Popular Rappers Tier List with Fantano

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guys once you finish watching this video head over to our NFR plus channel to get another tier list with Anthony fantano it was a blast we ranked rappers like Kanye West Yeet and much more so if you guys want to check it out check the link in the description and our pinned comment and guys we have more content coming out with Anthony fantano in the near future so enjoy this episode and if you do smash the like button turn on the notification Bell for future uploads and smash the Subscribe button if you are new to NFR podcast enjoy welcome back to another tier list with NFR podcast but for today's episode episode we have a very special guest with us it's going to be Anthony fantana once again welcome in bro we're back feels so good yeah absolutely and the same location too this is pretty cool man like I love Connecticut in the summertime last time we were here in November was kind of dark and gloomy so now at least it's nice and sunny outside beautiful stuff going on but 25 different rappers today guys we're going to be ranking them on our tier list from Bad mid good great amazing and perfect Lou let's start it off the first rapper we have today is Eminem one of the more interesting uh personas and I would say identities that we've had in the hip-hop sphere over the course of almost 30 years at this point has a vast catalog and there's a lot of stinkers in that catalog so immediately I feel like we can go in the upper echelon of a perfect does he fit into the amazing but this is the funny thing though is that we did this tier list in like the last time I think in like 2022 I believe and we place him in the amazing we placed him in the amazing so like is he going below that for you or is he going maybe in the perfect like where you putting him I would put him in amazing you know I mean like I think um you have to account for his actual artistic output I mean I feel like if we were only talking about technical ability here we're we're talking in that perfect range but we also have to take into account the content of what he says and the fact that over the years like you know uh I mean not not not even just talking about how some of his latest records are not that good some of his older material while it is great has not aged the best I was actually just listening to some song from The Slim Shady LP the other day and some of them still hit some of them not as much which one don't hit for you um uh come on everybody maybe hold on a second go through that this is I I was going back to listening to the to the song um about him uh you know uh having a million dollars um and uh you know I was kind of on a bit of a Slim Shady LP revisit as a result of that uh no Rock Bottom I still like um role model is a little edgy you know super edgy though and and you know I just don't give a [ __ ] you know it's like sometimes those tracks are just you know okay but still you know Bad Meets Evil still hits hard with Roy absolutely um uh you know also come on everybody I mean there there's like some eye roll moments you know but it's there you know but still like you know guilty conscience is great my name in is my my name is as great there's still like a lot of great tracks on it you know and and the thing is like it still was super unique for the time you know Abol and and also like it it's it's also interesting to sort of remind myself of like how much a lot of his older stuff just reminds me of like cartoons because like he was so overthe toop with like every single bar where he was kind of saying something outlandish had to have a sound effect that went along with it that you know that was usually coming out of his mouth he's like he's talking about an Uzi and he's like you know in the background it almost feels like you're reading a comic book when you're listening to his music exactly exactly had that playfulness to him he had the crudeless too right right but yeah I just feel like right now like the more modern Eminem is just not really great bro in terms of just track presence in terms of delivery his decision to sort of I feel like overe explain his bars like he'll spell out the crazy double on Tandra he might throw in and it's like okay but we we get it like you're Lyricist you know that and sometimes it seems like he takes himself a little too seriously while simultane while at the same time still like writing some supremely silly stuff you know and it it's it's like he again he used to have that hunger but also that light-heartedness about him uh while simultaneously making some valid points because at the time he was kind of even with the Dre endorsement was still kind of like an outsider and an underdog because you know during that point in his career also um that you know I was reminded of he was there were so many bars about like minimum wage and being freaking broke and like worrying about like where your next paycheck's coming from or like you know struggling with moving up economically and it's like [ __ ] you can't there's no way you can rap about that anymore or anything having to do with that you know it's like by the time he got to the Marshall matters LP that you know all those vibes and those sentiments were just like you know a dream and a thing of the past at that point all right amazing forem but next up we have Travis Scott who has a much smaller catalog um definitely I would say a Pioneer when it comes to the Trap scene what are you guys feeling for Travis well this is interesting cuz we put him in the grade category last time too so where are we moving are we going lower are we going higher like especially with the output his output has been really good over the years he has never really missed on a studio album as well his mix tapes are have been aging pretty well for the most part too in my opinion I don't I don't know you I'm I like obviously I love Rodeo I think Rodeo is a gamechanging trap record um and and I think you know AST world has some game-changing songs on it but everything else for me is just kind of like you know um either just okay or building up to a much more interesting moment so let's say like something like a bird's in the Trap Sig night you got songs like the ends on there let's say coordinates um whatever the case may be like why do you feel like like that project let's say is less Superior to a rodeo or it just feels it just feels like a bunch of rodeo afterthoughts to me honestly to me that record do doesn't really add that much to his musical narrative you know Aster World felt like a level up you know it felt like that was such a grand record and it felt like you know um an extension uh and a growth past what he did on Rodeo whereas Rodeo had stronger songs more interesting beat switches a cooler set of features in my opinion as well all around um you know the thing about AST world that I think kind of kneecapped it a little bit is that you know in Travis's shot for grandiosity it's a little bit of a bloated record you know so what would you cut off that record then that's interesting a bit of an L take I'm not going to lie I mean that was that was my main critique of it you know honestly like I I think I think I think as far as like pound forp pound even though Rodeo is a shorter record I feel like it's a more condensed album in terms of like every track just freaking hitting yeah you know um you know whereas whereas on Astro World you have moments like the freaking nav feature that are just like it's it's just see he doesn't like that feature either but I'm actually a big fan of that fure I like nav's performances to time but for the most part I understand where you're coming from but what are we saying with this final score Travis SC I would go greet with with Travis I think that when it comes just the way he uses his voice and the vocal effects the autot tune his use of it um the quality of projects I'd go great I mean I I guess looking at the scale here yeah I I I could go good to Great you know I I would I would say great if we were if I was thinking of just like kind of influence and impact in Artistry in the modern era but if I was thinking about just sort of like overall I'm think of like what amazing or you know or what what great '90s rappers I would probably put in that category and would I actually put Travis to them toe-to-toe but again like the paradigms for Artistry and influence in hip-hop today are totally different than what they were in the 90s so it's kind of like apples and oranges in a way but you know I I I could say great all right so Travis Squad is going into great Lou what do we have next next up we have logic who in my opinion has put out maybe not classic records but amazing records and you look at some like a no pressure when you look at something like an incredible true story but to me he's probably the most inconsistent rapper in the game to me one one of the most inconsistent in the mainstream yeah for sure but you see like I do think he has a classic record though like how could you listen to Under Pressure and not say that that like that's not a classic you know like you have some really it's really derivative yeah oh you think so I'm sorry Bobby I'm sorry Bob it's it's a derivative record um you know I I would say good though you know I think he has a moderate amount of Talent um you when it comes to rapping and uh pen game but like when it comes down to the messaging and the content of what he puts into his records and and also like you know the the way he uh scales and sequences and conceptualizes his albums uh while I do appreciate the ambition he brings to the table much of the time I I think that's often where he ends up kind of you know faltering you know