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break you back here breaking and as you can see I just took this out this as a and see up under big red me not big red checkmate but uh hope you my new one come in a day or tomorrow put the MU in here connecting the two older rather but that's my hold up now see that he's split well this next day as you can see the is fixed and uh I'm going to connect this to the motor she the hoist and all that nothing to connect it it should be in the car sometime this week today is about the 3rd March up 3rd connect that right back here good after that then is going in there I'll see it still here don't listen to the rumors that I sold it I tell the anything stay out my business yes I will Harry I'm trying to get this out there he's talking a get ready on downloading the ants some progressive air laws if you qualify you receive compensation coming alive coming alive coming to lie it's coming alive last weekend and uh just did try chef in here I'm under the car try chef home together to ask Ross remember right here Luke just crossmember up and in a starter hey come start I might pay somebody starter but at the driveshaft Oh a matter of fact a couple lines stuck up the training lines and stuff and the shifter and after that the bottom be done take the truth is out I got the sitting in here as you can see I still ain't gonna be ready but I got to sit in here whatever you know sitting in there and it's just low update all this should be on the date size the carburetor of stuff and it's just an update for now but checkmate is a lie and I'm gonna finish working right now call somebody put the starter on ain't doing those starters like yeah and a finished up it's ready to fire up now all I do is get the distributor put in there right back there hook them wires up put oil in it and fluid oil antifreeze and uh it should be ready to fire up i'ma let my mechanic do that then hook up all my nitrous pieces because the nitrous stuff is not hooked up yet the plate and all that and uh fired up see how it go take it to a couple of more little shops to get some stuff weld it stuff like that and uh see what to do should be ready to go at it I see what it do see what I can get out there and doom and that's a little update for now that's about it for now but like I say it's ready as you see everything is on here completed all I need to do is for that distributor on oil antifreeze and fluid and fire it up and after that I guess or I might just put the nitrogen pieces on first and fire it up I don't know it all depends when my mechanic get here but not today but next week sometime I did enough for the day it's just updating for the day is Monday nice day today I got a few things to do so I won't be really working on it as you see I got this plate on here and solenoid and stuff and it says this is the real deal some people talk about it some people do it no and I talked about it now it's time for me to do it not to talk about it too long but uh this see hit all the lines and stuff all the little goodies stuff like that in here and it is with this I say people talk about is people do it no all my little hoes this stuff will be hooked up completed by tomorrow for sure tomorrow this car will be fired up and completed act like it want the rain but it didn't but stays nice day as you can see sky looking good it's early in the morning right now but uh I have somewhere to go things to do so software on this car today so I'm going to be leaving a little bit later on to go do what I got to go do but tomorrow this mug will get fire up and all this nicer to be hooked up if you can see today I do not have all my work clothes actually you know no I wear sweats and khakis but uh as a day you know I think I dress a little bit go out or whatever do what I got to do put too much that what I'm going to go do but like I say that's what it is so far this morning I just did that little bit a little bit of nothing but uh this stuff will be getting put on here tomorrow for short-nosed it don't rain tomorrow let's go give me a couple more parts it will be on here I just want to picked up some fuel and this is what I'm running as y'all can see y'all see the nitrous system q16 and it is full let me pick it up and all it is Randall as you can see and uh that's what I'll be running in my car to be fired up the wall and see what we quick peek of it Matt's work checkmate and the dark absolutely here that problem for you driving like stolen checkmate is now his business that's after I
Channel: ActiveHoodRich UNCUT
Views: 129,093
Rating: 4.6788321 out of 5
Id: JXSrQ3n9o10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2011
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