oh man all right all right let's do it all right the uh the first like in-person twers uh tricer podcast in studio here so James I'm excited dude it's a pleasure to be here checking out your office uh I'd seen little teaser Clips online but it's cool to be here in person you did a great job with the uh decorations and just like the flow of the Space is really good so you guys are killing it it's cool to see yeah I wanted to do it I was like James just do it online it's I've never done one in person he's like I live right down the street so James came in and did it so I'm excited to to do a pod with you dude to get you on here and do it I had to pull your leg a little bit to get you in here but I think it's uh I think it's good and anytime you can get in person I just think there's like a a different vibe you know than like through a screen is like so sometimes they can feel like a interview a little bit whereas like when you're person is just it goes you know and flows 100% 100% so uh about James I mean James is like a a local archery celebrity guy like he's our local influencer in San Diego for archery so James runs bicyles um he's like one of like the like I don't want say's one of the first YouTubers but I mean he's been youtubing for a long time yeah and that's kind of where you got your start was like YouTube right and now you're doing like you have some big following on on Instagram and stuff but uh bottom L is you're an Archer you're a hunter you are you're not I mean then you kind of I guess the influencing stuff kind of came after that but uh tell me about you tell me about James Visser yeah dude I you know I've talked about it a couple times but not like chronologically per se but it's my whole life I have always been super active in a doer and I've been a bow hunter literally my whole life like there's VHS tapes we have at home that we could dig out where I'm stalking rabbits at 3 years old and pullup diapers with like a long bow like I literally have been bow hunting my whole life and then I became a Pro bike rider in 2010 through 2013 I was on this thing called the FMB World Tour it's a Mountain Bike Tour mountain bike tour yeah freestyle Mountain Bike Tour so I was like a did crazy tricks and stuff basically bro I just got a mountain bike yeah so okay so here we here we go right so but how I got anywhere in biking was one I had skill at biking somewhat I'm I'm better at archery and hunting than I am at biking but I was a good biker and I had a crazy work ethic so I was always trying to get better but the key part is I was filming videos and Vlogs in 2007 I put my first video on the internet in 2007 and I made a mistake and put them on this website called pinkbike.com which is like the biggest biking website in the world cuz on pink bike you could upload videos with any music you wanted and it was the best place to be in hindsight had I been putting those Vlogs on YouTube in 2007 my life probably would look different now like with like how big YouTube is you know and and they were good videos way ahead of the times you know to be vlogging in ' 07 so anyways film videos and grew a biking career then when I retired from bike riding in 2013 I kind of was in this transitioning phase of life and I like worked a normal job you know where I showed up to work and left like was not self-employed that was the only time I like I got a job when I was 12 feeding horses but after that then I went into business biking because I was a entrepreneur with all these sponsors and making videos earning Revenue myself as a contractor essentially then I worked a job and I felt like a job was so easy you know it was a cool job work my way up to like a management position really quick I was like man I all I had to do is show up put in the effort get paid and go home and then it's like I'm done and but I got bored of that after a while I was like I got to do something else so I was like what can I use the skills that I used in biking filming going to the post every day and grow something else so then I thought I'll I'll do real estate I can use video to grow the business and I can make a lot of money selling these houses so I got into real estate in 2015 started filming videos about real estate and then I thought to myself I was like man I've hunted my whole life I've shot archery my whole life I love making videos and I wasn't I wasn't feeling creative really like the real estate stuff was just like simple videos so I said maybe I should start a YouTube about hunting and in archery so in 2018 I uh was my buddy Nick started putting videos up and here we are today 6 years later still going yeah so it's pretty cool that's kind of the journey but to your point I mean it's like the videos just happen so organically you know it was just like I already did both things it was just about meshing them together and then beyond that I never really thought of it as like something I could monetize or like do for a business and obvious ly it's grown a lot um so now it's like getting to the point where it is a pretty significant side income for me that's like probably before long going to be like I don't even have to sell houses if I don't want I'm still going to cuz I enjoy Real Estate but it's crazy I wouldn't have guessed that you know from the origin but since it's just like work and persistence is all it was you know that's awesome and you have like a pretty big following on YouTube right yeah so on YouTube we're over 40,000 subscribers but our viewership is is quite High um in fact like if you go on social blade and compare our Channel like uh social blade basically you could look up anyone's statistics our viewership is one of the highest in the in in hunting for sure on YouTube like out of anybody because we're pumping out so much content and we done it for so long that I mean on YouTube We're generally you know between 60 and 150,000 views a day really on YouTube wow just YouTube cuz you're on all your stuff no only you oh yeah on like because you have so much content out there that it's all getting viewed but like combined pretty cool yeah it's crazy like it's a staggering number it's a big figure but it's cool man like um it's so funny too cuz when I first started Ed doing the archery videos to your point like back in 2018 no one was like filming videos that much at shoots or there were some guys but um it was interesting because at first people would kind of be like what are they doing with the camera like and now it's gotten to the point where it's so cool like we'll go to an event and someone's there and they're like oh we flew to this Tac from Australia and my wife here bought the Eva shaki Gen 2 because the video Brianna did on the Eva shaki Gen 2 that happens all the time meeting people from all around the world who are like man thank you so much I got my first bow because of y'all or whatever and to me I think that's the coolest thing about it is hunting we're getting attacked constantly by people that are very um precise in their legislation and trying to get rid of hunting you know in California of course we've seen it with mountain lions in the 99s Bobcats just recently they've attempted it with Bears and the only way we can combat that is to grow more Hunters so we have more allies to go vote donate money sign these petitions whatever it may be so most hunting channels and archery channels and this isn't a slight but it's the truth is they're preaching to the choir our stuff is very different and fun and like comedic a lot of times don't get me wrong there's influ you know uh informative stuff as well and you know skills tips and stuff but a lot of our stuff is just a riot to watch it's really entertaining and I think that makes hunting less intimidating or even archery a lot of our people only shoot bows but guess what if they shoot bows and they watch bow disciples guarantee they're an ally of hunting so to me that's like extremely rewarding and important and I think that as Hunters it's very important to evangelize sort to speak yeah you know yeah yeah I uh you definitely got into a good time too I feel like CU I have like 250 subscribers on YouTube uh It's a Grind It's a Grind I feel like it's getting harder and harder on every platform right like even like Instagram especially like if I on Instagram in like 2015 you could have hundred thousands of followers but like now it's like I I have 11,000 followers I put a post out and, 1500 of them see people see it I know dude they like algorithms czy and same thing with YouTube like it was a lot easier to grow years ago and like it's just getting harder and harder to grow a channel and do stuff so you guys kind of get at the right time the vlogging thing is intriguing to me cuz I'm going full-time tricer like in a month and I was like tell my I'm be traveling a lot like I got some really sick going stuff going on like like in June I'll be going to uh Montana but I'm GNA like road trip through Utah and see a bunch of people and I'm gonna go like fishing with the guy who runs me year foundation and then I'm gonna go right dirt bikes and Cody Rich I'm like man I need to like Vlog this stuff and put it on YouTube so I don't even know like the first thing about vlogging so I've got like a GoPro I've got like some handy cam you talk about I got like that camera they like the Vlog that's a vlogging camera that is a perfect camera Vlog so like I think you just need a little handheld tripod that's the handh I need to make one I need a tripod you should you should make a Trier selfie vlogger selfie vlogger you should actually a you would make it cool too but yeah I mean uh it's tough like any anything any of these social media platforms is they're all beneficial to grow if like you have I mean in reality we just talked about this on our podcast the other day but like companies that pay for ads they pay for views they want views so if you can grow organic views yourself and then have something of your own to promote whether it's merch or an event or a tripod like then you're getting the exposure organically which and then if you do ads on top of that it's even better so I mean we do it all we do Facebook uh Tik Tok Instagram YouTube of course we but YouTube's our our main thing that's our main thing yeah it is and then um but on Instagram we got 70,000 which like a lot of that happened on a whim dude how did that it happened on a whim so like tell because like I have a girl who we who works with us who overnight got 65,000 followers that's basically what happened how did that happen so it was actually a month when this happened but um in 2022 I went on an elk hunt um super remote you know so there's no service like I'm certainly not able to upload any YouTube videos and at this time I was literally filming a video editing it and putting it up right then so like all I had was just what what I just finished you know so it's not like when I'm out there I can't put out videos so I was going to go a month and I was putting out two videos a week at the time at the time and then I was going to drop to zero basically for 3 weeks to a month while I'm on this hunt and I said I don't want to put out like no content like that's so I thought to myself I said well I have enough service to put out short form content like reals shorts Tik toks and I thought to myself okay well instead of doing two videos a week I'll just take a little bit of time each day to put out two like 10c videos every single day for while I'm here and just see what happens I think the Instagram has like a th followers at the time so I started putting out video two videos every day one in the morning one in the evening 10 seconds or less usually all of the sudden dude one of these suckers just starts going off the rails like I'm talking you'd refresh this phone a million million and a half 2 million and then before you know it that video is at 70 million right crazy viral and I mean it was growing 2,000 followers a day but a lot of them were to from the Middle East like Iraq Iran like shout out we do have some like real followers out there but a lot of them I think were like I don't know like it it seemed body but like it was organic we didn't pay for anything it just started going ballistic and then it was so crazy because I'm doing two of those a day and I think like that one went to 70 million or whatever but then there was like in that same span we had like five others hit 5 million or higher in the low ones were 200,000 or higher for a month straight twice a day so we went from a thousand to like you just algorithm just did something weird or something something weird but like honestly our engagement on Instagram sucks because like you go look at our likes and it's like might get like I'd say between like 150 and 350 which is good but it's not what we should have at70 but it's