PORTAL HACKS Destroy the City and End the Human Race - City Smash

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it's finally time to find out what kind of destruction the ufo pancake can do here we go oh yeah there we go champs fire your beams if only there's a way we could do that with nukes as well we can do it with nukes as well oh my god yes [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing city smash i'm just going to give these guys a quick little black hole there you go that'll make their day pretty interesting man look at that thing getting sucked in that is so cool i've got a lot of comments on the last video people were saying you can destroy the alien spaceships i need to try this get a black hole here just right next to him and see what happens does it suck in it no no it didn't oh you guys better not be telling me fibs yes how many black holes can we get going on at once there's one there oh the cooldown on these things takes ages i wonder if you can get mods for this game to actually get rid of all of the cooldowns that way you could just spam all the stuff just black holes all over the place we're just erasing the city right now just getting rid of it like a big black eraser all right what about i put a black hole right on that building wow that is one tough building it has a black hole inside of it and it's going nowhere are you serious dude go on there little champ blast that building oh yes nice so what else can we use to destroy these aliens there's the alien spaceship can we just shoot it yeah you can shoot it with a missile that works pretty well what about this big laser beam yep just fried that dude look at that now his spaceship is rubble and he's on fire that's an alien barbecue aliens one day came to earth there's a good chance we'd try to kill him and eat him you know there'd be some people out there he'd be like i'm pretty sure that alien would taste like bacon lightning can we zap these dudes yeah you can zap them straight out of the sky now obviously the aliens are gonna be fine with an earthquake i imagine that the earthquake would not touch the aliens at all that's good i'm glad that this game is realistic what about a tornado though oh oh man that was close all right toss him in there toss him in there yep he gets messed up by the tornado i like that how many tornadoes can we get at once two what happens when two tornadoes combine oh it's happening it's happening nothing literally nothing okay there's another one and the other one disappears you can almost get three going on at once after super tornado it's a supercell it's raining rubble everywhere alien versus volcano smash him hit him hit him no because he's in the it's the volcano's in the background oh yes he got him i didn't think was going to get it i don't think we'd be able to get him with a tidal wave but i'm going to try it anyway here it comes i love how the wave whoa i love how the wave like pushes over all the buildings and stuff in the background except for this one here that is one stable building if i still worked in the city i'd want to hope i was working in that building right there and here comes a media right just to take out the mega building take that champ what about an alien versus an airplane that drops bombs smash them smash it with the bombs oh didn't get him go go drop bombs on him yes yes oh we need to know what's going to happen with an alien versus the giant space kraken but first it's meteorite time all right go yes that was so good all right here we go joint space kraken nice nice they're obviously rival alien species and down he comes and just slaps around now godzilla's obviously not going to be able to reach the uh the spaceship because he shoots downwards what happens when the spaceship flies its beam into a portal put a portal there and another one there all right yeah it worked okay spaceship comes down on this side fires his green beam into there oh and it comes out there that is cool hang on a minute then there's my destructive beam what happens if i just go over here for a minute it goes through the portal what about the lightning nope missile oh the missile goes through the portal what about a nuke alright new comes down it goes through the portal as well that is so cool man hang on a minute i wonder if there's a way where we can get a nuke that just keeps falling forever maybe we can well now i've done it okay hang on i think i think i need to destroy it before we break the game big time so let's go media right through there and it flies out there okay that works pretty well what about an airplane here comes the airplane you can't get an airplane to go through the portal dude come on okay what about some of these bombs they go through there and they fall out there that's what you'd expect okay oh oh oh yes there it is so that is a nuke and it's just this is falling repeatedly forever let's see if we can set off the nuke with oh what's a black hole do let's put a black hole right in the middle oh god oh god what's happening what's happening is anything gonna set the nuke off i don't know dudes oh we could possibly get multiple nukes happening with this we could get two all right nuke and then i'm gonna get rid of the portal double nuke awesome this town i feel so bad for this town but look at that two mushroom clouds for the price of one that is so amazing what you can do with portals it's just incredible so we could put a poll right here right we've