and I mean you know I think that's exemplified in records like Supermarket because like he gets so in on like whatever the grander idea here is and gets so obsessed with that to the point where he kind of loses sight of whe whether or not the songs are actually good yeah that's true you know what I mean he does do a lot of overcompensating when it does come to like his performances let's say through different Studio albums but I do think technically like he is up there for me in like new generation mainstream rappers where like there's very few people that are going to be able to touch the speeds at which you raps at or let's say even the lyrical content matter take something like a Nikki for example we're talking about like you know things like lyricism and uh you know uh technical ability in terms of C stuff yeah being at an all-time low in terms of Standards like logic is uh Cut Above of a lot of people who mainstream right now you know even even multiple Cuts above like ASAP Rocky but I would rather listen to a Rocky project that's true you know I with a Rocky project the production's going to be more interesting the bars are going to be catchier and Vier uh I think the features list is going to probably be more adventurous because Rocky really kind of has his ear to the ground in terms of like different and alternative artists like you know he'll work with somebody like a Dean Blunt for example I don't even think logic knows who the [ __ ] Dean Blunt is interesting you know um or put you on his album even for the vinyl days think that was for sure yeah yeah exactly g l for me um yeah and and then also rap about me too and wanting to choke me to death uh where you know that that as well I'm never going to be choked death on an ASAP Rocky record so that's true or you know or honestly even if even if that was the case I know the bar would be a lot colder i' be like I'm gonna choke out fantano or some [ __ ] and then have like a gunshot playing in the background I don't [ __ ] know so you know but yeah I I would I would say good you know the thing is like obviously there's only a handful of logic records that I I personally say I would enjoy uh and there's a lot of stinkers in there but at the same time like I I see his talent I see his abilities and you know they can't be discounted yeah even the young Sinatra series were amazing and like a lot of those older mixtapes like do hold very close to heart for me but it's it's interesting that you say that he's derivative just cuz I feel like he is like obviously a massive hip-hop head if it'ss him like interpolating the elevators Hook from Outcast on no pressure or him sort of using a similar like storytelling structure on his songs um on under pressure for example but like what is it about like logically you find derivative on an album like under pressure let's say like uh there's just so many things about his style and his flow that just feel like an offshoot of something else and you know and I've said this about his you know music and his his output before it just sort of seems like you know and and look all the credit to him in the world and you know it's cool that he's successful and he made you know life for himself doing what he does yeah but you know I I feel like logic is like a main character in a movie where the biggest hip-hop fan in the world gets like one big wish to be a famous rap star and you know I I feel like that's kind of like the the the fantasy that he's uh living out and we're all just like kind of you know orbiting around that in in a way so you know it's again it like uh you know reminds me of U of of the movie blank check you know from back in the day where you know some some random kid gets a blank check and he writes himself a check for like millions of dollars and he's just like a rich kid and he gets to live out his fantasies of doing that but instead logic gets to be a famous rapper and you sort of like hear not as much his Artistry but his fandom for the genre in everything that he does because everything sort of like you know touches back uh you know in in a uh in you know is paying homage to something else whether it's like the wuang clan or even like track Called Quest exactly yeah but I kind of like that though I'm not going to lie to you like I like I enjoy some of it can be fun it can be fun and depending on how well he's doing it and what he's doing uh I enjoy it too I mean that's what I thought was so cool about the vinyl days record yeah you get something like um what was that uh the alter Regal that he had came out with after like he retired that was like super derivative of like MF Doom that I was like too on the money right right like come on and and that's the thing it's like I think everybody obviously is borrowing from something every artist is borrowing from something everybody is stealing an idea from something else uh but with logic sometimes it just feels too on the nose you know that combined with the fact that sometimes he's being on the nose as hell and the song isn't the best you know yeah so those combined end up kind of kneecapping I think the potential of a lot of his tracks but he does make genuinely good and moving and inspirational songs too and you know with logic I just feel like you know if if you're going to be a fan or follow him you just got to kind of take the good with the bad I guess that is very true so logic slots into the good um next up we have your boy Drake sing on on Drizzy Drake we had him wear amazing last time we did put him in the amazing that's going to fly this time I'm wasid I'm I'm I'm I'm we're going to have to come to a compromise compromise must be found this we're we're we're yeah because I'm not I'm not saying I'm not saying he's got to land anywhere near the bad category but you know um amaz what what was the logic for putting him in the amazing category last time I think it was just being able to like map out his overall skill set as a rapper and what he does bring to the table so example for let's say Lou and I like we really enjoy his duality of a singer and rapper as well and him finding that middle ground as a melodic rapper and that was super inspirational for a bunch of new generation rappers coming through um he has Classics in our opinion at least in his catalog as well groundbreaking records like a take care Nothing Was the Same in our opinion even something like if you're reading this it's too late um also just the like I know accessibility doesn't necessarily hold that much weight in a conversation when it comes down to Quality but for us we do feel like okay you are going to get lyrical ocelots like a Tusk and leather let's say or even um I'm not sure like let's say a noell for example but he also has the ability to make those super catchy popets like let's say a passion fruit which sounds absolutely amazing so it was more unlike his chameleon Factor you know him being able to play in every single bag and also kind of bring a new sub genre to the mainstream to a certain extent because in our opinion at least like whether you like it or not whenever Drake does touch something it goes absolutely [ __ ] crazy you know and then like you see the influx of artists that try to attack that sound and now you have a new developed Market with it so like that was kind of the reason it's true it's true but now that he's been at at what he's been doing for as long as what he's been doing like a lot of these things just kind of end up being dead ends or you know he just kind of like leaves a path of Destruction behind him where what was once hot once he did a feature or endorsed it is like now just like up shit's creek because how many people are doing dance hall tracks now where is blackboy JB you know what I mean people aren't curious about these things anymore because he just does it for a minute and then he just moves on would there be a market in the US for let's say like UK drill if it wasn't for a drake you know what I mean like I think like his ability to sort of take different sub genres within the hip-hop landcape for sure because he he did dabble a little bit in that but those tracks didn't hit that hard you know the thing is like popm smoke tracks hit way harder in terms the drill sound and you know than anything that Drake did and you know when Drake kind of dabbled in it for a minute he moved on when you know it didn't become as big as like a one dance for example you know what I mean or um you know we're going home or something like that you know he tries different things and it's trial and error and you know I think that's cool about him you know he's willing to kind of just hop on or do anything he sort of seems like he tries to make himself comfortable in whatever setting to you know give whatever a shot I like that he's adventurous I think that's you know ultimately a positive thing um but uh you you know it it doesn't mean that everything he tries though you know ends up being gold no and I think that you could go through almost every single Drake album and kind of like nitpick a certain song that you don't enjoy but what I also do like is that like example you go to something like if you're reading this it's too late you will find mega bangers on there like let's say yourself example and then you'll get something like let's say a jungle towards the end of the track list where in my opinion it's a fantastic R&B record and it sounds really good in the context of the project so I also like that about him is that the tracklist the way that they're formed it's not necessarily always kind of like a perfectionist mindset and it's more like you were saying like Okay let's try some [ __ ] out and make this cohesive to the point to where like I could be a chameleon in so many