because so many of those followers I think are like kind of dead accounts or something so I think we more have like probably like 10,000 that are real on Instagram but how can you control it's like you know so now it's cool because I can see the retention chart and it's like every month we're kind of losing and gaining the same followers now but the ones we're gaining are like actual real people like you can go to their page and it's so I don't know what the heck happened but um yeah it was a whirlwind but as far as the vlogging I mean I think you should do it it's just it's a learning curve like you know what to film how to edit well you don't edit but like you yeah I'm not going to edit so like I'm gonna like I'm like contemplating like oh I should just pay someone to drive with me and film for me like some kid from the church or something get an intern I've thought about getting could do something like that or have I mean one of my kids could go too and do it but I think they need to go to school so I mean I don't I'm sure there's like some like 18-year-old kid that wants to like film for YouTube or something like come work for me for but I don't I don't want same I don't want to bring him on on that trip with me like that would suck have someone you're I don't know like I don't know I'm just been kicking it around like that's kind of my thing is like I'm definitely like to be organic with my stuff and like you kind of get what you get with me like I'm like hey I made a new bino adapter it's like this thing isn't even be available for you know uh maybe a year and I just put it out on the internet cuz like I just I like to do it so I throw stuff out like that you know and just so I don't know I kind of like it' be nice to have those thoughts I do have a Tik Tok now I guess but I don't do it so I've never seen it I told my office like they're like you need a Tik Tok you're so funny and I'm like yeah I'm not going to uh do that yeah so they uh they take my videos and put them on there for put them on the for I guess yeah so they're making them with things that I make put them on Tik Tok I guess so I don't know I have no idea how many followers I have with that the whole thing like TI tok's funny man it's it's it's like I don't scroll on Tik Tok if that makes sense like I am not a Tik Tock engager I don't sit there and like watch Tik toks but I do post on there so like I use it in the capacity to go on and post a video but I don't consume it but it's funny because sometimes while I'm uploading the whatever clip I'm uploading on Tik Tok I find if you like close the app it will stop the upload so you got to keep it open it only takes like a minute but it's so funny like they're so good with their algorithm that even in that minute I could like get caught for like you know like scrolling through watching videos and I'm like how did they do it you know cuz I have no intention of watching it but you talk about like an elite algorithm Tik tok's like a different Beast they really like I've never been on Tik Tok I notic get on there I'm like I never want to do Instagram and now I I and I have to do Instagram yeah have to and I have to do uh I mean like whatever it's fun I get to engage my customers that way and see them and like the YouTube stuff's fun for me just for like product videos and just what I'm doing I want to start filming hunts so that's going to happen this year a little bit I'm going to have some people filming for me and just get in that and putting some hunts together just because I'm planning on Hunting uh two weeks a month from August on so like I'm going to hunt sieras I think in August here archery which would be fun yeah um yeah you guys I I guess yeah whatever California we can hunt in August we can hunt in July I've hunted in July you shot a deer on July I believe 9th I think you can hunt in July in the a zones so yeah we have some good we have some fun stuff that people don't know about down here which is kind of cool yeah hunting in July is a trip man I've done it twice really it's crazy I swear I think I shot if not the first deer in the country legally last year like I had to have been close really cuz I shot a deer on like day two of the opener in azone or whatever and like I I I hadn't seen anyone else post something so I was like maybe like I had to have got one of the but yeah it's so weird hunting that early I'm not used to it how how do you so I've been kicking around the a Zone a little bit how do you like the aone I love any type of bow hunting so I I really like it um if you guys don't know azone runs for basically like not Santa Barbara like Ventura all the way up to like San Francisco into like Central like the 15 or something it's like a big gigantic a lot of it's private but there's a lot of public too mhm mhm yeah no this is cool I yeah this my first blacktails too I I did it backtack years um so I got two two blacktails but those are my first ones and I will tell you Blacktail it's like the best eating meat especially those early season bucks that's my best tasty meat hands down you think it's cuz they're not like not as I me guess they're in rough country they're not moving as much 100% because even even some of the I've shot a lot of early season mu deer bucks as well M amazing eating as well something about when the Bucks are in velvet and they're just kind of chilling with the boys you know like they they eat amazing but the blacktails even better really yes and uh so you're when you're on Blacktail you're pretty much all spot and stuck right new spot and stuck those okay yeah both ones I shot yeah I mean I'm sure there's spots you could for sure sit like a popup blind or maybe do a tree stand but so far I've only spot in stock of one I uh there's videos of both um but one uh one of them my glass it was crazy foggy got really lucky saw him moving there was like three of them I think got up there ended up I man I got in such a perfect spot wind was good here he come D comes out he comes out like 30 yards maybe something like that thumped them perfect ran like 40 yards went down the next one was like one of my best stocks ever dude I glass up this buck and I thought he was bed cuz all I could see was the tip of his antlers and uh it was crazy windy but he's only like 300 yard normally I'm glassing stuff like 2 miles away he was right here you know just got found him close turns out the grass was neck high on the buck on the whole area it was NE high so he was standing but all I could so I could see him moving around it's like a shark fin you know you'd see his horns moving around so I said I'm going to go out there and stock this Bo wind's just howling in my face so my dad stays up on the binoc I didn't need to need him there on this one really but I was like watch this this will be cool so I stalk in I get in there and like I mean again the grass is here so I can see his antler tips out here and uh every once in a while I would be stalk and I could be loud cuz I mean it was like windy so he not going to hear me but we're level ground but the grass like I said is super tall so I'm stalking he can't see you cuz his heads below the grass 100% so every once in a while he would see something move and he would I could see him look at me cuz I'm like 50 yards at this point but I I cannot see anywhere near torso so I'm seriously I'm sitting there thinking to myself if I'm going to get a a shot at this Buck at Rib Cage I need to be 15 yards so I got a ways to go so I'm at 50 he would like look eventually he go back and I could see him start to try to he was he was trying to flank me to get the win so I'm like n I'm not going to let that happen so we're flanking each other like this and I range him he's at like 30 but again I can only see his ear 25 20 14 so now I'm 14 yards he's just feeding behind this bush and you can't see you can't see anybody no I can just see antlers and ears that's funny and he's walking right to left and I go you know what if he takes one more step I'm going to be able to see the top of his back and just bury my pin down in the grass and I'll I'll smoke him right here he takes like two more steps put him down right there 14 yards really mhm stocked in 14 yards which is not my closest I actually stocked a buck once he was sleeping when I got to him I was 5 yards really he was like this slump 4X for yeah but stocking is what I do it's what I'm like in I I think it's what I'm best at in life like what God put me here to do is be a spot in stock Archer I think like especially on mu deer it's just like I I get in this my dad always says it's just like watching like it's just like what I what I do I don't know it's weird so I have never killed a deer with my bow yeah I've never like until now like I've just never had the time to archery right like now I'm like I'm fulltime trer I have the time to do it I have the time like nor mostly it's like okay 5 days of R let's go right I got I this I I can hunt two times a year now it's like I'm gonna put all this time in so like I'm gonna buy I'm not going to buy I'm gonna get a uh I'm gonna blow seven points on a really good I really good a really good uh elk tag in Colorado this year cool so I'm going to do that archery um and then I'm going to do me deer here uh um archery as well and I'm trying to do that and then hopefully I I I I put for B tags and Bun other places as well so I want to put a lot of time in archery now because it's really intriguing to me to get in close and like I'm not so I don't know what it is like I I don't know you've heard to talk about this at all in the podcast but like this year I'm going to only shooting a 30 out 6 like wood stocked 30 out 6 you talked about that at the shoot I yeah so I'm I'm going away from like the high-end rifles and like the archery thing cuz like I just like this I have this bad taste in my mouth right now with like where the industry is going with just like pushing this like long range shooting aile away it's just like man like I want to like I I really at this point in my hunting career I really enjoy the hunt more than the kill 100% And like getting out there and glassing and finding them so the archery thing for me if I can go put in you know two weeks in the sieras in August I'm going to kill a deer like I I should or at least you'll learn a lot learn a lot right Y and that's the thing like with with especially with spot and stock hunting like hunting it's just like there is so much knowledge you have to gain to be proficient you know and I think that I think that's why we're going to see a pretty sign significant drop off of active Hunters here soon they'll still be allies in the sport and vote for our stuff which is a win a net win but I think that when Co came around just like any other outdoor industry mhm tons of people got into it whether it's biking or camping or Offroad whatever but I bet a lot of those people went out and they were like bow hunting is impossible cuz that's it is if you don't have someone to show you how to do it it's like been there and done it it's like it's tough It's it's you're going to go and be like that's impossible I'm not going to do this anymore so I bet a lot of people I bet if you go on eBay or like Facebook Marketplace I bet you're going to see a lot of used bows so here's the thing if you look at California's uh like draws in 2020 we've gone down like 30% to this already dude it's going to go another 20% at least it's gone down like it like peaked in 2020 and if you look at Gohan it'll show you like the uh applications it's just like on this steady downhill right now and I was actually sharing this with darl Sloan and um and I was like this is really cool I was looking at other states and it wasn't as prolific in like col states where they hunting is very you know just like core um but it is going down in those States as well it will be it will continue I bet but California was like holy crap did they everyone decided to go hunting in California maybe because we were all so locked up here it was like yeah that that was probably like our state was like so freaking backasswards it was like so everyone's like we got to go we got to go hunting so they all got it but it's going down a ton so I'm like oh it's going to get easier to draw some of these tags for sure and hopeing they translates into other states I mean I know you're not supposed to be hope for hunting to go down somebody who draws draws across the West and like every year I'm putting in places like I hate watching my points just creep up like crazy um yeah dude no I I agree very very much so with what you just said like a lot of a lot of these a lot of people that are hunt will really like bash on anyone that's like growing hunting whether it's cam Hanes or Steve Vanella or me or go hunt or go hunt bash go people hate these