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chicken with peppers in pan pour olive oil in a pan add a chicken cut into pieces (about 1.5 Kg) add 3 or 4 garlic cloves (I don' t peel them) put on the cooker brown the chicken mixing often for 5 min. Add white vine (half glass) and half glass of water cover and cook for 40/50 minutes mixing often if necessary, add half glass of water after 20 minutes clean and cut in pieces two or three peppers put them in pan and cook peppers with the chicken for 5 min (mixing a little) add salt as you want at last... add rosemary COOKING TIMES SUMMARY: browning 5min; add water an wine; cooking 20 min; add water; cooking 20 min; add peppers; cooking 5 min; = 50 minutes total serve in the pan ...but in a big nice dish, it's better :-)
Channel: Fatto in Casa da Benedetta
Views: 1,132,386
Rating: 4.8759575 out of 5
Keywords: POLLO IN PADELLA CON I PEPERONI, pollo in padella benedetta, pollo in padella, ricetta pollo, ricetta di secondo con i peperoni, pollo con i peperoni, carne con i peperoni, pollo ai peperoni, ricetta pollo con i peperoni, come fare il pollo in padellan, ricetta pollo di benedetta, ricetta pollo in padella, pollo cotto in padella, ricetta facile, fatto in casa, fatto in casa da benedetta, come cuocere il pollo, secondo di carne veloce
Id: Ez8Sl8Qw1uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2017
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