(1-2)She Reincarnated As Powerful Knight That Marries The Duke Who Can't Walk

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before we start the name is at the top right of the screen The Story begins as lamel protests to her mother to allow her to get married she continues that she wants permission to get married both cybery her younger brother and Shale her father are at a loss for words Lela who is her mother sigh as she asks lamel what's wrong with her today she responds that if she does not do this her mother will not give her the permission laml tells her mother that if she's against her marriage then she might as well step on her her mother steps on her without any hesitation she gets up as she calls out to her mother and asks wasn't that too much before her mother steps on her again questioning wasn't she the one who told he to step on her lamel asks her mother to wait and asks will her mother finish her off if she asks her to her mother mentions that there is nothing she can do lamel tells her mother that she has made a mistake he asks her mom to sit down first and expresses that she is being very serious at this time ll's father coughs as he states that he is curious about why she is making such a fuss about getting married when she was not interested in marriage or dating until yesterday lamel responds that like she said it has been on her mind for a while her mother sigh as she mentions sure they can say it has been on her mind but why is it vicount rle she's hesitant to respond to that this morning she realized she was reincarnated she realized that role that was from the wounded sword was in this world she couldn't believe herself as she was head over heels for him she realized that she also reincarnated into her favorite novel The Wounded sword it is a novel from the point of view of the male protagonist R Arnon who is an imperial knight and a Great Hero the problem is that this novel is the ultimate in Devastation from the beginning R's heartcore exploded and R lost the use of his legs when he lost his ore and could no longer handle his sword R quit being a knight and then obviously after losing his family his home and everything he had he became a villain this is how Ro ended up and he died a miserable death she decides to make sure that she does not let that happen but even if she wants to prevent him from becoming the villain R's personality means that if a strange offers to help him he will definitely refuse in this case she decides to first become R's close associate she wonders if she should be friends with him she knows even friends can only help so much she thinks about becoming a lover but she knows if they break up then it is over she realizes that leaves her with one option she decides to get married to him she will directly change R's bloody path into a flowery path back in the present her mother asks her if she is aware of vicount roll situation does not she she asks if lamel still wants to marry him lamel responds yes she wants to in the original story role was described as having lost a lot but he was able to rebuild the core of his heart then his leg started moving along with his core she tells her mother that she is sure Ro will be able to get back on his feet and she will be there to help him her mother sigh and calls out to her lamel p as expected her mother is against it but she knows that her mother cannot back down for her laml tells her mother that no matter how much she opposes it she will not step down her mother tells laml to take care of it herself lamel is stunned as she asks if she is getting married or her she tells lamel to take care of it herself lamel wonders if it was that easy before her brother shouts that he is against it he clenches his fist as he asks lamel if she really thinks that makes sense she wonders if he is worried because he is the younger brother she finds it touching and decides to hit him less in the future he asks lamel what in the world did Lord r do in his previous life to deserve having a marriage offer by her he continues that he'd rather sell his country she Ponders because she was a good person in her previous life she is furious as she Ponders what does he knows about her previous life her mother asks lamel that it is all right she asks isn't this her first meeting with vicount r she does not think he will accept it laml responds that she does not expect to succeed right away either but she believes if she keeps conveying her feelings her sincerity will reach him someday her father asks if the marriage offer goes through will she move into the Vic Count's house she tells her father that if he accepts her marriage offer she plans to bring Lord r here for R who was devastated while living in the capital there would be no better place to take care of his body and mind and body here in AR and manner someone mentions that there is still time left on the contract but he called to say thank you in advance the maid's bow to him is one cry it is Lord r as he mentions he knows it is uncomfortable for them but he thought it would be better to say it face to face one of the attendants mentions they are uncomfortable they have a lot of respect for his grace he responds that he is grateful for the kind words he Ponders but how can he respect an employer who is as incompetent as he is he thanks Jack as thanks to him he enjoyed going into the study every time he saw the garden that Chris had tended he got excited thanks to the food uni made he looked forward to Meal Time the attendants are crying as R ponderers he would have patted him on the shoulder if he could he decides to call it a day as he knows no one will be coming anymore lamel on the other hand is on her way to him she is told that if she waits here then they'll bring the viout she sits on the couch as she Ponders that she has to do this baldly she has to say that the situation is difficult her attention turns to the door as R comes into the room he mentions that he heard that she is looking for him she pondered that he is absolutely gorgeous she gently tells him that she is raml crowd and it is an honor to meet him while internally crying because she is his favorite character he also responds that it is a pleasure to meet her he introduces himself as Ro Arnon he tells her if he is not wrong then this is is their first encounter he questions if he can ask why is she here she Ponders here is the question that she has been waiting for she tells him that this could be out of nowhere but she has a proposal for him she takes a step towards him before getting down on one knee she looks towards him as she questions if he will marry her while extending her hand he is shocked as she blushes he starts to think of his reply as she Ponders that this seems like a rejection she thinks now as this is happening it is time for Plan B she mentions that her family is a family of Knights she shows him her sword skills leaving him astonished she continues that of course she is a knight too she tells him this is why she admires him as a fellow Knight she Ponders this is a plan to continue her family lineage at the same time confessing that she has been watching him as a knight he mutters as a knight and asks if she is saying before she wonders what is with this reaction he tells her but he cannot hold a sword now she Ponders this is not all of it she mentions that this is not what she wanted to say she knows she has to say this is love at first sight he also tells her that he does not know her well other than the motive of the marriage proposal the whole situation is too sudden she pers that he is right she knows what kind of person is role through her past life but he does not know her at all she tells him that she did not think of his position an apologizes to him he responds that rather he is the one sorry as she looked at him kindly and proposed him she responds that she totally understands him she P that she did not think she was going to make it from the first try she knows for now she has to go back back and think again after a while the maid tells lamel that she did not think she would be back immediately lamel responds that she has to keep visiting him in the future but she cannot destroy her first impression the attendant states that she thought laml would kidnap him if he refused but it seems like she is more normal that she thought lamel asks the maid does she look like someone who would plan a kidnapping lamel states that she prefers assassination over kidnapping the maids get terrified and runs away making an excuse that they are going to prepare the food she pers that the original characters of the novel are normally married normally when she would ask to marry her the answer would have been okay she thinks maybe she should have tried harder she knows if she were like this they would have kicked her hard she is asked to eat as she questions if they are all here she tells them to sit down and mentions their are limits to what she can plan in her head she tells them this is why she needs their help they are talking to each other as the maid questions the other attendant that the food from the restaurant in front of them is delicious lamel tells them they will get a gold coin for every opinion the attendant questions if she could tell him again the agenda of this meeting lamel questions how the hell are they going to capture Ro one of them mentions that he thinks it is good to show off the power of laml she rejects this idea the other tells her to seduce him with money she also rejects this one because she mentions she does not want to show off neither her