guys and I'm like you understand that that is such like a selfish and naive approach because first of all I've probably the influencer and cam Haynes Steve Rell we've all hunted longer than you have like I we were here first Mo the most people you know that are keyboard Warriors have been hunting like two years meanwhile Cam's been hunting 40 years I've been hunting 25 years Steve's been hunting who knows knows how long same with the guys from go hunt but like it's like oh well we're not going to draw as many tags well you have one bonus point anyways cuz you just started you know like I just don't get the selfish approach and that is not helping to sustain hunting yeah you have to support Cam and Steve like or me like that's that's foolish not to do but I think a lot of times people get really jealous of people like cam the cam haes for sure you go read his comments like jealousy is nasty and I think that unfortunately in hunting especially well not it's any sport it really any sport but I just think people got to stop doing that you know like you said I mean it's just like what's the point of the negativity and like yeah you could be mad about Point creep but that's not cam hayne's fault yeah no it definitely not U like the uh Randy newberg's a great example everyone hates Randy Newberg they say he ruined Arizona archery he's single Randy Newberg single-handedly ruined the overcount archery hunts in uh Preposterous in Arizona which he didn't you can still apply for it you can still get you go there and do it but they blame Randy Uber because he was like the they because Arizona Fish game sponsored Randy for a few years and it's like oh it's all Randy's fault it's goofy it's goofy really if you want to we actually talked about this me and uh Brandon McDonald and I forgot who else we were talking to on Instagram live but really what what has made it what's made more people apply out west and go do these over-the-counter hunts like anywhere with an over-the-counter hunt the reason that more people go is not because of influencers it's because of the accessibility of information now yeah back in back in 2000 when me and my dad wanted to go try to hunt in New Mexico for our first time you had to like yeah I don't know like look at a map and call your buddy who knew an area and like that was the only way to do it was on the ground research now you go on go hunt and there's all the information and or why or onx like onx makes it so accessible to say now onx has has uh hun as well yeah and it says like you click on it right here and it says oh that's public land so you go okay I'll go over there and I can hunt which I think that's awesome but that is what's made more people feel comfortable to do it cuz the barrier to entry is more attainable with the information but for people to sit there and like blame cam hannes it just doesn't make sense to me yeah I've been hunting public land for a long time right probably I mean since I was 13 I remember being like when I first started hunting like San Diego um I've only been big game hunting since 2014 but um just never had teach me to do it but uh I would do i' bur hun crazy that's and uh I would go get like all the Cleveland National Forest Maps you have to go get them you have I still have them in like drawers you have to pull them out like figured out like so often y we were definitely poaching cuz like it's like how the heck do you know like you don't know like once you get like but it was like so much easier than like like oh you know I don't know for sure you just like you know cuz like you're like trying to figure out where you are on this map there's no like even Garmin like and then they came out with like the onx chips yeah which were really cool remember I didn't even have one of those I had a Garmin new MH that was like my big like safety thing like you know Mark my quad or whatever it did save me a few times but I never had the chip but I do remember it that was cool when they came out yeah you kind of see where you were before now was all in your phone it's like so like I'm so stoked on like on like I can't wait till star I'm gonna buy a starlink for this year because I'm I'm kind of run this thing kind of wherever right so I can do this wherever I am I'm going to buy a starter link but I can't wait until like all go to starlink dude star how is that not here yet that's crazy cuz you're going to be able to like you're going to to be anywhere which I mean I guess unless you're in a tunnel or something you're going to be anywhere in the world may be like have access to this information insan which is cool and also not cool like you can't get away I can't get away like with tricer it's like I never can get away like it's kind of like this um it's become this Beast where it kind of there's not I don't have a 9 to5 job it's like a 4:00 a.m. to like 11:00 p.m. job like it's kind of like but it's like ins spurts the day right like it's 7:00 hour hanging out talking then like you know you're trying to film still stuff so it's kind of nice to turn that off when you're gone but you're not going to need a in reach anymore no you're not going to need a spot anymore like it is coming so soon where you're going to have be able have access to everything wherever you are in the world and be completely safe and have that like the very entry go way down like wherever I am in the world I'll know where I am I'll be able talk to my wife you know I'm not going to I'll be able to freaking FaceTime like it's going to like I talk all the time with the podcast so I get a little bit like I was gone for 14 days this year I start getting homesick like I get like I start missing my wife start missing my kids yeah it's like dude like especially when it's crappy like when you're getting your freaking kicked in sorry you're getting your butt kicked and like it's like you know it's 20° and it's snowing and raining and you're blowing stocks you know or my kid missed an elk and you're just like an elk just live in hell holes like I get homesick and like having the ability to be like oh hey like FaceTime my kids connect is going to be pretty cool yeah yeah anywhere in the world you are right too that that's that I like I said I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet but it's got to be like within for sure within 5 years that's a thing 100% and actually uh speaking on starlink I did a um a bison hunt uh last year in the Book Cliffs you book Cliff yeah yeah you drew the tag no I filmed my buddy did I filmed it it's a great video you go watching AR yes really archery by dude it was insane cuz I got to do all the stocks and everything of course I was right there filming but amazing opportunity it was like I said once in a lifetime I will probably never get to do it again so it was really really cool um but uh a guy on that trip had a starlink and it was because there's no service on Book Cliffs like anywhere really but it was cool cuz when we get back to Camp cuz he we filled the Bison tag opening day we were there like 2 days early to Scout and he had actually been like a few weeks prior to scout Mo so we got we got fortunate but we got a a big bowl the first day so then when you get back to Camp it's funny everyone's like hey uh you going to fire up the starlink and then as soon as everyone it is kind of funny cuz as soon as it's on everyone got the phone out you know like not not like you know we're not sitting on our phones but it just is it shows human nature as soon as it's on you check your phone you know well I'm getting one cuz like my like I said like I my my goal is to hunt two weeks a month like out of I'm going to be gone my goal for this year is to hunt two weeks a month and I'm just gonna get a start link and then like I could be able like come back to Camp do some emails jump on some do some freaking Zoom calls whatever middle of the day if I have to go back to Camp do some Zoom calls whatever uh as long as I'm I mean if I'm backpack hunting that's not going to happen right but it'll be nice forever I am to be able to do that because even when you're hunting and like you get off the mountain like when you're in the middle of Utah or Colorado like there's not service a lot of places right so fire at thing up would be nice so I already told my partners like we're buying star link oh dude I go I go to baj like it's just nice to have down there do you like Offroad or what uh my partner races Baja I like to fish down there so we was like Bay of La last year we do a lot San Felipe stuff so now that my son's adopted we can go we were we were like out of Mexico for like four years so you w allowed to go because he was in the spash care system now he's adopter we can go to Mexico he want oh perfect yeah I love Baja being right there you know it's funny I I like never I've only been to Mexico once really yeah to build house my kids are down there right now I did like the house build for a church trip like your classic you know my kids are down there for 5 days on a mission trip are they building a house or what no we working an orphanage we we I used to go to Mexico twice a month for Missions work when I was like probably from 20 to like 23 I went to Mexico a ton doing Mission stuff and in like Baja like uh mostly inata side so like down past inata down to like San Cantine which is like four or five hours South of the Border been a lot of time down there it was just really like informative years of my life and just seem to experience that um and we try we Tred pour out door kids like my we took my son to Kenya last year oh nice and he's going back to Kenya in a month for two weeks with my wife I feel like he's going to probably move there for like a year or two and he graduates high school we're kind of like trying to pour into that right but we we do have a hard for Missions and going overseas and doing stuff like that I I had a blast we live right next to missions field you Mexico is right there yeah building that house was cool but like it's funny cuz as far as Mexico I think I I just haven't gone much cuz like what they say on the news all the time like people getting beheaded so much more dangerous up here dude go freaking walk down the street dude oh it's like California is a hell hole for homeless people like on crack and like running around like I can't let my kids go outside yeah like you try and go down go down second stet here it's just like you're going to get mugged got to move to Ramona I got to move to Ramona now now that I'm not in uh I don't have to go to work I have to the studio just got built I'm not moving for a while studio is done I'm staying in the studio for a while but uh yeah but no I mean like the thing with Mexico and I'll tell you this is like once you get past the Border towns it's not dangerous it's those like big city border towns where you're going have like might have some issues and most them you're not going to have issues unless you're going and buying freaking cocaine and going the strip clubs doing that stuff if you're in the you know you're doing the you're doing the like everyone I know who's like had big problems is always doing something stupid something stupid yeah oh you know I had a friend uh who went to Mexico and brought his like his it was his daughter's boyfriend the time he went like Tred to buy coke and they end up getting like getting like abducted and they had like pay him off a couple Grand and like Cabo and like you don't you don't do Cabo uh I've never been I only went one time on a church trip I know I only went got down the Cabo with the wife freaking hop the jump we fly fly to TJ it's awesome you you fly oh yeah you go to when you go to you could drive it' be it's a sick trip but uh no dude you go down you walk across walk across the border uh it's all on a bridge through America into the airport and you jump on an airplane you're in Cabo an hour and a half really oh dude it is I got to do this Cabo is awesome you're gonna have to send me that itinerary yeah you say secrets and he get all inclusive like whatever you want all day long like I don't drink so I just eat like a bunch of sushi ice Sushi food I ate Ice Dude that sounds amazing to me dude yeah they got the whole you got the whole spicy Margarita thing going if you're I don't like spicy drinks I love spicy food have fruity drinks or you get beer see I like I like fruity drinks they have all like you can get the drink with like the big you know the that's what I want the umbrella um all all you want all day long that's what want you know they cost you like 800 bucks a day for you and your wife you go there for three days 2400 bucks four days may maybe not that much it's probably I think like 600 bucks a day and you're like the best food ever you want to go to Benny hanas you want to do it's yeah you got to do with your wife