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okay where's these worms coming in um what is that noise what was that weird noise it's going in there though it's going right in it's going all the way through the earth that is so cool [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing solo smash we're gonna hack this thing we're gonna do it the game's been updated and they've added in all these cool little settings and stuff look at this you can change the diameter of like an asteroid which is pretty cool but it only goes up to five i reckon we could punch that all the way up to something higher like 20. hey look at that 0.5 that's a tiny asteroid look at that it's basically a pebble it did nothing this planet now has a force built around it right these guys can actually protect themselves which is kind of amazing how much damage can they withstand i'm just going to belt them with this asteroid thing yeah look at that they're fine they're okay can they handle though an actual moon look at that the moon's coming in he's coming in mighty slow oh oh oh he made it in there yeah champ he's inside there is that is that the thing that powers their shields oh the shields are back off again so in order to actually destroy the shields you have to destroy the weird ring things on the inside all right i'm gonna go for it again i'm going for it with another moon what's gonna happen oh it's just gonna bounce off there like a crappy rock it's just bounced off it's like a gray muffin that nobody wants to eat because you would probably die can the shield handle a black hole okay yeah it kind of can cool oh she got money hot though so we can increase the blast to five on the nukes let's just try this all right five nukes are coming in oh yeah that's pretty good that's pretty good we can punch those nukes up to something else as well we've got this red ball thing we've got the laser there's so many cool updates i've actually missed out on them because i haven't been playing this game but look at this you can put so many more worms now you guys probably already know why am i talking there like this i'm really excited i'm just super pumped man i am so pumped that you can do all these worms look at all the wormies coming in from all over the place that's disgusting they look like space tape worms don't they you don't want to get those things in your system um are they leaving already oh they're bouncing off the shields okay hang on a second let's just go to one of the other planets you know like earth for example okay now i'm just gonna pause it yeah let's just pause it i'm gonna freeze time completely and i'm gonna smash earth with just a stack of these worms let's go just while it's in pause mode and then we'll unpause it and we'll see what happens okay where's these worms coming in um what is that noise what was that weird noise there's a crazy noise happening oh yeah dude that's what i'm talking about let's just zoom out a little bit okay yeah that's a lot of worms i have one regret there's too many okay okay yeah there's a lot coming in now there is an absolute stack load that's not in slow motion that's just regular motion the game is just dying under my terrible choices that's in slow motion though and that looks incredibly cool look at all those worms just eating it to bits man that looks awesome that is seriously cool all right what would happen now if we were just to smash the earth with something let's bump up this laser we can even change the color of the laser if we want that's pretty cool i'm going to change it to pink i like that color who cares let's go and let's just blast these dudes all right i'm just going to put a giant hole right through the middle oh man i hope that doesn't happen to earth one day that'd be terrible oh god can you guys leave i want my computer to speed back up again i'm getting in there with him i'm getting in there yeah let's climb in there with the worms so we can we can change the speed of the asteroid as well look at this tiny little asteroid comes down just lands in the ocean oh cool man it even burnt up in the atmosphere a little bit look at this it's coming in oh that's awesome okay what about if we speed this thing up how much can we we can speed it up to 10. oh it hits pretty hard that's oh it even leaves a little bit more of a crater all right i'm just gonna pelt the same spot a few times what happens it actually makes a hole that is really awesome i'm gonna speed that up even more okay so that should be a hundred all right i've changed it from 10 which is the maximum i've hacked it it's now 100 let's try this [Music] dude that's still the tiniest pebble there is wow bang jesus that thing hits hard that is one potent pebble that's amazing and it's gone let's try the cyber planet all right this thing ain't real it ain't real let's see if the actual shield stops it though hit it a few times hit a few times that shield is glowing something fierce oh the shield is now gone the shield what i hit it with like one and then like almost all of the planet disappeared oh cool it's got a shield again what are you even shielding there's no planet to shield i've killed all your dudes all eight what was it 812 million of them all right now we have to destroy the actual shield generator itself there it is shield generator is is still there man that thing is tough so i've cranked it up now it was 10 speed to speed units and then it was 100 now it's ten thousand let's try this okay there wasn't even any fire the planet just disappeared this is gone it's just i just deleted it if earth was to ever be destroyed i hope it's just in the blink of an eye we don't even feel it it's just like blip it's gone i'll try 1 000 oh that was a bit better we could actually see it that time notice the murder tank can actually be destroyed as well now it like loses parts of itself as it like smashes into the other planets look at this yeah it like breaks apart as it goes through the earth that is awesome can we actually destroy it with you know like attacks and things like that all right so let's get like a laser yeah we could destroy that moon as well that is really cool man what if we do it in slow-mo i'm just going to slow it right down we'll go for like a few of them how many moons can we actually get going on there's one there's one moon okay then