different bags and make this sound good and I think that like you know you could have your criticisms like honestly never mind as of recently and even clb on the criticisms with scorpion being bloated that and also um you know scorpion bloated uh also you know the more life playlist just has so many kind of odds and ends on it that aren't that interesting the dark Lane demo tapes I I think he's got kind of a little uh you know lazy like he's on autopilot and just doesn't really care about the quality over quantity you know uh game the thing with dark demo tapes that I did enjoy is that like that sort of like mellow out I would say molic sort of Drake is really nice to listen to especially like it's it's a late night drive sort of V where like you put on something like a Drake and drive exactly we've heard of Drakes and drives we the Drake and driving you know you put po you put on something like a Deep Pockets let's say or even something like a from Florida with love or even you know something like I'm not you two with Chris Brown and like that's incredible he's still experimenting with like lowii Productions or like stuff like plug and B on that record which you wouldn't really hear all that that often from other like Drake records um but again that one was sort of build as like don't take this too seriously it's just a bunch of lues and same thing with Mortal life as the playlist where it's like don't look at this and be harsh on it because I'm not putting all my effort into this it's not a studio album so he sort of like tried to I would say make his view his art differently depending what the project is but I think that's fair though to come to Drake's defense a little bit I just feel like looking upon him as like a legacy artist you can argue that like side by side with a Nate Dog he's the best hookman in hip-hop history I think that when it comes to something like a versus Battle there's very few artists that could really go head-to-head when you're looking at let's say maybe a Kanye West a Wayne and Eminem maybe they can Pete but he has all the hits he has the hooks he has classic records but I do agree that as of late it feels like there is a lack of inspiration and when he when he is inspired to make something different like an honestly never mind the results aren't that great yeah but like you even get something like his latest effort her loss like that's one of the best albums he's released he's not doing different on there though yeah but I mean you know he had better trap records on what a time to be alive in my op you're like living in I think a lot of the pressure to do better on that record also came with collaborating with 21 Savage 21 Savage did take a bit of a backseat on that record almost like having 30% of the r the thing is like I think he was still essential to Drake kind of like you know going a bit harder on that album because he had sort of match his more aggressive kind of grimy energy yeah but you do also get like those types of tracks like a middle of the ocean where he is getting introspective or even like the creative decision he is but those are the moments where 21 Savage sounds out of [ __ ] place because he can't sort of vibe on that level in the way that Dre can no for sure but like then you get 21 Savage on like a 3:00 a.m. in Glenwood and it actually sounds that was all right I think it's solid though like I think it was a great album but regardless though where he placing them is he going under like we'll compromise you said mid right is that where you wanted to go no I don't think I would go mid because I I like I I would land somewhere from mid to good I I guess like you know here's here's the thing with me Drake is obviously um you know a Pioneer in a lot of respects in terms of like fusing together um I mean he's he's changed the modern rap meta like you know he's the reason so many there's like this expect so many rappers [ __ ] sing now you know what I mean um which I mean obviously there are examples of artists before him doing that that you know he was hugely influenced by Kanye West clearly uh but when Kanye originally do it it didn't take you know what I mean it took for someone like Drake to come along later down the road and sort of like normalize it Lauren Hill You could argue no Lauren Hill for sure but the thing is like as as as a as as a woman she sort of inspired different artists and different Vibes than you know Drake and Kanye did you know it's like with Drake and Kanye it's very much a kind of you know sad depressed in yourr feels kind of thing you know and it's like this uh big uh over-the-top kind of like you know display of emotion and heart Mar exactly Marvin's Room type [ __ ] um so uh you know look he's he's revolutionized things in terms of like what rappers are expected to be and what they ought to be and um you know has normalized a lot of different fusions of hipop and pop and R&B uh that sound totally unlike the types of fusion of hip hop and pop and R&B that were popular in the 2000s you know what I mean I think this is like really been the 2010s were really kind of like Drake's decade you know in terms of uh uh influence and cultural relevance and as you guys you know were saying it seems like you know at least in the mainstream anyway anytime he would do or try something everybody else was kind of like ambulance chasing on whatever that was to also make an attempt at it and you know take a shot at it to see if they could have a hit with a similar sound or a similar Vibe um you know that influence uh you know does speak to an Artistry you know I think he had to be you know perceptive enough to try those sounds and do those things uh but you know like does he have the best pen game out there I don't think so he has a strong pen game a lemon pepper freestyle thing is know we don't even know how much of that [ __ ] he even wrote at this and but and also on top of that like you can't also discount the fact that like yeah he's made some stinky records lately but he's also taken one of the biggest [ __ ] L's in hip-hop in the 2010s as well like you know with push a te which I think like you know I I don't know man you know I think I think like when we're talking about sort of like as as you guys were kind of saying earlier like we're trying to take into account like all these various aspects of him as a rapper and as an artist and when you're talking about hip-hop like your ability to uh I mean look there's some artists out there who never beef and as a result of that I would never sort of take into account whether or not they would be good in a beef when sort of making a list like this or saying are they amazing are they perfect are they whatever uh but for those artists who have beefed you have to take that into account how did they do in that beef and Drake has has not done but he did catch a massive dub you know up against a Meek Mill for example like back to back is one of the best put up a fight like you know like me Mill didn't even put up a fight I love back to back I think it's an amazing track it's a fantastic track but like you know I I think Meek was way more capable of doing something better than what he actually did and I think Drake could have even came harder like on a lyrical level and in terms of like the shots he was throwing but it was just the idea of like turning backto back into a Club Banger that was badass like that was pretty crazy to turn a diss track into a Club Banger the way that he did so so yeah he does he does have the Duds and the W's within that area and I think that like yeah you could bring it into this conversation but okay you want to maybe go around the good area let's say we want to go around the amazing area do we meet in the middle with great do we meet in the middle we we we could meet in the middle with great we could in the Middle with great because again I I think you know he has he has style and he has he has hits and he has anthems and he has bangers and you know and I miss uh you know in a lot of ways that take care and that Nothing Was the Same era when he was like again he was like really like on his Anthem [ __ ] um you know I just feel like he's not really in that pocket anymore and now he's just everything that he does he wants it just to be a Vibe you know know it's just like everything's got to be a Vibe honestly never mind and so on it's just like you know we're just vibing and vibing and vibing it's like where's the [ __ ] bangers you know and and again I I think her loss had some bangers on it but you know unfortunately um you know songs like Rich Flex for example people mostly just turn into a joke you know which I still think is a great track um but uh yeah it would just be great to hear him just you know go a little bit harder these days or kind of hear that you know like uh if you're reading this hunger in him once again even if some people are kind of collaborating with him and helping him write some of the [ __ ] on it I don't know that's very true all right so Dre goes into the great but to switch it up now we have the baby who has had in my opinion one of the biggest fall-offs that we've seen in recent years um doesn't really have a single solid album going for him either um Kirk is all right Kirk's cool Kirk is all right but I mean like you said solid like it's not that bad like at least give him some sort of flowers you know like he's not like yeah it's just like how many tracks you revisiting I mean what do you have you have to on there you have Vibes like you have a couple of cool tracks but as as like an overall like solid album from start to finish that has I was going to say have a vision but I don't think the baby really ever has a vision right oh I mean no I mean it was different