power nor money she asks him what about something romantic the maid asks if those two elements are removed what is left limel responds what about her face the maid questions if she is more beautiful than R limel responds of course with a proud expression before she continues he is more beautiful and everyone in front of him seems like limel asks Carol if she has any idea Carol responds that she has limel questions what is it meanwhile Ro is sitting with a man who apologizes as he mentions R is still weak R mentions that no this was a study with a low potential to begin with he asks how did it go with the laboratory the cleaning itself is almost over the man mentions but the guys he mentioned before appeared again when he told them that the investigation has ended up they looked visibly relieved R seems anxious as the man continues that they were visibly reliefed when he told them the study was over he do not think that their objective was to steal the investigation's data R wonders what is their purpose then the man asks now that he think of it his honor has been visited recently r responds that it was lamel from the county of crowd the man asks what brings her here R responds that she came to propose him marriage but he refused the man questions why did he refus R responds that she said she admires him as a knight but now he is just a useless guy the man suddenly stands up yelling at r that he is a great person R continues that moreover he has many debts even if he sell out everything he has if the Gap is too big she will not be happy even if they get married the man sigh and asks Ro what does he think Lama will do now Ro questions does not the man think that she has already arrived at the Mansion the man says that he thought that everything was of the past R asks isn't he pondered is that he has received a marriage proposal and he refused it then is not this the ending of everything the man looks out of the window as he States unlike Ro laml has no intentions to give up he informs Ro that lamel has come for a visit laml comes back with a bouquet of flowers as she mentions today she came again to propose marriage to him he slightly blushes as he is lost for words he takes the flowers as he mentions that he has said that before they are practically strangers she tells him but now they should change that she continues that he can also reject him today she is not forcing him he looks away as he tells her he will decline her proposal again and apologizes she happily responds that there is no need to apologize and there is no problem with that she thinks that today's purpose is not just this however she asks if she takes a look at his Mansion she is very interested in the architecture of the capital she is definitely lying he asks are the mansions in the capital different he does not know much about architecture she tells him above all the crack in the corner of the room roof which is the beauty of the capitals architecture in fact she does not know he responds that he will get someone to guide her as he turns around but shouts no and mentions that she would like to see it alone he asks alone she tell him that she concentrates better when there is silence around her there are people who enjoy watching places or works of art alone and she is like that too he tells her he understands and mentions she can do with them she arrives on the second floor as planned as she looks around she wonders now is she supposed to run into him she has no idea about how she can find him she remembers that she was told first of all she must know her surroundings she should make sure to know about his family and friends lamel Ponders as far as she knows he had no family she suddenly became stunned and realized that he has a young sister she is demotivated as she Ponders and if he had her she has no idea where she is she decides to come up with a plan when she gets back a hand approaches her as someone calls her a Miss she turns around to see a kid asking her if she is all right laml is shocked shocked as she responds she thinks she has a little headache she cannot believe she found her sister that fast the kid is worried as she questions the headache is so strong that it made her fall to the ground she tells lamel to lie down and rest she tries to pull lamel up but she doesn't have enough strength to do so lamel stands up and thanks her she asks the kid what is her name she responds that she is Army ardan in her room lamel pers that entering the room was a piece of cake Army asks lamel what brought lamel to her house lamel responds that she has unfinished business with the honorable Mr Ro Army questions honorable lamel tells Army that she is also a gentlemanlike ro so she will de and T life for Army become sad as she mentions that her brother cannot use his sword now lamel wonders how can the brother and the sister say the same thing laml asks Army if she likes her brother Army responds of course laml asks her why does she like him Army responds that he is always nice to her lamel questions what else Army tells her that he smiles at the people he works with when they make mistakes instead of getting angry at him lamel asks what else is there Army mentions that when someone is having a hard time he helps them if someone has a bad day then he Grieves with them lamel Smiles as she responds that is true lamel tells Army that is why she also admires role Army tells laml that they have a lot in common laml asks Army why don't they sit together and continue talking Army sits next to her as lamel asks her what is she holding Army tells her these are good manners laml thinks Army find it a little difficult to read she has no idea about this book Army tells laml that there are many things that she simply ignore because she does not understand what it is talking about lamel asks if she can visit her frequently and teach her various things about etiquette Army is surprised as she asks really lamel responds of course in pinky promises with her lamel Ponders that she suddenly made an appointment for her next visit she knows thanks to this glutenous rice cake with strawberries she is one step closer to R's flower Trail laying plan at night Carol asks lamel to tell her about the rules of etiquette as well as basic of tea time manners lamel blinks as she mentions it is to not be late Carol yells at her to open the book right now and learn it leaving laml stunned 5 years ago a knight calls out to rooll as Centurion which is a rank of Knight Commander that a commoner can obtain the Knight informed him that they have found a living child he also stated that it seemed to be the only surviving person in the village R asked if that is the case and asked him to send the kid to the refugee camp the Knight respond resped there is no place in the camp that is why an order came to them from above to Simply ignore the refugees this shocked Ro he asked the Knight if that even made sense he commanded the Knight to put that girl in a refugee camp right away another man from behind asked Ro if he thinks they have time to talk R turned around to see a man who questioned if R's face looks familiar to him he had a badge on which showed he was a knight R bowed as he mentioned that he was a centurion the man wondered if R was a commoner he told r that he never thought he would find the monster boy here who can murder two dinners a day he asked R how many people participated today R responded there were over 20 people this shocked him as he told R he will keep his accomplishments if he lets him do it he will also take the child to the refugee Center R wondered what is all this about the man smirked as R pondered is that how Noble gentlemen are R glanced at the little child and responded he could do it the man mentioned that he was smarter than he had thought roll Pat the little kid as he took her on his arm back in the present as they are having dinner Army informs him that laml came to her room and mentions she is a very beautiful person R asks if Army has met laml Army responds yes she said that she respects R and army spoke about his qualities to her R nervously laughs as he finds it a bit embarrassing Army mentions when laml looked at the label book Army was reading she said she would come to help her often from now on R Ponders she wishes to help Army he knows that he rejected the proposal twice and wonders if he should just accept it Army sees that R seems quiet as she mentions she will not learn from her R realizes that Army sensed he was worried he thinks maybe it is because it went through battlefields and refugee camps he tells Army that there is no need and he has no inconvenience with it Army questions really R knows that coming from a commoner family she could not interact with children from noble families and because of his title of vicount she cannot even meet commoner children he knows she is a girl who spends her time reading books alone he guesses lamel is like a friend to Army like a new friend Army met after a long time R mentions that he is surprised laml made Army such a good offer he also informs Army that she met a good person Army is happy as she mentions that is great and she cannot wait to see her again it's night time as lamel is outside with Carol she mentions she had a good time Carol tells her that she has been playing until now so when she comes back she has to study laml turns around as she asks Carol again she mentions that she has just taken 3 days of teaching does not Carol feel pity for her Carol taunts her that that anyone who sees her will think she has been studying all day and she only studied