i'm gonna blast a hole like right through the middle of the moon is that moon gone it's gone i think it's actually destroyed yeah i just blasted that moon to bits okay make the attack like a little bit smaller and then try and fire a hole through the moon and through the earth how's that going oh i think it actually worked i think it actually worked it's going in there though it's going right in it's going all the way through the earth that is so cool so can we smack two of those moons together that's the question let's just like smash a few of them through the earth to create like a giant hole oh there's a few [Music] they don't go through straight anymore because they kind of bounce off the inside of the core of the planet man that is amazing let's just melt this away there we go crank that up to four and a half there we go now we can carve a giant hole through the middle nice now let's get a moon and smack a moon into a moon all right there it comes the moons are hopefully gonna smack into each other when they reach the planet there they go there they go oh it's actually hitting the earth yes yes yes they collided into each other but they didn't really do any damage to each other i wonder if we can get like one of the moons to actually be eaten by one of the worms okay let's get a worm alrighty worm attack the moon there champ no he's not gonna attack it the moon is gone he can't catch it he's not quick enough maybe if we got it coming through the other side that would work dude where are all these moons going oi come back okay now i'm gonna fire a moon like this way then i'm gonna get our giant space kraken guy to see if he can actually eat one of the moons all right is he gonna is he gonna come in where's the space kraken dude you completely missed you're chomping on nothing okay guess the space kraken is gonna go hungry all right let's jump back to these nukes and let's have a look okay so we can crank the nuke power we can crank it up to five how much damage does that do to say australia let's go australia you're about to be smashed with five nukes it's pretty powerful it left a bit of a hole in the planet big giant dent okay let's go with terraform to mars now this is level 20 nukes okay that's 15 more than you can actually do so if we i'm just using cheat engine just to hack the figures dude that's just it's just eating a hole right into the middle of it look at that it looks like a bowl like a fancy bowl you would buy from like a market looks so good like a teacup champ that is insane all right what about level 50 let's try this level 50 nuke here we go oh what what oh the nukes are actually already around in the middle all right i'm going for slow-mo i need to see this in slow motion all right nukes are coming in let's go slow yeah instantly the entire planet just turns into a red hot crispy thing and then it's gone right so this actually works with the laser as well see this we've got this cool funky green laser where we can burn stuff we can burn holes in planets and things like that that is really cool can we make it a super powerful laser though so we've got up to five is that it okay we can burn away the shields right you guys can try and protect yourself as much as you like look at this that is cool man we can just burn the center there destroy your shield generator shield generator gone not too bad what if we were to punch that up to like 20 damage though all right level 20 laser let's go oh man that thing is so much stronger how's it actually going to go against the planet all right yeah it's just coughing right through it like butter dude that's nuts let's try a planet that doesn't have a shield like earth yeah it just bites through it that's great and a hundred okay just right through the middle size three asteroid okay hang on a second how big is that oh yeah that's not too bad that's it that's a size 5 asteroid that thing does a little bit of damage look at that you can see it pelting the side of earth sorry earth here's a size 15 asteroid though that's a bit bigger look at the size that thing i think is massive the asteroid just explodes on impact the moment it touches earth it just explodes and here we have a size 30 asteroid coming in the things about the size of earth is it did it do anything to earth yeah it did i think it actually did you can see earth just disintegrating from like the left to the right wow that's some big damage right there size 100 asteroid i don't know let's find out here it just exploded right away okay here it's gone it's just gone i'm just gonna pause it oh yeah oh yeah that's that's a massive asteroid it's bigger than the planet that is so big all right it's coming in it's coming in oh god no worth it's it's just like kicking a wounded puppy earth has now disappeared so i wonder if shields would help it then yeah you've got some shields you think you're tough have you seen an asteroid bigger than your planet check this out man it just disappeared straight away it just instantly just disappeared okay let's go again dude the shields are actually helping it okay now it's gone yeah now you're gone what are you you're just a weird spinning ring thing oh the shields are back yeah you're going chain dude that thing is so tough the people should just be living on that thing it's way tougher than them there goes the asteroid oh get wrecked worms i like smashing the worms while they're trying to munch on the planet yeah have a few asteroids there champ coming in there's got to be like no planet left for him man that is amazing so these updates are pretty awesome when you power them up and make them a little bit more hardcore than they already are i kind of want them to add some more weapons in though you know what i mean some more space worms and things like that or maybe some like spaceships i don't know if you guys have got ideas let me know in the comments but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it it's one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 139,796
Rating: 4.9060054 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Universe Sandbox, Universe game, space game, space sandbox, smashing planets, solar smash, funny sandbox game, space simulation, planet simulator
Id: vGnSQ51X9Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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