done this before and we can launch trucks out of the game it's so good you can launch cars see that that's the addams family they just got launched through the sky but who cares but then what happens when we fire a meteorite like straight into this portal here nice and it goes and it comes out there that is the best now if there's anything that you guys want me to try in this game let me know in the comments all right i'm really enjoying these like destructive games so let's get all these bombs all over here right just loads of them we're just gonna blow up this bridge it's gonna be so good oh nice i wonder what would happen if we put c4 just on top of the points of the bridge just to destroy the cables yeah because that that's a little bit overkill that guy right down there saw the explosions and that bus but they thought they'd try and make it across the bridge anyway don't you hate it when you think your car's a boat but really it's not one c4 there one c4 there but it didn't even get rid of the cables oh my god what does it take to destroy these cables okay what about right whoa whoa i just touched it i barely even did anything and then the entire bridge just started to fall down oh look at these guys these guys are my favorite oh the boss is gonna break it you're too heavy bro way too heavy that bridge is still standing though sort of sort of yep okay now it's falling down will it hit the buildings yes satisfaction that was some asmr stuff right there let me know in the comments if you've ever watched an asmr video you watch half years have but no one will admit it okay i'm gonna get a portal just down here and then one all the way up there just a launch cars into the sky that is my favorite thing to do that is so good it's just raining cars oh there's a bomb on that car yes i just blew him up in mid-air there's got to be a way that we can load up one of these buses with a stack load of bombs and then launch it through a portal that's the ultimate move right there if i can do that i'll be so happy okay i'm gonna get my portals ready and then i just need to load up a bus and or truck oh i broke the thing i broke it whoa okay okay now no no we're good we're good if you put the first portal on here it's actually okay all right load up this guy portal up there and then oh yes that was good we managed to successfully launch a bus with bombs on it okay we gotta try that again now that i know how to do it that's the bus we're looking for okay portal up here ready here he goes here it goes that's the best so can we destroy the city using a portal from the ground bottle down here then a portal in the sky and then an asteroid sky poddle asteroid go whoa oops i think i broke the game i broke the thing how low can we actually get a black hole can we put one right there oh man right on the ground oh that's satisfying look at that right in the center and it just sucks it from the inside outside in it imploded and now we have a pile of rubble okay we're going for the special looping asteroid attack here we go bang whoops i forgot how much that breaks things okay let's get an asteroid i'm gonna bring the asteroid down this way okay i gotta kind of miss the purple one oh nice champ and see if i can actually get it to go through the orange one oh oh yes yes i had it working for a split second oh it sort of works sometimes okay bit of an angle like this yeah yeah that's it that's it looping aliens never gets old it really never gets old that is so much fun how many aliens can we get looping and then we'll get rid of the portal and see if they fire their beams at once okay so that's about 50 now let's it's gotten incredibly loud let's just move a portal over here for a second oh yeah fire em all at once dudes oh get rekt that was so good okay now we need to do it over a normal city okay here might work okay alien through there i don't want to destroy the city at all yet because i want to see just i just want to see what kind of destruction about 100 alien spaceships firing their beams at once what it actually does take that will smith there's so many there now there's got to be probably about 100 to 150 they look like pancakes big metal pancakes it's finally time to find out what kind of destruction the ufo pancake can do here we go oh yeah there we go champs fire your beams whoa there is so many dead ufos as well that was worth it that was so worth it if only there's a way we could do that with nukes as well that has to be the biggest explosion i've ever seen in this game even bigger than the nuke okay let's just compare that to the nuke here we go yeah like that they kind of does a little bit of damage i mean granted the city's already flattened we can do it with nukes as well oh my god yes okay that's about 20 nukes let's have a look and see what kind of damage this does oh champ yes so good that is satisfying look at that mushroom cloud that is a real mushroom cloud it just blasted the buildings all the way over there that was the best alrighty champs so like i said if you guys got some ideas and stuff you want to see me try in the next video let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 295,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Universe game, space sandbox, smashing planets, solar smash, funny sandbox game, planet simulator, smashing, city smash, city destruction
Id: 7v86Iak66lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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