Hey, what's up guys? Long Island
ordered here back again with another video today. We're at the city hall
here in pooler Georgia. We are here today to peacefully exercise our First
amendment right to film in public and publicly accessible areas to promote
transparency and accountability within our government and to ensure that our
public servants respect our rights and treat us with respect. Let's get into
it under Georgia law. There is no liability for an injury or death of an
individual entering these premises of such injury or death resulting from the
inherent risk of contracting Covid, 19 interesting. No. Hey, how you guys doing here to see
the city clerk? Oh, she's probably going to lunch. You were calling? Mhm. Hey, county chris is who are you? I
just want to see the city clerk. Somebody that he wants to see you. Yeah, How you doing, man. Come on for me
please. Can I get your temperature? You gotta get about an inch from
yourself. Put shadows on the wall right there. Okay, great. Hi ma'am. How are you?
Yeah, I'm looking to do an open records request. Okay, do you want to do it
verbally or do you want to, I want to fill out a form you want me to, I'm gonna bring this up to you later.
Okay. Okay. Thank you. Do you want me to at the end take your temperature right here. Okay now your phone put in there. Um take stairs, that's fine. Beautiful building you guys have here.
Very beautiful. Thank you. Welcome back to the seat. All right,
thanks. Okay, let me print out a form. Okay. I'm not sure you downstairs. Is this
just a general open records related to a police or fire item? This is general
for the city, anything dumb police or fire would be
done at their offices. Right. Can you know have them called or bring them up?
They have a separate open records. Okay. Should be good. Okay. So you could just
email it to me. That's fine. Yeah. Mm hmm. Um, so generally it will take um,
probably a couple of hours for me to get this together, but we do have three
business days to get to. Yeah, sure. Not a problem. It's not pressing or
anything. Just whenever you can get around to it that you want. All city
employees, not a specific department. All city employees. Anything else. That's it. Thank you.
Want to walk you down. I can get down. Okay? Thank you. Okay. That would be a fair the third. All right. So everything went well at
city hall. Did our foia request no issues? That's what I like to see. Now.
Let's head over to the police department side and make sure that they respect our
freedom of press? Right. Hey, how you doing today sir? Can I
help you? Can I just get your name and badge number first. Can I just get your name and badge
number, Sergeant Self and your badge number 615615. Okay. No, I don't I
don't need any help. You're in a secure you're in an employee parking lot. It's
not a secure area. This is making employees feel
uncomfortable. So this this this this parking lot is not a secured
area. It's public property. It might be only for employee parking. I'm not
parking in here. My car is not parked in here. I'm an independent journalist.
I'm working on a story. This is for employees. You're not an
employee and employee employees parking. You're making our employees feel
uncomfortable when they come in and out from their vehicles so that that's
where the problem is. I understand why I don't understand what you're saying
because how would I make somebody feel uncomfortable? I don't understand. This isn't this is an employee parking
lot. Like you said I'm not parking. I'm a journalist exercising my freedom of
press. Right in a public area. This is public. Like if I was behind those
gates over there behind you that that would be a restricted area. Do you, do
you suspect me of committing a crime sir? Do you suspect me of committing a
crime? Do you suspect me of committing a crime sir? I need to know if you're
suspecting me of committing a crime for a police officer? I need you to give me your I. D. Sir?
With all due respect. With all due respect sir. Can I can I speak to
another supervisor? I understand that you're a sergeant but I do not I am the
supervisor. I understand but then you should know as a supervisor sir. That
unless you have reasonable articulable suspicion that I've committed a crime
in the state of Georgia. You cannot lawfully demand my I. D. From me. What
I told you was you're making employees feel uncomfortable. I've asked you for
your I. D. That's not a crime sir. That's not a crime I'm asking. You
should know that in Georgia it's you have to have reasonable articulable
suspicion of a crime that's been committed sir. I just told you I'm
engaged in a constitutionally protected activity. Freedom of press. You don't
belong in this parking lot, suspicious, suspicious is not a crime sir,
suspicion is not a crime. You know that sergeant. Come on. You know, suspicion
is not a crime sir. I don't have a legal obligation to
give you a driver's license or an I. D. Sir. I don't understand. Am I being detained? Okay if I'm not being detained. I'm
gonna continue about my business sir. I'm I'm an independent journalist. Who
who are you sir? Chief of Police. Can I can I get your name? You can look it up
on the internet. That smart. But why would I have to look it up on the
internet sir. What's your name? What where's the professionalism at your
name? Where's the professionalization? My sergeant asked for my first tell me
if you tell me your name and identify yourself. We're not making we're not
making this is a private. This is the employee parking lot. You're not an
employee. This is this is I'm not parking here. Is this fenced off? Look
I want to make it very clear. It's not a fenced off area. There's no there's no no trespassing
signs or anything like that. Sir. I'm not breaking the law sir. I'm actually
I'm actually engaged in a constitution protected activity. And I feel like
you're trying to bully me along with your sergeant and sir. Who are you? Who are you sir? He's one of my
employees. Okay. One of your employees. I feel like all three of you are trying
to bully me and trying to exert authority over me that you don't have
demanding I. D. Your sergeant doesn't understand that. He cannot demand I. D.