I need to do that yeah and then I love um fishing so we went to like Bay of La last year and that's like a six- hour drive that's on the sea of Cortez side and it's just wide open Yellow Tail Yellow Tail like but deep do you fish here at all uh I used to a lot not anymore so like you know hear when we fish yellow to or fish them on top water M when you fish yellow to on there you fish them like 300t deep really and they're giant so you're bringing up like a 40 50 lb Yellow Tail from dude it is like you are work D you're clicking that thing into high speed and you're just like railing trying to get this thing up and then uh you get big old grouper I mean it's just B magical man you caught a grouper a big one couple hundred like cou pound no no we didn't get that but we got some like 40 Pounders like some big ones I can give you some fish bunch of fish I would love that I actually met some dud speaking of uh grouper um in Florida that's like a you can apply for a tag for a goliath grouper and I met a dude who actually Drew one so he's going on a goliath grouper fishing uh but he doesn't you don't to keep it I'm not sure how I don't think you can either but I'm not really sure like I I can't remember if he said you could keep it but you get to catch one really I think you do get to keep it must to keep it I think anyone can catch him you must be able to keep it or something yeah I don't know how that works cuz like if you see it are you supposed to like cut your string you can't like not catch them I think I think anyone can catch a grer maybe it's a tag to keep it maybe that's what it is but yeah huh I don't know and then you did the Koo deer hunt down in Mexico right yeah I'm going back again that's I'll go back every year until I can't yeah oh 100% you got to go oh I loved it absolutely I can get you on a tag for really cheap yeah yeah I can get you on I can dra attack for 3500 bucks nice and You' be chasing 110 in Deer that's sweet mil attack 5500 bucks far how far is that depends on where you're going uh you're going to go across ngalas so for us we're going to drive into nalis so like below like 30A 36B like all those T units over there you know so you drive into there it's like what five six hours from here 6 hours and then you're going to drop down we went like 4 hours south the Border where we went oh wow but there's plots that are closer yeah um but we are 4 hours south I don't mind to drive so we're going this year uh um one of the owners of mountain Ops one of the owners of uh Olan his dad my partners my father-in-law uh shed crazy Ben de we're all going to Mexico together it's going to be a freaking hoop man we're all going in uh January so we actually bought a ranch when you go when you go you buy a ranch right so we we bought eight tags we all went in together bought eight tags and we basically own this Ranch from September through February wow okay so we can go home whenever we want wild I'm not going until January till the right I would go September for sure if I got the tag I would go that's the thing I'm a lunatic I like but now that but now that I'm like semi retired from my other job like I'm like might but I don't want to go down and kill an animal then like but at the same time I'm like what if I went down I killed something and then now I can go help other people yeah 100% get right like like my partner's both haven't killed a buck before my uh my father-in-law he killed he killed a good buck in Mexico last year but he's going to have a hard time on harder time on this hunt cuz it's a um we're not sitting water it's spot in stock but it's a big Mountain Ranch right so we have this giant thousands of acres to ourself Mountain Ranch to go C deer and you're like that's bitching you're like the in the west dude like it's like the old west like it's just like there's no airplanes there's no cars it's just you hanging out you got some Mexican lady just making these tortillas over like some like over some like rim tire you know or something like like some like makeshift like it's just baj like that's not Baja but like that's why I like Baja right it's just it's like it's different it's cool man I love Mexico man it's cool yeah you're kind of talk sounds amazing I don't like everybody walking across the border but I love Mexico yeah that's I don't know I don't know if you hunt where I hunt locally but dude like you uh there's a lot of people coming across that are not Mexican yeah oh yeah I've never seen a black guy in Mexico yeah and everyone coming out across the border now is like black or Asian or Indian like that's not a racial comment that's a truthful comment Middle Eastern like and it's like scary as hell dude I've been out there in the mornings and there'll be 60 Middle Eastern dudes aged 20 to 40 that's crazy no women and children yeah and you're like I don't want to profile but uh you're going to blow us up yeah some one of you guys is going to blow us up crazy without a doubt dude like we had to go me and my kid like save this big like group of IND like I have a heart for these people like I don't I'm not like oh I'm going to run you over like I I want like I don't want to like they were they were to like dying they so I I gave them like four gallons of water and it was just like they were all Indian like like red dot Indian right um from India and they're like are we are we in California we're like yeah yes yes we're in California they didn't even know where they were dude they and it's like dude like I'll I'll glass up 100 illegals in a day and you know six deer yeah that's insane you know it's like I don't I I I don't like hunting the spot anymore cuz it's like say unsafe the only put this way the only the only Mexicans I see down there are the guys smuggling drugs on the Hills cuz on the other countries they just come across on the roads they walk right across the road and they want to be caught yeah right because they get caught we give them thousands of dollars and we let them go like $4,000 a phone we let them go yeah the the the guys here like the Mexican dudes I have like dude those guys if I get one of those guys to pack for me it'd be awesome cuz like dude they got those giant makeshift backpacks on just full of drugs and they're on like the side of some of those freaking Hills dude going straight up bro and I'm just like you guys are in shape I actually have a buddy that uh he's like special ops border patrol and dude the stuff he does bro he'll show he'll like have videos or whatever he flying in a helicopter dude like repelling like getting the baddest dudes like but he literally carries a machine gun and wears camo and they'll like glass up dudes and find them like straight up like wild special op stuff but it's all the dudes with the huge backpacks all he catches CU they bringing across that's why there's so many freaking junkies down here it's all fentanyl dude they're all bring fentol is wild it's gnarly and that's what fentol is wild and that's what we're dealing with in s Diego it's like dude it's all these guys were talking themselves and like skinny as heck they're all on fenol mhm it's like it's like so much worse it's so much cheaper than heroin oh yeah so much cheaper than cocaine and it's much more potent and it's like a matter of like not if when you die that's the problem with fentanyl 100% it's like that's the problem with fentanyl is it's like they just wreck people's lives and then like every time you take it it's like I don't know what that percentage one in 20 chance you're going to die or something something stupid oh it's pretty high dude it's pretty high and then they end up freaking dying it's insane and they're bringing Rock backpacks full and it's like I don't know the whole PA like I I like I there just so much money in in drugs like that that's why I mean it's like it's all synthetic they're making these pills for two cents and they're selling them for I don't know $15 a pillar it's huge margins yep you know so it's crazy I mean that it's got to be the business with the largest margins out of any business I mean you have some close ones like popcorn has crazy margins beauty products have huge margins uh supplements supplements have huge margin cuz those are all white labeled that's all they are like no one has like proprietary stuff but yeah it's crazy drugs like of course they always going to be a thing because the margin's like almost 100% yeah my like I I do a lot of like joking politics online and stuff like when it comes to the border and like being in San Diego and being like in Arizona and seeing it and you're seeing it you're just like man I don't care what party you are this needs to be fixed like this is scary like I started carrying now I never carry at the now I'm hunting I'll carry down there if I'm hunting in that area like keep mind like give my spots I mean the Border runs for a long way but I carry a freaking gun on my chest now because like I was down there one morning I'm driving with my kid and there was a bonfire in this is San Diego so it's a Tinder Box a bonfire in the middle of the street with freaking like a hundred dudes dick ragins Middle Easterns like in the like right and like and I'm like they surround my truck and I'm like here we go oh my God this is it and they're like we up getting through because they want to know like uh is send the war Patrol they coming are they coming yeah they're coming you know like lit and so I'm like I'm carrying from now on like I'm going be my kid they're going to freaking take my car and you know leave yeah dude you got to so it's just yeah that's that's crazy man uh but they uh yeah dude it's gnarly down there man it's just and it's just but like politics aside it's like take care of that like it's doesn't make any I don't I don't I don't comprehend like politics are so dirty like I hate I I hate politicians I like only politi I like is my brother-in-law because he just like does not give a damn but anybody he's like run for school board he's just like I'm gonna stop like he'll he'll be on the school board and like all like the conservatives are all like allowing this like stupid crap and he's like no screw that we're not doing masks no screw that we're not letting boys and girls bathroom and he's just fighting these guys like this like this like staunch like guys who have been like Republican or Democrat forever and they've been in the on the board for years he's getting them kicked off he he took out a 20year incumbent and got on the board he crushed it that's crazy he crushed it and he's making waves I like him but just like the politics out of it like oh no it's let these people in it's better for our voting like it's it's just crazy man it's and you see it firsthand like you hear about it on the news you see it when you're in San Diego or Arizona and you're you're hunting you just see waves of people no joke yeah I mean you what I always you know think about with the politics stuff is like when everyone in Washington all of their donors are the same people or the same companies I think that's a little suspicious it's like okay you run on these different platforms but in reality it's like you're saying talking points to get elected the people that are paying you all this money outside of your $170,000 salary that you and I are paying we're not the ones making their net worth 200 million yeah so when all the donors are the same I'm like seems a little fishy well plus then you see them get out and they're getting like $300,000 speaking engagement deals yo here's 300 Grand to come speak at our school you know it's just like dude that's so dirty like there should be like no politics podcast but like dude there should be term limits like you guys you guys get eight years and you're out of there dude nancyy in there forever like Diane Feinstein in there for freaking 700 years at dinosaur he's like just evil people Mitch Mitch been in there forever like both sides I don't care both sides of them are dirty dude like you should that shouldn't be your career this is a random pod I like it be your career we kind of gone everywhere I wonder if people like this I don't care if you like Co thing about trer like I don't care if you like it or not listen to it don't listen to it turn it off did when did you start tricer I I created the first tripod in 2017 by the start of 2020 just in time for Co like we started in like January and like Co hit great well that probably helped your business really huh well dude our first tripods weren't that great so we didn't really help anything those were the ones with the they was like three leg TR but they were they weren't bad we sold we sold a lot of them I mean I think that's a very Innovative idea the one that had three trekking poles like and then we kind of evolved into like other tripods and then like the last