for 30 minutes laml complains that 30 minutes seemed like 30 hours Carol responds that she did not concentrate properly even during those 30 minutes lamel comes closer to Carol as she tells Carol that is not important the most important thing is her marriage Carol questions if it is important should they go back and study right now lamel is already far away as she shouts no lamel suddenly notices two men in Disguise blocking her way one of them calls out to her and questions if she is lamel she Pond that he knows her name she wonders who is he and finds this situation very unusual she tries to refuse before the man grits and responds they are already aware she is laml laml questions then why is he asking her he tells her that they are asking him in a Kinder way but she should leave the capital causing lamel to be speechless not knowing what kind of situation she has thrown herself into she challenges him what if she doesn't want to he tells her there is nothing they can do and the only option is to take out their sword but lamel is excited over the prospect of the fight after she has beaten the guys into Oblivion they keep apologizing she warns them that if they say that again she is going to punish them they look very intimidated by her she asks them who is behind this he replies he doesn't know about this she inquires if they are sure they don't know anything or otherwise she's determined to punch them five times the guys insist that they really don't know anything and ask her to spare their lives she asks them why did they accept the job if they have no idea he tells her that it is for money she thinks to herself they are like children and then asks them if they want money she's ready to give them but she has a request in return but the guy dismisses her he apologizes and explains that even if they are crazy for money they still have their principles but she doesn't fall for their act and offers one of the Mansion Stones anyway as if the guy never claimed to have principles he introduces himself as Garen and tells her he will Faithfully serve her laml gives one of her polite smiles and asks them to take care of of her they promised to perform a good job that she ordered immediately Carol tells lamel that ever since they came to the capital they have been spending and she's ashamed to say this she asks her if there's anyone who she doesn't know who has feelings for role this question leaves Carol a little stunned she tells her that she doesn't remember such a case perhaps there might be a young lady who used to like him laml simply says she guesses so and thinks that in the original work there were not any women who interacted with ro she also recalls that Army said there were not too many guests she believes she has to personally ask him tomorrow next day she is again present at his Manor with a bouquet of flowers asking if just in case he's ready to accept her marriage proposal this time he is more interested in noticing that the bouquet is made bigger and then he apologizes like a gentleman to have to decline again today being rejected again doesn't make it hurt any less for laml but she notices that R's reaction looks softer than before she excitedly reminds him that she has proposed three times to him and he has rejected her three times and then wonders if she can ask a question she asks him if he's really rejecting her again he Simply Smiles and tells her he will keep the answer to this question for himself she then inquires if there's any woman who he has been interacting with separately she explains that if he has a lover it doesn't seem like a good idea to keep proposing to him he tells her nowadays he doesn't have a woman who he interacted with she emphasizes on the question to make sure there's nobody and he assures her there is not she thinks to herself that she has to catch him now but then realizes that if there's no lady interfering between them then who the hell is threatening her he asks her if she decided on teaching the Army some etiquette she tells him that's right she plans to come back after to do it and ask her if she's okay with it he assures her he is rather grateful he then asks if she ate note missing on a great opportunity she lies that she was going to come quickly but she had work to do so she's with an empty stomach at the moment she thinks to herself that if he was the meal she would eat him daily as if it was the first class meal he offers her her to join them for dinner she quickly agrees and tells him that she was dying of hunger all day long he smiles at her and tells her she is unique at the dinner table lamel realizes this is an opportunity to gain some win points she tells Army that she should teach her about Meal Time etiquette she starts by teaching her how to sit she tells her that when she wants to sit down she should come and sit down from the left side both the siblings question and Union that isn't it the opposite she is caught off guard when she realizes it was the contrary she quickly lies saying saying that she said wrong things purposely to check if she was certain after that at the dinner table she keeps making mistakes and then keeps covering it by saying she did it deliberately but Ro doesn't seem to take her as he tells her it's enough for today lamel is worried about what she should do as she thought they were aware she did not know etiquette and she wonders if she should convince them that she made mistakes because she was nervous Ro tells her that she couldn't eat anything because she was busy teaching Army so she should eat first next day apparently Ro finds him himself waiting for laml as it is the usual time she comes and wonders if she isn't coming today suddenly there's a knock at the door and he's excited that she has arrived and asks her to come in but is disappointed when the door swings open and he finds Fidel he has come to inform him that the vicount or and trusted him with the pension solicitude he is confused Fidel notices and clarifies that a state Knight can receive pension when he retires and asks him if nobody said anything to him when he retired he replies no this is the first time he heard about it in thinks to himself he is sure he knows his situation and he also can't help but wonder why his Superior didn't tell him about the pension from Roll closed off Expressions Fidel realizes and tells him is expected the Nobles are a mess when it comes to handling things he then assures him not to worry and as an officer in the Ministry of Finance he will help him with everything this surprises him he asks if he converted to an employee in the ministry while still being a member of the knights he tells him that it's because after his departure the job intensity increased to the point that it became too much he further adds that anytime something goes wrong they send them there moreover they are not the only knights in the Empire and it is even been sad that they're getting rid of the commoners of knights since negative rumors are spreading that they have deliberately sent them to the battlefield converting them into dead bodies so as a result he had no choice but to become a manager in order to survive Ro tells him that it's been a lot of hard work and looks pessimistic and Fidel can't help but wonder if he said something too burdening to lighten up the mood he tells him that he has good news and reveals that he recently got married in his hometown before he can reveal the bride R guesses the person he has married is Kay Fidel's mouth drops open in shock and he inquires how did he know he tells her it was so obvious that two of them were always together and it would have been weirder to not know they then recall when she threatened to beat him if he went to the casino again in his defense he had said that he thought he was going to have better luck truthfully R smiles and tells him that if he dares to play once more he's going to beat him up Fidel is nervous and changes the topic asking if Ro has any good news he shakes his head and tells him no but suddenly lamel comes in his mind and his lips lift upward he wonders why did he think of laml but Fidel notices the change in his demeanor and asks him if he's seeing someone he averts his gaze and tells him of course not Fidel thinks to himself in the past he always smiled but now there's something more suspicious about him but he simply tells him that since he is here for work he will take care of the private conversation later and tells him that now he has to get down to business immediately when Fidel sees his financial situation he is surprised as he thought it would be good but it's absolutely not and it is incredible that how he supported all this time alone as he can't help but sympathize and wonder how in his current state he managed it he realizes it should have been harder on him managing all of this alone and is determined to support him now he assures him not to worry and tells him it is important to fix a bit of his financials but he will think that it will be all right when he receives his pension he asks him to trust him who replies he will look forward to it few days later Fidel apologizes and it seems like it will be hard to receive the pension even when he asked the superiors for the reason they just said that the vice Minister refused it and the weird thing is that even their superiors don't understand their decision he tells him maybe it's not like that but asks him if he has a personal relationship with the vice Minister R replies there's no way he doesn't know anyone from the Ministry of Finance Fidel tells him that he will find out if