for when he was coming up like especially like the amount of rappers that were coming through like in that Trap Lane he did bring something new to the table especially with the types of different flows he was using the mean the same repetitive flow that he uses like on every track yeah because that's your in 2023 and you've heard like six Studio albums from him I mean like going back then like you kind of have to put yourself in the context of the music and listen I'm not trying to put him in the amazing category I'm just trying to say that there is something you know like it's not a complete like there's value to to the baby yeah there is something I mean like especially in the pull-up music days like it was hard like I was bumping at you I'm not going to lie I never gravitated towards the baby but how about you how do you feel about the baby I I would put him in the mid category AB he had he had a few hit tracks which led him to getting a lot of features and look he's got a stand out voice he does have character and he does have personality uh but I feel like when he had all that attention on him he didn't uh you know use that as an opportunity to grow switch things up Advance artistically in any way uh on Kirk you did have like a few introspective moments where you saw him kind of like getting into his own background and life and so on and so forth but it the record on the whole didn't really dig that far it wasn't a massive project and I just don't really feel like he's he's proven himself to be an albums artist for sure uh and and definitely not um uh uh a versatile artist you know because while he has continued to make tracks the itches that they scratch or attempt to scratch are much the same that he already kind of successfully did with older bangers that people have kind of it's not even rotation anymore that's you know what I mean um so you know he hasn't Advanced he hasn't evolved he's not keeping up with the times um and he can't even land a hit I think his last hit was what maybe 2020 with something like a like a rockstar I feel like that might have been the last one I guess so yeah but listen he's definitely taking a decline I think the mid category is good for the baby but let's continue this who do we have next we got baby Keem next Who's definitely like one of the most exciting Rising Stars I think to follow at this point and the melodic blue was one of my favorite records of 2021 I think that you know obviously he came in under the guise of being like you know Kendrick's cousin and a lot of people thought that that was maybe going to you know put a sort of like Shadow on his career but he sort of stepped out as his own artist and has his own unique cadences and I feel like um what he brings to the table is vastly different from Kendrick very unpredictable as well as an artist diverse as well you go into a baby Keem album and like you just don't know what to expect and I think in 2023 that's so valuable because you go through a lot of artists and like if you're on that release night you could call the album just by looking at the track list you're like I know what I'm going to be getting out of this baby Keem for example go to a track like a trademark USA where you're getting three different beat switches and then he's matching the flows and cadences with those types of different production breaks and you're like oh this is [ __ ] genius like I really enjoy this while I do think you do have like your mishaps on something like a pink panties for example where the flow gets a bit annoying and you're not necessarily engaged within the track you do also get fantastic lyrical performances like Escape goats for example that also plays into the next album he's going to be releasing which I'm hyped for for this year but all in all I do think he still has some like work to do I'm not going to lie to you you know I think he's relatively I'm not sure if you could put him in the gr category just because there hasn't been that much output and like the mixtapes I mean die from my [ __ ] is cool but it's not like a revolutionary mixtape by any means it's great though it's a nice album um well mixtape I'm I'm feeling good on baby Keem what about you what are you saying I I feel like good is fine if I was being uncharitable I could say mid but like only but but with the expectation that he's going to improve you know what I mean sometimes with his songwriting I'm on the fence or the actual content of his tracks I'm not like super crazy about like what he's getting to the heart of lyrically if he's even if he's even trying to get to the heart of anything but uh as you guys were saying he has a lot of Personality he has a lot of unique inflections and flows and he has this chaotic X Factor that you just never know what the hell he's going to do and these other things that you know I was just kind of bringing up in terms of like you know lyrical focus and uh what his music actually kind of gets to the heart of that could really just kind of be an issue of like you know maturity and just him needing to kind of grow and change as an artist and you know with him having someone like Kendrick Lamar in his camp and already showing himself to be pretty eccentric and pretty creative that could really just only be a matter of time before he really kind of he's still so young he has time to develop as well like I think that even because I was I was referencing scapegoats before like he's going to be talking a bit more about his story on the new album and that's maybe the expectations from the fans but what I like about baby Keem as well is that he has the ability to make so many different types of Records whether it be something like a doag activity which Ravis Scot and then you get lost souls on the same one or even like you know a boom man for example like how do you make a soundscape that sounds coherent but yet you go track for track and nothing sounds the same you know and I really like that factor about him so I'd go good with it I think that's a fair rating with it yeah all right we can all agree on good but next up we have post Malone and this is interesting just because post Malone is not really that much of a rapper anymore so we kind of have to like Trace back to the Beer bongs and benley era as well as the Stony era white I Ty VI so yeah speaking about post Malone as a rapper I don't think that you know he's one of the strongest pop rappers out there I feel like you know when it came to creating his massive hits like a rock star like a money money made me do it off of Stony um there's always that Reliance on on the feature it's like I always had that thought in the back of my head of like would these records be as big as large as they are without the assist right right or or without the production carrying you the thing at the end of the day like even when postm was a rapper it wasn't even really his rapping bringing to the bringing people to the table he's he's a hook writer he writes hooks he writes good choruses he writes good super catchy super infectious choruses like you know everybody remembers the chorus to Rockstar but nobody remembers every single bar coming out of post Malone's mouth you know I mean the flows are catchy but it's really kind of the chorus that brings everybody to the to the yard and you know the the thing is um you know I I like the beer bongs and Bentley's record a lot you know but my favorite tracks on that record or some of my favorite tracks um were the ones that were just like kind of pop songs masquerading as as like trap Cuts because they have a trap be in the background better now better now as a pop song it is better now is not a rap song by any means or the true rap songs in that album I think you have like same [ __ ] that's one of them I can think of but there's not many like pure hip-hop tracks yeah but I think that was always kind of like Z Mo was being being able to like fuse the melodic you know rap scene and bring it to like that sort of pop st he was he was able to kind of take his talents as a song writer and as a pop artist but aesthetically dressed them in such a way to where it appealed to a hip-hop audience or some you know or your general audience of young music fans who enjoy trap music and stuff yeah and he always paired them up let's say with a trap artist per like example congratulations with quo or as you were saying Rockstar with 21 Savage I feel like those features allowed him to play Within that lane and then the accessibility Factor kind of opened up for the general hip-hop audience so as a rapper I feel like it's kind of mid to be honest with you yeah you know but but at the same time it's like I don't know um it's I I agree with what you're saying but you know to the points we were making earlier with Drake you know we weren't just kind of taking into account uh you know his abilities as a rapper when sort of rating him in the way that we did we're also taking into account like well he's also a singer and he also does this and he also does that you know it's like would it be fair to just kind of Judge post Malone purely by so we'll break it down then okay so you know to his credit he is versatile he is you know I I just feel like he has kind of a different you know appeal I mean you know Drake for as many issues as I have with him you know I I definitely would not question his validity as a rapper you know but post Malone you know just uh he he feels like he barely fits into that category yeah like he kind of plays in and out of it to a certain has way more range like as an MC I think when you're looking at like topically Drake covers way more ground I think the Arsenal of flows of cadences no for sure production Styles um I think Drake is leaps and and Bounds