean more more rendered so i always try to give every project a particular look so and i think that companies enjoy this too because they go to me with an idea and i get feedback so and for the overall look that her project will have yeah oh man i really like these sketches um well anyway we're gonna move on because i i don't have anything to say except for like keep on doing it it's what you're doing is awesome and uh i hope this helped in some way uh uh yeah do you have a any advice that you want to give me perhaps eduardo no where'd he go is he still here oh can anybody hear me cosa oh no proco uh oh oh my internet's going down all right i'm assuming that youtube is still streaming let's see let's keep let's keep this going let me figure out this uh let me see what's going on here hey oh man my discord give me a seven in the chat if you can still see the youtube uh stream can you hear me hey can you can you hear me oh they can still hear me can you hear me oh no oh no all right if all right we're going to get back to it here in a second as soon as this stuff is fixed i mean you all know how discord is right uh all right i'm gonna close my discord that was a really good conversation i wish i could have kept it going but we're gonna move on here in a second uh well let's see what's going on and i gotta tell y'all about uh um flippin wacom like none of you know about wacom and you gotta hear more about it uh no root rtc connecting all right what we're going to do is i can see costa talking all right what we're gonna do is i'm gonna let discord think about its actions for a second i'm going to uh use the bathroom i'm gonna be right back we're gonna hit up this last person and then we're gonna talk to poco this uh so there we go sorry about yeah just this tour went and crashed i mean i'm not sure if you guys know but in southern california right now there's some crazy fires going on and like right outside my window it's super hazy i don't see any fires anywhere near me necessarily but i'm not sure if that has anything to do with it probably not but uh we're good to go what were you guys talking about i'm just catching up um but yeah we have zipa vico let's get through that this last one right quick shoot and i gotta go while still on stream i gotta go get some some gosh darn uh jigs so who's uh uh we're gonna do zipavika okay i'm gonna pull them in right now the uh god it's good to be back zipa if you can hold on i gotta get ethan your portfolio okay and i'm going to give him your art station all right i want to see some serious fan art of uh proco with his with his pancakes i actually think zepa might have some funny images as well in there okay yeah yeah they do the sailor moon redraw yeah yeah let's check it out where are you you sent it to me right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i am going to i while still on the stream okay i got seven percent battery still i'm gonna i'm gonna be grabbing some cigarettes so i will be away from the computer ethan but i'm still gonna be here okay man thank you look at that wow i the likeness it just looks exactly like me thank you for the sailor moon fan art you're welcome i'm gonna go ahead and share you my screen so you can see what i'm what i'm looking at here what a beautiful piece of art so are you currently a freelance illustrator what is your name zipa um yes exactly um not really as a this is my artist name my actual name is victoria short vika okay vega yes and currently i'm just maybe starting out freelancing maybe doing it for a year properly a while back then i think one year prior i have done more being at conventions um selling my art at booth and graduated in 2019 at the beginning of 2019 with a degree in art in the field of animation oh my goodness thanks wow you um you won in concept design reference or content design thingy online that's so cool yes character design yeah character design that's what it's called yeah oh wow look at this one oh no oh no you're really good thank you wow that's so beautiful with the pattern behind it wow that's like a straight up poster right there it's so beautiful yeah you're very you're what i call an artiste you're like you're an actual uh you're not like a fake one of these fake artists out here you're actually creating art all right i i what i do i love and i cannot imagine doing something else that's that is such an artist thing to say wow because if i won't be able to pursue the stuff i dream of i become a very sad and miserable individual oh no yeah i kind of i kind of get that where um were you born and raised born i was born in russia somewhere in nowhere between all the black forest and now living here in germany studied film and animation most of the time i've been animating with spine2d but now with my freelance work i'm doing most of the time illustrations and trying to [Music] get myself noticed on social media why i would love to do more to hone my 2d animation skill so in the hope i can later become an animator in the studio wow i feel like you could be running a studio right now this is like solid the thing is i would love to just almost every aspect of animation just from storyboarding from the beginning from the planning from the writing to the end where the compositing where all the stuff gets uh track together and then you see all this finished work after so many long hard months yes just it's an amazing feeling how much would you say of your of yourself being raised in russia or germany comes out into this into this art like do you use your childhood a lot to put into this yes some of the works i have used a lot of my childhood especially like in the flower crown but this is more of a very sad story not really a very upsetting story and the other one where you seen with this pattern this is actually i also have a personal story behind it if you would click on that again with it's aniba not this one but the one red right right right on the right yes this one there is a story because this reminds me pretty much of my own grandma and back then what kind of beds and the carpets on the wall and as a child i was pretty much afraid of this carpet because it looked to me like a giant eye and now i'm kind of incorporating this in my work are you still scared of it nah no i'm actually kind of fascinated and even thinking about some ideas to make it into some sort of fun um in animate object yeah like with some sort of a characteristic it moves or it starts to blink oh yeah sort of magical stuff yeah that's what you're kind of into is the magical whimsical type of feel oh yes and i would really love to do more on this topic you're very yeah you're very technical too like you have a lot of crazy technical skills like you were saying in animation and uh you were talking about the ending or the later in the process of con what is it composition um compositing yeah compositing and like yeah all those type of skills that's uh not a lot of people know how to do that so it feels like you're just a one-person studio at this point uh very impressive a lot more people need to see your work i feel like this is beautiful stuff thank you oh i like this piece i think if i would oh go ahead um but i think if i would want to hold my skill in 2d i think i till i got to the level like the soul cora before me i think it is will take a while man this is some good stuff though i want to say just real fast to students because a lot of this stuff is so good that i don't really have i can't say anything to you know to them so in turn i can't really say anything to the students and try to help you do better except i can point out what she's doing right here and a lot of students work this piece would have been something probably like this probably would have ended up being something like this and so whenever you're adding color you don't realize that a lot of color isn't actually that saturated if you want things to make it make it pop you just put it next to something that is less slightly less saturation so if you click right here check out this wheel this is not saturated it's it's gray every if you go and do some plein air painting outside which i want to make a video at some point is you'll notice all of these things are compressed into grays that's not actually as colorful as you think it is and so this color right here let's see what's