there's any other reasons and apologizes that they had obtained those results R covers his face with his hands feeling guilty as it doesn't correspond to Fidel to apologize he is sad that now he's bothering the people around him he thinks to himself from the damages in his column to The Continuous failure of the treatment investigation every hope has disappeared he wonders if it could be just his bad luck he wishes he could use his Aura again as he holds the sword and as he takes out the sword he's on his feet again and thinks to himself what was he waiting for he thought that the aura would miraculously come back back lamel on the other hand heads excitedly to meet him and finds him there with his sword settled back on his wheelchair but she wonders what is happening here as she realizes that the atmosphere has changed he asks that by chance is she confessing her love today too she Ponders that the situation is not adequate to do it she blinks as she tells him for sure she came to formally propose her love to him she decides to transform this sad situation to romance she wonders if he thinks she was going to give up for the atmosphere the atmosphere continues to stay the same as he apologizes to her she responds that there is no reason to apologize she asks if something happened he responds nothing happened as he passes a sad smile she knows he has an expression which clearly says something occurred she responds sure but internally she's screaming wanting to know what happened she cannot help but notice that he is hiding something and that is driving her crazy she tries to cheer him up as she tells him today is such a good day he just responds yes it is she asks then how about the three of them go out to spend the day together he thanks her for her suggestions but mentions he has some issues to solve he finds it a pity to miss a day like this he calls out to her and questions how about she go alone with army while in the carriage she wonders what happened exactly Army finds the carriage seat very soft they look out of the window as Army hoped that her brother would come too laml Ponders maybe she was too focused on Ro Army tells laml that he was good until this morning lamel asks this morning Army responds that this morning she delivered her brother a letter from his friends when he verified the name he smiled as if he was waiting for this letter she continues that it as much as she remembers the name of the friend was Fidel lamel is suddenly stunned as she P Fidel he is the companion of Ro who appears in the novel she knows if that is Fidel's letter probably he is about to fail receiving his pension however she wonders why does the vice minister is blocking the pension payment the novel almost doesn't mention any details related to the vice Minister she thinks maybe it has something to do with the compensations of the Wounded veterans who fought alone Army calls out to her as she asks if lamel has something to say she finds her facial expression a bit terrifying lamel Smiles as she responds she was thinking about what they can do today for fun she asks Army where does she wish to go Army responds that she wishes to go to the theater lamel asks the theater causing Army to be a bit nervous as she tries to refuse as she mentions after rethinking it she thinks it is not necessary to go to the theater lamel asks her then where else does she want to go she thinks about it for a while as she looks at a board and tells lamel she'd like to go to the park the atmosphere doesn't seem bright as lamel questions if she really wishes to go there lamel gives it some thinking before she calls out to Army and asks does the entrance fees worry her Army is startled as she responds that there is no way lamel knows that she seems perceptive for her age she realized that the situation at home is not good lamel asks if that is true Army yells that it is for Real she never wanted to see a popular place such as white flower is blooming in the temple laml gets what she wants as she tells Army what a Pity Army questions what lamel responds that she likes going to the theater so much Army questions really lamel expresses that she does not like going alone that is why she was so glad when Army mentioned going to the theater Army asks even though going to the theater is pricey lamel tries to act emotional as she mentions for the first time in her life she thought that she'd found a friend to go to the theater with tears falls down her eyes as she continues that she guesses she was mistaken that are indeed crocodile tears Army is stunned as she asks laml then are they going to the theater lamel responds that no she does not want to obligate Army just because she likes it Army confesses that she wishes to go too laml questions really she responds yes laml asks if Army is not lying to her Army responds she is not lying she grabs ll's hand as she mentions she really wishes to go lamel thanks Army for willing to come with her and she will buy the tickets Army asks if she is sure lamel responds of course they they both become happy meanwhile R seems unwell as he has a glass of a drink on his hand in the restaurant as they are having tea and dessert Lamy asks Army how was the play she responds it was so much more fun than she imagined especially the scene in which the protagonist's illness was miraculously cured was the best it made her even cry lamley asks so it was like that she Pond it was a romantic work about overcoming the male protagonists incurable illness she wonders if maybe Army thought of role when she saw the sick male protagonist she knows at least the ending was good and hopes it leaves a good memory for army army looks out of the window as she mentions come to think of it she used to walk around here with her brother she Ponders that this did not happen in the original work Army states that her brother since she was new in the capital he took her out whenever he could she tried a lot of delicious food that she had never tried before and there were many things that she saw for the first time she knows it was so nice she clenches her fist as she mentions next time they were supposed to see a play she still cannot believe he cannot use his legs as her eyes get teary lamley holds on to Army and tells her that her brother will definitely get up she thinks that it is an important event in the original work so she is sure Army responds that she is worried that he has been depressed lately he was fine when he was working on the research project with VI count Arnon but for some reason he has been a little depressed lately lamle is filled with anxiety as she wonders if she has noticed that things have been bad with ro lately she thinks about what she can tell her she continues that is why she wants to ask Miss raml for something she wonders if Army is asking her for a favor she asks her if she could come to her house more often when she is in the capital because since she arrived her brother's daily routine seems to be a little different lamle Ponders that she has been wondering if she has been doing something wrong but for her to think that way about her she tells her that in exchange of that she also has a favor to ask her after a while a lot of fancy clothes are placed as ramly asks Army to choose what she wants she is confused as she questions what a dress flashback Carol gave her the idea of giving her the dress first she responded that the clothes are so boring Carol told her that she does not know what she is talking about and continued that a gift stays in one's heart for a long time when they stand out she also stated that every time Miss Army wears the clothes she received as a gift she will remember her not just that Ro will also think of her when he sees the cloth lamley mentions that Carol considers clothes as some kind of an advertising poster Carol asks if he has any better idea Wy responds he does not back in the present she Pond that it seems a little crazy but she does not think it is a bad method Army shows her all the dresses as she calls her a star and mentions she looks so nice she decides to pay immediately Army calls out to lamel and tells her there are too many dresses she asks how can she take something so expensive raml saw the price tag when she was changing the clothes but that will not make her back down she tells her that she made a deal with her so she has to keep her promise she asks if she can say nothing about what happened she knows if anyone sees it they will think that she is asking her to buy it she tells her that is a Miss she must know how to keep her promise though she is still hesitant about it she feels like she is becoming a bad person she asks her then they will only buy five dresses she starts to complain that only one dress is enough she responds that they should make it four and no strings attached below that Army then shouts that let there be two and no more than that laml also shouts back that does not mean she will back down she tells her three dresses or there is no deal lamel hurries the cashier to hurry up and calculate the price of the dresses the cashier hurries and tells lamel to wait a second raml Ponders that she cannot believe she has to only buy three dresses Army thanks her and mentions she will use it with care laml tells her no because clothes are made to be worn so she should use it often raml cannot believe that Army likes it so much and knows it is the best gift lamel said he thinks of something and gives Army the address of her accommodation he tells her that if if Army wants to come to her first she can come to The Address given lamel