ahead of post Malone yeah as a rapper as a raer yeah I don't know we we we could say we could say red mid you know good if it was up to you no because honestly at the end of the day like I I feel like his catalog doesn't hold up all that much either EXA Hollywood's exactly like since beer bongs everything has been but you know maybe this new kind of singer songwriter record will Revitalize things a little bit that could be good like if I like I kind of want to see him kind of go all the way with that because I do feel like as you were saying the C most natural exactly and it feels like a place close to home for him and like even if he does Bring In Like a Rock influence to the album then that can maybe be a good place for him to strive and have it go through but yeah I agree like some of his like best stuff to me is like the raw acoustic stuff like a feeling Whitney for example where he's really showcasing um his vocal chops but okay so post Malone goes into the mid I think we can agree on that next up we have ice spice who's been uh The Talk of the Town we could say as of late I mean who doesn't want to [ __ ] ice spice feature at this point and I think she's a bit harder for us to grade just because I mean all she has out is an EP and a couple of singles for the most part and I'll be honest with you guys like I know there's a lot of hype around ice spice right now I think that um there's definitely an appeal to her sound obviously like I'm not the [ __ ] target audience for a nice spice so maybe that plays a factor into this this type of conversation that Annabelle should have been here to be able to I just think looking at ice spice and what she offers you have like that Bronx drill flow you have a lot of the same style production and it's just she's been sort of onedimensional for the most part besides her being able to play alongside like a p a pink pantheris which was impr yeah but the thing is though is that it's going to take some time to like see that though you know she doesn't even have a debut out right now everything that she has released has been like 2 minute bangers that have done super well on short form content right um everything that we have seen those thus far has hit bro like she's making she just has again a singular flow to me that she just yeah but dude like how many songs does she have out right now I think it's like 14 probably like 15 songs yeah like you still need time I mean like it's hard to like grade it at face value but we were speaking about this I believe on our episode in 2022 when like we were talking about up and cominging rappers and like Lou was on the fence about her because he didn't know like what was going to happen with the onedimensional factor but I do think she's going to strive like I think I need to just see like a debut studio album before you're talking about what is we're talking about right now based on the music that we have that's been released yeah for for me this is kind of similar to the baby Keem situation again if I was being uncharitable I would just say mid but with the hopeful expectation that it would go up from there because she hasn't really had the opportunity yet to show us exactly fully everything that she can do and you know with her being so young you would assume that she's going to hopefully grow as an artist from here I mean while she does have that you know singular flow from like what we've heard so far uh with every time she does a feature she makes herself comfortable wherever she's at what with whatever she's doing and again that Pink Panther ass feature does freaking hit it does you know and she does have you know at least the versatility and ability to make herself make sense within whatever she does I mean the Taylor Swift feature that she just did uh didn't blow me away or anything but it fit the song yeah like she's able to wear different hats and I think that like especially for like that new New York drill scene she does it well like I'm not going to lie to you like you listen to a lot of New York drill artists and like yes okay like it's a prominent scene and there is quality within there but I like how she's approaching it to where like she could take that sound and she could apply it to so many different types of Productions and artist she's most likely she's most likely going to continue to drift away from that though you know what I mean absolutely and you want to see that though as a listener because because at this point she has such a huge pop crossover appeal she's not going to come out with her debut and just like make it the grimiest [ __ ] New York drill record of all time like she's you know that that would that would just kneecap her you know mainstream potential and I think that's mostly what she's focused on right now you know is it as much as like you know obviously a lot of her sound and style comes from drill music like obviously when you look at the content of her music um only in very slight ways is it drill influenced you know what I mean like most most rappers are you know in the drill scene aren't talking about how much they love to [ __ ] give oral sex you know yeah so it's like you know she's using kind of that sound and that vibe to just rap about stuff that is relevant to her yeah you know and um you know I think those kinds of Beats and those kinds of sounds uh you know could continue to remain relevant to her catalog because that's um you know what her flow her flow that we know her to have sounds good over um but you know I I have a feeling that in time with you know tracks like this Taylor Swift thing happening and the Pink Panther s song doing as well as it was you know we're going to hear her over a wider variety of Beats maybe even her diving into singing at a certain point as well who knows I don't know I think her voice I don't think she's got that that's you feel she just but her voice just seems so like whispery and raspy you think she's got the thing too is I don't feel like she's like the most expressive vocalist either even looking on like her ad libs like it's so monotone to a point where it's like like you know what I mean my favorite the damn the dam there's the like there's the gra and there's the damn I gravitate toward the damn nothing like vocal Essence can Dy you know that's another thing like who knows if she's working on her vocals and like actually trying to play there and I think it would be like a big Misfortune if she doesn't try to at least attempt something within that lane like it's worked well for so many different arti like it's true is and maybe this is like expecting too much but she could easily end up on like an ASAP Rocky type trajectory where you know she mostly sticks to her usual vocal style or flow style or rap style but she makes really creative choices on the production end on the feature end and she's just like working with really good people and really good producers and and you know making songs with good choruses which can do a lot to close the gap if when you approach the mic you're not writing the best [ __ ] or you're mostly rapping much of the same way that you know you have before and you know so far you know she's surrounding herself with good people and making good moves in terms of who she wants to affiliate with and who she wants to collaborate with so I I don't know you know it's U I think there's a variety of ways in which he could grow and end up putting out some more great and very good music and relevant music uh that wouldn't necessarily involve her or necessitate her like you know becoming as skilled a Lyricist as like Nicki Minaj or something like that that's very true so listen I think the good category is pretty good for this one I I would have gone mid but if you guys are I would say mid but with the expectation she's going to grow okay so we agree for the mid right now yeah like you know it's kind of mid potential territory because there's so little that we know at this point that's very true all right it's it's it's like mid in terms of what she's shown us like you know but uh uh she could she's probably going to grow from here oh she will I agree with that okay so she goes into the mid so we got two more rappers next up we have most de who is in my opinion one of the greatest to ever do it although he does have that limited catalog and sort of um I would say in the last decade or so hasn't really focused that that much on his rapping career besides um the latest black star album that we got with no fear of time with uh those crazy Mad Li beats that I really enjoyed um yeah I think most de has to go in those two upper Shalon tiers of either amazing I would say amazing I would say amazing you know I I think uh uh amazing in terms of his lyrical Focus his personality his writing ability his versatility um you know but unfortunately I feel like over the years he just hasn't had a the kind of impact that he could have or should have uh just with kind of being more on that backpack rapper track which is what everybody used to refer to that [ __ ] as when I was in college um but uh but yeah you know I think uh he's he's obviously got Classics he's got some of my favorite hip-hop records of all time in his catalog uh but you know I I think uh uh his you know potential for spread and influence isn't quite there and that's also partially been kneecapped by his own doing because his output isn't as strong as it could have been if he kept going you know and kind of stayed consistent with it but at one point you know uh by his own choice and I understand you know uh the music industry sucks and you know kind of seeing the art that you want to make not uh get the kind of reception that you want it to can be really disheartening uh but at one point he just