the most saturated probably this right here look that's not even that saturates barely making it past the 50 mark so don't think for a second that it needs anything needs to be that saturated next time you go paint a character does not you don't need to add that much um uh color and she's doing that so well here uh it's so gorgeous so these like very subtle cotton candy go ahead it's also called the quality contrast quality chronic quality contrast this is where one specific color is so over saturated while every other colors are more back down so the one color just pop in the illustration and takes the main attention yeah and also if you see here the value changes if i make it like this very subtle very very subtle you don't need something to be so high in contrast this is probably the main thing i see students do is that they make just something so high in contrast and concept arty that well i can't really show it here because her contrast is actually so subtle but uh like this see that's just like well it's really hard to show because your painting's already so darn good but uh you have you can keep things subtle within within value change uh so like this right here to that it's different colors pop pop you're making it pop through there you're not making it pop through darker or lighter that much you know just be just be subtle with it the more you break down professionals work like this the more you're going to realize you don't need to make these drastic changes it's in the subtleties the breathing room of these paintings but anyway that's one thing that i could say would help students out from your work i think thank you yeah go break down this work if you're wanting to paint some great very subtle changes especially this piece oh this is beautiful um yeah so are are you looking for work right now are you pretty much set yeah i'm looking for work i'm kind of planning to [Music] set my stuff to send my stuff to different studios but the thing is it's really hard to get into and science many people throw themselves to all different kinds of studios they just can simply cherry pick people and like taking either the best or the cheapest possible yeah person i don't know but it's really hard yeah like i honestly i have no clue because i'm just straight up in the middle of you know the industry one of the industry capitals here in the usa so i can't say that i know how it feels but like i i think i definitely need to kind of learn about it more and to see you know just to be able to help students and tell people give advice on this of like how to how to get around these situations and like because some like you said some companies are hiring cheap like how do you how do you get around that i need to talk to some more people maybe interview some more people about these situations and see how they did it better you're better than me you know probably the possibility would be trying to get to reach more studios even if it means then that you have to give up the city you actually wanted to go to right yeah maybe so you have do you have a dream studio yeah did you like this you want ghibli or sure if if the possibility is there yeah i wouldn't say no oh man it just feels like you're at that point where you just make your own i mean that's so easier said than done but amazing work i really don't have anything else to say except for the students need to break down your work more it's awesome uh coaster are you here are you at your desk uh yeah actually perfect timing i just walked right back to my desk do we have uh anybody else to talk to right now clear we had the perfect amount of people to clear i'd say we have a little chat with uh bethany here and uh a little chat with uh uh zipa vika by the way uh ricardo if you ever are struck in with any type of uh comments or anything feel free to chime in as well yeah have you seen this work before okay no i never seen this before it makes me so sad yeah like there's a lot of talent out there for sure well listen ethan this this is what we're doing not only on this discord but what you know you're doing is we're taking those that may not have the strongest networking capabilities or uh marketing capabilities but all the talent in the world and we're trying to put a spotlight on them so that we can change some some people just need that little push uh to get where they need to go and uh luckily uh ethan you've you've uh you've created something that affords us uh the ability to to highlight people and change their lives for the better especially those who have earned it through their perseverance and grit i didn't even realize that i was doing that you know like i didn't now i realize i am pretty much the greatest person in the world and that's that's awesome yeah you are i know you are you are yeah it's just whatever you say bro yeah all right thank you so much uh i hope that helped in some way we go thank you thank you it was an honor to be here bye bye well it's just such a beautiful thing to see and so sad at the same time i feel like a lot of these people need to be recognized and be put out there more and like you said that's what we're trying to do so all right we have the power to change that ethan that's what we're doing all right we're doing it so pat yourself on the back and you can stare yourself in the mirror a little bit into your mouth all right are we talking to me i'm so sorry what's up hello hi thank you for having me you've been waiting so long everybody's been waiting so long thank you for sticking around are you entertained at all by any of this i've been thoroughly enjoying hearing your words and looking at these people's incredible art and yeah it makes it thank you so much to you and proco for supporting all these people who usually wouldn't have the platform to you know be reached like for other studios to find them and things that yeah it's it's awesome and it means a lot yeah hashtag word i feel that too do i have meppady's work have i have i seen your work before meppady uh i maybe i don't know i i go to cal arts which is um i think a lot of people know about it and when i applied i uploaded my sketchbook and that kind of went viral so that's where most people know me from i think okay what's your hashtag instagram um go ahead and check your your dms their website as well as their instagram okay oh i don't see oh i see it uh mebity sick so is mepity your real name no it's it's a random thing i made up on the spot when i wanted to upload my first video back in 2017 it doesn't mean anything look at the flippin cheese animals holy moly like i don't even wanna like this but i do so much wow why do i like this i love this middle one the texture on this why do i not want to like it too look at this the string cheese thing look at this crap thing did i don't know why i like it so much it's making me cry i'm getting emotional well i'm glad you like it that's such a cool opener uh this freaking blue or the goat oh my god that's good yeah i do want to get a learning on what's it 3d modeling and i'd love to start animating these guys in 3d that would be fun oh i see my friend in the chat hi my wine lighthead oh you do boards oh man look at that shot that's a wide lens that's sick what are you oh you're going to calarts you said right yeah that's right i'll just finish my flask yeah all right it's starting to make sense look at this that's pretty cool so who's your favorite artist to look at what's your top go-to artist that you steal from um i would say jamie hewlett man of gorillas he is my biggest inspiration i'd say yeah okay real real quick uh pro crow's got to go um i i'm i'm just going to let him take the floor real fast because he's got to go okay so pro before you leave is there anything you'd like to say oh no i was about to just dip out like quietly [Music] it was an honor i just want to say like i'm so happy to have you in here and i'm so sorry that you had to sit through all these losers you know it's just a sad situation yeah yeah i know but we gotta give back you know yeah i guess so but uh it's so cool to talk to you and so cool to meet you and i do really still hate you uh you know in general and for lying to me but um i'm sure i'll be talking to you soon you know yeah thank you thanks for having me on there it's fun uh proco when you have the when you have