cou years it's just been like now this thing's a rocket ship right like we just can't even we're trying to keep things in stock getting prepared for it so do you not you don't keep inventory here oh no no dude this is all like just I probably have 15 tripods here because I'm constantly doing things and trying things and doing stuff right but uh I don't keep inventory here no like if you want to buy a tripod in San Diego you can go buy one at Bon shop or right to bear does performance have them no I need to get in performance I need to get them into Willow Creek um we have a big like a really big distributor market now we're in like all the shields like we're working on a bunch of some big stuff that I want to talk about like um we have a lot of Distributors across the country now selling our stuff it's so it's kind of nice we're actually putting a thing on the site now where you can like look up like a dealer locator and you can go find it and like we and we don't ever undercut our dealers like we don't give out like we we do sales like you know we do like the President Day Sale Fourth of July stuff but like you're get the same price from our vendor dealers as you do from us so like people go by in person and I get it man you're you want to try it and yeah this not cheap you want to try it out and see it I mean honestly we get most of our sales from we we do really good advertising but like mostly what we get our sales from is like you buy my tripod you go H with your Camp your tripod is so much better than everyone else's tripod that they come back and my my tripod that's that's where we and that's what was like that's the business I want to have like I want be to buy my stuff not CU it's a gimmick but because like it's really nice enjoyable it performs yeah it performs and that's and you get it all the time dude like dude I took my tripod out all the guy text me day dude like six guys bought your tripod and your pane like it's like they're all like three guys already bought it the other guys are going to buy before season like cuz it's like you use this and it's like holy smokes this is actually made for hunters this isn't like some photography tripod I'm trying to make hey of all the photography pan this is the best one we could use so let's use this this what we've been doing forever now it's like hey here's one made just for hunters right and it's just like people are just eating it up they like it and I get a kick out of it I got to makeing stuff dude I love I saw I saw your video about you know you were like talking about making this and how you were like you know up in the morning had an idea and just had to get to it I think that's cool you know and obviously the business is doing great I think like I said you've done a phenomenal job I think of getting a lot of people the product which is a a great way to get brand awareness is have a lot of different people run it you know that have a following that trusts him you know yeah and the cool thing is too is like people want it like I really like like just so everyone's aware like I really don't reach out to anyone yeah like I'm never like hey guy that has a ton of followers will you I don't do that yeah yeah like it's like they come to me and like hey here's my let's work together you know what I mean like here's a discount lot of give discounts out to some guys like hey you got a lot of followers yeah try it out use it but uh most of people like honestly a lot of guys just buy it yeah right like me and um great light Hunter Marlin Holden like he's kind of like in partnership with us now but like he's been buying my stuff for a long time and he's just like dude I love your stuff like let's work together right and like Marlin doesn't like we don't pay Marlin anything he just likes to use our gear so like you know hook up some stuff but like that just like an organic thing because it's like we have good gear like that's the thing about like the hunting industry is like you can't really fake it like like I don't any hunter who's like I'm going to use this crappy piece of gear because this guy's paying me like I you could pay me a ton of money and I wouldn't use some crappy tripod cuz like I'm not going to find any animals yeah especially a tripod I think is like I think I think people have asked me that before what's the most crucial piece of equipment for the type of hunting I do and for me it's always either I got to have really good sneaks like good shoes to stock in and a tripod for me is Paramount it's my most important thing so I'm I'm like really picky with the feel of my cuz I spend an absurd amount of time glassing cuz like I'll do eight to 10 hours a day no I do I do all the time and I'll leave and I'll have black rings around my eyes eyes will my eyes will go like by the end of a hunt like my eyes are just feel like they're just have S like dry sometimes I'm doing that every single day for 30 days straight you know I bring eye drops now do you bring eye drops yeah no I don't my eyes don't get Dr drops now I it's the btx more this year cuz I have the btx now like I'm just I can't get out of it cuz it's so fun but to your point a tripod is crucially important for Western hunting you know like or not not even Western hunting cuz I've Western hunted out of a tree stand I'm ground blind but for spot and stock hunting it's Paramount to me it's the most important thing I would take a that or sneaks like I got to have good shoes I want to talk about that too I would take a $500 pair of binoculars and a tripod over a pair of n pies and no tripod I I find way more animals with a pair of Vortex vipers off a tripod than I will with a pair of NLP off off I never glass off hand ever I don't either like I I like um I don't even when I walk when I hike around I don't run a bino harness like I I have a good relationship with marsupial and they're like a part of our giveaways but I don't run a bino harness I when I walk I put my binos right here in this top pack and if I need some magnification my range finder has six I I only glass when I sit down and spend I spend four hours behind the tripod really mhm I want to go hunting with Jim I was texting with Jim this week from our sual been Tex he's running our stuff now he bought uh it's like the thing he bought my stuff like he bought my the new head he bought her tripod it's just like it's cool talking to guys like that Innovative and doing stuff like he's his company is just freaking blown up he's got so many employees now like I got their bino harness like they just those guys are really cool over there doing stuff course yeah yeah I'm excited they uh threw in a uh they call it an enclosed pack for one of the giveaway so it's a bino pack with a rangefinder and in the other pocket as well so you got two pockets and the the thing and yeah I mean just Cool brand cool uh they do a good job on social media too my buddy Kade is actually like one of the main social media guys there okay he does a good job with it he's probably seen him in the videos got a cool mustache tall skinny guy been joking with I talked with Jay purn a lot over there and uh we have this new tricer camo coming out for all of our tripod bags and I'm like dude I want to make a dino harness I want to do a collab like mariio Dino harness I don't know if I talk him into it or not but be cool I know they just do something with uh they just did their first thing with like origin oh I saw that yeah and I'm like uh I want to do Dino harness like just like have like the tricer camo on it called that is I this sounds cool I like the I Dino's funny in the logo like your Triceratop logo would look pretty good in place of the kangaroo well I want the kangaroo too though have you seen have you SE my have you SE my pattern I'll show you afterwards okay yeah I have like a tricer p oh you're saying you want to do the camo patter I want to do the tricer camo pattern and call out the dino harness like with the marup though like I don't know mean I'm talking online I shouldn't be talking out loud about this like editor this g whatever this is fun it's fun whatever oh maybe this will talk Mar do it Maro make me a dino harness I'll give you pattern let's do it let collab on making 500 of these things or something and sell them I know we'd sell them but uh talk about the sneakers so like I I run krex I run Crocs at camp but I also have like some Solon trail shoes now I'm think of like if I I like I'm going the Sierra this year I think running my Solon trail shoes just for hiking for hiking and for stalking yeah see for stocking I uh I'm very very picky with what I stock in and generally the last several years I've been using water shoes like the shoes you use in a pool or at the beach yeah like the like the to like toe ones I have used toe shoes in the past those are not my favorite I just the standard ones you wear in a pool the cheap ones at Walmart 10 bucks 10 bucks yeah like neon green yep yep so huh here's the thing that's a good idea I'll stock into about you know 150 100 yard wherever I feel like I can get to then I'll drop my backpack take my boots off put on my stock [ __ ] shoes and all I bring is my bow Rangefinder and that's it so I only I don't bring anything with me cuz I need to be as minimal as possible and the thing about the water shoes that are really really good is they're super light number one so they pack well and they're they're Slim So they pack in your pack no problem but when they go on they're extremely soft on the bottom but and this is key they do offer a little bit of protection cuz I'm doing a lot of stocking in the desert with cactus MH if I'm hunting higher country it doesn't matter as much but I do like the foot protection and the most important part is that I can feel the ground cuz they're very thin and soft so I can actually step and if I like feel a twig or something under my foot I'll actually like move it so I don't snap it or if I feel a rock about to like tip I can feel it in my foot so then I'll like lay The Rock back down and then adjust but with a boot there's no way I could do that because they're clunky they're thick I can't feel the ground I have to be able to feel the ground because then I can make certain adjustments to make sure I'm minimizing any noise so the shoes are that's a good idea dude so I was 100% thinking I was going to be sneaky and use my Sal cuz it's Solon you won't be able to feel the ground at all not like that so and like I have like some of like the G like I want say gimmicks like some of like the big soft ones I'm like I don't like these you're going to over so I ran those for a long time or a while about moccasins you moccasins I have some bare feet but the bare feets here's the problem with those they're they're cool we ran those back in the day a lot but when those go over your boot they're so fuzzy that they pick up a lot of grass and twigs and then they're crunching those the water shoes don't pick anything up I've also tried with rock climbing shoes not great and they're very expensive um and then now uh my buddy Tim got me onto these shoes they're water shoes but they're I don't know how to describe it it's almost like a a water sock so it goes over your it goes up to here and it fits like real tight and it literally is like a thick sock but nothing penetrates it dude I should show you I saw they have one they're like throw your Crocs away and it's like a you know like like work glove it's like a rubber molded on the bottom yeah it's like a sock yeah yeah I saw those I was think the same thing for stocking those be good what I use now I think I want to try those out the water shoes are great too they take up more space though than the sock is going to like really fold up in there ex ex well no I would argue they actually pack a little bit better than the socks the water shoes cuz I really compare to my ran water shoes for probably 5 years so to switch was kind of a big deal but the only downside of the ones that you saw is I don't think they pack as well just slightly it's like I'm really like nitpicking here but as far as usability and wearing them on the actual on a stock I think they're better in pretty much every way just slightly you can't go wrong either way water shoe or those I feel they're going to fit your foot better they fit tight yeah so I look I they B over for that reason I was looking at that I was like oh these would be great for stocking yep and I really thought to be honest you genius I really thought that they were going to roll on me like when I'm really testing them on a on a Ste rubber was roll I thought it would roll or something not at all it stays so firmly under you they're they're very impressive and I dude I was on some like steep shell like I was like really really testing it I could not get them to break loose I couldn't