kind of decided to stop and focus on other things and focus on himself and you know that could be good for his own mental health you know and everything and obviously he's been kind of prioritizing that in the same way that you know guys like Andre 3000 have I think like eccentrics like that you know uh have a hard time kind of continuing to function through the music industry especially during that era because everything uh uh even with the relative amount of Commercial Success that they both saw um can be kind of soul sucking you know to kind of navigate those through ways to actually get like a song out that you are passionate about and that you care about and you think is actually good but actually manages be to be a hit as well you know I will give this the most death though like if it was let's say a tier list for like technical ability you could make the argument that he's in that perfect Echelon like when it comes down to him and his flows and like the streams of Consciousness and the song Concepts um even his output like in the earlier stages of his career were legendary like you have so many Classics yeah let's say like besides the rock album what was that one called the new danger I believe yeah I believe so yeah you could put him in that perfect C but I do agree that there are certain things that you could say that oh okay like let's put this into the amazing you know yeah but he still has like alltime [ __ ] great um you know hip-hop Classics when you look at the definition when you look at like I says when you look at Miss fat booty um certain cuts off of the ecstatic as well which is um close to a masterpiece of an album um I think most def just has this unique Essence to to bring spirituality and his own philosophies into his records and I really thought-provoking and intelligent Manner and I think that anytime that he steps on the mic even though those um those moments are rare occurrences something like hearing him on let's say Stars off of the forever story or hearing him off the latest Westside gun record your ear is always really um just stuck to every word you know what I mean like he has that ability to really um you know keep you captivated with every single word that he says and that's because of his vast vocabulary and just his Essence as an MC so I think era he comes from an era where you know uh the the goal was to get you to think about every line coming out of his mouth you know what I mean actually think about it you know not just have it kind of go by passively and uh just have it on in the background because it kind of sounds cool you know like you actually he actually forces you to process the things that he's saying and that's true and I think that's super valuable especially from someone like Moos Dev he has so much game to kick and also like super involved with his own spirituality and like his own progression as a human being and like that Hiatus that he did ended up that he ended up taking like I feel that created for good content matter as his career ended up progressing after like example when he did release an album or when he was on a feature like it was always an extra value where like [ __ ] I'm superon to listen to this most de first and I want to be invested into his career once again and I think he also has a nice Mystique around them but let's keep going with the tier list so most Dev goes into the amazing but next up we have Denzel Curry and I think that you know when it comes to Denzel he's an artist that um is already you know considered a legend when it comes to Florida hipop I think that when it comes to Denzel where he's an artist that we're seeing this consistent Evolution from which has been really interesting to me I mean starting off with the Raiders Clan all the way to him getting to this point where he sort of made his own like soulquarians album with MMA your future where he's bringing these streams of Consciousness to um its highest peak from a lyrical standpoint I've just has been Amazed by everything that he does does he have any you know real Duds in terms of his output not really yeah even his earlier even nostalgic 64 was was was pretty good to me yeah I think that little EP combo that he had not too long after kind of okay but everything else has been like fire absolutely even unlocked with Kenny beats was crazy um Zoo which was more of a freestyle album was really nice to me as well I like on that record example like a speedboat for example you know yeah you had a lot of stuff on there melt my eyes to your future was my favorite rap album from last year at a number one on my list for my 2022 list I think Denzel is amazing bro I'm not even going to lie to you like as an artist he could do so much even if he just putting out Rec even if he just kept putting out records like Imperial he would be a great artist but on top of that like he has uh you know between taboo and between his latest one he's got those concept albums too and and unlocked as well you know he's got like those really good concept albums and you know it's it's rare that you get that in an artist who is like you know putting out bangers has great lyrical content but on top of it can actually like you know craft an idea a bigger picture sort of record and actually execute it in a way where it's like entertaining from front to back and the songs all kind of reinforce each other as like an overall piece of of Art and one thing I feel like he does deserve more credit on is also his versati his versatility excuse me as a rapper oh yeah he's a top five most you look at what he's doing example like even with some scre or rap cuts that he has within his discography orage against machine cover especially with like you know his his new record you know he's he's switching it up uh with every you know he he's he's clearly evolving every few releases or so absolutely the whole didn't CH Know cover from Erica Badu singing was pretty cool on there as well so yeah like the live jazz cafe cuts that he's been doing as well where he's more of in a softer bag and now he's trying to go into that and he also said that he's going to be releasing an R&B album very soon it gets you excited you know like which artist you know can make an album like taboo and then you could get invested into their R&B stuff as well and it sounds equally as good and then it intrigues you to go into the next one that's why I think he's an amazing artist yeah I would put him an amazing and I would even say that like uh he has potential to even grow out of that category you know just as we were saying about you know baby Keem and Ice spice earlier like you know uh while Denzel yes you know amazing is obviously a great place that you want to land as an artist but I I think with him still being relatively young and showing at this point that he's still willing to take risks and do different stuff I I think we're you know kind of yet to uh even fully understand him as an artist because he's still I think getting an understanding of himself that's very true you know and and he's kind of putting it all out there for us to kind of hear and experience along along with him yeah it's just cool to see that he hasn't like reached that Peak yet and I think that he could go down as an all time potentially so abolutely we'll have to see what ends up happening but next up we have nav we spoke briefly about before um when it came to the Ed feature um this is this is interesting about is that we're actually big fans of his self-titled album everything since then has been trash for the most part but perfect timing was decent though perfect timing with Metro boomman was not bad perfect timing was decent you have your cuts off of there and I think that like even Nava a producer like when you listen to like his curation throughout an album like usually especially in the earlier stuff the production's [ __ ] fire like you go to a song like up or myself or whatever else he was releasing yeah they're they're like good trap beats you know what I mean crazy but I mean like he gets a bad rap because as you were saying you do have those like EXA bad habits you know that's not a great album that's definitely not something in my rotation at this point or even his re like even his most recent protected by angels that wasn't a great album as well but I'm going to shift the conversation to you now how do you feel about his Artistry I would say bad I would say bad I I just I can't is he like the worst rapper of all time too no no no no you know the the thing is like I I I feel like if you were really going to be the worst rapper of all time I I I think like I I think his content would have to be worse I I guess I guess what makes him in the bad category for me is that his content is just so supremely uninspired you know I just feel like it's a lack of anything interesting to hear or listen to in any way whatsoever um I I think he you know has shown himself to be in terms of beat choice and also when we do rarely hear his production competent on the production end um and his uh you know his his records are mixed and engineered relatively well as well it's not like when you listen to it it's like a bunch of Loi garbage that sounds like a total mess it's like you know it's uh it's it's it's uh well put together but outside of that it just feels so soulless and you know um uninteresting and just uninspired and um yeah just a super super basic I guess you know painfully basic and I just don't really see uh what's so exciting about about anything that he does especially in such a saturated world of music when you could you could literally be listening to anything you know uh I just feel like there's so much I feel self-titled though like it's just it's just okay it's just okay