the time uh i'm sure uh myself would like to sit down with you um so if you're open to it obviously but uh yeah just think about it send uh send ethan a pound jesus yeah uh yeah um whenever you have the time go ahead and send myself or ethan's message and uh we'll sound good all right guys thanks a lot alright bye bye all right that was really really cool i'm just gonna give him a little light bulb above his head people who know will know there we go so um now that we got that loser out uh what's uh let's uh let's go back to this portfolio that was literally making me tear up this is so flippin cool because you're tackling so many different things and honestly i really hate you for this because people that do this well kind of make me angry you're doing boards you're doing storytelling and you're painting like a beast so words what's your goal and you know what's your dream job uh long term i would love to have my own kids tv show so be in some sort of directorial position um and i love every aspect of the animation pipeline well except for editing and post-production i hate that part another way um i really want to get a taste of as much as i can which is part of why my portfolio is so um varied also because i don't have enough to focus yet for any one particular thing uh yeah uh i will say that editing is where the magic happens i know it's such a big deal my fiance is an editor so uh not saying that you're trying to offend me just saying that you did not i i need to get better at it i think that's why i i'm struggling so far um but once i get a grip maybe i'll learn to love it more yeah get a grip oh my god i love the layout too of this flippin uh uh portfolio it's like not only did you design do the you know the art but your but just the layout of this whole thing is super slick oh cool look at this spring spring 2020 huh so this is pretty recent all this wow some of it's pretty old i haven't animated as much as i should although uh not to plug but i did release a collab with lego earlier today on my youtube channel that's like the actual finished animation i've ever done uh and i only did it last month oops how did you was it lego um did they have like a youtube channel or was it for lego property or like what was it it wasn't a partnership thing to promote one of their latest products back in june they sent me an email and i was so taken aback that i thought it was fake and spam so i threw it away but then i realized hold on that was actual lego and yeah so for the last two-ish months i had made a short film for them wow so here's what i want to ask is for the students watching this how what piece i want to see the pieces or what if you know what particular lego saw that kind of made them reach out to you was it this real or wait no it wasn't this real right no no i'm not specifically sure about lego but when i had portfolio day at cal arts every studio that came back to me liked my cheese creatures which you also liked so i i reckon that it was probably the same for them but they didn't specify i should have asked well there you go if if if you want to get hired at a company just draw cheese um it's honestly like niche right like the studio that you're trying to go for that wants your you for your work that's what they're going to be going for is oh actually i want to check out character design no no i don't i want digital development i want to go back no a quick story all right i want a story now yeah this is my abandoned first year film that i didn't finish because coronavirus kicked us out of school but hey ho are you still i mean how's that right now with uh i'm taking a year off actually and i'm just going to focus on my youtube channel because i haven't been posting on there very much which yeah i need to do more of that okay what's your youtube about um it's i guess it's similar in that i try and share advice but i guess from the perspective of someone who's still very much in the beginning stages of my career yeah and yeah so i just discussed like i i talked about the portfolio i used to apply to school because i know that that's something i really wanted when i was applying to cal arts and so i just try and uh pick up on what people want that don't have access to yet and i guess as i become more professional i'd like to follow in yours and proquest footsteps and provide more resources to people who perhaps can't afford uh fancy art school yeah yeah i would just say write off of other people's coattails you know get a couple sharp objects and just be super arrogant and i think you'll be just fine wonderful yeah this stuff is so cool but thank you yeah that rona situation that really sucks yeah this is so cool i don't think i saw these yet nice very iconic yeah sick everything all the colors are just really sticking together look at these nice a lot of the colors and shapes and things like subject matter is based on my upbringing in rural england and also kind of my my mum is russian so i really did connect with vikas art earlier because i i sort of spotted some of that russian heritage in there yeah really where um do you can you think that you have any of that that points out directly in this the russian thing is it like the cheeses or i think it's so with uh it's hard to show in my portfolio because i have not actually drawn as much as i should but like the tv show i want to make some day a lot of the narrative elements are based on that russian side but also things like the animals i draw are all british sort of oriented i guess minus that squid yeah yeah lots of green countrysidey things but with yellow oh this so all the old dudes therefore a project i'm co-directing with the bbc uh based on a poem i wrote so that's something that will be coming up in the next few months this is my favorite right here this uh looks like what's this guy's name that draws these uh spaceships he's like a concept artist sorry it's a complete huh ian mchugh maybe but this has like a very say in the chat if you know what i'm talking about but it just goes to show that you can get a good shape language from anywhere like this is literally a spaceship that i've i've uh i've seen in a concept art design portfolio so good shape language transfers pretty much anywhere that you anywhere that you look so if you think if you're looking at this portfolio and you think i can't benefit from this or if you're looking at a concept art portfolio and you're thinking i can't benefit from this there are always things to benefit from there are always good shape languages yada yada to uh to benefit from if it's good art if it's good shape then it's worth looking at what do you have to say about your work to like a student what would you say to them um i would say that i am no different to anybody else i think a lot of people will see i mean my subscriber number is nothing compared to yours and pro cos but it it all kind of came about just because the youtube algorithm blessed me but it doesn't mean i'm somehow a better artist so just keep doing what you love and push as much as you can like push those shapes push the colors you use but keep it authentic to yourself and watching i would say i mean that sounds super cheesy but that's what i've been sticking with yeah uh yeah did you ever have did anybody ever give you any advice whenever you were in art school like some super old professor or something about art that really resonated with you i have one teacher who is my design teacher and i see a couple of my classmates in your chat actually they might know um he had worked with hayao miyazaki and he always tells us that our style isn't the elements that we draw it's the voice that we have in our work and that's why it's so important to be authentic to like our experiences and the things that make us us because that really translates into our art more so than whatever if you draw a spiral inside the ear or if you decide to be more anatomically correct that's not as important so yeah that's a great piece of advice and i definitely wanted to hit on a similar note of now that you know how to draw and even if you don't know how to draw that well now that you're at that point what are you saying with it and how are you trying to stand out from everybody else with this now that you have it you don't even have to draw that well it's just like what are you trying