Police Officer - Baby's Helper🚓👮 | Kids Cartoon | Animation for Kids | Kids Stories | BabyBus

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baby bust click here to subscribe [Music] [Laughter] oh rudolph kiki [Music] kiki how are you nana who's nana my sister she lived with our grandma and just came here today someone saw her being taken by a bad guy [Music] taken by a bad guy huh such a bad guy don't worry i'll help you find her thank you let's split up and find her no no oh nana it's nana nana ma'am [Music] bad person wow lollipop no i should call rudolph and tell him i saw nan at the store and the bad person too oh great i'll be there with my dad i'm going to make a phone call okay perfect timing i can get nana back secretly [Music] i have an idea [Music] it's yummy cotton candy at the store i'm so smart oh it got caught [Music] oh no [Music] look at this cotton candy i found nana you shouldn't eat the cotton candy it's not clean it'll make you sick all right [Music] that's a good girl oh no rudolph and mr foo aren't coming yet what can i do oh i got an idea [Music] i can save nana as a bad person fall into a trap [Music] he's really amazing watch out while walking why is there a hole here who did this thank you are you okay i'm good goodbye [Music] oh they're gone what can i do what if i could fly like a bird fly oh i got it i'm a brave pilot nana let's go what are you doing my dad told me not to go with strangers oh but i'm a friend of rudolph oh look uh you really are his friend i'll take you to your dad [Music] don't go with strangers rudolph i found anna please meet at the store that's great thanks kiki stop right there don't move run she's coming ma'am look i didn't know you were trying to kidnap a little girl i'm not you are nana run daddy thank you so much mr foo she's a bad person a bad person she's not a bad person she's a police officer i'm a police officer nana got lost so i was taking her home oh i'm sorry i i thought thank you thank you for helping me find her dad thank you thank you [Music] [Music] it's so hard being a salesman i haven't sold any kitchen wear all morning huh mr foo's restaurant i'd better eat first the score is one to one right now on to the next round cooking competition huh it's mew-mew that's awesome i sure hope that she wins [Music] judge my oven is broken oh no oh look my cake is burnt ah you'll just have to find another way or hank will win [Music] oven [Music] this is my magical oven just cook anything in it for three seconds and it will become something delicious but i don't know how to use it i'll help you [Music] tada fresh and delicious fluffy cotton candy out of the oven [Music] wow it tastes good [Music] and this burnt cake just put it in the oven for three seconds three two one wow what a magical oven now the score is two to one mew-mew is one point ahead yeah all right now it's the stir-frying round the cooking fumes are making hank cough how is minion doing i can't breathe watch this [Music] frying pan [Music] this is a magical walk [Music] it fries automatically without fumes [Music] food won't spill out and you'll get a lot of food with only a small amount of ingredients hmm ah it smells great what a magical wok mew mew gets one i have a magical pot too hot [Music] hmm what is this magical kitchen wear this is my magical pot it makes soup in three seconds and serves it automatically yeah yeah it smells great i need a big bowl mr fruit please try some of our soup great i'll have some in the super big bowl so delicious and he's really good mewmeo gets one point it's now four to one miu-miu is in the lead whoa-ho we have cake veggies and soup already oh now i'm going to make some fresh fruit juice [Music] juice maker [Music] it's wrong it's wrong the outlet should be at the bottom and the inlet at the top oh you're right i'll have to reassemble it we're running out of time [Music] no problem let's make a fruit platter this magical juicer can turn fruits into juice so if it's the wrong way around it can turn juice into fruits is that possible of course mr foo could you please give me some mixed fruit juice [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] now it's five to one how amazing now i declare today's winner is oh i object it wasn't even mewmu that cooked it was kiki and he's not a contestant so he cannot win hank is right kiki is not a contestant so he cannot win mewmeel i'm sorry i was trying to help but i ruined everything it's okay i didn't win but it was fun using your magical kitchenware can i buy them really you're my first customer i would like a set for my restaurant too hold on me too they're mine i'll buy all of kiki's kitchenware i sold them all [Music] wow it's so amazing [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] here's your ice cream oh mimi timmy mimi [Music] mimi timmy a big dinosaur timmy mimi [Music] daddy did you see the toy shop over there [Music] where did daddy go daddy [Music] [Music] daddy oh kids i'm not your daddy [Music] let's just go back and wait for daddy what's wrong [Music] hey little kid are you looking for your daddy yeah that's too bad [Music] well i know where your daddy is i'll take you to him