POLLO E PATATE IN PADELLA Ricetta Facile - Fatto in Casa da Benedetta

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Hello everyone, since for dinner I wanted to prepare chicken and potatoes in a pan and Marco is at home, I told him Why don't we make a good video, let's show how I prepare it, it 's usually one of my favorite main courses, well, we are We went from Let's shoot a video to make the recipe since we're having dinner let's shoot the video the other way around Exactly so what do we need First of all we need chicken pieces This one is about a kilo Two kilos and 300 g of chicken pieces Then we need the potatoes more or less the same weight as the chicken then we need a lot of rosemary Garlic and a little white wine then we need oil and salt also oil and salt Alright, just enough these are the classic things that are written just enough let's begin When you go to the butcher or go to the supermarket, you often find the chicken already in pieces like the one I got, it often happens as in this case that there are feather residues plus margins, in short, this part here must be eliminated before putting the chicken in a pan how to do it easy easy because with a knife we ​​remove the last remaining feathers also these parts here then once this job is done we pass the chicken over the flame which burns all the fluff this fluff here that can't go away ok So what do I do I remove I light the grill and without burning myself I pass the chicken over it and all the fur burns When you do this Open the windows because there is a bad smell of burnt hair see How to clean properly almost always there is no need to do this passage Eh why do you find the chicken already nice and clean but if you realize like in my case that these feathers fit in it takes a moment [Music] this question came to my mind if someone no longer has a gas stove no it has more fire because it put induction how does it do this operation is the same Ah ok ok The hairs are singed Perfect thanks thanks for the clarification and we have our chicken weighing about a kilo or a kilo and two ready to put in the pan So what do we do let's get a nice casserole Here it is we put a little oil we put the chicken inside [Music] then we put a couple of whole rosemary sprigs eh so right inside so inside the pot and a couple of cloves of garlic also whole and dressed because after these we'll go remove these smells and turn on [Music] now I wait for it to brown a bit on one side and then I turn everything we can turn and I'll also brown on the other [Music] you can already smell a good black and rosemary and garlic scent [Music] I'm browning well on all sides Then we add the wine we let it evaporate we close the lid and let it cook Ok We can add the wine more or less half a glass I let it evaporate for a moment now cover with the lid and cook for about half an hour, turning it every now and then, that is, let's check it if we see that it sticks it tends to stick a little bit taccasse either we add a little water or we add a little bit of wine while the chicken is cooking now we're going to take care of the potatoes I always consider the chicken to be more or less the same weight which makes a balanced thing go a little bit of potatoes No no it goes ok so we'll peel them Oh well, these here are the doses for 4 people of course it's not that we eat a kilo of potatoes and a kilo of chicken we'll send it back tomorrow I'm sorry Oh well let's peel the potatoes here to cook them in a pan with the chicken all are fine types of potatoes both red and yellow So the ones you have at home there were days then on Thursdays when I worked on mum at mum's farm we made gnocchi I don't use a potato peeler but a knife to peel potatoes because they are more fast practically on Thursday we made gnocchi and even cleaned a box of potatoes But how much does a box weigh 25 kg and so we sit there with a knife for a moment Just a potato with a peeler ate I don't know it will take me longer eh It's a matter of habit how many gnocchi we've made Mamma mia Then we'll season them with ragù or whatever let's face it, it's called the ragù d'elevatte which is a rich ragù that was served with tagliatelle with macaroni on the day of my dyeing it beats it precisely the day in which the wheat was beaten or with a cheese sauce that mom used to make which was also very good [Music] let's give the chicken a turn I add a little bit of water and cover with the lid I wash these and cut them into small cubes in the small hailstones [Music] Ok At this point I had put the salt but Marco he hasn't taken it back so remember when the chicken is almost cooked add salt for the last 5-10 minutes of cooking i put the lid slightly open this way the water we had added evaporates and this dries up and i let it finish cooking and brown you show how well it browned This is just the classic smell of