to say and sometimes if you're young you don't have anything to say that just means you need to get out do a little bit more research on things that you're interested in uh you know take from your childhood if you have a russian childhood whatever you know it doesn't mean you have to go out and be in russia i mean i don't know but i draw from my childhood too um it's uh always always something to draw from but uh awesome awesome work awesome shape language here thank you for sharing everything no problem i'm so sorry to have unintentionally joined the stream but uh i guess it worked out yeah i kind of we we had you waiting here for a while so sorry about that yeah you trust me you wouldn't have been able to get in here if you weren't supposed to be here so that doesn't mean a lot thank you it's all by design but i i'm curious um uh both ethan and uh and uh and that i try to encourage those with kind of touching points i'm trying to encourage those that may have the technical ability to start thinking more about narrative and story telling them in their artwork maybe maybe if you guys could extrapolate a little bit on how you go about maybe gathering references or thinking about how to add narrative elements so that you can you know personalize the work a little bit more in order to stand out from the crowd word i think this is my favorite so far oh yeah um so i actually was sponsored by wix and decided to add some some fun to the website please don't take it seriously oh yeah i will take it seriously okay cool you can do that then very nice well if anybody wants to buy that for me i will get you a ticket a plane ticket to me um after covid of course and uh we can present this on the stream together uh even you seriously gonna just completely i'm sorry i'm sorry cosa i was looking at this thousand dollar rock sorry i'm already mad i tried sorry cosa go ahead uh i was wondering some technique nathan you're a champion by the way uh i was wondering some of the things that you guys uh do in order to add narrative or storytelling elements in your work because it's really what distinguishes people's portfolios to one another yeah just being um a series of pinups and uh like uh stagnant characters that is true if you guys could share some of the things that you do in order to yeah can you can you talk about that i'm going to look up a portfolio that actually that showcases this a little bit really quick while you talk about it if you want to take that away if you want to share yeah of course um so it's actually something i only started fairly recently and i think it that's when i found a lot more success with my stuff and usually the way i add personality and story into my stuff is to give my characters something to do um it i don't always have that like the cheese creatures they're just cheese creatures being themselves but for example a recent drawing i did i had a character with a rucksack but there's like an octopus tentacle that's coming out and so that's a story immediately even though it's just one tiny element and before i added that octopus it was just a dude with a backpack that's not as special you can't really take that in as many directions like you know you're not given as much material to work with narratively and this doesn't have to be anything crazy sometimes observing the ordinary everyday stuff is just as interesting as some super wacky sci-fi something or other yeah because we relate to it so much more and that's what i'm trying to pull up right here you can keep talking about it but i'm actually going to grab a book in a second and show the book to the stream just really quick but go ahead cool yeah i i guess it's like i don't know it sounds super cheesy but i love to observe the ordinary and to make it extraordinary and sometimes that means that giving weird characters something very cool to do you and i can relate to um and i feel like that's more that connects way more than like everyday characters that look just like us that are doing something completely crazy and that doesn't relate to the human experience near as much but even then there's so many ways to add that human experience into stories that makes it what like something to connect with yeah yeah and i i think it also helps that um i'm surrounded by so many incredible people at my school it goes for my classmates as well as the teachers and the guest speakers we've had i've cried several times just thinking about how lucky i am and that's again going back to my youtube channel why i want to share as much of that as i can um because i don't think anyone should be denied that experience um okay oh cool did you say oh oh i cannot say words today is it the person who's on the screen's book or someone else yes yeah it's uh uhong i believe it's how he's is how you say her name yeah she's a good friend of mine she um just completely blew me away with her storytelling and the simplicity in it not necessarily maybe the simplicity is not the right word but the clarity yeah clarity is key yeah and it's all it's called uh four seasons um just the uh and i learned so much just from looking at this and again even if you're not into this type of work you can always gather some type of something from good design uh from shot choices this type of stuff can be used in dark dark concept art work it's narrative it's storytelling and it's uh it's beautiful stuff the the compositions the little everyday wow every day of life feeling or a slice of life a bit of stuff oh wow yeah but she's very um very decisive and i love this one so even in concept art you know you've got like this big character smaller character there's a focus here it all comes together it's like nice big clean silhouettes because when i was first starting out i thought you know i don't want to do any of this animation stuff i want to do like video games i want to do the cool stuff well you can but but there's clarity in these type of things that you really need to learn from and i needed to learn from because if you go some some of the biggest concept art studios or gaming studios or whatever they're all they're all going to have like they're going to have respect for this type of work too so yeah solid drawing that has energy yeah look how iconic that is now throw some textures on this and make it a 3d model and make this a person from fallout or whatever if you're a concept already person this is iconic this is this is a thing that's like everybody can benefit from that character designer whatever if you think you can't then you need to shut up but anyway um wow uh uh thank you so much for talking with us and showing your work i'm really excited to see some more stuff from you in the future no worries thank you again for having me oh yeah well we'll uh i'm gonna be looking at some uh some a little bit more stuff here and then and then and then we're gonna be saying goodbye here after a bit but um thank you again and i'll talk to you later okay all right thank you bye bye everyone bye-bye uh in just a second i'm gonna do i want to talk quickly about wow there's so much good work that we went through today i just want to talk about this quick thing ten percent off of this quackum mobile studio pro if you go over right here and i should have had it had in the description but this is a like a lightbox special that huacom is doing with lightbox so what this is if you look at this thing this com this connects to my computer and i draw on the hashtag photoshop and all of that and it's a separate device but what this is is a specific device that has i'm pretty sure it has all like uh like windows and stuff installed i think it's windows but go do your research it's basically you just pick that sucker up stick it in your backpack and go to grandma's house now you have a whole flipping computer with you with the um professional screen and yada yada of quackham so i'm going to be talking about this more tomorrow but uh this thing you got 10 off which is kind of quite quite a bit right now so go check that out go check out flippin lightbox that's pretty much the announcements that i wanted to make here's a portfolio that i want to get into maybe tomorrow it's just like old school portfolios that i used to look at but uh yeah what do you uh what do you what do you think costa should we bring in some more folks i