really thanks mimi are we there yet we're almost there okay he's behind this door oh it's so dark where's daddy [Music] he's inside come on let's go i'm scared we we don't want to go come on your daddy's waiting for you [Music] [Music] there you are [Music] you can't run away from me [Music] ouch stop right there [Music] excuse me did you see two little kids around here mimi timmy they're my kids are you okay [Music] [Music] thank you so much you're welcome i'm just happy that your kids are safe promise me that you won't run around i'm sorry daddy we won't run around kids if you ever get lost at the mall ask security guards or staff for help don't talk to strangers or go anywhere with them okay we got it never let bad guys take advantage of you hmm [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] the vending machine is broken what are we gonna do what are we gonna do oh huh oh someone's coming oh oh no it's whiskers [Music] i need a battery for my toy where can i buy it it's a vending machine [Music] i'll have a battery he needs a battery what am i going to do i got it [Music] wow oh i got a battery i almost got caught oh no [Music] rudolph please don't come here don't come here there's a vending machine [Music] i want to buy a soda [Music] oh no there's no soda what's going on why does it take so long oh i have an idea [Music] oh yeah i am just too smart [Music] i want to buy something else he wants to buy another one no matter what he buys i'm going to find a way i want to get an apple oh someone had a bite of this apple huh what's going on oh no huh i'm idea [Music] huh it's a new apple oh yeah the vending machine automatically changes its goods [Music] come over here look at this magical vending machine magical vending machine really i want to try it oh oh no you meal's really smart how am i not going to get caught uh i'll have lemon juice lemon juice uh which one's lemon juice oh let me try this one [Music] uh no this is not lemon juice wow it really changes things uh-huh you see i told you [Music] no not this one [Music] okay then forget about lemon juice i'll have milk oh milk i got it [Music] oh please work this time [Music] i broke the vending machine you did [Music] look it's not broken it's just unplugged baby boss vending machine oh it really is this is [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] take care of this bunny i need to get some sleep [Music] the master of deal with you later no i've got to save the bunny [Music] kiki what are you looking at [Music] there's a bunny trapped in the car [Music] help she called for help let's go save her okay let's do it [Music] come on you can do it oh we should figure out how to open the door yeah uh mr dowell hank wait he won't help why it's him who locked the bunny in the car [Music] pull the carrots i have an idea pop i forgot the car key [Music] huh what's that sound [Music] [Music] [Music] thankfully the key is still here [Music] keep an eye on mr dow i'll get the key [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hang in there buddy we'll save you soon [Music] [Applause] what happened huh this is weird why is the key still here it's too noisy uh-oh let her go now don't touch her [Music] [Music] you nutty boys ugh [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a toy [Music] mr dow here's your bunny i'm sorry here's the battery [Music] [Applause] huh he looks familiar where did i see him before he looks just like me what's that's milk it smells really good [Music] [Music] wow lots of yummy food oh i haven't eaten anything for a long time it looks like kiki's still sleeping [Music] sleeping is it the guy i just saw [Music] i should pretend to be him [Music] here i am you're finally here i'm starving [Music] this is so [Music] wow [Music] okay then close your eyes turn around [Music] i want to open my eyes now i'm hungry [Music] ah it must be a big fish why is it an apple [Music] wow there's lots of fish you have the apple i'm taking the fish my fish kiki stay right there guys wait why are you ignoring me you ate the food all by yourself we're not friends anymore huh he's right i ate it all i didn't do that stop don't run come back [Music] ow [Laughter] now i know you're not cakey [Music] oh i have an idea i'll get him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you have nowhere to go [Music] watch out [Music] [Applause] i'm so tired [Music] oh [Music] thank you thank and you are i knew it you were a fake one piggy might be a troublemaker but he won't steal my fish i'm sorry my name is bae i was just so hungry i live in the north pole there's nothing to eat because of the pollution i'm sorry i shouldn't have done it it's all right thanks for saving me huh yes you were awesome right you were amazing you guys [Laughter] take this food with you so you won't be hungry thank you kiki thank you everyone goodbye goodbye wait wait take these two crabs i caught today [Music] [Music] is the soup ready mmm wow it smells good i can smell it from far away i haven't even started [Music] i don't know why there's no gas dear residents the gas has been cut off in our city we are trying to fix it the emergency system has been activated let's