pan-fried chicken So now let's turn it off and remove it from the pan So I remove both the chicken and the herbs but I leave the oil underneath and there's cousin the potatoes they flavor well You understand, the finesse is enough because this chicken in the pan is good But then in the end I get all together after the end I let everything flavor together I finish removing all the smells because otherwise they will burn and I put the potatoes back on Then I add rosemary though in this case the small mirror because I want to leave it and the garlic again we have to kiss No no not not tonight let's say and I cook them so that they are flavored well they remain nice crunchy I also put the garlic clean in this case and break up a good mix and I cook them now I let them cook for about a quarter of an hour then it depends on how much you make large pieces of potatoes the smaller they are the faster they cook and I see large ones that take longer and I brown them sooner for well as I did with the chicken and then I cover with the lid I finish cooking As per the fork take a small piece skewer if in short if it is skewered they are cooked you So many make chicken with potatoes in a pan and put everything together or better put the chicken first they cook for a quarter of an hour then add the potatoes I tried too but this thing doesn't make the potatoes a little too soft but instead I like them well browned and therefore I prefer to cook them separately and then add them. In the end, everything to add flavor in this way, the chicken is browned and the potatoes are browned, we are the salt. As you have seen, I didn't add the oil to cook the potatoes. practically using the cooking oil from the chicken and the fat that the chicken has released so they come out tasty being it is sufficient then if you see that the potatoes are also sticking put a little bit of water we close with the lid and cook for another 10- 15 minutes Every now and then I give it a stir while the potatoes are cooking In the meantime, I'll give you some more ideas so I'll make it simple like this but it can also be enriched with d I don't know about the onion when the potatoes are almost cooked you put the not so thinly sliced ​​onions ok also the red onion which gives a nice touch of color and gives it even more flavor In short you can add the onion or even the peppers No You don't think so the peppers are good it's very good you can make chicken potatoes peppers i.e. it really does one thing a richer side dish another thing If someone doesn't like garlic you can either not put it or replace it with shallots or if you want to add more pain especially to the chicken you can add a few bay leaves mom for example always puts it in I'm going to fold it I'll put it in another variant that came to my mind it's better to review you can also make chicken the one black olives Yes yes because the green ones Greens are missing And if someone puts chilli pepper it's fine We started with the recipe for chicken and potatoes we went as far as chicken alla diavola let's not expand too much Look look how cool v edi how potatoes roll well 5 minutes and they're ready [Music] In my opinion they're ready here we go I'd say yes let's try it they stick well they are cooked Now Alright if someone But they like it more browned a little bit more eh Now I really add the chicken in the last few minutes and let it flavor together Ok At this point let's dive into the and we won't lose another bold this one still not so 3-4 minutes even 5 Ok Here we go I'll turn off ready and this can be done on the table like this in the pan with the whole pan [Music] I'll do the tasting directly from here of course chicken and potatoes in a pan you can taste them in a pan passed in a pan I you will taste a potato like this vapor first good it's good with salt right very good very good ok I hope you enjoyed this video that the recipe can be useful even if it's really simple recipes of the past but in short they solve often solve So if you liked it I recommend a nice like share the video if you do Write me Send me the photos if you have any suggestions write them below in the comments and we'll see you in the next video The next Hello recipe [Music]
Channel: Fatto in Casa da Benedetta
Views: 1,862,962
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Keywords: fatto in casa da benedetta, ricetta facile, benedetta, benedetta fatto in casa, fatto in casa per voi, benedetta rossi, pollo in padella, pollo e patate in padella, pollo e patate, pollo rosolato, pollo rosolato in padella, pollo rosolato in padella con patate, pollo alla mediterranea, ricette con patate, ricetta pollo, ricette con pollo, pollo con patate, pollo in padella ricette, pollo in padella croccante
Id: HnSlD1pMKkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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