Polly Pocket Full Episodes: Polly Accidentally Freezes The Family! 🥶 | 30 Minutes | Kids Movies

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[Music] so hot outside so hot inside oh watch the vase with the racket please need more cold [Music] air so hot must crank up air conditioner stop it's the middle of a heat wave so we have to keep the AC on low power maybe it's my melty brain but I'm not following that logic if everyone in town uses even a little too much power for their air conditioning there'll be a power outage and Chaos will ensue a tiny sacrifice can make a big difference tiny sacrifice you say almost done there my AC exponential iser is complete Genie call shaie and lla hey gals is it hot enough for you I feel like I'm filled with lava I'm so hot I hardly want to correct you by telling you that magma is the proper term forget the lava or magma or whatever come over for the ultimate cooldown sash [Music] bye and the Finishing Touch no one will notice a few degrees oo this is so cool um fishies don't worry they're in a power down physiological State frozen solid but alive and well I am loving your super AC exponential lier total genius I don't know about total genius I just threw the exponential lier over the bent and turned the AC a little higher and my invention is a winter winner it's amazing that you've been able to keep the freeze confined to your room um yeah amazing all of this cold talk is making me want to warm up up for some chocolate in the form of piping hot liquid liquid is my second most favorite state of chocolate go big is it just me or does it seem strangely slippery in here based on my observations your exponential lier made your room cold but pushed even colder air throughout the whole house and froze the place if it was frozen could I lick this wall that definitely Frozen at least Pax didn't break it yet oh no it's it's What's the phrase blah blah blah chaos will ensue chaos yep chaos definitely ensued H heartbeat is strong but slow like your Frozen fishies so we leave them outside to thaw and work at no they're people not ice pops we have to thaw them with scientific Precision thawing them correctly will be tricky but the main thing is we don't panic Pierce is here everybody's P it tiny power hey Mom Dad forgot my board can't skate without a board right Dad uh that's right son you are very smart I love the way you think speaking of my good thinking I thought it'd be rad to get a halfpipe for our yard I can show you the one I want on my phone oh no need Pierce get whatever you want seriously thanks Mom all right everyone Pierce out that was close so now what we'll have to reverse the exponential lier effects ASAP I can work on a fix with your 3D printer I'll call it the de exponential iser iser what's with the second iser dramatic effect once we get this printed and put together this device should thaw your family without the risk of side effects a power outage H that does sound familiar blah blah blah power outage blah blah blah blah blah power's out for 2 seconds and it's already warming up in here a this is bad Polly you have to keep your parents Frozen until we can find a way to safely thaw them out remember an uncontrolled thaw equals floppy Blobby sludgy parents on it lla you're with me shie you figure out how to get the power back on already brainstorming [Music] Solutions I could have shrunk her yeah but then how am I supposed to get my reps in we'll put them in the freezer no wait if the power's off the freezer won't be cold either what should we do oo ice cream truck not a great time for a stack Lyla my parents no Polly the ice cream truck has a freezer on board but how are we going to get them in there [Music] SM the kid out ice cream inspector coming through never seen you before and that makes two of us honey I just moved here from Iceland ah fair enough but I got to ask you a question only a real inspector would know what shade of ice cream is your uniform the strawberry dream cream impressive well done but let's cut the idle banter I need to inspect your ice Cruiser but I'm not even using the bike today sorry sister rules are [Music] rules no leave the door open for reasons of confidential inspection business things you'll be safe in here let me get my last maintenance log no need to go go into your truck tiny [Music] power come on hurry it up I've got other trucks to inspect sorry ma'am when I became an ice cream server I promised myself that I'd promptly serve ice cream on hot days to any hungry customers with cash and I'm going to do that even if that means breaking the rules and skipping an [Music] inspection to react positive thoughts jery ice pop coming up no [Music] Paxton no loved the speech but I need to see your scooping certificate go big aha says here it expires next year so how do you explain [Music] that so [Music] gross hey [Music] hey hey my ice Cruiser [Music] tiny power AAS of Maneuvers those always get me I abort Mission I'm coming [Music] kid power's back on the de exponential iser rizer will soon be ready for all of our parental thigh needs thanks shie so sludgy should I a tiny sacrifice can make a big [Music] difference go big ice [Music] pop rape I asked for a cherry ice pop heard this belongs to you Diane uh lla bike's name Diane sorry I disrespected you earlier ma'am I assume it will be going on my permanent record nah us ice cream folk have to stick together right but like not this sticky a little tight go big okay here goes everything wait we might as well save the vase it's working perfectly not even screwing up their molecular makeup a tiny bit now let's hide before they thaw out who gives a baby a tennis racket wait did someone change the AC settings it's set to low power like you said if everyone in town uses too much air conditioning there'll be a power outage and Chaos will ensue a tiny sacrifice can make a big difference a you do listen to [Music] me $2,000 mom the halfpipe we talked about this here's Gregory pocket I know a lady such as yourself isn't the problem but what [Music] is there has