go huh i'm waiting for your soup [Music] what is it mole mammal keen sense of smell gas plumber he fainted while inspecting a gas leak he needs your help super rescue team let's go [Music] two [Music] oh [Music] [Music] horrible sunlight where's the rescue team it's the rescue bus [Music] please take me somewhere with no [Music] ugh sunlight mole are you afraid of sunlight yes i feel really sick now let me check on you [Music] start analyzing [Music] the results are in his nose was injured from the sunshine he lost his sense of smell got it let me start the treatment drink [Music] oh i found the wounds super recovery machine [Music] [Applause] what's ah i think i'm all better thank you no problem oh no i smell gas i'll go help mr mole [Music] the gas is coming up [Music] oh the pipe is aging [Music] such a strong smell of gas this must be the source of the leak the water leak is more severe here the gas pipe is all rusty that's why it was leaking we must fix it right away [Music] oh oh no the water pipe bursts [Music] [Music] [Music] what is it the pipe burst and we're trapped what what should we do i need backup from headquarters taco we have another problem please send hank to come and help us copy that hank kiki asks for backup please move out now copy that the great hank can solve any problem [Music] [Music] [Applause] kiki i'm in place hank pump the water out okay leave it to me [Music] huh hank the water level's rising what's going on it seems that the pipe is blocked i'll go check [Music] [Music] the water pump is working again [Music] [Music] super spade [Music] that was close mr mole you have to wear your safety helmet [Music] done let's go now cheeky are you okay i'm fine the pipeline is fixed super rescue team you've done a great job thank you very much [Music] where's mr mole i'm here mr mole the gas supply is back to normal thank you it's my pleasure mr mayor would you get me a new helmet please after all safety's first [Music] huh hank what's the matter with you oh i'm too fat for the rock climbing competition the prize for the winner is a toy train a toy train i'm gonna attend and win the competition you have to weigh no more than 20 kilograms oh i am exactly 20 kilograms little train wait for me [Music] signing up for rock climbing competition hi i'd like to attend the competition weigh yourself first huh no problem [Music] 20.5 kilograms overweight not qualified but last week i weighed exactly 20 kilograms maybe i ate too much for lunch please just let me sign up sorry the game is supposed to be fair no exception what should i do well it's only half a kilogram i can lose it quickly [Music] what can i do to lose it quickly oh i can run running can help you lose weight [Music] oh too slow [Music] watch me i can go even faster [Music] [Laughter] wow so much sweat i must have lost a lot of weight are you thirsty drink some water [Music] i'm gonna go weigh myself now i can make it [Music] please check my weight again hmm [Music] overweight not qualified huh but i was sweating a lot while running and you drank a lot of water too oh yeah yeah yeah fat burning workout that will work wow [Music] hey [Music] oh i'm sorry can you wait me again i'll definitely make it this time [Music] still unqualified oh but i just did the fat burning workout fat burning workout no wait that workout was for strengthening my muscles see my muscles oh they're really thicker [Music] that's right swimming will help but you can't swim i have an idea huh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] do you think i lost weight um i'm not sure i should go away myself again [Applause] [Music] [Music] i think i lost a lot of weight this time weigh me again [Music] still overweight maybe because i drink too much pool water be careful not to get a cold [Music] drink some ginger tea [Music] this tastes really weird where's my medicine medicine what medicine weight loss medicine my stomach hurts so hank doctor this medicine worked pretty well kiki you seem to have lost a lot of weight really [Laughter] [Music] let me weigh myself one last time [Music] exactly 20 kilograms pass oh yeah great toy train you're mine attention please the weather report says there'll be heavy rain today so the rock climbing competition will be replaced with indoor tug of war then i want to attend that huh for tug of war the heavier the better i'll do it then [Music] i'll definitely be the winner [Music]
Channel: BabyBus - Kids Songs and Cartoons
Views: 105,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: babybus, baby bus, baby shark, kiki and miu miu, cartoon, babybus cartoon, panda, baby cartoons, nursery rhymes, kids songs, baby panda, baby, kids videos for kids, panda cartoon, baby cartoon, cartoon for kids, kids cartoon, stories, stories for kids, magical chinese characters, doctor cartoon, best kids stories, good habits, kids videos, kids animation, kids education, police officer, safety tips for kids, Dentist Song, policeman song, policeman keeps everyone safe
Id: 0bLeqiVXkr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 9sec (3249 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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