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hi everyone it's regan and welcome back to another video today i'm doing a bit of a controversial one but honestly i'm really excited about it i have been loving watching these videos and seeing everyone's responses to these questions and i'm really looking forward to seeing your responses in the comments below that's right folks today i'm gonna be doing the anti-tbr tag which is essentially a curated selection of questions which allows us to chat through books that you personally plan on never reading and of course i will have the creator down below before i dive into question one i do of course want to have a quick disclaimer of course any of the books i reference in this video there's absolutely nothing wrong with liking them wanting to read them having read them and loving them the answers to these questions are all gonna be coming from personal reader preference either things that i personally look for or like or just like the general vibe of what i like to read on a daily basis honestly some of the books that i have on this list i wish i had more interest in or wish i was able to read them for one reason or another but we'll talk more about that in detail so again obviously if you like these books there's nothing wrong with that now that we have the disclaimer over let's dive into the questions and again please please please tell me your thoughts and feelings down below as well question one is what is a popular book that everyone loves that you have no interest in reading for me this has to be it by stephen king and honestly i could probably roll quite a few stephen king novels within this category and within this response as well and this has everything to do with reader preference in my own like human being and that is i am an absolute scaredy cat i can barely handle horror as a genre and there are like a few books here and there that i can definitely deal with but generally speaking the most terrifying members within this genre i just will not physically be able to read or handle to give you more context i have seen probably three scary movies in my entire life i'm just an absolute whip i don't enjoy the adrenaline and the fear that comes with consuming horror related things i get scared i startle at everything i have vivid nightmares i am an absolute grade a wimp and that is why i have absolutely no interest in reading it even thinking about reading it scares me seeing people's it halloween costumes scare me all those clowns it's creepy i just don't have any interest in being scared on purpose and so i would say it well it definitely is super popular and i can understand why people love it and the hype around it and why people love to read it around halloween i will never read this book i will never see the movies any of them i hear they're very good at making you terrified which great job fantastic thrilled for you um but i'll never read it or a lot of stephen king's like notoriously terrifying books like i'll never read the shining i'll never watch the shining pet cemetery not gonna happen the crows is that by stephen king regardless not gonna happen but yeah it is definitely the first one on this list for me question two is a classic book or author that you don't have any interest reading either so for this i have a few the first one is catcher in the rye this was a novel i never had to read for high school and i feel like now that i'm not in high school it's really not one that appeals to me in a large part this has nothing to do with the book but more the association i have with it being like every pretentious hipster boy's favorite book in high school and college so because of that it's really just kind of like turned me off from reading it it's also in general just more of a story that doesn't necessarily call out to me anymore i love a coming-of-age tale especially in movies and film but as a classic it's just not really something i'm interested in reading it's not really calling out to me another one is lolita while i can definitely respect it as a classic the content of it does make me uncomfortable which is obviously probably the intent of the novel but in itself it's just not something i really want to read for that reason either and then the last one i would say is anything by boris pasternak i read dr zhivago and i hated it with the passion i really disliked the point of view a lot of the dialogue the author was trying to say it just did not click with me personally so i just probably will never read any more of this man's books i will never see the dr chicago movie again i have seen it i had to see it for a class and i just did not like any second of it i just dr chivago and me not friends train imagery cool but other than that not friends question three kind of has two parts and the first part is just name an author um that you don't personally have any interest in reading and then the second part is name a problematic author that you don't really have any interest in reading so for the first part of this question which is just to name a general author you don't particularly care to read i would say colleen hoover i don't think i've read any calling hoover in my reading history or experience and this again just goes back to reader preference and taste i don't really like dramatic romance-centered contemporary fiction as a genre it's just not really for me i generally don't read a lot of contemporary romance but when i do i much more prefer it to be fluffy or historical fiction just given that simple reality colleen hoover's books just don't generally appeal to me i also just find dramatic romance to be a little triggering with a lot of the topics that are included within the stories themselves and if i'm going to encounter those sort of topics i'd rather it be like within a literary fiction capacity versus a romance story which i'm trying to read for the romance for the enjoyment of it if that makes sense so because of this colleen hoover is just not really an author that i'll probably ever read or read in the future but i mean if she comes out with like a fantasy novel a fantasy romance novel like i'll check it out so i hate to have like say such definitive things but i would say in all likeliness colleen uber is an author i probably will never read from a problematic author perspective two authors that i don't really intend to read moving forward again would be stephanie meyer and orson scott card both of these authors i had read their books growing up but for me moving forward there are just too many authors in this world that i would like to support monetarily and these two just aren't them but yeah keeping it simple with these two responses but let's move on to the next question question four is name an author who you've read a couple of books from and just decided that their books really aren't for you i would say john green and that's again because i really just don't read his genre preference in terms of writing i've read looking for alaska and maybe paper towns i'm not even sure there's a lot of books of his i have not read and in general i don't think i'll probably pick up any book that he puts out within the contemporary fiction genre they just don't really appeal to me his writing is nice it's just in general his stories