Pollo con Peperoni alla Romana

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Roman-style chicken with peppers Chicken: 1 of 1 kg. Peppers: 3 or 4 Onion: 1 Tomatoes: 500 g. White wine: 200 ml. Garlic: 2 cloves Sage: 4 leaves Rosemary: 2 sprigs EVO Oil: to taste Salt and Pepper: to taste take a chicken and peppers dissect the chicken clean the peppers and cut them into strips not too small cut the tomatoes and onion also put the chicken to brown in a pan with salt and pepper turn it on all sides at this point blend with white wine add the tomatoes to the pan and also the herbs cover and cook by lowering the heat in another pan brown the onion then add the peppers and tomatoes together with a clove of garlic, salt and pepper, cover and cook in the meantime the chicken is is cooking in the other pan remove the excess liquid if necessary otherwise the chicken becomes boiled while instead it must remain browned the peppers are now almost cooked but they must not discard completely at this point add them in the pan together with the chicken stir well lower the heat, cover and cook for 5 minutes after which your Roman-style chicken with peppers is ready If it was useful, put a Like and subscribe to the channel
Channel: Servire Ben Caldo
Views: 280
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: pollo alla romana, pollo alla romana bimby, pollo alla romana con peperoni, pollo alla romana light, pollo alla romana Servire Ben Caldo, pollo alla romana sora lella, pollo alla romana storia, pollo con peperoni, pollo con peperoni alla romana, pollo con peperoni alla romana sora lella, pollo con peperoni light, pollo con peperoni Servire Ben Caldo, pollo con peperoni sora lella, pollo e peperoni alla romana, ricetta pollo alla romana, chicken with peppers, roman style chicken
Id: rro27ytgEUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 1sec (181 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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