"Poltergeist Girl" Who Murdered 3-Year-Old Daughter Regrets Plea | Christina Boyer Case Analysis

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oh this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of Christina Boyer she is the topic of a Hulu documentary titled demons and saviors just a reminder I'm not diagnosing by this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I'll put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background this case move to the timeline of the crime then offer my analysis Christina Elaine Boyer was born on October 23 1969 in Columbus Ohio her mother had difficulty regulating her intake of substances and did not want to care for her Christina was left at a hospital when she was 10 months old she was placed with a local couple named John and Joan rash the couple adopted Christina when she was two years old Christina claimed that her brother committed terrible offenses against her when she was 12 and her adoptive parents did not believe her when she finally told them at the age of 14 Christina's family member started to believe that she had magical powers specifically they believe that she could move objects with her mind the power became noticeable when she was angry I guess like a telekinetic version of The Incredible Hulk her adoptive parents were concerned that evil forces were behind these amazing abilities Joan contacted a reporter who came by the family house with a photographer they waited in the house for something to happen after a few hours a phone lifted into the air and flew across Christina's lap the photographer managed to capture a shot of the phone in midair the reporter would later say that he didn't see Christina do anything to cause the phone to move the image was published and the story of Christina and her telekinetic Powers spread faster than flying phones it attracted the attention of many more reporters as well as people interested in the Paranormal on one occasion reporters were in Christina's house waiting for a telekinetic event after about nine hours they became tired of waiting and placed their cameras on the floor like they were taking a break Christina did not realize that one camera that was pointed at her was still recording when she thought no one was looking she pulled a lamp over with her right hand and pretended to be surprised by it flying to the floor this blatant attempt at Deception a manipulation eroded Christina's credibility but not everybody lost faith in her just because she faked the lamp incident did not mean that she faked all the other movements a paranormal researcher named William roll was one of the people who did not lose faith in Christina he moved into her family house so he could record video and interview her William was desperate to capture something interesting on camera but only managed to record was a lot of boredom William eventually convinced Christina's adoptive parents to allow him to take her to North Carolina where he and his colleagues would conduct experiments to study Christina's amazing abilities Christina was happy to go on the trip and enjoyed her time with the researchers including a mental health counselor named Genie Lego eventually Christina's parents made her return to Ohio but she did not stay home long she married a man named James at the age of 16. things didn't work out for the happy couple Christina left James and became pregnant the identity of the father has never been made public Christina had a daughter named Amber on September 29 1988. in 1990 Christina married a man named Larry Boyer and changed her last name she claimed that Larry physically attacked her therefore she took Amber and left the state in September 1991. at this time a paranormal researcher William roll and the mental health counselor Jeannie Weigel lived in Carrollton Georgia Christina and Amber moved there and briefly lived with a genie before moving into an apartment to earn money Christina performed secretarial work for Jeannie in Genie's house slash office sometime around the beginning of March 1992 Christina started dating a local man named David Herron now moving to the timeline of the crime according to Christina on Friday April 10 1992 David told her that Amber hit her head after falling on a sidewalk near his trailer Christina and Amber were staying at David's trailer at this time the next day David informed Christina that Amber hit her head after falling down stairs on Tuesday April 14 1992 Christina and Amber were still at David's trailer David left in the morning and arrived back not long after 11 A.M Amber was sitting and watching television Christina left the trailer sometime around 12 45 pm to go to Jeannie's house to work she believed that Amber was fine at that time David was caring for her David would later say that he took Amber outside to play sometime around 4 pm he noticed that Amber was staggering around so he put her in bed at around 5 30 PM David tried to wake Amber up but she would not wake up David called Genie's house trying to reach Christina but Christina had just Departed David told Jeannie quote I can't get Amber up unquote Jeannie told him that Christina was on her way to his trailer Christina arrived at David's trailer sometime around 6 to 6 30 pm and David informed her that Amber was unresponsive Christina and David placed Amber into David's vehicle David was in the driver's seat as Christina performed CPR istina was worried about taking Amber to the hospital because she was afraid that social services would take Amber away from her she told David to stop the car at a pay phone looking for advice Christina called Genie who told her to take Amber to the hospital when the couple arrived at the hospital at 7 pm Hospital staff noticed that Amber had bruises and cuts on her face and body she was pronounced dead there was nothing they could do for her it appeared as though she had died from blunt force trauma Hospital staff contacted the authorities David was arrested immediately and pointed the finger at Christina which led to her being arrested as well the police Justified arresting both David and Christina under the theory that the injuries that Amber sustained occurred over several days in addition they thought that the attack could have happened before Christina left for work Christina and David were charged with malice murder felony murder aggravated battery and cruelty to children Christina's trial was scheduled to start at the end of October 1994. she claimed that her lawyer spoke to her before the trial and informed her that the state had a great case he recommended that she taken Alfred plea which is like a guilty plea where the defendant concedes that the state has enough evidence to get a conviction however the defendant still maintains their innocence if Christina was found guilty at trial she could have been executed but with the Alfred plea she would avoid that fate Christina decided to accept the deal and was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole plus 20 years in January 1995 David Herron went to trial on February 3 he was found not guilty on every charge except the cruelty charge he was sentenced to 20 years in prison David was released in 2011. Christina has experienced buyer's remorse as far as her Alfred plea she has been desperately declaring her innocence to anyone who would listen Christina was denied parole in 1999 after she was denied again in 2007 a lawyer named Richard Allen agreed to represent her Richard contacted a journalist who took an interest in the case she published an article which raised doubts about Christina's guilt in March 2009 Richard Allen died of a heart attack despite this setback for Christina other people eventually took an interest in her case and advocated