Lawfully unless unless he has reasonable articulable suspicion. I've
committed a crime. That's a failure. That's a failure on your part. Sir.
You're supposed to educate your employees correct? Why are you in my
parking lot? They should know. I'm working like I told your sergeant. I'm
not just not answering questions. I cannot answer questions but I'm
answering. I'm an independent journalist. I'm gathering content for a
story on the city. I was inside doing a foia request. Yes I was who says I'm
recording anybody. And plus it's public information. You guys run tags all day.
People people drive around all day in the city with tags on. It's not like
any private information. Do I have a database where I can look up people.
Come on. You gotta you gotta think logically here, I don't have a database
where I can just type in somebody's you know, license plate and figure out who
they are. Are you ordering me to leave under
threat of arrest sir? I'm ordering you. This is the third time I've told you to
leave my parking lot. I'm gonna go on a public sidewalk and I'm gonna continue
to record, I'm gonna continue to record your parking lot and I'm gonna hit you
up with civil litigation over this just so you know because you're you're
violating a constitutionally protected activity and in this small town here
you might think that you're gonna get away with it but you're not, I'm
telling you right now chief and I don't know your name but I don't know your
name either. You are the public servant here sir. You are the public servant
here. You're making you're you're all you're doing is you're allowing your
city, you're you're portraying your city in a negative light for the world
to see remember that. Remember I told you that. So this is a public sidewalk, correct?
This is a public sidewalk. Make sure you guys are nothing but a bunch of
bullies. You're not gonna get my I. D. You're not gonna get my I. D. And I'm gonna be civil little I'm gonna
start civil litigation against you. Crazy trespassed me from an open parking lot,
not restricted area or anything. Let's go catch up with them. Can I be can I
be trespassed from the sidewalk? That's right in front of the parking lot
ridiculous. Chief. I want to I want to submit a
complaint chief. I want to submit a complaint. You're not getting away with this one.
You might get away with them. You might get away with them normally on a
regular basis but not today I want to submit a complaint so I go inside to do that or I need your names. It is your policy to
give me your name. Who I know I'm filing a complaint against? Oh I gotta
figure it out. That's real professional. That's real professional. Now you can
go ahead. You can go ahead. Okay you guys you guys are the ones that being
aggressive here. You're not walking behind me. I will. Don't worry about it.
I will. What's your name? I need to file a complaint against you. Chief Ashley Brown. Chief Ashley Brown.
Okay great and your name sir? Be professional. Come on. Is it really
that serious? You're not making yourself look good
here. I'm just asking for your name. Your name sir. Okay thank you your name
sir. Do you have a badge number 654. Thanks look at the report. We can. Yeah I know you don't care but that's
just that's just the tip of the iceberg. Then comes civil litigation. Chief then
comes to the litigation because I was trespassing in your parking lot. That's
a public parking lot. You don't tell me what to do. You don't
tell me what to do. Let's make that clear. You don't tell me what to do. So you're
the public servant here. I do want to file a complaint. You can go get it. I'm not stopping you. You guys have a bad attitude.
Especially you sergeant came over here trying to threaten me with my I. D. You
got a bad attitude man. You gotta learn. You gotta learn Georgia. State law. So do you understand that under Georgia?
State law? You cannot demand ID from law abiding citizens. Sir. Do you understand that or not? Was that on the sergeant's exam or was
it? Maybe I'll put a suggestion in that.
That should be on the sergeant's exam when you can and cannot identify a law
abiding citizen. Okay? Okay. Mhm. Thank you. There you go and fill it out. I can fill it out here.
This is a public lobby. You're gonna kick me out of a public lobby to chief.
Alright? Thank you. Excuse me, excuse me, you can't record while you're in here?
Why can't I record while many have a constitutional right to film the police
in the course of their duties sir. Is this department so uneducated and so
inept at their job that you it must be from the top down because your sergeant
doesn't know when he can legally identify somebody and you're telling me
I can't film in the police lobby. Yes, I sure can I can film under police
lobby. It's my constitutional right. I'm have freedom of press in this
country sir. What country do you think you live with? Yes, I won with the
press. No, I'm not trying, I'm not showing you anything. Thank you sir. Have a good one. No problem. How do I file the complaint
if I can't get in the building? Hello? Hello mm hmm. These guys are crazy. Get out my building. This is the
people's building, not yours. Alright, let's try and open the door. Who do I who do I hand the complaint
form to when I'm done. Okay. And do I get like a receipt number or something
like that? There's no receipt number for your complaints. You don't get. Oh I will, you're right, you're right.