to be a scientific explanation what could it be hi Polly oh hey hi yes I see you I said hi Polly Polly needs help what is it Paxton's in trouble Pierce them down the well why Sho oh a fly that is exciting two Wings six legs 6,000 omaia on two compound eyes does nothing gross you out not really how is this getting rid of it shaie h a small brown spot on the left wing ah you don't have to be worried about getting rid of it that is a Littleton fly that means a Littleton fly's lifespan is one day one day that fly will be gone by Sundown now I should get back to my garden the flowers need something but I don't know what no shaie it chose to spend its whole week we little fly life with me when I got this locket I swore to use it to help those around me make the world better improve lives now I can't improve everyone's lives but I can make one fly's entire life tiny riic tiny power hi um shaie what should we call him I think she's a she Sheila let's go Sheila I'm going to make sure you have a tiny riic life I mean it's just one day out of our many many many days but for you it's a whole lifetime hlly don't waste the little time she has dwelling on her mortality most tiny riic life ever starting [Music] [Music] next [Music] Citrus clarifying mask smells so good you could eat [Music] it but Sheila we haven't gotten to the hot stone massage why would she leave I would love to spend a day at the spa PR AR data suggests that flies don't like the same stuff as humans ew get away from that disgusting broccoli and algae protein shake that lla left here last week don't you get it Polly flies love gross stuff ah really yep the grosser the better if you want to make Sheila's life tiny riic just lead her to paxson's diaper pale and I can get back to my garden and no diapers I have a better idea why do my parents keep trash on the counter it's not trash it's compost fly I heard a fly oh no [Music] dad come with me if you want to live I mean live to your full lifespan which is only going to be Polly [Music] flies I hate [Music] flies Polly dad uh I'm upstairs and there's a fly up here I'm coming Polly pie if it's gross you want it's gross I will provide what's beyond this door is not for the faint of heart I give you Pierce's [Music] room still not grossed out nope it's not so bad just the turkey sandwich we haven't had turkey since Thanksgiving oo I've been wanting to do some experiments with mold maybe I'll be the next Alexander Fleming and for those strange people among us who don't study mold in their spare time that means come on Polly even strange people know that Alexander Fleming discovered the antibacterial properties of some mold and Jasmine's going to be there well this dude better get ready no please don't do it I can't look I wish I couldn't [Music] smell if you think her Big Brother's mess is good just wait till you see what Paulie's little brother can do shie I told you that's where I draw the line [Music] no and girls love backwoodsman spray actually I prefer the smell of the socks that's probably enough yeah who am I kidding you can never have enough backwoodsman [Music] spray well that was something he gals what do you say we go grab a snack and spend the rest of Sheila's life I mean the rest of the day in my room F come out come out wherever you are oh you resisted the H the old ravioli and the chunky cheese but can you deny the last slice of bread that's not even really gross the last Light of bedward it's all brown and crusty ew get Sheila I'll distract [Music] Dad hi Dad poy how did where did uh thanks for the call about the fly let me know if you see it buzzing around again yeah sure thing okay bye [Music] dad I told myself I wouldn't cry shie a song please amazing fly How Sweet the buzz maybe something a little lighter we don't want you know who to know you know what and is about to you know die okay JY I can do JY I'm Sheila the fly and I can't deny that shie and ply don't want to say bye enough Jitter bugging I'll say a few words Sheila I am so glad I got to make your life tiny riic even though it was a pretty gross day for me it's it's over [Music] and now your watch has ended when we met I never thought I could come to care so much for a fly but now there will always be a compost can in my heart with your name on it I guess you could say we both had a big day Sheila you're alive where are you going um you know how I said Sheila was a little tin FL because she had a brown spot on her Wing Well turns out that spot was on my magnifying glass must have gotten it dirty in my garden this morning so Sheila's just a regular fly who lives a regular fly amount of time yep like 5 days well back to my garden huh wow I did such a good job making Sheila's day great that she brought all her friends all her oh dear oh every pocket for the hlly what should we do it's time operation dirty diaper Starts Now not all heroes wear capes come get it fly to the little 10 compost tee least tiny riic date ever on the plus side we have conclusive evidence the mod quad can't operate with compost in its engine my plants just needed nitrogen-rich compost thanks Polly you really make every day of my life tiny Ric What whose wife is horrific I think I got compos in my [Music] ear Polly this is absolutely the coolest Club in Littleton check out my sick moves uh very sick you look like you need a prescription Nick how can you dance at a time like this we have a mystery science project coming up and I'm teetering on the edge of my first a minus um shie we're dancing why are we talking about school right now oh yeah right hurry we can't be late to class okay we're all clear go big I know all of you have been wondering about our Miss Myst science project I'm splitting you into pairs to do a class presentation on a marine animal of your choosing first up Autumn and ansen then Cassidy and Kyler paully and shaie Lyla you get Nick [Music] a everyone want to head to the aquarium yes please are you kidding Polly you and I need to go to the ocean we can't get A+ material at the aquarium with everyone else oh okay I