get them to roll they're crazy quiet and they're cheap I only had one Thorn go through into my foot which you'll get one or two on a water shoe too so but you need that you you know but I had one big Thorn just go right through but other than that they're amazing yeah and they're 30 bucks I think 27 bucks they're they're on Instagram all the time Amazon yeah or Instagram yeah so been going a long time how long have we been going I have no idea I feel like it's been like a while it's 7:22 probably an hour not bad yeah what you normally do like an hour like an hour hour and a half hour 4 depends how good it is it's a good podcast I'm enjoying what we can't do in puring so I'll just freaking go for three-hour podcast be like Joe Rogan so I just don't like to edit them that long I don't edit I I'm jealous of that I might need to Outsource your edit gu out like dude he would do it yeah he would do it so you're gonna hunt hun talk shoots probably talk shoots we should talk shoots oh shoots yeah we can do that so I know you and me are going to Tac Utah and Montana we're both going to be going to Montana too yes sir we'll be a hang out with the BD crew bow disciples crew so those videos always do crazy numbers it's a lot of fun spot huh do you have an extra spot any days uh you could probably jump in yeah we got morning they give us morning time so we're in the morning I only have a spot on Sunday 8: a.m. we're shooting 8 a.m. every day I only have spot on Sunday right now I'm on the wait list for the other two days and but everyone's told me like don't worry we'll get you in yeah you probably could yeah so I'm just like especially if you're a vendor at the Utah one I'm a vendor Utah I'm not work cuz I'm going to I I have passes for that one I bet I can probably get you in our group if if you wanted to so like I'm going to need put some to shoot with on Friday and Saturday in Montana cuz I'm going I'm going up I'm going think I'm leaving like that Tuesday yeah I'm going to go road trip and go do all that stuff I'm road tripping too yeah and then um from there I'm GNA get there I'm be there all weekend so it's like I'm hoping I can shoot I know one day they're doing like Cody rich is like the they're doing world champion like el calling so he's he's like he's like uh one of the judges and that I'm going to go to that and check that out with him that be kind of fun that'll be cool yeah no they're they're great events shout out to uh Sean and Monica all the people that that coordinate them it's crazy to watch the events grow I I've been going to T since 2019 so quite a while um and they're always fun so yeah I'm doing Texas actually with uh myself uh Brandon McDonald another YouTube Archer guy Tim Connor another YouTuber and then uh Podium Archer he owns Spokane Valley archery his name is MF JJ or Podium Archer on YouTube uh so we're going to have a cool group it should be fun that's I'm bugging you guys for hanging out cuz I now you guys people who like get to do cool stuff yeah yeah so it'll be cool and then uh doing Montana doing Utah all four days um you're bring your Mountain Bike I'm bring a mountain bike and my mountain bike and my dirt bike I would like to but cuz I'm going to stay for a whole week after mhm cuz I'm doing lampers like archery oh you were telling me that yeah archery School weekend after is like a three-day deal so I'm going to go to that too and hang out with those guys so I'm like I'm going to go ride dirt bikes with Cody and then I'm PR my mountain bike and I'm probably going to bring like my canvas cutter bed roll and just go up by myself and do some backpacking by myself and just like you know and like bring a mountain bike go find some Trails gra a mountain bike and I'm super into the mountain bike right now I love Mountain it's like the running hurts like dude the mountain biking is fun but I am getting like dude like I I got bruises like dirt bikes like I feel like are safe in the mountain bike oh I don't know mountain bikes maybe I got to get used to it cuz like I R dirt bikes a whole I get a dirt bike I'll go freaking you know 70 m per hour through the desert open desert and and hold the thing open and not back off mountain bike dude like it's like I feel like if you try them back off you crash like it's like you have to descend it's like a when you're going down a hill it's just like send yeah yeah biking's fun man but uh God I'm excited and you're having a booth at Utah Right booth at Utah yeah no boo Montana so you got a shoot coming up you got do like I mean it's kind of cool cuz like I don't maybe I'm wrong but like I feel like the 3D stuff's really kind of gotten bigger and bigger last couple years in San Diego yeah I mean it's it's uh yeah it's gotten it's it's cool it's just like we've always had such a good archery scene anywhere really from Riverside down uh or into Yuma like I kind of look at all of that as the same mix and just in San Diego County you can do three 3D shoots every month like I was telling you like you can do Balboa the first week Alpine the second week Henshaw the uh third uh fourth week every single month and like that's rare to have that many 3D shoot opportunities So it's b boa hen Alpine Alpine at lemon grve Lemon Grove yep yep and uh but yeah um we do we have a shoot May 18th 19th uh at Henshaw with be Hunters this is our second year doing it B disciples challenge two and it's pretty neat because um it used to be a shoot called the Oak Valley Challenge and they've done that for like 20 years we were going to replace it with a B disciple shoot back in 2020 we had it all planned we had agreed to it we were just about to roll out the promo and then like boom co came canceled it right and honestly it was probably a little soon for we weren't that big at the time and then um didn't do it for a few years just like never relink and then last year we uh we talked about it and we decided to give it a go reschedule it so we uh did last year was our first year we had um three three archery courses 20 targets each and we had 159 paying shooters from five states come so crazy turnout for year one and year two we it's three courses again 20 targets each all new courses plus a 10 Target kids course which was is new to this year and last year we didn't want like any vendors or giveaways like we wanted no fluff just like really good shooting come hang out and Camp have fun make new friends and it went amazing so this year we're doing the same thing just come out shoot have fun A lot of people are going to Camp I'm going to Camp yeah me the family up the family go then go fishing go shoot the shoot yeah you should it'll be packed uh there's a music show Saturday night uh it'll be like 10 or 11 song Set uh that'll be really really cool food trucks probably multiple and then a lot of giveaways tricer hopped in on that pumped on that and uh bow Tech Flagship cor Sr the boow I shoot a PSO a marsupio pack like three dozen arrows like three R set like all they're freaking expensive dude dozen arrows all done up cost me like 18 they're going to build them on yeah so my arrow company I work with whoever so three different people are going to have a chance to win a dozen arrows and they'll make them what Arrow Company you work with deer crossing archery which I love love a big time they are uh amazing arrows like I I feel right now I'm shooting better than I ever have I feel really really good on the bow I've shot with you and you you shoot very well that was an off day for me actually a little appreciate that but uh these arrows shoot every bit as good as any other Arrow I've ever shot but they're under half the price to the consumer really yeah so I'm like I'm all in I'm Dutch so like by my Heritage I do not like to spend money I'm very frugal and arrows are crazy expensive so when I got these and I was like let me see if they shoot well cuz I need to perform they shoot every bit as good as anything else but they are a fraction of the price and they're extremely strong which is important to me I like a strong Arrow you can go watch a video on YouTube or Instagram I shoot this Havalina up a steep Cliff my arrow doesn't pass through so it's hanging out both sides you can see it this Havalina tumbles down the cliff 20 yards going over my arrow each time cartwheeling the arrow didn't even break really I've never seen you shooting like a 300 300 spine yeah 300 spine mhm yeah I'm shooting at 400 I'm shooting 60 pounds right now and I want to go I need to buy limbs now because I my shoulder I had shoulder surgery so I had to go down to like go down huh no I went down so now now I'm like I'm ready to go up I don't know I don't know I'm shooting so for me I'm shooting so well I'm like I'm just shoot 60 yeah and the arrows are shooting good I probably just keep it at 400 but now I'm like in my mind I'm like well I'm going to this Elon do I need to go to like a 300 spine or 340 spine and go to a heavier Arrow or I okay shooting I'm shooting a a 400 I'm shooting a 400 with grain tip and a 25 grain insert so your arrows probably like 400 grains sure weight something like that I have no idea yeah probably but um but anyway yeah so dude like it's crazy and then yeah three three dozen arrows three string sets Uh custom strings all sorts of stuff and that was really cool everyone hopped in on that so fast cuz believe it or not um even though I've been doing the YouTube a long time I uh I never did any brand deals or anything for the first 5 years and that was intentional I wanted to be fully independent for 5 years so I did it for five years not a single other than the Bow Shop obviously been go to bow shop since 2005 uh actually before that but that's when Bruce uh owned the shop so I've known him since ' 05 but uh worked with them obviously the whole time but then in um this year actually I was like you know what like some of these Brands I want to work with but I was very selective on which on so like the arrows I fully support and back like I really really love them same with my strings that I run are amazing uh and then obviously botch um and then who else am I working with uh you shooting the 334 or whatever no I shoot the cor Sr I always forget a couple of my company but anyway like I think it's cool I think it was cool to be independent for so long because I think a lot of people I think a mistake that I see a lot of like aspiring YouTubers or aspiring influencers make is they attach themselves so fast to just so many different companies and I'm like I think that's goofy like yeah I remember being on some of these calls to set up oh and stabilizers aim for a pass through amazing stabilizers but um I remember being on some of these calls with these companies and I would be like hey look like when I'm doing these deals I don't want to bounce from one company to another one to another one to another one every year like I'm looking at this as like a 10-year deal you know like hopefully that's my hope things can always happen but like I'm not going to go into a partnership if I don't think it is going to be a decade you know yeah that's one thing that's cool about tricer right is like um we get to be Switzerland I told all the time like we're Switzerland so like I'm doing a Pack series yeah and I'm going to have on Everly stock Mystery Ranch uh I'm hoping Stone Glacier EXO um kafaru and like one other podcast tening um tening T oh initial Ascent I don't have tzing I can make t be seven but like it's a very unbiased like hey tell me like you know what I mean it's like I don't have to do that like if you look at my closet right now like I open it up it's going to be Sitka Stone glacier kuu I mean like the whole deal cuz like first light I don't want to be like I like to be switch I like to use everyone's stuff and like try different stuff out and like do year I do get some gear to try some stuff right do gear swaps and stuff which I like doing yeah but I enjoy being switch I enjoy like the thing is with gear is like I see the benefits of like kuyu and Hillenburg and ATL equipment and like my stuff is like I hate this like I have to only run first light everything across the board yeah you're telling me that everything they make which I first is phenomenal I have a bunch of other stuff is better than everyone else that's not there's no way so so you when you're switching with your gear or with you know what I mean like I'm not going to get locked in that's why I wear solids like that way I can just like interchange my gear cuz like there's certain pieces like there's some Stone Glacier stuff that I love like so they have this like light hoodie I can't remember what it's called like their Helio hoodie or something like that I absolutely love it and like first light has some stuff like they puffies that I love right and then Stone glacier has a a pant that