tells her that she should feel free to come at any time raml pers that hopefully when the time comes she will ask her for help Army returns back to her house as she asks the maid about her brother the maid responds that R is in his office Army thanks the maid as she Ponders it's so weird since her brother would normally come to greet her as she tries to open the door she decides to wait a minute because she heard a voice from inside someone questions what will happen if something like this her again R shouts to call the doctor as she looks at him from the door she is stunned as he yells that he cannot move his legs she Ponders at what time was it like this she thinks if something happened Army decides to not think this way as she remembers ll's words that R will get up Army knows even laml said that she shakes her head as she decides to only think about the positive things as being R's younger sister she opens the door andai tly tells her brother that she came back he responds that she has arrived she finds it a relief because it is the same as ever he gently Smiles as he looks at her she look at his for a while as she calls him big brother he questions yes she stares at him as he asks if he has something on his face she thinks he seems a little untidy before she wonders if she is wrong she is aware since that day her brother used to drink alone when nobody is around she tells him that his face seems a bit red he nervously laughs as he tells her that he thinks he had a fever since it was slightly hot Army Smiles as she P he is fine and she was worried for nothing he calls out to her and tells her that this is the first time he is seeing her with this outfit he continues that it suits her very well Army knows that R will be glad when she will tell him about everything she did with laml she begins to tell him everything from start to finish she tells him after all this lamel brought her back home R mentions it had to be so much fun Army tells him that next time they should go out as three together he feels a bit distressed as Army mentions that it does not matter if it has to be later on she extends her hand as she asks asks him to promise her he will go with them he promises her she mentions that she is going to sleep and asks him to rest as well he wishes for her to have a good night as he sigh he is glad that she had fun his wheelchair accidentally hits one of the drink which causes the drink to fall on the ground he tries to pick the bottle up as he Ponders he really is the worst the morning begins as Carol asks lamel to wake up but she asks for just 5 more minutes Carol tells her that the thug Garen is waiting for her causing her to immediately get up Lam questions who is he Carol questions why did she get up when she does not even know Carol tells her it's one of the thugs she trusted last time lamel questions those children lamel stretches as Carol tells her now that she is awake it'll take her long to get ready to leave laml tells Carol to not worry if that is the case since there is a way Carol questions what does she mean all of a sudden they're outside and fully ready Carol is stunned as she questions how did laml do it laml responds that if she tells her it'll only put her in danger Carol gives laml a side eye as the man calls out to her laml asks Carol if that is the guy she has beaten Carol wonders if he lost his memory out of shock he tells lamel that it has been a while since they last met each other lamel asks him if he has found the one behind all of this he responds no he could not find him lamel becomes Furious as she wishes to launch an attack on him but Carol tries to control her as she mentions there are many eyes watching them the man becomes scared as he tells laml that he did his best but that person wears a mask under the hoodie so how could he know lamel gives him a cold glare as she questions so in the end he found nothing he tells her he has something else lamel asks if he is saying truth he is silent for a moment as lamel asks him to tell her now flashback Garen and another one were sitting together the other man asked if they found out that the petition had failed wouldn't they try to kill them he seemed quite anxious Aaron responded that they probably didn't expect much from them a man in Disguise appeared and one of them became scared because of his arrival the master man questioned them about what happened to the Target they responded that they were sorry but had failed he told them to take a seat first and they agreed he asked them why they failed they responded that her skills were much better than the information he had provided and both of them were not enough in front of her the masked man asked them to tell him more they continued saying that they had threatened her as he had said but as soon as Garen drew his sword she changed immediately not only did her reaction speed change but even her submission technique was perfect after that she attacked them unilaterally Garen confessed that if they had waited until the end they would have been dead the Mas man stated that he had heard she was so lazy that she skipped training finding it's something strange they responded that it was a false rumor and Garen mentioned that it was clear she was an incredible person The Mask man told them to act as if this never happened got up turned around to leave and told them one more thing he asked them if they were aware of what would happen if this was leaked he was gone within the next Second and they were filled with anxiety they wondered if if he didn't wash because his smell was so weird Garen responded that it didn't matter and they should just follow him as they began to follow him Garen saw that the masked man met with someone the other man was also wearing a tunic which made them assume they were in the same group they moved as Garen also followed them they stood in front of a door wondering if they had entered this room right they wondered if their listening artifact technique would work properly as they used it to hear whatever was happening inside the masked man told someone that getting rid of the crowd child had failed the other person responded that he expected this Garen wondered if they also took care of the black robed guys the masted man mentioned that if he was going to get another order he would be more skillful this time the other person stated that he would leave this story aside for now Garen pondered that he couldn't believe those black robe guys were so imperceptible he wondered what kind of people they were the person stated that what was important right now was the treasury official Fidel before the masked man asked them to wait a second Garen wondered why they they had stopped talking he wondered if they realized they were listening Garen decided to go and told his partner to leave but just then the masked man opened the door the person inside questioned if something was wrong the masked man responded that he thought he was wrong he pondered that he was sure he heard a scratch on the door both of them dragged themselves out of there back in the present Garen tells laml that is what happened lamel tells Garen that is good information and mentions he did a good job she finds it unexpected that Fidel is mentioned at the end she thinks if the guy who tries to expel her from the capital care about Fidel then she knows the purpose she continues that first of all what she and Fidel have in common it's just that they are people who can help roll in other words that man does not like roll getting help she wonders if there is someone interested in keeping R under control Aaron asks her what should they do now he asks if she would like him to continue investigating them he expresses that they have very unpleasant Vibes and they also smell bad she thinks that there is nothing for sure yet but she is sure he is the one who is going going to hurt Ro she knows it would be a good idea for now to catch up and find out what's next she tells Garen that for now she does not need to know the identity of the black robe guys laml asks if he could just find out what kind of mission they are trying to accomplish he tells her he will do his best she responds that she looks forward to their cooperation and decides to leave first as she leaves she thinks the enemy might be more dangerous than she thought lamel asks who could have a grudge against r one of the attendant responds the north perhaps although Ro is a hero to the Empire to his enemies he is a demon on the battlefield laml responds that she sees she wonders why are they just interfering instead of killing him he responds that he thinks it is because things are getting annoying laml asks him for example he asks what would happen if R was killed and it turns out that the north is behind that public opinions towards the north will worsen and in the worst case there would even be War lamel questions so if they are from the north they just have to not get caught up she knows it would be easy if they could deal with all the people who could serve as evidence the attendant wonders if she means all of them she tells him that even if they do not catch them they should investigate directly in the Imperial Palace the attendant questions if laml can handle the imperial knight he asks her to not make such dark analogues she questions so instead of killing him they are going to isolate him he mentions that as right as they prefer to follow him persistently they know that R must have wanted to self-d delete she thinks about it as she Ponders a force large enough to pressure the ministry of economy that only