POLICE with GUNS CALLED!! Found $30,000 Buried Treasure Underwater Metal Detecting Owners Found

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[Music] whoa check out the stone on that they're on the scene now there are two missing [Music] we're on the beautiful manly beach i'm here with billy billy's unfortunately lost his ring today now i've only just set up the metal detector could be trash i can hear a tone just here guys hear this let's dig it it doesn't sound too bad and because your ring has got there we go a stone in it check that out guys is that it oh my gosh check it out oh thank you no worries oh i'm guessing that's not cubic zirconia no no that's real that is what one carrot one car yes wow no worries thank you my pleasure my pleasure thank you yeah all right we've got another recovery to shoot off too guys uh it's going to be a crazy day today you can see a million people on the beach gear up and get back out there cheers guys thank you okay guys okay we're on the scene now there are two missing rings i'm here with the owner naomi she's chosen not to be viewed on youtube that's okay naomi where did you actually lose your rings just around this area somewhere just around here okay so just over there behind us no worries all right guys so we've got a search area basically five by five square meters it's just going to be in the area in the grass there are no large metal objects in the area we are going to find it today all right naomi cheers no worries oh guys we've got our first tone here could be the ring or it could be our four now it does have stones in it you're going to hear slightly lower tone on him hear this guys it might not be yet that's a lower tone i don't know guys what you can see let's see a rim she's looking good guys what do you reckon is that a ring beauty check that out all right we've got one ring so far all right here's another oh no naomi there you go i'll just hand that to you so we have one more to go no worries no worries at all all right i'll just go this way we got one more ring to find no celebrating just yet this one here has only got a few diamonds in it so we're going to listen for that lower tone all right guys get back into it cheers tone here it could be the second ring and it was literally 30 centimeters across from the last one now what naomi actually done was that she's had her rings sitting on the towel and she picked up the towel flicked out the rings totally forgot about it it's something that we always do every day i get it every day all right guys let's dig it now oh i got 50 bucks on today that's got to be it it's only gonna be surface guys whoa here we go i can see a rim check it out guys beautiful we got another ring back to naomi there you have it here you go number two no worries at all two for two how long do i talk it took maybe five minutes it took maybe five minutes to do a really popular day on the beach we're gonna have many more call outs today all right gear up get back out there guys cheers now we're with leona and leona has unfortunately lost how many items three rings a gold medallion okay no worries and then we're just going through the search area now you see what happened you're wearing it on a gold chain what's it yeah yeah a gold chain the rings were on the chain okay no worries well the good thing here guys is three items have actually been dropped which it makes it a lot more easier for my search as soon as we find the one item the others are gonna be close by so we're gonna go into the water now yeah all right all right guys we're gonna gear up and get out there and there's actually a storm coming behind us as well we've got a couple of hours people already starting to leave the beach so we've got about two three hours before it really kicks up all right gear up and get out there cheers guys we've got our first home after about five ten minutes of being on location check it out it might be the ring target now the storm is approaching i've got a really good high tone here this it could be a ring let's dig yeah it sounds good it sounds really good all right we've got a ring it's not the ring i don't think it is no no that's an older one yeah we poured a ring old silver with garnet it's not it guys we've got three more let's get out there find the rings full tub keep going let's dig it [Laughter] beauty check it out we got one guys you hear the fun coming over we got one right so yeah we've got the owner coming down all right let's not lose it there we go check it out guys beautiful okay there you go put that on your finger straight away okay we've got another tone it sounds just like it as well now diamond rings especially they bring a very low tone hear this that was only 10 centimetres away from the first time ring let's dig it a little bit [Music] beautiful [Music] beautiful all right i'll give that to you as well thank you perfect so we have how many more one more ring and the gold pendant all right guys let's get back in the location find the rest of them we've got a crazy thunderstorm coming our way too so we've got another half hour 20 minutes so it really comes down on us guys we've got the first two rings what i'm going to do now i'm going to mark my pole at ground zero where he found the first two rings so straight down in there let's keep going all right going to remove the bottle cap not too sure what's in there quick run over nothing we've got another turn guys it's right next to the marking pole within a meter of the first two rings i really hope it's going to be the gold pendant because you know the gold rings gonna be a lot more easy to find here this we've still got a target in the hole through this all right let's dig it in sounds really nice but it could be a coin it's deeper than what you're drinking oh okay yes okay yeah we'll put it down a bit more deeper oh we've got a really good phone there my detective pinpointer it doesn't sound like the ring on four seconds it was too deep check it out we got it beautiful 20 cents let's keep going whoa check that out okay we don't have that is a silver chain guys possibly cool fine but that's not it guys let's keep going all right oh beautiful there you go all right so we got the gold panda that's been in your family for how long and now we have one more ring storm is going over us a little bit it's crunch time guys now we really gotta find this third and final ring the sentimental value behind the actual candidate really does mean a lot to us 30 years in the family all right got one more ring let's get out there and find it and if it's the last one i don't want any complications it just sounds better and better [Music] it might be your kid toy car possibly there you go yeah no worries yeah i've got about ten thousand at home the ring's still here let's find it we found the rings leone how do you feel um so relieved like i'm really really thankful and yeah just really happy thank you so much no worries the gold pendant that was most valuable to you why is that sentimental value because my parents gave it to me when i was 11 and they've both passed away now so it's just really a bit of a lucky charm for me so just really good to have it back i could really see yeah just how much it actually means to you yeah definitely really happy to have it back yep no worries thanks heaps that's it we're gonna have to call it a day because the fund is coming in we've got plenty more recoveries to do we're gonna have to catch up with them tomorrow leonie cheers thank you thanks [Music] guys i've just got a picture of a ring that i could possibly have ryan the owner's mobile phone can you describe the ring to me so it's similar so it's got an aquamarine stone here with the gold around it yeah a little diamond or zirconia each side in the silver band lost it about a year ago we're here with annie your daughter has lost this ring i think we found your daughter's ring i've got your details now you've got my details all right we'll be in touch okay definitely all right guys let's gear up get back out there guys cheers
Channel: Michael Oliver
Views: 1,402,504
Rating: 4.496573 out of 5
Keywords: Underwater Metal Detecting, Police Called, Found Treasure, Found $30000, Metal Detecting, Help Police, Beach Metal Detecting, Found Buried Treasure, Best Metal Detector, Best Treasure Find, Found Wedding Ring, Found Gold, Police Investigation, Treasure Hunt, Cheap Metal Detector, Police Assistance, Police With Guns
Id: k59y8XJ3KFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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