I'm really into right now and then but I love ku's bass layers right and then I run freaking merry wool socks you know what I mean like not merry wool uh darn tough socks yeah um yeah it's cool to be switching be able to use other stuff and not be locked into one brand 100% and that was something I had to really consider when I decided to do some deals this year uh cuz now it's like I mean could I still go to a review verse like another arrow or another stabilizer or another bow I'm actually doing another Bow review here in a bit um some company hit me up it's Chinese company but they make like a really sick bow you can buy an Amazon for cheap and it looks amazing so I'm like yeah sure I'll try it like see and whatever but like I knew when I was doing these deals I was like I'm definitely going to be like pretty exclusive with the product I'm not going to like go shoot an elk with a gold tip or Arrow or whatever but my uh I was okay with that because I I really I do believe in the product and love the product and I want to help smaller brands that was another thing too like I could have gotten done a deal with a bigger brand you forgot native art Tre editions I actually don't use the straps I don't use the straps no but everyone else does in our crew but I do not just cuz uh the I I just run a simple Loop it works really well with uh my release but you sell a bunch of his stuff right a lot yeah he makes an amazing product dude dude I love it actually want to get him on the podcast to uh just kind of tell me how I want to get him on too and he's like like oh I don't know he's T to get on go talk he's such fun talk I'm working on it but uh but yeah I mean like I I knew that would be a sacrifice you know you being exclusive but uh what I was going to say is um I think it's neat because I forgot I forgot but uh being exclusive with somebody yeah no being exclusive and then I was saying like uh yeah shoot I don't remember I don't remember you got to be like Trump I don't know I don't remember you see that one all right so back to the arrows yeah what are you running for do you run Mechanicals or fixed Mechanicals yeah for for a long time now yeah is that because like is that cuz that's what Bruce sold you on that's what you're going to use yeah I'm actually going to switch soon um so I actually shot muzes for probably a decade I shot the OG muzzies which you actually slid the blades in they had a screw on cap they were great I love they have yeah the G5 something like that oh no no no no this is these are they don't make them anymore but uh I ran those for a long time fix blade three blade fix and they were they were great at distance they would start to like pull a little bit so I then I switched to these broadheads called G5 uh I think they were called the strikers they don't make them anymore either but it was a cool mechanical that kind of like dropped back but they were a real pain to like set in and not have them deploy they had some downsides but I did run those for probably like 3 years then I got on the rage hypodermics ran those for with the collar the ptic collar that's the ones I ran for a long time I have like 15 of those that's what my kids use yeah and then I got onto the rage trian with the plastic collar and now I do the rage no collar which are pretty neat pretty slick but I think I'm going to try the grim reapers pretty soon Grim Reaper three blade yeah mechanical you've K talk with them with Mechanicals uh all all of my archery elk except one were with Mechanicals really I've shot six Bulls yeah so five with Mechanicals really I'm pretty sure that's accurate yeah five with Mechanicals so you mechanical everything yeah yeah and my buddy shot that bison with the mechanical really mhm yep see I don't know why like I'm like such a fud when it comes to stuff and I'm like I just want to run fixed blade but I tell you I shoot my arrow and I'm like oh I'm pulling high right right now with like I'm I'm I'm freaking dropping dimes so you should be able to tune that out of the boat that's what so that's what yeah my buddy is telling me you go tune it out like you tune it in the in the rest right like in the on a botch you actually can just move the cams really cuz it has dead loock so that botch's like the only brand you can do that which is really cool so I have no idea how to do any of this stuff that's like you have to go to the the shot but basically so most bows you can only move the cams left or right with like a shim essentially and try to get them like aligned so then what you do is you get them close and then you move the rest with botch you can actually there's a a set screw on the top and bottom uh Cam that basically runs an axle so with an allen key you can just move the cam back and forth an exact increments so you can literally align them perfectly so it's like the easiest bow to tune all right so like in like July we're going to or after July so like before my hunts we're going have to do like a a a video like how to tune a bow Tech I don't know how to do it but do I don't I don't work on my stuff I don't work on my stuff you make your own arrows no you don't do it either no I have them send them now yeah I don't oh send them done they do they'll send them done to you too yeah oh yeah to anybody yeah whoever yeah yeah you go on the website you build out your arrow and they send them it's bitching oh that's rat yeah so what's a do arrows cost for the ones I run with the disc discount code I think you could probably build my exact arrow and get it shipped to your door a dozen for like maybe just over a 100 bucks really with my discount code what's the company called deer crossing archery and those Arrows by the way I think you run the black gold hunter XTS yeah those arrows are 06 straightness so that's like the lower kind of Cheaper um gold tip still a great Arrow the straightness doesn't matter that much but the gold the DC a that I run are the high-end ones so they're 01 straightness much straighter arrow and they're also 8.7 grains per inch which I think the pro gold tip is 8.8 so it's like the exact same grains per inch same straightness uh as their pro model but like I said under half the price how much is that matter to you being that accurate like for me I'm like oh like I want to hit the like hit the 12 ring but I'm like pip plate dead deer so are you is that not am I wrong I mean for me I I uh I don't think archery gear matters nearly as much as your talent shooting and how much time you spend shooting okay like I think that this is going to sound crazy but I don't care I do think it's true and I think it would be true in Super Cross or biking whatever I do think that some people are just more talented than others like I think someone could shoot just as much as someone else or or more practice way more you no I think that's just a fact that some people may have a lower or higher ceiling than others but I think that I tell people this all the time if you want to get better at archery just shoot more that's the biggest thing you can you can chase spending money but just like you know in Supercross I can go build cooper web's bike I am not going to be anywhere remotely close to Cooper web sick it was insane race of the year I meant to text you race race you did text me I think I think we text about it but that was the race of the Year bro I was on edge of my seat the entire time yeah what was there four passes for the lead dude co uh Cody Rich texted me he's like and I I went to church I could race and I always Tex him back I'm like new rule do not text me yeah text each other we have to text each other yeah uh I won't go on Instagram because if you go on Instagram you'll ruin right I was like new rule I will I we have to text did you watch cuz like me and my brother yeah so I had to do it cuz I done it to him too we to race this year I'm like you Ru for each other we got to say did you watch I cuz once I know that web wins I'm like it's still a really good race but seeing it with like oh dude I was so I was watching it live actually I was fortunate to be able to watch it real time and man like the race was just it was chaotic I mean you got people stalling lappers stalling right in front of jet would have won won that race for sure if he didn't crash and even if that lapper didn't get caught right in front of him on that wall I think he would have won too so they got lucky he had two pretty big mistakes one bad luck one mistake that is way off of topic and and most people don't want Super Cross it's a very small niche of us way archers so back to shooting I try and shoot a dozen to 20 arrows a day I think that's perfect that's I don't want TR shoot too many um I think shoot today I shoot Prett regularly 5 days a week I that's perfect try to shoot and I just you know a small I try and do 30 to 40 yards I don't mess with 20 that much anymore 40 perfect I I get you 40 yards out here and then 30 going that way to a deer target and I just do I'll do like 10 in the deer I'll come over here and do 10 to the 40 and I'm good so I think for practicing too if you want to actually become like a better more accurate shooter I would suggest practicing more at dots like not on 3 I would just shoot dots a bunch and try to focus on the tightest groups possible that's all I really practice how small can I shoot these groups because if I'm shooting groups that big at 80 yards like I know I'm shooting pretty good and then some days I just might be a little worse or whatever but for me groups is the best way to become really accurate and then the only time I shoot 3DS is at shoots so what's important for me is I need to know where to aim so like I'm looking and I see okay there's a 12 ring and then what I'm doing is like look in and I'll look for anything a blemish a shadow a piece of grass anything that like okay that piece of grass right there is cutting around the 12 so if I hold just left of that piece of grass and break the shot right next to that piece of grass on the left I should be in the 12 so that's like I'm essentially doing the same thing when I'm doing 3D but I'm having to find different references to hold on whether it's a shadow a black spot on the target a Sunny Spot like you know there's usually I can find something gotcha breaking the secret sound that's good yeah that's good so you don't I mean where you live you're not shooting 60 yards uh I'm actually pretty close to morle you go to morle you shoot morle right so but you at home you can shoot like 20 right I don't even shoot at home yeah I mean I'm in a condo right now that uh so I don't I don't shoot at home but my parents I shoot there when I go up I'll bring my bow and I can shoot as far as I want and then at morally I can shoot to 100 so I I'll practice you know go to Morley and I'll find like usually a piece of paper in the trash or a plate and I'll just put like a little something out and I'll just sit there and just shoot groups yeah one thing I learned about going sh B boa is like you need to bring some targets cuz like yeah you I was like literally like just finding piece of paper grounded staple to that thing what I do shoot at him y but yeah I mean and how many days a week do you shoot dude I go through phases sometimes I'll shoot like every day and then sometimes I'll shoot like once a week but it really depends and what's funny is sometimes sometimes after I don't shoot for a while better I'll shoot insane like I'll whip my bow out and go do a shoot and I like I just did a shoot uh I shot in Yuma actually and I hadn't really been shooting a ton other than the two days right before this was 60 targets right and at Yuma they score 12's 10 eights fives and out of 60 targets I think I only had three that weren't 10 or 12 really I think I had three eights so did you win something like that it was something like that I might it might have been a couple more eights but yeah I did yeah that's awesome yeah by a good margin but I was like shooting ballistic I mean it was just like everything was in it was crazy so someday and again I like wasn't shooting that much so sometimes I I do tell people that too like if you're slumping or you're kind of getting over it like just set the bow down and then when you got a shoot or you want to then whip it out and I swear sometimes that's like when I'll shoot the best that's why I only try and do like a dozen to 20 arrows perfect cuz I do too many then I'll start getting tired then I start making bad habits I just like things go wrong yep um so on the distance you do shoot distance yeah like uh I think Marlin Holden Hunter he says like he won't shoot anything closer than 50 he want because he says like they he just like he has more control at 50 yards than he does at 30 because like think can go wrong think you know spooked 100% what is your ethical range