mean yeah if you still got the energy to run bro you know and i am now picking those that are not as advanced if you don't you film me are you putting me on instagram you want some water yes please can i have some water no wait my mug my mug dang it yeah absolutely thank you everybody for showing up thank you for the water thanks for everybody showing up like we beat we blew out our old records blew them right out um yeah it's really cool yeah by the way if you want to know the metric sides and things as far as uh you know if you want an idea of what people like the content the fact that you've been doing the more educational things that you have consistently held for the longest over 2 000 oh god you just let me know in the hashtag comments educational or entertaining you know because i'm down for both stops no i no i just want to know because like i just i just need to know how much of do you how much of you do you really care about being educated on this stuff you know oh god i'm actually looking you know what if you're in the stream bc right now if you're in the stream vc i want you to send a link for your portfolio and then i'm going to pick somebody randomly so if you're i don't care if you've already submitted if you're sitting in stream bc right now send a link to your portfolio hey cosa i have a question um did none of the staff have any portfolios or work that they wanted to talk about uh we are going to be pulling them and i there is staff that's ready for that but i want to do that on a day where like one of the other days okay how many i want uh right now i think i only have one staff member that wanted that has identified that they wanted to do it okay well if we have time after then we can talk to them too right right now while we have time i think i think we we can uh are you sure i mean it's up to you man your stream i'm just the guy i'm just i'm just your uh i'm just the guy that makes things happen for you that's all yeah uh yeah we can do it i like this person i like this person i'm gonna pull them in one more yeah uh they're they're not as far along in their journey and uh but i i like the fact that now everybody's dming me things uh not dm me uh uh so i sent you that and i'm gonna pull this person in here how are people dming me if i haven't if i don't have them as friends on basically you you're allowing people to share servers send you a message and share servers with you oh man not so grump you are not in the vc i can't pull you in here if you're not in the vc everybody in chat saying education gang uh all right if that's what you want you know yeah i i i you know people need directions there you are not so grown there you are so we're going to pull not so grump in here i sent you their portfolio dope let's do this not so grump cat right now not so grumpy i'm in the voice chat yes you are what's up how where where are you living right now name and address oh i'm sorry i didn't have any volume up i'm sorry i'm completely set up that's all right try one more time hi i can hear you can you hear me hmm you cut in and out oh i'm sorry i'm using push hmm what do you think wave loop no i can't it's cutting a lot uh-oh i'm sorry is this better yeah that's better no no you're good you have your like mic in your mouth now yes a little bit cool let me check out your work uh what's your dream studio what's your dream job um i go i'm kind of in between like i really love children's books i want to do children's books but like illustration does a whole lot into character design and i'm huge into that as well nice so if i work for a studio honestly i love character design but i can find it can be like almost emotionally taxing for me i don't know how to describe it so i really love background art and i do have a background art section in my holy website nice when you said to sign your portfolio i literally just uploaded three new pieces because i got really excited it's cool yeah uh something comes to mind let me see if i can remember um um i also have a russian upbringing which is the three middle pieces how do i just keep picking russian whoa that's yeah that's really strange what did you did you uh kind of relate to the past ones or huh yeah it's almost weird like i'm not fluent in russian my mom's from russia but i'm not fluent so for the longest time i didn't draw a lot of stuff because i kind of had like a mini identity crisis about it um but i'm like brushing up on my russian to get fluent again i'm really more interested my aunt and my mom have been giving me their old children's books with russian fairy oh i tales aaron oh you so you already know of aaron's work yes okay he was my he was like one of my first directors um at dreamworks uh he is so darn good he gave such good advice and stuff yeah so he makes children's books as well and he's like a beast he's super really really good that's awesome but yeah for any students looking to do children's books as well you know you can uh look at aaron's work i follow a nuisance yet and like i know she has worked in um the like industry with character design disney who is that anusha sied how do you spell the first name uh a-n-o-o-s-h-a oh um voice chat with you can i change it off of push to talk yeah yeah okay thank you i'll be a second let me check out this work oh yeah some clean character design stuff here okay this should be a million times better now yes it is beautiful i'm so sorry i'm very nervous yeah so this is oh look at the sailor moon that's so cool um yeah it's a really good person to follow as well do you have any other like top artists that you're looking for for um oh my goodness i love steph libras i believe that might be her instagram i'm not sure s t eph yeah yeah she also does children's books and i really love kat hudson oh yeah these cats i've seen these super slick um so let me see so what kind of project are you going for like animation or story or i mean uh children's books primarily um right now i'm really focusing on my illustration portfolio because i'm trying to find work and i feel like that's like the quickest route to be able to find work since i can eat corona i can do it at home yeah um but i do like go back and forth and work on some of my character design stuff i don't really have anything named but they're all kind of in sets of three as their own mini project and i don't upload more until i get another set of three so looks even and nice yeah you like this uh dark line type of stuff is that what you're going for for your style yeah okay i would say um like powerpuff girls and dexter's lab i really loved and samurai jack even those they're kind of like lineless i like the really shape-based style and i like adding like line work to it um that one of the top is kind of like a knockoff girl scouts this one true the three at the top are like oh yeah girl scouts troop i call them bug scouts and they all have bug related names that's cool do you have a specific animation show that you really like that you always go back to is it dexter's lab i always go back to samurai jack the background art is incredibly uh inspirational to me uh okay let's see yeah i can see some of that in here anything else it's really cool um i don't know i'm like blanking a little bit there well there are a lot of russian cartoons i actually love which i feel like show up more in my illustration like new pogadi and chubarashka um they're like soviet era cartoons that my mom used to show me there's also a lot of silvia era uh animation that was kind of just like one-off things that the government funded um there's one i believe it's called like hello hour owl in the woods i don't know the russian name but it's about hour a little hedgehog and i was following him around would you rather do characters designs for stuff like that or like backgrounds um i think backgrounds i don't know why backgrounds are just like easier for me to do that's interesting you'd rather do backgrounds i find like the painting process less um stressful almost it's kind of like i can just like turn my brain off and i can get it done i feel like it's something that i could do on a deadline yeah um do you like chromosphere then do you know i i don't know who that is okay uh mom i'm so sorry i'm on the stream um do you need to go no i don't my mom um made dinner and i think she was telling me it