guess shaie and I are going to the ocean then Lyla and I will head to the aquarium to earn ourselves a grade that'll be above sea level get it sea level like sea text us on our shell phones I was thinking that Dolphins would be a great animal for our report dolphins are mouths intelligent carnivorous users of echolocation and over done I've already written three reports on them if we really want to get a good grade we need dramatic underwater footage of something no one else is studying that's where the pocket sub comes in complete with fish camouflage so we'll blend in oh no I'm going to fail this report and then I'm really sunk let's try to avoid talking about sinking before we hop on a sub tiny power we haven't seen anything A+ worthy don't worry shie all the cool fish will come swimming when they see how I decorated the mini sub hlly sorry but no fish in the history of fish has ever looked this ridiculous maybe I jump to conclusions what is that and what's it doing dancing the find my fish Apple no aha the star show fish very rare it's believed to enjoy performing and has extremely positive reactions to Applause this is astounding it's never been seen in these waters before I'm going to as our report I might even get an honorary doctor oh no what's happening I'll never be an honorary doctor now a star show fish I was right it does flip off the Littleton Coast see shaie paint job was on point this scientist is even more excited about sea life than I am no way you're getting away I've been waiting for this moment my whole life I have to get you to the aquarium immediately aquarium I'm going to be trapped inside a surprisingly accurate fish sub for the rest of my little life relax once we get to the aquarium we'll slip away it's not like we can be watched all the time so what are we going to do a report about dolphins turn your attention to the newest fish in the Littleton aquarium the rare star show [Applause] fish that marine biologist wasn't kidding when she says she's been waiting for this moment her whole life she even had the banners already prepared I like her oh you were got to be kidding me what what is it the paint the googly eyes the getting into big trouble while tiny I'd recognize Paulie style anywhere a they're totally going to get a better grade the star show fish display will be open around the clock for constant observation Polly we're going to be watched all the time so what we need is a distraction lla I need a huge favor I need a distraction so you can escape the aquarium aw we're such besties that we really do finish each [Music] other's come on Nick we have to get to the gift store I need costume supplies I wonder what she's going to do knowing lla something fabulous lla this is is ridiculous no one's going to buy this of course they will Nick you just have to sell it break a leg break eight of them hey everybody it's an escaped [Music] octopus I bet it's Oscar oh that's the fifth time this weak get him why are they buying this no octopus really looks like [Music] this distractions working time to ditch this tank yes Freedom oh no tiny Power Sucks wow in all my Dolphin Research I never fully understood how fascinating their teeth are shie less science more escaping science is how we escape turn on the sub's external [Music] speakers shie what are you even doing right now in my fourth research paper on dolphins I learned to understand and speak dolphines wow sea life is really surprising where are we now oh no we're in the touch tank hold tight pH I think we made it what do we do now I don't think we have any other choice go big holy mael thanks for holding this for me we have so much amazing footage of the star show fish we'll definitely Ace our presentation mission accomplished your big Discovery is gone the star show fish was here I promise I can't believe a marine biologist would lie about making a discovery Dr lagona shameful that poor scientist she was correct about the star show fish living off the Littleton Coast but she got us instead there has to be something we can do maybe there is finding one fish in the ocean is so statistically improbable that it's practically impossible that's why we're asking for a tiny bit of help has anyone seen this fish it looks like well it looks exactly like us can any of you help us that fish wants us to go that [Music] way we've been looking everywhere for you I heard you love to perform would you like to come to a place where you can always have an audience [Music] I think we can safely take that as a yes that fish has style I know he's a natural performer doctor lagona I am so sorry for what I said earlier a fish that can disappear and reappear when no one is looking this is clearly the greatest discovery ever sh don't interrupt the star show fish's show that would be [Music] [Applause] shameful I'm so happy we got to help Good Deeds really are their own reward I still think the best reward will be getting a good grade on our presentation it feels like we're forgetting something though hurry we got to get out of here oh yeah we we need to make our presentations and this is the only known wild footage of the Littleton Starship F the Ocean's Greatest performer great job you both get an A+ up next lla and Nick for our presentation [Music] octopus lla A+ for your amazingly accurate octopus costume and Nick I have to give you poor marks for your absolutely Preposterous octopus impression there he is we finally caught him don't worry kids we're taking this octopus back to where he belongs see see it's good Miss bus it's good
Channel: Polly Pocket
Views: 401,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polly pocket, polly pocket full episodes, polly, polly pocket toys, mermaid, cartoons for girls kids cartoons, poly pockets, polly pocket song, sky brown, pockets, pocket, polly pocket tiny power, polly pocket cartoon, mermaid cartoon
Id: 6ccDNzQmAKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 49sec (1909 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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