POP3 vs IMAP - What's the difference?

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Hey guys, in this video we're going to talk  about a couple of different email protocols and   these are POP3 and IMAP. Now these protocols are  used for retrieving email from an email server.   So for example if you're using an email client  such as Microsoft outlook, you would configure   outlook with either POP3 or IMAP to retrieve  your email on a computer. And you can also use   these protocols on your tablet or smartphone to  retrieve your email. So you can use either one,   the choice is yours. But the question is, which  protocol do you want to use? Is one better than   the other? So that's what we're going to talk  about. So let's talk about POP3 first. Now POP3   stands for post office protocol 3. Now POP3 is  the simplest of the two protocols because the   only thing that POP3 does is download the email  to your device from a mail server. And it only   downloads what's in your inbox folder, which is  where your email is, and that's pretty much it.   It doesn't download any other folders or their  contents. So it doesn't download your sent items,   your drafts, your deleted emails, and  so on. Because it only downloads what's   in your inbox and it doesn't do any kind of  synchronization. So for example here we have   two computers that are configured to retrieve  the same email account. And as you can tell,   the folder structures are different on these two  computers because POP3 does not synchronize the   folders. Now by default when you're using POP3,  the email will be deleted on the mail server once   it's downloaded to a device. So no copy of the  email is kept on the server. So what happens is,   is when a new email comes into the mail server,  if this computer up here it checks the mail   server first before this computer down here,  this computer will receive the email but this   other computer will not. Because the email  has already been downloaded. So no copy of   the email is kept on the server. However most  email clients will have a setting that you can   check to leave a copy on the server so that  all of your devices can retrieve the email. Noe let's talk about IMAP. And IMAP stands for internet message access protocol. Now IMAP is also   used for retrieving email but IMAP is a little  bit different. IMAP allows you to view your email   that's on the server from multiple devices. The email is kept on the server and it caches local   copies of the email on to all of your devices.  And it synchronizes all of your folders and   everything that's in them. So it syncs your  inbox, sent items, deleted items, drafts, and   any custom folders that you may have created. So when you view your email on your computer, tablet,   or smartphone, your email would be exactly  the same because everything is synchronized. So for example in this demonstration we see  that all the email and folders are exactly   the same between these two computers. So if  we delete an email on this computer here, the   email will be deleted on the mail server  and then be deleted on this computer also. So if we go to the other computer, and for  example let's go ahead and delete all the   emails. And when this happens, all the emails  on the server and the other computer will   be deleted also. And if any new emails come in,  the email first goes to the mail server, then   as these computers sync with the mail server,  the new email will appear on these computers. So in another example let's go ahead and make  a custom folder. So we'll make a custom folder   and then give it a name. And because we're using  IMAP, the folder and all of its contents will be   added and synced to the other computer also. So  every computer, tablet, and smartphone that you   have, will have the exact same email and folder  structure as the others. So that's how IMAP works.   So as a comparison between POP3 and IMAP. On the  left we have POP3, and as you can see, the folder   structure is different between these two email  clients because POP3 only downloads the contents   of your inbox folder. It doesn't do any email  or folder syncing, so that's why the emails and   the folder structure are different. But in IMAP everything is the same. The email and   folder structure are identical because IMAP  syncs everything with all of your devices.   Now both POP3 and IMAP are configured in your  email client in the incoming server settings. So for example if you're using Gmail and you wanted  to use POP3, you would type pop.gamil.com in your   incoming server settings. Or if you wanted  to use IMAP, you would type imap.gmail.com So the question is, which protocol do you  actually want to use? And that really depends   on your situation. Now POP3 is good if you're  only going to retrieve your email from one   device. The advantage of using POP3 is that  since the email is downloaded to your device,   you can view your downloaded email even if  you don't have an internet connection. So the   only time that you need an internet connection  and POP3, is when you're receiving new email or   sending email. Another advantage of POP3 is that  it saves storage space on the mail server because   the emails are deleted when they are downloaded  to a device. Now a disadvantage of POP3, is that   since the emails are removed from the server and  downloaded to your device, you would need a plan   to backup your emails in case your device crashes  or is lost. And another disadvantage is that your   device has a better chance of being infected with  viruses since the emails are fully downloaded.   Now IMAP is good when you're going to retrieve  your email from multiple devices. An advantage   of using IMAP is that all the email is stored on  the mail server. So whether you're accessing your   email using an email client or webmail, you'll  be able to see all your email including your   sent items, drafts, deleted items, and any  custom folders. And all the email and all   folders are all synchronized. So every device  that you have will see the exact same thing.  Now a disadvantage of IMAP is that you will  not be able to view your emails without an   internet connection. And this is because IMAP  only caches local copies of the email on your   device and doesn't download them. However some  email clients will give you an option that you   can check to have IMAP download the emails  to your device instead of just caching them.
Channel: PowerCert Animated Videos
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Keywords: POP3 vs IMAP, pop vs imap, imap vs pop3, email protocols, should I choose imap or pop, Difference between IMAP and POP, post office protocol, how email works, how doees email work, pop3 and imap, internet message access protocol (protocol), difference between pop3 and imap, what is pop3
Id: SBaARws0hy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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