for her including professors and students at Georgetown University despite the support Christina was denied parole several more times at the time making this video she has been denied nine times altogether and remains in prison now moving to my analysis Christina continues to maintain her innocence and she has many people who support her the prosecutor and investigators disagree they think that Christina is exactly where she needs to be furthermore her public defender implied that the case against her was overwhelming this brings me to the question was Christina Boyer actually guilty let's take a look at the evidence both for and against the idea that Christina was guilty starting with the inculpatory factors investigators identified 30 instances where Christina mistreated Amber verbally or physically for example Christina admitted that she spanked Amber Witnesses said that Christina was harsh called Amber names locked Amber in her room and smacked her in the head Amber had dozens of injuries on her body when she arrived at the hospital including bruises and cuts the level of damage was described as shocking medical experts said that not all the injuries were inflicted at the same time like they were not all inflicted that day someone had been harming Amber for quite a while at least several days damage to Amber's face matched a belt that was found in Christina's apartment Christina had been staying at David's trailer for at least four days prior to Amber's death Christina should have known if David was harming Amber and may have been the one who was causing the damage if David was causing the harm why didn't Christina stop him on the day amber died both Christina and David had been alone in the trailer with her at different times Christina was alone with Amber from about 8 A.M to 11 A.M and David was alone with her from about 1 pm to 6 pm the state argued that the Fatal blow occurred within eight hours of when Amber died assuming that Amber was dead prior to arriving at the hospital both Christina and David had the opportunity to kill her the authorities did not know who delivered the Fatal blow to Amber it could have been Christina but it may have been David under the felony murder rule it doesn't matter they were both engaging in a felony when Amber died Christina told David to stop his vehicle while they were taking Amber to the hospital she wanted to use a pay phone to call Genie this is an unusual move for someone who's trying to save a person's life whose interest was Christina really protecting David claimed that Christina must have caused Amber's death Christina claimed that she had never caused serious injuries to Amber that's not the greatest response to argue for innocence usually an innocent person would say I never hurt that person I never laid a hand on them not something like I didn't hurt them badly Christina had appeared in adults only videos which were made by her neighbor in one video which was recorded in the neighbor's house Amber walked into the room during the recording so Christina had Amber in the same house as the videos were being recorded Christina grabbed Amber took her to another room and spanked her Christina had a history of being manipulative when she was younger she tried to convince people that she had magical powers she was even caught on video leisurely letting loose a laughable and ludicrous lamp levitation Ledger domain moving to the exculpatory factors a medical examiner said that when Amber sustained the Fatal blow she would have appeared normal for 30 minutes at the most David's story was that Amber was fine for hours and then started staggering he put her to bed later he was unable to wake her up David was clearly lying maybe he was lying because he killed Amber alone in theory David could have carried out all the physical attacks alone not only the Fatal attack there were no witnesses to the murder no video when considering all the evidence do I think that Christina Boyer was guilty I believe she was guilty Beyond A Reasonable Doubt of the battery and the cruelty charges but I'm not convinced Beyond A Reasonable Doubt on the murder charge as far as in reality I do believe that Christina was guilty of all charges I don't think she necessarily delivered the Fatal blow but she did engage in illegal Behavior which contributed to Amber's death so again under the felony murder rule she was guilty of murder I think the high level of disagreement on this case stems from how people view the culpability of perpetrators who contribute to the death of a person in different ways those who believe that Christina is guilty say that it doesn't matter if she delivered the Fatal blow it doesn't even matter if she was in the trailer when it happened Christina had been harming Amber for several days Amber's death was foreseeable those who believe that Christina is not guilty assert that the state must determine who actually delivered the Fatal blow in order to have a just prosecution this is an interesting argument but again under the felony murder rule the state is not obligated to figure out who physically carried out the murder I think Christina's best hope is to argue that she had poor representation before her Alfred play and to seek parole moving to the next question what are my thoughts on the documentary demons and saviors overall I thought the documentary was good but there were a few areas of concern some of the key incubatory factors were overlooked and the documentary overemphasized the whole bad image angle like it was supporting the idea that everyone tied to Christina's conviction was being judgmental because she had been associated with evil and was deemed morally deficient I think it's important to remember that Christina took an Alfred plea a jury never convicted her as I mentioned she can argue that she didn't have good representation but I think her argument for innocence is pretty weak this was not some type of prosecution based on moral Panic rather it was based on getting Justice for Amber moving to my last item even though the telekinetic angle did not play a significant part in this case it highlights an interesting time in American history the movie Poltergeist came out in 1982 not long after this is when Christina first showcased her abilities a lot of Americans were thinking about the Paranormal many people wanted to believe that Christina was telling the truth during the same time period there was a Fascination in America with the idea of the sociopathic child in a way Christina's story was similar there was no sociopathy but there was allegedly evil ghosts and of course flying telephones Christina and her family members made shocking claims that dassled people for example Christina unplugged her alarm clock but it came back on by itself the same thing happened with the television and objects were flying across rooms of the house these incidents were supposedly tied to Christina's mood States William roll implied that Christina could Electrify items with her emotions perhaps Christina was ahead of her time the ability to convert emotions into electricity would be quite convenient these days for example when people become angry at their electric vehicles for not having enough range their anger would actually charge the battery and give them more range unfortunately Christina can't teach anybody about the emotional electricity trick from prison therefore range frustration and anxiety will persist into the foreseeable future those are my thoughts in the case of Christina Boyer please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 125,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mq1nw7Am-kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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