Portable Sega Saturn, N64 + more! Anbernic RG35XX H

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this guy right here is the Amber Nick rg35 xxh and yes it's playing Magic Knight Ray Earth on the Sega Saturn on this device and it can do a whole lot more than Sega Saturn that's for sure how are you feeling you got John rigs here checking out the Amber Nick again the model number is RG 35xx Link in the description below if you just want to go straight there it can do a lot and I've covered these on my channel before this is the newest model Nintendo Super Nintendo Genesis all that other stuff too uh but Dreamcast Nintendo 64 even the Sega Saturn arcades Neo Geo little bit of everything really just going to check out just a few things in this video with this link in the description if you want to grab yours thank you for watching these things are super neat super handy to have around I just think they're fun okay Soo well I just Char out all of a sudden didn't it I just I turned it off and turned it right back off so uh it saved my spot where it was going to be that's kind of fun like that idea there's the power button on the side there so just a quick overview super nice super Sleek super sexy right here is your SD card you can just pop it off just like that um you can load your own ROMs onto this it is as easy as drag and drop it'll have all the folders there so that's uh really handy cuz sometimes you get those devices that are like Raspberry Pi kind of and it's not as easy just to drag and drop ROMs I like the dragon drop ability also has the um this is your HDMI so you can like you know plug it into a television I suppose I'm not going to test that on this video here too but oh you're charging and it does come with the USBC for you headphone of course of course you know just you know audio whatever nice little slip proof thingies back there too to grab on to again this was magic KN Ray Earth taada but I'm not going to play Magic Knight Ray Earth yet is this button here you can resume you can restart you can close the content is it closing I think it's closing there it is game over well that was fun thanks for watching no I'm just kidding um so magic Knight R Earth uh they had zero Saturn games when I loaded this device like when I first turned it on I was like okay there's nothing in the folder I'll at least drop in Magic Knight rare earth I dropped in a couple of other games in their own folders but they're not showing up so you have to put them in just the default Saturn folder I know that now um but let's have a quick look to see what else this includes here and we can go all the way to the beginning this is the beginning part so we have the games room and this shows PSP PS1 vertical arcade like that's your Tate mode there all right and they also G GBA you know NES game but that's your super famicom in the folders it'll be FC for famicom and just you're kind of your your basic you've seen these before on these other devices so kind of nice to see kind of good to have I love having access to any of the NES games or Super Nintendo games or stuff but then what uh you know what was like great was Dreamcast very cool and I loaded a special Dreamcast game on here I'm hoping it'll work too I loaded a couple of my other ROMs on here too but this thing already came pre-equipped with a bunch of ROMs which is kind of nice so you don't have to search for all of them but let's just have a look so here is and again we know NES is going to work great NES always works great for the most part right and on these devices never had an issue but I did load my new cho cho mimic so let's see if we can find it here it is I didn't add a thumbnail or anything like a screenshot but here's Choo Cho mimic and here it is that's the music that's the everything there's [Music] me yeah so and again we we'll talk about more about this game here in a bit but but there you go yeah so NES is running just fine and then even if you download NES games like through itch or something like that like someone's Homebrew games it's going to be just fine on here love to see it so I'm going to back out of there close the content oh you can also Save State it whatever you want to do save stating actually might work really well for that game because if you uh beat the game getting all the coins uh then you get a special ending so that's always fun um I loaded let's see here I'm curious about it has Mega CD so this is your Sega CD um I do love some snatcher let's have a let's have a quick peeky here cuz sometimes with a CD it stutters a little bit this one sounds like it's already doing well here well looks good to me all right oh do I do I dare pass it they always sounded just a little bit different on the Genesis soundship but you know all right wow cool one of the best games ever only available in the US on the Sega city as far as I know wish they do a double pack that had snatcher and police nuts but that's wishful thinking and I wanted to see so we saw the Saturn and then we also have Nintendo 64 now I loaded a few of the 64 hacks on here well I loaded NWO um WCW NWO Revenge it's one of my favorites um this is a hack I mean this is let's let's just have a quick P pakie here let's see what we got all right hear a little bit of the crackling with the audio going to do the best we can it looks pretty smooth on my end though [Music] okay nice oh fine but let's see what it looks like when you actually play the game now I'm curious about that you got the the got the analoges down here too so it's already mapped for that but here we go let's see what we got yes okay all right so the sky isn't all the way rendered there it looks like some of the the um [Music] mapping uh I forgot how awkward these controls are where's my shoot there he is there we go going to [Laughter] fall you know it's not terrible pretty good pretty good all right let's back up here close content got it well I hear it but I don't see it so all right well you can hear it it would have been a uh slated to be a um one of the hacks here close content so not that one let me try one of the other hacks though because the other hack worked I mean the the Mario one worked we'll try the freom hack here we'll see it's all it's all in trial and error if it works great if not well you know at least we tried this one seems to be okay oh all right well so far oh just me yeah not bad yeah so this one can be a thing huh let's have a [Applause] look yeah so it doesn't look [Applause] terrible well I'm not sure exactly how the buttons are mapped on this device here so it'll be like this so actually looks pretty smooth to me yeah the way the buttons are mapped a little how these for 64 purposes but then like C down I think like this is this a as your C button so you have your b and a buttons come on and then this is run yeah again not terrible but you can figure it out interesting okay I hit the wrong button ah what no just go back where's the back ah oh dude no dude okay no more searching I don't want to I don't want to search anymore okay that's the search button this is the back button back back back back okay how to go all the way back okay okay there it goes and close content there we go all right and now I have to do this to go back okay all right let's look at Dreamcast because not only Dreamcast the amazing but I added this game on here too and this is a new game and let's see if it let's see how it [Music] works all right I get a little bit with the audio crackling not too bad oh it's it's it's layering on top of layering instead of uh closing out and doing something else so here's driving Strikers available on Steam 2 this is the Dreamcast version and it looks like it's going to have trouble with this one but we'll see we're going to skip that part um yep oh that's right I'm looking at these buttons but the buttons are mapped for Dreamcast so so that's that's the a button for Dreamcast yeah it's going to it's it's going to slug this one this one has issues on my other emulator too so just had to had to check it out just in case it does work or can but then again I mean with what it is already and everything that's already loaded with all these other games so many to choose from including all of like these just for fun all the uh arcade stuff too uh even Virtual Boy even Virtual Boy never play got a chance to play Jack Brothers well now you can play Jack Brothers it won't be in 3D sure Auto pause that's weird why would you ask that if you've never played Jack brother this is actually a pretty fun game it's just unfortunate that's the that's the expensive one that people are searching for so again it's not going to be in 3D but if you just want to play the game and see what it's [Music] like yeah yeah yeah anyway [Music] have fun
Channel: JohnRiggs
Views: 13,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6XKbk0iPUfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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