we're big fans of all the passionless robot vocals just do not do anything for me you know there's nothing about him vocally that jumps out to me in any way yeah he's definely one of the more robotic sounding uh and I guess like as a songwriter I just feel like he's kind of okay too yeah it's like how many times you're going to go through like the whole rags to richest story you know what I mean like that's the deepest that he'll sort of go right and um yeah it's just it's stopped becoming interesting for me at this point and also you know and also obviously you know he sometimes he'll deal in things like you know his feelings and depression and addiction and that sort of thing the thing is like there's no shortage of that type of content out there these days you know a lot of rappers are reflecting on exactly that and doing it in such a way where they're coming across more passionate and compelling you know and you actually kind of like you know feel what what they're going through in that respect like juice world for example you know um there's just nothing about what nav does that stands out to me is like stand out you know there's in in the grander scheme of rappers today and Beyond today uh there's not anything that I feel like he specifically does well that I would go to him specifically for okay you know that's interesting so listen I think we were going to go mid with it but ultimately like you butched for us last time with Drake will end I think we budge we can budge and go down so na is the first bad rapper on the tier list um let's keep on going though the next rapper that we have is going to be sabba and um I think that your community was obviously affected by your take on care for me which to me is one of the best albums of 2018 um so where do you stand with sabba overall like I think you you you scored his latest record a bit higher right yeah yeah no I I think he's a decent to good artist you know I think with that I think with care for me and I've talked about this with other people since you know the thing is like obviously there are songs on there that are very impressively high concept but as like a Lyricist and as a rapper sometimes his execution just felt like a little too amateur for me on which songs did you feel like that was a prominent case let's say with care for me was example like something like calligraphy calligraphy is genius or example let's say something like prom King like where did you find those blemishes within that 2018 again just sometimes it felt like he just came across to me as a very inexperienced rapper you know in terms of just like his voice his presence on the mic um his breath control sometimes like it just seemed like he was you know while he had great ideas his execution wasn't as sort of professional or as tight as even someone like Kendrick was when he first came on to the well you know the thing is from o from you know um Kendrick's debut tape to section 80 you can hear a vast difference in terms of like his rapping ability yeah like if you go overly dedicated and you hear songs like Michael Jordan for example like you'll find a clear difference between that and something like an ADHD for example but you see I like that about sabba though because what I at least grab out of his music is that personal relatability factor and like the way that he's kind of like rapping in front of you to a certain extent and I feel like there's very few rappers that are able to do that and actually make a good concept record out of it so I do give him points for that I really do enjoy his um excuse me his songw writing for example on something like a prom King where you're going through the writing and you're just amazed at how every single bar interconnects with each other and how the story is flowing and I do enjoy him on that end but example you know going to his latest record like where do you feel like he leveled up and where do you feel like he's taking it next I feel like I feel like the tunes were stronger and you know the execution and presentation overall was cleaner okay um I I realized that maybe on the record and and this this is maybe a bit of a trade-off you know you didn't have songs that were as big or as conceptual as prom King you know there wasn't any anything on that record that maybe was as devastating as that song you know in terms of like the content on it uh but overall I thought you know the the songs were just a little better put together and it just felt like a little less amateur okay you know um interesting so I mean you know I I think it just kind of comes down to preference at the end of the day uh because you know I could see if when you listen to you know care for me if the fact that he seems so green behind the ears on that record doesn't really bug you in any way whatsoever and and look there's some people that don't really give a [ __ ] about how mature uh odd Futures early stuff sounded you know what I mean uh to me some of that stuff was like so sloppy and so messy that I just couldn't really get too much out of it and yeah even if it was legitimately like you know alternative to a lot of the stuff that was going on in the mainstream um but you know with that being said if that doesn't Factor as much for you um then of course like you know uh the more conceptual and sort of narrative based tracks off that record are going to blow you away you know what I mean uh to me uh the follow-up was a lot more cleanly you know put together and I feel like um you know on that end it just seemed more well assembled and he seemed a little bit more you know kind of focused as a songwriter even if the songs overall weren't is kind of narrative or conceptual or you know like trying to kind of uh you know rock you emotionally yeah that's interesting just because I feel like for me care for me was the more cohesive album in terms of like him working through his trauma and him even having refreshing like concept songs something like a broken girl for example um that sort of takes the same thematic ground that um United in by Kendrick does in terms of sorting sort of like finding love with someone who's broken and who has a fragmented Soul or whatever it is but um yeah I think overall care for me was cohesive I think the songwriting The Melodies the hooks were all up to par so it's interesting you have that take it is interesting so where are we going with this because I would I would go great for I would go great with it as well you go down to Mid or good what would you say probably good good to great yeah I mean and again I think he's also an artist too he's still at a relatively young part you he's still at a relatively early part of what we hope is going to be a long career as well you know I mean I think if um with the improvements on you know his uh vocal performance and uh you know some of the smoother production choices he was making on his last record combine that with the conceptuality of you know uh uh care for me you know if if he's able to sort of like you know nail that balance on a forthcoming album uh he could be coming out with something that would blow everything he's come out with up until this point out of the water absolutely I think yeah if he finds that middle ground like you're saying then it could make for an incredible studio album experience but I think ultimately we're going to go great with it yeah we're going to go great with Saba great fine okay let's keep going with this next up we have Westside gun all right taking it to a bit more of the underground I mean obviously the father of grisal the records someone that has been able to for the most part put out a lot of Records but also maintain that quality um when it comes to Westside gun though how you guys feeling feeling I like his unique Cadence and flow if I'm being completely honest with you like you could kind of attribute it back to Something Like a Ghost Face Killer sort of like Cadence absolutely and you definitely hear the influence even some like someone like an action Bronson like plays really close to home on that and I've always really enjoyed that type of gritty style and especially him being from Buffalo and kind of playing also into like the New York City Scene was really nice and I had the chance actually to do a theography dive for Westside gun um you know over the past week and going back to example records like got from 2016 and going to songs like 50 in Zenith with Sky zooo you know you're realizing that yes you know Westside gun has a unique Cadence and he brings a lot of Silent substance but lyrically he's always able to match and Par up with some of the best lyricists in the game whether it be a con with the machine whether it be someone like a skyu and I feel like that is definitely a factor and a plus for me not only that but I think when it comes to curation and albums and putting like this cast of different rappers together there's no one else that does them like him as well and his ear for production and you know beat selections as well throughout every single one of his albums is always [ __ ] Flawless like he's always bringing something unique to the table so I would ultimately go great if I'm being honest with you um I would go yeah I think good to Great is sort of a fair range for Westside gun I mean in terms of like um just how much personality he brings on to the mic his ad libs are [ __ ] iconic at this point his voice also is so distinct and so different from anybody else that you'll hear in the rap game right now like just like that high pitch sort of like frequency that he hits um always is has always been captivating to me just because sort of sounds like a kid screaming in a playground but he does it to a point where there's a lot of like interesting