was ready but i told her about this and i was like really excited and i didn't think i was gonna get on and she just popped in for a second that's what happened okay kevin dart you know kevin dart um i don't do do you like steven universe at all oh i do love steven universe i know there are several color stylists from steven universe that i follow but i can't remember okay so when i'm talking about people that simplify things in animation and illustration yada yada and how that can be used for concept design and all this other stuff that you can't even imagine i mean all this other stuff that you enjoy this applies so much more than ever kevin dart if you can do this if you can simplify in this uh steven universe even the backgrounds and steven universe your concept art will blow people away because of what it's based on you can execute it any other way afterwards but what it's based on if it's this solid you are flipping solid kevin dart and everybody that works with kevin dart in uh uh chromosphere chromosphere is that's as far as you need to look um uh okay this these it's not as much of a good example let's see so this background stuff is the just it's just so simple and it's gorgeous i looked at this stuff all the time to to do professional painting i love this type of work and then i like to add uh i like i use a lot of references i study a lot of different people's styles to try different things out i really love uh bringing texture into backgrounds and everything have you ever seen this work before um i don't i don't believe i have see that blows my mind um i hope that you're gonna be looking at this stuff because it's like yeah it's it's so simple um and so so beautiful like you don't need to get all muddy with colors and it can be so much more clearer than you would ever you'd ever imagined and again you can create more complex art based off of this stuff it doesn't have to be this simple but it can if it starts this simple then you're already good to go very difficult to get get to this point actually because like you need to learn how to throw out all the details and stuff but kevin dart uh i oh man this stuff is so good and it's not just kevin dart it's everybody that's worked with him all the other painters um and i wish i could find them right now i can't even think of their names but there's so many um other names that i would like to share with you but it's just so cool to hear that you like background designs that's uh that's awesome i always feel like it's the first thing i look at whenever i watch cartoons i just feel like it's so important like it's what brings everything together which is like funny because i spent like the past three years like only drawing characters and i just got into it yeah i find that it all applies though like if you do characters it applies to backgrounds backgrounds applies to characters like yeah you have to think about what's being placed and what yeah uh there's there's another painter a couple painters that i can't think of right now but they're so good and they've worked with kevin look at this the depth sold in this piece is like what if you if you have a question of like what you want to do and the style that you want and you're not sure just try to look as much as you can on the internet because there's somebody out there that's going to be something that is something that you want to do as a student and you don't have to do it exactly but um it's it's a place to jump off a jumping point uh look this is some stuff from steven universe or that's powerpuff girls i think but that's just flipping gorgeous it's so beautiful a lot of my backgrounds are much simpler and have less going on oh yeah let's take a look at your backgrounds here so that's the one thing i would say about these is that they're really nice and if you want to go for children's books you know you want to blast the color like you're doing which is cool but if you want to get into well i guess it really depends um ignore that drawing if we want to get into animation sometimes if you want to like let's say work for somebody like this um which maybe at some point you want to and to other students is that i would say just like i said on the other one the saturation level does not have to be so high yeah which again for children's books that's probably what you're going to want to do but let's see the saturation level in here it's not it's gray this is all gray this grass right here oh you think it's green flipping think again it's brown it's it's it's desaturated brown and the more you break these things down you realize when the light hits it it's going to be moving into the greens so um these actually look pretty similar in color that's weird but let's see what happens if we desaturate yours a little bit i mean yeah it's pretty much there of course you maybe not you don't want that for a children's book necessarily you probably want to blast it but anyway that's uh that's just a key difference that i noticed other than that i mean if you're going for children's books um i'm still trying to i guess really decide i see a lot of children's books artists who um like zoe i don't know how to pronounce her last name but it starts with the p um pierresco maybe i think i see a lot of people kind of jump back and forth between like uh children's television yeah and like children's books and i feel like that's a nice spot where i want to try to get to i guess yeah so another thing i would say for something like this is the closer well i mean it really depends but if you're going for animation you want to simplify the foreground objects a little bit more um to something okay here's a major thing that that kevin dart does a lot and he used the lasso tool right over here got a lasso and i'm sure you already know about that but you take these major shapes and you create the contrast so the so this back color is kind of high high up here so we want this this one in the foreground to be a little bit oops let's just separate it and that's add some texture but uh like getting right here it's kind of bleeding into each other which is okay to have some sometimes but um to simplify sometimes is better again i mean you can use this information how you want but mainly i'm trying to look at these things and talk to students about if they're trying to get into animation not necessarily children's children's book so i just created a bit of a contrast right there between this mountain or this little hill and that one i feel like it does look a little better actually yeah and then these ones if you want to get cinematic with it make them higher maybe yeah i'm gonna yeah take this let me copy that bring it up here i'm going to bring this sucker right here make it more saturated make it darker maybe less saturated and then i'm going to even add these little cool little grass pieces or something like that and this is more cinematic storage or children's books they don't need cinematic uh foreground elements sometimes you know it can be kind of flat like you're yeah yeah i've been looking over a lot of the backgrounds from song of the seed oh yeah yeah i'm like really excited about wolf walkers from cartoon saloon i really love their work i really love the like it looks i this is obviously very niche but i also love like the illustrations in cartoons that are like will be a part of like the environment where there are characters drawing them or it's like something from that yeah like in studio trigger's brand new animal and they also did this in um darling in the franks they had children's books in it and i feel like that's such a niche area but it's also like that just seems so like such a fun thing to get a job to get song of the sea though that's such a good example uh what a so right here you have lighter snow so i'm going to make that contrast behind it a little bit darker but uh so i'm going to see my goodness that's the yeah you're looking at the right stuff if that's what you if that's what you want to do those type of backgrounds but um that's not necessarily how i don't know what yeah so this the composition in this isn't exactly how i would finish it but this is an option to have anyway uh but uh cha song of the sea holy moly good stuff does it have an instagram i wonder um i think we do or at least cartoon saloon has an instagram