Pop Comic Shader Tutorial Series Part 1: The Comic Dots Shader

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this is part one of a tutorial series on how to make the pop comic shader that i used in this scene final shader family will look something like this in part one of this series we'll just be covering the comic dot shading here's what the finished product of part one will look like a simple comic dot shader with adjustable scale influence and color so anyway let's begin open a new project and delete the default cube add the uv sphere and shade it smooth change the light to a sun and change the intensity to 3.5 rotate it to about here hit one on your numpad and then hit control 0 to move the camera to that view select your camera and slide it back and forth with g and zz until it's about here select your sphere and open up a shader window create a new material and name it pop comic shader tutorial add a voronoi texture and connect it up with ctrl alt and left mouse click make sure you have the node wrangler add-on enabled delete the principled bsdf then add a mapping and texture coordinates to the baronoi with ctrl t click to make sure you have the node wrangling add-on enabled go to edit preferences add-on search node wrangling and make sure it's checked drag the windowed of the texture coordinates into the vector of the mapping change the x scale of the mapping to 2 change the z rotation to 45 drag the randomness of the voronoi down to zero make the voronoi scale about 75 now drag everything over add a color ramp and place it between the baronoi and the material output change the black value of the color amp to about 0.483 and the white value to about 0.550 what this is controlling is the size of our largest dots i.e the dots that will appear in the darkest areas of our models now we want to make the dots rotate and scale based on the direction and intensity of a light source so add a diffuse bsdf add a shader to rgb connect them up select them and drag them over add another color ramp connect the color output of the shader to rgb to the factor of the new color ramp move these over a bit now make some space between the vironai and your first color amp add another mix rgb switch this one to linear light drag the color of the color amp into the color 2 of the mix and the distance of the vironoi into the color 1 of the mix drag the color output of the mix into the factor input of your original color amp now it's actually looking like something now you can play around with the light and see that the dots scale and move with the direction of the light now make the black on our second color ramp a shade of gray this will give us more of a gradient and make our light source appear stronger play around with this value until you get what you think looks good now zoom in to your original color ramp and adjust the values a bit to make the dots show up a little more we want the small dots to show up in the most lit area now go to your second color ramp and adjust your values to reveal a bit more white between the largest dots or whatever you think looks good now we want to control the influence of our dots in a more elegant way make some space between the mix and your original color ramp and add a mapping node and connect it between the mix and your original color ramp now when you play around with these values it controls the influence of the dots then add a math node switch it to multiply and plug it into the from min of the mapping change the lower value of the multiply to two this will make everything go dark don't worry there's a reason for this now let's move everything around really quick and add another math node and leave this one as add change the second value of the add node to negative 0.980 you could make this a subtraction node and set the value as a positive 0.98 i just arrived at this number through trial and error so i just do it this way anyway change the top value of the add node to 1 and connect the add node into the first value of the multiply node and now everything looks exactly as it did these two nodes are for when we add everything to a node group but let's find a better way to change our colors before we get into the node group right now we can change the colors of our color ramp directly but that doesn't do us much good as we can't edit a color ram from outside the node group so add another mix rgb after your original color ramp and connect the color output of the color ramp to the factor of the mix make the first color on the mix black and the second color white and connect it to the viewer once again it appears that nothing has changed but now we can change our base color and dot's color by editing the colors of the mix as such but why do it this way instead of just editing the color ramp well like i said we need to be able to edit these colors from outside our note group so change the colors back to black and white for now and then highlight everything left of your material output hit control g now all the highlighted nodes are inside the node group hit tab to exit the node group and see that we now have our own little node that we made hit tab to get back into the node group now we have this new node that appeared this is your group input grab it and bring it over to the mix grab the clear dot from your group input and drag it into the second color of the mix press n to open the side panel select the color 2 and change its name to base color press n again to close the panel now drag the clear dot of your group input into the first color of the mix press n to open your panel back up select color 1 and change its name to dot's color close the side panel press tab to exit the node group now you can see that we have the two colors on our node and they can be changed without having to mess with the color ramp this node group can now be added to any material like you would any other node just by hitting shift a and searching node group but let's make this node group unique and change its name open up the side panel again with n and open the properties tab change the name to adam sleepy's comic dots shader now we want to be able to control more than just the colors so select your node group and hit tab to get back inside it select your group input and duplicate it with shift d bring it over here drag the clear dot into the top value of your add node open up the side panel with n change value to dots influence press tab to exit the node group and check to make sure our influence control works and it does press tab to enter our node group again now let's add a way to control the scale of our dots bring this group input over a bit move over your texture coordinates and mapping and finally drag the clear dot from your group input into the scale of the varronoi open the side panel with n change the scale to dot scale press n to close the side panel press tab to exit the node group and test that our scale control work and it does kind of looks better around 50 but i'll just set it back to 75. now maybe you think dot scale should be above dot's influence on the list so let's change that tab to get back in and open the side panel make sure dot scale is selected and then just click this up arrow tab to exit the note group and that's it for part one of the tutorial series in part two of the series we'll be adding hatching to this shader with all kinds of adjustable sliders as such and that's it see you in the next video
Channel: adamsleepy_
Views: 11,226
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Id: 1bHpf5s8ZN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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