wants to isolate Ro she grits as she thinks about what the hell are they doing Carol calls out to her as she questions does Carol think she knows who is it Carol responds no she was just wondering if she has forgotten to propose him this afternoon she responds she thought there were some kind of information she knows that is how it is in fact it's a mysterious force and all that she is aware this can be easily resolved once she marries Ro she knows that the crowd family can protect role during the afternoon he rejects today's marriage proposal as well she knows he rejected her again but it is not the end he calls out to her and asks her why is she so honest with him she thinks about it for a moment before he continues that they say if a marriage proposal is rejected more than three times before laml completes the sentence that it is considered humiliation right she mentions that she actually did not expect herself to propose so many times either he apologizes to her she knows although every time she comes to the mansion and gets rejected she becomes more confident she finds Ro a very good person he asks if he is a good person she tells him although it is a little difficult to explain with words but she thinks any day it would be fun if she married him he blushes as he tells her he still does not understand she responds that would have been her she Pond that in fact for RO she is nothing but a young child in love however knowing the original story she knows better than anyone what a good person he is so there is a very big gap between Ro and her she knows it cannot be avoided because the starting point of emotions is different she gets up as she tells him that she is planning to to go and see Army she questions if he would mind he responds no and tells her she is on the second floor he remembers she gave army clothes as a gift and thanks lamila he apologizes for always getting help she tells him she bought it because she liked it she wonders if he is telling her not to buy her clothes in the future she tells him she misses Army so much so she is going to go up there right now she runs away as he mentions he thought he'd ask her to come with him next time he thinks it was better to not say it no matter how much he thinks about it he find lamel too much for someone like him lamel goes to Army's room as she becomes happy to see lamel lamel asks her if she has been well Army responds yes lamel asks Army why is she not wearing the clothes she bought her lamel asks her if she used it but Army responds that she cannot use it as that would be such a waste lamel Ponders that is true before she tells Army that is a bit sad army becomes stunned as she questions what laml mentions that it is an etiquette to show that you are using the gifts you received well Army responds that she did not know know about it and tells lamel that she will wear it more often laml asks Army what was she studying she wonders if it is mathematics she knows she should probably stop pretending that she knows about these things Army tells lamel that she was studying mathematics lamel questions if Ro taught her Army responds yes her brother and baron Dallas taught her lamel is suddenly shocked as she questions Baron Army asks if she knows about him lamel responds that she does not think so as she wonders who is that she thinks it is somehow a familiar name she remembers he was definitely in the novel but wonders who is he you should subscribe to my new channel below where old videos will be put go do that now by lamel wonders if she asks Army would she tell her who it is she asks Army if the baron Dallas come frequently Army responds that now that she thinks about it he did not come this month she supposes that he is busy with the store Layel knows that if it's about the store then that means he is a merchant even so she remembers nothing about it she assumes that she has to check it herself to see if he's an enemy she asks Army if she could let her know the directions of the store Army nods as she decides to mark it on the map she shows laml the directions as laml thanks Army as she Pats her on the head Army expresses her curiosity as she asks lamel why is she looking for the baron lamel is taken aback not sure how to respond to that she comes up with the idea of loving mathematics which is why she's looking for them lamel shows her excitement to having a serious conversation about mathematics with Baron Dallas Army is astonished mentioning that not only lamel likes etiquette but also mathematics deep down only laml knows how much she hates etiquette she responds that she likes them both she rushes out mentioning that she is going to see Baron Dallas right now and she will see Army later Army is totally astonished by how lamel is a person with great passion for learning in the carriage car Carol asks if he's here yet lamel mentions that she needs to meet this guy named Dallas right away Carol asks if this is an offensive operation for gifts and asks what is she planning to buy lamel asks Carol how did she know that he was a merchant Carol responds that he appeared several times in the newspaper Carol questions does not lamel know that he is a celebrity and even his book of self-learning is sold out this causes lamel to be shocked lamel questions how could she read a book like that Carol asks then what about the book she is reading currently lamel tells her about the book that she is reading which is an adult book causing Carol to be shocked as she gets worried and tells lamel to protect her dignity lamel asks Carol then what does Dallas sell Carol responds that she guesses that he has to manage a lot this and that clothes accessory jewelry and probably weapons which grabs lel's attention in the original artwork he he was a merchant for traded weapons with roll she thinks that definitely there was something else Carol informs lamel that they have arrived lamel heads out of the carriage as she Ponders that she is sure that she will be able to find answers once they meet she rings the bell but there is no response Carol mentions that it seems no one is at home but lamel does not agree with her as she moves her ears close to the door Carol calls to her but she informs Carol that someone is moving and is trying to not make any noise she realizes that as she is looking closely the door seems to be broken she thinks that someone has forced the door open she decides to get in as she tells Carol to call for help just in case as she steps and she notices that no one is here she wonders if Dallas could be in the second floor she calls on to someone as she opens the door a man hides next to the door she doesn't notice him as she calls out that she is here just for a few matters as she gets and the man positions his sword to aim at her she notices it on time as she Dodges it with her sword professionally she calls him a coward as he hid to attack she notices that as expected he has a black hood she sees a man unconscious on the side as she wonders if he is Baron Dallas the man asks her who the hell is she she responds that she wanted to ask the same the man tells her that he won't give her any consideration just because she is a woman as he rushes towards her she questions cannot he read the room she questions if he is a real black hood or he was asked to get rid of her she attacks him back as she asks why did he come in here he falls to the ground as she states that if he tells her then she will not hit him with a scary expression she asks him or is it necessary to draw the sword her attention suddenly turns to Baron Dallas as he seems to cough up blood the man takes his chance and rushes to the window as he jumps out from it laml calls out to him to stop there she realizes that she can stop him if she follows him right night but she seems worried about Baron as she thinks that he could be seriously injured she has no idea whom she is supposed to choose she runs towards Baron as she decides to catch the man later and save him first she tries to check on him as she questions if he is all right she ponderers that she does not see any serious wounds but his complexion is pale she realizes that that it seems that they tried to poison him she begins to smack him as she tells him to wake up as he has to spit out the poison quickly he tries to say something as she questions what does he mean he tells her that it hurts she realizes what she has done as she apologizes he points at the direction as he mentions that those guys stole it she asks him what does he mean that the guy stole what it is a safe which is opened she questions what the hell did they take he does not respond to which she becomes anxious as she calls out to him later she seems disappointed as she questions why is she caught instead of the culprit she informs them that she is not a criminal it turns out that she was investigated as the first discover Carol tells her that she has been working hard these two days lamel asks her how is the baron feeling Carol responds that thanks to listed he is able to receive treatment quickly and overcome the C crisis but he has not yet regained Consciousness laml Pond that if she had not gone looking for the baron she would have chased those guys in black but then Baron could have died she tries to assure herself that it worked out for well and she should not think about strange things for no reason she thought about this while she was being investigated that Fidel Baron and her the three of them have something in common the Knight questions if all the three of them are not related to role lamel responds that he is correct at