this might be fan art but yeah the backgrounds for song to see is just gorgeous amazing pretty cool well anyway uh thank you so much for hopping in i hope anything that i said helped out in some way yeah thank you i i'm gonna consider the people not consider i'm gonna look more into the artists that you told me about and um yeah this this tool right here what do you call it it's like a little dinkle thing right here you click that arrow and then a bunch of people pop up that's how i spent a good few years it's just clicking on people oh look they're at lightbox clicking on people and just looking uh constantly looking at work that i really liked um i wanted to ask before this ended since i have a chance on this stream i was wondering if there was like a specific background or illustration where you thought maybe i was doing something right oh on one of the uh yeah of course one of these things uh yeah oh that's a full screen well let's see there's plenty i just gotta pick what's good for some of those students to see [Music] having foreground elements you know that's always good like this piece has a foreground element these bones and whatnot um it's like foreground honestly i think that canyon one is the strongest yeah thank you yeah so what you're doing right here and it's kind of what i've already talked about but i just want to point it out more is that a lot of students don't do this but they should and start with clarity do not start with unclarity all right now that's some scientific terms but you'll have time to think about that so what i mean by that is this is a very clear well i'm not i'm not lasso tooling it very well but this is a very clear rock design and you've you've cut it out you know like it's a very definitive of where it sits so once you do that you've got that layer and i'm explaining something that you already know how to do i'm just trying to point it out to the students right now she's got a dark medium and a light and once you do that you're just describing that form right there with the medium and then you're painting within that flipping space that you just created and the highlight right here is going to be very very small and you want a uh typically you want a dominant one of these and i guess the dominant one would be this medium instead of the dark and then within that then you create all these little textures and whatnot so you don't go in there and start painting a rock you know you don't go in and start painting every little detail you uh flip in create the major shape first with the lasso tool and then you dinkle the dunk and you uh do pretty much everything that she's done right here and that goes for everything you do for the bones you do it for this hill you do it for the background hill and you know what again this isn't just for this type of art uh rob rupal rob ruppel does this on all of his stuff and his stuff is uh nothing like this well maybe rob h yeah so this guy is nothing but lasso tool and ra rupal he's a flippin do you know who rob rupal is oh no i haven't heard him okay before you look up kevin dart you should probably go look up the person who uh kevin dart probably studied i mean i don't know uh rob ruppel he's the main main main main um it all most of it looks like photographs they're just they're just not they're flipping slick they're just so good this is all lasso tool folks rob rupal's using the same thing that she's done here with this rock you select that sucker out and then you add the textures no that's a photograph no wait that's not a photograph oh trick myself beautiful look at that this why is my instagram look at that man holy holy holy moley rob rupal um uh alphonse alfonso oh i can't remember his name but uh yeah so what you're doing is good and what you've done there that's good ethan you mind if i take the rangers first once a second you said harry's on the chat yeah harry harry judy harry yeah oh what do you oh he is there's harry what are you doing here harry hey sorry i just know somebody named harry in the chat hey harry um get out of here don't want you here never did i'm just joking buddy you stay as long as you want um all right so i just want to point out that you're doing that right and uh keep going with it i would yeah just keep on flipping going all right cosa take my reins well you know uh we we tend to we tend to point out you know how people can improve but obviously uh not so grump here would like to know some things that they should continue observing and i think this piece is a is a great showcase of things that they can continue doing one of which if you can stay on that one ethan uh one of which is the fact that you've observed a duo-tone palette uh which is uh very good i think people tend to get a little bit wild with their colors so beyond just desaturating understanding that even on a digital format you should be observing some traditional food sometimes and it can help your work read and you you've stuck inside of a warm color tone your values are also reading the bird is uh is a selling point and its silhouette is clearly identified and you have a strong use of shape so if i were you i would continue working on your strengths which is uh your shape design um especially because of the format that you're in uh so one thing i think people can kind of extrapolate from this piece here of uh what what can be done right is the fact that they've they've stayed primarily in a con and a complementary uh uh contrasting uh tones uh purple and yellow and uh it was a good exploration of that there's no there's no odd use of color though there are times when we can apply that to our advantage but something i i really would like to see more of you doing and a piece that you've already done observing uh complementary uh complementary colors uh purple and uh yellow as one using the color wheel to do that and continuing exploring these shapes and you also have your foreground make round background observed in that and you have clear foreground elements clear mid-ground elements and clear background elements and you put your selling point in the mid ground and used uh in a very simple fashion um uh light on dark the silhouette against the sun to to really highlight the uh uh object and the uh the piece so uh things i would say that you've done successfully in this piece are are those and i would like to see you explore and push those a little bit further because obviously at this stage you have an affinity for it so word um if you would like to yeah also i hope i hope that helps as well it does thank you so much i go back and forth with so many different things and it feels nice to hear that some of the things i'm doing right and i should continue to try to push with those things yeah i do want to say real fast that this work if you want to do background painting typically people work their way up through background design first and you might not want to do that that's perfectly fine but i'm going to talk to you or some people on the stream just really quickly about background design this is some of the work that i did for dreamworks after i was hired and i feel like i mean it applies to this piece especially um that instead of painting which is not fun but designing things just like i was talking before about that head shape that looked like a spaceship um that's a that was a common rock shape that we used to use in in the flippin croods show um i mean just some great design in that show we were nominated for our backgrounds for our art design i think i think it was backgrounds i mean i went to to one of the flippin nominated things because the because the dinkles were so strong all of the backgrounds and so this is the type of stuff that i would say you would be hired for is designing solid layouts like this this is another piece that i did uh just you know super strong in line art values this is another rocky situation really forced me to focus on big medium small which i'd say you should focus on it too as well this is another piece i did for croods oh man it's super blurry but um yeah just like big tree shapes and yada yada this is a piece that got me hired for the job now this i straight up copied this off of google earth um but the fact was is that after they sent me tests i did test after test after test or no i did one test but i sent in multiple