on an animal ethical uh well I'll I'll say this most of my hunting shots I've probably shot I don't know 60 70 big game animals with a bow like you know I'm shooting like five or six a year usually um again I'm always at West so I'm not going to Georgia and shooting 10 white talers I would love to do that but out of 60 animals I've shot with my bow let's say roughly 60 to 70 uh I would say all but I would say 95% of them were between 10 and 40 yards really yes I do not like to I I love to get in tight that's like what I what I love to do it's what I pride myself on is to I I think that like like I said I I feel like stocking is what I'm best at doing and and I just I want to get in there snug you know so I do agree with Marlin a little bit on that um say I stock a buck that's bedded and I got to sit there and wait for him to get up I've sat on a buck for like four hours before but he's right I like to I don't like to get closer than 40 most of the time I'll sit at 40 and wait for him to get up because any closer at 40 I am definitely within his personal space so any little mistake or the wind switches or I accidentally roll a rock it's it's over like the margin of air is just so slim um but I have had it where I get to 40 and I I just look at the terrain and the animal hopefully I can see him at this point and sometimes I'm just like I can get another 10 another 20 you know I got to just kind of read the situation but I do agree with him I think there's certainly some benefits to sitting at 40 or 50 rather than pushing and Tighter he also only shoots the broadheads what what do you mean when he practices only she broad I don't sh F tips that's what cam hannes does too actually yeah I would do that I I don't really see a benefit because because I shoot Mechanicals they shoot the same as my my is that your feeling I need to do that I just the exact same as my field I need I just need to good Mechanicals and another thing I don't want to shoot broadheads all the T time because I would tear up my fletches constantly so I'm shooting groups like this so I would be cutting my fletches off all the time you know what I mean mhm I hear there's there there I could see the benefit to it but if your Broadhead and field tips are hitting the same place and it's that's your is that your take with the the rages I hit the exact same Place yeah really yeah and it's just like you just know you let it go at 60 yards hit in the same spot yeah yeah I mean yeah very very that's what I need to do is just use those ones and just buy those things you have to tell me which ones they are buy a bunch of those but I don't know I got to figure out if run 125 running hundreds oh yeah for you you might want to do 125 I'll probably go to one I'm probably going to go to a 340 arrow and go go up to 70 pounds and go to a go to 125 Grand tip if I was you I would also suggest not really pushing yourself on the poundage because you are coming off a shoulder injury in a surgery it's like you can you have a long draw too like what's your draw like 30 inches 30 inches yeah I think it's 30 and a half I mean like I actually did a really good video on this um I had a physical therapist come and teach exercises to Brianna on how to increase draw poundage right and the girl she said the the craziest line I had never thought of this line but she said as you know for women archers we're generally pulling almost our Max poundage every single time we shoot whereas men I could pull my 70 lb bow a thousand times in a day you know realistically I get my Max may be 120 you know what I mean so I'm well below it'd be like benchin 135 if I can throw up 250 you know it's just like it's kind of light weight and when she said that it really clicked for me because women often times like Brianna's always wanting to get her poundage up and I'm kind of like why but when you're shooting 46 lbs each pound makes such a big difference and her draw is 242 in yeah so you're getting no speed on draw the only place you can pick up speed is poundage but for her you got to think when she's practicing 46 lb is like I mean that's like you know Max Max so this girl's training was all about we have to train to make our Max as high as possible and that was like wild cuz it's so much different than how men approach shooting but I can tell you shooting 60 I can shoot a lot more like I'm not as sore as everybody else shooting 70 or 80 that's why especially doing these shoots so that's why I'm like a man like if I I'm going to make the call I'll make the call on or just go 65 well if I'm but I got to change my limbs then so I'm like 400 Bo I don't know if I'm shooting really good at 60 I would leave it I plus they can they can get you to like 62 on that 63 maybe yeah if if I'm shooting really good and I I mean what it'll kill an elk 100% 100 I can use 100 Grand tip and I can kill like just get in there and kill I'm not playing a shooting elk past 40 yards at all yeah I'm going to kill an elk my bow like I know it's supposed to be I know everyone's like oh your first time archery elk hunting I I'm going to kill one dude I'm going to figure it out and kill one I I do not think Al [ __ ] is as hard as me deer hunting and I don't even think it's really that close yeah personally but but I will I will I've shot a lot more mu deer than El I shouldn't say I will K with my bow but I'm going to have 14 days to hunt this thing and I will hunt that whole thing and I will hunt that thing sunrise to sunset I will figure it out and if I got get up in a freaking tree saddle over a water hole I'll do it but I'm my goal is to hunt him like call do the whole deal call him in and figure it out I've definitely shot some B out of trees it's it's exciting it's a very under underutilized way to hunt out for sure so tether sent me a tree saddle whole setup dude like 1200 bucks I have like I have it in my my brand new it's in the Box still I talking this week I'm like dud still my my sh for a year I haven't even tried it so like I might have to go out like that'd be a fun thing to do with you too one day is like learn how to use a tree saddle I've never used a saddle really so I set up stands like I'll hike into the pills like I'm a lunatic D you know dude I can I'm a lunatic I lit Timber is a dude that uh I have really relationship with and uh we should like talk about like maybe like getting one like doing like a video like how to use it and do it like uh yeah that' be cool they say they are awesome they love them the Saddles yeah Saddles are cool because they're so easy to move and they're very easy to move around thing is I'm sitting a ton of hours in these elk stands and I think for that I would rather be on a stand than a saddle so do you see I was thinking that like maybe I'll just sit maybe I'll just sit water and I never have sat that's not true I've sat water I've shot one I've shot one you no I find like see most of places that I've done um the tree stand El [ __ ] is over the-counter units so they're very very low elk density and I'm in the any bow the bull units which are like it's rough honey very rough uh so there's almost no elk pretty much so you have to find I'll like just spend my first few days of the hunt just hiking as much as I possibly can and try to find areas that are like okay this looks like potentially you know an elk might come through here like whether there's a bedding Source or some feed or a wallow or water whatever it may be and then I'll sit a stand and like dude yeah I I I sat a stand one time for I was getting up and I would hike in down this huge Cliff two couple miles probably in the dark I would climb up sit in the dark for an hour in the tree it's like I don't know I don't know what time I got up crazy early sit till probably 11 a.m. get down doesn't get dark till 9:00 hike back to Camp couple miles make lunch take a nap for like an hour hike back in at 3:00 sit the stand till not whenever Sun's set or it's dark climb down in the dark hike back out get back to camp at like 10 or 11: cook go to bed do it again I did that every day for three weeks really yes you killed a bow I did yeah I've went three for three on over-the-counter bull hunt I'm two 5x fives and a 6x6 I killed and I think that I think I seriously think the success odds I never look at those cuz I think it's kind of an irrelevant stat I think it's like 1% for B of that caliber I killed a bull a 5x5 bll in a in a any elk unit in Arizona oh and uh it was the only elk I saw was that one of those over the counter no it wasn't over the counter it was I had to draw it it was a horrific tag and it was the only elk I saw was the last night and I sat water yep and it just like you just heard like a dinosaur behind you just crashing through the bushes jump this thing I was rifle hunting and I shot that thing and it was like God just this elk just manifested dude I killed it the last day and it was like it was the only time I S water the whole hunt cuz like you couldn't it was really hard it was one of those units where like it wasn't really mountainous but it was like mountainous but it was pin in Juniper so you couldn't really glass more than like yeah I know that kind like these rolling kind like like Northern Arizona like rolling I know the exact country dude it's that that is sometimes hunting dude you just have stuff like like that happened dude like I persistency breeds luck though you have persistency persistency breeds luck I talk about this all the time dude persistence is so key I had it same thing dude I'm hunting this unit it was my first time and I me and my dad dude I mean we are workers bro so like I'm I've lost like 25 pounds bro like working so and I mean it was Bleak as the second to last day just like you I I think I'd seen like one elk I've been busting butt for like at least a few weeks just like grinding hard and I was like this is just this is not going to happen I don't think dude I'm sitting there second to last day it's almost dark I hear something rustle in the bushes and I hadn't I had not had one thing come by my tree not a single thing the whole time I hear I would hear bugles but they would just never come in the open which I made a good adjustment but um the following years but dude I hear a russle I look to my left and I see something go like this and I was like is that a me deer like a buck or what and it moves it was a bull dude had come out of the tree line school bus and then another bull comes out and I'm like oh I'm just like oh my gosh there's actually something here like it wasn't even like I wasn't even psyched it was it was a weird so I'm like I wonder if they're going to come in I was sit in this wallow this one just beines it dude straight to the wallow I had my camera set up and I was like I'm not even going to turn the camera on like I'm not blowing this you know and I was like he went behind the tree I was like yeahor reach up turn the camera on dude he walks out 18 yards dude thump them he ran off and I was just like just like you I was like the good Lord had to have put that bull there like there was nothing pointing to that happening I was nothing when I shot my bull I was in shocked dude you can go watch the video yeah when I shot my bull it was the only time I ever like cried like on a like I don't I'm not a CRI like it was like it was like the emotions I had it just didn't even make sense yeah it was like I was like in shock I like I shot him and I just fell down and like I was just like I cannot believe that it happened just it was the only elk not a cow not I mean the only elk we saw and it was just like the last night it just showed up and we shot him like right next to a road and we have to drive my truck into this Drinker and put this bolt in the back of my truck I love it dude dude it was crazy but dude that's a good way to end this thing right there that's some good stories dude thanks for having me we went all over the place so tell me about uh what's wrap up where can we find tell me your shoot when did you shoot this is going to come out week before your shoot so we're plan on that so yeah yeah uh May yeah so the the bow disciples challenge 3D shoot May 18th 19th uh I would love I would love everyone to come I wanted to be huge so please everyone come uh you can get tickets and information on both bpl.com but you can also find uh you can just show up as well and buy take a day of no big deal uh so you have the option all the information uh is on our Instagram bow disciples bow Disciples YouTube Facebook Tik Tok uh we're everywhere and then on the website we got merch release straps and stuff like that so come on out and Yeah appreciate it thanks for having me on dude awesome D dude again yeah I'm in that was fun do we K the battery no oh it's starting to it's the blank right now there we go that's it dude that was great