the same time these people have been recently disrupted and they have even received threats but there is a person more related to ro the person who had contact with until recently she thinks that if her prediction is correct then the next person to be in danger is vicom orm in the original work he said that one day he disappeared when she thinks about it now it feels unnatural to her she tells Satan and Mark that they are in charge of protecting the vicount orm and if anything happens then they should contact her she P that she was nervous after she was investigated but she is Sleepy for no reason Carol seems a bit worried as she asks laml if she can catch the black robed guys lamel responds that she needs to catch them as they must have stolen something important Carol what could it have been laml responds that she is not aware until the baron wakes up she has no choice but to wait Carol asks her would it not be better if she sleeps on bed laml responds that she finds it annoying she Ponders that she was able to save Baron and she is thankful for that in the orm laboratory at that time the vicount mentions that if he had the time the results of the investigation would have come out he suddenly hears a voice coming from the door as he wonders what was that noise the door suddenly opens as two men appear mentioning that it has been a while he tells them that last time the same guys send thugs but this time they came themselves he grabs his sword as he shouts that the investigation has stopped as they wished and asks them that why are they doing this one of the men responds that of course it is because of that bastard role the vicount is astonished as they launches for an attack suddenly two men appears and begins to fight those hooded men's they are stin and Mark they ask the vicount if he is injured anywhere and introd uces themselves as Knights of the crowd guard they tell him that they have come to protect him by order of laml the vicount Wonders what kind of power is this they Dodges the attack and continue to fight until some more men appears and both of them falls to the ground vicount is terrified to see them like this the man apologizes for being late vicount asks the knights if they are okay the vicount is forced down by one of the men the man asks the captain what should they do with the other two the captain tells him to take care of everything but if they kill this too and then they try to get out of the crowd still it is best not to leave any evidence as they aim the sword but right before that the man is hit by a rock it's laml as she mentions that she could not sleep well because she sent the both of them alone she mentions that she was supposed to come too right both Satan and Mark are glad to see laml she questions that they twoo could not even deal with four people at at best they question if she thinks that they are monsters like her she seems disappointed as she questions if they are calling someone who came to save them a monster a man steps in her way as he tells her that she is awfully Carefree for someone standing in front of the enemy she tells the man that he can choose and the first choice is that they should quietly put away their weapons and talk it out or their second is that they should get beaten up first and then talk after the man tells her it is ridiculous as he launches for an attack she Dodges the attack as she tells him that the third option he shouts at his people to not attack recklessly and hold on she tells them that the third option is that they should fight right up until they die the man commands the other men to kill her they run towards her as she mentions that she understands they have chosen the third option she begins to attack back as all of them falls to the ground injured she P that they pretended to be hot stuff and turned out to be so weak that they cannot even block an aura she asks the vicount if he is okay the vi count is shocked as he questions if she is indeed the one who killed all of them she responds that is not the case and she just made them faint as she needs to find out who is behind this the Knight calls out to her as he flinches mentioning that these guys are all dead lamel is shocked as she mentions that she did not beat them fatally he responds that it is not their fault as if she looked closely it was the same with Dallas as well it's the same with the other guys too after looking at their skin it seems as though they have taken poison before coming here it is the method that the Assassin's Guild guys have been using recently after filling a chalice with poison upon completion of the mission they give out an antidote he tells her that they should first take care of the vicount laml also takes a better look at she responds that that they should head back to the lodging in the lodging vicount tells her that even though she was a bit late he is thankful that she saved him she tells him that there is no need to say that he asks her that how did she know that the black hood would come after him she informs that she heard from army that he was close with r the vicount asks if she can know with just that much information she tells him that a little while ago Baron was ambushed by the black hood in the process the item in the safe were also stolen the vicount becomes shocked as he questions if it is Mister Dallas she responds yes but tells him that he is under recovery now she states that she thought about it in her own way and she thinks they are trying to Target people close to ro in hopes of isolating him vicount states that now that he thinks about it those guys also mentioned Ro while attacking he blames himself for not realizing it like an idiot as then the reason they kept disrupting his research was not to keep him in check but it was to prevent R's recovery she asks him to come down and he questions what was taken from the Vault she responds that they are still not aware but they will find out only when the baron wakes up vicount mentions that he has a guess and if this is correct then she should go straight to roll she asks him what is it he responds that it is probably Rose's deed to own the Mansion lamel wonders so it's Mansion ownership before she realizes they are doing all this just for the mansion and becomes shocked the Knight mentions that those guys are going to threaten roll with the deed he questions if there is anything compelling in the stolen documents laml responds that Baron who can attest that the documents were stolen is unconscious she is aware that Ro will not have any choice but to suffer while knowing nothing no matter how much she pleads he will be driven Out cast out just like it was done originally she thinks that maybe explaining this situation to him would be the best course of action the vicount questions that it does not really fit the situation but can he ask her something she tells him to go ahead he asks if by any chance did she come to the capital to propose she responds that is right the vicount mentions that in that case there is something that he wants to say she questions if by any chance he means to object but he tries to clear it up that is absolutely Ely not the case but in fact he strongly supports her she responds that is a relief he tells her that he definitely hopes that she gets married to him she questions is not that up to her the vicount tells her that he will assist her from the sideline he tells her that she is the only one who can save R who is in danger she pund that she also actually is the one who is the most dangerous to him suddenly Carol steps in as she mentions that there is a huge problem she mentions that just now an Urgent Message from R's Mansion came in both vicount and laml flinches as she asks Carol what's the problem Carol asked her to please read quickly as she reads she flinches and Ponders that they have already come it's a letter from army who asks for immediate help she rushes over there as she hugs Army mentioning that she must have been terrified Army has tears in her eyes as she mentions that she kept hearing a loud noise from inside the office she questions what should they do for rooll she informs the maids that Army should be resting in the room the maids take care of army as Army calls out to lamel lamel assures her that her big sister will take care of everything Army trusts her as she has a smile on her face and agrees as Army leaves lamel asks one of the maid about the situation she responds that some thugs suddenly broke in and started acting violently demanding them to leave the mansion lamel asks what about Ro the maid states that first of all he led the thugs to his office lamel responds that is all she needs to hear as she goes to the office as she goes inside there are many documents scattered around and R is on the ground as laml runs towards him asking if he is all right he has tears in his eyes and he is also injured he asks her why is she here she notices his wounds as she clenches her fist cursing those men one of the men grabs her shouting that what the hell is she doing here she turns around as she grabs his hand and squeezes them he asks her to let go as he cries in pain she smacks his face as the other man is shocked questioning what the hell is going on not just for an attack at him too as she tells the other man that he is all that is left now the man apologizes to her as he mentions that he messed up and asks her to spare him she tells him that it is too late right right then the vicount rushes at her and stops her telling her that this much is enough lamel questions enough the vicount states that he will