i was like i could do better i'm gonna send them another version of this test so i think that kind of helped a little bit but um doing uh just showing that you can this is something that was also my portfolio that i wanted to point out that i had paintings in the portfolio they did not care about the paintings they did not care about these at all they wanted this because that's what i was being hired for so we're going to be talking about that more tomorrow but this was also a piece that i had in the portfolio just line work this was also a piece that you know it's cool i guess it's not necessarily line work but it it kind of shows a little bit of something but overall it's just a painting um yeah don't um don't think that there's any one way to do it but i'm just saying like try to if you're serious about doing background stuff if uh getting a job in background design might be the way to go for you that's all i'm going to say about that i appreciate it thank you so much for looking at my work absolutely absolute flip fruit and literally so i also thought it was funny my name's anya also anya i like methody oh how about that you're second anya my goodness this is uh we'll see how many russians we get tomorrow yeah right but uh thank you so much catch them all catch all the russians okay get all of them up all right all right thank you so much for looking at my work again absolutely i'll be seeing you around soon all right coso you're you're you're a captain dude that's flipping good we did flipping good you everybody go over to a light box today tomorrow um uh i really don't have much more to say except for that i'm hungry and that my team did a great job coasted it'll flip an amazing job um flippin everybody involved flippin wave loop did a great job wave lube what do you feel about that whole thing it was great it was great to be it was more watching than anything else but it was great i liked it thank you for having me around dude thanks for sticking around man like you're it's a great to hear the different sides of things you know um i just wonder who's going to buy this rock that's what i really wonder uh a couple things to close out the stream yeah i'll let you have the final word you think uh a couple things close out the stream uh there will be and make sure that at least the announcements are on on the server just for light box because uh i am going to be uh sharing the social media links of everybody who was involved in the stream today and i would really appreciate it if those that were watching the stream uh would go and show support for those artists that were very talented that don't have phones so following them liking their stuff helping them out algorithmically getting them some notoriety they've certainly earned it um so please do that another thing to uh to take into consideration we didn't talk about it much ethan has uh prints for sale as well as glasses well let me just just go to this real fast keep telling it yeah the etsy store uh it eventually be moved over to um my company page when that's all done and there'll be kind of stuff to talk about in the future from me for artists because i'm going to be making kind of a company that's directly supposed to help artists to make some money uh so oops uh there'll be that in the future but for now uh we have the prince uh they are on order we are taking orders right now it will be shipped uh this week uh we do have very nice prints on very nice paper yeah looking sick yeah so we have that uh it'll be shipped from the coaster collectibles little headquarters here uh the the uh link for the etsy will also be available in the server announcement and uh i there's two things uh to get some notoriety uh here is continue submitting links please do not add information to your links in the portfolio review i we just want the links to your portfolio i do prefer art stations over instagrams and personal websites over instagram so i do tend to favor those if you read the server announcement if i see instagrams that are particularly good or uh showcased what we're looking for in a review i will pick those as well but if you want to get noticed make an art station upload some work make it more portfolio-centric you can use the people portfolios today as a template and uh for those that are involved in the server we do have a server showcase so once a month every month you guys will be doing voting on people that upload images the rules simply are just upload your best piece of work only one piece of work and make sure that you're adding your social media links and go through vote with a thumbs up unfortunately i had to clear out a lot of other emotes and whatnot so make sure you are following the rules on that it is pinned on the page but it's a great way to get noticed in the server and whatnot and you have the possibility of being featured in one of different videos as well if you win and there's multiple categories to win in server voting staff pick ethan pick myself pick janopic and whatnot and i hope to see everybody getting more active in the server and we do have classes in the server there is a tip jar if you guys don't mind sending donations to teachers they are teaching for free yeah and what i said the last one of the last steps in these portfolios is that you again you need to get in a community you need to start talking to people you need to get your voice out there you don't even have to do it in the last step do that in the first step second step third step be talking to people all the time get in the community there's no better time to start than now flipping right now there's no better time to buy all of my merch than right now as well but like go go in and talk to people start to start to get better that's what the discord is for and coast is helping out with that all the time it's flipping awesome sorry i just want to say that you have last word uh but yeah uh anyways so yeah get involved in the community those that are really experienced those that are maybe industry professionals or have a lot of experience and maybe no notoriety reach out to me if you are very good at what you do trust me i have means of making sure that you get seen so that's what uh that's what i'm here for that's been my main objective in all of this is making sure that we're creating pathways for artists to get noticed so that you know kojai's will be turned into senpai's and uh real quick too if you are japanese or no japanese there's a new japanese channel and i'd be happy to study with you um so yeah uh man i wish i could see the um the super chat it just goes away doesn't it yeah um ethan last words that the super chat going away really upsets me and and also i had it turned off i think so i couldn't hear it i think tomorrow we're going to turn it on so i can actually hear it go off so i can talk to you whenever i see it but uh leon art i think said yeah says or gave 10 bucks when do you have live streams i'm new to your channel just subscribed i have live streams um whenever i have time i work full-time in animation and i'm doing videos for you all all the time so between that you know i don't have live streams that much but when i do it's important so hopefully you know i'll just announce it if i do um i think it's re riya riya says do you still think that you're so big and you're so tough uh yeah i do okay um and i don't man i wish i could see the super chat more i'll have to go back and look at it later if i can somehow but thank you for everybody that flippin did a flippin super chat thank you everybody that stopped by uh i have last word is this right all right thank you everybody involved we're gonna see you tomorrow same time tomorrow two to three to four whatever send in your flipping portfolios real quick let's call let's call it 3 p.m pst and we'll start getting ready at 2 feet okay yeah let's call it three yeah and that's what we're gonna do and that's just what's gonna happen and we'll see you there all right bye bye y'all see you tomorrow bright and early at three
Channel: Ethan Becker
Views: 146,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: portfolio review, graphic design
Id: TqbWOpIDFnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 15sec (12855 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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