are just not ones i really seek that being said if any of them are turned into movies i'm much more interested in kind of absorbing his style of writing and storytelling within kind of a visual format but from a book perspective i probably won't pick any of them up again just like i said for colleen hoover though if he comes out with a fantasy novel i would be very intrigued to see how that would go and i would probably read it but um from what he's released and probably what he'll release in the future he's just not really for me i don't think question five is is there a genre that you just are not able to get into or just a genre that in general you just don't like and i feel like based off my earlier questions you should be able to tell but the first one would have to be horror and this is because i'm a chicken i can consume some horror novels but it has to be on the gradient of not that scary if it starts to get really gruesome and terrifying i physically am just not able to read it but as a genre i like it because it tends to include elements within books i like from a thriller murder mystery supernatural component but it really just depends on how terrifying it is which is kind of hilarious because i feel like the better horror is really terrifying so i'm never able to read like the creme de la creme of the genre because i'm physically just too scared but yeah horror is like with an asterisk and then the other genre would have to be like dramatic romance or like dramatic contemporary romance novels in general i just don't seek those out and it's just in general not a genre i personally enjoy i just like don't want to be sobbing my eyes out when i'm trying to read a love story it's just like not the experience i'm looking for and again some of the topics that they tend to always include i just don't particularly like to read especially when i'm looking for a happy book question six is a book that you bought and will probably never read um for me i have on hauled both of these books but uh they both still count the first one is wayward sun by rainbow rowell i feel like this doesn't need too much explanation but i'm really not interested in continuing this series and then the other one would be quite the throwback and would be like requiem by lauren oliver i've just never really been able to gel with any of lauren oliver's books when i was deep in my dystopia phase like when i loved the hunger games i still couldn't really get into lauren oliver's story so i definitely unhauled all of those like way back in the day and just in general was not able to get into them question seven probably where most of my most controversial selects will be coming from so buckle up don't get too mad at me but it is a series you have no interest in reading or a series you have started and have decided to dnf for all of my responses they're all ones i've started and have dnf'd and just don't see myself picking up and finishing the first one is probably the one that i may change my mind on but i feel like it just won't happen because it's just too many new books coming out for me to like backtrack and that is shadow and bone by leigh bardugo i read the first two books in the series many moons ago and just in general did not like it i really like leigh bardugo's writing and will honestly wholeheartedly check out any new stuff that she releases i love six of crows i love ninth house but for me shadow and bone is just wasn't something i loved so much that being said i'm really looking forward to the tv show and we'll definitely be checking that out and like counting down the days and because so many of my friends love this series i feel like very guilty that i don't like it and it's also the one that kind of sticks around in the back of my head that's like maybe give it another try but i have actually tried rereading this in the past and it just felt the same i'm just not the biggest fan even though i really want to love it if that makes sense but i might give this one more try but i just don't know another one is red queen by victoria aveyard i read the first book in the series kind of similar story it just didn't wow me i ultimately just never see myself completing this series i do feel like i'll check out victoria aveyard's writing in another series that's maybe kind of a different vibe than this one um because i do enjoy her style it just wasn't a series that really appealed to me so this is another one that's really popular that i dnf'd and then lastly a little more kitschy a little bit more of a throwback is a selection series i think i read like two of these books i'll definitely never finish this series this is not one that really appeals to me anymore um but like i said with six of crows if they make this into a tv show i am there with bells on i'm there with a ball gown on i think this would be a super fun tv show it's just not really a book series i'd seek out but like clearly i love um some why adaptations into television shows but it's true i do and i will watch them all question eight is a new release do you have no interest in picking up or buying i have two books for this one is a cop-out and that is midnight sun by stephanie meyer again i read and loved twilight when i was in middle school but this isn't really a series i see myself rereading and i definitely am not interested in picking up any new books within this series so for me it is a definite past but for all you twyheart fans out there i hope you enjoy it i have moved on from that fandom personally but will i sometimes catch glimpses of the twilight movies on tv yes sometimes i mean the first twilight movie is so bad it's kind of like moved into a tier of excellence that is hard to replicate if you know what i mean and then the other one would be king of scars and then the new book coming out within the duology this is 100 tied to the fact that i never completed shadow and bone which i think is necessary to read these next two books in leigh bardugo's duology i actually i'm sure they're excellent and incredible because again i feel like leigh bardugo's writing has only gotten better and better because i don't have the context of shadow and bone and because i don't really plan on rereading it i don't really feel like i'll ever be able to read those books and i don't really want to put in the effort to be able to read those books does that make sense so that is probably a very popular series i will just not be picking up or reading in the future even though i like in my heart of hearts secretly want to but it's just to reread a whole trilogy i didn't really like to read two new books i don't know it's just a lot of commitment okay alrighty guys that is the anti-tbr tag again please please please let me know down below some books you're just not interested any responses to my hot takes i had in this video please please remember there's nothing wrong with liking any of these books this is just my personal preference but anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i will see you soon with another one soon goodbye
Channel: PeruseProject
Views: 241,871
Rating: 4.9212399 out of 5
Id: fDOs4MprvFE
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Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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