try to convince them she looks at the last one as she states that it is not even close to being enough The vicount Whispers to her that R is watching she flinches as she looks at R Who stares at her with teary eyes the men apologize as they mentioned that they really did not know that it was a stolen money they fell for the notion that the house house was being given out for free she asks her to please spare them LL tells them that they should not apologize to her but they should be apologizing to ro the knights appear as they ask if lamel called them and wonders why is the Rome in such a state she commands both of them to return to her after throwing these guys in the jail they continue to apologize asking her to please reconsider once their response that they will return swiftly as they tell those men that they should be thankful that their limbs remain intact lamel apologizes to R telling him that you went too far she thought that they were thugs trying to assassinate him he asks her what assassination she mentions that actually vicount was attacked by a group of Assassins today a few days ago Baron was threatened as well he asks if that is true the vicount responds that she showed up like an angel and rescued both him and baron R is surprised as vicount orm continues that he thinks that if it was not for her then maybe he already quickly would have perished she wonders that she guesses it because she knows the original R tells her that he is really grateful for her help she responds that she just got lucky he mentions that if it was not for her then he would not have known anything and after being kicked out of this house he would have been in big trouble he states that he is very thankful to her she questions because she is not late even now will he be so kind as to accept her proposal as she gets down on one knee she tells him that it is dangerous for him to operate here any longer he tells her that if all of this is because of him then the crowd would be very dangerous so his living alone would be before laml asks if he is underestimating the cloud skills as she shows him her strength he nervously responds that is not the case she tells him that even so the benefits gained by the counts family through marriage she is not proposing for the benefits and questions why does he think that she is at a loss she asks vicount if from Cloud's perspective this is a disadvantageous marriage who responds that of course that is not the case as he sees having a hero likee role as a benefit he blushes as vicount continues that if a hero likee role enters then the knights will flock the economic and militaristic benefits she will receive in return are indescribable able she pers that his hosting skills are no joke she tells him that if he ever feels burdened think of it as them investing in him Ro thinks about it as he calls out to her and asks her to please give him some time to think and he will not make her wait long she tells him of course as she is good at waiting she leaves the room as the vicount asks if he needs more thoughts he tells r that in the future enemies will come and attack him without rest so staying in the C Capital will be dangerous for both him and army he responds that he is aware of that but for what reason does the vicount think that laml propose to him vicount responds that is of course because she has feelings for him roll questions then if those feelings disappear somehow then what will become of him vicount pers that he's right this is a marriage based on her desires not on equal terms if someday she suddenly lost feelings and declares her divorce then he has no means or cause to resist and instead of resisting R will be kicked out on the streets the vicount states that despite this he still wishes for him to marry her he does not know for how long this marriage will last for him but right now all he needs is an umbrella for protection against the heavy rain and he thinks that it will be best if Army knows about this situation R calls Army as he asks what does Army wants to talk about lamel Army responds that she's really cool and she thinks that she is a good person R tells Army that actually lamel proposed to him causing Army to be excited Army thinks about the time when lamel told Army that what she said about Ro is what made her respect him more army realizes that is what she had meant Army asks Ro what did he respond he responds that he asked her to give him some time to think and he thinks that he will have to talk to army army responds that she thinks he should do it as he questions if he should really do it she responds because both of them are really good people and a meeting between two good people is something that he should be congratulating R responds but that may not always be the case she tells him that it is sad that if he marries her then the chances of him being able to enter counts Cloud's family are high if the people of the coud family are similar to The Nobles of the past Army tells him that it is fine as she grabs onto his hand she mentions that she is aware of what he has been worrying about she states that she will also do her best to look pretty to adults he apologizes to her for raising her in a way that she has to say such things he hugs her as he mentions that it seems that it is decided then in R's reception room lamel sits there filled with anxiety as she wishes for R to be with her on her way back suddenly the vicount rushes to her as he mentions that the situation is not looking too good right now the vicount states that he tried talking to R and informs laml about it she questions so that means that he is afraid of being abandoned by her right the vicount states that it could be just because he has not experienced this kind of thing before laml thinks about it and wonders if she ended up approaching him too indirectly she realizes that she actually skipped the dating stage and just went straight to the proposal she wonders if he did not see her as too immature the vi count tells her that the kidnapping seems better she responds that she will positively consider this the vi account asked so she was serious about the kidnapping Army steps into the room as she calls out to laml laml asks Army what is the matter Army tells her that R wants to talk to lamel in private laml realizes that it seems that he has finally decided she tells herself to not be so nervous as he will definitely accept the marriage this time they both wishes her good luck as she steps out after a while she is shocked as she questions if he is serious he tells her yes and he will try his hardest to be a good partner to her she is filled with happiness as she Ponders that she has got a real husband to think that he will be a real husband to her she tells him that she will try her hardest to become the best partner that she could possibly can to him as well he seems a bit nervous as he calls out to her and mentions that he does not have any right to say this but can he request just one thing from her she questions what request does he want he states that he wants to put some conditions on this marriage she she Pond that it wouldn't be something like there can never be any physical affection right she is filled with anxiety as he tells her that she may feel bad since he brought up the topic of conditions she asks him to please tell her no matter what it is while she pants in fear she P that she cannot think of anything else it could be other than a ban of physical touch he tells her that if for whatever reason he ends up living Cloud then she should please take responsibility for Army she seems worried as she questions for what reason is he saying this he questions is not it impossible that someday they might divorce she is lost for words as she wonders what is he talking about he tells her that if they get divorce then can she allows Army to remain in the Count's family she wonders if he is prioritizing her safety she wonders if he chose safety even if it means breaking up with army he questions if that is too much to ask for she responds of course it is not and how could it be she tells him that if he sees that way then she will give him her signature she sings it as she tells him if this is enough he thanks her he tells her that she should ride her own conditions too she questions if she can do that she thinks that that she does not have any in particular and wonders what kind of conditions will be good she suddenly wonders how about being required to kiss at least once a day sleeping together once a week she imagines doing all of this with him he asks her what is she doing and if she's okay she tells him that she will add any conditions that she thinks up later and questions if that is okay she asks him to please take care of her in the future he tells her that he is in her care as well they both blushes and shares a beautiful moment
Channel: Manhwa Mayhem
Views: 49,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa capped, manhwa mayhem, manhwa recapped, miss manhwa, manhwa recap, manhwa recaps, manhwa, manga recap, manga recaps, manhwa cap, anime cap, the manhwa man, manga, anime recaps, recap manhwa, recap manga, mangas, anistory, mystery manhwa, seth manhwa recaps, aniworld, logan manhwa recap, romantic fangirl recaps, manhwa tower, manga secrets, manhwas, She Reincarnated As Powerful Knight That Marries The Duke Who Can't Walk, duke walk manhwa, reincarnation manhwa, manhua
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 28sec (4288 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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