Yeah. What a bunch of clowns, Pooler, police
department clowns. We're going to fill out this complaint
on Ashley Brown, the Chief of Police who investigates the Chief of Police. Crazy. Alright guys, so we just filled
out our Pooler Police Department, citizen
written complaint form. All done. Yeah. Right here it says um all parties filing a formal written
complaint are entitled to receive a copy of the original statement free of
charge. So I would like it for receiving supervisor can sign right
there and give me a copy as it stated on the form. You guys are a bunch of bullies, abuse
of authority. You know what I want to do? A public
records request to let's let's find out how much money you
guys are making abusing your authority. How much
toxicology have taken from everyone. Got a bunch of us. Maybe you have to
you make a copy of that point no longer. He said an open records request and
police records over here. Mhm. I need to do one. Yeah. Thank you. So funny. They don't want they don't
want me recording, but there's cameras in here, ridiculous the irony. Oh, here's your request. If you want to
fill out and tell you how to do that and here's your copy. Okay. Okay. My copy. Will you, will you guys allow me to do
it here? I don't understand what's the big deal, but where's where's where's
the signs that says I can't record in here. Where is where is the law? You
sure do? This is a this is a constitutionally protected activity
because that's what this is. As soon as you pass through that doorway, you're
now private property. It's public property videos. Okay. Yeah. Alright. Sure thing. I went in there with a spy camera or my
sunglasses that record it wouldn't be an issue. But these guys are just
looking for a reason to lock me up so we're not going to push it. But you
know, we'll put them in the court of public opinion. Let's fill out this
open records request. Yeah, yep. So what I'm requesting is all
police department employees, names, titles and salaries. Can I get a copy
of that too? It'll be And you didn't finish filling the form
out? No, I don't have to put an address. It. No, no, no that's not how it works.
Bring the chief, bring the chief out here. It's your you're allowed to do an
anonymous complaint. You do not make, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter
what I'm gonna tell you that. It doesn't matter. I want to speak to
the chief. I want to speak to the chief. I'm the one accepting the complaint.
You're accepting the complaint on yourself. Well, I'm gonna tell you that
you didn't finish correctly. You can submit a complaint anonymously. Let me
explain something simple here. Anonymous would mean you didn't put
your name and phone number so you took the anonymous part. It doesn't matter
what certain parts of it can be. Certain parts of it can be anonymous. I
don't have to get I don't have to give you my name. I don't have to give you
my address. You're just being difficult sergeant. A little bit of de escalation
training. It will take you a long way you need to learn. I understand you
learned from your chief who is also a bully and a tyrant. But you need to
learn. Don't talk to people that way. You understand? Yeah, tyrant. Crazy. Mhm. These guys are looking for any reason
to lock me up. I know you didn't get involved really,
but a little bit of the escalation training goes a long way. There's no no
one was breaking any laws here. No one was doing anything wrong. I told you that was my purpose here. I
didn't have to tell you that. I didn't have to tell you anything. I could have
remained silent. I told you I'm an independent journalist, gathering
content for a story. There's no need for any of this. You guys want to
escalate the situation. Are you a detective or sergeant? I'm just an
employee. You're just an employee. Alright, well, hopefully you're you'll
you'll see. You'll see this, this this behavior is going to be put on display
for the world to see. And I know you didn't say much while you were here,
which is probably the smartest move, but your department is going to be
under major public scrutiny. So maybe things can change going forward. That's
that's the that's the whole point. Hopefully you guys can get some
education and learn that you can't bully people on the street law abiding
citizens. All right? You take care now. All right guys. So trespassed from the
public lobby and the police station trespassed from publicly accessible
parking lot, but we're going to stay around for a
little bit, record what we could see from public to
prove the point that we can record what we can see from public. It's not worth
getting arrested over just to step foot on their parking lot, but we're gonna
film from the sidewalk here, their parking lot still, so it kind of
defeats the purpose of you know, kicking me out of the parking lot
unlawfully trespassing me. But we're just gonna stick around for a few
more minutes and then we'll get out of here. Alright guys, so we're just
getting out of the city hall and the police department in the city of pooler
Georgia, definitely a big time fail here trespassed from a publicly
accessible parking lot, trespassed from a public lobby. I was treated with such
disregard disrespect, unprofessionalism. The Chief of Police himself wouldn't
identify himself until the very last minute. I would just say that if my name was
Ashley and I was a man, I probably wouldn't want to identify myself to a
member of the public either. Maybe that's the reason, but either way he
should have been professional and identified himself. It just goes to
show that when you have bad leadership at the top, it trickles down to the
entire department. So I would definitely classify this department
here in the city of Polar as a bunch of tyrants because if their Chief of
Police is a tyrant and then they all must be tyrants
because he sets the example. He's the one that's supposed to investigate
complaints and hold them accountable for their actions. And obviously he's
not going to do that because he doesn't hold himself accountable for his own
actions. So I guess we got to speak to the mayor here in the city of Pooler to
go above his head, try and affect some change here and get some education. Anyways. Guys, let me know what you
guys think about this one in the comment section below. I'm definitely
fired up. I definitely didn't want to be treated that way. They definitely
think they got away with bullying me and this is what they do to the
citizens of Polar on a daily basis. This is how they act. They don't even
know their own law.