little adlibs or interesting little Expressions that are thrown in there um yeah I I think W said gun could slot into the great this is what's really cool about his music as well that I was just picking up upon like if you go back to the early 2010s something that Joey Badass did with 1999 was kind of bring back that golden age of boombap right and bring it in back into sort of a mainstream market if you want to say that and I feel like he kind of did the same thing with grisela where sort like the mainstream of the underground if you listen to like a lot of like old aftermath records or even like a lot of stuff that was coming from the woo you definitely hear that influence and to be able to do that in a 2023 you know climate where you know you're getting artists dropping every single like practically month and you're getting everyone kind of in the mix that's hard to maintain and the fact that he was able to orchestrate all of that with adding his own wrapping on top of everything is super impressive in my opinion MH so um for me I'd probably put him in the good category you know I I see him as uh like an architect I see him as a curator uh more than a rapper per se I feel like he raps mostly out of just like kind of necessity because it you know the what what he aspires to and what he wants to achieve almost like requires him to do it you know while in what he does I hear a lot of influence from you know artists like Ghostface Killer or jadus something like that um you know would I put him on the same level as them lyrically in any way no no you know um you know I think he has bars uh but his flows are not as versatile as they could be and you know at this point could I ever see him coming out with a song as like as conceptual or as you know like deeply cutting as a Conway song such a stressed probably not you know um again I feel like he's more of a director type and and I see him as somebody who is kind of the glue to everything just a fan of different Vibes and sounds much in the same way that like ASAP baraki is or like you know logic is but he's able to kind of Orient all of his you know preferred sounds and Aesthetics and ideas and kind of drape them in such a way where it's like it's street but it also comes off as like hi art and high fashion and high this and high that and and let that's a talent you know having the ability to direct things in that way uh is most definitely a talent and you know uh being able to curate and guide and um you know sort of like bring the audience to certain sounds and certain ideas and certain Vibes um can be you know really valuable you know that's what people like Dr Dre do that's what people like Rick Rubin do you know um so you know it's it's it's something in his skill set um you know because the thing is like if you know you could be the greatest look there are a lot of amazing spitters out there and you could hear them and see them you know uh anytime that you want when you go on some of these freaking um you know battle rap YouTube channels yeah exactly but the thing is like these guys you know while they may be great lyricists and they can say the hottest funniest most clever [ __ ] you've ever heard they have no ear for Beats they don't how to write a song you you know it's like there's tons of [ __ ] [ __ ] they just do not have the talent for and they don't have like that multi-dimension factor to them where they're able to play in so many different areas and kind of put it all together and like that's what I do enjoy about Westside gun is that he's not particularly like perfect at anything but like he's kind of like the Swiss army knife to where like he could play everywhere and like he's the glue to that whole Collective and kind of the genius and the moving director and that's very rare to find in hip-hop nowadays to be quite honest with you so I would go good I think as rapper I think good is definitely fair for Westside gun um let's wrap this up with one more rapper let's do little Sims to end things off and um at this point like I don't even think it's much of a conversation I think she needs to slot into the amazing um she's put out in my opinion one of the best three album runs that we've seen in recent time from gray area all the way to no thank you um I've been Amazed by her lyrical ability I've been Amazed by her transitioning going into more singing type records on something like Sim and to me like I think she's going to leave like no stone unturned by the time it's all said and done but how do you feel about about Sims right now Anthony yeah I mean even though thank you I mean clearly a lot of the cuts on that thing were just like leftovers from Simby but even that they were great you know it's like even her Cutting Room floor stuff is is fantastic and entertaining um I mean I've been you know saying her stuff has been great for a while you know I think um uh she had amazing bangers on her debut though I think overall it was like a little scant and it didn't really kind of dig that deep you know uh it just kind of seemed like uh just a handful of you know different songs that could have been assembled in any number of ways and you would have got mostly the same experience uh with that you had the follow-up record that was much more kind of string oriented and conceptual but um as you know as we've been talking uh about in regards to some of these artists you know sometimes you have like a really big Concept in mind but uh the songs are just okay or the execution isn't fully there you know and it's and that's what I find she does really well example you go to something like sometimes I might be introvert and you're finding hints of like afrob beat within there and R&B and then pure hip-hop and grime as well well well with that record that's where I feel like she really kind of nailed down her ability to kind of curate a concept album exactly because obviously before that you had gray area but that [ __ ] was a lot like her debut was just like really direct really blunt really raw really inyour face No Frills you know everything you need and nothing you don't and then the follow-up record is sort of like so over the top and Grand and I have you know suspicion that like you know she's G she's gone back into a space where she's kind of like you know um uh uh kind of rolled things back a little bit with no thank you and giv us like you know a really good project a solid project to hold us over and then she's going to kind of go for it again a big concept record a big concept record following this you know because it seems like she's almost on this pattern of like you know here's a bunch of tracks to vibe to they're good there's some bangers in there let's have a big statement now we're going to draw back to something more hard-hitting and direct and we're going to have a big statement and then once again we've kind of drawn it back to a bunch of cuts that uh uh you know are really direct and hit hard and then maybe she's going to try to uh you know do another death defying jump exctly and I also think that like working with inflow has done wonders for her because if you pay attention to the types of soundscapes that she's producing they're so unique for the hip-hop soundscape especially like cuz you're not getting that much live instrumentation for most hip-hop like soundscapes at this point not only that but you're getting full orchestral pieces like you're getting beautiful instrumentals from start to finish like there's not a mishap on any single track within those albums and just to be able to see her play also within the UK Grime and play close to home to where she's from and bring that into a North American market and have it strive there is super cool as well I think she's going to be one of the best rappers if she is already not right now in the game right now and I would go amazing with Sims like she has the ability like Denzel Curry to rank up to a perfect as well at least in my opinion yeah no my in my opinion too I think she's um you know she's she's doing incredible stuff and she's just as you were kind of saying she's like done so great uh in terms of being able to build a crosscultural audience when you know UK Artis and rappers don't really get taken seriously over here unless they get some kind of mainstream attention like a Dave for example but the thing is like she she's still maintained a pretty you know underground um operation with what she does you know and there's that sentiment to it to where like she's like the mainstream of the underground and like she's in this perfect Middle Point at this point so amazing I think we could wrap it up with amazing yeah amazing for little Sims but I think that's going to wrap up the tier list for today guys um definitely some interesting selections maybe the next time we do this ice spice might creep into the perfect we'll have to see what ends up happening in some years from now but hope you guys enjoy the episode and of course if you guys are not subed to fantano's channel already and you're music fan probably living under a rock at this point subed you should definitely be you hate me at at this point anybody not subed to me just hates me absolutely which even if you hate me you should be subbed like come on go sub to Anthony fantano for [ __ ] sakes I mean listen if you're sub to us you definitely have to be in tune with Anthony fantano thank you so much for the tier list bro this is a pleasure and we'll catch you on the next one peace guys
Channel: NFR Podcast
Views: 302,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z01bGuuV7L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 13sec (4153 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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